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COM2013-00077 Cancelled Geo-Oyster Holdings Processing bldg specs - COM Inspections - 1/10/2022
CONCRETE MECHANICAL MANUFACTURED HOME Footings !Setbacks GatePl' By Ribbons Interior Date By Interior-Date By Date By F.tderiorflate By Exterior-Date B Set-up Point Load(Isolated Footings INSULATION 0ato By BG/SLAB INSULATION Date By Data By FIRE DEPARTMENT Foundation Walls Floors Date By Date By Data By DECKS FRAMING Wawa Date By Date By Data By PROPANE TANKS PLUMBING vault Date By Date By tTHE Groundwork Attic Date By Type. tj n 4 r .rrar_v Date By Date N/ By DRYWALL ` Int.Brace wall Type, �date Date By ` DateBy FINAL INSPECTION Water Line Fire Seperation �n Quite By Date By Data By m Pass or Request I nspect. Type of InSp. Fail Date Date Done Sy Comments CD CD y et rn' co fen CI 15 a JC. ✓ 7k L )c._ 7 0 it# 021 1311 06,0-]7 MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job LocationU This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been foun Items listed below must be corrected to gain compliance it 7 r GLn rt LIL '�v� li`1 1 • c. 1�,�la: ,. • ..� i �-'-� v.�e, IN , �1 I�.t.�� z'v i� et, jh Q d A ,' ri•: 1 I V•LB d� T� .�£ „h,1 Of ,a 1 ✓Va Ks+I r ` Ii �� IJ N i /�.' F�► 1 f��?/� Vv1i rt o, syt i iYVt"',i.7/7 jAJ-- 'r ���` ' i eta i't"v =G'/'� ✓� i:� �= �.✓ ( �j- ., " dGt L li'r2 3 may. ex Y iT .h 1�r-;� 'vim,-"� �'. � � �, �.���.�.� ���• ,�: 'r�. .�"'� tf':'r.�--:� J�,,zr.:;,• _ �a�_� You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ please contact our office ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection regarding possible structural ❑ OK to damage incurred by recent ❑ This is not a complete inspection "natural/man made"disasters.This is Nora Date 1—T'�� �'� Department CORRECTION NOTICE. Inspector t:..a'1,G.- • ns ,$ kJjT i rl�L VV ' THIma-k ' fq re% 2.2 Yd�o 0000 DEPARTMENT Of HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMB No. 1660-0008 FED Expiration Date:Jul Notiowl Flood insumnct Program IMPORTANT:Follow the instructions on pages 1-9. EX p y 31, 2015 SECTION A-PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Al. Building Owner's Name GEC-OYSTER HOLDINGS LLC Policy Number: A2. Buiidin Street Address(includin Apt..Unit.Suite.and/or Bldg.No.)or PO.Route and Box No. Company NAIC Number: 46650 N US HIGHWA� 101 ci y LILLIWAUP State WA ZIP Code 98555 A3, Property Description(Lot and Block Numbers.Tax Parcel Number,Legal Description.etc.) TPN:22406-53-00005, BEACON POINT RESORT LOT 5 TGW TIDELANDS A4. Building Use(e.g.,Residential,Non-Residential.Addition,Accessory,etc.)NON-RESIDENTIAL A5. Latitude/Longftude:Lat 47 rgRg4RSi Long. -1 2 qq qq Horizontal Datum: ❑NAD 1927 `NAD 1983 A6. Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the Certificate is being usec to obtain:flood insurance. A7. Building Diagram Number 1 A A8. For a building with a crawispace or enclosure(s): A9.For a building with an attached garage: a) Square footage of crawispace or enclosure(s) NA sq ft a) Square footage of attached garage NA SG ft b) Number of permanent flood openings in the crawlspace NA b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage or enclosure(s)within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade NA c) Total net area of flood openings in A8.b NA sq in c) Total net area of flood openings in A9.b NA sq in d) Engineered flood openings? ❑Yes ®No d) Engineered flood openings? ❑Yes X No SECTION B-FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(FIRM) INFORMATION E1. NFP Community Name&Community Number 62.County Name B3.State MASON COUNTY,WA 530115 MASON I WA 84. Map/Panel Number 85.Suffix B6.FIRM Index Date f Br.FIRM Panel Effective/ e Baseive/ 88.Flood Zone(s) B9. se Food Elevation() Zone Revised Date 530115 0050 C 05/17/1988 Al 9.8 N B10.Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation(BFE)data or base flood depth entered in Item 139: - ❑FIS Profile ❑FIRM ❑Communitty Determined ®Other/Source: MAP PANEL LOMA'S-SEE NOTES B11.Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item B9: ®NGVD 1929 ❑NAVD 1988 ❑Other/Source: 812.is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System(CBRS)area or Otherwise Protected Area(OPA)? El Yes ❑No Designation Date: / / ❑CBRS ❑OPA SECTION C-BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION(SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: ❑Construction Drawings{ ❑Building Under Construction* Finished Construction *A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. C2. Elevations-Zones Al-A30,AE,AM,A(with 8FE).VE.V1 V30,V(with BFE),AR,AR/A,AR/AE,AP,/A1-A30,AR/AH,AR/AO.Complete Items C2.a-h below according to the building diagram specified in Item A7.In Puerto Rico only,enter meters. Benchmark Utilized: NOAA BM TRITON HD 1878/1934 Vertical Datum: 14.53-MLLW, 12.03-NAVD 88 Indicate elevation datum used for the elevations in items a)through h)below. 2 NGVD 1929 ❑NAVD 1988 ❑Other/rSource: Datum used for building elevations must be the same as that used for the BFE. Check the measurement used. a) Top of bosom floor(including basement,crawispace,or enclosure floor) 9 . 01 5a feet ❑meters b) Top of the next higher floor ❑feet Er meters c) Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member(V%ones only) NA ❑feet ❑meters d) Attached garage(top of slab) NA . :1 feet ❑meters e) Lowest elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the building 11 01 0 feet ❑meters (Describe type of equipment and location in Comments) f) Lowest adjacent(finished)grade next to building(LAG) 8 . C4 0 feet ❑meters g) Highest adjacent(finished)grade next to building(NAG) 8 . 5 60 feet ❑meters h) Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs.including NA ❑feet ❑meters structural support SECTION D-SURVEYOR,ENGINEER,OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION 5 rat , This certification is to be signed and sealed g by a land surveyor.engineer,or architect authorized.by law to certify elevation information,.I certify that the information on this Certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data a%,aifable. n x I understand that any faise statement may be punishable by fine or'imprisonment under 18 U.S.Code,Section 100E �s r -''•, �; ❑x Check here if comments are provided on back of form. Were latitude and longitude in Section A provided by a ©Check here if attachments. licensed land surveyor? ®Yes ❑No of Certi6er's Name License Number r i GARY A.PROCTOR 35980 /a -x k Title Comparry Namei 4 c LAND SURVEYOR THORNTON LAND SURVEYING Address City Stcte ZIP Code PO BOX 249 GIG HARBOR I WA 98335 -a Signature Date Telephone E, 03/05/2015 (253)858-8106 FEMA Form 086-0-33(Revised 7/12) See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions. ELEVATION CERTIFICATE,page 2 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including ApL,Unit,Suite,and/or Bldg.No.)or PO.Route and Box No. Policy Number:- 40650 N US HIGHWAY 101 City State ZIP Code Company NAiC Number LILLIWALIP WA 98555 SECTION D—SURVEYOR,ENGINEER,OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for(1)community official.(2)insurance agent/company,and '3)building ov:re-. Comments B10:SEE AMENDMENT CASE NO'S O4-10-0790A&07-10-0350.Map/Pane(53035CO300E(Rev 04/11/2010)on the other We Is elevation v o NUVLJ. V.d per me LUMA s was used. C2.e:Power box located on side of building.See photo attachments Signature Data SECTION E-BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION(SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A(without BFE).complete Items ES-E5.if the Certificate is intended to support a LONIA or LOtMR-F request,complete Sections A,B,and C. For Items El-E4,use natural grade.if available.Check the measurement used.in Puerto Rico only,enter meters. El.Provide elevation information for the following and check the appropriate loxes to show whether the elevation is above or below,the highest adjacent grade(HAG)and the lowest adjacent grade(LAG). a)Top of bottom floor(including basement,crawispace,or enclosure)is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. b)Top of bottom floor(Including basement,crawlspace,or enclosure)is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the LAG. E2.For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A items 8 and/or 9(see pages 8-9 of Instructions), the next higher floor(elevation C2.b in the diagrams)of the building is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above a ❑below the HAG. E3.Attached garage(top of slab)is ❑feet ❑meters L-]above or ❑below the HAG. E4.Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is ❑feet ❑meters 1:3 above or ❑below the HAG. E5.Zone AO only:If no flood depth number is available,is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance?❑Yes ❑No ❑Unknown.The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F-PROPERTY OWNER(OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A,B,and E for Zone A(without a FEMAissued or community-issued BFE)or Zone AO must sign here.The statements in Sections A,B,and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. Property Owner or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name Address City State ZIP Code Signature Date Telephone Comments ❑Check here<f attachments. SECTION G-COMMUNITY INFORMATION(OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A.B.C(or Q.and G of this Elevation Certificate.Complete the applicable item(s)and sign below.Check the measurement used in Items G8-G10.in Puerto Rico only,enter meters. G1. ❑ The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor,engineer,or architect who is authorized by law to certify elevation information.(Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. ❑ A community,official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A(without a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE)or Zone AO. G3. ❑ The following information(items G4-GIO)is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number I G5.Date Permit Issued G6.Date Certificate Of Compliance/Occupancy Issued I G7. This permit has been issued for: ❑New Construction ❑Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as-built lowest floor(including basement)of the building: ❑feet ❑meters Datum G9. BFE or(in Zone AO)depth of flooding at the building site: ❑feet ❑meters Datum G10.Community's design flood elevation. ❑feet ❑meters Datum Local Official's Name Title Community Name Telephone Signature Date Comments ❑Check here if attachments. FEMA Form 086-0-33(Reyised 7/IZ) Replaces all previous edltions_ �wv��©tech �w �weer�w RECEIVED g APR 2 2 2015 ,fjeotechwaeal- Ewvirowwv.evwtat o Dra%wa0e-R.oadwau 426 W. CEDAR ST. March 30, 2015 Beacon Point Enterprises 19115 84t'Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 RE: Structural Inspection of HARFAM Shellfish Processing Plant,40560 N. US Highway 101, Lilliwaup,Washington To Whom It May Concern: Envirotech Engineering has completed multiple site inspections of the referenced project in order to evaluate structural work conforming to plan. Specifically, we inspected the footing repair on the north edge of the slab that was designed to stabilize the existing slab that is being undermined by weather and erosion. These site visits were conducted by Michael Staten, P.E., with Envirotech on October 17,and October 29, 2013. We also inspected the reinforcement steel for the foundation grade beams on November 24,2013. The repair includes compacting soil beneath the existing slab, #4 rebar epoxied a minimum of 6 inches into the existing slab, vertical #4 bars spaced 2 feet on-center, (2) horizontal #4 bars spaced at 12 inches, and a minimum of 6-inch by 18-inch concrete footing. We certified in a previous letter that the work conforms to the repair design, and has been constructed per ordinary building practices. Pacific Testing and Inspection was procured to conduct concrete testing of the foundation grade beams on November 25, 2013. PTI also inspected structural bolting and the already-constructed concrete slab-on-grade on January 29, 2015. PTI inspections included determining location of reinforcing steel in the slab using a pachometer, performing NDT of slab compressive strength using Schmidt Hammer, and testing bolting for the metal buildings. Reinforcing steel was located at 4" O.C. east-west for each slab location, and assumed to be a small-gauge wire mesh. The compressive strength of the concrete slabs ranged from 3400 psi to 5000 psi,with the majority between 4000 psi and 4400 psi. 20% of turn- of-the-nut bolting match marks were used,with no slipping or turning noted. During our testing and inspection, we found that the concrete slab-on-grade reinforcement was out of specification. Based on owner provided floor slab loads, the structural basis by the foundation engineer, Swenson, Say, Faget, and the enclosed calculations, we certify that all of our inspected work meets the intent and/or conforms to the approved plans, specifications, and po Box9g4 Bel faCr, W615hLw0t0w9s520 D f f: 360-2769374 Cell: 360-689-6045 FAX: 360-275 4789 ewvtrotech@0eoteclh wtcati w fo.com regulatory requirements. Please call Michael Staten at 360-275-9374 if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Envirotech Engineering t,CLYDE WAsyt�c�9>t� �p 43045 w� 0 IsTERti� SSf�NALti�G Michael Staten,P.E. Project Director Page 2of 2 Pacific Testing & Inspection LLC 2417 Harrison Avenue, Centralia,WA 98531 Phone (360) 736-3922 Fax (360) 807-6002 CONCRETE BREAK REPORT Report#004791 DATE CAST: November 25, 2013 CUSTOMER: Envirotech Engineering DATE RECEIVED: November 26, 2013 ATTENTION: Michael Staten PROJECT: Shellfish Processing Plant ADDRESS: PO Box 984 LOCATION: 40560 N Highway 101, Lilliwaup Belfair, WA 98528 PROJECT# 130127 PERMIT# Location of Placement: Interiw4boting Sample Location: Boom truck hose at point of placement ®Concrete(ASTM C-39) ❑ Mortar(ASTM C-109) ❑Cubes(ASTM C-1107)❑ Lt.Wt.Concrete(ASTM C-478) ❑Other: COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS Log Test Date of Total Load Sample Sample Compressive Tested No. Age Test (Lbs.) Dimensions Area Strength By Break Test (Days) In.) Sq. In.) (PSI) Type Results 13-1235 7 12/2/13 42,270 4.00 12.57 3,360 SM 5 ® Conforming 13-1236 28 12/23/13 64,110 4.00 12.57 5,100 SM 3 ❑ Nonconforming 13-1237 28 12/23/13 58,250 3.99 12.50 4,660 SM 5 13-1238 28 12/23/13 58,820 4.00 12.57 4,680 SM 3 13-1239 H REQ'D 28 4,000 FIELD OBSERVATIONS Supplier: Miles Mix#: 1240OF Contractor: Harfam LLC Qty. Placed: 22 of 70 yds. Cement: 4475 lbs. Ticket#: 158160 F.A.: 1125 lbs. ® Samples made by PTI Technician Truck#: M095 Water: 1110 lbs. Hot ® Samples Picked Up by PTI Batch Time: 08:10 Sand: 15300 lbs. Sample Time: 09:05 C. Agg.: 3540 lbs. #8 Slump(ASTM C-143): 6 1/4" C. Agg.: 15840#57 14.5 Allowable Added Water %Air(ASTM C-231): 1.0 A.E.A. Concrete Temp(ASTM C-1064): 64' Add Mix: NC534 680 oz. 0 Gallons Water Added Before Sampling Min/Max: 52o/73' Add Mix: Ambient Temp: 390 Add Mix: REMARKS: On site per customer request for concrete testing. Technician performed an air test, a slump test and took temperature readings. Technician made 5, 4"x 8"cylinders. All tests were performed to ACI standards. INSPECTOR: Scott Hamilton, Field Technician REVIEWED BY: William A. Hacker, Technical Director All results apply only to actual locations and materials tested.As a mutual protection to customers,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of customers,and authorimtion for publication of statements,conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Rev.8119109 Revision 3 Pacific Testing & Inspection LLC 2417 Harrison Avenue, Centralia, WA 98531 Phone (360) 736-3922 Fax (360) 807-6002 CONCRETE BREAK REPORT Report#004792 DATE CAST: November 25, 2013 CUSTOMER: Envirotech Engineering DATE RECEIVED: November 26, 2013 ATTENTION: Michael Staten PROJECT: Shellfish Processing Plant ADDRESS: PO Box 984 LOCATION: 40560 N Highway 101, Lilliwaup Belfair, WA 98528 PROJECT# 130127 PERMIT# Location of Placement: Interior footing Sample Location: Boom truck hose at point of placement ® Concrete(ASTM C-39) ❑Mortar(ASTM C-109) ❑Cubes(ASTM C-1107)❑Lt.Wt.Concrete(ASTM C-478) ❑ Other: COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS Log Test Date of Total Load Sample Sample Compressive Tested No. Age Test (Lbs.) Dimensions Area Strength By Break Test (Days) (In.) (Sq. In.) (PSI) Type Results 13-1240 7 12/2/13 42,700 4.00 12.57 3,400 SM 5 ® Conforming 13-1241 28 12/23/13 58,990 4.00 12.57 4,690 SM 3 ❑ Nonconforming 13-1242 28 12/23/13 56,650 4.00 12.57 4,510 SM 2 13-1243 28 12/23/13 55,760 4.00 12.57 4,440 SM 3 13-1244 H REQ'D 28 4,000 FIELD OBSERVATIONS Supplier: Miles Mix#: 1240OF Contractor: Harfam LLC Qty. Placed: 52 of 70 yds. Cement: 4995 lbs. Ticket#: 158164 F.A.: 1240 lbs. ® Samples made by PTI Technician Truck#: M079 Water: 1560 lbs. Hot ® Samples Picked Up by PTI Batch Time: 09:05 Sand: 16120 lbs. Sample Time: 10:20 C. Agg.: 3880 lbs. #8 Slump(ASTM C-143): 6 1/2" C. Agg.: 16990#57 19.0 Allowable Added Water Air(ASTM C-231): 0.9 A.E.A. Concrete Temp(ASTM c-1064): 640 Add MIX: NC534 372 oz. 0 Gallons Water Added Before Sampling Min/Max: 52'/73' Add Mix: Ambient Temp: 39' Add Mix: REMARKS: On site per customer request for concrete testing. Technician performed an air test, a slump test and took temperature readings. Technician made 5, 4"x 8"cylinders. All tests were performed to ACI standards. INSPECTOR: Scott Hamilton, Field