HomeMy WebLinkAboutRobert W. Droll Landscape ArchitectMason County Parks&Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update June 21,2021 Attachment A Scope of Services Mason County Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update Client: Mason County Consultant: The Team of Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS Overview The objective of this project is to: Update the vision and guiding document for the County's system of parks,recreation facilities,programs, and services that meets the expressed and anticipated needs of the community. Update the County's goals,objectives,and recommendations for developing and maintaining quality parks, trails,open space,and recreation programs that are meaningful and important to the County's desired quality of life. Update the County's current inventory of parks,trails,recreation facilities,and programs. Identify and analyze the demands,needs,and desired improvements from the public. Identify appropriate service levels,costs,and funding opportunities. Outline physical and programmatic improvements for the 6-year and longer-term horizons. Recommend implementation strategies,including phasing and potential partnerships. Develop a GMA-compliant parks plan that maintains funding eligibility with Washington State's Recreation Conservation Office(RCO). The work will be structured in sequential phases organized in the expected arrangement of plan elements as outlined by RCO. These elements consist of the following phases: Task 1 —Planning Context,Goals&Objectives Task 2—Inventory&Assessment Task 3—Public Involvement Task 4—Demand&Need Analysis Task 5—Capital Improvement Program Task 6—Final Parks Plan Development&Approval Task 1 —Planning Context, Goals& Objectives This phase includes tasks outlining the project's planning effort,review&update of the County's strategic intent goals),and measures that describe when intents will be attained(objectives). Task 1.1 Project Planning Prepare a Project Management Plan to document the elements listed below. Implementation of the plan elements is not included in this task budget. Project Vision Project Objective Project Description Project Methodology Critical Success Factors Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS,4405 7'Avenue,SE,Lacey,WA,98503,360.456.3813,boWCONSULTANTroll.com 1 Mason County Parks&Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update June 21,2021 Roles and Responsibilities Contact List Scope of Services Budget Schedule Project Reporting Document Management QA/QC Management Plan Task 1.2 Review of Past & Current Planning Documents Review past and current County comprehensive plans to understand the larger planning context. Mason County 2036 Comprehensive Plan 2013 adopted PROS plan and 2018 draft PROS plan Mason County Codes,Regulations,and Ordinances Growth Management Act Requirements Washington Recreation&Conservation Office(RCO)Requirements Task 1.3 Vision & Mission Statement Review Vision&Mission statement that describes the County's values,interests,and desires. Task 1.4 Goals & Objectives Review&confirm County strategic intent(goals)and measures that describe when intents will be attained objectives). Task 1 Deliverables Full Parks Plan Document Outline in Word format. Draft Chapter 1 &2 of Parks Plan in Word format. Bi-Weekly Progress Report submitted via email in PDF format. Progress billings submitted monthly submitted via email in PDF format. Project schedule updates submitted via email in PDF format. Minutes for meetings submitted via e-mail in PDF format. Task 2—Inventory & Assessment CONSULTANT will inventory and assess all parks and recreation assets,programs,and operational&maintenance budgets,including a description of the County's service area and demographic profile. Task 2.1 Develop County Profiles CONSULTANT will review and update existing profiles of the County's demographic context. Community Historical Context Demographic Profile Physical Context Task 2.2 Parks & Recreation Services Inventory Utilizing available County-provided datasets,CONSULTANT will develop a scaled base map for use during fieldwork and potential graphics development.CONSULTANT will inventory each park's physical structure and composition and assess its overall composition,quality,safety,structural and/or site condition,or life cycle expectancy.This task may include a meeting with Mason County staff to discuss existing site conditions at parks, discuss current issues,discuss any future plans for each park,proposed needs,and identify critical infrastructure to Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS,4405 7'Avenue,SE,Lacey,WA,98503,360.456.3813,bobna CONSULTANTroll.com 2 Mason County Parks&Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update June 21,2021 avoid or utilize.Current recreation programs will be inventoried,including the type, frequency,popularity,and operational&maintenance costs. Current Park Classifications o Regional Parks&Trails o Community Parks o Local Parks o Mini-Parks/Parklets o Natural Open Spaces/Passive Parks o Trails o Special Use Facilities Park&Recreational Amenities o Overall Condition/Cleanliness o Hardscapes/Infrastructure o Drainage o Pathways o Structures o Play Equipment Accessibility Safety/Clearances Structural Posts&Members o Wayfinding o Parking o Vegetation Programmed Activities(Local&Regional) Operational&Maintenance Costs Life Cycle Review Current Funding Mechanisms Task 2 Understanding Figures will be developed based on available County inventories and geodatabases. Existing maps may be used as directed by County. Task 2 Deliverables Scaled Base Map Draft Park Inventory&Assessment Sheets in PDF format and Excel File Task 3 - Public Involvement CONSULTANT will develop and implement an effective public engagement strategy that captures the public's demands,needs,and wishes for its parks&recreation facilities&programs. Engagement strategies will be designed to maximize involvement while reducing barriers to participate. Special care will be taken to ensure the widest distribution of opinions from all demographics. This phase of work will be integrated into other subsequent phases of work based on the project schedule. Task 3.1 Develop Public Engagement Plan CONSULTANT will work with the County to develop a public engagement work plan.The plan may involve a wide variety of public engagement techniques,including online surveys,mailed flyers,virtual workshops or charettes,phone or video interviews,or in-person meetings and on-site workshops(dependent on relaxing or elimination of current social distancing guidelines). Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS,4405 7'Avenue,SE,Lacey,WA,98503,360.456.3813,bob(a.CONSULTANTroll.com 3 Mason County Parks&Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update June 21,2021 Public Engagement Work Plan& Schedule of Events o Digital Flyer or announcement in PDF format o Distribution/Marketing methods for announcements&notices o Social Media Description& Schedule Needs Assessment Questionnaire Public Meetings(North and South) Task 3.2 Needs Assessment Questionnaire with Parks Advisory Board CONSULTANT will develop and implement a needs assessment survey to be shared with the Parks Advisory Board at one of their regularly scheduled meetings. The needs assessment will identify a qualitative snapshot of how the community currently utilizes the County's parks and recreation facilities and programs. During the Advisory Board meeting members will provide feedback on what they believe is missing. This questionnaire also functions as the project's public engagement kick-off event. A sample of the set of questions with write-in and/or multiple choice options: o Where people live. o Which parks they go to the most. o What park and recreation components do they like or use often. o Which park&recreation components do they wish they had access to. o How would they like to pay for or prioritize improvements? Analyze results&compile for report and public presentation Present Demand&Needs Assessment to County Task 3.3 Public Meetings - North and South County After an understanding of demands and needs and an initial questionnaire analysis,CONSULTANT will develop and implement up to two in-person public workshops with figures and mapping exercises. This process will allow the public to respond to initial Parks Advisory Board input and further identify priorities and needs across the county. Develop a custom Maptionnaire page or facilitate public workshop(s). Compile the results in a series or graphs and figures communicating community priorities. Present results to the Client and/or County Council. Task 3.4 Combined Public Workshop and Parks Advisory Board Meeting CONSULTANT will present the draft PROS plan to the public and Parks Advisory Board at a combined meeting to gather feedback and to assist with prioritization for the projects they desire to see in the final parks plan. Develop a map-based polling survey and meeting materials that summarize the draft PROS plan. Review the results of the survey and analyze for validity. Present results to the Client and/or County Council. Task 3 Understanding County will identify methods and contacts for distribution list and coordinate public event. Public meetings will be at designated locations(if social distancing rules allow) Task 3 Deliverables Public Engagement Plan Demand and Need Assessment Questionnaire and results. Public Workshop and Advisory Board meeting materials. Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS,4405 7'Avenue,SE,Lacey,WA,98503,360.456.3813,bobaa CONSULTANTroll.com 4 Mason County Parks&Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update June 21,2021 Task 4—Demands & Needs Analysis CONSULTANT will define the priorities,as appropriate,for acquisition,development,preservation,enhancement, management of the overall park system and explain why these actions are needed.The results from Tasks 3.1 and 3.2 will be analyzed to summarize the community's desires for parks,recreation,open space,and/or habitat,as appropriate, in a manner deemed appropriate by CONSULTANT and the Client.These summarized findings will be used to develop and test a reliable level of service methodology that reflects the County's desired quality of life and provides a comparison with local and national trends. Task 4.1 Level of Service Review the methodology to analyze the desired level of service. Level of Service Methodology Review National Recreation&Park Association Guideline Comparison Description of the Service Area Level of Service Analysis Task 4.2 Peer Community Comparison Compare the County's desired level of service(LOS)to other communities to validate whether the LOS is appropriately scaled. Identify three(3)target communities to review and comparison methodology Task 4.3 Local, Regional, and National Recreational Trends Understand the County's demographic profile,population forecast,and use areas,then compare them to current or forecasted recreation trends. County Demographic Profile Population Growth&Forecast Recreation Use and Projected Popularity Task 4 Deliverables Draft of the Demand&Need chapter of the report. Task 5—Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Consultant will develop a preliminary list of possible capital improvements,then prioritize them into a final 6-year and long-term 20-year Capital Improvement Program(CIP).The CIP will include capital improvements&facility programs that list possible land acquisitions,development,and renovation projects prioritized by anticipated implementation,with possible funding sources identified.The CIP will include any capital project to be submitted to the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board for funding. Task 5.1 CIP Strategy, Goals & Objectives Develop a methodology to guide CIP project selection&program modifications. System-wide/program modifications,possible reductions or additions that support strategic goals& objectives Specific project methodology narrative Task 5.2 Park, Recreation, Open Space, and Trail Improvements Develop an initial project improvement"wish-list"and based on feedback from both the County and the public, narrow the CIP project list into a 6-year priority list and 20-year lists.The projects will be described with accompanying narratives. Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS,4405 71 Avenue,SE,Lacey,WA,98503,360.456.3813,bobQCONSULTANTroll.com 5 Mason County Parks&Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update June 21,2021 6-Year Capital Improvements(Graphics&Narrative) 20-Year Capital Improvements(Graphics&Narrative) Develop opinions of probable cost for each project. Perform rough takeoffs for each project and research unit/lump sum costs Develop and review cost opinions with an order of magnitude cost including project inflation and cost increases. Task 5.3 CIP Project Summary & Implementation Schedule Compile an overview summary table with the CIP projects prioritized either by target year of implementation or ranked by priority.A narrative for the implementation strategy will be developed. Develop a CIP Project Summary table Develop an implementation strategy and schedule,including target funding sources. Phase 5—Capital Improvement Program(CIP)Chapter Recommendations for CIP project monitoring Task 5 Deliverables Project draft concept graphics and narratives. CIP Project Summary Table Draft of Chapter 5 of the report Task 6—Final Parks Plan Development& Approval Consultant will assemble all chapters of the parks,recreation,open space,and trails plan into a final draft report. An overview presentation will be given to the County Council or the Parks Board,providing an overview summary of changes to each chapter,with enough detail to allow a consent vote to be made. Task 6.1 Draft Parks, Recreation,Open Space, and Trails Plan Compile a draft parks plan report of Chapters 1-5 for review by the client,County Council,Parks Board,and internal QA/QC Review. Draft parks,recreation,open space,and trails plan(Chapters 1-6). Add Appendices to the draft report: o Reference Terms&Definitions o Standards&Guidelines o Detailed Site Assessment Forms o Public Involvement Summaries o Implementation Tools&Funding Sources Summary presentation of plan to client and/or County Council Task 6.2 Final Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Plan Compile the final parks plan report of all chapters for review by the client,County Council,Parks Board,and internal QA/QC Review. Final edit of the parks plan incorporating review comments and notes from the County Council,and internal reviewers. Add Chapter 6(Approvals)to the plan. Submit final parks plan to client. Present final parks plan to County Council for consent. Package final parks plan for distribution to RCO as requested. Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS,4405 7'Avenue,SE,Lacey,WA,98503,360.456.3813,bobQu CONSULTANTroll.com 6 Mason County Parks&Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update June 21,2021 Task 6 Deliverables Draft Parks Plan in Word format and PDF for printing. Final Parks Plan in Word format and PDF for printing. RCO Self-Certification Form. Project Fees & Schedule Project Fee Our fees to develop the parks plan is summarized below: Project Tasks i Fee 7,620 7.170 8,220 Task 4 4,360 Task 5 11,300 9,530 300` 48,500 Estimated Project Schedule Consultant has estimated the project schedule to range from 5-6 months due to uncertainty associated with COVID- 19 and subsequent, indirect impacts such as procedural delays and/or committee or County Council approvals. Consultant will endeavor to complete Scope of Services by December 31,2021. Mason County's Responsibilities: Mason County shall provide the following information or services as required for performance of the work. CONSULTANT assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of such information or services and shall not be liable for errors and omissions therein.Should CONSULTANT be required to provide services in obtaining or coordinating compilation of this information,such services shall be charged as Additional Services. Virtual meetings will be organized,scheduled,and reserved by Owner through a recognized meeting program such as Teams,Zoom,or GoToMeeting. Public notices will be provided by Owner. Mason County agrees to provide all documents from the 2013 &2018 Parks Plan Update in an editable format to CONSULTANT. Mason County.will be responsible for incorporating this document into the Mason County Comprehensive Plan and for SEPA review and processing. Providing the necessary COVID 19 protocols,if necessary. Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS,4405 7's Avenue,SE,Lacey,WA,98503,360.456.3813,bobrCONSULTANTroll.com 7 Mason County Parks&Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update June 21,2021 Additional,Excluded Services Specific items that are not within the scope of work/services include,but are not limited to,the following. CONSULTANT can provide these services at an additional cost. Inventory,Condition Assessment,&Master Planning of individual parks and trails. Traffic Studies,Traffic Impact Analysis Maintenance Cost projections Meeting attendance other than those listed herein Grants Writing&Applications other than listed herein SEPA,JARPA,any environmental or regulatory permitting Cultural Resources investigations&monitoring,Heritage Documentation Programs,other than defined herein Mitigation Site Identification and Analysis,Mitigation Design Typed up Meeting Notes. Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS,4405 7'b Avenue,SE,Lacey,WA,98503,360.456.3813,bobACONSULTANTroll.corn 8