HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD96-01347 Cancelled Mobile Home - BLD Permit / Conditions - 5/25/1997 l MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 E3 U 1 L__ E7 i N CA P IF vim I _r FOR INSPECTIONS CAL1 427-9670 BETWEEN 5pm AND Bam 427-7"262 BLD96 ­1347 PARCEL s32.13O759O1 O4 PLAT t D I V t? BLK t ? LOT -? JOB ADDRFSSt F 1505 JFNSIFN AD SHELTON E)WNFR : BARBARA MATHESON 427-114O CONTRACTOR t LEGAL s TA 11 or SDRVEt' 41T4 CLAMS OF WORK . -NFW BEDR t 3 .BATH , 2 TYPE ANOUNT PY DATE RICE ITT TYPE ANONNI RY DATE RECEIPT TYPE OF USE: : MfI ST OR I ES, . . . . . . . : 1 OCCUP . GROUP . . . :7 BL D , HE I GHT . . t 0 .Oft EiICP 1 16.06 KS 11126196 43498 TYPE: OF CONST . . t? FIREPLACES . . . . : 0 NHOF I 150.00 KS 11126196 43498 ►. CICCUP . LOAD . . . 40 WOODSTOVES . . . . : 0 $IFE $ 4.51 KS 11126196 43498 DWELL .UNITS . . . . : 0 PARKING SPACES : 0 INSPECTION AREA s 2' SHORFL. INE7 . . . . tN j 101AL: 168.50 VAIDLATIONs 41400 SETBACKS- . - -- --__ - TOILETS . . . . . .. . . . . : 0 FUEL. TYPES- ------ BOILFRS/COMP------ MOBILE HOME FRCINT . . .S 0 ,Of-I BATH BASINS . . . . . . : 0 s 0 3 HP . : 0 REAR . . . .N O .Of t BATH TUBS . — _ . - 0 3­ 15 HP . t 0 MODEL t S IDF ( 1 ) .W 1 O .0ft 11111-TOWF.RS . . . . . . . . . . . 0 FURN r 100K BTU : 0 15-•30 HP . - 0 - MAKE. S I DE (2 ) .E 25 .Oft WATER BEATERS . . . . t 0 FURN >-1 O0K BTU : 0 30-50 HP . : £0 SHRL I NE . O .Oft CI OTHF'S WASHERS . t 0 FURN - FLOOR . . . t 0 50+ HP 0 -YEAR- --- AREA --- __..__..__ ___.. KITCHEN SINKS . . . . , 0 HEAT PUMP . . . . . . : 0 96 LOT SIZE . . : FLOOR DRAINS . . . . . . 0 VENT SYSTEMS . . . . 0 EVAP COOLERS : 0 L.ENGTHs52 RU 1 LD I NG . , . . Osf DRINKING FOON T . . . . O VENT FANS , __ : 0 HOODS . . . . . . . : 0 W I D T FI . t 27 BASEMENT . . . : 04:f 1,AUNDA Y TRAYtti . , , . 0 DOMES , I NC I N t O - SE I AI #-- DECKS . . . . . . ; Oaf DISHWASHERS . . . . . . , 0 AIFT HANOCING UNITS---- COMML . INCIN !O GAR/CARP :? Osf GARS DISPOSAI S . . . : 30 -:w, 10000 o I'm . t 0 REL.00/REPAIR ; 0 AT/DT . :? URINAI.S . . . . . . . . . . t 0 > 10000 cfln . t 0 OTHER UNITS . t 0 M 1 SC PI_M FIXTURES : 0 GALS 0UT'L.FT-, , 0 �.`_`Yisa"-W.CVL7YtRII>.:3�:x ti�'�:SX:•�.-�S�t-LC�_'>�SZ1Ql.?Cidf_YS�C^�".d..`'31i�WT..:i:':�P^:CY' ....T ..-...._^^..:.:YY:�__'TS.."«I�TtT:.YK•�wi�..r.^.=Y^:.':�-C'.�Z�..�._-Z`:?�+�-�'�y.e�v•�•+••�,.L-�.'S'�'=1:a�'���^..'.5.��Q':f4�T.w.'� PftOJFCT DESCRIPTION,N081tF NONE P104FCI tOCATION;ONi ORt1CM.DALE TO 011,4 RD TAKE A A11aHT FOItOW FOA ?.,R ORES TOP 0I HI11 CROSSROAD OF JENSEN RD AND CAPITAI P[AM DRIVE, TAKE A I.EET 114 M►dE ON RIGHT, THIS PEAVI'I BECOMES NkL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTAU01011 ADTN01I70 IS NOT COMMENCED NITHIN 180 OAYS, 'OA IT CONSTRUCTION OR NORM: IS SDSPENDFD FOR A PFRIOD OF Ili DAYS AT ANY TINE AFTER WORK 18 COMMENCED, EVIDENCE OF CQNTIOVATION OF 1101F 13 A P100RE:S1 INSPECTION W►TMIN THE 184 DAY PE1100. FIVAI IASPEtTiON MUST BI APPROVED BEFORE RVIIDING CAN BE OCCUPIED. r , OWNER OR A O E N T t � '" � yy1I� ..�:�f(,�-�-�1✓ O A T E 616, 110f, (It; 13131191 �/ �r COMPLIANCE TO ATTACHED CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date /Z' to b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date 3 y by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final FRAMING date by date by date 6� by Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by E �f'7ji41y,ErJ (�Ot.QEC T�•J itld���- I 1 CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date_ "C by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by 17. �r�`L� �✓.s. y 'Tee%e-Q ; f C�>� >Z�/✓1 /itJ� Building Permit #1�16 y7 MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location `Sri <- � �s iA' 'rz'RAq'v4 ow This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must correct to gain code compliance Z A(D Aft oNC M02 r,)►Ee A-T 20n, WeN4ow �Uritt a� b S %C- OAlNtC 770,0 S a 41I /`�41N,xJ P—r 4E-7-"Pj4-Y/0AkS S o LeT 14EpT e rem n i)Ee- > - 140 IA-DPP_WE10 Mt9_N UCr_1 /�/ Gas f7i2avio ,�c� TioAJ OF L►h'22yy -fo Lo.GA-S 61 y. / a s s4aa�H VO 00�4 p.4&9Cy AT 77�� You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK SA,?o<<C L )o No 7 �f-NS `.LeNrL ou M r y Trees �o� SKl2Tiv 0 Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before cont y • Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection aOKto Department 4 4 Date 3 r -R _ Inspector�� 0 00 4 N/ OT Mo OV T V , T ,� I MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 F� F= " M 1 -t" C-1 C1 N L-1 I T I C)N Case No . : BL.D96-1347 Fort BARBARA MATHESON Page : 1 1 ) PURSUANT TO 11,494 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE , SECTION 305(C ) AND SECTION 513 , ALL. SITES MI,IST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PROVIDED IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY . MASON COUNTY BUILDING DFPARTMIENT REQUIRES THAT TFI I S RE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS . A REINSPECTION FEE , BASED CAN RATFS IN TABLE 3A OF THE 1994 ONIFORM BUILDING CODE WIIl.. RE ASSESSED IF OWNER/CONTRACTOR FAILS TO POST ,ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REGI.IEST I NG INSPECTIONS . X ( 2 ) ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET OR EXCEED ALL. LOCAL CODES AND UBC REQUIREMENTS . X._.__ 3 ) RE QU 1 RI I) I NSPEC l' IONS (F oct i rig I rispec;t i ori- pr i or to porir , Set- up I nspect i un-prior to skirtln , Final Inspection--prior to occupancy ) . I have received a copy of the General I nforma ion and Ge.i ide 1 i nes-Mobi Ie/Mantrfar..tured Hous 1 ny I nt�ta I 1 at i ons Handout for detailed descriptions of all requ i red Inspections on ray mob i l e/manufactured hc:me Installation . I hereby assume all respon4ibiiity for the snhedtiiing of these required inspections . if these required Inspections are not requested, inspected and signed off ( approved ) by the Inspector, in the prescribed order i understand that reinspection tees and an hourly investigation fee pursuant to the �9911 UBC, Table 3A will be assessed In addition to my original permit fees to r,eSoIve any qu"stionable practices or probleins that have been discovered . i further understand that this investigation will be scheduled as time allows . Until resolution of anylall problems no occupancy ( Final Inspection ) will he granted for the residence . OWNER/GONTRACTOR( indirate which ) Signature X 4 ) All mobile/manufactured home iandin?s or decks must be freestanding ( self supporting ) . The 1 argest i ai4d i nq or deck permitted w i ti`tc�ut draw i rifts or a building permit 1 s 36" x 36" Any landing or deck that Is .30" or more in height from walking surface to finish grade require. a guardrail . Any landitiq or, deck that has 4 or more risers requires a f , handr-a i 1 . Any landing or dook larger than 36" x 36" must be permitted which requires I StructuraI draw Inys and a buIIdInc; permit appiioation . This Installation Pormit doeF NOT Include any landing or deck larger than the 36" x 36" size . 7 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 5 ) Proposed structure or ppnrtions thereof with an pr�7jectlon over 30" In height from grade tine, must maintain a , separation distance between adjacent structures and that furthest projection . X 6) Changes to approved bk.riIding plants that effect comps lance to the 1991 Washington State Energy Code, 1991 Ventilation and Indoor Air Qualityy 9 Code the Uniform RuI1din Coda and/or Mason County Re uiations must be approved by Mason Coun v prior to construct ionX 7 ) ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET OR EXCEED LOCAL CODES . IF ANY QUEST 1 ONS, PL!i".A.SE CALL. THIS OFFICE BEFORE CONSTRUCTION . ..; X 8 ) CONSTRI-IC'T I ON PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED AS REQU i RED PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE . 