HomeMy WebLinkAboutWetland Determination - PLN General - 3/26/1998 THE COOT C014PA �Y Wetland and Wildlife Consulting Services 26 March 1998 110 S. Vla h""gi"" DRAFmpia. I OI�� WA 9tt>01 Dan Holman (360) 352-989- Island West FAX (360) 35,2-9x)( 1 P.O. Box 2379 Shelton, WA 98584 RE: Wetland Determination at Lot 4 of Stonebriar Development, Mason County, WA Dear Mr. Holman: 1 Per your request, we conducted a site review of Lot 4 for wetland conditions on 24 March 1998. The following is a summary of our findings;.a map and technical data are attached. OVERVIEW Lot 4 of the Stonebriar sub-division was inspected for wetland conditions. The lot is ,1.9 acres in size and currently undeveloped. A Stop Work order was issued when recent filling and grading activities occurred in a questionable wetland area. The Coot Company inspected the lot and adjacent ground for wetland conditions. Although seasonal stormwater flooding occurs, the seasonal inundation does not persist for the duration required for jurisdictional wetland criteria. This lot is situated within a regionally significant stormwater drainage swale. METHODS Delineation Wetland determination followed a Routine Methodology based upon the Washington State Wetland Identification and Delineation Manual (1997) requiring positive indicators for wetland soil, hydrology, and plants. Reconnaissance Area All land within a 100-foot radius of Lot 4 filling and clearing was inspected for wetland conditions. RESULTS Prominent Stormwater Swale (See Aerial Photo) A large, prominent stormwater swale system crosses directly through Lot 4 roughly NNW to SSE. This system can be identified on aerial photos, and appears to extend several thousand feet to the north. Local residents report that large volumes of water can accumulate after prolonged heavy rains with surface waters reportedly overtopping Jensen Road during the heavy rains of last winter. However, this stormwater hydrology is short term and can drain away in a matter of days if rainfall does not persist. Our field review found drift marks up to 18 inches deep in the lowest points of the swale from recent heavy rains, yet no water could be found either at the surface or within 18 inch deep soil pits. A Non-Wetland Condition (See Data Sheets & map) f Initial habitat appearance indicates a wetland condition due to the depressional topography, standing water drift marks and Facultative-dominated plant community. However, detailed inspection found very marginal hydric soil conditions and no water within 18 inches of the soil surface. The lack of wetland hydrology is the most telling feature indicating a non- wetland condition. Given the time of year (late March), and that rainfall of over 1/2 inch occurred in the 24 hours prior to our site visit, the absence of even groundwater within 18 inches of the surface strongly indicates that technical wetland hydrology does not persist for the required duration. RECOMMENDATIONS Remove Some Fill I Due to the stormwater detention functions within the low swale system on this property, we highly recommend removing those newly filled portions that may encroach on this detention area. Relocate Access Road The current access point to this lot occurs very near to the swale low point. Shifting access further west along Jensen Road could avoid future flooding problems during high water conditions. We hope this information is adequate for your needs at this time. If you have any questions, or we may be of further assistance, please call our office at 352-9897. Sincerely, DRArl or Steve Shanewise, PWS Senior Ecologist Attachment: -Aerial photo - Site map - Data sheets ' jensMR98.let r 2— .�I, .. rq t t .r•, ✓,/ ' ►! t� • �j e;., ;�`' ••,•r •� •,'•: ,- Mr t !3 •, 1 1. r �f ay[ t '.�f 1.J� I.f Lt' ,�,� w �w I •�f -�![//. 2YR•. R -..ly. •r'• j Y., •I �•�'�a+�.�'c.4'�.w y ! : j +•:•4g.• _ .00 iS"/' 1 . -w•' .� to ■4 ..• r ` 1 ./. • per r tv 1 J 1 t 1 ,. r ,F .,. °'�;� it �;� •. ,.. xj: �t Yi a •}4; Y•. v ii jM�JF�: y;�ri ter op It �f,T5�7c1 t..i� •} 1�/ 1• '•J , t'Jf•~••� .. 1'.��. 1 1 / �,• r 1'r ,,•��' � _[.• t r is •• ,i :1vILt,., 6 f. Y " 1 1 l I 4 r \ Cq �s I ' ? 