HomeMy WebLinkAboutWashington State Administrative Office of the CourtsINTERAGENCY AGREEMENT IAA21627
THIS AGREEMENT (Agreement) is entered into by and between the Administrative Office of
the Courts (AOC) and Mason County, for the purpose of distributing funds for court interpreter
and language access service expenses to the Mason County District Court (Court).
For purposes of this contract, the following definitions shall apply:
a) "Certified Interpreter" means an interpreter who is certified by the Administrative
Office of the Courts, as defined In RCW 2.43.020 (4) or an interpreter certified by the
Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ODHH) pursuant to WAC 388-818-500, et.
seq. The names and contact information of AOC-certified interpreters are found, and
incorporated herein by reference, at
http://www.courts.wa.gov/programs orgs/pos interpret/ The names and contact
information of ODHH-certified interpreters are found, and incorporated herein by
reference, at:
b) "Registered Interpreter" means an interpreter who is registered by the Administrative
Office of the Courts, as defined in RCW 2.43.020 (6). The names and contact
information of registered interpreters are found, and incorporated herein by reference,
at http://www.courts.wa.gov/programs orgs/pos interpret/.
c) "Qualified Interpreter'' means a spoken language interpreter as defined in RCW
2.43.020 (2), or sign language Interpreter as defined in RCW 2.42.110 (2).
d) "Qualifying Event" means a proceeding or event for which an interpreter is appointed
by an appointing officer pursuant to RCW 2.42 and/or RCW 2.43.
The purpose of this Agreement is to partner with individual local courts in improving
access to the Court for Limited English Proficient (LEP), deaf, and hard of hearing persons
in accordance with RCW Chapters 2.42 and 2.43.
a) These funds are intended to address each court's following needs:
• Financial Need -i.e., the gap between the court's available financial resources
and the costs to meet its need for certified, registered, and qualified interpreters,
and the implementation of the Court's language access plan; and
• Need for Court Interpreters -i.e., the public's right to access the court, and the
court's responsibility to provide court certified, registered, and qualified Interpreters
as required by RCW Chapters 2.42 and 2.43.
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• Need for Language Access in General -i.e ., translations for websites, tea
forms, interpreting equipment, technology enabling remote interpreting , and other
things that are necessary for courts to provide f air and equitable access for people
who are LEP, deaf, and hard of hearing .
a) The Court will ensure that the interpreter fund i ng is used only for language access
purposes and for reimbursement of costs paid to certified , registered , and qualified
interpreters for Qualifying Events pursuant to Exhibit A , which is incorporated herein
by reference.
b) The Court agrees to track and provide interpreter cost and usage data using a form
provided by the AOC Interpreter Reimbursement Program , reflecting information
about the Court's interpreter and language access costs and services .
c) The Court agrees to work with the AOC Interpreter Program, the Interpreter
Commission, and neighboring courts to identify and implement best and promising
practices for providing language access and interpreter services .
d) The Court agrees to encourage its staff overseeing interpreter services at the court to
attend trainings (in person and/or onl ine) provided by the AOC Interpreter Commission
and Interpreter Program .
e) The Court may elect to pay for interpreter services that are not in accordance with the
provisions of Exhibit A as set forth ; however, such payments will not be reimbursed .
f) The Court is required to have a Language Assistance Plan (LAP) to be a part of the
reimbursement program .
1) Courts Currentl'l, in the Reimbursement Program must submit their current LAP
for review and approval by the Interpreter Commission by November 15, 2020 .
2) Courts Joining the Re impursement Program for the First Time must submit their
LAP for review and approval by the Interpreter Commission by April 1, 2021 .
Staff from the Washington State Supreme Court Interpreter Commission will work
with the new courts to develop and implement their LAPs, and will provide
technical assistance and training when needed .
The beginning date of performance under this Agreement is July 1 , 2020 , regardless of the
date of execution and which shall end on June 30, 2021 .
a) The Court shall be reimbursed a maximum of $10,269 for interpreter and language
access services costs incurred during the period of July 1, 2020 to June 30 , 2021.
