HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2022-00076 Cancelled Foundation and Drainage Report - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 12/28/2022 pool gL.A?022!�Y ►�c_eLiuc� �2.'28 l2 z —TQ LIALITY GEO 12/20/2022 Babbit Construction Attn: Antonio Thinnes Subject: Lamb Wall Foundation and Drainage Consultation Report 5540 E Grapeview Loop Rd,Allyn,WA 98524 QG Project No.: QG22-218 Dear Client: At your request, Quality Geo NW,PLLC (QG) has completed a preliminary geotechnical review of the above referenced property's existing site conditions, including site visual reconnaissance, subsurface evaluation, and review of existing geologic literature for the site. The project site consists of a newly excavated bench within a regional slope that is planned for the installation of an aproximate 5-foot retaining wall feature (designed by others). It is our understanding that the client is seeking drainage recommendations due to the accumulation water along the surface of the bench. QG understands the client requested a geotechnical consultation to provide any necessary recommendation regarding drainage considerations.The following report presents the findings and conclusions of our review, addresses feasibility of proposed site development, and provides additional geotechnical recommendations for planning and design intended to reduce the inherent risks associated with site development within a potentially geologically hazardous area. A site region and vicinity map are provided in Appendix A,and a site map is presented in Appendix B.Typical slope conditions are shown schematically on the attached site slope profile in Appendix C, and Exploration Logs are provided in Appendix D. Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-9705 1 Web:qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE,Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation & Drainage Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project # QG22-218 LITERATURE REVIEW The Washington Geologic Information Portal (WGIP) maintained by the Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Earth Resources provides 1:24,000-scale geologic mapping of the region. The subject site is mapped as Pleistocene continental glacial till (Qgt), described as: "Unstratified to moderately stratified, compact, unsorted mixture of clay, silt, sand, and gravel deposited directly by glacial ice; gray to tan; nearly everywhere in sharp contact with underlying units; does not drain well as permeability and porosity are low; sand and finer grains in matrix are very angular;pebble-to boulder-size clasts are commonly striated and faceted,having angular and (or)rounded edges;boulders are generally disseminated and relatively rare;may contain interbeds of sand and gravel. The surface of this unit is characterized by streamlined drumlins, striations, and flutes that are generally hundreds to thousands of feet long. Angular to subrounded glacial erratic boulders,consisting mostly of plutonic or metamorphic rock,are common but disseminated on the surface of this unit.Unit may be capped by a few feet of unsorted and stained ablation sand and gravel or by unit Qgos. Vashon till locally crosscuts older sediments, forming angular unconformities.Drag folding and horizontal shearing may occur at the base of the till or internally between layers of till, especially in thick deposits. Unit Qgt ranges in thickness from 0 to at least 50 ft.,, According to the regional-scale interactive map, no deep-seated landslides are known to exist within the site. Available LiDAR imagery of the site did not reveal any obvious or prominent landslide features within the site or immediate vicinity. The United States Department of Agriculture portal(USDA)provides a soil mapping of the region. The soils in the vicinity are mapped as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Ab) and are formed as hills and ridges from glacial drift and/or glacial outwash over dense glaciomarine deposits. The soils are described as gravelly sandy loam from 0 to 7 inches and very gravelly sandy loam from 7 to 59+inches.Depth to restrictive feature is 20 to 39 inches to densic material. Capacity of most limiting layer to transmit water (ksat), is listed very low to moderately low (0.00 to 0.06 in/hr). Depth to water table is about 18 to 37 inches. SITE INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY On 12/6/2022, a QG Geologist visited the site to perform visual reconnaissance of the surface and topographic features of the subject property and its proximal slope. While on site, we conducted site surface explorations for a geologic hazard assessment and site feasibility characterization. Approximate relevant property dimensions and slope topography were documented and mapped at representative intervals as access allowed. Soil conditions were evaluated through local exposures along the slope face. Salient slope features and existing vegetation were documented to Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-9705 1 