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BLD93-00930 Final SFR - BLD Permit / Conditions - 10/15/1993
MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar L /�s P.O, Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 tit 11,11 t 11 1,1,111 60111 );avi 41?/-1 . I'I it I 0H ili I M 10- E 1SO 5 ION f-IS R 1 A R F11 11tif I I (ON 0WNUR 11 "IF JAIJIL CO 4`it 941:!!i ON f li 011 1 OR 'THE JAOF CO 4114)-41',16, I I,i A L Fr t #1 14 SU ON W I)k f",IN I H I I flif (it C LIJ, (a R I I P it"Rol 11 1719.0111 IN omit, o ( f0,aA IT-1, f 4 (4 Ill 0440!0" 4 0,1,4 1 F f 0 1' f,t I Wi I I I f{j I'I W t 0 1 WIN K #0 iW 04Wi ,1 0,ti4 1 111) it i(ki" 0 I"IfJ(?w-, 1 0 IP111 1 1114 0111 fit 111180,11"i if,1,4 MJF I 1 1)N I 1 0 Mil, I Niz ',t tsl I f 4 isit:" i 1 N P 1.7 1: 1 1 CIN iikF(l Itnf<I 111A1 14 #0 114 Ohf;i.;j"i I ef;b4 I III f At bi-It Ili A) 100 4.44# ',I I I P1 12 HIM I I 1 14 141 I'kom I 'w Ot 1 11 RI-Ak, t) 01 It IN i it I mi 0 140iff I t It i 1 N 0 1 tit-11 If 1 1 I H;N t a;41f it f 11 0 i'I11f t I tit 01 t I ifNi I I Iif t> I I 1 11104 t crk1 it 111 1,11k I I Ni 0 1 11, t 1 ft 1 fit 1, If(% 'ill 1, l 1 11 i"M t I ilt,k N tit o I 1. 1-111 0 It I i1 '1.j;40 It FIJI 1 1 ii 11 N6 1 4 1 ijf; I lqh I N 1 11fjl4 1 1111111r, ti9 Ill it 1 14 0 A I- Mt, N 1 (Iffpll " I f^I1 1 0 1 41 tlt;tl111 1 UPI 1)N I 1 1 1 01 11-4 tit I,jj I h I tl 6 1 $IN I I wit I I 1 > 0 P1103M tot ATOWN(JR111 IIII filluctDAtt PAW Ribill (IN JIPJN RHAD, [I't I oll PJ Aij lot" PtpNi I gMiW VQ I AND toll, It wept fili i liv ipill I I AN Alliflup f:f if I', of 1 0001 of I It 141 lot A lito NAY,. OR 11 ItiWiftfilo" op 11W 1% �11,,Plolfltll 111`p A I'llil (if 1811 DAYS At ANY 110ir ! )to 4f0kk h CANNIN(FIV tvI0(NfJ (if [ AR11011411"s of WaRt 1% a P146ittli% 11114-1111flif 411010 lot IN11 PAY PI-Ifitif), FI#Al 10"Ptrililo of( APPROVED off'00 0011011 All of 1111,1111IF11 00 A6111111 IJAH M-PINI, rev: vljjf C01111111PI I ANCU 10 A I f AC if t II) CONO I I I(IN!, 1 1- 0 1 j t?ir.li )OV03 L I 1:C 0....11 ::M:: A... CA' ::0:: 0''O 4:'i 8a f:::: itiC 11"lK :1:. R f Oii 1NSPECTlUNS CALL 427-9670 BETWE':N Spm AND 8.=m 427-7262 BL093-0930 PA�,C`_L : 32132239001 PLAr : DIV: ? BLK : :' LOT: ? .306 ADORES'; E 150 STONEBRIAR PL SHELTON OWNER THE JADE CO 459-4725 CONYRACTOR - THE JADE CO 459-4725 LEGAL : Tr 1 of NW SW NW CLASS OF WO;N K . . zNi'W BED; : 3 BATH : 2 TYPE AMOUNT BY DATE RECEIPT TYPE AMOUNT BY DATE RECEIPT IYPE OF U'iE . . . . : SF STORIES . . . . . . . : 1 OCCUP . GROUP . . . : ? BLDG . HEIGHT . . . 0 .0tt PRMT t 378.00 T'A 08112193 33564 STFE $ 4.51 TW 03(12193 33564 TYPE OF C"ONST . . : ? FIREPLACLS . . . . . 0 RAON = 8.04 TW 08/12193 33564 OCCUP . LOAD . . . . . 0 WOODS OVE,� , . . . it) PLCK 189.00 TW 08/112193 33564 OWE LL .UNITS . . . . . 0 PARKING SPACES : 0 PLM S 48,OO 1W 08/12193 33564 I N S P E C I ION AREA : SHORELINE :' . . . . : N MCH ; 33.Oa TW O3j12193 33564 TOTAL: 660.54 VALULATION: 74340 "rTBACKS-------------- TOILETS . . . . . . . . . . 2 FUEL TYPES----------- BOILERS/COMP———— MOBILE HOME-- Sc FRONT . . .W 75. 0fr_ BATH BASINS . . . . . . : 3 : /ELE/ J J : 0-3 HP . : 0 RLAR . . . .E 5 . 0ft BATH TUBS . . . . . . . . : 1 3-15 HP . : 0 MOOtL : SIDL ( 1) . N 5 .0ft SHOWERS . . . . . . . . . . : 1 FURN ( 100K 'BTU : 0 15-30 HP . : 0 —MAKE------- SIOE: (._' ) . 5 5 . 0 f t WATCR HEATER'; . . . . . 1 FURN , =100K BTU : 0 :i0-50 HP . : 0 SHRLINE . ? 