HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Road Administration BoardAna STATE OF WASHINGTON -COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD RURAL ARTERIAL PROGRAM PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCT -ION PROPOSAL' - Date Approved: 04/21/2022 Road Road Name(s) Submitting County: Mason Project Number: 2322-01 AUTHORIZED RATA FUNDS!---_ — $429 8'Z2= 05930 _ _ Shelton =Valley Road_Culvert BMP(s) EMP(s) _Segment # — 1.940 2.060 1 TheState of Washington County Road Administration Board (CRABoard) and Mason County(County_) _mutually agree - as follows: (1) -The-funds hereby authorized are for completion of the proposed project as defined by chapter 36.79 RCW _-Roads and bridges — ruralarterialprogram. (2) The County is in compliance with the provisions of chapter 136-150WAC regar ding eligibility for Rural= -- Arterial Trust Account (RATA) funds. If the County is found not to be in compliance with -these provisions, such non compliance may be -cause for= -the CRABoard to vvithdraw or- deny the Certificate of Good Practice of the County and require pay back of arry RATA funds that have=been-paid to the County for this project. (3) If the project is reconstruction, the County shall gain approval from WSDOT (chapter 4332 RC deviations from the design standards listed in the Local Agency Guidelines priorto construction: (4)_ - __- If the project is 3R (resurfacing restoration and rehabilitation), the County shall document its design considerations for -the proposedimprovements in keeping with 3R standards as listed in the Local Agency Guidelines= (5) The project shall be constructed in accordance with theinformation-furnishe d to the CRABoard, and-theplans=- and specifications prepared by the county- -engir eel =_ =16) Phased -construction methodology -i`s permitted upon notification by the county engineer of the phasing plan as authorized under WAC 136-170-030. Failure by the county to notify the CRABoard of phasing_ plan At least 15 days_ prior to commencement of constriction may result in withdrawal_of funding bythe CRABoard and county forfeiture_of all RATA funds expended. _ -(7)-- The:County=shall notify- the CRABoard when a contract has been awarded and/or when construction has started end When the project has been completed. (8) The County shall reimburse the RATArn the event a project post audit revealsiniproper=expenditure of RATA funds. Corts-of thepToject which exceed the amount of RATA funds authorized by the CRABoard, set forth above,-_---, and the required matching funds and other funds represented by the county to be committed to theproject, shall be -pa — by the County as necessary to complete the_project_as-submitted to -the ORABoard _ = -_RAP Proj ect-Nurn_ber_2322=0 __ 00) _ Matching funds and other funds represented to be committed to the project shall be available as necessary to implement the projected development of the project as set forth in the construction proposal prospectus. (11) The CRABoard hereby agrees to reimburse the county froth RATA 'ands allo cated,_-=ad not -otherwise, for its reimbursable_costs not to exceed the amount above specified. The CRABoard will reimburse costs incurred by the County based on project progress as certified by the=_ —county engineer within the CRABoard's RAP Online project management application_ bymonthlyprogress payment =_ vouchers received and approved on individual projects in -the order- iri which they are received in the CRABoard office, - subject to the availability of RATA funds -apportioned to the region. Such obligation to reimburse RATA funds extends only to project costsincu red after thedateof=project approval by the CRABoard. (13) Either the CRABoard or the County may request changes to the provisions contained inthis agreement. =° Such changes shall be mutually agreed upon and incorporated by written_ amendment to this agreement. -No variation or alteration of the terms of this agreement shall be valid unless made in writing_and signed by authorized representatives of the CRABoard or the County --hereto: _ -(14) During the term of this agreement and for a period not less than six (6) years from the date of final paymentby= the CRABoard, the records and accounts pertaining to this agreement_are_to be kept ,available for inspection and audit and copies of all records, accounts, documents, orother data pertaining to -the agreement will be furnished upon request. If any litigation; _claim, or audit is commenced, the records and accounts along with supporting documentation — - - shall be retained-untrl=said_litigation, claim, or audit finding has been resolved even though such litigation, claim, or audit continues past -the six year retention period. IN CONSIDERATION of the allocation by the CRABoard RATA _Rinds to the -project in the amount set_out above, the County hereby agrees that as -condition precedent -to payment of any RATA funds allocated at -any time to the above referenced project, it accepts and will comply with the terms of this agreement, including the terns and conditions set forth in Chapter 49, Laws of 1983, 1st Ex. Sess. (chapter 36.79 RCW); the applicable rules of Title 136 WAC and all repiesentations made to the CRABoaid upon which the fund allocation was based; all of which -are familiar to -and= within the knowledge of the county and are incorp_oiate d heiein and made e a part of this agreement, although not attached. This agreeme nt_supersedes all prior agreements issued using the project number listed above and shall be valid and binding only if it is signed and returned to the CRABoard office within 45 days of its mailing by the CRABoard. COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD Date` IOAL -.MASON COUNTY: By: Projefflcrattlie M131 gage 2 0 �_ D