Technician REVIEWED BY: William A. Hacker, Technical Director All results apply only to actual locations and materials tested.As a mutual protection to customers,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of customers,and authorimfion for publication of statements,conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our mitten approval. Rev.8119/09 Revision 3 Pacific Testing & inspection LLC 2417 Harrison Avenue, Centralia,WA 98531 Phone (360) 736-3922 Fax (360) 807-6002 FIELD REPORT Report#005063 DATE: January 29, 2015 CUSTOMER: Envirotech Engineering PROJECT: Shellfish Processing Plant ATTENTION: Michael Staten LOCATION: 40560 N. Highway 101, Lilliwaup ADDRESS: P.O_ Box 984 PROJECT# 130127 Belfair, WA 98528 PERMIT# Time: 8:30 Temp: o Weather: Foggy Inspection Type: Pachometer/Schmidt hammer/Torque wrench Arrived on-site for locate of ferrous metal in slab to locate reinforcing steel for slab as requested. Performed NDT of slab for compressive strength using Schmidt hammer and tested bolting for metal buildings. Located ferrous metal at 4" on center east-west for each slab section. Schmidt hammer readings ranged from 3400 PSI to 5000 PSI with majority'between 4000 and 4400 PSI (40 out of 52 readings). Tested approximately 20% of tum-of-the-nut bolting match marks used. No slipping or turning noted. To the best of my knowledge, the above was performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and regulatory requirements. INSPECTOR: Paul I obaugh, Field Technician REVIEWED BY: William A. Hacker, Technical Director All results apply only to actual locasans and materials tested As a mutual protection to—Comers,dte public and ourselves.all reports are submitted as Me confidential property of customers,and authorization nor publlcauon of statements.conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports m reserved pending our votten approval Rev 9119f09 Revision 2 Slab on Grade Analysis Slab Parameters: Area of Steel Required Length (L) 14 ft As=FLw/(2Fs) 0.013 inA2/ft Friction Factor(F) 1.5 Slab Thickness 4 in Steel provided>As Slab weight(w) 50 Ib/ft^2 Allowable Yield Stress(Fs) 40000 psi Fy 60000 psi Feb 09 15 03:42p Pacific Testing 360 807-6002 p.1 6w - 0 Pacific Testing & inspection LLC 2417 Harrison Avenue, Centralia,WA 98531 Phone (360) 736-3922 iax (360) 807-6002 FIELD REPORT Report#005063 DATE: January 29, 2015 CUSTOMER: Envirotech Engineering PROJECT: Shellfish Processing Plant ATTENTION: Michael Staten LOCATION: 40560 N. Highway 101, Lilliwaup ADDRESS: P.O. Box 984 PROJECT # 130127 I Belfair, WA 98528 PERMIT# I i Time: 8:30 Temp: Weather: Foggy Inspection Type: Pachometer/Schmidt hammer/Torque wrench Arrived on-site for locate of ferrous metal in slab to locate reinforcing steel for slab as requested, Performed NDT of slab for compressive strength using Schmidt hammer and tested bolting for metal buildings. I Located ferrous metal at 4" on center east-west for each. slab section. i Schmidt hammer readings ranged from 3400 PSI to 500.0 PSI with majority between 4000 and 4400 PSI (40 out of 52 readings). _ I Tested approximately 20% of turn-of-the-nut bolting match marks used. No slipping or turning noted. I To the best of my knowledge, the above was performedlin accordance with the approved plans, specifications and regulatory requirements. - I _ I I I _ I I r I i - I i i I I ".P11113PECTOR: Paul Lobaugh, Field Technician REVIEWED BY: William A. Hacker, Technical DirectoA i aM minks airly nnyio-c 11-1—�,tr mNrwlaie•,1M An nrnruM rx,[n,t to-udIherdA.—dn —K—,.d'tpwli r d.,t.A pi overly a cuytoiw -d..i -b.,r�.uuLliczliwr u'aldaneuW.wnuY:airis ut cxvmb Yw er rog—Imp our wA is,eswlid pendrtg our'. nn approval. P.or.EI19A7 N avrsan 2 MASON COUNTY DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT inspection Line (jbu)4zt-izbz Phone: (360)427-9670, ext. 352 Mason County Bldg. 3 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, WA 98584 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT COM2013-00077 OWNER: GEO-OYSTER HOLDINGS LLC RECEIVED: 7/9/2013 CONTRACTOR: LICENSE: EXP: �n ISSUED: 10/28/2011: SITE ADDRESS: 40560 N US HIGHWAY 101 LILLIWAUP n �(' t ` 1U{ EXPIRES: 4/28/2014 PARCEL NUMBER: 224065300005 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEACON POINT RESORT BLK: LOT: 5 &T/L'S VVV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DIRECTIONS TO SITE: BUILD NEW STEEL COMMERCIAL BLDG FOR OYSTER FOLLOW US HIGHWAY 101 NORTH TO SITE ADDRESS ON THE RIGHT PROCESSING SIDE General Information Construction&Occupancy Information No. of Units: Type of Constr.: IIB Type of Use: OYSTER PROCEE Insp.Area: No. of Bathrooms: 3 Occ. Group: F-2 Type of Work: NEW Fire Dist.: 17 No. of Stories: 1 Exit Design. Load: Valuation: $ 283,380.75 Building Height: 26 Pre-Manufactured Unit Information Square Footage Information Make: Length: Lot Size: Mezz: 962 Model: Width: Building: 3,848 Year: Serial No.: Basement: Parking Spaces: Setback Information Shoreline& Planning Information Front: W 60.00 Ft. Shoreline: 2.00 Ft. Rear: E 2.00 Ft. Slope: Ft. Water Body:HOOD CANAL Shoreline Desig.: Urban Side 1: N 17.30 Ft. SEPA?:Yes Comp. Plan Desig.: Rural Side 2: S 60.00 Ft. Fire Protection System Information Auto Fire Alarm System?: Emergency Key Box?: Standpipe?: Auto Fire Sprinkler System?: Access Road?: Fire Extinguishers?: Fixed Fire Suppression System?: Fire Hydrants?: Fire Lanes?: COM2013-00077 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 1 of 10 Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Fixtures rtts Type Qty. Type Qty. Type By Date Amount Receipt HOseblbs 10 Ventilation Fan 3 Plan Check Fee rnnnn 7/ann1A 1;1 Alr,7n g19n1Ann Lavatories 3 IFC Plan Check Fee rnnnn 7m/9n1A RRF7 A; C19n1Ann Showers 1 Planning Review Fee rnnnn 7/9/9n1A vin nn g19n1Ann Water Closets (Toilets) 3 Fire Warden Review rnnnn 7/cl/9n1A .7A nn S19n1Ann Water Heaters 1 Planning Stormwater Rev (-,nnnn 7/Q/9n1A o9F5 nn S19n1Ann EH Plan Review KKK 7XIM13 _-t1nA nn SR9niAnn Non-Res. Energy Code ni r. 1n/9t/9n1 ?1R9 rn g19niAnn Mechanical Permit Fee I Ain/ 1n/9.5/9n1 T.97 nn C19n1Ann Mechanical Base Fee I AIN 1n/9F/9n1 09A Fn R19n1inn Plumbing Permit Fee I AIn/ 1n/9F/9n1 ,tR1 An S19n1Ann Plumbing Base Fee I AAA/ 1n/95/9n1 R9d 7n g19n1Ann Building State Fee I AIn/ 1n/9F/9n1 as Fn R19n1Ann Building Permit Fee I AtN 1n/96P9n1 09 me 1'; G19nimn Total $5,107.70 CASE NOTES FOR COM2013-00077 CONDITIONS FOR COM2013-00077 1) TH OU N SYSTEM SHALL BE PLACED ON UNDISTURBED, FIRM-NATIVE SOIL. 1 X 2) CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED AS REQUIRED PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THE ADOPTED BUILDING CODE. The construction of the permitted project is subject to inspections by the Mason County Building Department. All construction must be in conformance with the international codes as amended and adopted by Mason County. Any corrections, changes or alterations required by a M o ullding Inspector shall be made prior to requesting additional inspections. X ..� / 3) All property lines shall be clearly identified at the time of foundation inspection. X(—� 4) The approved site plan is required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If inspection is called for and the site plan is not on site, Approval WILL NOT be granted. In addition, a reinspection fee, based on the current fee schedule, minimum one-hour will be charged and collected by the Mason CouBui�n e artment prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. X COM2013-00077 Page 2 of 10 5) All approved plans are required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If inspection is called for and plans are not on site, Approval WILL NU I be granted. In addition, a reinspection fee, based on the current fee schedule, minimum one-hour ill be cat ar and collected by the Mason County Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. X ___. y 6) Owner//Age�sponsible to post the assigned address and/or purchase and post private road signs in accordance with Mason County Title 14.2$/ X �f 7) An NFPA 72 fire a,Jqrm system is required to be installed, the system is required to be fully monitored by a UL certified monitoring company. A sepa le pP,f plication is required to be submitted an approved prior to the installation of the system. X (� 2A10BC fire extinguishers are required to be installed throughout the building with a maximum travel distance of 75 feet in any direction mounted Xmor elan 6Q inc above the floor to the top of the unit with at least one on every level. A knox box is required to be installed per section 506 of the 2012 International Fire code. Please contact the local fire district for more information an inspections. X 8) Contractor