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BLD2024-00085 - BLD CD Environmental Health Review - 1/23/2024
0 MASON COUNTY PRTmiPNw31 PO;;-Dotes COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RECENEC PttmltAssis HOD OenM,RuBAing,Planning J,AN 2 2 2024 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 615 W. Alder Street PROPERTY OWNMBNORMATTON: CON1R,TACl'ORMFORMA710N: ME:NA �01.� NAMJ7 if0 56AVUld9 eWDBPSS -C M mu FS$ •O, ,x m Cr1Y H�+n A1E TA_ CRY: RAPEi1�£tJ* SI'ATE:f_ZB: Z PHONEAr o— 3' < PHONE RG FlAAD.; An y) u _ EaHnH.: (� o1PG Sou dtTunrc, av� w RE R E�.t>LUSii,2y = � O PRlf1 wcr:SE¢vii�i ERAS �,enp��uicU_,.>ow-I�l7ura.v.( m Z GADDRPa PO• SAc UTY AA STAIL TIP PHONE P>8L SL7- PARCEL RiFORMATION' PARC bRACHER(u M*N..b.) 000oa ypNBT(' 92 u?GALDESCRIP[PON< SL£uR 1'✓R� �f6bt 2t'rr,•F®Ens�uce �kK /n j srrE"HgEssg( well. VVL') I&. DPRECRONRTO SP[EADDRES4 L O r BxBaeao�RcrwR�sisrora.�&B�oum>tasuu�c: rip Nouf >wmveoeB:d4pe to eeoeae'tYwnNH+u�mar�Fouowvu ,oa�s...,k SALTWATFY LAKE❑ RNFA.CRF}%❑ P'O!ID❑ NERAtID❑ ec.aw.. RUNOFF❑ SR1C1E10 TYPEOFWORR: NIHVj& ADMI [] AL/'{o- nMfl REF"D oTTmtfl USE OF STRUCTURE(/die..c6pO�dlPh Ft/ F4$1� LS USE: PRDPART� SAAOWia o N®�ILOFNEpgpOlg NU!®IOFBAnBIOOtL9 fIC1T®SIRRCN//R��ET YE.4lRiYsdtV YES P`Y+JNiW❑..1 ND❑ DESCAHSE WORK M1 � 1 M SQUARE FOOTAGE:or ISTFLOOR I{U a,& 2FEln fq.8 3RDFLOOR q.8 BA�N'r_q.8 DECR_I.R. M REDDELR ey8 SPORAGE mF8 01He1R q.ft GARAGE q.&A [] Dim o CARP®' q.&A [] AnrhN❑ MANUFACFURED ROME EVFORMATIIN.7��IN--:tltl ``AgCDFW0FT6Fryy���� RPLANRRQQy�U��M' XW NARE 5NL4W PdODEL WDfIWeLn` YEAR.IIIiO'[H wmny��REmoo��_ BAffi�_gP�ALNB�z ENVBONMENTALREALTR' SEWAGFJSEWFA SOURCe: S nc❑ SEWEgo I T8 FBW❑ PNOflf PLUEDE1 wSTRGCT . YEsK NO❑ #/W mmalmadWa Adq Form PERp4-rEINV AMGN DRABISPROPOSm! Y6❑ iw +1} F%ISI EGSQ.Ff. EIUSnNG BEDROOMS PItOPOSEDHEDROON4 nII BEDROOM ,am amwbq�ea ar:®.ffiimabm�wq�RmammmwiwmwPmmi m.:�w.amamy ndvanRq 4yuBae W-�a.IJab M1maaaaim® sadlLYe 6ffia MlaaWkAb�saw Tapno<atlb6itlewutapgvwL IWe Ktl�iBi PamieYn �P.3 iaLir9anl�mlhitrmPsfmrtibeL��ai9mkPN-`2 Tlv wnvwle� mpawVWe•rep�bMbiim�fo�PwAlLsmffiatl9mdmWl�dK'm�Cw^IY�bW atlne�IM01a0.'wQ' atla0 Laeis)Nrm'Na4mm�P6 ��e' �riiM iiotwa6vmEmMrRm¢lmmemCMwMJn 1m NJ mimsb�Cv�mwkb�NEfaa�aulJlm,lerx PROOF OF CONiPR1AT10M OF1AIpRC OM nRS F'9DRT6ff9 YFJJPS OFRISPECIpN. WACTIVPrY OF TH6 PFJPMR APPLICAIiOM OF 180 DAYS OF MOIff WRLCAUSE Tiff APVLICATIONTD BE FO!%RFD.IHASON COIm1YtODE1i.ARA2) R / Dak, D@ARTMFATAL 6EYIEW APPPNPFm PMTR BR!