HomeMy WebLinkAboutWetland Delineation Report for GRD2013-00005 - PLN General - 1/30/2013 rd 26I 3- 0000�
Wetland Delineation • Habitat Management Plans • Riparian Restoration • Mitigation • Biological Evaluation
Sal 33 +o qno as
RECEIVED East McEwan Prairie Road
APR 2 9 2013 Mason County
426 W. CEDAR ST.
PLAN I Prepared for:
Nathan Stout
1583 Dickinson Avenue
Shelton, WA 98584
Prepared by:
Lee Boad and Heather Lane
January 2013
Wetland Delineation • Habitat Management Plans • Riparian Restoration • Mitigation • Biological Evaluation
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 1
GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS.......................................................................................... 1
METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................. 2
BACKGROUND INFORMATION....................................................................................... 3
WETLAND DELINEATION RESULTS............................................................................. 3
WETLANDEVALUATION.................................................................................................. 5
RESTORATIONPLAN......................................................................................................... 5
MONITORING....................................................................................................................... 7
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 7
REFERENCES...................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 1. Site Vicinity Map
Figure 2. Site Map
Figure 3. National Wetland Inventory Map
Figure 4. Mason County Soil Survey Map
Figure 5. DNR Water Resource Map
Appendix A. Routine Wetland Determination Data Forms
Appendix B. Soil Survey Text
Appendix C. Wetland Rating Form
The Wetland Corps
Wetland Delineation • Habitat Management Plans • Riparian Restoration • Mitigation Biological Evaluation
January,2013 Project#TWC13WO05
Page 1 of 12
East McEwan Prairie Road
The Wetland Corps has been authorized by Nathan Stout to perform a wetland delineation
at the property (designated forest land) owned by James Brix located off of East McEwan
Prairie Road in Shelton, Mason County, Washington, (Tax Identification Number32133-
34-00010). The delineation was performed on January 1" 2013 to identify wetlands,
streams and associated buffers that would be applicable to four adjacent parcels (Parcels
32133-40-90024, 32133-40-90023, 32133-40-90022 and 32133-40-90021) to the south,
owned by Nathan Stout.
The subject property is located in the SW 1/4 of Section 33, Township 21 North, Range 04
West WM (Figure 1 Vicinity Map). According to the Mason County Assessor, the parcel
is 300 acres in size. Given the intention of this study is to identify buffers that may extend
onto the properties adjacent to the southwest side of the property, the study area
encompasses southwestern 50 acres of the property.
For the purposes of federal, Washington State, and Mason County jurisdictional oversight,
this wetland delineation followed the methodology outlined in the Regional Supplement to
the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and
Coast Region (Version 2.0) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers May 2010. WAC 173-22-035
states delineations should be done according to this manual and supplements. The changes
became effective March 14, 2011. The sections below provide: (1) an introduction to the
site; (2)a description of methods used in the field delineation; and, (3)technical results.
The property is accessed via East McEwen Prairie Road, which makes up a portion of the
southern property boundary. East Mason Lake Road makes up a portion of the eastern
property boundary. The parcel is bordered to the north, east and west by residential parcels
of similar size and shape. The property is undeveloped, and contains no buildings or
structures. In general,topography within the study area is flat.
The ownership generally consists of a forested community of Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga
menziesii, FACU, with an understory of salal (Gaultheria shallon, FACU) and swordfern
(Polystichum munitum, FACU). A small, seasonal stream drains within 100 feet north of
PO Box 2854 Belfair,Washington 98528•Cell Phone 360-620-0618.Office Phone 360-372-2421•wetlandcorps@hotmail.com
Parcels 42133-34-00010 Wetland Delineation
TWC No.13WO05
January 2013
Page No.2
the properties owned by Nathan Stout. The stream is surrounded by dark, saturated surface
soils and hydrophytic wetland vegetation such as slough sedge (Carex obnupta, OBL) and
lady fern (Athyrium filix femina, FAC), meeting Department of Ecology criteria for a
regulated wetland.
Consistent with procedures detailed in the Washington State Wetlands Identification and
Delineation Manual (Washington State Department of Ecology, 2011) (2011 Manual),
preliminary information was gathered on the project site prior to the field review and
delineation. General information sources included: 1974 United States Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS) National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps, the Soil Survey of Mason
County Area, Washington (USDA, 1951), the Washington Department of Natural
Resources Water Resource Map,and Mason County's critical areas regulations.
Field Delineation
The methodology used for this wetland delineation was consistent with the technical
approaches articulated in the 2011 Manual. This document is the wetland delineation
manual that is used in determining wetland areas when applying state and local
government regulations under the Shoreline Management Act and the Growth
Management Act in Washington State.
The extent and location of suspect wetlands were determined during field work performed
on January 1 s, 2013. Field work was conducted under cloudy conditions with an ambient
temperature ranging between 30 and 35 degrees Fahrenheit. The time of year and recent
precipitation history were considered in assessing the extent of the suspect wetlands
presumed to exist on site.
Specific field methodology used in determining the extent and location of wetland areas
1. As part of the initial project site reconnaissance, the site was walked to determine
the general extent and location of potential wetland areas;
2. Wetland and upland sample plots were established in the identified potential
wetland areas and in the adjacent upland area; and
3. Wetland boundaries were delineated with flagging by noting localized topography
and vegetation patterns and comparing parameters of hydrology, soil, and
vegetation with data collected at the wetland and upland sample plots.
The project area was investigated and data was collected at two sample plot locations.
Data was collected at two sample plot locations. Each sample plot included a data form
completed for a wetland area and a form completed for the corresponding upland area.
PO Box 2854 Belfair,Washington 98528-Cell Phone 360-620-0618.Office Phone 360-372-2421-wetlandcorps@hotmail.com
Parcels 42133-34-00010 Wetland Delineation
TWC No.13W005
January 2013
Page No.3
Data collected at each sample plot was entered onto a Routine Wetland Determination
Data Form(USACOE Western Mountains,Valleys, and Coast-Version 2.0).
Mason County Soil Survey
The soil survey of Mason County indicates three onsite soil types,(USDA, 1951):
Grove gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes. (Gh):This soil occupies nearly level
out-wash plain. The Grove series consists of somewhat excessivelydrained,reddish-brown
gravelly soils. It occupies the large glacial outwash plains. The Grove soils have developed
from Vashon glacial drift, modified considerably by inclusions of local basaltic rock and
mixed material from the Olympic Mountain glaciers. The rainfall ranges from 60 to 100
inches a year. The vegetation is coniferous forest, with an understory dominated by the
lower growing mosses, kinnikinnick, and snowberry, and these mixed with huckleberry,
salal, and Oregon-grape. The droughtresistant manzanita is especially- common on the
Grove soils. The cover is not so profuse nor so rank as that on the adjacent Shelton and
Hoodsport soils. Logged areas restock slowly to Douglas-fir, and some pure stands of
lodgepole pine are on these soils. The Grove soils occur in the western part of the county,
in association with the Shelton and Hoodsport soils. Grove soils differ front the Everett
soils farther east in their parent material and in having redder surface soil and subsoil.
McKenna gravelly loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes (Mc).This soil occurs as small scattered
areas.The McKenna series consists of poorly drained, very dark, gravelly soils in
depressions and along natural drainageways. They have developed in Vashon glacial drift,
under rainfall that ranges from 45 to 60 inches a year. The vegetation consists of deciduous
trees and shrubs, sedges, reeds, spirea, and wild rose, with occasional thickets of quaking
aspen and Oregon-oak. McKenna soils occur mainly in association with the Alderwood
and Everett soils and only rarely with the Grove or Shelton soils. McKenna soils differ
from the Norma and Bellingham soils in having very gravelly subsoils and substrata. They
are much darker colored than the Koch soils. The Deckerville soils, which closely
resemble the McKenna, have developed from more basic parent material.
Carstairs gravelly loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes (Ca).-- The surface soil is a friable, fluffy,
very dark gray gravelly loam, about 7 inches thick. The Carstairs series consists of very
dark, excessively drained soils. They occupy the nearly treeless outwash plains in the
southwestern part of the county (fig. 3). In position and parent material, they are similar to
the Grove soils. Carstairs soils have developed from basic parent material and under
rainfall that ranges front 60 to 90 inches a year. The native vegetation consists of grass,
kinnikinnick, ferns, moss, and low shrubs. Although the soil is surrounded by dense
forests, it has no overstory, except for a few lodgepole pines, Douglas-firs, and clumps of
Oregon-oak. Carstairs soils are friable, shot free, gravelly, porous, and droughty. They
resemble the Grove soils in being porous, droughty, sand gravelly. They are finer textured
than the Spanaway soils (not mapped in Mason County) and grade more gradually to the
very loose and porous gravelly subsoil and substratum.
PO Box 2854 Belfair,Washington 98528•Cell Phone 360-620-0618.Office Phone 360-372-2421•wetlandcorps@hotmail.com
Parcels 42133-34-00010 Wetland Delineation
TWC No.13WO05
January 2013
Page No.4
A more detailed soil description can be found in Appendix B Mason Soil Survey Text.
The Mason Soil Survey map is shown in Figure 4.
National Wetlands Inventory
The USFWS NWI map (online wetlands mapper) shows a portion of the subject wetland
identified by the NWI within the approximate site location. The wetland is categorized by
the Cowardin classification system as [P] Palustrine [FO] Forested [1] [C] Seasonally
Department of Natural Resources Water Resource Map
The Department of Natural Resources Water Resource Map shows no streams in the
vicinity of the subject parcel (See Figure 5. WA DNR Water Resource Map). The nearest
stream is mapped approximately 300 feet south of the subject property. The identified
stream located approximately 100 feet north of the parcels owned by Nathan Stout, drains
between two extensive wetland systems located northeast and northwest of the study area
(See Figure 3. NWI Map). Based on aerial photos from the Mason County GIS Mapping
Tool (see photo on page 5, below), the identified channel does not appear to be
hydrologically connected to the mapped drainage.
One riverine wetland was identified within 100 feet north of the parcels owned by Nathan
Stout. The wetland is located in the lowest point in general topography and receives
hydrology primarily from overbank flooding from the identified seasonal stream
(discussed below), coupled with subsurface hydrology from a high water table. In
addition,the wetland receives seasonal surface runoff from surrounding topography.
The wetland is narrow and elongated in shape, occupying a total area of approximately 1.5
acres. The wetland hydrologically connects two extensive wetland systems, located
approximately one quarter mile northwest of the study area, and east of East Mason Lake
Road (See Figure 3. NWI Map and aerial photo, below). The subject wetland is
hydrogeorphically classified as a Riverine wetland, given the dominant hydrology regime
is supported by overbank flooding from the stream channel. The larger wetland systems
beyond the subject Riverine wetland are classified as a Depressional wetland systems
located outside of the study area and do not affect the properties owned by Nathan Stout.
The subject stream provides an unconstricted surface water outlet at the southern end of the
large, Depressional wetland system to the northwest.
PO Box 2854 Belfair,Washington 98528•Cell Phone 360-620-0618.Office Phone 360-372-2421-wetlandcorps@hotmail.com
Parcels 42133-34-00010 Wetland Delineation
TWC No.13W005
January 2013
Page No.5
r1_W fl
Photo 1. Bright green line represents wetland/stream complex,connecting two wetland systems
mapped by the NWI,outlined in striped blue. This photo is adapted from the Mason County GIS
Mapping Tool.
The wetland boundary was identified primarily by the abrupt transition from upland
vegetation such as salal (Gaultheria shallop, FACU) and swordforn (Polystichum
munitum, FACU) to facultative and obligate wetland vegetation, primarily slough sedge
(Carex obnupta, OBL). The presence of facultative wetland vegetation in congruence with
topography patterns and positive wetland hydrology indicators was used to identify the
wetland boundary.
The wetland contains an overstory of red alder (Alnus rubra, FAQ and western red cedar
(Thuja plicata, FAQ with various willow species (Salix sp.). The understory consists of
lady fern (Athyrium filix femina, FAQ and spires (Spiraea douglasii, FACW). Wetland
vegetation is indicated by hydrophytic vegetation FAC and FACW dominating over 50
percent of the vegetation community in wetland data plots.
