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RLC2001-00087 - RLC Inspections - 9/18/2001
P�oN STATFO� MASON COUNTY Mo 9 Planning Department S U s P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 N v ti (360)427-9670 of as _4 01 A" 1864 �ti Resource Lands & Critical Area Si a tiQn September 18, 2001 JOAN ELSEN 301 SE OLD ARCADIA RD SHELTON WA 98584 ° 'sbald Case No.: RLC2001-00087 Parcel No.: 321307590111/11Z) [13 -4- Project Description Identify whether environmental regulations affect proposed building sites for a single family residence, barn and driveway. Dear Applicant: As part of this department's review of your permit application, a Resource Lands and Critical Areas (RLC) site inspection was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 36- if you have questions. Sincerely, Grace Miller Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 9/18/01 1 of 2 RLC2001-00087 Resource Lands & Critical Area Site Evaluation 9/18/01 Case No.: RLC2001-00087 Comments The property was inspected by Planner, Grace Miller, with applicant Mr. Eisen, on Sept. 17, 2001. The property is now vacant with an old access road off Capital Peak Drive. That road may be improved in it's current location and extended through the property. The applicants plan to purchase the four lots, A, B, C and D of SP 798. The residence will most likely be constructed on Lot B or C and the barn could be on lots A or B. The wetlands appear to be located on the west side of lot D and part of lot B at the end of the easment and on neighboring lot to north. The wetlands that are on the site, although dry at this time, are biological wetlands- palustrine, forested with needle leaved evergreens, saturated, semipermanent seasonals. Some of their valued functions are to retain floodwater during winter flooding, water quality maintenance and as wildlife habitat. Although the wetlands have not been officially categorized, because of their size, the wetlands on this site are not regulated'by the Mason SguntyRe-source O Ch rdinance Wetlands apter which staff'gave to you during the inspection. See�B-,2 for non-regulate_ d wetlands. Therefore, you are not required to meet the setbacks specified in that chapter for the construction of your residence and barn. Staff understands that you will most likely leave the wetlands in their natural state to continue their natural functions. There appears to be plenty of room for the construction and development of the site with avoidance of the wetlands being possible. Enclosed is a vicinity map of the proposed McEwan Prairie Mine. The Planner working on that application is Rick Mraz at 427-9670, ext 577. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Thank you. 9/18/01 2 of 2 RLC2001-00087 MASUIY UUMV I r y,7 } RESOURCE LANDS & CRITICAL AREAS CHECKLIST G� P&ASE PRINT ) 1AD S pa V` "+)A, Oh S(_161L. $70.00 Fee Required R of Applicant: 7, 'S�^" Parcel No. i 5o 75`�b- t l y, I It Applicant Address: 3DI 5G ©w Ar(' Ill 21 1 (I I City: t-w 6 St w Zip q e5R LI Legal Description: TR 116 o�',Z arl/W *7y Phone: (3(10 ) `(Z&-Q (5 '3 A BT,D 5 P# 791 o A i o-r.01 at Owner Name (if different from applicant: dJ- Lk 5,6� Yq a n T W/J Z) 31N, w M Purpose of Pre-Inspection: Ueri L"v. Use of Building: 51 r I-e- �:�rqv*tLqV"C'ryte_ 4' bOL4'n Do any of the following exist on or within 200 feet of the property: saltwater lake river/stream pond wetland seasonal runoff ? slope X _ Directions to Site: �('ec da�� }� ^�'�- cm �'�e In,Sn�-- 4-0 Cap4-� BeMk U' tr►rn r lease illust ate in the box below the proposed building site in relation to property lines, significant natural features, slope grade and direction and topography (or include on separate sheet): �IeQse- ca\\ k lLk ham.