Web:qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE,Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation& Drainage Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project # QG22-21.8 assess general site stability as well as observe for signs of local instability of an erosional or subsurface nature currently or in the past. FIELD WORK Site exploration activities were performed on 12/6/2022.Exploration locations were marked in the field by an QG Project Geologist with respect to the provided map and cleared for public conductible utilities. Our exploration location was selected by an QG Project Geologist prior to field work to provide safest access to relevant soil conditions. The geologist directed the advancement of 1 hand auger borehole (HA). The borehole was advanced within the boundaries of the slope failure, to a depth of approximately 0.5 feet below present grade (BPG) in general accordance with the specified contract depth and equipment capabilities. During explorations QG logged each soil horizon we encountered, and field classified them in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System(USCS).Representative soil samples were collected from each unit, identified according to boring location and depth, and placed in plastic bags to protect against moisture loss for future reference. QG advanced 1 Wildcat Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests at a representative location within the vicinity of the proposed wall location. The penetrometer test was terminated upon reaching the equipment's maximum practical extent. During penetrometer advancement, blow counts were recorded in 10-centimeter increments as a thirty-five-pound weight was dropped 15 inches.Blow counts were then converted to resistance(kg/cm2),standard penetration blow counts (N-values),and corresponding soil consistency,with complete results shown on the attached logs. Region&vicinity maps are included in Appendix A. Site map is shown in Appendix B. Complete exploration logs are provided in Appendix D of this report. SURFACE OBSERVATION QG performed general site reconnaissance to observe and document any indications of localized drainage issues or surface degradation. The area in question is part of a gentle regional sloped shoreline adjacent to the Puget Sound that has multiple developed residential parcels. The slope face has been heavily modified on the parcel, and at the time of QG's arrival a 3-foot-depth excavation had been made east-west between an existing home and the lower shoreline slope. The client intends to construct a 5-foot wall along the length of the cut. The excavations are part of in- progress development adjacent to the home, and native soils at the surface are disturbed and bare at the project site. The remaining slope is a combination of impervious surfaces along a driveway and vegetated soils with small shrubs, grasses, and trees. Soils along the excavation are saturated Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-9705 1 Web:qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE,Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation & Drainage Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project # QG22-218 and had standing water at the time of QG's observations. The elevation of the trench is similar to the elevation of the Puget Sound during high tide. No indications of impending or historic deep-seated movement were observed along the slopes. Topography was generally consistent, lacking features such as: significantly oversteepened native slopes, apparent scarps, channelized runout zones, or hummocky zones. No obvious evidence of rotational or translational failures was observed.No significant failure features were observed on adjacent slope areas visible from the subject property during the visit. No massive downslope accumulation, or tension cracks were observed. No significant areas of scouring from natural stormwater channelization were observed. Where soils were exposed,they appeared to resemble a well-graded gravel with silt and sand and resemble sediments related to the mapped glacial deposits. SURFACE/SUBSURFACE STORMWA TER OBSERVATION The immediate subsurface was found to have perched stormwater over many portions of the trench, leaving the cut and lower bench saturated with pooling water at and below the surface in most locations.No evidence of a footing drain could be seen. QG performed hand tool explorations on site, which revealed surface soils at 3.5-foot depth to be brown well-graded gravel with silt and sand soils over most of the site's permeable surfaces. The brown soils appear to correlate with the mapped glacial outwash unit in the region. DCP logs indicate that at 4 feet below present grade (4 feet below excavated grade) there is a stiff to hard layer, likely to be an impermeable glacial till underlying the less cohesive outwash soils. Stormwater was found to perch within the brown soils at depths just below the excavated subgrade. Our exploration hole filled up with water immediately to within 6 inches of the surface taken within the excavated area. DISCUSSION&RECOMMENDATIONS The findings of QG's