registration laws are governed under RCW 18.27 and enforced by the WA State Dept of Labor and Industries, Contractor Compliance Division. There are potential risks and monetary liabilities to the homeowner for using an unregistered contractor. Further information can be obtained at 1-800-6 98 erson signing this condition is either the homeowner, agent for the owner or a registered contractor according to WA state law. X 9) All building permits shall have a final inspection performed and approved by the Mason County Building Department prior to permit expiration. The failure to request a final inspection or to obtain approval will be documented in the legal property records on file with Mason County as being non- � Mason County ordinances and building regulations. X 10) All permits expire 180 days after permit issuance, or 180 days after the last inspection activity is performed. The Building Official may extend the time for action for a period not exceeding 180 days, upon the receipt of a written extension request indicating that circumstances beyond the control of the�permi h�have prevented action from being taken. No more than one extension may be granted. X 11) PER TITLE 14 MASON COUNTY BUILDING CODE - CHAPTER 14.17, STANDARDS FOR FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS - 14.17.110: Afire apparatus access road in excess of 14% grade and more than 150' to new residential or commercial structures will require an automatic fire sprinkler system installed. Contact the Mason County Fire Marshal at(360) 427-9670, extension 352, for further information. x 12) App7?�� sions and setbacks on submitted site plan. Setbacks are measured from the furthest projection of the structure. X 13) Any changes in construction shall be reviewed by engineer of record and submitted in writing to the Mason County Building Department prior to construction. All engineering documents are a part of the approved set of plans and must remain attached thereto. If engineering documents are removed, approval ill not be granted. In addition, a reinspection fee, based on the current fee schedule, minimum one-hour will be charged and colle to by on County Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. X COM2013-00077 Page 3 of 10 15) Hearing Examiner Conditions Revised per Settlement Agreement 1. The vegetation enhancement recommended in the habitat management plan plus 500 square feet shall be installed prior to final inspection. The enhanced area shall be monitored (and maintained), per the Habitat Management Plan, for at least 3 years. The information gathered shall be sub ' d i n al report to the Department of Community Development. X 2. The northeast most 11 feet of the concrete slab shall be demolished to allow at least 12 feet of unpaved ground between the fence and the pavement for planting with trees and large shrubs. A portion of the concrete adjacent to the shoreline maybe left if structurally necessary to maintain the integrity of the bulkhead. The unpaved buffer(30 by 12 feet) shall be enhanced with suitable soil medium of suitable depth to support native trees and shrubs, which shall be planted 12 feet and 6 feet on center, respectively. This will result in at least 3 trees and 10 shrubs. The treesll b�t 3 years old, and the shrubs shall be at least two gallon in size. X ---- 3. Outdoor lighting shall be directed and/or shielded in a manner to prevent nuisance illumination and glare to neighboring residents. Any install ion o> u d5or lighting shall be subject to the prior approval of staff based upon application of this condition. X (� 4. The property owner shall limit the hours of operation of the facility (not applicable to any legal/permitted harvesting of shellfish that have been grown from seed at this site's beach) to the hours of 7 AM to 7 PM from September 1st to April 30th. From May 1st though August 31st, hours of operation (not applicable to any legal/permitted harvesting of shellfish that have been grown from seed at this site's beach) shall be limited to the hours of 8AM to 6PM; provided, however, such hours may be extended to 7AM to 7PM upon advance notice given to the neighbors. During low tides in winter months, the property owner may allow up to five employees on the beach after 7PM upon advance notice to the President of Beacon point Resort homeowners Association; provided, however, that such employees shall avoid shining lights from the beach in the direction of neighboring residences and shall conduct gathering activities in a manner that avoids any load noises of a nature that might unreasonably disturb neighboring residences. The allowed hours of operation apply to the use of boats and vehicles at the property. The operation shall be limited to no more that fifteen (15) trucks per week and no more that four(4) trucks per day for trucks between 14,001 and 55,000 pounds gross vehicle weight. For any truck over 55,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, such trucks shall be used only after notice to and permission from the President of the Beacon Point Resort homeo er ,s di tion. These limitations on truck access shall not apply during the construction of the facility. X 5. The use of water and the septic loads shall be reviewed and approved by the County Environmental Health Department. Fresh water from the comrryunity water system shall not be used to clean oysters. X ( — 6. Th over�3i h arking of vehicles shall be limited to the parking areas indicated on an approved site plan. X � - 7. Outdoor compressors and other noise generating equipment located outside the facility building (or on the roof) shall be located on the southw��t sides building. X (� 8. FinaVoce ;including shucking), freezing, or retail sales shall not occur at this site. X ' 2 - 9. The building design shall meet the requirements per the Mason County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance's "General Standards" (Subpart 5.1) d per the s ry Structures" (Subpart 5.2). X (� COM2013-00077 Page 5 of 10 10. Wet storage ba and the rocks that anchor them shall not be placed on the property in any manner that unreasonably interferes with navigat'7L(�_ X (( 11. Prior to installation of an oyster washer, the WA Department of Health and/or the Mason County Department of Health shall verify that the proposed discharge of the"used"water is consistent with applicable water quality and septic standards. Staff shall also investigate and mitigate as reasonably necessary the issue of whether the facility operations will generate any unreasonable odor. At the least, staffs investigation will consist of investigating whether similar operations at other sites have generated any odors and/or establishing a two year monitoring program where staff visit the site at least once per year to monitor odor levels from facility operations. The property owner shall pay for any costs reasonably incurred by&j,&nL,�,Lgwith the odor conditions. X 12. No more than five persons may work on aquaculture activities in outdoor areas of the subject parcel at any one time. Staff may increase this number on a permanent or temporary basis to the extent that the applicant is able to demonstrate that a greater number will not unreasonably adverplly affc n hboring properties. 13. Bags used to wet-store oysters on the tidelands shall be unison in color and shall be dark in color, such as browns, tans, cream and dark green. Ba s ave colored tags no larger than the size of a standard business card (2"X 3.5") attached for sorting purposes. X 14. E ipm n , uctures and materials shall not be abandoned in shoreline or wetland area. X - 15. The facility builpng shall be set back at least 2 feet from the wall of the bulkhead. Such setback shall be measured from the exterior wall of the uildi b 7to ti' AS � wall of the bulkhead. 