HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2022-00607 SHR2022-00007 Dock Replacement, Ramp, Boatlift - HMP Habitat Managment Plan - 5/16/2022 HabitatC 3 PLANNING MAY 16 2022 Habitat Management and Mitigation PJ�ft. AJder Street 2240 E Spencer Lake Rd �i z PREPARED •- i Nancy Snyder ' Box 758 Shelton, • 98584 PREPARED Habitat • • •, 154th • Harbor, 98332 May 12, 2022 CS3M�,� . TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................3 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTOIN...........................................................................................3 SITE VICINITY MAP................................................................................................................4 3.0 CRITICAL AREA REVIEW...........................................................................................5 3.1 National Wetlands Inventory............................................................................5 3.2 LISTED SPECIES AND HABITATS IN THE PROJECT VICINITY...............6 Fish .................................................................................................................................7 Birds................................................................................................................................7 Mammals.......................................................................................................................7 Plants..............................................................................................................................7 4.0 FIELD REVIEW..............................................................................................................7 5.0 POTENTIAL ECOLOGICAL IMPACTS FROM PROPOSED SITE ACTIVITY....8 Baseline Environmental Conditions .......................................................................8 6.0 IMPACT AVOIDANCE AND MITIGATION MEASURES........................................8 7.0 IMPACTS OF SITE DEVELOPMENT........................................................................8 Recommended Conditions.......................................................................................9 8.0 MITIGATION PLAN.....................................................................................................10 9.0 SUMMARY....................................................................................................................10 SITEPHOTOS..........................................................................................................................11 SITEPLAN...............................................................................................................................13 PLAN/ELEVATION VIEW......................................................................................................15 PLANTINGPLAN....................................................................................................................17 C3 Habitat Corp. 1803 154th Street CT NW, Gig Harbor,WA 98332 ® Hayitat Core. Habitat Management and Mitigation Plan Parcel number Acreage Owner S/T/R Proposed Use 22132-50-00033 3.01 Snyder 32/21N/2W Ramp, Floats & Boat Lift 1.0 INTRODUCTION C3 Habitat (C3) has completed a Habitat Management Plan to address function and ecological impacts to shoreline habitat for the Snyder proposed Ramp, Floats, and Boat lift project. The project is located on Spencer Lake in Section 32 of Township 21 in Range 2 of the Willamette Meridian. The project in- cludes construction of a new pier and boatlift extending east along the eastern property line. Because the project is located within a regulated residential shoreline, it requires regulation under the Shoreline Master Program Title 17.50.320. Mitigation is required for any new impervious area that is created and/ or vegetation clearing. The goal of this Mitigation Plan is to achieve a no-net loss to the ecological function of the shoreline habitat and resultant landward buffer. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of removing the existing solid-surfaced ramp and floats, and replacing these structures with a new fully grated ramp and 50% functional grated floats and adding a boat lift. Existing structures on the parcel include a single-family residence, garage, covered deck, bulkhead, and septic system. Approximately half of the parcel is cleared; vegetated with grass and ornamental landscaping. The other half is densely forested. There are no landward wetlands or streams on the property. The new fully grated 4' x 13' ramp and 50%functional grated 6' x 36' floating dock and 20' x 12' float will be supported by five galvanized steel pilings. The new boat lift will be solar powered. Depth of water at the end of the dock is approximately 7-feet deep. SITE VICINITY MAP , �A rr �Fy^g Rtl fig 2240 E SPENCER LAKE�yRD % f F T rA*t f / f � � Grant x r � k' j p ) 3.0 CRITICAL AREA REVIEW 3.1 National Wetlands Inventory The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) identifies one Type A land- ward wetland approximately 500-feet to the west of the scope area. The NWI map lists Spencer Lake as L1UBH — (L) — Lacustrine, (1) — Limnetic, (UB)- Unconsolidated bottom, (H) — permanently flooded. See NWI Map — Figure 1. Figure 1. NWI Map � r a. `4. j r a j � t b d f.•��'-.ram-' . Y0. 3.2 LISTED SPECIES AND HABITATS IN THE PROJECT VICINITY The potential presence of listed species, including fish, bird, and mammals that have a primary association with the habitat of Specer Lake was evaluated by a site visit, aerial photographs, the WDFW Priority Habitats and Species website (WDFW 2021, see Figure 2), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS 2021) IPaC,the Protected Resources App (NOAA 2021), and the Washington De- partment of Natural Resources Natural Heritage website (WDNR 2019, see Table 1). Table 1 Species State Status Federal Status Critical Habititat in Project Vicinity Bull Trout Candidate Threatened No Solvelinus confluentus Steelhead Not Listed Threatened No Oncorhynchus mykiss Marbled murrelet Threatened Threatened No Brachyromphus marmoratus Streaked Horned lark Endangered Threatened No Eremophila alpestris strigato Yellow-billed Cuckoo Candidate Threatened No Coccyzus americanus Northern spotted owl Endangered Threatened No Strix occidentalis courino Fisher Endangered Proposed Threatened No Pekania pennant Figure 2. PHS Map r r Fish According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website, there are two listed species of salmon in Mason County. Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) is found within habitat areas having "the four C's;" cold, clean, complex, and connected. Spencer Lake does not facilitate the habitat features need- ed to support bull trout populations. Steelhead is a species of anadromous fish that prefers "fast wa- ter in small to large mainstem rivers and medium to large tributaries. Spencer Lake may facilitate the habitat features needed to support steelhead populations; however,the project does not propose any impacts to those features. Birds Research conducted for this project shows that the lot does not have habitat for marbled murrelet, streaked horned lark, yellow-billed cuckoo, or northern spotted owl. The forested conditions adjacent to the site are not suitable for the listed bird species listed in this area of Mason County and it does not appear that any known nesting or breeding sites are mapped in the vicinity (WDFW). Mammals Research conducted for this project indicates the lot and surrounding area does not have habitat for fisher. They prefer old growth and mature forests, which have all been logged in the project vicinity. Plants The Washington Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program website (WANHP 2013) lists seven rare plant species that occur within Mason County. None of the listed species are found within developed residential communities where non-native and invasive species dominate so none were identified during the field visit. 4.0 FIELD REVIEW Field and aerial photograph review was performed on the subject parcel as well as adjacent parcels. There are no restrictions to the property other than the designated shoreline of Residential Shoreline zoning. The Spencer Lake shoreline setback buffer has already been approved at 35-feet. The west- ern property line is defined by E Spencer Lake Road. The property gently slopes downward to the lake which defines the eastern property line. There is one wetland approximately 500 feet from the west- ern end of the property. There are no regulated streams within proximity of the project. Field review revealed no special habitat or species utilizing the landward or waterward portion of the property. The landward portion is densely forested with approximately half cleared with lawn, sporadic trees and shrubs near the shoreline. 