The upland vegetation adjacent to the wetland area is comprised of an overstory primarily
consisting of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii, FACU), with an associated understory
consisting of salal (Gaultheria shallon, FACU), evergreen huckleberry (Vaccinium
ovatum, FACU) and swordfern (Polystichum munitum, FACU). Hydophytic vegetation
occupies less than 50 percent of the vegetative community in upland data plots.
The profiles within the test pits consisted of a single layer profile consisting of silt loam to
12 inches deep with matrix chroma 10YR 3/1 and 10YR 2/1. Wetland hydric soils are
indicated by a thick, dark, surface on the surface of the soil and the presence of muck
within the loamy mineral soil. In addition, the soil consists of a low-chroma (equaling
one)in all wetland test pits.
The soil profiles observed in known upland test pits were consistent with the mapped soil
type, Grove gravelly sandy loam (Gh). Upland test pits exhibited a two-layer soil profile.
The upper layer consists of gravelly sandy loam approximately eight to ten inches deep of
PO Box 2854 Belfair,Washington 98528-Cell Phone 360-620-0618.Office Phone 360-372-2421•wetlandcorps@hotmail.com
Parcels 42133-34-00010 Wetland Delineation
TWC No.13WO05
January 2013
Page No.6
matrix chroma 1 OYR 3/3. The lower profile contained less gravel with a matrix chroma of
10YR 6/3. No hydric soil indicators were present in upland soil test pits.
Wetland hydrology is indicated by FAC-neutral vegetation, drainage patterns, the wetland
is in the lowest point in general landscape topography, stunted or stressed plants growing
within the wetland, oxidized rhizospheres among living root channels, and water stained
leaves. In addition, the sample plots within the wetland area revealed inundation up to
eight inches, free water in the test pits at an four inch depth and soil saturation to the
Upland test pits showed no indicators of wetland hydrology.
A seasonal channel was identified within 100 feet north of the parcels owned by Nathan
Stout. The channel contains sorted gravels and a pool riffle complex, meeting WAC
16.222.030 criteria for a regulated channel. Based on Mason County Aerial Photos from
2011 (see below) coupled with information from the National Wetlands Inventory maps
(Figure 2. NWI Map), the stream appears to originate from the extensive depressional
wetland system located approximately one quarter mile northwest of the study area. The
stream drains east off the property,through a culvert under East Mason Lake Road. Based
on the aerial photo and NWI maps, the stream drains into a depressional wetland system
east of the property.
The identified channel draining within the above described riverine wetland does not meet
criteria for supporting fishbearing habitat, because the channel width is less than 2 feet, on
average, according to WAC 16.222.031. Therefore, this channel is regulated as a type Ns
stream according to Section 17.01.110 of the Mason County Resource Ordinance.
According to Section 17.01.110 of the Mason County Resource Ordinance, Type Ns
streams in Mason County require a buffer of 75 feet with an additional 15-foot building
The wetland is classified as a Riverine wetland per Washington State Wetland Rating
System for Western Washington (Hruby 2004). Based on functional attributes associated
with the wetland including habitat, water quality, and hydrology functions, it has been
rated as a Category II wetland, scoring 63 points on the state rating form. The score for
water quality functions in this wetland is 12, hydrological functions scored 26, and the
score for habitat functions is 25 (see Appendix C for rating form). According to Table
17.01.070 E of the Mason County Resource Ordinance, the base buffer width for Category
II Wetlands scoring between 20 and 28 points in habitat function is 70 feet with an
additional 15-foot building setback within parcels intended for Low Impact Land Use.
Low Impact Land Use is described in Table 17.07.070 B of the Mason County Resource
PO Box 2854 Belfair,Washington 98528•Cell Phone 360-620-0618.Office Phone 360-372-2421-wetlandcorps@hotmail.com
Parcels 42133-34-00010 Wetland Delineation
TWC No.13WO05
January 2013
Page No.7
Ordinance as parcels designated for forestry, open space (low-intensity such as passive
recreation and natural resources preservation, minor transportation improvements. Given
that the wetland is situated within a parcel designated as forest land, the wetland is
assigned the buffer within associated with low-impact land-use.
This wetland report documents the presence of a wetland meeting criteria for a Category II
Wetland. According to the Mason County Resource Ordinance,the wetland requires a 70-
foot buffer with additional 15-foot building setback for the existing land use. The wetland
surrounds a channel meeting criteria for a type Ns (Seasonal, nonfishbearing) stream.
Type Ns streams in Mason County are regulated with a 75-foot buffer with an additional
15-foot building setback. See Figure 2. Site Map for the approximate location of the
wetland, stream and associated buffers.
We trust this information is sufficient for you at this time. Thank you for choosing the
Wetland Corps as your environmental consultant. If you have any questions,feel free to call.
Respectfully submitted,
The Wetland Corps
Heather Lane
Staff Wetland Specialist
Lee Boad
Senior Ecologist
PO Box 2854 Belfair,Washington 98528•Cell Phone 360-620-0618.Office Phone 360-372-2421 wetlandcorps@hotmail.com
Cowardin,L.M.,V. Carter, F.C. Golet and E.T. LaRoe, 1979. Classification of
Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service document FWS/OBS-79/31. 84 pp. Washington,D.C.
Hitchcock, L.C. and A. Cronquist, 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest.
University of Washington Press.. 730 pp.
Hruby, T.,2004. Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington—Revised.
Washington State Department of Ecology Publication#04-06-025.
Munsell Soil Color Charts, 1998. GretagMacbeth. New Windsor,New York.
Pojar, J. and A. MacKinnon, 1994.Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Lone
PinePublishing. 528 pp. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Speare-Cooke, S., 1997. A Field Guide to the Common Wetland Plants of
Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon. Seattle Audubon Society.
417 pp.
US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. Soil Survey of Pierce
County Area, Washington. September, 1977.
US Fish and Wildlife Service. National Wetlands Inventory. 1978.
Washington State Department of Ecology, 1997. Washington State Wetland
Identification and Delineation Manual. Ecology Publication#96-94,
various pagination. Olympia, Washington.
Washington State Department of Ecology, 1993. Washington State Wetlands
Rating System, Western Washington Second Edition. 61 pp.Ecology
Publication#93-74. Olympia, Washington.
Washington State Department of Ecology, 1999. Methods for Assessing
Wetland Functions for Reverine and Depressional Wetlands in the
Lowlands of Western Washington. Ecology Publication#99-115. Olympia,
United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 1993.National List of Plant Species that
Occur in Wetlands Region 9—Northwest. Resource Management Group
PO Box 2854 Belfair,Washington 98528•Cell Phone 360-620-0618.Office Phone 360-372-2421•wetlandcorps@hotmail.com
Emerald Lake
NcRo k�o Approximate Parcel
_ Location
E ROADRUNNER DR Cranberry Lake
Z---`�•'� �� � C,p21T�
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Project Name: Parcel 32133-00-01000
Location: Shelton, Washington
Project: TWCl3-W005
Client: Stout
♦♦ ♦♦ ♦�♦ Parcel 42133-34-00010
♦ ♦ ♦ (Designated Forest Land)
♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ Type Ns Stream /
♦ ♦ ♦ Category II Riverine 75' buffer+ 15' building East Ma Lake Road
♦ ♦ \ \ 70' buffer+t15' building setback 1 .0♦��\ \ setback 0' 00
\ . . 0
♦\ 00 .
_ _ — 70'
N - - -
arcel 32133-40-90024 — — —
Parcel Parcel Parcel
32133-40-90023 32133-40- 32133-40-
90022 90021
This site map was created by TWC by East Mc wan Prairie
coordinating measurements and information Road
from several sources, including the Mason
County Assessor Aerial Photo 2011 and 0 INEZINNO 200'
GoogleEarth aerial images and measurements.
All locations are approximate.
Project Name: Parcel 32133-00-01000
Location: Shelton,Washington
Project: TWC13-WO05
Client: Stout
U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service Print Map
Map Legend 0-.7, NationalI Wetlands Invento 7ohna Prairie R
cONus crtiasZ�-History
Lower 46 Wetland Polygons
Estearrne and Marine Deopwater
Estuarine and Marine Weiland
Freshwater Erntiegent Weiland
Fraihwader ForestediShrub Vtetland
Freshwater Pond Approximate
Lahr Parcel Location
n Map Scale: 1:
Study Area
Figure adapted from NWI
Mapper website Figure 3 National Wetland Inventory Map
Section 33 Township 21 North Range 3 West
Project Name: Parcel 32133-00-01000
Location: Shelton, Washington
Project: TWC13-WO05
Date: 1/13
fly _
r Approximate +
! *' Study Area
* f z �.
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Onsite Soil Conditions based on Mason County Soil Survey
Subject Site Soils:
Grove gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes. (Gh):This soil occupies nearly level out-wash plain. The Grove series
consists of somewhat excessivelydrained,reddish-brown gravelly soils.It occupies the large glacial outwash plains.The Grove
soils have developed from Vashon glacial drift,modified considerably by inclusions of local basaltic rock and mixed material
from the Olympic Mountain glaciers.The rainfall ranges from 60 to 100 inches a year.The vegetation is coniferous forest,with
an understory dominated by the lower growing mosses,kinnikinnick,and snowberry, and these mixed with huckleberry, salal,
and Oregon-grape. The droughtresistant manzanita is especially-common on the Grove soils. The cover is not so profuse nor
so rank as that on the adjacent Shelton and Hoodsport soils.Logged areas restock slowly to Douglas-fir,and some pure stands
of lodgepole pine are on these soils. The Grove soils occur in the western part of the county, in association with the Shelton
and Hoodsport soils. Grove soils differ front the Everett soils farther east in their parent material and in having redder surface
soil and subsoil.
McKenna gravelly loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes (Mc).This soil occurs as small scattered areas.The McKenna series consists
of poorly drained, very dark, gravelly soils in depressions and along natural drainageways. They have developed in Vashon
glacial drift, under rainfall that ranges from 45 to 60 inches a year. The vegetation consists of deciduous trees and shrubs,
sedges,reeds,spirea,and wild rose,with occasional thickets of quaking aspen and Oregon-oak.McKenna soils occur mainly in
association with the Alderwood and Everett soils and only rarely with the Grove or Shelton soils. McKenna soils differ from
the Norma and Bellingham soils in having very gravelly subsoils and substrata. They are much darker colored than the Koch
soils.The Deckerville soils,which closely resemble the McKenna,have developed from more basic parent material.
Carstairs gravelly loam,0 to 5 percent slopes(Ca).—The surface soil is a friable,fluffy,very dark gray gravelly loam,about
7 inches thick. The Carstairs series consists of very dark, excessively drained soils. They occupy the nearly treeless outwash
plains in the southwestern part of the county (fig. 3). In position and parent material, they are similar to the Grove soils.
Carstairs soils have developed from basic parent material and under rainfall that ranges front 60 to 90 inches a year.The native
vegetation consists of grass,kinnikinnick,ferns,moss,and low shrubs.Although the soil is surrounded by dense forests, it has
no overstory, except for a few lodgepole pines, Douglas-firs, and clumps of Oregon-oak. Carstairs soils are friable, shot free,
gravelly, porous, and droughty. They resemble the Grove soils in being porous, droughty, sand gravelly. They are finer
textured than the Spanaway soils (not mapped in Mason County) and grade more gradually to the very loose and porous
gravelly subsoil and substratum.
Project Name: Parcel 32133-00-01000
Location: Shelton,Washington
Project: TWC13-WO05
Client: Stout
THE W"FTL__"_N D CORPS Date: 1/13
�t6 f.
Approximate N�
Study Area 2�, I
791988 17 10 1701084 170 1 10 m
t t t t +
J (]
91 B 7919$ 1�O 1 oB0 + 1 o8z +701064 I +7010 �1701008
31 F 32�tt F
of i F ,
1946 791948 1 01040 1701042 1 4 0 17010 „� 170
+ + + F Rainbow Lake F
'y F +k �F
r: ,.
