HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI2022-00006 - SPI Inspections - 1/28/2022 615 W ALDER STREET,SHELTON,WA 98584
ELMA:360-482-5269,EXT 352
BuMing,Planning,E"irmmental Health,Community Health
Site Address: 185 E Capital Peak Dr
Primary Parcel Number: 321307500020
Project Description: SITE PRE INSPECTION
Date Submitted/Requested: 01/18/2022
Review Date: 01/25/2022
Review By: Scott Ruedy-SRUEDY@masoncountywa.gov
Inspection and Review Notes:
Site Visit 1/28 9:30
Project#: SP12022-00006 for tax parcel#321307500020
Date of Site Visit Meeting: January 28, 2022
Zoning: The zoning designation for the site is Rural Residential 5 (RR5). Standard setbacks for this zone are a 25-foot
front yard setback and a 20-foot setback for side and back yards.The front yard refers to the lot line adjacent to the
property access, including access easements. When the lot width is less than 100 feet, setbacks would equal 10%of the
lot width.
An administrative variance may be submitted to request a reduction in the required setbacks(minimum of 5 feet for sides,
minimum of 10 feet for front and rear) if the lot meets certain criteria. Other setbacks may apply when critical areas are
present, see below.
The setbacks are measured from structures above grade such as roof overhangs (roof gutters), and other
structures/appurtenances, including heat pumps, etc.
The height limit per Mason County Code (MCC) is 35 feet.
Wetlands: There appears to be a jurisdictional wetland on site. Wetland delineation and categorization will be necessary
to determine the applicable buffer requirements for any future development(including septic system).A link to
environmental consultants has been provided for your information
https://www.co.mason.wa.us/forms/Community_Dev/environmental-consultants.pdf, although you may also choose other
qualified professionals, not on this list.Also, this is the link to the Wetlands chapter from the Mason County Resource
https://Iibrary.municode.com/wa/mason_county/codes/code_of ordinances?nodeld=TIT8ENP0_CH8.52REOR_8.52.110
Shorelines: Shoreline Designation under the Mason County Shoreline Master Program (MCSMP) is Residential.The
minimum structural setback is 115 per the MCSMP Table 17.50.110-A: Buffer and dimensional standards for shoreline
Note: Depending on the location of the proposed structure Shoreline Regulations may apply.
View Corridors: Per MCC 8.52.170 (D)(4)(k) Buffer alterations for view corridors are allowed with emphasis placed on
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V ELMA:360-482 5269, EXT 352
��> Bnilding,Planning,Environmental 4lealth,Community Health
limbing and with selective timber removal minimized to the extent possible. Proposed alterations shall be the minimum to
afford views within the buffer and shall minimize shrub vegetation removal and ground disturbance while maintaining the
large mature trees. Under this provision, no more than ten percent of the shrubs and ten percent of trees in the buffer less
than six inches in diameter at breast height may be cut.
Cleared trails: Unpaved trails up to 4-feet in width are allowed in the Shoreline buffer per 8.52.170 (D)(4)0).
Stormwater Management: Project shall be in conformance with the small parcel stormwater management requirements.
A small parcel stormwater application is required for properties creating 2,000 square feet of new impervious surface.
Floodplain: The parcel is located within the FEMA mapped floodplain with designation of Flood Zone A.
Note: It appears that the location of the proposed structure should not be impacted by the floodplain. An elevation
certificate may be required by the building department.
Environmental Health: This application does not include Environmental Health regulations or requirements. Further
restrictions may apply towards building envelope and expansion. Please contact Environmental Health staff for septic
system and water connection requirements, 360-427-9670, extension 400.
Septic and Water Utility Note: Septic tanks and drainfields are prohibited in protected critical areas, such as streams,
marine shorelines, and hazardous slopes. Septic infrastructure may be placed in the setback area without additional
permitting or environmental studies. If there is no other practicable alternative, septic infrastructure may be placed in the
buffer with a Mason Environmental Permit and Habitat Management Plan ($1,500) along with written documentation that
there is no other feasible location.
Note: The permit assistance center requires an approved septic design before submitting a building permit
Please check with the Building Department, at extension 352, regarding building codes.
I hope that you find this information helpful and informative as you proceed through the permitting process. If you have
any questions or concerns regarding these notes, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (360) 427.9670 Ext.
Specific development standards contained in County Codes may be found at the County web address HERE. Thank
you and we look forward to working with you.
Disclaimer: Please note that this is a list of preliminary specific issues discussed or observed, and is not intended to be
conclusive nor preclude any subsequent permit review or final condition letter that will be provided to you when a formal
application is submitted and reviewed.
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