5.0 POTENTIAL ECOLOGICAL IMPACTS FROM PROPOSED SITE ACTIVITY 5.1 Baseline Environmental Conditions Currently, lawn and a cement bulkhead dominate the shoreline buffer. The remainder of the upland buffer is lawn with ornamental landscaping. There is no beach. Spencer Lake drops in elevation grad- ually from the bulkhead. Approximately 50-feet east of the bulkhead the lake is about 7-feet deep. There is no visible aquatic vegetation immediately found near the shoreline OHWM nor waterward of the OHWM. 6.0 IMPACT AVOIDANCE AND MITIGATION MEASURES According to the Mason County's Shoreline Master Program,the use of mitigation sequencing is re- quired and essential to determining how the proposed project contributes to the no net loss standard. 1. Avoid- Docks are allowed, so avoidance is not practical, and the neighbors on each side are not interested in sharing their docks.As docks are allowed under the Shoreline Master Plan for each tax lot, the property owner has a right to a single use dock, even though joint-use docks are en- couraged. 2. Minimize -The proposed dock is the shortest length possible to achieve the desired purpose. Ad- ditionally, the proposed dock will be fully grated to allow for light penetration as to not disturb the lake habitat to the greatest extent possible. 3. Rectify- To achieve a no net loss of environmental functions,the applicant proposes to plant ap- proximately 15 plants (trees, shrubs, and groundcover) with 4 varieties of species. These will be planted landward on the owned lot south of the storage shed, south of the project site. 4. Reduce — Shading will be reduced by providing grating to allow for maximum light penetration. The structure will be supported with galvanized steel pilings instead of treated wood. 5. Compensate -To achieve a no net loss of environmental functions, the applicant will enhance the shoreline buffer south of the storage shed (south of the project site)with native plants. 6. Monitor- Maintain the newly planted material. If any die, replace with native vegetation. 7.0 IMPACTS OF SITE DEVELOPMENT The impacts to the existing habitat and ecological function of the property from the proposed site activities are negligible. However, allowing for the construction of the proposed dock will have minor impacts to the lake environment. The two main typical ecological impacts from dock development are: 1. Human activity—As this is a replacement for an existing structure, it is not proposed to increase the level of already existing human activity. 2. Water Quality— Keeping any boat well maintained and free of oil and gas leakage is recommended. When boat washing, clean water without soap or chemicals is recommended. Recommended Conditions To minimize adverse effects on habitats and species caused by overwater structures that reduce ambi- ent light levels, overwater structures shall incorporate functional grating. Treated wood or toxic materials used for components that may come in contact with water shall be made of non-toxic materials where feasible. The overwater structure should be located and designed as to not significantly impact or unnecessarily interfere with the rights of adjacent property owners, or adjacent water uses including navigation and boat operation. Artificial lighting on overwater structures shall be the minimum necessary and lighting should be de- signed to minimize glare. The overwater structure shall be constructed and maintained in a safe and sound condition. Aban- doned or unsafe structures shall be removed or repaired promptly by the owner. For freshwater docks, the measured overall length cannot exceed sixty feet from the OHWM. 8.0 MITIGATION PLAN Mitigation is required to compensate for the new overwater coverage. The existing dock is 358 square feet, and the proposed dock is 508 square feet. This is an increase of 150 square feet. However, the existing dock had solid decking and the proposed dock will have a fully grated ramp, and 50% func- tional grating on the float. To compensate, for the new overwater coverage,then, we recommend planting 75 square feet of native vegetation (see Planting Plan). 