1u F Rex Lake
F t%
928 71928 +T0102 1701022 + 010 170102$ +
11......,ti N f0h
Hydric Soil%
1 J.rr'ti� Stream Water Type 1-5(East o Highly Erodiblede} gib•Umtabie& Paved Road
t p
Stream Type Unknown(East side) l�ghlp Ero&ble Utlaved Road
Stream Water Type 1-5(West side) No Data or Gravel Pits �Road(Stuface UnLioivii)
'A"00" Stream Type Unknown(Nest side) .-%,, "Abandoned Road
Otphaned Road
Project Name: Parcel 32133-00-01000
Location: Shelton, Washington
Project: TWC13-WO05
+ Syr Client: Stout
THE tVFTL-yND CORPS' Date: 1113
Note: No streams mapped within project
Routine Wetland Determination Data Forms
WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Western Mountains,Valleys, and Coast Region
Project Site: Parcel32133-00-01000 City/County: Shelton/Mason Sampling Date: 1/1/2013
Applicant/Owner: Nathan Stout State: WA Sampling Point: up-1
Investigator(s): L.Boad Section,Township,Range: sec 33,t21 n,r3w
Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): basin Local relief(concave,convex,none): concave Slope(%): 5
Subregion(LRR): Lat: 4727 Long: -123.0598 Datum:
Soil Map Unit Name: Gh-Grove gravelly sandy loam NWI classification: none
Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes ® No ❑ (If no,explain in Remarks.)
Are Vegetation ❑, Soil ❑, or Hydrology ❑, significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes ® No ❑
Are Vegetation ❑, Soil ❑, or Hydrology ❑, naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.)
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS-Attach site map showing sampling point locations,transects,important features,etc.
Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ❑ No
Hydric Soil Present? Yes ❑ No ® Is the Sampled Area Yes ❑ No
within a Wetland?
Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ❑ No
VEGETATION-Use scientific names of plants
Tree Stratum(Plot size: ) Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test Worksheet:
%Cover Species? Status
1. Pseudotsuga menziesii 100 Y§-S FACU Number of Dominant Species 0 (A)
2 That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC:
3. Total Number of Dominant
q Species Across All Strata: 4 (B)
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species
Sapling/Shrub Stratum(Plot size:�
That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 0 (A/B)
1. Gaultheria shallon 50 yes FACU Prevalence Index worksheet:
2. Polvstichum munitum 30 YVS FACU Total%Cover of: Multiply by:
3. Vaccinium ovatum 20 YQs- FACU OBL species 0 x1=
4. FACW species 0 x2=
5. FAC species 0 x3=
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover FACU species 100 x4=
Herb Stratum(Plot size: UPL species 0 x5=
1 Column Totals: 100(A) (B)
2. Prevalence Index=B/A=
3. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators:
4. ❑ 1-Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation
5. ® 2-Dominance Test is>50%
8. ❑ 3-Prevalence Index is<3.0'
7 4-Morphological Adaptations'(Provide supporting
8 data in Remarks or on a separate sheet)
9. ❑ 5-Wetland Non-Vascular Plants'
10. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation'(Explain)
11. —
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must
be present,unless disturbed or problematic.
Woody Vine Stratum(Plot size: )
1. —
2 Hydrophytic
Vegetation Yes ❑ No
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover Present?
%Bare Ground in Herb Stratum
US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains,Valleys,and Coast-Version 2.0
Project Site: Parcel 32133-00-01000
SOIL Sampling Point:gkl
Profile Description:(Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.)
Depth Matrix Redox Features
(inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' LOCI Texture Remarks
0-6 10YR3/3 100 ar sa loam
6-12 10YT6/3 100 silt loam
'Type:C=Concentration,D=Depletion,RM=Reduced Matrix,CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 2Location:PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix
Hydric Soil Indicators:(Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils':
❑ Histosol(Al) ❑ Sandy Redox(S5) ❑ 2 cm Muck(Al 0)
❑ Histic Epipedon(A2) ❑ Stripped Matrix(S6) ❑ Red Parent Material(TF2)
❑ Black Histic(A3) ❑ Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(except MLRA 1) ❑ Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12)
❑ Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) ❑ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) ❑ Other(Explain in Remarks)
❑ Depleted Below Dark Surface(Al 1) ❑ Depleted Matrix(F3)
❑ Thick Dark Surface(Al2) ❑ Redox Dark Surface(F6)
❑ Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1) ❑ Depleted Dark Surface(F7) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and
❑ Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) ❑ Redox Depressions(F8) wetland hydrology must e present,
unless disturbed or roblematic.
Restrictive Layer(if present):
Depth(inches): Hydric Soils Present? Yes ❑ No
Wetland Hydrology Indicators:
Primary Indicators(minimum of one required;check all that apply) Secondary Indicators(2 or more required)
❑ Surface Water(Al) ❑ Water-Stained Leaves(89) ❑ Water-Stained Leaves(B9)
❑ High Water Table(A2) (except MLRA 1,2,4A,and 413) (MLRA 1,2,4A,and 4B)
❑ Saturation(A3) ❑ Salt Crust(1311) ❑ Drainage Patterns(B10)
❑ Water Marks(61) ❑ Aquatic Invertebrates(613) ❑ Dry-Season Water Table(C2)
❑ Sediment Deposits(B2) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(Cl) ❑ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9)
❑ Drift Deposits(63) ❑ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) ❑ Geomorphic Position(132)
❑ Algal Mat or Crust(B4) ❑ Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) ❑ Shallow Aquitard(D3)
❑ Iron Deposits(135) ❑ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) ❑ FAC-Neutral Test(D5)
❑ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) ❑ Stunted or Stresses Plants(D1)(LRR A) ❑ Raised Ant Mounds(D6)(LRR A)
❑ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) ❑ Other(Explain in Remarks) ❑ Frost-Heave Hummocks(D7)
❑ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8)
Field Observations:
Surface Water Present? Yes ❑ No ® Depth(inches): 0
Water Table Present? Yes ❑ No ® Depth(inches): 0
Saturation Present? Yes ❑ No ® Depth(inches): 0 Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ❑ No
(includes capillary fringe)
Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available:
US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains,Valleys,and Coast—Version 2.0
WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Western Mountains,Valleys, and Coast Region
Project Site: Parcel 32133-00-01000 City/County: Shelton/Mason Sampling Date: 1/1/2013
Applicant/Owner: Nathan Stout State: WA Sampling Point: up-2
Investigator(s): L.Boad Section,Township,Range: sec 33.t21 n.r3w
Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): basin Local relief(concave,convex,none): concave Slope
Subregion(LRR): Lat: 4727 Long: —123.0598 Datum:
Soil Map Unit Name: Gh-Grove gravelly sandy loam NWI classification: none
Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes N No ❑ (If no,explain in Remarks.)
Are Vegetation ❑, Soil ❑, or Hydrology ❑, significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes N No ❑
Are Vegetation ❑, Soil ❑, or Hydrology ❑, naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.)
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS—Attach site map showing sampling point locations,transects,important features,etc.
Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ❑ No N
Hydric Soil Present? Yes ❑ No N Is the Sampled Area Yes ❑ No N
within a Wetland.
Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ❑ No N
VEGETATION—Use scientific names of plants
Tree Stratum(Plot size: Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test Worksheet:
%Cover Species? Status
1. Pseudotsuca menziesd 100 yes FACU Number of Dominant Species 0 (A)
2 That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC:
3. Total Number of Dominant
q Species Across All Strata: 4 (B)
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species
Sapling/Shrub Stratum(Plot size:�
That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 0 (A/B)
1. Gaultheria shallon 50 yes FACU Prevalence Index worksheet:
2. Polvstichum munitum 30 yes FACU Total%Cover of: Multiply by:
3. Vaccinium ovatum 20 yes FACU OBL species 0 x1=
4. FACW species 0 x2=
5. FAC species 0 x3=
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover FACU species 100 x4=
Herb Stratum(Plot size: UPL species 0 x5=
1. Column Totals: 100(A) (B)
2. Prevalence Index=B/A=
3. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators:
4. ❑ 1—Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation
5. N 2-Dominance Test is>50%
8. ❑ 3-Prevalence Index is<3.0'
7 4-Morphological Adaptations'(Provide supporting
8 data in Remarks or on a separate sheet)
9. ❑ 5-Wetland Non-Vascular Plants'
10. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation'(Explain)
11. _
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover 'indicators of hydre soil and wetland hydrology must
be present,unless disturbed or problematic.
Woody Vine Stratum(Plot size:
2 Hydrophytic
Vegetation Yes ❑ No N
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover Present?
%Bare Ground in Herb Stratum
US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains,Valleys,and Coast—Version 2.0
Project Site: Parcel 32133-00-01000
SOIL Sampling Point:up-2
Profile Description:(Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of Indicators.)
Depth Matrix Redox Features
(inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks
0=6 10YR3/3 100 9r sa loam
6-12 10YT6/3 100 silt loam
'Type:C=Concentration,D=Depletion,RM=Reduced Matrix,CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 2Location:PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix
Hydric Soil indicators:(Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils':
❑ Histosol(At) ❑ Sandy Redox(S5) ❑ 2 cm Muck(A10)
❑ Histic Epipedon(A2) ❑ Stripped Matrix(S6) ❑ Red Parent Material(TF2)
❑ Black Histic(A3) ❑ Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(except MLRA 1) ❑ Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12)
❑ Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) ❑ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) ❑ Other(Explain in Remarks)
❑ Depleted Below Dark Surface(Al 1) ❑ Depleted Matrix(F3)
❑ Thick Dark Surface(Al2) ❑ Redox Dark Surface(F6)
❑ Sandy Mucky Mineral(Si) ❑ Depleted Dark Surface(F7) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and
❑ Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) ❑ Redox Depressions(F8) wetland hydrology must e present,
unless disturbed or roblematic.
Restrictive Layer(if present):
Depth(inches): Hydric Soils Present? Yes ❑ No
Wetland Hydrology Indicators:
Primary Indicators(minimum of one required;check all that apply) Secondary Indicators(2 or more required)
❑ Surface Water(Al) ❑ Water-Stained Leaves(139) ❑ Water-Stained Leaves(139)
❑ High Water Table(A2) (except MLRA 1,2,4A,and 4B) (MLRA 1,2,4A,and 413)
❑ Saturation(A3) ❑ Salt Crust(1311) ❑ Drainage Patterns(B10)
❑ Water Marks(B1) ❑ Aquatic Invertebrates(613) ❑ Dry-Season Water Table(C2)
❑ Sediment Deposits(B2) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(Cl) ❑ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9)
❑ Drift Deposits(B3) ❑ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) ❑ Geomorphic Position(D2)
❑ Algal Mat or Crust(64) ❑ Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) ❑ Shallow Aquitard(D3)
❑ Iron Deposits(65) ❑ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) ❑ FAC-Neutral Test(D5)
❑ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) ❑ Stunted or Stresses Plants(D1)(LRR A) ❑ Raised Ant Mounds(D6)(LRR A)
❑ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(67) ❑ Other(Explain in Remarks) ❑ Frost-Heave Hummocks(D7)
❑ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(68)
Field Observations:
Surface Water Present? Yes ❑ No ® Depth(inches): 0
Water Table Present? Yes ❑ No ® Depth(inches): 0
Saturation Present? Yes ❑ No ® Depth(inches): 0 Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ❑ No
(includes capillary fringe)
Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available:
US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains,Valleys,and Coast—Version 2.0
WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Western Mountains,Valleys, and Coast Region
Project Site: Parcel 32133-00-01000 City/County: Shelton/Mason Sampling Date: 1/01/2013
Applicant/Owner: Nathan Stout State: WA Sampling Point: wet-1
Investigator(s): L.Boad Section,Township,Range: sec 33,t2ln.raw
Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): basin Local relief(concave,convex,none): concave Slope(%): 5
Subregion(LRR): Lat: 4727 Long: -123.0598 Datum:
Soil Map Unit Name: Mc-McKenna Silt Loam NWI classification: none
Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes ® No ❑ (If no,explain in Remarks.)
Are Vegetation ❑, Soil ❑, or Hydrology ❑, significantly disturbed? Are'Normal Circumstances"present? Yes ® No ❑
Are Vegetation ❑, Soil ❑, or Hydrology ❑, naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.)
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS—Attach site map showing sampling point locations,transects,important features,etc.
Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ® No ❑
Hydric Soil Present? Yes ® No ❑ Is the Sampled Area Yes ® No ❑
within a Wetland?
Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ® No ❑
VEGETATION—Use scientific names of plants
Tree Stratum(Plot size: Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test Worksheet:
%Cover Species? Status
1. A/nus rubra 75 yes FAC Number of Dominant Species 5 (A)
2. Thuia alicata 25 yes FAC That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC:
3. Total Number of Dominant
4. Species Across All Strata: 5 (B)
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species
Spa lino/Shrub Stratum(Plot size:�
That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 100 (AIB)
1. Spiraea douglash 100 Yes FACW Prevalence Index worksheet:
2. Total%Cover of: Multiply by:
3. OBL species 20 x1=
4. FACW species 20 x2=
5. FAC species 60 x3=
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover FACU species 0 x4=
Herb Stratum(Plot size:_) UPL species 0 x5=
1. Athyrium filix-femina 50 yes FAC Column Totals: 100(A) (B)
2. Carex obnuvta 50 Yes OBL Prevalence Index=B/A=
3. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators:
4. ❑ 1—Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation
5. ® 2-Dominance Test is>50%
6. ❑ 3-Prevalence Index is<3.0'
7 El 4-Morphological Adaptations'(Provide supporting
8 data in Remarks or on a separate sheet)
9. ❑ 5-Wetland Non-Vascular Plants'
10. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation'(Explain)
11. _
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must
be present,unless disturbed or problematic.
Woody Vine Stratum(Plot size:
1. _
2 Hydrophytic
Vegetation Yes ® No ❑
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover Present?
%Bare Ground in Herb Stratum
US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains,Valleys,and Coast—Version 2.0
Project Site: Parcel 32133-00-01000
SOIL Sampling Point:wet-1
Profile Description:(Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.)
Depth Matrix Redox Features
(inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks
0-12 10YR 3/1 100 silt loam mucky material in silt loam
'Type:C=Concentration,D=Depletion,RM=Reduced Matrix,CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 2Location:PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix
Hydric Soil Indicators:(Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils':
❑ Histosol(Al) ❑ Sandy Redox(S5) ® 2 cm Muck(A10)
❑ Histic Epipedon(A2) ❑ Stripped Matrix(S6) ❑ Red Parent Material(TF2)
❑ Black Histic(A3) ® Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(except MLRA 1) ❑ Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12)
❑ Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) ❑ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) ❑ Other(Explain in Remarks)
❑ Depleted Below Dark Surface(At 1) ❑ Depleted Matrix(F3)
® Thick Dark Surface(Al2) ❑ Redox Dark Surface(176)
❑ Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1) ❑ Depleted Dark Surface(F7) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and
ElSandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) ❑ Redox Depressions(178) wetland hydrology must e present,
unless disturbed or roblematic.
Restrictive Layer(if present):
Depth(inches): Hydric Soils Present? Yes ® No ❑
Wetland Hydrology Indicators:
Primary Indicators(minimum of one required;check all that apply) Secondary Indicators(2 or more required)
® Surface Water(Al) ® Water-Stained Leaves(89) ® Water-Stained Leaves(69)
® High Water Table(A2) (except MLRA 1,2,4A,and 4B) (MLRA 1,2,4A,and 4B)
® Saturation(A3) ❑ Salt Crust(1311) ❑ Drainage Patterns(610)
❑ Water Marks(B1) ❑ Aquatic Invertebrates(B13) ❑ Dry-Season Water Table(C2)
❑ Sediment Deposits(B2) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) ❑ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9)
❑ Drift Deposits(B3) ❑ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) ® Geomorphic Position(132)
❑ Algal Mat or Crust(134) ❑ Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) ❑ Shallow Aquitard(D3)
❑ Iron Deposits(B5) ❑ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) ® FAC-Neutral Test(135)
❑ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) ® Stunted or Stresses Plants(D1)(LRR A) ❑ Raised Ant Mounds(D6)(LRR A)
❑ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) ❑ Other(Explain in Remarks) ❑ Frost-Heave Hummocks(137)
❑ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8)
Field Observations:
Surface Water Present? Yes ® No ❑ Depth(inches): up to 4"
Water Table Present? Yes ® No ❑ Depth(inches): 0
Saturation Present? Yes ® No ❑ Depth(inches): 0 Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ® No ❑
(includes capillary fringe)
Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available:
US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains,Valleys,and Coast—Version 2.0
WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Western Mountains,Valleys, and Coast Region
Project Site: Parcel 32133-00-01000 City/County: Shelton/Mason Sampling Date: 1/01/2013
1P 9
Applicant/Owner: Nathan Stout State: WA Sampling Point: wet-2
Investigator(s): L.Boad Section,Township,Range: sec 33,t21 n,r3w
Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): basin Local relief(concave,convex,none): concave Slope
Subregion(LRR): Lat: 4727 Long: -123.0598 Datum:
Soil Map Unit Name: Mc-McKenna Silt Loam NWI classification: none
Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes ® No ❑ (If no,explain in Remarks.)
Are Vegetation ❑, Soil ❑, or Hydrology ❑, significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes ® No ❑
Are Vegetation ❑, Soil ❑, or Hydrology ❑, naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.)
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS—Attach site map showing sampling point locations,transects,important features,etc.
Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ® No ❑
Hydric Soil Present? Yes ® No ❑ Is the Sampled Area Yes ® No ❑
within a Wetland?
Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ® No ❑
VEGETATION—Use scientific names of plants
Tree Stratum(Plot size: Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test Worksheet:
%Cover dies? Status
1. Alnus rubra 75 Yes FAC Number of Dominant Species 5 (A)
2. Thuia alicata 25 Les FAC That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC:
3. Total Number of Dominant
4. Species Across All Strata: 5 (B)
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species
Sapling/Shrub Stratum(Plot size:�
That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B)
1. Spiraea doualasii 100 yes FACW Prevalence Index worksheet:
2. Total%Cover of: Multiply by:
3. OBL species 20 x1=
4. FACW species 20 x2=
5. FAC species 60 x3=
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover FACU species 0 x4=
Herb Stratum(Plot size: UPL species 0 x5=
1. Athyrium filix-femina 50 yes FAC Column Totals: 100(A) (B)
2. Carex obnuota 50 yes OBL Prevalence Index=B/A=
3. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators:
4. ❑ 1—Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation
5. ® 2-Dominance Test is>50%
6. ❑ 3-Prevalence Index is<3.0'
7 4-Morphological Adaptations'(Provide supporting
8 data in Remarks or on a separate sheet)
9. ❑ 5-Wetland Non-Vascular Plants'
10. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation'(Explain)
11. _
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover Indicators of hydre soil and wetland hydrology must
be present,unless disturbed or problematic.
Woody Vine Stratum(Plot size: )
1. _
2 Hydrophytic
Vegetation Yes ® No ❑
50%= 20%_ =Total Cover Present?
%Bare Ground in Herb Stratum
US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains,Valleys,and Coast—Version 2.0
Project Site: Parcel 32133-00-01000
SOIL Sampling Point:wet-2
Profile Description:(Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.)
Depth Matrix Redox Features
(inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks
0-12 10YR 3/1 100 silt loam mucky material in silt loam
'Type:C=Concentration,D=Depletion,RM=Reduced Matrix,CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 2Location:PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix
Hydric Soil Indicators:(Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils':
❑ Histosol(At) ❑ Sandy Redox(S5) ® 2 cm Muck(A10)
❑ Histic Epipedon(A2) ❑ Stripped Matrix(S6) ❑ Red Parent Material(TF2)
❑ Black Histic(A3) ® Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(except MLRA 1) ❑ Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12)
❑ Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) ❑ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) ❑ Other(Explain in Remarks)
❑ Depleted Below Dark Surface(Al 1) ❑ Depleted Matrix(F3)
® Thick Dark Surface(Al2) ❑ Redox Dark Surface(F6)
❑ Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1) ❑ Depleted Dark Surface(F7) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and
❑ Sand Gle ed Matrix S4 ❑ Redox Depressions F8 wetland hydrology must be present,
Y Y ( ) P ( ) unless disturbed or problematic.
Restrictive Layer(if present):
Depth(inches): Hydric Soils Present? Yes ® No ❑
Wetland Hydrology Indicators:
Primary Indicators(minimum of one required;check all that apply) Secondary Indicators(2 or more required)
® Surface Water(At) ® Water-Stained Leaves(Bg) ® Water-Stained Leaves(69)
® High Water Table(A2) (except MLRA 1,2,4A,and 413) (MLRA 1,2,4A,and 413)
® Saturation(A3) ❑ Salt Crust(1311) ❑ Drainage Patterns(B10)
❑ Water Marks(131) ❑ Aquatic Invertebrates(1313) ❑ Dry-Season Water Table(C2)
❑ Sediment Deposits(132) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(Cl) ❑ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9)
❑ Drift Deposits(133) ® Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) ® Geomorphic Position(D2)
❑ Algal Mat or Crust(64) ❑ Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) ❑ Shallow Aquitard(D3)
❑ Iron Deposits(135) ❑ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) ® FAC-Neutral Test(D5)
❑ Surface Soil Cracks(136) ® Stunted or Stresses Plants(D1)(LRR A) ❑ Raised Ant Mounds(D6)(LRR A)
❑ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(137) ❑ Other(Explain in Remarks) ❑ Frost-Heave Hummocks(D7)
❑ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(68)
Field Observations:
Surface Water Present? Yes ® No ❑ Depth(inches): uo to 8„
Water Table Present? Yes ® No ❑ Depth(inches): 4"
Saturation Present? Yes ® No ❑ Depth(inches): 0 Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ® No ❑
(includes capillary fringe)
Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available:
US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains,Valleys,and Coast—Version 2.0
Soil Survey Text
The Grove series consists of somewhat excessively
drained,reddish-brown gravelly soils. It occupies the large
glacial outwash plains. The Grove soils have developed from
Vashon glacial drift,modified considerably by inclusions of
local basaltic rock and mixed material from the Olympic
Mountain glaciers. The rainfall ranges from 60 to 100
inches a year. The vegetation is coniferous forest, with an
understory dominated by the lower growing mosses,
kinnikinnick, and snowberry, and these mixed with
huckleberry, salal,and Oregon-grape. The droughtresistant
manzanita is especially- common on the Grove soils.
The cover is not so profuse nor so rank as that on the
adjacent Shelton and Hoodsport soils. Logged areas
restock slowly to Douglas-fir, and some pure stands of
lodgepole pine are on these soils.
The Grove soils occur in the western part of the
county, in association with the Shelton and Hoodsport soils.
Grove soils differ front the Everett soils farther east in their
parent material and in having redder surface soil and
Grove gravelly sandy loam,0 to 5 percent slopes
(Gh):This soil occupies nearly level out-wash plain.
In forested areas there is a 1-to 2-inch layer of
needles, leaves,twigs,roots, and moss. The lower part is
moderately decomposed and very dark grayish brown.
The surface soil consists of reddish-brown, gravelly
sandy loam, 6 inches thick. It is very friable, is single
grained, and contains a few small,round shot. The upper
part of this layer contains a few firm, irregular,more
reddish aggregates. The next layer extends to depths
ranging from 12 to 14 inches. It is similar to the surface
soil,except that it is more gravelly,contains less shot, and
the gravel is stained and coated with dark reddish-brown
fine material.
The subsoil is a light-brown,very gravelly loamy sand. It
is loose, is single grained, and contains no shot. At
depths ranging from 24 to 32 inches,the subsoil grades
to the substratum of loose gravel, cobbles,and sand. The
dominant colors are gray. grayish brown, yellowish brown,
and light brown. Much of the gravel is highly stained with
nearly black and reddish-brown material. In places the
upper 24 inches of the substratum is compact or weakly
Included with this soil are about 250 acres occurring
on gently sloping fans, colluvial slopes,and terraces. The
parent material of the included soils is a mixture of local
basic igneous rock and mixed glacial material. The profile
is similar to that of Grove gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 5
percent slopes, but it differs in being brown and yellowish
brown,more variable in texture and in degree of
stratification, and in containing much angular and
subangular gravel.
This soil is strongly to medium acid and less acid with
depth. Surface runoff is very slow because of the rapid
permeability of the soil and the smooth topography.
Use and suitability.-Except for a very small acreage
in farms producing mainly for the farm household,this
soil is in forest, a use for which it is best suited. Because
of droughtiness and low fertility,it is not suitable for
hay or pasture. In suitability,this soil is similar to the
Everett gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes,
except that it is in classes 3 and 4 for Douglas-fir,
partly because of the higher rainfall. Areas in young
Douglas-fir are managed for Christmas trees. The soil is in
capability subclass Vis.