limited reconnaissance at the subject site do not indicate that any excessively prohibitive conditions exist for the current level of slope development (from a geotechnical standpoint). In consideration of the available information,and our direct observations,at this time QG does not consider the site to be within an active landslide hazard area. Erosional hazards related to soil creep and loose soils may be mitigated per the following development and site- specific recommendations. The most effective solution to saturated soils would be to install proper drainage behind the new wall that will be crucial to maintaining a dry and stable surface. We offer the following basic Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-9705 1 Web:qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE,Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation &Drainage Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project# QG22-21.8 construction recommendations to be considered by the property owner and their retained engineer or contractor. QG recommends excavating and clearing any loose or saturated soils from areas of proposed wall foundations, down to firm bearing conditions and benching the final bottom of subgrade elevation flat.This may also require pumping water out of the excavations to prevent softening subgrade soils. Excavations should be performed with a smooth blade bucket to limit disturbance of subgrade soils. Vibratory compaction methods are suitable for densification of the native soils. After excavations have been completed to the planned subgrade elevations,but before placing fill or structural elements, the exposed subgrade should be evaluated under the periodic guidance of a QG representative. Any areas that are identified as being soft or yielding during subgrade evaluation should be brought to the attention of the geotechnical engineer. Where over excavation is performed below a structure,the over excavation area should extend beyond the outside of the footing a distance equal to the depth of the over excavation below the footing. The over excavated areas should be backfilled with properly compacted structural fill. • Base Pad: New walls shall bear directly on a structural base lift as follows: A minimum 6-inch-thick leveling structural fill pad composed of permeable railroad ballast per WSDOT Specification 9-03.9(2), or an approved alternative. The material shall be compacted with a small vibratory plate or hoe pack on top to allow for maximum compaction of the grains,while avoiding liquefication of the underlying soils.This mat shall be separated from underlying and surrounding native soils by a layer of rugged nonwoven permeable geofabric, with 24-inch overlaps at joints, to allow for water to escape and prevent the accumulation of fine-grained soils within the void space. Fabric shall be wrapped overtop of the mat following compaction. The total fill section shall extend beneath the entire footprint of the proposed wall and a minimum 6 inches past the front and side edges of the wall base block. There shall be a perforated drainpipe running through the back of the base (within the ballast) and graded to gravity drain to an outfall pipe, to allow any accumulated water to be released in an existing approved drainage feature. The outfall point must be lower in elevation than the lowest point of possible water accumulation in the base, so as to allow any captured water within the base lift to completely drain away from the wall footprint preventing standing water from Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-9705 1 Web:qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE,Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation & Drainage Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project # QG22-218 accumulating. If the point of outfall cannot be established below the drainage features, then a sump pump may be required. • Excavations: The duration of time that excavations behind walls remain open should be limited to only as necessary to prepare the base pad and placement of the wall features, backfilling with drain rock and approved fill immediately. Temporary worker protections such as trench boxes or temporary shoring may be required for entering excavations deeper than 4 feet, and all OSHA safety regulations should be observed. Extended open cut periods or work proceeding in wet weather may require surface coverings,lesser cut angles,and/or temporary bracing be applied. Shoring may be required to prevent the undermining of nearby existing structures, if excavations are within 5 feet of them,and should be considered by the designer or earthworker as needed. • Wall Drainage: At minimum, a 12-inch-wide wall drain corridor shall be installed behind the wall, extending uninterrupted from the base, all the way to the last wall course and laterally across the entire retained face. Drain material shall conform to WSDOT Spec 9-03.12(4) Gravel Backfill for Drains, or 9-03.12(5) Gravel Backfill for Drywells. Drain rock shall be vibratory plate compacted to settle grains out to