16. Th�uildi not shall not exceed 3,850 square feet plus an allowance for two feet of roof eves. X // ?gg, P� q 16) Wate lity i n o be degraded to the detriment of the aquatic environment as a result of this project. X 17) The proposed project must be consistent witha.11 a I' le policies and other provisions of the Shoreline Management Act, its rules, and the Mason County Shoreline Master Program.X� 18) First habitable floor must be elevated at least 2 feet above surrounding grad n certificate must be completed certifying the distance of the as-built first floor to the highest adjacent grade prior to final inspection. X_ 19) Application acknowledges that the structure is only permitted for a use consistent with the current zoning of the parcel. Zoning is Rural Residential- 5. X 20) ALL SURFACE WATER AND POTENTIAL RUNOFF WILL BE CONTROLLED ON SITE AND SHALL NOT ADVERSLY AFFECT ANY ADJACENT PROPERTIES NOR INCREASE THE VELOCITY FLOW ENTERING OR ABUTTING TO ANY STATE OR COUNTY CULVERTING/DITCHING SYS OAY. X COM2013-00077 Page 6 of 10 22) 1 his project is approved for compliance to the 2U12 international Lnergy conservation Loaei vvasnington State tnergy uooe �itUL;ivv'-jtU); components shall be installed as follows: ENVELOPE: Prescriptive Using Table C402.2 Roof: Metal building with R3.5 thermal blocks, R-11 liner system PLUS R25 continuous non-compressed insulation Wall insulation min R13 continuous insulation + R-13 wall insulation or better, Slab insulation R-10 or better installed in around the entire perimeter from the top of the slab edge to the bottom of the footing. Fenestration including doors and windows, including store door(s) shall have a U-Factor as follows-fixed/non operable windows .38 and operable windows U-0.40or less, entrance doors U0.60 or less and skylights U-0.50 or less. Solar heat gain coefficient(SHGC) 0.40 or better except skylights SHGC 0.35 or better. OTHER DOORS: Other than entry doors U-0.37 or less and roll-up or sliding doors min. R-4.75. DEFERRED SUBMITTAL IS APPROVED FOR ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS and the MECHANICAL SYSTEM. COMPLIANCE INFORMATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND APPROVAL OBTAINED BEFORE THE FRAMING INSPECTION. THE FRAMING INSPECTION WILL NOT BE APPROVED UNTIL DEFERRED SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS ARE APPROVED AND ISSUED BY THE MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT. LIGHTING: DEFERRED SUBMITTAL Total interior lighting shall not exceed 4637 watts, or provide a design calculation demonstrating compliance to IECC/WSEC C405. Lamp wattage shall be calculated using the lamp and ballast or for incandescent fixtures, using the maximum labeled wattage allowed and is approved as follows: Provide a lighting plan showing the layout of all lights and controls along with a schedule that identifies the wattage for ballast and lamps. The plan and information shall be submitted to the Mason County Building Department for review and approval prior to the framing inspection. All daylight zones shall be provided separate control in accordance with IECCWSEC. Automatic daylight sensing controls shall be capable of reducing light out put, that control luminaires only within the day lighted area, shall be clearly identified. Switches shall be equipped with separate automatic controls to shut off the lighting in all spaces during unoccupied hours. Occupancy sensors shall be capable of automatically turning off all lights in an area in accordance with IECC/WSEC. Exterior lighting shall not exceed 750 watts or provide a design calculation demonstrating compliance to IECC/WSEC C405 or as otherwise allowed in the IECC/WSEC. A lighting plan and summary shall be submitted to the Mason County Building Dept. for review and approval prior to the framing inspection. MECHANICAL SYSTEM: DEFERRED SUBMITTAL A mechanical plan was not included with the plans submitted for approval. Deferred submittal shall include compliance forms attached to the approved construction plans, details and information about equipment and system, along with plans demonstrating compliance to IECC/WSEC C403. Mechanical systems and equipment serving heating, cooling, ventilating, and other needs with Section C403.2 and either C403.3 or C403.4. Walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers shall comply with C403.5. Refrigerated warehouse coolers and refrigerated warehouse freezers shall comply with C403.6. COM2013-00077 Page 8 of 10 This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, or if construction or work is suspended for a period of 180 days at any time after work is commenced. Evidence of continuation of work is a progress inspection within the 180 day period. Final inspection must be approved before building can be occupied. Proof of continuation of work is by means of a progress inspection.The owner or the agent on the owners behalf, represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of son County cess to th above described property and structure for review and inspection. OWNER OR AGENT: DATE: L �� vv 7.. COM2013-00077 Page 9 of 10 RECEIVED APR 2 2 2015 -. Structural Calculations For: 426 V'1. CEDM ST RECEIVED Aug 2 3 2013 HARFAM - 426 W. CEDAR ST. Shellfish Processing Plant � r ;? ., L� 40560 N HWY 101 U ��i Lilliwaup, WA 98555 Prepared for: Design Scales LLC August 14, 2013 ,r �10NAL�d MSWENSON SAY FAGET 2124 Third Avenue. Ste.loo Seattle, WA 98121 T 2o6.443. 6212 F 2o6.443.4870 r- K 3 � ,3 (�4 7CA KEN �LPtnl('_ .•. lo' �a� . . rP .. .� Z 2'-0"dp (12) 1/4 x C1 ®6"o� �oT # 4Dg95 Pr42fc 4ue � I �RDS Qvovi mp BH i I I SLAB-ON-GRADE, Sal't.prNy DF$q i 1 3� 0 « I I PER NOTE 1 i ! I SLAB-ON-GRADE, - —GYP--- i (4) #6 CONT. TOP I TT T[Pi�t.t}1- Of I I BOT. 6 I I I .41 1 3'-0° 1-- 'dp I 1—--2'-0"dp I I 4 x�1 ®24"oc'N.O. 1'-6"d GF V£S►4N , ,c I I �- I I U. I I I p I ,5 1 1 I i i� '-6"d --I CaE 8N iM-1 I s 0 1 I a i p .�/ �J CONT. TOP j ,'� ..UNT. TOP I CO.�sT+it.PRE i f �•:— CONT. B—Ol4) 3-0 I 1"—6„dp ! I I #4 x 0 12°0c I I 1( #4 x 12'bc I I I I 1 I� I I I I I IGRADE BEAM REINF. I 2/S3,3 ( I 1 PER CALLOUTS I 1 uSP�o r %A-SE V If I I I I I I @ GRID �I >`pN i v l y- I i( 1 1 1 typ, , I I ! I 49"q-ten^ I( .1 f I I 1_ '�'S I i!! b Q I I o I iI ® I 4 ! o I 3 53.4y6 AETE—V BULKHE �Estyv. 1; IL I I --I— D ii. ...I N iye►ca�OF I�,roe BNl#I Gi-� > >i z cf r&w 0^ 2. G�SK*1, Foundation Plan Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Protect rue: Scale: ly J. S Dote SSF project no. Shellfish Processing Plant opw •� August 10,2D13 2109-2013-02 fr�I 40560 N Hwy 101 Design SWENSON SAY FAGET 9 Design Scales uC Uwwoup,WA 90555 Roy Designer. Drown Sheet A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3600 E Marginal Way S.51e.25 Sheet Idle: " Third Avenue-Suite too-Seattle,WA 98121 Seattle,WA 98134 30 ♦ RWG ph:2o6.g43.6212 fax:2o6.443.487o Foundation Plan D L ��� S2.1 e0�5�s�Q N1.�cltitu� pkl3ewnrsi.E' �ssv�� _ ._�- I 1 - 3a:8/sus zg.�K�oK 29.3 'OK 7 . T B_ l 1 r � -s7 < 1 , 1 r - -.._..._.-.-_.__..t-- .- -._... .. .. _ _ --._• _•- - - ---_- i WProject Date RSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Proj.No. Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue•Suite 100•Seattle•WA•98121 Tel:206.443.6212 Fax 206.443.4870 Design Tacoma: 934 Broadway•Suite 100•Tacoma•WA•98402 Tel: 253.284.9470 Fax.253.284.9471 Sheet - PAID E 1. _V 1p ye- -- — — , 7, • � I LAa Project Date RSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Pr°�.N°' Seattte. 2124 Third Avenue•Suite 100,Seattle•WA•98121 Tel:206.443.6212 Fax 206.443.4870 Design Tacoma: 934 Broadway•Suite 100•Tacoma.WA•98402 Tel: 253.284.9470 Fax 253.284.9471 Sheet -7 CHr�:_K Fold S c.I _ - I I .117 rK , K , is ss _z x , : i . --- - r�;�,� --- - - - -- - - - b i P SS t� ��S ESAMc. 4_:._. 41 t w✓ ..,Fic!G "Lt,�1�_! - WAN s Project pate MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Proj,No, Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue•Suite 100,Seattle•WA•98121 Tak 206.443.6212 Fax, 206.443.4870 Design Tacoma: 934 Broadway•Suite 100,Tacoma•WA•98402 V: 253.284.9470 Fax:253.284.9471 Sheet CRITERIA 1.ALL MATERIALS, WORKMANSHIP, DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE 6.ALL STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS WHICH, ARE TO BE COMPOSED OF COMPONENTS TO BE FIELD DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (2012 ERECTED SHALL BE SUPERVISED BY THE SUPPLIER DURING MANUFACTURING, DELIVERY, EDITION). HANDLING, STORAGE AND ERECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS PREPARED BY THE SUPPLIER. 2.DESIGN LOADING CRITERIA: FLOOR LIVE LOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 PSF ENVIRONMENTAL LOADS QUALITY ASSURANCE SNOW . . . . . . . . . . . CE=1.0, 1S=1.0, CT=].1, PG=25 PSF, PF=20 PSF EARTHQUAKE . . . . . . . . SITE CLASS=E, SS=1.462, SDS=O.877, S]=0.702, 7.SPECIAL INSPECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT SDI=1.123 SPECIFICATIONS AND SECTIONS 110 AND 1704 OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE BY A QUALIFIED TESTING AGENCY DESIGNATED BY THE ARCHITECT, AND RETAINED BY SEE STEEL FABRICATOR PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL LOADING CRITERIA THE BUILDING OWNER. THE ARCHITECT, STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH COPIES OF ALL INSPECTION AND TEST RESULTS. SPECIAL INSPECTION OF THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION 3.