The McKenna series consists of poorly drained,very dark,
gravelly soils in depressions and along natural drainageways.
They have developed in Vashon glacial drift,under rainfall
that ranges from 45 to 60 inches a year.
The vegetation consists of deciduous trees and shrubs,
sedges,reeds, spirea, and wild rose,with occasional thickets
of quaking aspen and Oregon-oak. McKenna
soils occur mainly in association with the Alderwood and
Everett soils and only rarely with the Grove or Shelton soils.
McKenna soils differ from the Norma and Bellingham soils in
having very gravelly subsoils and substrata. They are much
darker colored than the Koch soils. The Deckerville soils,
which closely resemble the McKenna,have developed from
more basic parent material.
McKenna gravelly loam,0 to 3 percent slopes (Mc).This
soil occurs as small scattered areas. The surface soil is
friable and granular,dark-gray(nearly black when moist)
gravelly loam that is high in organic matter. Below this,to
depths of 10 to 15 inches, is firm, dark grayish-brown very
gravelly loam or gravelly clay loam that has a weak,
subangular blocky structure and is moderately high in
organic matter. This grades to firm,massive subsoil
consisting of light brownish-gray very gravelly loamy sand.
The substratum begins at depths of 24 to 30 inches and
consists of slightly to moderately compact,olive-brown and palebrown
coarse gravel and sand that is faintly mottled and
In many areas there is a thin,highly organic silty
layer on the surface. The soil is medium acid to strongly acid
in all layers. Gravel prevents cultivation. The soil is wet most
of the year but dries rapidly in summer.
Use and suitability.-Nearly all this soil is in natural
cover. A few areas have been cleared for pasture and
grazing. The narrow areas of this soil, and of other McKenna
soils,provide green pastures after those on surrounding
upland soils have dried.
This soil is in capability subclass IVw; it is poor for
evergreen and deciduous trees.
The Carstairs series consists of very dark, excessively
drained soils. They occupy the nearly treeless outwash
plains in the southwestern part of the county(fig. 3).
In position and parent material,they are similar to the
Grove soils. Carstairs soils have developed from basic
parent material and under rainfall that ranges front 60 to
90 inches a year. The native vegetation consists of grass,
kinnikinnick, ferns,moss,and low shrubs. Although the
soil is surrounded by dense forests, it has no overstory,
except for a few lodgepole pines,Douglas-firs,and clumps
of Oregon-oak.
Carstairs soils are friable, shot free, gravelly,porous,
and droughty. They resemble the Grove soils in being
porous, droughty, sand gravelly. They are finer textured
than the Spanaway soils(not mapped in Mason County)
and grade more gradually to the very loose and porous
gravelly subsoil and substratum.
Carstairs gravelly loam,0 to 5 percent slopes (Ca).--
The surface soil is a friable, fluffy,very dark gray
gravelly loam, about 7 inches thick. It has a weak, fine,
granular structure; contains no shot; and,when moist, is
nearly black or very dark brown. The subsurface layer,
between depths of 7 and 15 inches, is a friable, darkbrown
gravelly loam. It has a very weak, fine, granular
structure and contains more gravel than the surface layer.
The subsoil, extending to a depth of 25 inches,is a very
friable,brown gravelly sandy loam. It is single grained
Figure 3.-The prairie is on Carstairs gravelly loam, 0 to 5 percent
slopes. The forest in background is on Grove gravelly sandy loam, 0 l
to 5 percent slopes.
and, in places, is weakly compact. The gravel is stained with
reddish brown and yellow. Below 25 inches is the substratum,
which consists of loose, stratified,multicolored sandy gravel
containing many cobbles and a few stones. Manganese and
iron stains are on the surface of some of the stones.
This soil has a few slopes greater than 5 percent. The
depth to the substratum ranges from 25 to 50 inches.
In a few areas the solum contains small amounts of
gravel and the surface soil is a sandy loam that is more
coarse at a greater depth. At a depth of 30 inches,the
texture grades to a loamy sand, or to sand.Near the surface,
the soil is very strongly acid,but the subsurface layer
is medium acid.
Use and suitability.-This soil is used mainly for pasture.
I t is too droughty and low in fertility for most cultivated
crops. Part of the acreage is used for building sites and an
airport. Small acreages are used for hay,pasture, and
small grains. Yields are low and crop failures are frequent.
This soil is in capability subclass VIs and in site
classes 3 and 4 for Douglas-fir.
Appendix C
Washington State Wetland Rating System Form
Wetland name or number
Version 2—Updated July 2006 to increase accuracy and reproducibility among users
Updated Oct.2008 with the new WDFW definitions for priority habitats
Name of wetland(if known):Parcel 32133-00-01000 Wetland Date of site visit: 1/1/2013
Rated by:H Trained by Ecology? Yes E No ❑ Date of training:10/06
SEC: 33 TOWNSHP: 21N RNGE: 3W Is S/T/R in Appendix D? Yes❑ No
Map of wetland unit: Figure 2 Estimated size 3-5 acres.
Category based on FUNCTIONS provided by wetland: ❑I ®II ❑III ❑ IV
Category I= Score>70 Score for Water Quality Functions 12
Category II= Score 51 -69 Score for Hydrologic Functions 26
Category III= Score 30—50 Score for Habitat Functions 25
Category IV= Score<30 TOTAL Score for Functions 63
Category based on SPECIAL CHARACTERISTCS of Wetland ❑I ® II ❑Does not apply
Final Category(choose the"highest' category from above") II
Summary of basic information about the wetland unit.
Wetland Unit has Special Wetland HGM Class
Characteristic& used for Rating
Estuarine ❑ De ressional ❑
Natural Heritage Wetland ❑ Riverine
Bo ❑ Lake-fringe ❑
Mature Forest Sloe ❑
Old Growth Forest LJ Flats ❑
Coastal Lagoon El Freshwater Tidal ❑
Interdunal ❑
None of the above ® Check if unit has multiple 710
HGM classes present
Does the wetland being rated meet any of the criteria below? If you answer YES to any of the questions below you will
need to protect the wetland according to the regulations regarding the special characteristics found in the wetland.
Check List for Wetlands that Need Additional Protection YES NO
in addition to the protection recommended for its category)
SP 1. Has the wetland unit been documented as a habitat for any Federally listed Threatened or
Endangered animal or plant species (TIE species)? ❑
For the purposes of this rating system, "documented"means the wetland is on the appropriate
state or federal database.
SP2. Has the wetland unit been documented as habitat for any State listed Threatened or
Endangered animal species? For the purposes of this rating system,"documented"means the ❑
wetland is on the appropriate state database. Note: Wetlands with State listed plant species
are categorized as Category 1 Natural Heritage Wetlands see p. 19 of data form).
SP3. Does the wetland unit contain individuals of Priority species listed by the WDFW or the state? ❑
SP4. Does the wetland unit have a local significance in addition to its functions? For example,the
wetland has been identified in the Shoreline Master Program,the Critical Areas Ordinance, or ❑ ED
in a local management plan as having special significance.
To complete the next part of the data sheet you will need to determine the Hydroaeomorphic Class of the wetland being rated.
The hydrogeornocphic classification g utips wetlands in to those that finiction in similar ways.This simplifies the questions needed to mswerhow well the wetland
fiu ckm The Hydrngeon►o phic Class ofa wetland canbe detennuied usingthe key below. Seep.24 for more detailed inshiKtiols on classifying wetlands.
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 1 of 12
Wetland name or number
Classification of Vegetated Wetlands for Western Washington
If the hydrologic criteria listed in each question do not apply to the entire unit being rated,you probably have a unit with
multiple HGM classes. In this case, identify which hydrologic criteria in questions 1-7 apply, and go to Question 8.
1. Are the water levels in the entire unit usually controlled by tides(i.e. except during floods)?
®NO—go to 2 ❑YES—the wetland class is Tidal Fringe
If yes, is the salinity of the water during periods of annual low flow below 0.5 ppt(parts per thousand)?
❑ YES—Freshwater Tidal Fringe ❑ NO—Saltwater Tidal Fringe(Estuarine)
If your wetland can be classified as a Freshwater Tidal Fringe use the forms for Rivenne wetlands. If it is a Saltwater Tidal Fringe it
is rated as an Estuarine wetland Wetlands that were call estuarine in the first and second editions of the rating system are called Salt
Water Tidal Fringe in the Hydrogeomorphic Classification. Estuarine wetlands were categorized separately in the earlier editions,and
this separation is being kept in this revision. To maintain consistency between editions,the term"Estuarine"wetland is kept. Please
note,however,that the characteristics that define Category I and H estuarine wetlands have changed(see p. ).
2. The entire wetland unit is flat and precipitation is only source(>90%)of water to it. Groundwater and surface water
runoff are NOT sources of water to the unit.
®NO—go to 3 ❑ YES—The wetland class is Flats
If your wetland can be classified as a"Flats"wetland,use the form for Depressional wetlands.
3. Does the entire wetland meet both of the following criteria?
❑ The vegetated part of the wetland is on the shores of a body of permanent open water(without any vegetation on
the surface)where at least 20 acres(8ha)in size;
❑At least 30%of the open water area is deeper than 6.6(2 m)?
®NO—go to 4 ❑ YES—The wetland class is Lake-fringe(Lacustrine Fringe)
4. Does the entire wetland meet all of the following criteria?
❑ The wetland is on a slope (slope can be very gradual).
❑ The water flows through the wetland in one direction(unidirectional)and usually comes from seeps. It may flow
subsurface, as sheetflow, or in a swale without distinct banks.
❑ The water leaves the wetland without being impounded?
NOTE: Surface water does not pond in these types of wetlands except occasionally in very small and
shallow depressions or behind hummocks (depressions are usually<3 ft diameter and less than I foot deep).
®NO—go to 5 ❑YES—The wetland class is Slope
5. Does the entire wetland meet all of the following criteria?
❑ The unit is in a valley or stream channel where it gets inundated by overbank flooding from that stream or river.
❑The overbank flooding occurs at least once every two years.
NOTE: The riverine unit can contain depressions that are filled with water when the river is not flooding..
❑NO—go to 6 ® YES—The wetland class is Riverine
6. Is the entire wetland unit in a topographic depression in which water ponds, or is saturated to the surface,at some time of
the year. This means that any outlet, if present is higher than the interior of the wetland.
®NO—go to 7 ❑YES—The wetland class is Depressional
7. Is the entire wetland located in a very flat area with no obvious depression and no overbank flooding. The unit does not
pond surface water more than a few inches. The unit seems to be maintained by high groundwater in the area. The
wetland may be ditched,but has no obvious natural outlet.
®No—go to 8 ❑YES—The wetland class is Depressional
8. Your wetland unit seems to be difficult to classify and probably contains several different HGM classes. For example,seeps at the base of a
slope may grade into a riverine floodplain,or a small stream within a depressional wetland has a zone of flooding along its sides. GO
AREAS IN THE UNIT(make a rough sketch to help you decide). Use the following table to identify the appropriate class to use for the
rating system if you have several HGM classes present within your wetland NOTE: Use this table only if the class that is recommended in
the second column represents 10%or more of the total area of the wetland unit being rated. If the area of the class listed in column 2 is less
than 10%of the unit,classify the wetland using the class that represents more than 90%of the total area.
HGM Classes within the wetland unit being.rated HGM Class to Use in Rating
Slope+Riverine Riverine
Slope+Depressional Depressional
Slope+Lake-fringe Lake-fringe
Depressional+Riverine along stream within boundary De ressional
Depressional+Lake-fringe Depression I
Salt Water Tidal Fringe and any other class of Treat as ESTUARINE under wetlands with special
freshwater wetland characteristics
If you are unable still to determine which of the above criteria apply to your wetland, or you have more than 2 HGM classes
within a wetland boundary, classify the wetland as Depressional for the rating.