9) The !inder:s i gned property owner is aware of the unr.erta l of �! regard i nt+ Mason C;otint.y 'u development regulations created by the Growth Managment Hearings Soird 's Order of October a, 199$, and in consideration of Mason County 's willingness to proceed with processing of applications which might be ofrooted by the Order , the undersigned property owner hereby agree,, to waive any I aw5u i t , action, or claim for damaCtess against Mason County which may arise out of Mason County 's actions in aoueptance, processing and/or issuance of such permits or approvals ( hereinafter, "permitting actions" ) , which r dataages are attributable to the County 's decision to take permitting actions despite v the risk that changes to the County 's development reg►.i 1 at i ones might later make then County ' 3 permitting actions Invaifd . X 10) This application is subject to Buffer and Landscaping requirements a, established under Mason County Ordinance 1 .03 .036 . Y._ 11 ) The use:, handling and storage of hazardous materials or flammable and combustible ► excess of 0 I o �, s not allowed owesd without 'the approval l or the mason► Count liquids ii ex es i ctal n i r 1 ith t pp V ..,.� Fire Marshal . r MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, III 426 W, Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 12) Pi opoffed structure or, any portion thereof greater than 30" In height 'from grade fine, must maintain a minimum of 5 eti)aok 'from all property lines , easen►ents. and 10 ' from all County and State Road right of ways . k I I i I `i f i j i I 1 a i i T aI - -a 4 a ./lam i \ CA X � a o � l 1`1 W /L O�Q �(U(( '. � �� = � �t Permit No. MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 1d 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 k PLEASE PRINT #1 O r /Q ite Address e, /505 Fire District# ity R lf,,57Z-'ZJ,k) St U-)A-. Zip irections to Job Site Cg- �L � r Owner Mailing Address e. 1 City .V St Zip Lien/Title Holder Address C ��`X lSEitJ City #2 Name f' ontractor Reg# Address °` [ration Date City St Zip ne# #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. 0/ 8 /� Connect to Septic? Public Water Supply Well � �j` >► " r. Connect to Sewer System? Name of System v (If residential, proof of potable water is required) `- # arcel No. D� �� - 7`S Legal Description #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) 1st FI / 2nd FI / 3rd FI / Loft / Basement / Deck / #bedrooms / #bathrooms / Garage / Carport (Circle:Attached or Detached?) Other sq. ft. / #6 Use of building `' `W 1 ' 30 Describe work CA, #7 Type of Job: New ✓ Add Alt Repair Other #8 MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION YModel Year Make Modelb,(�. Length SZr Widthr Serial No. # Bedrooms _# Bathrooms Type of Heat Purchase Price $ 41 wo -f--Tgx #9 Indicate by circling the applicable source if any water is on or adjacent to subject property: r� River Pond Creek Stream Wetland Lake Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other , i Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways i Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Fronting Street in relation to plot plan APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW �coo•-� 0 ti�`� O • c1' APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW I� — Plumbing Fixtures ($3.25 each) Fee Mechanical Fixtures ($6.50 each) No. Toilets CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Gas ctric, Bath Basins Heatpump, Other_11z Z Bath bs No. Units Fees Showers _ rn I BTU Hot Water Htr Heatpumps _Laundry Washer _ Vent Systems Sinks _ Spot Vent Fans Floor Drains No. Boilers/Compressors _Laundry Basins _ HP Dishwasher No. Air Handling Units _Disposal _ cfm# Urinals No. Fire Protection Systems Other Auto. Fire Alarm Sys 50.00 .xed Fire Supp. Sys 50.00 Permit B is Fee 16.25 _ Auto i e Sprink Sys 35.00 T AL PLUMBING $ No. Other Gas Outlets Wood, Gas, Pellet Stov NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COM- MENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR Permit Basic Fee 16.25 WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE- I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED MENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY AM AWARE OFTHE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGU- ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PER- LATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED MIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNER X BY DATE DATE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Cond. Hold Approval Planning: Environmental Health: Building Plan Review Occupancy Group: Type of Const: Fire Marshal: Other: Special Conditions: FEES Building Permit oil Plan Check Plumbing Fee