No reimbursement shall be made under this Agreement for interpreting services
provided after June 30, 2021.
b) The Court shall receive payment for its costs for interpreter and language access
services as set forth in Exhibit A, and incorporated herein .
c) The Court shall not be reimbursed for interpreter services costs for Qualifying Events
or other goods and services set forth in Exhibit A until properly-completed A -19
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invoices, and corresponding data. (See subsection 3b), are received and approved by
AOC, pursuant to the following schedule:
1) · Reflecting Qualifying and non-qualifying Events, and any goods or services
purchased, occurring between July 1, 2020 and September 30, 2020, must be
received by the AOC no later than Decemb~r 31, 2020.
2) Reflecting Qualifying and non-qualifying Events, and any goods or services,
purcnased occurring between October 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020, must be
received by the AOC no later than March 1, 2021.
3) Reflecting Qualifying and non-qualifying Events, and any goods or services.
occurring between January 1, 2021 and March 30, 2021, must be received by the
AOC no later than April 30, 2021.
4) Reflecting Qualifying and non-qualifying Events, and any goods or services,
occurring between April 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021, must be received by the AOC
no later than July 31, 2021.
d) If this agreement is terminated, the Court shall only receive payment for performance
rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this agreement prior to the
effective date of termination.
e) The Court shall submit its A-19 invoices quarterly to:
The Data shall be submitted electronically to the AOC as described in Section 3b,
above, and in conjunction with the quarterly invoice.
f} Payment to the Court for approved and completed work will be made by warrant or
account transfer by AOC within 30 days of receipt of a properly-completed invoice and
the completed data report.
g) The Court shall maintain sufficient backup documentation of expenses under this
h) The AOC, in its sole discretion and upon notice, may initiate revenue sharing and
reallocate funding among courts. If it appears the Court may not expend the
maximum Agreement amount, the AOC may reduce the maximum Agreement
amount. AOC may increase the maximum Agreement amount if additional funds
become available through these revenue sharing provisions.
The AOC shall be the owner of any and all fixed assets or personal property jointly or
cooperatively, acquired, held, used, or disposed of pursuant to this Agreement.
Unless ,qtherwise provided, data which originates from this Agreement shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by the AOC. Data
shal!'include, but not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements,,books,
magazines, surveys, studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and video and/or sound
reproductions. Ownership includes the right to copyright,• patent, register, and the ability to
transfer these rights. In the event that any of the deliverables under this Agreement
include material not included within the definition of "works for hire," the Court hereby
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assigns such rights to the AOC as consideration for this Agreement.
Data which is delivered under this Agreement, but which does not originate therefrom,
shall be transferred to the AOC with a nonexclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license to
publish, translate, reproduce, deliver, perform, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so;
provided, that such license shall be limited to the extent which the Court has a right to
grant such a license. The Court shall advise the AOC, at the time of delivery of data
furnished under this Agreement, of all known or potential invasions of privacy contained
therein and of any portion of such document which was not produced in the performance
of.this Agreement. The AOC shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright Infringement received by the Court with respect to any data delivered under this
Agreement. The AOC shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings
placed upon the data by the Court.
The employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this
Agreement shall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be
considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party.
This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments
shall not be binding unless they are In writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
each of the parties.
The Court shall maintain books, records, documents and other evidence of accounting
procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs
of any nature expended in the performance of this Agreement. These records shall be
subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review, or audit by personnel duly authorized
by the AOC, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal officials so authorized by law, rule,
regulation, or Agreement. The Court wlll retain all books, records, documents, and other
material relevant to this Agreement for six years after settlement, and make them available
for inspection by persons authorized under this provision.
The Court shall provide right of access to its facilities to the AOC, or any of its officers, or
to any other authorized agent or official of the state of Washington of the federal
government at all reasonable times, in order to monitor and evaluate performance,
compliance, and/or quality assurance under this Agreement.
Disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved by a panel consisting of one
representative from the AOC, one representative from the Court, and a mutually agreed
upon third party. The dispute panel shall thereafter decide the dispute with the majority
prevailing. Neither party shall have recourse to the courts unless there is a showing of
noncompliance or waiver of this section.