their most dense state. Drainrock shall be wrapped on all sides with nonwoven fabric.Perf pipes shall be installed along the length of the base to wick water out of the wall drain, and gravity flow to an outfall away from the walls. Surface soils behind the top of the wall shall be capped with native soils to minimize penetration of sheeting surface stormwater into the drains. • Wall Embedment The initial base rockery shall be embedded (keyed in) a minimum of 6 inches deep. Key backfill soils in front of the wall may consist of reused existing site soils.A flat bench shall be established to extend from in front of the base of the wall,outward a minimum of 4 horizontal feet,before descending no greater than 2H:IV. Drainage Controls: QG recommends proper drainage controls for stormwater runoff during and after site development to protect the site. The ground surface adjacent to structures should be sloped to drain away at a 5%minimum to prevent ponding of water adjacent to them. QG recommends all roof, wall, footing, and other gathered stormwater water sources (new or existing) be tightlined (piped) away to an existing catch basin, approved dispersion area, Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-9705 1 Web:qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE,Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation&Drainage Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project # QG22-218 stormwater system, established channel, or down the slope to be released beyond the base using appropriate energy-dissipating features at the outfall to minimize point erosion. Roof and footing drains should be tightlined separately or should be gathered in an appropriately sized catch basin structure and redistributed collectively. If storm drains are incorporated for impervious flatworks (driveways, patios, etc.), collected waters should also be discharged according to these recommendations. All drainage tightlines should be composed of appropriately sturdy material (such as rigid PVC), sized adequately according to anticipated flow, and anchored sufficiently. QG recommends slope tightlines be inspected by the owner periodically to look for signs of damage or displacement requiring repair. With county/city approval, an outfall to the Puget Sound may be considered for reasonable quantities of stormwater. Erosion Controls: Erosion is one of the most common driving forces leading to slope instability. In addition to the above commentary, if applicable the following general recommendations should be implemented in general to reduce long-term erosion potential of the slope below the project site and maintain slope stability: • Stability of exposed slope faces are to be improved by planting and maintaining deep rooting vegetation coverage. Installing beneficial ground plantings is encouraged. Alternatives to vegetation may include erosion control measures such as a staked geotextile fabric and 6 to fl- inch rockery (quarry spall or rip rap) cover. This may be considered suitable for slopes at or greater than 3H:1V, but no steeper than 1H:1V. It may be preferable to incorporate rolled erosion control products(RECPs)on an as needed basis during replanting activities to increase the likelihood of successful vegetation or replace areas not receptive to vegetation. • Adding vegetation will encourage rooting stabilization and in turn increase the erosional and hydrologic resistance of the slope. The slope inclination calls for careful plant selection, planning,and execution,to best achieve establishment and long-term surface stability. • Minimize the volume and velocity of water that travels toward and down the slope face (via proper choice of site development features including stormwater controls discussed above). • Avoid accelerating slope erosion and mass wasting due to human activity such as: ✓ Adding side-cast such as dumping landscape debris or fallen trees on or above the slopes. ✓ Using heavy construction equipment on or near steep slopes. ✓ Excavating near adjacent steep slopes toe or on slope face. ✓ Placing excavated soil near the steep slope crest. Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-9705 1 Web:qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE,Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation & Drainage Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project # QG22-218 • Roof downspouts and footing drains are currently routed into closed separate pipes which outfall into appropriate drainages. Outlets for these pipes should be protected from erosion through the use of rip-rap (quarry spalls) or some other energy dissipating device. Similarly, concentrated drainages should be captured in closed pipe systems and routed down slope to appropriate outfalls. • Clearing of existing vegetation outside the proposed building area on and adjacent to the existing slopes should be avoided except as approved by a qualified professional.This provides additional stability to the loose topsoil and minimizes the effects of down-slope water movement.This is excepting removal of problem,dead,or dying,trees if posing a direct hazard to site installations or adjacent roadways. Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-9705 1 Web:qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE,Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation & Drainage Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project# QG22-218 CLOSING REMARKS We trust this letter satisfies your project needs currently and greatly thank you for the opportunity to be of service. QG wishes you the best while completing the project. Respectfully Submitted, Quality Geo NW, PLLC Prepared by: Approved by: e o ash 23 sad Ge 12/20/2022 LUKE PRESTON MCCANN Alexander Barnes, G.I.T. Luke Preston McCann,L.E.G. Staff Geologist/Laboratory Supervisor Principal Licensed Engineering Geologist Attachments: Limitations Appendix A. Site Region and Vicinity Maps Appendix B. Aerial Site Map Appendix C. Site Slope Profile Appendix D. Exploration Logs Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-97051 Web: qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE, Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation & Drainage Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project # QG22-218 LIMITATIONS Upon acceptance and use of this report,and its interpretations and recommendations,the user shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless QG, including its owners, employees and subcontractors, from any adverse effects resulting from development and occupation of the subject site. Ultimately, it is the owner's choice to develop and live in such an area of possible geohazards (which exist in perpetuity across the earth in one form or another), and therefore the future consequences,both anticipated and unknown, are solely the responsibility of the owner. By using this report for development of the subject property, the owner must accept and understand that it is not possible to fully anticipate all inherent risks of development.The recommendations provided above are intended to reduce(but may not eliminate) such risks. This report does not represent a construction specification or engineered plan and shall not be used or referenced as such. The information included in this report should be considered supplemental to the requirements contained in the project plans & specifications and should be read in conjunction with the above referenced information. The selected recommendations presented in this report are intended to inform only the specific corresponding subjects. All other requirements of the above-mentioned items remain valid,unless otherwise specified. Recommendations contained in this report are based on our understanding of the proposed development and construction activities, field observations and explorations, and laboratory test results.It is possible that soil and groundwater conditions could vary and differ between or beyond the points explored. If soil or groundwater conditions are encountered during construction that differ from those described herein, or if the scope of the proposed construction changes from that described in this report, QG should be notified immediately in order to review and provide supplemental recommendations. The findings of this study are limited by the level of scope applied. We have prepared this report in substantial accordance with the generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice as it exists in the subject region.No warranty,expressed or implied,is made. The recommendations provided in this report assume that an adequate program of tests and observations will be conducted by a WABO approved special inspection firm during the construction phase in order to evaluate compliance with our recommendations. This report may be used only by the Client and their design consultants and only for the purposes stated within a reasonable time from its issuance, but in no event later than 18 months from the date of the report. It is the Client's responsibility to ensure that the Designer, Contractor, Subcontractors,etc. are made aware of this report in its entirety.Note that if another firm assumes Geotechnical Engineer of Record responsibilities,they need to review this report and either concur with the findings, conclusions, and recommendations or provide alternate findings, conclusions and recommendation. Land or facility use,on-and off-site conditions,regulations,or other factors may change over time, and additional work may be required.Based on the intended use of the report,QG may recommend that additional work be performed and that an updated report be issued.Non-compliance with any of these requirements by the Client or anyone else will release QG from any liability resulting from the use of this report. The Client, the design consultants, and any unauthorized party, agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless QG from any claim or liability associated with such unauthorized use or non-compliance. We recommend that QG be given the opportunity to review the final project plans and specifications to evaluate if our recommendations have been properly interpreted. We assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-9705 1 Web:qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE,Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation & Drainage Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project# QG22-218 Appendix A. Site Region & Vicinity REGION 302 it Loop, jVaughn Grapeview Kop Hollov.,Park Stretch Island VICINITY O. .. 