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 2 of 12
Wetland name or number
D Depressional and Flat Wetlands Points
WATER QUALITY FUNCTIONS—Indicators that wetland functions to improve water quality. (only I score
per box)
D 1 Does the wetland have the potential to improve water quality? (see p.38)
D 1.1 Characteristics of surface water flows out of the wetland:
• Unit is a depression with no surface water leaving it no outletpoints=3 Figure❑
• Unit has an intermittently flowing,OR highly constricted,permanently flowing outlet...points=2
• Unit has an unconstricted,or slightly constricted,surface outlet(permanently flowing)..points= I
• Unit is a"flat"depression(Q.7 on key),or in the Flats class,with permanent surface
outflow and no obvious natural outlet and/or outlet is a man-made ditch.....................points= I ❑
(If ditch is not permanently—flowing treat unit as "intermittent) owin " Provide photo or drawing
D 1.2 The soil 2 inches below the surface(or duff layer)is clay or organic(use NRCS definitions)
YES points=4 NO points=0
D 1.3 Characteristics of persistent vegetation(emergent,shrub,and/or forest Cowardin class):
• Wetland has persistent,ungrazed vegetation>=95%of area.........................................points=5 Figure❑
• Wetland has persistent,ungrazed vegetation>= 1/2 of area...........................................points=3
• Wetland has persistent,ungrazed vegetation>= 1/10 of area.........................................points= 1
• Wetland has persistent, ungrazed vegetation< 1/10 of area............................................points=0
Map of Cowardin vegetation classes
D 1.4 Characteristics of seasonal ponding or inundation: This is the area of the wetland that is pon ed or at
least 2 months, but dries out sometime during the year. Do not count the area that is permanently Figure II
ponded. Estimate area as the average condition S out of 10 years.
• Area seasonally ponded is> 1/2 total area of wetland.....................................................points=4
• Area seasonally ponded is> 1/4 total area of wetland.....................................................points=2
• Area seasonally ponded is< 1/4 total area of wetland.....................................................points=0 LJ
Map of H dro eriods
Total for D 1 Add the points in the boxes above
D 2 Does the wetland have the opportunity to improve water quality? (seep. 44)
Answer YES if you know or believe there are pollutants in groundwater or surface water coming into
the wetland that would otherwise reduce water quality in streams,lakes or groundwater downgradient
from the wetland? Note which of the following conditions provide the sources of pollutants. A unit
m have pollutants coming from several sources, but any single source would qualify as opportunity.
Grazing in the wetland or within 150 ft
Untreated stormwater discharges to wetland
Tilled fields or orchards within 150 ft.of wetland
A stream or culvert discharges into wetland that drains developed areas,residential areas, farmed
fields,roads,or clear-cut logging
8 Residential,urban areas,golf courses are within 150 ft.of wetland
Wetland is fed by groundwater high in phosphorus or nitrogen Multiplier
❑YES multiplier is 2 ®NO multiplier is 1
♦ TOTAL—Water Quality Functions Multiply the score from D1 by 132;then add score to table on p. 1
HYDROLOGIC FUNCTIONS—Indicators that wetland unit functions to reduce flooding and stream degradation.
D 3 Does the wetland have the potential to reduce flooding and erosion? (see p.46)
D 3.1 Characteristics of surface water flows out of the wetland unit
• Unit is a depression with no surface water leaving it(no outlet).....................................points=4
• Unit has an intermittently flowing,OR highly constricted permanently flowing outlet....points=2 Ll
• Unit is a"flat"depression(Q.7 on key)or in the Flats class,with permanent surface
outflow and no obvious natural outlet and/or outlet is a man-made ditch.....................points= 1 ❑
(If ditch is not permanently flowing treat unit as "intermittently flowing')
• Unit has an unconstricted or slightly constricted surface outlet ermanent! owin ........points=0
D 3.2 Depth of storage during wet periods. Estimate the height of ponding above the bottom of the outlet. For
units with no outlet measure from the surface of permanent water or deepest part(if dry).
• Marks of ponding are 3 ft.or more above the surface or bottom of the outlet..................points=7
• The wetland is a"headwater"wetland............................................................................points=5
• Marks of ponding between 2 ft.to<3 ft.from surface or bottom of outlet.....................points=5
• Marks are at least 0.5 ft.to<2 ft.from surface or bottom of outlet................................points=3
• Wetland is flat(yes to Q2 or Q.7 on key)but has small depressions on the surface that trap water.points=1
• Marks of ponding less than 0.5 ft....................................................................................points=0
D 3.3 Contribution of wetland unit to storage in the watershed: Estimate the ratio o the area o upstream
basin contributing surface water to the wetland to the area of the wetland unit itself.
• The area of the basin is less than 10 times the area of unit..............................................points=5
• The area of the basin is 10 to 100 times the area of the unit............................................points=3
• The area of the basin is more than 100 times the area of the unit....................................points=0
• Entire unit is in the FLATS class....................................................................................points=5
Total for D 3 Add the points in the boxes above
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 3 of 12
Wetland name or number
D 4 Does the wetland have the opportunity to reduce flooding and erosion? (seep. 49)
Answer YES if the unit is in a location in the watershed where the flood storage,or reduction in water velocity,
it provides helps protect downstream property and aquatic resources from flooding or excessive and/or erosive
flows. Answer NO if the water coming into the wetland is controlled by a structure such as flood gate,tide
gate,flap valve,reservoir etc.OR you estimate that more than 90%of the water in the wetland is from
groundwater in areas where damaging groundwater flooding does not occur. Note which of the following
indicators of opportunity apply.
Wetland is in a headwater of a river or stream that has flooding problems.
Wetland drains to a river or stream that has flooding problems
Wetland has no outlet and impounds surface runoff water that might otherwise flow into a river or
stream that has flooding problems Multiplier
❑ Other
❑YES multiplier is 2 ❑ No multiplier is 1
♦ TOTAL—Hydrologic Functions Multiply the score from D3 by 134;then add score to table on . 1
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 4 of 12
Wetland name or number
R Riverine and Freshwater Tidal Fringe Wetlands
WATER QUALITY FUNCTIONS—Indicators that wetland functions to improve water quality. (onl} I scor
per box)
RI Does the wetland have the potential to improve water quality? (see p.52)
R 1.1 Area of surface depressions within the riverine wetland that can trap sediments during a flooding event:
• Depressions cover>3/4 area of wetland.........................................................................points=8 Figure
• Depressions cover> 1/2 area of wetland.........................................................................points=4
(If depressions> 1/2 of area of unit draw polygons on aerial photo or map)
• Depressions present but cover< 1/2 area of wetland.......................................................points=2 4
• No depressions present...................................................................................................points=0
R 1.2 Characteristics of the vegetation in the unit(areas with>90%cover at person height):
• Trees or shrubs>2/3 area of the unit..............................................................................points=8 Figure
• Trees or shrubs> 1/3 area of the wetland.......................................................................points=6
• Ungrazed,herbaceous plants>2/3 area of unit...............................................................points=6
• Ungrazed herbaceous plants> 1/3 area of unit................................................................points=3 8
• Trees,shrubs,and ungrazed herbaceous< 1/3 area of unit..............................................points=0
Aerial photo or map showing polygons of different vegetation types
Add the points in the boxes above 12
R 2 Does the wetland have the opportunity to improve water quality? (see p. 53)
Answer YES if you know or believe there are pollutants in groundwater or surface water coming into
the wetland that would otherwise reduce water quality in streams,lakes or groundwater downgradient
from the wetland. Note which of the following conditions provide the sources of pollutants. A unit may
have pollutants coming from several sources, but any single source would qualify as opportunity.
Grazing in the wetland or within 150 ft
Untreated stormwater discharges to wetland
Tilled fields or orchards within 150 ft.of wetland
A stream or culvert discharges into wetland that drains developed areas,residential areas,farmed
fields,roads,or clear-cut logging
BResidential,urban areas,golf courses are within 150 ft.of wetland
The river or stream linked to the wetland has a contributing basin where human activities have raised Multiplier
levels of sediment,toxic compounds or nutrients in the river water above standards for water
❑Other 1
YES multiplier is 2 NO multiplier is 1
♦ TOTAL—Water Quality Functions Multiply the score from Rl by R2; then add score to table on p. 1
HYDROLOGIC FUNCTIONS—Indicators that wetland functions to reduce flooding and stream erosion.
R 3 Does the wetland have the potential to reduce flooding and erosion? (see p.54)
R 3.1 Characteristics of the overbank storage the wetland provides: Estimate the average width of the wetland
perpendicular to the direction of the flow and the width of the stream or river channel(distance between Figure
banks). Calculate the ratio: (average width of unit)/(average width of stream between banks).
• If the ratio is more than 20.............................................................................................points=9
• If the ratio is between 10—20........................................................................................points=6
• If the ratio is 5-<10.......................................................................................................points=4
• If the ratio is 1-<5.........................................................................................................points=2 6
• If the ratio is< 1 ............................................................................................................points= 1
Aerial photo or map s owing average widths
R 3.2 Characteristics of vegetation that slow down water velocities during floods: Treat large woody debris as
`forest or shrub". Choose the points appropriate for the best description. (polygons need to have >9091c Figure
cover at person height NOT Cowardin classes):
• Forest or shrub for> 1/3 area OR herbaceous plants>2/3 area......................................points=7
• Forest or shrub for> 1/10 area OR herbaceous plants> 1/3 area.....................................points=4 7
• Vegetation does not meet above criteria.........................................................................points=0
Aerial photo or map showing polygons of different vegetation types I _
Add the points in the boxes above __13 _
R 4 Does the wetland have the opportunity to reduce flooding and erosion? (see p.57)
Answer YES if the wetland is in a location in the watershed where the flood storage,or reduction in water
velocity,it provides helps protect downstream property and aquatic resources from flooding or excessive and/or
erosive flows. Note which of the following conditions apply.
®There are human structures and activities downstream(roads,buildings,bridges,farms)that can be
damaged by flooding.
8 There are natural resources downstream(e.g. salmon redds)that can be damaged by flooding
Other Multiplier
(Answer NO if the major source of water to the wetland is controlled by a reservoir or the wetland is
tidal fringe along the sides of a dike) 2
®YES multiplier is 2 ❑NO multiplier is 1
♦ TOTAL— llvdrologic Functions Multiply the score from R3 by R4;then add score to table on p. I
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 5 of 12
ctland namc ur numhcr
j L Lake-fringe Wetlands AINW& Points
WATER QUALITY FUNCTIONS— Indicators that the wetland unit functions to improve water quality. (only I score
L 1 Does the wetland unit have the potential to improve water quality? (see p.59) per box)
L 1.1 Average width of vegetation along the lakeshore(use polygons of Cowardin classes)
• Vegetation is more than 33 ft.(10m)wide......................................................................points=6 Figure II
• Vegetation is more than 16 ft.(5m)wide and<33 ft.......................................................points=3
• Vegetation is more than 6 ft.(2m)wide and< 16 ft........................................................points= 1
• Vegetation is less than 6 ft.wide....................................................................................points=0
Map of Cowardin classes with widths marked
L 1.2 Characteristics of the vegetation in the wetland: Choose the appropriate description that results in the highest
points,and do not include any open water in your estimate of coverage. The herbaceous plants can be either the Figure II
dominant form or as an understory in a shrub or forest community. These are not Cowardin classes. Area of Cover is
total cover in the unit,but it can be in patches. NOTE:Herbaceous does not include aquatic bed
• Cover of herbaceous plants is>90%of the vegetated area.............................................points=6
• Cover of herbaceous plants is>2/3 of the vegetated area...............................................points=4
• Cover of herbaceous plants is> 1/3 of the vegetated area...............................................points=3
• Other vegetation that is not aquatic bed or herbaceous covers>2/3 of the unit...............points=3
• Other vegetation that is not aquatic bed in> 1/3 vegetated area......................................points= 1
• Aquatic bed cover and open water>2/3 of the unit........................................................points=0 El
Map with polygons of different vegetation types
Add the points in the boxes above
L 2 Does the wetland have the opportunity to improve water quality? (see p.61)
Answer YES if you know or believe there are pollutants in the lake water,or polluted surface water flowing
through the unit to the lake. Note which of the following conditions provide the sources of pollutants. A unit
m have pollutants coming from several sources, but any single source would qualms as opportumty
Wetland is along the shores of a lake or reservoir that does not meet water quality standards
Grazing in the wetland or within 150 ft
Polluted water discharges to wetland along upland edge
Tilled fields or orchards within 150 ft.of wetland
Residential or urban areas are within 150 ft.of wetland Multiplier
Parks with grassy areas that are maintained,ballfields,golf courses(all within 150 ft.of lake shore)
Power boats with gasoline or diesel engines use the lake
❑YES multiplier is 2 ❑ NO multiplier is 1
♦ TOT,kt, — Water Quality Functions Multiply the score from L1 by L2;then add score to table on p. I
HYDROLOGIC FUNCTIONS—Indicators that wetland functions to reduce shoreline erosion.