0 . 0ft CLOTHES WASHERS . . : 1 FURN — FLOOR . . . : 0 50+ HP . : 0 —YEAR------ AkEA ———————————————— KITCHEN SINI<S . . . . e 1, Hi' AI PUMP . .. . . . . N LOT SIZE . . , . FLOOR DRAINS . . . . . . 0 VENT SYSTEMS . . . , 0 EVAP COOLERS : 0 LENG-rH: 0 8UIL01NG . . . . 1;*546st DRINKING FOUNT. . . . 0 VL:NI ;-ANS . . . . . . . 110 0 L)S . . . . . . . . 0 W10 VH . : 0 BASEMENT. . . : 0af LAUNDRY TRAYS . . . . : 0 DOMES . INCIN ° 0 —SERIAL#---- DECKS . . . . . . _ 0sf DISHWASHERS . . . . . . . 1 AIR HANDL. tNG UN1T:;-- COMML . INCIN ° 0 GAR/CARP : G 434sf GARB DISPOSALS . . . . 0 (= 10000 cfm. : 0 RELOC/REPAIR : 0 AT/UI . : A URINALS . . . . . . . . . . . 0 10000 cfm. : 0 01-11E11 UNITS . : 0 MISC PLM FIXTURES : 0 OAS OUTLETS . : 0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:RESIOENCE PROJECT LOCATION:NORTH ON BROCKOALE ROAD., RIGHT ON JENSEN ROAD, LEFT ON STONEBRIAR PLACE. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NUL AND ` DID IF WORK OR CDNST' TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY /,F WORK IS COMMENCED. .DENCE OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS A PROGRESS INSPECTION WITHIN THE 180 OAY PERIDD. FINAL INSPECTION MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE A BE OCCUPIE OWNER OR AGED DATE: BlD_PRMT, rev: 03/31131 COMPLIANCE TO ATTACHED CONDIT ONS IS REQUIRED CONCRETE MECHANICAL ', MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback t date b Ribbons date Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls f date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors '� Final date by date ✓(� `f date by FRAMING ` �� Walls FIRE DEPT. date \�• oY� s 1-' JL" date 1 by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by p W WALLBOARD NAILING date date C ''l by Water Li G y M FINAL I NSPECTION f Jp — 9� 'L /i J {� I_ ,1 date ` by � date date byvv I I CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic _ date by date by ZCn 3 �3v D.W.V. date WALLBOARD NAILING b date by Y Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by �T ANY NUl AND "DID IF iJu 6 OR �u;iST' iiUN nI1iHOkIiEU IS NUT CUMiItNCED WIIHI71 iBN DAY,, OR IF CONSTRUCTIQN OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OF ROV DABS O ANY 1 F WORK IS COMMENCED. DENCE CF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS A PRQGRESS INSPECTION WITHIN THE 188 DAY APPROVED BEFORE I A BE OCCUPIE PERI00. FINAE INSs So OWNER OR AGEi ' OLD PRAT, rev: B3/31/91 GATE' COMPLIANCE TO ATTACHED CON0IT DNS IS REQUIRED � t _ 8::::0 7:::`_ it-•4 II'n'll :II:. h... tl::::: 9:::h T'1 11.31 .11.. Il ..I. �:...lt if'11 f Case NO . : BL093-0930 For : THE JADE CO Paq.? 1 7 j Thn use i, X ling and c+:, �t ,h :_, of hazardou:> flammable and combu� r; u1:= 1=i - I Gallon s s n ic,t: w l. lo �<d without i.11e ahpro`..,al of t11e Ma •on County 2) Pr s tore i ast r a ' or• an ortion thereof reacer n '1 1f imum ; 5 ' setback frl.�n thin, 30' in height- from grade line , arty �11 prop lin �,L , ec ,:, X _ u ,._ment::; and r-iylrt of ( :31 PIJRSIJANT fU 19Si U:`iIi`=UHM HAVE APPROVED NUMBER,; OR BUILDING) SCUDtOVIDEDIIN SUSHCA POSITION AS -� , ,. ( AND SECTION 513 , ALL SITES MUST AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING rHE PROPtkTy. MASON COUNTY-rO BE F$UILD.CNG r Utt✓rAiil'M T EQUIRES I-HAT r VI�IF3l.E r REINSP C N FEE HT� BE COMPLEli_D -*:`JUl< 1"J C(-1LLING FUI< AIVY �1TE 1NSr%ECTION5 . A E3ASEO N RATES IN TABLE 3A OF THE 199 AS.""