HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHX2024-00049, FLD2024-00086 Restore 217' Erosion Protection Harstine Bridge - SHX Application - 11/1/2024 RECEIVED: MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit Assistance Center,Building,Planning PERMIT NO.:��Xaoa -ooay� SHORELINE EXEMPTION APPLICATION Shoreline development in Mason County must conform with the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. The program requires that substantial development (any development of which the total cost or fair market value exceeds $8,504.00 or materially interferes with the normal public use of the water or shorelines of the State) be reviewed with the goals, polices, and performance standards established in the Master Program. New or expanded docks or beach access structures will likely require a substantial development permit instead of a shoreline exemption. Consult with a Mason County Planner. APPLICANT: Mason County Public Works Department (ATTN: Erik Schwartz) ADDRESS: 100. W. Public Works Drive (street) Shelton WA 98584 (cry) (state) (zip) PHONE: 360.490.1296 EMAIL: eschwartz@masoncounty\lb AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: ADDRESS: (street) (city) (state) (zip) PHONE: EMAIL: Answer all questions completely. Attach any additional information that may further describe the proposed development. Incomplete application will be returned. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: General location (include property address, water body and associated wetlands—identify the name of the shoreline): Harstine Bridge Road MP 0.13. The project is in County-owned road right-of-way and parcel, immediately surrounding and part of the bridge structure,within the footprint of original structural fill and rip rap protection,within Pickering Passage, marine shoreline (Residential SED), and including area within FEMA mapped 100-yr floodplain"AE". Include all parcel numbers: Projects located in open water areas, away from land shall provide latitude/longitude. 47.246660' Lat. / -122.92970' Long. The project is in County Road right-of-way and adjacent parcel #220044160040 (Mason County). T 20 N, R 02 W, Sec.03. Is the applicant the property owner? YES 0 NO Owner: Mason County, same as applicant (street) (city) (state) (zip) Development proposal (identify and describe the proposed project, including the type of materials to be used, construction methods, principle dimensions, and other pertinent information): The proposed project is to repair and restore 217 linear feet of rip rap protection along the western road approach and abutment of the Harstine Island Bridge. Rip rap would be placed within the footprint of the original structure design and existing derelict fill and rip rap protection. HPA will be obtained. Existing Use (identify current use of property with exist improvements): The work is to maintain the bridge Pier #1 (abutment) and road approach and involves no material expansions or changes in use beyond that previously existing. The repair/reconstruction will maintain the structure and conditions for existing use, operation, structural integrity, and safety. Reason for requesting development: The bridge repair is required maintenance for public safety and road use. Based on Public Works' review of the project scope and plans, applicant is requesting exemption according to MCC 17.50.400(b)(1)(B). Estimated Fair Market Value of Project to Closest $1,000: $30,000 ACKNOWLEDGMENT: I hereby declare, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the forgoing information and all attached information is true and correct. Digitally signed by Erik Schwartz Date:2024.11.01 14:59:39 11/1/24 -07'00' (Applicant or Authorized Representative) (date) MASON COUNTY Mason County Permit Center Use: COMMUNITY SERVICES FLD Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health ] 615 W.Alder Street—Bldg.8,Shelton,WA 98584 