Mechanical Fee Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Radon Monitor Violation Fee Site Inspection Building State Fee 45D Other Other =Bufldinguation: TOTAL FEE � l LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED TO WARRANTY DEED FROM THOMAS A. MYER TO BARBARA J. MATHESON HOME TITLE ORDER NO: 20555 PARCEL 1: TRACTS A, B, C AND D OF SHORT SUBDIVISION NO. 802, RECORDED APRIL 16, 1980, AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 375454, AND BEING A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 3 WEST, W.M. PARCEL 2: TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO A PERPETUAL, NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND UTILITY PURPOSES, 60 FEET IN WIDTH, AS SHOWN ON SURVEY RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 82, AND AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 366832. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO PERPETUAL, NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS FOR ROAD AND UTILITY PURPOSES AS SHOWN ON SURVEY RECORDED IN VOLUME 4 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 74, AND AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENTS RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NOS. 366832 AND 308467. OF MASON COUN IY M. 215 W.RAILROAD AVE.•P.O.BOX Z•SHELTON,WA 98584 SKEL[ON(206)426.1626•BREMERTON(206)077 5017 FAX(206)426 9493 AT OF PORT ION f E i�toxRxl ` ` .r' THC °SE 1/4 �, 2.�:j l,t�ri �.30,TWP. 21 N, IRGE..3 W, W.M. MASON COUNTY , WASH INGTON OCT0BER, 1979 J �3'7� 1I�4 tthyl Richert 2 N n co Z ND N• ® / ,, NUJ 41 � 4 X ,. .•C;. 3; Avi \•� •�V �� \ n v / EA5EMENT,5 Op ti Llf�irt hlift 'M. 8a�1....._..... ..........._...._ \ BELLERI ,. Douglas G. Richert, at ux n.... ,.}u. -..../ ._ P. v. Box 516 ' •w sei i Shelton, We 9956/ 60 foot easements described under Auditor's File No. 30,912, records of Mason County, Washington. This is not a survey. Distances, courses end features are illustrative only. Treats shall not be used for on-site sewage disposal ut dwelling structure without written approvel of the Nelson County Ilenith Officer. ROGER D. LOVITT A ASSOC. RICHERT 'S S.P,0- RO. BOX 816 SHELTON• WA 9SM4 'TA/ I 100' 15a4 't• .%: .•3�f- •1• �t :•S-t' .M7`777 ':(�l .+'�. ,'j!• cSt .1(S.'1�. +1vY.i9:nsie.i:ri.'v1:n:rt:��io: law-1_�.Ti�•• GARY YANDO,DIRECTOR PEON.STgTFO s OU �, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT O T 2 PLANNING - SOLID WASTE-UTILITIES '> N Y y BLDG. I • 411 N. 51 ST. • P.O. BOX 578 4 SHELTON,WA 98584 • (360) 427-9670 186 DISCLAIlVIER/WAIVER OF COUNTY LIABILITY: PERMITS ON EXISTING LEGAL LOTS OF RECORD, LAND DIVISION APPROVALS, SHORELINE PERMITS, VARIANCES, AND SPECIAL USE PERMITS: The undersigned property owner is aware of the uncertainty regarding Mason County's development regulations created by the Growth Management Hearings Board's Order of September 6, 1996, and in consideration of Mason County's willingness to proceed with processing of applications which might be affected by that Order,the undersigned property owner hereby agrees to waive any lawsuit, action, or claim for damages against Mason County which may arise out of Mason County's actions in acceptance, processing and/or issuance of such permits or approvals (hereinafter"permitting actions'),which damages are attributable to the County's decision to take permitting actions despite the risk that changes to the County's development regulations might later make the County's permitting actions invalid. 3Z/.36- 7,S /Off Date (Parcel No. or Legal Description) Property own 's gnature(Notarized) E P. \lw Al (or the Coun y accept the signature of the owner's authorized agent upon proper proof of autho S'�p�f 4 : �v 10 = NOTARY • = i U• PUB1-1G ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CERTIFICATE (INDIVIDUAL) ,� d •7 0-06 g*'� d OF WPAq� STATE OF 0 COUNTY OF �o On this—�—day of RU, , in they (-p ,before m1E �n r t S�j 1 Le � Notary Public, personally appeared IV,f t'. m¢..�() personally known tome to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. -For County use only- Reviewed by applicant on p.` (Date) Notary's signature Staff Initial: My Commission Expires: Nccy;;l:•;1