-'" E OW .=R/CUNT , ClUri FAILS TO Fc):;T ADORES; ON :.3T1 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE WILL BE O 1E PRIOR TO R_QUF`jTTNG X 4 ) L CO^NNSTRRUUiC''TION MUST MEET' OR EXCEED ALL LOCAL COOS jAj O UBC X t Q Il /�---- 5) builder rdept ,ponsabl' for many< made . any building de change, r_o plans need approval from from 6) THIS PROJECT WILL MEET THE LONG TERM SUPER GOOD CENTS REQUIREMENTS IRE THE ELECTRIC UTILITY SERVICING THE PROPERTY . INSPECTIONS FOR ENERGY CODt t,UMi�LiANCt Q NTS AS AG,cc�U UPON WITH (INSULATION & INDOOR VENTILATION) WILL BE PERFORMED If changes cur and you decide not to "ftD BY A UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE . exte i 3 to arran e energy go with the LTSGC program x_ Y g - gy code compliance . g contact the MCt1D at MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 ways , 1 ) PURSUAmr co y9i unfoym H" yows, in"i . "ify "m 40401 AND 41- 111111f1f HAVE APPROVED N"NHFHK 0h A11D1tV4nl4 Ph"V1010 IN 4"111 A VU41110H An 1 " "1 plAl "li V141 ", AND IEGISIF "vNm ! HE qlkft ! Nk NOAD uk"NilNi, lul pvtiplkly . mn%"N i 1111Nly 1411111 " IN6 OPPARINFNIF NEQ0 = 5 ! HAI 1015 ol vomVitifIs pki "It to vAliINK lop 4111 Im"I'llil "N HVINSPECIMN 111' 4 HmStlt "N PA11 % IN IAHIK 'A of lot tqql "N11 "Ph 14111110ING loliv Will 6 AbSESsED IV "MR /CoNlknink Fnli4 I " r"" i AD"1014n OKI q1I1 vkl "F 1 " INSPEC11ONS ., 4 ) AL CON& FROC 110N NO" I ME 1 04 1 0 f If, iii I los of 1 fill) w4tf 110t S ) huildi "q depi " I IHIS PROJILIVI will ME I "I I "ININ 11: 10m "Pop wimp IIN14 ki "" I Ht ME N 14 M h0vt I "In"m I HE I: LL f I NI C " I I I I I Y' 51 k V 1 1 N h Iml, v 1 1 1 mnPF I I I ""K I "" I ml UKY r"M i ""Pt I ( INS"ILA1111N N =001; VFNIIIAII "N ) Will ht Pikkoumio H ; n ulillij w ; vvl- ;' wI " llvl 11 cha"q"w, nrc"r m"d y-" vl"vidv n"Y 1 " qo " sub lb- il �w ih" ml, PxLonvi "" "nd- ' "mpllmsi— � ; a� "r PA.AC . s Face. i f1E JA0E c_�_ 3/3.34-' Ew YIo 20:---•V PIS ¢1' �B" �,�r �It � 66 I 0 m FtR.EW. 90 � G lei, , mcR�s,+Eo RscK � PPS 4o'C•QEE re17 75 PW I x-Au- cnlz- tcewr D rites Ana 60 evz toT-- C�v t 48" 0 N � sTcvEBR,a� r't,�� RO. E-AV. O'•on" /AOG Gam. SP 22 SITE •••58 , II — r ' FEB- 10-43 ,W,ED , 1S : 22 HIMLI.E REALTY INC . F• _ 01 7 M•,M•17• /I7.07 auf,04 fe.OJ /AlV3A EIArASrSCMd 11 II II LT M M AG I I I67Al- TOMS i I rD'UFi1MKR I/—,w+O unLrTY Cdir. ~ tfi» —� LIb� O al UOIATGL a IT lv./ ao ra'rc eanr. Lot 9 �t I us Aa fL LOT p. OFF �2C� C31' (Lr Iw ^ l,,r�..,rQ�rll✓ I,U�'�7' ���JCJ I.lr�+5 1'F-:�✓ - ---�YN--=- Lot i 129 AG ft I x LOT WO Aa m 1 "` __-____-- Post-It' tax transmittalmamo7671 N0lpap11 ► z - _ �_ From 1� -- ^ LOT I ` na.r To LM AG '� M Co. o, Lot R I s v CMENr L rcr. 7 A� a wnx VAan7Cdo vopt. rnono 0 Fax 0 Fax 0 ___ ••- :fLOt H WAG ae - -- Lot s UP Aa LOT G rt I W AG - 40 Lot P Lot PROPOSuo • / Lot jr AG \ OR NOTE, 0o ��, I i �� ' a� AA ,TO CENTER OK ROADWAY LOT A +f•IcII AG r I 1\� � `T•�.-IRR WAOL 1� 11 a� •w+� kJ'C.10CMLNrsr rOR0�, I I i I I eNcnYUd cu 0 00 700 zoo LOT G r I LOT H I I •LO AG i; M ����tt t '�45Cd i 'rao AG 11tq xo i —e 1 I 50 300 I I I 1 1 I LOT D u er !Mfe'JI'( e07,N )d PREEN AMA EAWJIMM HOLMAN H ASSOCIAT- ~#0914NAL LAND fURYCY.!v. f))f K AOAMe ��:�- 1 2r.