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Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other
party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the parties shall be liable only for performance
rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the
effective date of termination.
This Agreement is entered into pursuant to and under the authority granted by the laws of
the state of Washington and any applicable federal laws. The provisions of this
Agreement shall be construed to conform to those laws.
In the event of an inconsistency in the terms of this Agreement, or between its terms and
any applicable statute or rule, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order:
a. Applicable state and federal statutes and rules;
b. This Agreement; and
c. Any other provisions of the agreement, including materials incorporated by reference.
The work to be provided under this Agreement, and any claim arising hereunder, Is not
assignable or delegable by either party in whole or in part, without the express prior written
consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
A failure by either party to exercise its rights under this Agreement shall not preclude that
party from suosequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any
other rights under this Agreement unless stated to be such in a writing signed by an
authorized representative of the party and attached to the original Agreement.
If any provision of this Agreement, or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this
Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision and to this end the
provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable.
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The program managers noted below shall be responsible for and shall be the contact person
for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Agreement:
AOC Program Manager Court Program Manager
Mich(;llle Bellmer Patsy Robinson
PO Box 41170 Court Administrator
Olympia, WA 98504-1170 419 N . 4th St
miche lie .bellmer@cou rts. wa .gov PO Box 0
(360) 350-5373 Shelton, WA 98584
patsyr@co .mason .wa.us
(360) 427-9670
This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other
understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be
considered to exist or to bind any of the parties to this agreement unless otherwise stated in
this Agreement.
Administrative Office of the Courts Contractor
Dawn Marie Rubio
Name Name
Administrator, AOC
Title Title
IAA2 1627 Page 6 of 6
IR1 ~CC~UW ~[Q)
FEB 1 6 2021
Funding Conditions and Payment Structure
The Court Interpreter Reimbursement Program funding conditions and payment
structure shall be as follows :
1 . General Funding Conditions
The AOC will reimburse courts under this Agreement for the cost of interpreters
and other goods and services that improve language access in the courts for
Limited English Proficient ("LEP"), deaf, and hard of hearing persons . This includes
AOC-certified, registered, or otherwise court-qualified interpreters appointed
pursuant to RCW 2.42 and RCW 2 .43 under the following conditions listed under
Section 2 "Qualifying Interpreter Events ."
It also includes goods and services that improve language access, listed under
Section 3 "Language Access Items ," and services listed under Section 4
"Language Access Services".
Courts shall work with AOC staff in determining whether an expense that is not
explicitly mentioned below, qualifies as a reimbursable expense under the
2. Qualifying Interpreting Events
The AOC will reimburse courts under this Agreement for the cost of AOC-certified,
registered , or otherwise court-qualified interpreters appointed pursuant to RCW 2.42
and RCW 2.43 under the following conditions which are herein referred to as
"Qualifying Events":
A. Spoken Language Interpreters Qualifying Events
1) Certified and Registered Language Interpreters
Compensation for interpreters currently credentialed by the AOC in the
certified and registered language categories shall be reimbursed for
actual compensation paid pursuant to the payment structure for those
interpreters as outlined in Section 5 entitled "Payment Structure".
2) Non -Credentialed Interpreters in Certified and Registered Language
If the AOC master interpreter list for certified or registered languages
does not include any interpreters credentialed by the AOC for those
languages, reimbursement will be provided for actual compensation paid
pursuant to the payment structure as outlined in Section 5 "Payment
Structure", for those interpreters, providing that the interpreter is found
otherwise qualified on the record by the Court pursuant to RCW 2.43 .
Wash i ngton State Interpreter Services Fundi ng - Exhibit A Page 1 of 6
3) Non-Credentialed Languages
Compensation for interpreters for languages for which neither
certification nor registration is offered will be reimbursed where the
interpreter has been qualified on the record pursuant to RCW 2.43.
B. Sign Language Interpreters Qualifying Events
Reimbursement for actual expenses incurred for services of American Sign
Language (ASL) interpreters appointed by an appointing authority pursuant to
RCW 2.42 will be authorized pursuant to the payment structure as outlined in
Section 5 "Payment Structure", when then interpreter is listed with the
Department of Social and Health Services, Office of Deaf and Hard of
Hearing (DSHS, ODHH) as a court-certified ASL interpreter.