Date Rcvd Phone:(360)427-9670 Ext.352♦ Fax:(360)427-7798 Flood Development Permit Application Owner's Name: Mason County Public Works Dept. Contractor. N/A ATTN: Erik Schwartz Mailing Address: Mailing Address: 100 W. Public Works Dr. N/A City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Shelton, WA 98584 N/A Phone: Phone: 360 427-9670 ext. 4 N/A eschwartz@masoncountywa.gov Email: Email: Tax Parcel Number: PN 220044160040 Site Address: 51 E. Harstine Bridge Road and County Road R/W I understand I am making application for a permit to develop in a designated flood hazard area. The undersigned agrees that all such work shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, building codes and all other applicable Local, State and Federal regulations. This application does not create liability on the part of the County or any officer or employee thereof for any flood damage that results from reliance on this application, or any administrative decision made lawfully there under. Digitally signed by Erik Schwartz Date:2 024.11.12 11:43:26 Owners Signature (required): -08'00' Date: 11/12/2024 Scope work for review: Repair and restore 217 linear feet of rip rap protection along the western road approach and abutment of the Harstine Island Bridge. Rip rap would be placed within the footprint of the original structure design and existing derelict fill and rip rap protection. Repair will maintain structure for existing use. A. Description of Work (complete for all work): Assoc. Permit(s): 1. Proposed Development Description: ❑ New Residence ❑ New Manufactured home X Bridge/Culvert/Stabilization ❑ Non-Residential ❑ Fill/grade ❑ Bulkhead (new, repair, replace) ❑ Addition/Remodel/Repair to an existing structure (includes mechanical, plumbing, and work such as a re-roof). 2. The parcel has been identified in the following Flood Hazard Area: ❑ A XI AE ❑ AO ❑ VE FIRM Panel/Map 53045CO635E Base Flood Elevation (BFE): 15.0' NAVD88 Official Use 3. Habitat Assessment required: ❑ Yes No, exempt per If NO, must state what exemption qualifies, if YES attach Habitat Management plan, Biological Evaluation, or JARPA Application. 4. Are any other Federal, State, or local permits required? Must attach copies of permits. X Yes ❑ No If yes, list type: WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval (APP ID #36375, pending) 5. Is the proposed development in an identified floodway? ❑ Yes X No If yes, a No Rise Certification must be attached. B. Complete for Historic Structures (must be on historic registry). 1. Provide documentation of historic registry from Federal or State. N/A 2. Provide a detailed letter requesting a variance. Letter must include parcel number, address of site, scope of work and mitigation items regarding wetproofing or floodproofing that are available. No work can affect or result in increase flood heights or additional threats to public safety. All mechanical and plumbing must be flood or wetproofed. No variances will be granted in a Floodway. C. Complete for NEW or Substantial Improvements Structures and Building Sites: **' 1. A FEMA Elevation Certificate is required, must be completed by a Washington State licensed Surveyor. Elevation Certificate must be attached. N/A; not a new or substantial 2. Base Flood Elevation at the building site: feet NAVD 88 improvement 3. Required lowest floor elevation (including basement floor): feet NAVD88 4. In flood hazard areas without a base flood elevation (BFE), what is the highest adjacent. Grade? (HAG) Structure must be a minimum of two (2) feet above the HAG. The required finish floor height is D. Complete for Alterations, Additions, or Improvements to Existing Structures:*** 1. What is the estimated market value of the existing structure? $ >10,000,000 Attached: Assessor's Parcel Detail Report OR Appraisal from a Washington State Licensed Appraiser 2. What is the cost/valuation of the proposed construction? $ 30,000 Percentage 0.3% Attached: Contractors Bid (FEMA Criteria) OR County Valuation per Mason County Ordinance When the cost or valuation of the proposed construction equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure, then the substantial improvement/repair provisions shall apply. Is the proposed work a substantial repair/improvement ❑ Yes X No If yes, complete section C above. E. Complete for Non-Residential Floodproofed Construction:` N/A; foodproofed 1. Type of floodproofing method: construction is not applicable. 