L 3 Does the wetland have the potential to reduce shoreline erosion? (see p.62)
L 3 Average width and characteristics of vegetation along the lakeshore(do not include aquatic bed):
(choose the highest scoring description that matches conditions in the wetland) Figure II
• 3/4 of distance is shrubs or forest at least 33 ft.(10m)wide............................................points=6 LI
• 3/4 of distance is shrubs or forest at least 6 ft. (2m)wide. ..............................................points=4
• 1/4 of distance is shrubs or forest at least 33 ft.(10m)wide............................................points=4 LJ
• Vegetation is at least 6 ft.(2m)wide(any type except aquatic bed)................................points=2
• Vegetation is less than 6 ft.(2m)wide(any type except aquatic bed)..............................points=0
Aerial photo or map with Cowardin vegetation classes
Record the points in the boxes above
L 4 Does the wetland have the opportunity,to reduce erosion? (seep. 64)
Are there features along the shore that will be impacted if the shoreline erodes? Note which of the following
conditions apply.
❑There are human structures and activities along the upland edge of the wetland(buildings,fields)tha
can be damaged by erosion. Multiplier
❑There are undisturbed natural resources along the upland edge of the wetland(e.g.mature forests,
other wetlands)that can be damaged by shoreline erosion.
❑YES multiplier is 2 ❑NO multiplier is 1
♦ TOTAL—Hydrologic Functions Multiply the score from L3 by L4; then add score to table on p. 1 t=j
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 6 of 12
Wetland name or number
Fs--Slope Wetlands Points
WATER QUALITY FUNCTIONS—Indicators that wetland functions to im rove water quality. (only i score
--_ -_--S 1 Does the wetland have the potentialper box)
to improve water quality? see 64)
S LI Characteristics of average slope of unit:
• Slope is 1%or less(a 1%slope has a]ft wnkcd akop in elevwionfarevery 100 t horizontal distance)...points=3
• Slope is 1%-2%................................................. points
• Slope is 2%-5%............................................................................................................points= 1
• Slo a is eater than 5%.................................................................................................points=0
S 1.2 The soil 2 inches below the surface(or duff layer)is clay,organic(Use NRCS definitions).
El YES =3 points Cl NO =0 points
S 1.3 Characteristics of the vegetation in the wetland that trap sediments and pollutants: Choose the points
appropriate for the description that best fits the vegetation in the wetland. Dense vegetation means you Figure❑
have trouble seeing the soil surface(>75%cover), and uncut means not grazed or mowed and plants
are higher than 6 inches.
• Dense,uncut,herbaceous vegetation>90%of the wetland area.....................................points=6
• Dense,uncut,herbaceous vegetation> 1/2 of area..........................................................points=3
................ .
• Dense,woody,vegetation> 1/2 of area................ ............................. ............points=2
• Dense,uncut,herbaceous vegetation> 1/4 of area..........................................................points= 1
• Does not meet any of the criteria above for vegetation....................................................points=0
Aerial photo or ma with ve etation polygons
Total for S 1 Add the points in the boxes above
S 2 Does the wetland have the opportunity to improve water quality? (see p. 67)
Answer YES if you know or believe there are pollutants in groundwater or surface water coming into
the wetland that would otherwise reduce water quality in streams,lakes or groundwater downgradient
from the wetland? Note which of the following conditions provide the sources of pollutants. A unit
ma have pollutants coming from several sources, but any single source would qualify as opportunity.
Grazing in the wetland or within 150 ft
Untreated stormwater discharges to wetland Multiplier
Tilled fields,logging,or orchards within 150 ft.of wetland
Residential,urban areas,or golf courses are within 150 ft.upslope of wetland
❑YES multiplier is 2 ❑NO multiplier is 1
♦ TOTAL—Water Oualitv Functions Multiply the score from S1 by S2;then add score to table on p. I
HYDROLOGIC FUNCTIONS—Indicators that wetland functions to reduce flooding and stream erosion.
S 3 Does the wetland have the potential to reduce flooding and stream erosion? (see p.68)
S 3.1 Characteristics of vegetation that reduce the velocity of surface flows during storms: Choose the points
appropriate for the description that best fits conditions in the wetland(stems of plants should be thick
enough(usually> 1/8in), or dense enough to remain erect during surface flows).
• Dense,uncut,rigid vegetation covers>90%of the area of the wetland..........................points=6
• Dense,uncut, rigid vegetation> 1/2 area of wetland.......................................................points=3
• Dense,uncut,rigid vegetation> 1/4 area.......................................................................points= 1
• More than 1/4 of area is grazed,mowed tilled or vegetation is not rigid........................points=0
S 3.2 Characteristics of slope wetland that holds back small amounts of flood flows.
The slope has small surface depressions that can retain water over at least 10%of its area.
❑YES =2 points NO =0 points
Add the points in the boxes above I_
S 4 Does the wetland have the opportunity to reduce flooding and erosion? (see p. 70)
Is the wetland in a landscape position where the reduction in water velocity it provides helps protect
downstream property and aquatic resources from flooding or excessive and/or erosive flows? Note
which of the following conditions apply.
Wetland has surface runoff that drains to a river or stream that has flooding problems
(Answer NO if the major source of water is controlled by a reservoir(e.g. wetland is a seep that is on Multiplier
the downstream side of a dam)
❑YES multiplier is 2 ❑NO multiplier is 1
♦ TOTAL—Hydrologic Functions Multiply the score from S3 by S4-then add score to table on p. I
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 7 of 12
Wetland name or number
These questions apply to wetlands of all HCM classes. Points
HABITAT FUNCTIONS—Indicators that wetland functions to provide important habitat. (only 1 score
per box)
H 1 Does the wetland have the aotential to provide habitat for many species?
H 1.1 Vegetation structure(see P. 72):
Check the types of vegetation classes present(as defined by Cowardin)—Size threshold for each class is Figure
114 acre or more than 10%of the area if unit is smaller than 2.5 acres.
Aquatic Bed
Emergent plants
Scrub/shrub(areas where shrubs have>30%cover)
Forested(areas where trees have>30%cover)
I the unit has a forested class check if:
The forested class has 3 out of 5 strata(canopy,sub-canopy,shrubs,herbaceous,moss/ground-cover)
that each cover 20%within the forested polygon. l
Add the number of vegetation types that qualify. I ou have: Map of Cowardin vegetation classes
4 structures or more.......points=4 3 structures.............points=2 El
2 structures.................... oints= 1 1 structure...............points=0 LJ
H 1.2 Hydro periods (see p.73):
Check the types of water regimes(hydroperiods)present within the wetland. The water regime has to Figure
cover more than 10%of the wetland or 114 acre to count(see text for descriptions of hydroperiods).
Permanently flooded or inundated 4 or more types present points=3
Seasonally flooded or inundated 3 or more types present points=2
Occasionally flooded or inundated 2 types present points= 1
Saturated only 1 type present otnts=0
Permanently flowing stream or river in,or adjacent to,the wetland p
Seasonally flowing stream in,or adjacent to,the wetland
Lake-fringe wetland.....................=2 points 2
Freshwater tidal wetland.............=2 points Map of hydroperiods
H 1.3 Richness of Plant Species (seep. 75):
Count the number of plant species in the wetland that cover at least 10 ft2(different patches of the same
species can be combined to meet the size threshold)
You do not have to name the species. Do not include Eurasian Milfoil, reed canarygrass,purple
loosestrife, Canadian Thistle. If you counted: > 19 species.......................points=2
5— 19 species....................points= 1 ]
List species below if you want to: <5 species.........................points=0
H 1.4 Interspersion of Habitats(see p. 76):
Decided from the diagrams below whether interspersion between Cowardin vegetation(described in HLI),or
the classes and unvegetated areas(can include open water or mudflats)is high,medium,low,or none.
0 (D (:4) Figure
None=0 points Low=I point Moderate=2 points
�- [riparian braided channels]
High =3 voints 1
Note: If you have 4 or more classes or 3 vegetation classes and open water,the rating is always"high".
Use map of Cowardin classes
H 1.5 Special Habitat Features(seep. 77):
Check the habitat features that are present in the wetland. The number of checks is the number of point
you put into the next column.
Large,downed,woody debris within the wetland(>4 in.diameter and 6 ft. long)
Standing snags(diameter at the bottom>4 inches)in the wetland
Undercut banks are present for at least 6.6 ft.(2m)and/or overhanging vegetation extends at least 3.3
ft. (I in)over a stream(or ditch)in,or contiguous with the unit,for at least 33 ft.(10m)
❑ Stable steep banks of fine material that might be used by beaver or muskrat for denning
(>30 degree slope)OR si ns of recent beaver activity are present(cut shrubs or trees that have
not yet turned grey/brown
®At least 1/4 acre of thin-stemmed persistent vegetation or woody branches are present in areas that
are permanently or seasonally inundated (structures for egg-laying by amphibians)
®Invasive plants cover less than 25%of the wetland area to each stratum of plants
NOTE: The 20%stated in early printings of the manual on page 78 is an error. 4
11 1 TOTAL Score—potential for providing habitat Add the points in the column ahove 9
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 8 of 12
Wetland name or number
H 2 Does the wetland have the opportunity to provide habitat for many species? (only 1 score
per box
H 2.1 Buffers (see P. 80):
Choose the description that best represents condition of buffer of wetland unit. The highest scoring Figure
criterion that applies to the wetland is to be used in the rating. See text for definition of"undisturbed".
❑ 100m(330 ft)of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas,rocky areas,or open water>
95%of circumference. No structures are within the undisturbed part of buffer
(relatively undisturbed also means no grazing,no landscaping,no daily human use).............points=5
® 100m(330 ft)of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas,rocky areas,or open water>
❑ 50m(170 ft)of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas,rocky areas,or open water
❑ 100m(330 ft)of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas,rocky areas,or open water>
❑50m(170 ft)of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas,rocky areas,or open water for
If buffer does not meet any of the criteria above:
❑No paved areas(except paved trails)or buildings within 25m(80 ft)of wetland>95%
circumference. Light to moderate grazing or lawns are OK..........................................points=2
❑No paved areas of buildings within 50m of wetland for>50%circumference. Light
to moderate grazing or lawns are OK.............................................................................points=2
❑ Heavy grazing in buffer.....................................................................................................points= 1
❑ Vegetated buffers are<2m wide(6.6 ft)for more than 95%circumference
(e.g.tilled fields,paving,basalt bedrock extend to edge of wetland).............................points=0
❑Buffer does not meet any of the criteria above...................................................................points=1 4
Arial photo showing buffers
H 2.2 Corridors and Connections(seep. 81)
H 2.2.1 Is the wetland part of a relatively undisturbed and unbroken vegetated corridor(either riparian
or upland)that is at least 150 ft.wide,has at least a 30%cover of shrubs,forest or native
undisturbed prairie,that connects to estuaries,other wetlands or undisturbed uplands that are at
least 250 acres in size? (Dams in riparian corridors, heavily used gravel roads,paved roads,
are considered breaks in the corridor).
®YES=4 points(go to H 2.3) ❑ NO=go to H 2.2.2
H.2.2.2 Is the wetland part of a relatively undisturbed and unbroken vegetated corridor(either riparian
or upland)that is at least 50 ft.wide,has at least 30%cover of shrubs or forest,and connects to
estuaries,other wetlands or undisturbed uplands that are at least 25 acres in size? OR a Lake-
fringe wetland, if it does not have an undisturbed corridor as in the question above?