� _ - �� v � � � � ��� � � � 3 � � � 2 tunas the nagv of Structure Tao of =rir'= ����n:/ii/_ 15' Maz.v Slaps ca of �, Fvotinq Face of i Toe of Not to escaed 40'*- Structure Slope 3iN1 �E BUIL7ING CFFICIAL MAY APPRM- TYPICAL i nUCTURA!_ ScTHACK ALTERNATE sE7sAcxs a c-.EA ANas Scale 1" L Sample Site Plan 2 41' 153, 14' 4,0 ;32 2a'PRSED n , • RESIDENCE L f �tta G EDGE OF 8a N K Saotic To* m 68' 24. s c 40' G a Sti.CP E SAop — —— — — — — — — — —— — v� 1Miti S'saf0etft well(3e*121 23a' 1 U TYPICAL SITE PLAN in = Z01 J. OCE 1406 Mason U. Or. N Ilk MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1991 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE AND VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE RESIDENTIAL.REQUIREMENTS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, ADDITIONS, &REMODELS) THE PROCESSING OF YOUR APPLICATION CAN BE EXPEDITED IF YOU PROVIDE COMPLETE AND DETAILED INFORMATION. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO COMPLY TO THE 1991 WSEC BY UTILIZING THE APPROPRIATE PRESCRIPTIVE PATH FOR YOUR PROJECT. THIS WILL ALSO HELP EXPEDITE MATTERS. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED: 1) A complete window schedule must be submitted with your WSEC compliance information, even if a window schedule is included on your building plans. Note that sliding glass doors (patio), french doors, and any door with 50% or more glass in it is considered a window with the area (sq.ft.) being the entire units rough opening dimensions. Any windows in doors (less than 50% of area) must be taken out of the door area and put into the window area on the schedule. This window schedule must minimally show the dimensions of the rough openings of each window, the model (casement, horizontal slider, single hung, awning, picture, etc...), and the units tested U-value. 2) If you are complying to the WSEC by prescriptive path and are using the area weighted averaging method you must include your calculations (worksheet). 3) Indicate type of hot water heater, location of exhaust fans (bathrooms, laundry, kitchen), the location of your whole house fan, and all insulation levels (walls, floors, ceilings, and slab) on your building plans. 4) Indicate how you will comply with the requirement for introducing fresh air to each habitable room on your building plans (window frame vents, through the wall ports, or an integrated system with your furnace). 5) If your home is 2,000 square feet or less, and using electric resistance heating (excluding heat pumps) a $900.00 "Payment to Owner at Time of Construction" will be issued from your service utility after the fmal inspection has passed Using electric heating or a heat pump in your home???? You may want to talk to your service utility regarding long term Super Good Cents incentives. Call PUD#3 at 426-0777 or PUD#1 at 877-5249. If you need assistance in showing compliance to the WSEC please ask for the brochure "What You Need to Know to Meet the Energy Code"; call the state energy office at 1-800-235-8248; or call and make an appointment with Dan Fitchitt or Debbera Coker of the Mason County Building Department at 427-9670. MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1991 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE AND VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE OWNER TELEPHONE OWNERS ADDRESS P © �-y� q�,5©3 COMPLIANCE INFORMATION TYPE OF PROJECT:XNEW RESIDENCE O ADDITION O REMODEL O