2. The required floodproofing elevation is: feet NAVD88 3. Floodproofing certification by a registered engineer is attached: ❑ Yes ❑ No F. Complete for Subdivisions and Planned Unit Developments: 1. Will the subdivision or other development contain 50 lots or 5 acres? N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. If yes, does the plat or proposal clearly identify base flood elevations? ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. Are the 100 Year Floodplain and Floodway delineated on the site plan? ❑ Yes ❑ No Administrative Planning Staff Signature: Date: Approved: Denied: Building Staff Signature: A I Date: - r Approve Denied: Environmental Health Staff Signature: Date: Approved: Denied: Comments/Conditions: ***A final completed FEMA Elevation Certificate must provide prior to final inspection. Mason County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance #41-17 & International Building Codes HARST1-A1Z- ISLAND 9/P POAD VP O. /9 HAf?ST/NE /SLAND Bf?/OGZ- IFIP RAP f?EPAI Z 0 u z 6- U Wo C] H H � O_o maw w r.J W— U J In \ 0 � 1 � to 0 a o f\ � �� DO O ,max 3 _ W N O• � J Us 00- Xg 10. e � n sed.1•-30, 88 OA TUM Z�7-C 03 REFERENCE ja PROPOSE : HARS71NE ISLAND BRIDGE RIP RAP REP MASON PUBLICOUNC W PUBLIC WORKS 1LT N,WA WORKS DRIVE LOCATION HARSTINE ISLAND BR ROAD MP 0.13 SHELTON,WASHINGT'ON 98584 (360)427-9670 DATE : 11-30-2023 PAGE 2 OF 3 r >o r CR055—SEC77ON A Z m .T0 HARSTINE 15LAND BRIDGE a zz C No m m N u zz 20 AA LACE RIP RAP PR❑TECTION Dm (//�\J F AT 1,5:1 SLOPE MHfNDY 10.49 10 5 p O O Zo - 415Z MIZ 4.26 _XTSTING GROUND LINE BOTTOM FOOTING —2.03 90 1f5O CRO55-5EC77ON B Rs i z XISTING GR❑UND- LINE 30 PLACE RIP RAP PR❑TECTI❑ m AT L5:1 SLOPE U V Rs 20 o � 5�0 MH7H�Y 10.49 10 M7Z 426 60 5 40 20 0 ENVIRONMENT REVIEW—HARSTINE ISLAND BRIDGE RIP RAP REPAIR » s lot ,. / . �Y Figure 2. Waterward face of Pier 1 bridge abutment and Figure 3.Deteriorated bridge approach riprap on fill work area. embankment parallel to boat ramp(facing northwest toward ramp parking). 4 YS . rt A �. .. :f:L.\-' .V..A4 fa.... .h.... .4d1�:• Figure 4.Existing conditions in repair area at southwest end Figure 5.Looking northeast with Pier 1 at left;approximate of Pier 1. 20-foot-wide proposed abutment protection repair area shown by yellow highlight. ENVIRONMENT REVIEW-HARSTINE ISLAND BRIDGE RIP RAP REPAIR 4��� • x Legend S j Exterrt of Work ' HarsGneBr Rip Rap Repair(Approx) j m M., v.r ` RIP RAP REPAIR AREA ti EXISTING STRUCTURE RIP RAP FILL w 4 J s ,ate_ ^ .. ,Mk 4 National Flood Hazard Layer FI RMette , FEMA Legend 122°567V 47°15'1"N SEE FIS REPORT FOR DETAILED LEGEND AND INDEX MAP FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT Without Base Flood Elevation(BFE) Zone A,V,A99 Ov 113 Feet> SPECIAL FLOOD With BFE or Depth Zone AE.AO,AH.VE.AR HAZARD AREAS Regulatory Floodway ., 0.2%Annual Chance Flood Hazard,Area of.1 annual chance flood with average depth less than one foot or with drainag, areas of less than one square mile zone; x 46 Future Conditions i°k Annual AREAC}F P4'1If"�1N1AL FLt�OD HAZARD ` Chance Flood Hazard zone x �•. �- ,� Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to 3,- - Levee.See Notes.zone x OTHER AREAS OF b FLOOD HAZARD Area with Flood Risk due to Leveezone o NO SCREEN Area of Minimal Flood Hazard zonox Q Effective LOMRs OTHER AREAS Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard zonc GENERAL -—-- Channel,Culvert,or Storm Sewer STRUCTURES IIIIIII Levee,Dike,or Floodwall Ir HARSTINE ISLAND BRIDGE a 20'Z Cross Sections with 1%Annual Chance a RIP RAP REPAIR SITE 17.5 Water Surface Elevation M8S0(1 COL1111}J x e- - - Coastal Transect 1► —513 - Base Flood Elevation Line(BFE) p 530115 '+f Limit of Study Jurisdiction Boundary T20N R2b'�154 — Coastal Transect Baseline OTHER _ Profile Baseline FEATURES Hydrographic Feature eff. 6/2o/2019 Digital Data Available N Zone OPEN WATER No Digital Data Available MAP PANELS Unmapped The pin displayed on the map is an approximate point selected by the user and does not represe an authoritative property location. This map complies with FEMA's standards for the use of digital flood maps if it is not void as described below. (EL 15 F22t) The basemap shown complies with FEMA's basemap accuracy standards The flood hazard information is derived directly from the authoritative NFHL web services provided by FEMA.This map iELj20 F+?etj was exported on 11/12/2024 at 7:48 PM and does not reflect changes or amendments subsequent to this date and time.The NFHL and effective information may change or become superseded by new data over time. This map image is void if the one or more of the following map elements do not appear:basemap imagery,flood zone labels, legend,scale bar,map creation date,community identifiers, 122055'30"W 47014'37"N FIRM panel number,and FIRM effective date.Map images for Feet 1:6 000 unmapped and unmodernized areas cannot be used for 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 regulatory purposes. ENVIRONMENT REVIEW—HARSTINE ISLAND BRIDGE RIP RAP REPAIR x a t Legend Extent d Work #► •' )01-�, HarstineBr Rip Rap Repair(Approx.) RIP RAP REPAIR AREA + •t, was.._ "�L. - ^j \. •t,. R.�, ;�� �.• . +1� EXISTING STRUCTURE RIP RAP FILL •fir�6 .jP� _ -�. s Y } • 11 Figure 1.Extent of work(i.e.,equipment operation)shown by orange line;and rock riprap repair(yellow highlight). Figure 2 through Figure 5 show deteriated rip rap conditions around the structure where rock will be placed. ENVIRONMENT REVIEW—HARSTINE ISLAND BRIDGE RIP RAP REPAIR i�- x 4 - v _ __ I_..__ •�Secront ... tp � Pte^n ny A4p:b��ry .. EI 7 CPA-AMIA Fysgpen ... E Pt� i f PICKERtNG uu. .. YNO / � F„ape Lr.C4:se ... Ia V,.o C.Z'V';DOE-0eAF4t ... ' r Geo'ny[tieze•C oyez ... �,h 2 A 'y;�/^ P, `�SfiM�.M E/N:•Onn+M•JI DevynrtA^f ... 4� �f �. Rea Gera N O PuN r,.; � �Conserve^cy I Nr n+ r � re Deugnr.on z Figure 6.Shoreline Environment Designation is Residential(yellow) Flood Hazard: The project is in FE MA-mapped 100-yearfloodp[ain (DFIRM ID 53045C;STATIC BFE 15.00 NAVD88) shown in figure below. _ r s+i!� • E's�eri�:+' �t"�►ps+-f«�t-y.-s-p 1 isrr®tt.#. s; tt�a tpi• ►t t wr t4 4t f • >+e t° t i•�►t 4�f# rr;#aps frsrp°rrst4r s«4p••+�t„Q ♦t ss.a.�'r.ags t�s��t*srttrsrstrt tp�'��a''�►«�+pf i4 's ss r4tr°rrlta r+•asfF'of; alsss"4�r ps t Qys+*�#s { s�t�tr4#�i*tsp'+r st « « «�; . ,ltsa •s�s`r ••r sa t� tss� •?5'.&4l♦ ' r°°ipRis# �3si�► r�It #rt!r rjw,�r#;rtM tit r�tr r *.�s!!#!rlr tii�• II •f4#t•i•.i�}*!ram♦ V :iis«+ta�era •at'ty,►'t��srirb� *��'s"« �*a�*"ri+;4 III ► >�*ie�Sr'�►++ai�ta •srs•r:s i r� *�°r*� �i••`•�•'�s ••attic► • +is�► {"1•s i s°o !*�,�a oar• p ! •e +♦R } :*+►a•sA40� l,�,�Y.MEw«�y «�i�p,1�"►�7p k► !! •i�«� +p♦� ���"�v'era fw*� i+''rit-'p ♦' i'� s ``,. �, �g'= +►�`.�►'r��'�i`�,f�� raid ram°°��+fpa� "i':'°« '+�°�l�+�eti'sf�,tsf� �%•p�r�'� r�.�b �i �r t "leSt+i"�+�""' +os ' Wf s ri�«i b 'ps t st• s i't`t+r• + • rfs t tpr p+• '�• ro••it•#�r +fr r. . 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CIR LU Puget ound RD 0 8 > 9 z 0 1:24,000 ------ Miles 0 0.25 0.5 1 Legend County Road Townships --------------- Private Road Sections Streams (DNR) Shorelines of the State Fish Mason C o u n t,,/ Non-fish Unknown Water (NHD) L----------- Unnamed Water (NHD) MAP EXTENT Mason County Public Works Department 11/1/2024