9.0 SUMMARY This mitigation plan meets the requirements outlined in Mason County Shoreline Master Program. The project will result in 508-square feet of overwater structure with a fully functional grated ramp and 50% functional grating on the floats. 75-square feet will be enhanced with new plantings to compensate for the added size of the replaced dock and increased grating. The result is a net gain to the ecological functions and habitat of the shoreline environment. Best management practices shall be used for all site work. Site Photos MEOW, AW - - r _ View from house along Eastern prop line Y �-r 4 .�. View from path down to bulkhead steps and dock < a _ .t: " 4 ,�" �'4e`k"'+."r." � ''!.•a�,w Jam•-� _ AW AA I OF ALI From NE corner of bulkhead looking South •} � .fir s� 4_ f�. ' '; .r From SE corner of bulkhead looking North •� _ Aql _ . pY _ AL k w +r- x View from dock to South side of house f ° m X SNYDER SITE PLAN SFR 3 E::j CDco EXISTING M: ------------------------ /-- SCALE: Yagle i 1"=60' #2213250000307 20 40 60 SFR ------------------9&V------Property Line--------------------- --� SUBJECT PROPERTY: O / Joe & Nancy Snyder / 2240 E. Spencer Lake Rd / Shelton,WA 98584 SFR stairs 55' / SPENCER / LAKE Shor ine 166.7' -777 -------------------------------891'--------- ---- / Snyder #22132500036 56' APPLICANT: Joe & Nancy Snyder --------------------------------------- ----/ PROPOSED: Remove existing 55-foot ramp and Hunt / floats. Replace with new 57-foot ramp and floats SFR #221325000037 in the same location but with an larger end float 55' forming an "L" instead of a "T". / AT: Spencer Lake COUNTY: Mason STATE: WA -- ----------------------------- / SHEET: 2 of 5 DATE" May 3, 2022 O 'O SNYDER SITE PLAN SFR PROPOSED CD CL SCALE: Yagle 1"=60' #2213250000307 20 40 60 SFR -- ———————————-96f——————Property Line- ----------------- --7" SUBJECT PROPERTY: O / Joe & Nancy Snyder / 2240 E. Spencer Lake Rd Shelton,WA 98584 [��—SFR stairs 57 SPENCER LAKE Shor ine 166.7' -------------------------------891---------- ---- / Snyder #22132500036 56' APPLICANT: Joe & Nancy Snyder ----------------- ------------------- ---- PROPOSED: Remove existing 55- oot ramp and / floats. Replace with new 57-foot ramp and floats SFR Hunt in the same location but with an larger end float #221325000037 55' forming an "L" instead of a "T". / AT: Spencer Lake COUNTY: Mason STATE: WA -- ----------------------------- / SHEET: 3 of 5 Date: May 3, 2022 M SNYDER DOCK x F Existing Conditions Plan View tQ 55' y SCALE: 3 1"=10' 3,3„ m 41' M d T � 3.5' 4'3" C 12.5' Solid surfaced ramp Solid surfaced floats SPENCER M 8'� LAKE 10.5'—� Shoreline Elevation View --- — --- -- ---OHW----- Existing 7' concrete bulkhead Lake bottom APPLICANT: Joe & Nancy Snyder PROPOSED: Remove existing 55-foot ramp and floats. Replace with new 57-foot ramp and floats in the same location but with an larger end float forming an "L" instead of a "T". AT: Spencer Lake, Shelton COUNTY: Mason STATE: WA SHEET: 4 of 5 DATE: May 3, 2022 r r V SNYDER DOCK o Proposed Conditions 13' C Plan View M (D sQ SCALE: 57 10' RGC- Boat Lift 16' m o (p 4 O 7 Fully grated ramp o _ rated floats SPENCER Fully 9 - 20' LAKE Shoreline Galv. steel piling o 0 Elevation View 12'� -- -- --- ---OHW- 16' � 16' 12' Existing 7'vanized Floatation concrete bulkhead 4-inch gal steel piling Lake bottom APPLICANT: Joe & Nancy Snyder PROPOSED: Remove existing 55-foot ramp and floats. Replace with new 57-foot ramp and floats in the same location but with an larger end float forming an "L" instead of a "T". AT.- Spencer Lake, Shelton COUNTY: Mason STATE: WA SHEET: 5 of 5 DATE: May 3, 2022 t SNYDER PLANTING PLAN 3 Conditions:Eastern exposure,lakeshore environment,moderate upland slope Mitigation is required to compensate for the new overwater coverage.The existing dock is 358 square feet,and the proposed dock is 7 508 square feet.This is an increase of 150 square feet.However,the existing dock had solid decking and the proposed dock will have a fully grated ramp,and 50%functional grating on the float.To compensate,for the new overwater coverage,then,we recommend planting 75 square feet of native vegetation. Coe Common Name Scientific Name Size Size of Plant in Quantity Photo 3-5 yrs Vegetation SP Shore Pine Pinus contorta var. 5 gal 30 2 contorta X White Spirea Spirea betufolia 1 ga 2 to 5 var.lucida r O Pacific R on o en ron 5 ga 25 3 rhododendron Macrophyllum S Sala Salal Gaut eria s a on 1 ga V 5