HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2002-00378 Cancelled RLC2001-00087 - RLC Inspections - 9/18/2001 PSON.STAT�c�.� MASON COUNTY Planning Department j A l �i P O Box 279, Shelton,WA 98584 N N Y �c2:i (360)427-9670 1� 1864 '�"J gyp,, OJ �O 0,nf 8ma Resource Lands & Critical Area Si e n September 18, 2001 JOAN ELSEN � 301 SE OLD ARCADIA RD t4 � r d SHELTON WA 98584 Case No.: RLC2001-00087 Parcel No.: 321307590111 J 11 z)l i3 14 Project Description Identify whether environmental regulations affect proposed building sites for a single family residence, barn and driveway. Dear Applicant: As part of this department's review of your permit application, a Resource Lands and Critical Areas (RLC) site inspection was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 36- if you have questions. Sincerely, Grace Miller Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 9/18/01 1 of 2 RLC2001-00087 Resource Lands & Critical Area Site Evaluation 9/18/01 Case No.: RLC2001-00087 Comments The property was inspected by Planner, Grace Miller, with applicant Mr. Elsen, on Sept. 17, 2001. The property is now vacant with an old access road off Capital Peak Drive. That road may be improved in it's current location and extended through the property. The applicants plan to purchase the four lots, A, B, C and D of SP 798. The residence will most likely be constructed on Lot B or C and the barn could be on lots A or B. The wetlands appear to be located on the west side of lot D and part of lot B at the end of the easment and on neighboring lot to north. The wetlands that are on the site, although dry at this time, are biological wetlands: palustrine, forested with needle leaved evergreens, saturated, semipermanent seasonals. Some of their valued functions are to retain floodwater during winter flooding, water quality maintenance and as wildlife habitat. Although the wetlands have not been officially categorized, because of their size, the wetlands on this site are not regulated by the Mason County Resource Ordinance Wetlands Chapter which staff gave to you during the inspection. See#13,2 for non-regulated wetlands. Therefore, you are not required to meet the setbacks specified in that chapter for t ie construction'_of your resi ence and barn. Staff understands that you will most likely leave the wetlands in their natural state to continue their natural functions. There appears to be plenty of room for the construction and development of the site with avoidance of the wetlands being possible. Enclosed is a vicinity map of the proposed McEwan Prairie Mine. The Planner working on that application is Rick Mraz at 427-9670, ext 577. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Thank you. 9/18/01 2 of 2 RLC2001-00087 �o. N07'ES: SEE SURVEY BY ROGER LOVITT, VOLUME 4, PA4 %r0►R O� COI`�l'TUNI rY SEE SNORT PLAT NO. 798, RECORDED UNDER Dv �o�YNr AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 375450, ALL RECORDS OF I I COUNTY, WA5PING7ON. I I I I I I I I I I I ---I 308.89 60' EASEMENT PER - AUDITOR's FILE No. 366032. '--APPROX. LOCATION FOUND "3 REBAR l"B 2 PER RLC200 / 0.00 S., 0.17 F. OF W CALL POSITION RESULTING P4R CEL 4 1.12 ACRES cod / 10 � / / W W r`'L` rr� �. � • 'SINE ,,-SEE DETAIL N 76.49'S5E-3575 QL1� W NEW ' LINE D�� / U' N 88 0439" E 259.27 / vt 30.0015' NO-CI,IT Fig IFFER 195.89 vt _ / /— = - -L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- OC / Q v RESULTINGI "' / r�RCi I I-- 1.00 ACRES I U ° `� - 3 I O o 130 0 , � I M 1131 ry 0� / 335.81 316-23 / / /�0 _---- NEW LINE -- - 33.94 - ary cb� �' 30' EASEMENT FOF: 38.32 INAG: ulrL/rY _"sEe �^ �/�10. 60' EASEMENT PER 'OGER LOVITT, VOLUME 4, PAGE 74 AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 366832. NO. 798, RECORDED UNDER _ 375450, ALL RECORDS OF MASON 789 98 �MEA)S) 58. N 83'39'50" E 190.871 _ 83.27 ---; 107.60 I 0 308.89 — W -17.00 �- I W W W W W ',I W i i i W W i W NEW i i i i i i SET BAR E CAP AT LINE i EDGE OF POND to I �APPROX. 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