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND THE METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES OR PROCEDURES REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE CONTRACTORS STRUCTURAL STEEL FABRICATION AND ERECTION PER TABLE 1705.2.1 WORK. THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER HAS NO OVERALL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY OR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION PER TABLE 1705.3 ACTUAL AND/OR DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SPECIFIC WORKING CONDITIONS AT EXPANSION BOLTS AND THREADED EXPANSION INSERTS PER MANUFACTURER THE SITE AND/OR FOR ANY HAZARDS RESULTING FROM THE ACTIONS OF ANY TRADE EPDXY GROUTED INSTALLATIONS PER MANUFACTURER CONTRACTOR. THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER HAS NO DUTY TO INSPECT, SUPERVISE, NOTE, CORRECT, OR REPORT ANY HEALTH OR SAFETY DEFICIENCIES TO THE OWNER, CONTRACTORS, OR OTHER ENTITIES OR PERSONS AT THE PROJECT SITE. GEOTECHNICAL 4.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACING FOR THE STRUCTURE AND STRUCTURAL FOUNDATION NOTES: SUBGRADE PREPARATION INCLUDING DRAINAGE, EXCAVATION,8. COMPONENTS UNTIL ALL FINAL CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS. CONFORM TO ASCE 37-02 "DESIGN LOADS ON STRUCTURES DURING COMPACTION, AND FILLING REQUIREMENTS, SHALL CONFORM STRICTLY WITH RECOMMENDATIONS GIVEN IN THE SOILS REPORT OR AS DIRECTED BY THE SOILS CONSTRUCTION'. ENGINEER. FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR ON SOLID UNDISTURBED EARTH AT LEAST 18` BELOW 5.DRAWINGS INDICATE GENERAL AND TYPICAL DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION. WHERE LOWEST ADJACENT FINISHED GRADE. FOOTING DEPTHS/ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS CONDITIONS ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY INDICATED BUT ARE OF SIMILAR CHARACTER TO (OR IN DETAILS) ARE MINIMUM AND FOR GUIDANCE ONLY; THE ACTUAL ELEVATIONS OF DETAILS SHOWN, SIMILAR DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE USED, SUBJECT TO FOOTINGS MUST BE ESTABLISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN THE FIELD WORKING WITH REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE ARCHITECT AND THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. ALL THE TESTING LAB AND SOILS ENGINEER. BACKFILL BEHIND ALL RETAINING WALLS TYPICAL AND NOTES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS SHALL APPLY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. WITH FREE DRAINING GRANULAR FILL AND PROVIDE FOR SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE AS TYPICAL DETAILS MAY NOT NECESSARILY BE INDICATED ON THE PLANS BUT SHALL NOTED IN THE SOILS REPORT. STILL APPLY AS SHOWN OR DESCRIBED IN THE DETAILS. WHERE TYPICAL DETAILS ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE . 1500 PSF ARE NOTED ON THE PLANS, THE SPECIFIED TYPICAL DETAIL SHALL BE USED. WHERE NO TYPICAL DETAIL IS NOTED, IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO SOILS REPORT REFERENCE: BEACON POINT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, BY ENVIROTECH CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE TYPICAL DETAIL FROM THOSE PROVIDED. THE CONTRACTOR ENGINEERING SHALL SUBMIT ALL PROPOSED ALTERNATE-TYPICAL DETAILS TO THOSE PROVIDED WITH RELATED CALCULATIONS TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO SHOP DRAWING PRODUCTION AND FIELD USE. Project rue: HARFAM J' 3q August 10,201J DateS2 project 3 PM 40560 N Hwy 101 Design ,G Shellfish Processing Plant Au rrt:l • IJl6woup,WA 98555 'L BDIA SWENSON SAY FAGET Designer: Design Scales LLC Drawn Sheol A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3600 E Marginal Way S,Ste.25 Sheol lillo: 3000 RWC :eeq Third Avenue-Suits iso-Seattle,WA 911— Seattle,WA 98134 443.6212 fax:205-443487o General Structural Notes o ph::o6. '�ff7oN CONCRETE 9.CONCRETE SHALL BE MIXED, PROPORTIONED, CONVEYED AND PLACED IN ACCORDANCE 14. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE: SEE ARCHITECTURAL AND STEEL FABRICATOR DRAWINGS WITH IBC SECTION 1904 AND ACI 301, INCLUDING TESTING PROCEDURES. CONCRETE FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF DOOR AND WINDOW OPENINGS IN ALL SHALL ATTAIN A 28-DAY STRENGTH OF F'C = 4,000 PSI AND MIX SHALL CONTAIN NOT CONCRETE WALLS. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR SIZE AND LOCATION OF LESS THAN 5-1/2 SACKS OF CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD AND SHALL BE PROPORTIONED TO MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL OPENINGS THROUGH CONCRETE WALLS. SEE PRODUCE A SLUMP OF 5" OR LESS. REQUIRED CONCRETE STRENGTH IS BASED ON IBC ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ALL GROOVES, NOTCHES, CHAMFERS, FEATURE STRIPS, WEATHER EXPOSURE. MAXIMUM WATER TO CEMENT RATIO FOR INTERIOR SLABS IS 0.44. COLOR, TEXTURE, AND OTHER FINISH DETAILS AT ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE SURFACES, BOTH CAST-IN-PLACE AND PRECAST. 10. ALL CONCRETE WITH SURFACES EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR STANDING WATER SHALL BE 15. NON-SHRINK GROUT SHALL BE FURNISHED BY AN APPROVED MANUFACTURER AND SHALL AIR-ENTRAINED WITH AN AIR-ENTRAINING AGENT CONFORMING TO ASTM C260, C494, BE MIXED AND PLACED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED AND C618. TOTAL AIR CONTENT FOR FROST-RESISTANT CONCRETE SHALL BE IN RECOMMENDATIONS. GROUT STRENGTH SHALL BE AT LEAST EQUAL TO THE MATERIAL ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE ACI 318 TABLE 4.2.1 MODERATE EXPOSURE, F1, ON WHICH IT IS PLACED (3000 PSI MINIMUM). 11. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615 (INCLUDING SUPPLEMENT S1), ANCHORAGE GRADE 60, FY = 60,000 PSI. EXCEPTIONS:' ANY BARS SPECIFICALLY SO NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE GRADE 40, FY = 40,000 PSI. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL 16. EXPANSION BOLTS INTO CONCRETE AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS SHALL BE "KWIK CONFORM TO ASTM A-185, SPIRAL REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE DEFORMED WIRE BOLT TZ" AS MANUFACTURED BY THE HILTI CORP., INSTALLED 1N STRICT ACCORDANCE CONFORMING TO ASTM A615, GRADE 60, FY = 60,000 PSI. WITH ICC—ES REPORT NO. ESR-1917, INCLUDING MINIMUM EMBEDMENT REQUIREMENTS. BOLTS INTO CONCRETE MASONRY OR BRICK MASONRY UNITS SHALL BE INTO FULLY GROUTED CELLS. SUBSTITUTES PROPOSED BY CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR 12. DETAILING OF REINFORCING STEEL (INCLUDING HOOKS AND BENDS) SHALL BE IN REVIEW WITH ]CC REPORTS INDICATING EQUIVALENT OR GREATER LOAD CAPACITIES, ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 315-99 AND 318-08. LAP ALL REINFORCEMENTS 1N SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL EXPANSION BOLT INSTALLATION. ACCORDANCE WITH "THE REINFORCING SPLICE AND DEVELOPMENT LENGTH SCHEDULE." PROVIDE CORNER BARS AT ALL WALL AND FOOTING INTERSECTIONS. 17. EPDXY-GROUTED ITEMS (THREADED RODS OR REINFORCING BAR) SPECIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED USING "HIT RE 500-SD" AS MANUFACTURED BY HILT] NO BARS PARTIALLY EMBEDDED IN HARDENED CONCRETE SHALL BE FIELD BENT UNLESS CORP. INSTALL IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH ICC-ES REPORT NO. ESR-2322. SPECIAL SPECIFICALLY SO DETAILED OR APPROVED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. INSPECTION OF INSTALLATION IS REQUIRED. RODS SHALL BE ASTM A-36 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 13. CONCRETE PROTECTION (COVER) FOR REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: FOOTINGS AND OTHER UNFORMED SURFACES CAST AGAINST AND PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO EARTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3„ FORMED SURFACES EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER (#6 BARS OR LARGER). . . . . 2" FORMED SURFACES EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER (#5 BARS OR SMALLER) . . 1-1/2" COLUMN TIES OR SPIRALS AND BEAM STIRRUPS . . . . . . , . . . . 1-1/2" SLABS AND WALLS (INT. FACE). . . .GREATER OF BAR DIAMETER PLUS 1/8' OR 3/4" Project Title: HARFAM 1y J. S Date SSF project I Shellfish Processing Plant August 10,2013 2109-2013• 40560 N Hwy 101 Design LIIIIwoup,WA 98555 1' BDM SWENSON SAY FAGET Designer: Design Scales LLC Drawn Sheet A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3600 E Marginal Way S.Ste.25 Sheet Title: 3D00 IiWO aa4 Third Avenue-SuRa mo-Seattle,WA 90121 Seattle,WA 98134 General Structural Notes o ph:ao6.443.6n fee:ae6.443.487o '�sIOly 4` S1 .2 i 1 2 3 4 5 1/S3.3 Plan Notes T ._. -r I A 1. PROVIDE 4" TOPPING SLAB REINFORCED ; I 2'—D"dp 1 :' I I I I I I WITH #3 ®16"oc EACH WAY® I I I I I (12) 04 x ®6"oc I I I MID—DEPTH. PROVIDE CONTROL JOINTS j I • I I I ^ I I I PER i/53.1. .I•' I I j j SLAB—ON—GRADE, I I I 2. PROVIDE CORNER REINFORCEMENT IN 1 !.. I _G PER NOTE GRADE BEAMS AND DOWN—TURNED SLAB I I I I I EDGES PER 2/S3.1. I I I (E) SLAB—ON—GRADE,Tw 1 I I I B 3. PROVIDE REINFORCING LAP AND SPLICE �— I I I (4) #6 CONT. TOP & I LENGTHS PER 1/S3.2 - I I BOT. I I I I I I I I 13,_6e I I I I 3'—D" I 3_O• I I #4 x LJ ®24"oc, F_2'-0"dp I t--2'-0"dp I U.N.O. I 1'-6"dp I ; I I I I I 1'-6"dp--I (5) #6 CONT. TOP I (5) #6 CONT, TOP -l &BOT_.._.