40 ..- - .. Bianchi's Bark and Gravel CL JP * Tr Quality Geo Site Region Source:Goole Images 2022 y. 1 NW, PLLC Lamb Wall Consult Scale&Locations are approx. FigUl e 1 Not for Construction Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington& Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-9705 1 Web: qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE,Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation &Drainage Consult Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project # QG22-218 Appendix B. Aerial Site N1ap ti 5550 E-G PEVI LOOP RD Suspected Stormwater Influx T t Q n t. 1 - i r .M s�qr 45 HA—I DCP-1 a 100 arcel Boundar � SCALE FEET Quality Geo NW, Site Map Source:Mason County GIs 20-' Scale&Locations are approx. Figure PLLC Lamb Wall Consult Not for Construction 12 Lamb Wall Foundation & Drainage Consult Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project # QG22-218 Appendix C. Slope Profile 0 2.5 SCALE FEET Geo Fabric Wrap Proposed Wall Permeable Ballast (Designed by Others) Existing Grade Perforated pipe tightlined to o° approved stormwater outfalI 0 location �3 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Saturated Soils Excavated Lower Grade J�J-Y•v+Nr-r-��-r-rr-r-r..r-r-r-r..-r- NNv+v+Y•Y•NJ�Y-NNNr^.n�NN.rJ�.n J�NY•v+v+u�.n � _ _ N~NNN---- -----v�'•J NWNNNJzwWv�+ .~i�` ��.J� ��nNNwr.n~✓~'•v�'•�Y�'•NN.N/-vim'-Y~'•.�n��.µi�Y• J��ANNJ�J NNNY•N+�ANJ•J�-----N^.~!---n—�` � qJ�.7 0�i`i`l�.1 -JAY----SAY+Y•J•J�J�Y•J�NNJ�Y•v+Y�v+J v+J NJ v^J p J•Ni�.�l----r+N.~1.�.- N�----.— ✓-.~i�— J—'-- •ANY•Y•Y•v+Y�Y�Y•J+J•Y•NNNNNNY�+^Y•Y•J�NJ�J� V]y� •J�NNNN�NNNNY•J�NNNNJ•v+V^NJY• •FNJ�J•JAY•Y•J�NJ�NJ�NJ�NJ+v+v+NJ�Y�J-J�./�N Q NNN.ANv+N./ENV'�J-.AJ�w^J�Nv+NNv+Y•Y•v+NJ•NJ�N Inferred Impermeable Layer Quality Geo NW, Slope Profile A-A' Source:Mapped Topo&Hand Measurements PLLC Lamb Wall Consult Scale&Locations are approx. Figul e 3 Not for Construction 13 Lamb Wall Foundation & Drainage Consult Quality Geo NW, PLLC 12/20/2022 Project# QG22-218 Appendix A Exploration Logs t I,�LI-IY Hand Auger Log HA-1 O y— `W PROJECT NUMBER OG22.218 FIELD WORK DATE 1216=22 BORING LOCATION Within excavated trench. PROJECT NAME Lamb Wall Foundation Consult DRILLING METHOD Hand Auger adjacent to wail cut(south of house) PROJECT LOCATION Allyn,WA SURFACE ELEVATION Exisling LOGGED BY AW COMMENTS a r o s Material Description E < a u rR ! to � GWGM WELL-GRADED GRAVEL with SILT and SAND 0 Brown,saturated,loose.no mottling.cobbles to 4".no organics Gravel-60%Sand=35%Fines=5% 0 0 OQ 0� 0 0 OQ OQ 0 OQ 0 op Terminated at contracted depth Groundwater pooling on surface Quality Geo NW.PLLC-Ph:360-876-9705,quaiitygeortw corn.4631 Whitman Lane SE,Ste D.Lacey,WA Page 1 of 1 produced by ESIog.ESdat net on 20 Dec 2022 Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington&Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-97051 Web: qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE, Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513 Lamb Wall Foundation & Drainage Quality Geo NW,PLLC 12/20/2022 Project # QG22-218 WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Page 1 of I Quality Geo NW.PLLC Geotechuical Consultants PROJECT NUMBER: QG22-218 Lacey.WA DATE STARTED: 12-06-2022 DATE COMPLETED: 12-06-2022 HOLE#:DCP-1 CREW:AW SURFACE ELEVATION: Existing PROJECT:Lamb Wall Foundation&Drainage Consult WATER ON COMPLETION: No ADDRESS: 5540 E Grapeview Loop Rd.Allyn,WA HAMMER WEIGHT: 351bs. LOCATION: Southeast edge of parcel CONE AREA: 10 sq.cm BLOWS RESISTANCE GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE TESTED CONSISTENCY DEPTH PER 10 cm ' /cm= 0 50 100 150 N' NON-COHESIVE COHESIVE - 3 13.3 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT - 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT - 1 ft 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT - 2 8.9 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT - 2 8.9 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT - 2 ft 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT - 2 8.9 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT - 2 8.9 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT - 3 ft 11 48.8 ............•• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 1 m 35 155.4 ....................................• 25+ DENSE HARD - 30 115.8 ..............................••• 25+ DENSE HARD - 4 ft 50 193.0 ....................................••••• 25+ VERY DENSE HARD 5ft 6ft - 2m 7ft 8ft 9ft - 3m loft lift 12ft - 4m 13ft Quality Geo NW,PLLC Serving All of Washington& Oregon I Geotechnical Investigations&Engineering Consultation Phone:360-878-97051 Web: qualitygeonw.com I Mail:4631 Whitman Ln SE, Ste D,Lacey,WA 98513