➢® DATE TA48SiOTffiCOND om BOB.ORRiDEPABTlD3TI PLANFmiC DEPARTPII+M PigEMARCR1i PUBuCHP m1 o EH Setbacks A.) Drainfield/Reserve requires 10'setback from footing/foundations B.)Septic tank(s)requires 5'setback from all foctingtfoundations C.) No foundation/Perimeter Drains within 30ft,downgradient of Drainfield/Reserve area D.)No Cut Bank(s) (greater than 5ft and over 45 degrees)within '�. Soft,down gradient of Drainfield/Reserve area rw,,,..,,.e LL..0 Gnr✓=.,0 yryc� . w. I PLN Approved Mason County Community Development Gavinnbjecttro scouter, All Changes subject Approval � I ALL NEW DEVEOPMENT MUST TAKE PLACE WITHIN THE EXISTING "ROOFPRINT"(NO EXPANSION) il\ EH APPROVED aI Rhonda Thompson 02/22/2024 I i JB L . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . e O S § ,�! �: • ° 4 � | co e — , § ) . x 3� § & § ( - , ! § ° ) � § ( QS _ ) & � •z � � e � , n p q � � o n m a < u v m f o p pO } � i d � A �Pl O UI O ho 0 4 N Nip o _ . AmN J `"k r J ODX N W(an p pjs 0 < `ye Vi O J 0 N p 0 O D LnLn q M 6] A q❑ . 101 11 N � ID I o r 0 UI S r S rinted From Mason County DMS Nri ed flan Mason County DMS AAA Septic LLC Septic Service Report ❑Satisfactory"nsatisfactory Property Owner �i�x C7�2�£ Smrn, _ Phone# 72 j" 31 - 4g4y Site Address G// ,�� Scaw;a S):w T�i City .may-J-}— Tax Parcel# -- For Sale? ❑Yes�Wo Septic Inspecti (/� © � 1 Tank Size ❑500❑750❑ 1000 af1200 0 1500 Effluent Level A High ❑ Normal❑Low #of Compartments ❑One wTwo❑Three Tank Condition Satisfactory❑ Unsatisfactory Tank Material wCConcrete❑Metal❑ Fiberglass❑ Poly Tank Pumped ❑Yes irNo Inlet Baffle IlSatisfactory❑ Needs Repair Outlet Baffle 1aSatisfactory❑Needs Repair Center Baffle &VSatisfactory❑ Needs Repair❑ N/A Baffle Repairs dp n R ^"^d Effluent Filter ❑Cleaned ❑Not Cleaned WI/A Risers pYes❑ No Tank Depth Risers To Grade srYes❑ No Pump Chamber wYes❑ No P/C Gallons ❑ 1000❑ 1200 Operations&Maintenance Inspection Is the pump functioning? ❑Yes❑ No Type/Model of pump Tested gallon5ger minute flow Is alarm functioning tended? ❑Yes❑No Were the lateral lines flush ❑Yes❑No Average squirt height(in feet) ❑ oNetilerformed Fording present? ❑Yes❑ No Components accessible for service? ❑Ye o All required service performed? es❑No Surfacing effluent from any component(including ❑Yes❑No Components appear to be watertight s❑ No Improper encroachment,cover,or ing problems ❑Yes o All riser lids securely faste port departure ❑Yes❑No Electrical repairs ed(if yes,describe in comments) ❑Yes❑No Root intrusion (if yes,describe in comments) ❑Yes❑No Settling problems observed(if yes,describe in comments) ❑Yes❑No House was vacant or used infrequently, assessment of ❑Yes❑ No drainfield was not possible Septage Measurements 1"Comp.Scum 0_ 2nd Comp.Scum n 3m Comp.Scum P/C Scum e-h 1"Comp.Sludge R— 2ntl Comp.Sludge 41 1 P Comp.Sludge P/C Sludge /D_ a' Total Gallons Pumped 0 Disposal Facility ❑ Biorecycling ❑ Other Required Repair r y c L 1 ay3}yz„$ c�s y Suggested Service Maintenancejt •- L rr — if 1 �/ z •>� // ems..,, L,.y.+< :C L. /! Serviceman Signature �6ir�-�� 7 Date of Service 7 - s - 0r:4