—. -:'--I :. I &BOT 1 1 3-0" I I I L __I —6 d I I r— _ ' O p I I ^ 1 #4 x ®12,60' j I j 04 x U®12"oc I I I I I I I I I L--GRADE BEAM REINF. I PER CALLOUTS 1 ; typ. I i ®GRID(a)-^ I 1 I I I I I I a I I I j (12) #4 x U 6-6'QF j (12) #4 x ®6"oc 1 1 (12) #4 x C7®6"oc 1 �I/S3.4 j (E)CONCRETE I I I I I typ. I BULKHEAD �i Foundation Plan Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0' Project Tire: HARFAM J. +S Date SSF project i ,� Shellfish Processing Plant `q.�. August 10,2013 2109-2013- r'"'1 r��,�1 40560 N Hwy 101 Design Lllliwaup,WA 98555 Zt ODM SWENSON SAY FAGET Designer: Design Scales LLC Drawn Sheel A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3600 E Marginal Way S.Ste.25 sheet-rifle: '30011 S1r4 Third Avenue-Suite ioo-Seattle,WA gout Searle.WA 98134 O RWC ph:to6.443.6xu tax:io6.443.4a7o Foundation Plan sss�D� S 2.1 ee SECOND POUR , FIRST POUR SEE PLAN FOR SLAB 1/8" x 11/2' PRE—MOLDED SEE PLAN FOR SLAB BURKE "KEYKOLD" JOINT. THICKNESS AND CONT. MASTIC JOINT STRIP. THICKNESS AND STOP REINF. 1" CLEAR REINFORCING (typ.) (joint may be saw cut at REINFORCING (typ.) OF JOINT EACH SIDE contractors option) �i� ti1 "�v�.�i�15 PROVIDE CONTROL OR CONSTRUCTION JOINTS IN SLABS ON GRADE TO BREAK UP SLAB INTO RECTANGULAR AREAS Control Joint OF 225 SQUARE FEET OR LESS. AREAS Construction Joint TO BE APPROX. SQUARE AND HAVE NO ACUTE ANGLES. JOINT LOCATIONS TO BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT. Typical Slab Joints (2"1 CORNER BARS: 36 GRADE BEAM Typical Corner Bars at Grade Beams 2 Project Title: HARFAM � J. S. Dole ssr project i Shellfish Processing Plant August 10,2013 2109-2013. i•;1 40560 N Hwy 101 1 Design SWENSON SAY FAGET Designer: Design Scales LLC L116woup.WA 90555 _ 0DM A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3600 E Marginal Way S,Ste.25 Drawn Sheel a 4Third Avenue-Suit.iao-5eettle.WA 98— Seattle.WA 95134 Sheet Title: _ 3000 RING Ph:ao6.443.6-U fax:�o6.443.487o Concrete Details Off, -- S 3.1 Reinforcing Splice and Development Length Schedule Forfc=4000 psi,Grade 60 Reinforcing Minimum Embedment Lengths (Ldh) 1 inimum Straight Development Length (1d) 11 Minimum Lap Splice Lengths (es) 111 For Standard End Hooks Bar Size Top Bars Other Bars Bar Size Top Bars Other Bars Bar Size Length #3 18' 14" #3 24" 18" #3 6" #4 25" 19" #4 32" 25" #4 7" #5 31" 24" #5 40' 31" #5 8" #6 37" 28" #6 46" 37" #6 10" #7 54" 42" #7 70' 54" #7 12" #8 62" 47" #8 80' 62" #8 13" #9 70" 54" #9 90" 70' #9 15" #10 78" 6D" #10 102' 78" #10 17" #11 87" 67" #11 113" 87" #11 19" TOP BARS ARE HORIZONTAL BARS WITH MORE THAN 12" DEPTH OF 1. SIDE COVER MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 21/2" CONCRETE CAST BELOW THEM. 2. END COVER FOR 90'HOOKS MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 2" IF CLEAR CONCRETE COVER IS NOT GREATER THAN THE DIAMETER OF THE BAR, OR THE CENTER TO CENTER SPACING IS NOT GREATER THAN 3 BAR DIAMETERS, THEN LENGTHS SHALL BE INCREASED BY 50% Wproject Title: HARFAM J. $ Date SSr project i Shellfish Processing Plant August 10,2013 2109-2013• r �� 40560 N Hwy 101 Design F',""`� Ulllwoup,WA 911555 _ BDM SWENSON SAY FAGET Designer: Design Scales LLC Drown Street A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3600 E Marginal Way S,Ste.25 f Seattle,WA 98134 Sheet Title: .3D60 R1y0 ph: ThlydAvenue-.ax:206o-Seattle,WAgOrxi Concrete Details o ph:xo6.4g3.6ni lax:3o6.M1M13.4a7a fsrDly �° S 3.2 1-4 5 E CURB TOPPING SLAB & AW CUT ( ) REINF. PER PLAN 36 ONSTRUCTION JOINT 4 x!— ®12"oc PER 1 N4 CONT. REINF, PER PLAN S3.1 EA. SIDE/ r— OF GRADE BEAM -- SLAB &DOWN—TURNED AT CONTR. OPTION g 'TURNED EDGE (verify existing n (E) SLAB—ON—GRADE EDGE (2) #4 CONT. BOT. condition) SIDES MAY BE SLOPE CUT 1:1 INFILL W/CONCRETE GRADE BEAM &REINF. PER PLAN 2 Project Title. HARFAM -,�A J. S Dale ssr project, Shellfish Processing Plant Augusl 10,2013 21D9-2013- �' 4D560-N Hwy 101 Design Lilliwoup,WA 98555 P SWENSON SAY FAGtT Designer: Design Scales LLC BDIA - A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3600 E Marginal Way S,Ste.25 Drown Sleet Seattle,WA 98134 Sheet Tille: -3DD0 RWC ph: ii.443.6212�-Sulfa 6.443-etlle,WA getat Concrete Details o ph:ao6.gg3.6ata tax:ao6.gq;.quo ���s-0 S3.3 WIDE FLANGE COLUMN PER STEEL MFR. PER STEEL MFR. QUANTITY, DIAMETER & BASE @ PER STEEL MFR. BOLT STEEL TYPE PER ON 3/4" MAX. GROUT & STEEL MFR. (headed bolt SHIM FOR FULL BEARING or all—thread with washer &nut) EMBED 9" MIN. (3)#4 x 6'—D" REQUIRED BOLT PROJECTION PER STEEL MFR. -------"—i—il—"----- — CONT. REINF. PER PLAN AND 2/53.3 GRADE BEAM PER PLAN 3/4"= 1'-0" Project Title: HARFAM J. S Data SSF project t Shellfish Processing Plant 9� Auguel to,2013 2109-2013 r.;.•"• 40560 N Hwy 101 t Design I Ulliwoup,WA 98555 "• ,��' BUM SWEN50N SAY FAGET Designer; Design Scales LLC J Drawn Sheet A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3600 E Marginal Way S,Sle.25 Sheet Title: 300o k RWG 11e4Thlyd Avenue-Suite+oo-Seallle,WA gent Seattle,WA 96134 Foundation Detail , ph:ew6.443.6au fea:ao6.443-0e7o ¢ib'f'��N �� S3.4 3•/i Page 1 of 1 Debbera Coker - Meeting notes from 11.5.2014, COM2013-00077 From: Debbera Coker To: Ronald@BarclaySeafoodWa.com Date: 11/6/2014 9:02 AM Subject: Meeting notes from 11.5.2014, COM2013-00077 Below is a recap from our meeting yesterday, November 5, 2014. The same note will be added to the case. Larry Kelly and Debbera Coker met with Ronald Kuo on November 5, 2014 concerning the Geo-Oyster project, Mason County permit number COM2013-00077. Mr. K announced that the company has a new contractor and we discussed energy code requirements included as a condition of the permit concerning lighting and mechanical compliance forms and plans. Mr. K is hoping to complete the building sans coolers and request a temp occupancy with the plan to install coolers closer to summer.We agreed that will be possible. We also discussed bathrooms. The number of water closets has been reduced to one-unisex accessible restroom downstairs and another unisex upstairs. We do not have record that the modification has been approved to verify that the number of sanitation fixtures installed complies with IBC Chapter 29. When the occupant load is more than 15 one unisex accessible restroom is required. From 15 up to 100 not less than one restroom shall be available for male and female. Based upon the approved plans the occupant load is 35. In addition, Mr. K will complete a special inspection authorization form to designate the special inspector for A325's. He will also go over the conditions with contractor and sign. An original copy will be provided to our office. An inspection will be scheduled with Larry Kelly for a Monday or Thursday within the next few weeks. D Coker 11.5.2014 oe66era Corr Mason County Building Department Building Inspector IV Phone: (360)427-9670 ext 510 FAX: (360)427-7798 E-Mail: DLC(o)co.mason.wa.us 426 West Cedar Street Shelton, WA 98584 file:///C:/Users/Dlc/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/545B391 EMasonmail100170357012A1 CD 1/GW_0... 11/6/2014 NEW U d e—kIr-) CO 0-00 L2 f" y-� UA riSe rr to ✓ n 'p-CP(A� �c_e ✓ 0. no l� sn �4 YO c-42 M YK9-,t,-D It v Gcc es i �> /A) ! ( Z i i� a, F52 —T (11/6'2014) Debbera Coker- Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender Page 1 From: Mail Delivery System <MAILER-DAEMON@spamfltr.mason.local> To: <dlc@co.mason.wa.us> Date: 11/5/2014 3:53 PM Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender Attachments: status.txt; headers.txt This is the mail system at host spa mfltr.mason.local. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster. If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message. The mail system <Ronald@BarclaySeafoodsWa.com>: unable to look up host BarclaySeafoodsWa.com: hostname nor servname provided, or not known From: Debbera Coker To: Harper, Kenneth CC: Hersha, Rebecca Subject: Re: Slab undermine repair request Hello Ken, We have received your request to install the footing on the north edge of the stab in order to stabilize the existing slab being undermined by weather and erosion. You are approved to perform the repair before the permit has been issued provided the planning department has approved the repair and an inspection is performed. The inspection performed by the engineer of record or their authorized representative,will need to be done prior to concrete pour. Please provide the engineer's written report to our office attention to me. The written report will need to reference the permit number, COM2013-00077 and clearly identify the scope of inspection, what was observed, and verify compliance to engineer specifications. If you have questions let me know. >>> Kenneth Harper<kenharperl(cDfrontier.com> 10/9/2013 8:00 AM >>> These photos show how the north edge of the slab has become undermined by the weather. It is not safe to open the fifth beam trench, it would cause the remaining deck, between the trench and the edge of the slab to break off because the missing and unsupported base material. 