C. Salaried Staff and Contract Interpreters
Reimbursement will be provided for salaried staff or contracted interpreters
meeting the Qualifying Event conditions for the payment of credentialed
spoken and sign language interpreters, as referenced in subsections (A) and
(B) above.
D. Telephonic and Video Remote Interpreting
The AOC will reimburse local jurisdictions for using certified, registered, or
otherwise qualified interpreters operating by telephone or video when
providing court Interpreting services for Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
persons or persons who rely on sign language for in-court proceedings and
for services that are provided by the Court to the public outside of the
courtroom. To the extent possible, the services must meet the Qualifying
Event conditions for the payment of credentialed spoken and sign language
interpreters, as referenced in subsections (A) and (B) above.
3. Language Access Goods & Services
Courts can request reimbursement for the cost of goods and services that are meant
to increase language access in the Court. A maximum of 50 percent of the court's
total contract amount can be spent on goods and services.
The court shall seek approval by Program staff to use a percentage above 50
percent if there is a compelling reason to do so that will directly impact increased
language access in the Court. Program staff approval must be documented in
Language access goods and services will be reimbursed at 100% of the total cost,
with the exception of interpreter costs and portable video devices, for which only
50% will be reimbursed.
The items listed below are acceptable for reimbursement and the Court does not
need prior approval to seek reimbursement for the listed items.
Items or services not listed below, must be approved by Program staff prior to
purchase or they will not qualify for reimbursement under the Program.
Washington State Interpreter Services Funding -Exhibit A ~~~-----'-P,age 2 of 6
• Interpreter Scheduling Software or Service
• Document Translations •
• Portable Video Device(s) for Video Remote Interpreting (only up to 50%
• Equipment used for Simultaneous Interpretation
• Printed Signage for Language Assistance Purposes
• Staff Training on Language Access, Interpreting, or Bilingual Skills
Improvement provided by outside entities -(ex: interpreters skills training for
bilingual staff who want to become certified, training for staff who are partly
bilingual to improve their skills, general training on working with language
access issues. Some examples can be found
here: https://www.nmcenterforlanguageaccess.org/cms/en/courts-
Other items or services may qualify for reimbursement, but the Court must gain
approval from Program staff prior to purchasing and seeking reimbursement.
4. Scope of Reimbursement Funding
Reimbursement payment under this Agreement will only be made to the Court when
the cost is paid out of the budget (or budgets, in the case of multi-court collaborative
applicants) of the Court responsible for full payment.
5. Payment Structure
A. Hourly Rate
1) Rate for Spoken Language Interpreters
AOC will reimburse the Court for 50 percent of the hourly cost and
hourly minimum charges submitted to the Court by AOC-certified,
registered, or otherwise court-qualified interpreters providing services
under this Agreement.
2) Rate for Sign Language Interpreters
AOC will reimburse the Court for 50 percent of the hourly cost and the
hourly minimum charges for certified interpreters providing services
under this Agreement.
3) Salaried Interpreters
AOC will reimburse the Court for 50 percent of the cost of staff
interpreters and will reimburse only for their provision of interpreter
4) Contracted Interpreters
The cost of contracted interpreters who are paid on an hourly basis will
be reimbursed under the same conditions as in 2.A and 2.8 above. The
cost of contract interpreters who are paid other than on an hourly basis
(e.g., on a half-day or flat rate basis) will only be reimbursed for the
actual number of hours of interpreting provided for each Qualifying
Washington State Interpreter Services Funding -Exhibit A Page 3 of6
5) Telephone Interpreting Rate
The AOC will reimburse local jurisdictions for up to 50 percent of the
cost of using certified, registered, or otherwise qualified interpreters
providing interpretation by telephone or videophone for LEP persons or
persons who rely on sign language.
6) Hourly Minimum Rate Charges
Where a minimum hourly rate charge is imposed, reimbursement will be
paid for half of such hourly minimum rate.