- 40 D --)Wm yawl North Arrow i \VJL -- - s � ° JIB " - �a U� u t 4 5 This checklist is designed to assist an applicant for a Building Permit, On-Site Sewage System Site Evaluation and Disposal Permit, Access Permit, Land Modification Permit, Boundary Line Adjustments, Land Segregations, Hazardous Waste Permit, or Shoreline Permit in determining whether their property is affect by regulations under the Mason County Interim Ordinance (77-93). This checklist is an important opportunity for identifying early in the permit process whether there will be any environmental regulations affecting the proposed development. If the information is incomplete, then Mason C,6unty must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity which affects the lot evaluated in this inspection. Applicant Signature: �' C"'" Date: Vz(e Zo turn application to: Department of Community Development,Planning Division - �wlll ` 411 N 5th/PO Box 279 AUG :°,y„�, � Shelton, WA 98584 G 3 Q 2001 (360) 427-9670 — y� Please make checks or money orders payable to Mason County Treasurer When completed, this form becomes part of the permit application. PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER �0e 700OPJ- -f Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to critical area & property'lines:' f T.G'4j2�`a:-_c y� �y .1.� � .. ..-�I. r. /S l 1 1. i p..� .f •Y '^) 0, j 14,+i. 4 � ;r- st if .t. . r 'n s E Gr, t 5 a. t. k r i ig 6aMoiM `Z t 111 5 0 t Departmental Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings: tj1 y� �t *4'f4i ... f++ .. A3W30 33AAT& ,8A TIAR 39 Foal ea setnellts described under •Audi tor' No. 366832* xecard�. QQ•�- of Masan Courtly. .. '�• �� •� `3�M�N� �_ i Slixt flat ;r d' ..f''.�._._ .... f tr rt i { j I c too1.' • ' � n 4I 4r) hi -.� ORd. V 6 0 � frt O x � . _ Ln I • u f 00, d` �4e a-4 ••• Ct� • T � }� I 1 t•: �tl�e 111chert p. o. lox Sheldon; k -.. � �+•aaerrt,�s��rttt7cv� - _ aa�r.�trars nrrrnq�.rtt t IL r I � l ((( JEFF GEIBEL WINDERMERE / HIMLIE � n env •,.... / 1'0 -{i-•� - .lr PST/ {�� 3- P I r7.:LthKn N T r•1� ` �ft. l � C6t'aolsi.l / �� 1 �"' , — Y-- __ CCllnn i L' Ie� —_—_— —r-.--„-,— 'f � I'ak1�--rZ—__�-•�• _ SIR v''— ,' 'too rr -� �-' �r'�'^,i�- � a�Mb�--+i �,''• J c� i. PSSIY \ "I t A i �� J 1 J:\ r�, i! a�: 4 1 ! �l C✓�, ,I t10 P5511 PFO W w IIY QEMIY�fMl P#SIY P551Y PS PfOiw.- r .i �,' I „R$rwZ R301 P351 SIW v �SSIy� I ^L�" �Zx7•. .� a�, c t-^-PEM� 1 3FC'( IZ ` •� SS I r i iPfO51 r (/t PS51Y-, _ � E►tlw. �l ��PsItiv�u-'�j _ ; PSS Y p Y OFO P's �'~I Pow s ar i � SAY f PEM. 'Rae.", F' W Zo p "S VV PSSr11' P6yY F ^PEM1Y P EMI ! ,Ps I .,eg Z • e.F Y" P LY FOlSN' lY - I' j 5 '`�,_.SS Pl"OIYv/ l Q. IY PEMM( / ' P—IY KOM LP" 51 2x I�%123 PSS OIY12 > +Y ' g .� �6M PSSI .y p�$Iw e 1 PaB�z PPo+ 4kplw s1Y, PFo PEMIYh POwZ I PEMIY o- Z ss PssIY f �bWz�, PFoIN/ FONb• ',�' 1=0 / ' I PF IW P —lY i RE tY 84Z P Z 0 FM Sly PFOIY. PFOI I tr P S pEnnt P IY PSSIY -- PEMI F41Y.?SSIY i IY •`; EMAtY. PI' _ #phi/�Y-P 3MY t 2s2 U0VQ SSIW '? - _ f P PSSV4Y mj F P P�FO��J�bt. Pf111Y i PF 1 Cr e AB Zl' fOP551Y PSSfY -Ps Y N'. PSSt L I OWZ PS�N4: PjF y� ti°� '��,• } FO W 25 MIPSSPY01 P 1FY �2u5c e` S .f•' � zoo L2 A6+Z P'Slr �MIY 04Y✓ SIY 51Y Mw I. - 9ssf � 'o�Y i --,-�i�l !Lake isi �� Ps51 - I / PP04Y1 S PF01 PA Z I PEMIY ` I I �• SS9/; '' " Z e ' 4 F5 l`( 3 I 1 3 _ ` Inc_ i � f`• ,X c�yl1z 3 FF01Y SSA I P �� 'sly\ �r owZx ; g 4 i5/'' •, .. P5. 4Y 7 PF Y' PE lY I y' h EgElb!"il RIo i., � E I 1 P$ MY •'� - i �'•P3zSlw � MI ( i J' •-u"' .