10/09/2013 09:03 4254550922 PAGE 01/03 *Harfamuc pia-Systems C, 1 Fax ........................... From: KE N 14A, (Z 17-I£� Phone: yC 2 5 .7�� 27 0 7 Fax: \ f1 Phone: '?6 Q 4 2--7 f(-7C, faux: 2—7 - 7-7 Message: -"H ( 5: 1 S -FOE pg-VPoSeD K�P,�/12 1 1Z�fll I�1�S j oS- IQ�rJc �d �� i Y1 2G M . S f ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle ?fV( 4*11irl 11 -1 —7 q-7 rI CS) I C%l co -, w 3N 17 cq CN CD 0 Ln LD _� _ _.�w__.-._�_- - -ts o! j Lo if CA cn CD (D fl a d m r S ad s� rrl i � o Q � 7V �n T-5 z f Q t� r E0/60 39VJ ZZ6059b5Zb 60:60 6Z0Z/60/0Z 10/09/2013 08:01 FAX 360 427 7798 MASON CO PERMIT CTR a 001 xtS:$t2xSi::RxicS:ktSa:wa�S sts RX REPORT sax sxs:ax�:xxx�:xsaxaxaaxxx RECEPTION OK Ta/RX NO 6043 CONNECTION TEL 4254550922 CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 10/09 08:00 USAGE T 00'40 PGS. 3 RESULT OK From: Kenneth Harper<kenharperl@frontier.com> To: Rebecca Hersha<RebeccaH@co.mason.wa.us> CC: <kenharperl @frontier.com> Date: 10/9/2013 8:05 AM Subject: Slab undermine repair request Attachments: photo 2.JPG; Part.002; photo 3.JPG; Part.004; photo 4.JPG; Part.006; photo 5.JPG; Part.008 These photos show how the north edge of the slab has become undermined by the weather. It is not safe to open the fifth beam trench; it would cause the remaining deck, between the trench and the edge of the slab to break off because the missing and unsupported base material. r �. +\';.ems rc ` t e�•> , r�. n t s r . , +t 4� a + t � ••ram "'��' .. _ '.,. � y°` �,s. _ , �`"�;.�� - .� .� � - ''` M. .rr i _. � � �, . � .F � � .. � �Iwr I _9I s - r _ .� ..,.54K'fsb ....,. a •i wow,x;�, � E --. �� _ � .. .a y a- ,� �� a . .wy - - -. _ ,. r .� � Y .'. �i.:_ �� ` �.. _. �:'`� �� � ..... e .' ��. _' ° _' .. g a .a `, i a� My b ��+s,, s a i.� ..�; y sit- �.. ��s� q a � ,�i. +4.. �� � b.}.� s �e .'a ..-:.., ,. ..., ti t �a d , ^; Aim _ � a 77 Y S- r c tit d w ►"' t�rg`�"�*ram I+ #�.. # :R • � Pacific T sting & Inspection LLC ea'r--r&M 2417 Harrison Avenue, Centralia, WA 98531 L Phone (360) 736-3922 Fax (360) 807-6002 CONCRETE BREAK REPORT Report#004791 DATE CAST: November 25, 2013 CUSTOMER: Envirotech Engineering DATE RECEIVED: November 26, 2013 ATTENTION: Michael Staten PROJECT: Shellfish Processing Plant ADDRESS: PO Box 984 LOCATION: 40560 N Highway 101, Lilliwaup Belfair, WA 98528 PROJECT# 130127 PERMIT# 0_.0M21)a_ Location of Placement: Interior footing Sample Location: Boom truck hose at point of placement ® Concrete(ASTM C-39) ❑ Mortar(ASTM C-109) ❑ Cubes(ASTM C-1107)❑ Lt.Wt. Concrete(ASTM C-478) ❑ Other: COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS Log Test Date of Total Load Sample Sample Compressive Tested No. Age Test (Lbs.) Dimensions Area Strength By Break Test (Days) In.) (Sq. In.) PSI Type Results 13-1235 7 12/2/13 42,270 4.00 12.57 3,360 SM 5 ❑ Conforming 13-1236 28 12/17/13 ❑ Nonconforming 13-1237 28 12/17/13 13-1238 28 12/17/13 13-1239 H REQ'D 28 4,000 FIELD OBSERVATIONS Supplier: Miles Mix#: 1240OF Contractor: Harfam LLC Qty. Placed: 22 of 70 yds. Cement: 4475 lbs. Ticket#: 158160 F.A.: 1125 lbs. ® Samples made by PTI Technician Truck#: M095 Water: 1110 lbs. Hot ® Samples Picked Up by PTI Batch Time: 08:10 Sand: 15300 lbs. Sample Time: 09:05 C. Agg.: 3540 lbs. #8 Slump(ASTM C-143): 6 1/4" C. Agg.: 15840#57 14.5 Allowable Added Water % Air(ASTMC-z31): 1.0 A.E.A. Concrete Temp(ASTM C-1064): 640 Add Mix: NC534 680 oz. 0 Gallons Water Added Before Sampling Min/Max: 520/730 Add Mix: Ambient Temp: 390 Add Mix: REMARKS: On site per customer request for concrete testing. Technician performed an air test, a slump test and took temperature readings. inVIAN Technician made 5, 4" x 8" cylinders. 316— gap 1 All tests were performed to ACI standards. E �r INSPECTOR: Scott Hamilton, Field Technician REVIEWED BY: William A. Hacker, Technical Director Ail results apply only to actual locations and materials tested.As a mutual protection to customers,the public and ourselves.all reports are submitted as the confidential property of customers,and authorization for publication of statements.conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our wntten approval. Rev.8/19109 Revision 3 r f-� Pacific Testing & Inspection LLC 2417 Harrison Avenue, Centralia, WA 98531 Phone (360) 736-3922 Fax (360) 807-6002 CONCRETE BREAK REPORT Report#004792 DATE CAST: November 25, 2013 CUSTOMER: Envirotech Engineering DATE RECEIVED: November 26, 2013 ATTENTION: Michael Staten PROJECT: Shellfish Processing Plant ADDRESS: PO Box 984 LOCATION: 40560 N Highway 101, Lilliwaup Belfair, WA 98528 PROJECT# 130127 PERMIT# Location of Placement: Interior footing Sample Location: Boom truck hose at point of placement ® Concrete(ASTM C-39) ❑ Mortar(ASTM C-109) ❑ Cubes(ASTM C-1107)❑ Lt.Wt. Concrete(ASTM C-478) ❑ Other: COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS Log Test Date of Total Load Sample Sample Compressive Tested No. Age Test (Lbs.) Dimensions Area Strength By Break Test (Days) In.) S . In. (PSI) Type Results 13-1240 7 12/2/13 42,700 4.00 12.57 3,400 SM 5 ❑ Conforming 13-1241 28 12/17/13 ❑ Nonconforming 13-1242 28 12/17/13 13-1243 28 12/17/13 13-1244 H REQ'D 28 4,000 FIELD OBSERVATIONS Supplier: Miles Mix#: 1240OF Contractor: Harfam LLC Qty. Placed: 52 of 70 yds. Cement: 4995 lbs. Ticket#: 158164 F.A.: 1240 lbs. ® Samples made by PTI Technician Truck#: M079 Water: 1560 lbs. Hot ® Samples Picked Up by PTI Batch Time: 09:05 Sand: 16120 lbs. Sample Time: 10:20 C. Agg.: 3880 lbs. #8 Slump(ASTM C-143): 6 1/2" C. Agg.: 16990#57 19.0 Allowable Added Water Air(ASTM C-231). 0.9 A.E.A. Concrete Temp (ASTM C-1064): 640 Add Mix: NC534 372 oz. 0 Gallons Water Added Before Sampling Min/Max: 520/ 73° Add Mix: Ambient Temp: 390 Add Mix: REMARKS: On site per customer request for concrete testing. Technician performed an air test a slump test and took temperature readings. Technician made 5 4" x 8" cylinders All tests were performed to ACI standards INSPECTOR: Scott Hamilton, Field Technician REVIEWED BY: William A. Hacker, Technical Director All results apply only to actual locations and materials tested. As a mutual protection to customers,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of customers,and authorization for publication of statements,conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Rev.6/19/09 Revision 3 DETAIL(A-A),SEE �- SHEET,A-3.0 y� EXISTING UTILITY POLE Flo^ "'��` � Design Scales LLC EXISTING TREES& EXISTING BUILDING ON 3600 E.Marginal Way VEGETATION TO 3p• 8p. ADJACENT PROPERTY �� ess ' � `0`` South,Ste.25 REMAIN ADDITION TO SLAB, PER DETAIL 2 ON c `�` � 1 CA, Seattle,WA 98134 c?`�' 1-1l4'WELL WATER � " 17) -a,•"� � ���e Tel: 206.745.0284 PRIVATE WELL IC �Qy ,, �"`x"�ItV�re ' MCC9POWER v ; - la e,�c rce POLE t�IT I A; / NG V,j* www.designscales.com (LOCATION Jv FENCE N.T.S.) �� � I F r' -A REMAIN - / APPRO D = SWG 2007- I s 1p� MASON COUN.r D PLANNING 00637, EXISTING SITE PLAN REQ I - TO BE ON SITE TO REMAIN , / CHANGES S JECT 0 APPF ACTIVE NEWS ELFISH 3y GENERAL CONTRACTOR _ _ date o i o HARFAM LLC • 8 PROCE ING PLANT: 41 �Ol`' EXISTING S ORM\ 8 S.F. G � CSIJGGESTED�TIN S BELL,„nH WA 98005 TREES: WESTERN RED CEDAR PH: 425.765.2787 WATER C� VERT, \ �' SAW DOUGLAS FIR NO C GE�\\\ 70 i NEV�SLAB, DETAIL(A-A) EXIST G CABIN, / �OF / SHRU OREGON GRAP� NO CHANGE GEO-OYSTERS 10 � PROPOSED � , 2, HOLDINGS, LLC 10 PROPOS D NEW 9 -l' NEW TOILET EEN HUCKLE Y PROJECT ADQRM V fe&43 $\ �, / STUB-IN / i NOOTKA SE 40560 N HWY 101 'X 26' SPACES ARE \ NEW WAVE SURE / SALMON Y ` UU WAUP,WA 98555 7 \ BARRIER 9 X 26 f f� 6 �+\ �r ETAIL 1, SEE PA WILLOW OFFICE SAT,.,AvES GRADE 4Y _ 5 �`. N P TO BEACH SHEET,A-3.0 OOKER WI KENT,WA 98032-1207 / SHLDR 0 4 CURB TO SUIT LEV. SOLE WILLOW PH: 206.779.7954 3 , �SITKA WILLOW SEAW L o EXISTING BETRAMP / BEAKED HAZELNUT 2 TO REMAIN INVERT AT B CH INDIAN PLUM 1 ELEVAT OCEAN SPRAY PACIFIC NINEBARK Release- Date ,NEW TR BS K CURRANT Permit Set 09.10.13 NEWBSIFERNS / PER 0` � WESTERN THIMBLEBERRY j P HABITAT AGT ENT PLAN, SAP RED ELDERBERRY MANAGE PLAN TOTAC1500 S.F. Proposed Proposed Site Plan p Al Site Plan A - 0.2 O 2013 DESIGN SCALES LLC