OTHER AREA(SQ.FT.) 1ST FLOOR 164� 2ND FLOOR HEATED BASEMENT Note: Heated basements must be insulated and finished to meet minimum energy code requirements. TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF CONDITIONED (DATED) AREA ;'' �-4� COMPLIANCE METHOD: ( ) PRESCRIPTIVE PATH -- circle option -- I II III IV V VI VII VIII Glazing percentage ,3S (total glazing area divided by total conditioned area) ( ) COMPONENT PERFORMANCE -- Chapter 5 -- attach documentation and worksheets ( ) SYSTEMS ANALYSIS -- WATTSUN 5.2 -- attach documentation and worksheets HEATING SYSTEM: ELECTRIC RESISTANCE O Electric Central Furnace (�Electric Wall Heaters O Baseboard Units Radiant Panels Other OTHER FUELS ( ) Heat Pump () Gas Furnace ( ) Oil Furnace () Other ( ) Boiler System (indicate type) Make Model Size AFUE HSPF VENTILATION SYSTEM: O' Spot and Whole House O Central Ducted System O Integrated with Furnace () Heat Recovery System (air to air heat exchanger -- heat recovery heat pump) GENERAL NOTES: Your building plans should indicate certain compliance measures: framing to be used (standard, intermediate, advanced); type of vapor barriers being used; location of furnaces, hot water tanks and other equipment; location of solid fuel burning appliances, fireplaces and their combustion air duct runs; and termination points of exhaust ventilation fans. ` `~ OWNER'S NAME:_ //7ZC- dlgOE WINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOWS INCLUDE ALL WINDOWS, SKYLIGHTS, SLIDING GLASS DOORS, FRENCH DOORS AND STORE DOORS. ANY WINDOWS IN DOORS (LESS THAN 50% OF AREA) MUST BE TAKEN OUT OF THE DOOR AREA AND PUT INTO THE WINDOW AREA ON THE SCHEDULE. BRAND MODEL U-VALUE QUANTITY SIZE TOTAL SQ. FT. &PA1E i�v� 2 3 -7 v �� 0 0 8 Vz�T m� 'p 6:14�5- TOTAL WINDOW AREA DOORS BRAND MODEL U-VALUE LOCATION SIZE TOTAL SQ. FT. TOTAL DOOR AREA 1 1991 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE AND VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE PRESCRIPTIVE PATHS OTHER FUELS (GAS, OIL, HEAT PUMP) HVAC' GLaz Wd &n 4 t a Equip. %Floor Glazing Doors Vaulted Above Below Below on Option Effic. Area U-Value U-Value C-4ai4ng2 Ceiling' Grade Grade Grade Floor Grade I. Mod. 10% 0.70 0.40 R-30 R-30 R-15 R-15 R-10 R-19 R-10 Mod. 12% 0.65 0,40 R-30 R-30 R-15 R-15 R-10 R-19 R-10 f1l. ..High 21% ... 0.40 R-30 R-30 R-19 R-19 R-10 R-19 R-10 . ........... . ......... Reference case .......... tmx P44. .... ............. ............... V. Low 21% 0.60 0.40 R-30 R-30 R-19 R-19 R-10 R-19 R-10 A.7 Mod. 25% 0.50 0.40 R-38 R-30 R49 R49 8-10 R-25 R-10 VIC Mod. 30% 0.4.5 0.40 R-30 R-30 R-19 R49 R-10 R-25 R-10 1 lolinarmoorn requirertroaroots lot each option listed. For example,if a proposed design has 5 Room over Crawl spaces or wposed to arriboom air oDrod000ns. a glazing ratio to the ooroditooned Viom area of I M 4"1 oorroy with all of the ro0qw4vorants of 11-os,21%giLzoorot;option(or hightm). Proposed d"ra which cannot 6 Required stab porrmetor mutation"I be a water reestant rroz,tefiat,manufactured root!:he specific requwatTmonts at a listed option above,may calculate oDnvkam. for its intended use,and mstalted according to rr,anufacturors specifications. See by Chmosors A or 5 of this code. soa)on 602.4. 2 ROquw*ffwwft aPP6"10 all ceilings except sing{@ rafter or joist vaulted ceiiNs. 7 These options"I be appkablo to buildings loos than three stones. 