❑YES=2 points(go to H 2.3) ❑ NO=go to H 2.2.3
H.2.2.3 Is the wetland:
• Within 5 mi(8km)of a brackish or salt water estuary OR
• Within 3 miles of a large field or pasture(>40 acres)OR ❑YES= I point q
• Within 1 mile of a lake greater than 20 acres? ❑ NO=0 points
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 9 of 12
Wetland name or number
H 2.3 Near or adiacent to other priority habitats listed by WDFW(see p. 82): (see new and complete
descriptions of WDFW priority habitats,and the counties in which they can be found, in the PHS report
httR/Avd .wa.gov/hab/phslist.htm)
Which of the following priority habitats are within 330 ft.(100m)of the wetland unit?
NOTE:the connections do not have to be relatively undisturbed
❑Aspen Stands:Pure or mixed stands of aspen greater than 0.4 ha(1 acre).
❑ Biodiversity Areas and Corridors:Areas of habitat that are relatively important to various species of native fish
and wildlife(full descriptions in WDFW PHS report p. 152).
❑ Herbaceous Balds:Variable size patches of grass and forbs on shallow soils over bedrock.
❑Old-growth/Mature forests:(Old-growth west of Cascade crest)Stands of at least 2 tree species,forming a multi-
layered canopy with occasional small openings;with at least 20 trees/ha(8 trees/acre)>81 cm(32 in)dbh or>
200 years of age.(Mature forests)Stands with average diameters exceeding 53 cm(21 in)dbh;crown cover
may be less that 100%;decay,decadence,numbers of snags,and quantity of large downed material is generally
less than that found in old-growth;80-200 years old west of the Cascade crest.
❑Oregon white Oak:Woodlands Stands of pure oak or oak/conifer associations where canopy coverage of the oak
component is important(full descriptions in WDFW PHS report p. 158).
® Riparian:The area adjacent to aquatic systems with flowing water that contains elements of both aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems which mutually influence each other.
❑Westside Prairies:Herbaceous,non-forested plant communities that can either take the form of a dry prairie or a
wet prairie(full descriptions in WDFW PHS report p. 161).
®Instream:The combination of physical,biological,and chemical processes and conditions that interact to provide
functional life history requirements for instream fish and wildlife resources.
❑Nearshore:Relatively undisturbed nearshore habitats.These include Coastal Nearshore,Open Coast Nearshore,
and Puget Sound Nearshore.(full descriptions of habitats and the definition of relatively undisturbed are in
WDFW report:pp. 167-169 and glossary in Appendix A).
❑Caves:A naturally occurring cavity,recess,void,or system of interconnected passages under the earth in soils,
rock,ice,or other geological formations and is large enough to contain a human.
❑ Cliffs:Greater than 7.6 in(25 ft)high and occurring below 5000 ft.
❑Talus:Homogenous areas of rock rubble ranging in average size 0.15-2.0 in(0.5-6.5 ft),composed of basalt,
andesite,and/or sedimentary rock,including riprap slides and mine tailings.May be associated with cliffs.
❑ Snags and Logs:Trees are considered snags if they are dead or dying and exhibit sufficient decay characteristics
to enable cavity excavation/use by wildlife.Priority snags have a diameter at breast height of>51 cm(20 in)in
western Washington and are>2 in(6.5 ft)in height.Priority logs are>30 cm(12 in)in diameter at the largest
end,and>6 in(20 ft)long. If wetland has 3 or more priority habitats=4 points
If wetland has 2 priority habitats=3 points
If wetland has 1 priority habitat=1 point
No habitats=0 points 3
Note:All vegetated wetlands are by definition a priority habitat but are not included in this list.
Nearby wetlands are addressed in question H 2.4
H 2.4 Wetland Landscape: Choose the one description of the landscape around the wetland that best fits(see p. 84)
• There are at least 3 other wetlands within 1/2 mile,and the connections between them are
relatively undisturbed(light grazing between wetlands OK,as is lake shore with some boating,
but connections should NOT be bisected by paved roads,fill,fields,or other development....points=5
• The wetland is Lake-fringe on a lake with little disturbance and there are 3 other lake-fringe
wetlands within 1/2 mile................................................................................................points=5 ❑
• There are at least 3 other wetlands within 1/2 mile,BUT the connections between them are
disturbed........................................................................................................................points=3 ❑
• The wetland fringe on a lake with disturbance and there are 3 other lake-fringe wetlands
within1/2 mile...............................................................................................................points=3 ❑
• There is at least 1 wetland within 1/2 mile......................................................................points=2❑
• There are no wetlands within 1/2 mile........ __5__
H 2 TOTAL Score—opportunity for providing habitat Add the scores from H2.1, H2.2, H2.3, H2.4 _ 16
TOTAL for H l from page 8 j 9 �
Total Score for Habitat Functions Add the points for H 1 and H 2;then record the result on p. 1 _ 25
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 10 of 12
Wetland name or number
Please determine if the wetland meets the attributes described below and circle the appropriate
answers and Category.
Wetland Type—Check off any criteria that apply to the wetland. Circle the Category when the appropriate
criteria are met.
SC1 Estuarine wetlands? (see p.86)
Does the wetland unit meet the following criteria for Estuarine wetlands?
❑The dominant water regime is tidal,
❑ With a salinity greater than 0.5 ppt.
❑YES =Go to SC 1.1 ® NO
SC 1.1 Is the wetland unit within a National Wildlife Refuge,National Park,National Estuary Reserve,Natural Cat. 1
Area Preserve, State Park or Educational,Environmental,or Scientific Reserve designated under WAC ❑
332-30-151? ❑YES =Category I ® NO=go to SC 1.2
SC 1.2 Is the wetland at least 1 acre in size and meets at least two of the following conditions?
❑YES =Category I ❑ NO=Category II Cat. I
❑The wetland is relatively undisturbed(has no diking,ditching,filling,cultivation,grazing,and has ❑
less than 10%cover of non-native plant species. If the non-native Spartina spp,.are only species Cat.II
that cover more than 10%of the wetland,then the wetland should be given a dual rating(I/II). ❑
The area of Spartina would be rated a Category II while the relatively undisturbed upper marsh
with native species would be a Category 1. Do not,however,exclude the area of Spartina in Dual
determining the size threshold of 1 acre.
❑At least 3/4 of the landward edge of the wetland has a 100 ft.buffer of shrub,forest,or un-grazed or Rating
un-mowed grassland 1/II
❑The wetland has at least 2 of the following features: tidal channels,depressions with open water,or ❑
contiguous freshwater wetlands.
SC2 Natural Heritage Wetlands (seep. 87)
Natural Heritage wetlands have been identified by the Washington Natural Heritage Program/DNR as
either high quality undisturbed wetlands or wetlands that support state Threatened,Endangered,or
Sensitive plant species.
SC 2.1 Is the wetland being rated in a Section/Township/Range that contains a natural heritage wetland? (This
question is used to screen out most sites before you need to contact WNHP/DNR.)
® S/T/R information from Appendix D ®or accessed from WNHP/DNR web site
❑YES Contact WNHP/DNR(see p. 79)and go to SC 2.2 ®NO
SC 2.2 Has DNR identified the wetland as a high quality undisturbed wetland or as a site with state threatened Cat I
or endangered plant species? ❑
❑YES =Category 1 ®NO not a Heritage Wetland
SC3 Bogs(seep. 87)
Does the wetland(or any part of the unit)meet both the criteria for soils and vegetation in bogs? Use
the key below to identify if the wetland is a bog. If you answer yes you will still need to rate the
wetland based on its function.
1. Does the unit have organic soil horizons(i.e.layers of organic soil),either peats or mucks,that
compose 16 inches or more of the first 32 inches of soil profile? (See Appendix B for a field key to
identify organic soils)? ❑YES=go to question 3 ® NO=go to question 2
2. Does the wetland have organic soils,either peats or mucks that are less than 16 inches deep over
bedrock,or an impermeable hardpan such as clay or volcanic ash,or that are floating on a lake or
pond? ❑YES=go to question 3 ® NO=is not a bog for purpose of rating
3. Does the unit have more than 70%cover of mosses at ground level,AND other plants,if present,
consist of the"bog"species listed in Table 3 as a significant component of the vegetation(more
than 30%of the total shrub and herbaceous cover consists of species in Table 3)?
❑YES=Is a bog for purpose of rating ❑ NO=go to question 4
NOTE: If you are uncertain about the extent of mosses in the understory you may substitute that
criterion by measuring the pH of the water that seeps into a hole dug at least 16"deep. If the pH is
less than 5.0 and the"bog"plant species in Table 3 are present,the wetland is a bog.
4. Is the unit forested(>30%cover)with sitka spruce,subalpine fir,western red cedar,western
hemlock,lodgepole pine,quaking aspen,Englemann's spruce,or western white pine.WITH any of
the species(or combination of species)on the bog species plant list in Table 3 as a significant
component of the ground cover(> 30%coverage of the total shrub/herbaceous cover)? Cat.I
❑YES=Category I ❑NO=Is not a bog for purpose of rating ❑
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 11 of 12
Wetland name or number
C4 Forested Wetlands (seep. 90)
Does the wetland have at least 1 acre of forest that meet one of these criteria for the Department of Fish
and Wildlife's forests as priority habitats? If you answer yes you will still need to rate the wetland
based on its function.
❑Old-growth forests: (west of Cascade Crest) Stands of at least two three species forming a multi-
layered canopy with occasional small openings;with at least 8 trees/acre(20 trees/hectare)that are
at least 200 years of age OR have a diameter at breast height(dbh)of 32 inches(81 cm or more).
NOTE: The criterion for dbh is based on measurements for upland forests. Two-hundred year old trees
in wetlands will often have a smaller dbh because their growth rates are often slower. The DFW
criterion is and"OR"so old-growth forests do not necessarily have to have trees of this diameter.
❑Mature forests: (west of the Cascade Crest) Stands where the largest trees are 80—200 years old
OR have an average diameters(dbh)exceeding 21 inches(53 cm);crown cover may be less than
100%;decay,decadence,numbers of snags,and quantity of large downed material is generally
less than that found in old-growth. Cat. I
❑YES=Category I ❑ NO=not a forested wetland with special characteristics ❑
C5 Wetlands in Coastal Lagoons (seep. 91)
Does the wetland meet all of the following criteria of a wetland in a coastal lagoon?
❑The wetland lies in a depression adjacent to marine waters that is wholly or partially separated from
marine waters by sandbanks,gravel banks,shingle,or,less frequently,rocks.
❑The lagoon in which the wetland is located contains surface water that is saline or brackish(>0.5
ppt)during most of the year in at least a portion of the lagoon(needs to be measured near the
❑YES=Go to SC 5.1 ®NO not a wetland in a coastal lagoon
SC 5.1 Does the wetland meet all of the following three conditions?
❑ The wetland is relatively undisturbed(has no diking,ditching,filling,cultivation,grazing)and has
less than 20%cover of invasive plant species(see list of invasive species on p. 74).
❑ At least 3/4 of the landward edge of the wetland has a 100 ft.buffer of shrub,forest,or un-grazed or Cat.
un-mowed grassland. ❑
❑ The wetland is larger than 1/10 acre(4350 square ft.) Cat. 11
❑YES=Category I ®NO =Category II ❑
C6 Interdunal Wetlands (seep. 93)
Is the wetland west of the 1889 line(also called the Western Boundary of Upland Ownership or
❑YES=Go to SC 6.1 ®NO not an interdunal wetland for rating
If you answer yes you will still need to rate the wetland based on its functions.
In practical terms that means the following geographic areas:
• Long Beach Peninsula--lands west of SR 103
• Grayland-Westport--lands west of SR 105
• Ocean Shores-Copalis—lands west of SR 115 and SR 109
SC 6.1 Is the wetland one acre or larger,or is it in a mosaic of wetlands that is one acre or larger? Cat. II
❑YES=Category II ®NO =go to SC 6.2 ❑
SC 6.2 Is the wetland between 0.1 and 1 acre,or is it in a mosaic of wetlands that is between 0.1 and I acre? Cat.III
❑YES=Category III ❑
Category of wetland based on Special Characteristics
♦ Choose the "highest"rating if wetland falls into several categories, and record on p. 1.
If you answered NO for all types enter"Not Applicable"on p. 1
Wetland Rating Form—Western Washington,Version 2(7/06),updated with new WDFW definitions Oct.2008 Page 12 of 12