25' GREEN AREA ESUr. LOT 4 r 1 .90 AC.I �\ t /F SCALE:1 N=200' 12 p bQ �C Data points ■/■ = Culvert COOT CjommTUE NT =Direction of flow Welland and wildlife e1010t 416 S. Washington 1" _`200' Olympia, WA 98501 Approximately 1"=200' STONBRIAR- LOT 4 WETLAND RECONNAISSANCE MAP S32,T21N,R3W _ March 1998 NOTE:All locations approximate DATA FORM 1OUT-PIT SOILS ROUTINE ONSITE DETERMINATION METHOD Map Unit Name: Grove gravelly loam Drainage C�:X (WA State Wetland Delineation or 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual (Series&Phase) excessively Project/Site:Jensen Rd./Stonebriar ) Taxonomy(subgroup):-- Date: 24 Mar 98 Field observations confirm mapped type? Unconfirmed Applicant/Owner: Dan Holman County: Mason State: WA Profile Description Field Investigator(s):M.Bennett S/T/R: S32,T21N,R3W Depth Horizon Matrix color Mottle colors Mottle abundance Texture/ Drawing of soil Do Normal Circumstances exist at the site?Yes Community ID: 1-OUT East (inches) (Mansell) (Hansen) size contrast structure,etc. profile(match Is the site significantly disturbed? No Transect ID: 0-2 O description) Is the area a potential Problem Area? No Plot ID: Duff/organic matter Explanation of atypical or problem area: 2-7 A 10 YR 2/1 VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Indicator Stratum 8-18 B 10 YR 2/3 1.Spiraea douglash FACW S - 2,F .R osa pisocarpa FACU S S3. Rhamnus purshiana FAC S Hydric Soil Indicators 4.Pinus contorta FAC- T 5.Salix scouleriana Histosol: Concretions: FAC T Histic Epipedon: High Organic Content: X Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS: Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local List Percent of dominant species that are OBL,FACW,and/or FAC: 80% ReducingConditions Listed on National List 4dicators that apply: Gleyed or Low-Chroma Other: Regional knowledge of plant communities:X Wetland plant list: X Hydric soils present?No Physiological/reproductive adaptations: Morphological adaptations: Rationale for decision/Remarks: 3 chroma,no mottles at 12" Technical Literature: Wetland plant Data Base: Other: Hydrophytic vegetation present? Yes WETLAND DETEMTNATIO Rationale/Remarks: Dominant spp.FAC Hydric vegetation present? Yes HYDROLOGY Hydric Soils present? No Wetland Hydrology present?No Is Sampling Point within a wetland?No Is it the growing season?: Yes Water Marks:No Sediment Deposits:No Rationale/Remarks:FAC-dominated plant community not supported by hydric soils Based on: Drift lines: Yes Drainage patterns: Yes or wetland hydrology. Depth of inundation: none Oxidized Root Local Soil Survey:No Channels< 12":No NOTES: Seasonal flooding does not persist for the duration required for wetland Depth to free water in pit: absent FAC Neutral:No Water-stained leaves: Yes hydrology. Depth to saturated soil: none Stream, lake, or gauge data: Other: Seasonal flooding confirmed by Aerial photographs: neighbors Wetland hydrology present? No Rationale/Remarks: Seasonal flooding does not persist for the duration required for wetland hydrology y ��T w.Z,and MUM.Btctob ' (ISLAND WEST SHORT PLAT # Assoc.) AIR ED 3 . 12 ` 3 — — —S 88 55'41" E 309.80— — OF COMMUNITY ✓ - - - - - - - - _ —,- -- I DEVELOPMENT ■ I I SHORT PLAT LOT 1 1 DALE &FOANDREA a g AC. Ig' I 3 1 . 00 I I wQ DREWRY oQ--•�i 126 �a I z 2 IN - — — - S 88'55'41" E - — — — I SW 114, NW 114, — --310.54----- �o I I NW 114, SW 114, LOT 2 I o� SEC. 32, TWN. 21N. , R. 3W. , W.M. 7401 FAIRVIEW RD. SW #2 I . 00 AC. I g I OLYMPIA, WA. 98502 0 ' \ I I PARCEL32 f 3223000 10 321323200000 *35!1/ - -- - S 8855'41" E� — I to i LEGEND. I - -- - - 311.28 -- -- - -I w I =#5 IRON BAR & PLASTIC i 26 ?- oo. I I c ► YELLOW CAP SET O=IRON BAR WITH PLAST-IC CAP FROM r \ / I I PREVIOUS SURVEY \ \LOT 3 I I 0=POSSIBLE WELL Z I ■ =SOIL LOG 2. 10AC. to I (-15' DRAINAGE I AND UTILITY THE PROPOSED LOCATION OF ESMT.(TYPICAL) I �' I WELLS AND 100 ' RADIUS ARE �,P I I ADVISORY ONLY. WEL L S I TE _ 697s3 A� y I I APPLICATION & SEPTIC SITE INSPECTION MUST BE APPLIED CL�1 20;39'160 FOR PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT, 31 \' `r R=240.00 I 50' EASEMENT FOR CALC. 25 ' GREEN emu• L=86.57 INGRESS, EGRESS, AREA ESMT. �'��� DRAINAGE, AND UTILITIES. SINGLE PROP`/ 32 LOT 4 j� i I (PR I VA TE)AF555115 / 1 . 90 AC. NOTE:\ I I SEE BOUNDARY LINE I 1 ti 6957, , I ADJUSTMENT #92-98 41 RJ AS RECORDED UNDER AF #555115 RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WA. x , C2 �,. LINE TABLE / a= 35'11 25 NO. BEAR ING D I STANCE R=240.00 L 1 S 5520'25" W 55.79 `— L= 147.40 L2 N 75 58 '51" E 51 .37 U 15 ' UTILITY / / L3 N 59752'09" E 75.09 ? 25 EASEMENT / �1 /r R=30 y� L 4 N 53'21 '17" E 59.37 i'L2 I �l E Fg.t Z A, SCALE. 1"=100" o 0 50 100 200 LA2� puss 7/ia/s4l WARNING: MASON COUNTY HAS NO 92154SP4 RESPONSIBILITY TO BUILD, IMPROVE, MAINTAIN, OR OTHERWISE SERVICI- HOLMAN & ASSOCIATES THE PRIVATE ROADS CONTAINED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS WITHIN, OR PROVIDING ACCESS TO 2323 N. ADAMS, SHELTON, WA, THE LAND DESCRIBED IN THIS SHORT (206)426-2990 98584 PLAT. I