� uz• -- � PS YSSIY PA64Z P sIY 'ffAFY'': PSSIY illj1 i f2 a �I t2y" L 30W ;' L OWx 5 R3 :% jA 2Y9 ` R +24 W 48710' 1 S.EL To.3 5 MI (SHELTON)1 92 493 .5' e95 R.3 W` 0INTERIOR—GEOL D [CAL SURVEY. OL—PIA J5— 1378 it ` ...M.GTON.D.C—xv�o •Y •\-g Y r � P5 5 L!Y - Tic l u 4r,n_ S6,1A,-6 SGV&- Ldo SPECIAL NOTE NOTES TO THE USER a Ngfti This document was prepared primarily by stereoscopic SYMBOLOGY EXAMPLE Wetlands which have been field examined are indicated analysis of high altitude serial photographs.Wetlands were on the map by an asterisk 1'1. identified on the photographs based on vegetation,visible • Dominance type leitber vegetative or sedentary animal) LFT hydrdogy,and geography in accordance with CWsiRca- SYSTEM can be added to the map by the interested user. don o/Watlertda and Deep-Waar Nabkats of the United �UBSYSTEM • Additions or corrections to the wetlands information States(An Operational Draft',CowHabillardin,et ofat.t e U The 1 .CLASS displayed on this map are solicited.Please forward such aerial photographs typically reflect conditions during the information to the address indicated. specific year and season when they were taken.In addi- E2EMSN • Some areas designated R4S8,R458W.or R458J tion,there is a margin of error inherent in the use of the SUBCLASS,WATER REGIME (intermittent streams)may not meet the definition or well aerial photographs. Thus,a detailed on the ground and nn s historical analysis of a single site may result in a revision or UPLAND(NON-WETLANDS) A�RIAL PHOTOGRAPHY the wetland boundaries established through photographic . interpretation.In addition,score small wetlands and those i1 DATE: 7 180 obscured by dense forest cover may not be included on this Pf or PKf FARMED WETLANDS 1 58 000 document. SCALE: - •, . Federal,State and local regulatory agencies with jurisdic- CONTROLLED WATER REGIME C I R lion over wellanda may define and describe wetlands a e TYPE: different manner than that used in this inventory.There is s no attempt,in either the design or products of this inven- DATE: tory,to define the limits of proprietary jurisdiction of any k Federal, State or local government or to establish the SCALE:_ "µ geographical scope of the regulatory orograms or govern- ment agencies.Persons intending to engage in activities in TYPE: volving modifications within or adiacent to wetland areas should seek the advice of appropriate Federal,State or local DATE: agencies concerning specified agency regulatory programs and proprietary jurisdictions that may affect such activities. SCALE: TYPE: . t z ja i wx wFTI AND I FGFND ' J o m 141 so ►� CQ . P� c CL 31130 -7sq d 6 02 C Cum M iNc. ` � YOU 1--v �� ��� � � 3 o Z , /14�'� Ic Vt TL/li N 1;�0 > >J 4✓� Pt-�2► �� f�l°�JG 7"/©N 79' ,F /�"lQ6w i f� N ?7 E D/O NoT" L 1 KC FloQ6 CACCiNG IT Q'✓ITY c tF�R r 1 7-0 f}-60✓T%1 p A ���►'� 1� • 'D of jT C/o}'L L US It GJI L l M t 4 YOUJ S S I A S / T IS /o tu 61-x f OL/It fi TlcFN7T To Aar PLC. cv'iS e ✓T so 6.'(-- cALCW Ap�° SoniEoMc /yFQ7-)m00 A 1FM-A IS YW u, Cyj «C GO / C 2 S'FT14011J 7 �� Qr�rVFD S� � ✓�'N r° _ ;-He- cvA ITF� D 1� CST/Ou�,� /H�r y � C SO Qv es7)o v0 rfl T ter; 04_s)c sPr) i>3�� c✓r P� tI� F 17 e c, ,D� CC 7U J 4rIS t� �� STRRIc, R �- ,�R) � � v ' D�'` 7's y �>�v tV ,o NaT �U Pjo P4=1U1 60 '4 c y fl �EO 7° AT Z-�s � (41L-` ,�`16-47, 4/t AS1 is A �'� 2 n101�1 Rr� U4H�4_O wtTL_4'O0 1�w" , T . �Z 1�- �1 N�S _ �,✓ tv� Fo laCo tl.I 1/�� C Ti�l t7'�� tvE�C /v o � ,per �}ND LESS (l8 imGrl ATM4144 A NA 'S(A' QS v J( (11 � � t�ss /h1fN /SQ y /�7H l� y , r- 174'r 3F-F Ll „'Ie>4a 1ppy)o, vS,, /IL' t,/H R ► CAST DN 0 vA Pf° o r # or_ L�t�o iyr CW)QTy Soo, >�� 6r40 S�►-TClq s1DRA`1 CA rlE_� y1� -g� C � 1 INVESTIGATION REPORT FORM n Revised 10/6/94 n Part A: Nature of Complaint • Initiator's Name: • Address: • Telephone: ��110 • Owner Name: 1` �+ • Address: 2- • Telephone: • Department of Concern ❑ Clerical A Building ❑ Health J&omm Development ❑ Fire • Area of Concern: ' ❑ Process Delay ❑ ❑ OtherPersonnel Policy/Fee Code Violation � Refer to Director • Location of Concern: C) —, r • Nature of Concern: 1 . - �-- 4^-si o .. J S • 10 Part B: Concern Intake and Referral Received By: Referred To: Response Date: 12 Name Date Name Date Date Part C: Findings Referral Forwarded to: ❑N/A Name Date Findings: �+` �z_ C tp r4 tr Part D: Resolution Name Date Intake Copy-White File Copy-Yellow Referral Copy-Pink -Pi f 1 • No . . ' .'► �� ` .,ems���'► t, 1 72-