'AAW denotes Advanced Frarned Ceiling. 8 This well mutation requKomertf dooroolm R-19"I cayrry insulation plea R-5 loam 3 Requorarroom appecabloo only to single rahoor or pat vaulted cooing*, shewhing. 4 Bober gniode wale oh"be torowimled either on the exionof to a mnimum lovoi of P, 9 Mininvirn HVAC Equipowd ooflicmncy requirement. lowl denotes an AFUE:of 0.74, 10.or on the ontenor to dw uvrom ievel as wails above grade. Exterior insulation 'Mod denotes an AFUE of 0.78. 'High'denotes An AFUE of 0.88. instailed on k 1, grade wells shell be a water rowetwit mator..nisroulacturad for As m4sedod i.me,and onst"od m0000rding to the mor%Asciursoes sp"ic Pom. Sea section SOZ2- ELECTRIC RESISTANCE HEAT C-Aaz >9 Wall Wall inn Wall ext' Slabs %Floor Glaring Doors Vaulted Above Below Below on Option Area U-Value U-Value Coiling" Ceifimj3 Grade Grade Grade Floor Grade I. 10% 0.46 0.40 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 111. 12% 0.43 0-20 R-38 R-30 8-19 R-19 R-10 R-30 R-10 .111. 12% 0.40 0.40 R-38 R-30 R-21 8-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 :20. Reference case V. 1 Im � ::0.39 0�20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-1 0' R-30 I R-I.0:: V1. 21% 0.36 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 V11.7 25% 0.35 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-19+R-5' R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 V111.7 30% 0.32 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-19+R-5' R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 I Mirwrium reqursorromonts for each option listed. Far*xArrv4*.4 a proposed design has 5 Floors over crawl spaces or oipomod to affbem car"dkions. &glazing raw to d-m conditioned Vloor Area,of I M A"I comply with all of the mqu~w-of die 21%giazirog option(or highter). Proposed designs,which cannot 6 Required stab perronvom rosulabon"I be a water roe stant rt-ater14 mamLdadured rnoom the sp000fic requoirsorrierft of a fisted option above.rnmy Baku We oornpiance for to intended usso,&M metaled according to rrisroulactursors specolocAloons. Sea by Chmoom A or 5 of the bode. section 6024 2 Roloquiormorromalft APPhwe to&A oso exompotsingis rallsor or post vaulted ceilings. 7 These options shall be applicable to buildings loss than three stones. 'AdV denote&Advan000d Framed Cailirog. 8 711-9 wall nsu4d*n requireffient denotes R-19**it cavity insulation plus R-5 loam 3 Ploquvernent applaubio only to single rafter or pat vaulted cooings. sheathing. 4 Solow grade wak shall be insuLaisod other on the exterior to a mroormon level of R- 10,or on the wrtsonor to the same Wrvol as wells above grade. Exlerocor insulation nostaged on bsiow grade wak"I be a water resistant mat",mantdactured for is Witandod use,and instated according to the mantifacturses speclicalionx. Sea section 6022 t � .~ . WATTSUN 5.3 LONG TERM SUPER GOOD CENT8/1901 MOB COMPLIANCE REPORT 06/10/93 j � FILE: B:JADE.W8 HOUSE ID: L - � rs,,miv U-0.020 246 7.1 Skylights 01%"»'AVERAGE SKYLIGHT U-0.500 12.0 6.7'': Ceiling R49 blown Attic ADV U-0.020 1200 24.0 *AR49 ADV SCISSOR U-0.020 433 8.7 � Infiltration Standard Air Sealing A{XH-0.350 " 13655ft3 87'5 -------------------------------- Proposed UA 327 Gtruo Mass Light Frame, 8heetroCk walls M- 3.000 1636 4908 ------------------------------------------------------------________........ ............................................. HEATING/COOLING/VENTILATING SYSTEMS PROPOSED Heating System Type; Electric: Central Furnace System Efficiency,". 100 % Modified Efficiency:: 76 % Design ACH: 0.60 Heating Load( at 53F dt ): 31369 BtU/hr Maximum Size 0150*: 9'4 kW � Average Annual Heat: 8091 kWh � Annual Cost: $ 494 � Ventilation System: Integrated Spot & Whole House ! Cooling System: SEER: 0.0 ( Ducted ) Cooling Load( at 5F dt ): 16920 Btu/hr Recommended Size 01250 2.0 tons Annual cool requirement: AM* kWh/yr � 8olar Access: Partially Shaded ________________________________________________________________________________ PRDPOSED DUCT SYSTEM Location Avg Rvelue Surface Area � ---- -- -------------------------------------- SUPPLY Vented crawlapace R-11.0 �� 327.2 ft2 RETURN Attic or garage R-11.0 65.4 ft2 -------------------W-------------------------------------------------------------- PeQe 2 m^ j WATTSUN 5.3 LONG TERM SUPER GOOD CENTS/1991 ICI(: S COMPLIANCE REPORT 06/10/9:3- FILE: B:JADE.WS HOUSE ID: 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLAZING ORIENTATION PROPOSED PROPOSED South 67.2ft2 North A 67.202 Southeast :: Northwest : East 67.2 West 67.2 Northeast : Southwest : -------------------------------------------0-------------------------------------- Economic and energy consumption estimates are designed for comparative purposes only. Actual cost for heating will vary depending on weather conditions, occupant lifestyle and other factors. D--- A ------------- ~ ^� ^ ================================================================================ WATTSUH 5.3 LONG TERM SUPER GOOD CENTS/1991 MCB COMPLIANCE REPORT 06/10/9:F% | FILE: B:JA[ E.W8 HOUSE I[): LT Site: JEN3EN RD ^ ��-7 ' / ' Analyst: KELLY BUECHEL Shelton, WA 08584 Jurisdiction: MASON COUNTY ( ) - Utility: Mason HUD 3 Homeowner : JADE House Type: Single Family Fluor Area: 1636 ft2 � Builder: JADE Weather Data: Olympia, WA Cli - te Zone: 1 . ( ) _ | | | The PROPOSED design QUALIFIES for 88C( 01 MCS ) 'Tier 1. | ( REFERENCE PROPOSED ' | COMPONENT PERFORMANCE 322 327 Btu/hr-F � | ENERGY BUDGET' 3.70 3.79 kWh/ft2-yr | | . REFERENCE DESIGN Reference Component Description Value X Area = UA ______________________________________________________________________________ Fln0r R30 vented joist U-0.029 1636 47.4 Glazing @15% 0.35 U-value U-0.350 245.4 85.9 DoVra Metal R5 base case U-0.190 40.0 7.6 AG Wall R21+R5 ADV U-0.041 1401 61.1 Ceiling, Attic R40 blown Attic ADV U-0.020 1645 32.0 Infiltration Standard air sealing ACH-0.350 13655ft3 87.5 ------------------------------- Reference UA 322 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- �������� � PROPOSB} DESIGN COMPONENTS Component Description Value X Area = UA ______________________________________________________________________________ Floor «RS0 vented Jo at 16oc U-0.029 1636 47 .4 Glazing @16N "ALPINE LOWE/AR U-0.320 69.0 21.43-: xNALPINE 8H LOWE/AR U-0.350 75.0 "ALPINE LOWE/AR �rU-0.320 30.0 0.3:*: "ALPINE PATIO LOWE/AR U-0.400 95.0 37 .0:*: � Doora Metal 1-3/4'' urethane flush U-0.140 40.0 5.6:*: A8 Wall U-0'038 1221 46.4 ................_..................__....................