B. Travel Time and Mileage
The AOC will reimburse Courts for up to 50 percent of the cost of interpreter
travel time and mileage when such charges are in accordance with this
Exhibit A and reimbursed as Identified below in Interpreter Travel and Mileage
Reimbursement. In such event, travel time and mileage charges will only be
reimbursed for interpreters meeting the Qualifying Event conditions listed in
Section 2 above. The AOC reserves the right to limit travel reimbursement to
reasonable travel, based on known availability and location of certified,
registered, or otherwise qualified interpreters.
Washington State Interpreter Services Funding -Exhibit A Page 4 of 6
Interpreter mileage and/or travel time will be reimbursed as follows:
Interpreter mileage will be reimbursed in accordance with the prevailing Administrative
Office of the Courts Policy. Notification will be sent prior to rate changes.
Mileage will be reimbursed on a from "address of origin"1 to "address of appointment"2
basis. The Court and interpreter will negotiate reimbursement for mileage traveled from
the "address of appointment" to "address of destination"3 on a case-by-case basis.
(NOTE: Courts are encouraged to have a consistent policy regarding the return trip.) In
Eastern Washington, due to the scarcity of interpreters and vast distance, it is
recommended that the Court reimburse the interpreter for mileage on an "address of
appointment" to "address of destination" or roundtrip basis 4 •
Interpreter mileage related to an appointment is billable if a required party fails to
appear. "Failure to appear" means a non-appearance by the LEP or deaf or hard of
hearing client, attorneys, witnesses, or any necessary party to a hearing, thereby
necessitating a cancellation or continuance of the hearing.
If the interpreter fails to appear, they will not be paid for mileage.
Mileage related to appointments that have been cancelled where the interpreter has
received prior notice of the cancellation is not billable.
Address Mileage Address of Mileage Address of
~ -Origin Appointment :::> Destination -
$ ~
BIiiabie Subject to
1 "Address of origin" means the interpreter's home, office, or immediately previous appointment meeting
2 "Address of appointment" means the courthouse or other location of the interpreter assignment.
3 "Address of destination" means the interpreter's home, office, or immediately next appointment meeting
4 "Roundtrip" means from the interpreter's home/office to the appointed meeting place, followed by the
interpreter's return to their home/office.
Washington State Interpreter Services Funding -Exhibit A Page 5 of 6
Travel time will be reimbursed on a from "address of origin" to "address of appointment"
basis. The Court and interpreter will negotiate reimbursement for travel time from "the
address of appointment" to "address of final destination" on a case-by-case basis at the
time the appointment is requested. (NOTE: Courts are encouraged to have a consistent
policy regarding the return trip.) In Eastern Washington, due to the scarcity of
interpreters and vast distance for travel, it is recommended that the Court reimburse the
interpreter for travel .time on an "address of appointment" to "address of destination" or
roundtrip basis.
Interpreters must travel for either a minimum of sixteen (16) miles or for one-half hour in
order to be eligible for travel time reimbursement. Exceptions to the sixteen (16) mile
minimum requirement shall be made when the use of a ferry contributes to the one-half
hour or more of travel time.
Travel time will be reimbursed at a rate of one half the hourly interpreter rate for each
hour of travel. Example: Interpreter traveled four hours to an appointment and the hourly
rate is $50. One half of the hourly rate is $25. The calculation would be 4 x $25 = $100
for travel time.
Distanc--Reimbursable >
Origin Mileage Only
0 -15 Miles
Origin ~ Mileage and Travel Time*
16+ Miles or half-hour travel*
*Travel Time can be claimed only when traveling time is half an hour (30 minutes) or
Interpreter travel time related to an appointment is billable if a required party fails to
appear. "Failure to appear" means a non-appearance by the LEP or deaf or hard of
hearing client, attorneys, witnesses, or any necessary party to a hearing, thereby
necessitating a cancellation or continuance of the hearing.
If the interpreter fails to appear, he/she will not be paid for travel.
Travel time related to appointments that have been cancelled where the interpreter has
received prior notice of the cancellation is not billable.
Washington State Interpreter Services Funding • Exhibit A Page 6 of 6