________________________________________________________________ � IteNS in parentheses not Included in COMPONENT PERFORMANCE totals. Denotes non-standard values - check calculation of thermal value., ' � Denotes UA to reflect 7-1/2 mph wind speed. Page Permit No. MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 qp 3� PLEASE PRINT #1 Owner r/�e Phone# Site Address G /50 Fire District# City _5�•75�etQ St U_ Zip Directions to Job Site A4 90, R_ cPla J!W-_:56� Ail . G- €�/cG 641,46C Owner Mailing Address PC, WOK City St tz>A- Zip Lien/Title Holder Address City St Zip #2 Contractor Name �/� � �� C Contractor Reg#JA0Z=,- -Q2404- Address /0© ernlk �?2 Expiration Date/Y City L St wok- Zip Phone#� --¢ -¢7��3 #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. Connect to Septic?_4(L Public Water Supply Well Connect to Sewer System? Name of System (If residential, proof of potable water is required) #4 Parcel No.�z',�'1 1 -g_" 9 - 6157 2- Legal Description #5 Building Square Footage: (existin p oposed , 1 st FI / 2nd FI / 3rd FI / Loft / Basement / Deck / #bedrooms_-3 #bathrooms / Garage Carport / (Circle(Att ache or Detached?) Other sq. ft. / #6 Use of building Describe work #7 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair Other #8 MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION Model Year Make Model Length Width Serial No. # Bedrooms # Bathrooms Type of Heat Purchase Price $ #9 Indicate by circling the a plicabie source if any water is on or adjacent to subject property: River Pond Creek Vaa 4lNetland Lake Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Fronting Street in relation to plot plan APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW Plumbing Fixtures ($3 each) Fee Mechanical Fixtures ($6 each) No. Toilets �q CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Gas, Electric, Bath Basins I Heatpump, Other l Bath Tubs No. Units Fees Showers _ Furn BTU Hot Water Htr 3 _ Heatpumps l Laundry Washer 3 Vent Systems Sinks Spot Vent Fans Floor Drains No. Boilers/Compressors _Laundry Basins HP Dishwasher No. Air Handling _Disposal cfm# _Urinals No. Fire Protection Systems _Other _ Auto. Fire Alarm Sys 50,A0 Fixed Fire Supp. Sys 50.00 Permit Basic Fee 15.00 Auto Fire Sprink Sys 25.00 TOTAL PLUMBING $ No. Other Gas Outlets Wood, Gas, Pellet Stove NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COM- MENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR Permit Basic Fee 15.00 WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- TOTAL MECHANICAL $ MENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE- I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED MENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY AM AWARE OF THE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGU- ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PER- LATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED MIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DEPARTM T. X OWNER X BY/ =� "— DATE DATE � f _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date: _ t — i J DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Cond. Hold Approval Planning: rrll Environmental Health: 2.V— 1'tc, f e tof� M� Building Plan Review Occupancy Group: --3 Type of Const: Fire Marshal: Other: Special Conditions: FEES Building Permit 37g,OCR Plan Check g Plumbing Fee L j ®p Mechanical Fee O Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Radon Monitor 8 , cc Violation Fee Site Inspection Building State Fee L{ '5 Other Other Building Valuation: �'�, S qO TOTAL FEE