HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD97-00303 Cancelled Garage - BLD Permit / Conditions - 10/19/1997 -------------------------- MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 11 1 N P If FttV1 I "I FOP INSPFCTION``' CA1.1- 427­9670 BETWEEN 5pm AND Oa m 4 2rr_7262 Bl-D97--0303 PARCE[ 1321275400063 PLAT :LAPLO DIV : BLF -. JOB ADDRESS t E '700 Ot-DU t YME 131) SHF(_T( N pEaM1EXp,aAT�ON OWNER : JOHN MARSHALt. 427--1285 CONTRAk"TOR : It) LEGAL i 1A.91 I 19ffltCk 5 TR 63 -1, ASS OF WORK -NFW bFDA1 0 BATH : 0 IIYPF 410901 BY DATE Rf 8: DATE Rttf I rl TYPE OF 13817 — -ACC 'STOP I F'-, , . . . . . . :0 OCCUP . GROUP ' . e I.)1 13 1 J)G . HE I GHT . . . 0 , 0f* PONT S T'.50 9,1? 0402197 4432; TYPE OF CONST , . r5N F I REPLACES, 0 ?LOX 11 29.40 Ij? 04122197 44320 0(;CUP - I-OAD . 0 WOODSTOVFS 0 Siff I 4,5A 1131' 04122197 44320 DWFLI UNITS . 0 PARKING SPACFS : 0 I NSPFCTI ON AAFA 13 SHOREI I NE? Y h4 SETBACKS— TOILFT,',. . . . . . . . . 0 F OF L T y P E, 11.E 11 S!COMP--- NIOSIL.F I-IOME-- FR0Nr . , .W 10 Oft' BATH BASINS . . . . . 0 0--3 HP , 0 REAR - -E 10 .0ft SAT14 TUBS — — . . . 0 3 -15 lip 0 MODEL - S 1 LIE ( I 3 ,N 10 .0ft SHOWFRS 0 r- URN to o I," BT Li o 15--30 tip . 0 1AAK17 SIDEi2 ) .S 10 .0tt WATER HEATERS . . . . 0 FURN .--100K BTU - 0 30 -50 HP . . 0 SHRL I NE . O .Ofi CLOTHFS WASHERS 0 FURN - FLOOR . . t 0 504 "p . r 0 AREA KITCHEN SINKS . . . . : 0 HEAT PUMP . . . . . . : 0 I.-OT $I 7E FLOOR DRAINS — . 0 VENT SYSTEMS — t 0 EVAP COOLERS : 0 I.FNGTH ; 0 BUILDING . . 0 s,,f DRINKING FOUNT . 0 VENT FANS . . . 0 HOODS . . . . . . . 1 0 WIDTH . ; 0 BASEMFNT , . 09' t LAUNDRY TRAY',-, , , 0 DOMES . INCINiO -SFRIAI. DECK"', , , . . . Osf DISHWAS14EAS . . . . . . i 0 AIR HANDLAN04 ONITS ­ COMINAI.. . INCIN -0 GAR/(:ARP :Y 575 f GARB DISPOSALS . . 0 10000 ctm - : 0 R E i.OC/HE PA I R : 0 ATiDT , 3D URINALS. . . . . . . . . , , 0 10000 orm , % 0 OTHER UNITS . t 0 MISC PL,M FIXTURES : 0 GAS OOTIFTS . - 0 ry FAOJE(;) PROJECT LOCATION;�41101 NARON IAKl RD, 10 010 tyof AD. LAKE 11011i'vX TUPW R16HI F01.101 1114 OIL[ AROUND TO THE 8AVX Of OLD ! Yiif ED. LOT 63, BIE $IGN WITH 13' PANITED THIS PFRIII atcolfs #Ott Alto VOID if fair 01 CONSTRUCTION APTHORIIIED Is Rol C010kcf(I 111"ll Is@ DAYS OR If CONSIRlICT1011 OR WOAX is SvfiPFROFI) 101 A 1`1`11100 Of 191 GAYS AT ANY fIVE AFTER 1019 IS C01INE109, EVI4FkCF Of CONTIOVATION if *Ogg is A Flocim lwkllso 111KIN THE 180 00 PF11011. 'INAIL 1HSPfC','10I1 RUST 81 APPRtVfp BEFORE RU11,010f +:A# BE ACCUP111). 0011 0 DAI;A AUNT, 91.11JI11 rev! COMPI.AARCS TO ATTACHED CONDITIONS IS REOUIREED CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b date", Is I date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date I` FRAMING by date by date by Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by �I I I J -------------------- -- - - - - -- ----------- -- --------------- MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 Case No . : OLD97- 0303 1'or : JOHN MARSHALL Page : 1 1 ) The unders igt►ed ►>ropet-ty owner is aware of the uncertainty regar-ding Mason County 's de,•vesiopment regulations created by the Growth Managment Hearings Board 's Order of Octoher 2 , 199 , and in consideration of Ma::on County 'a willingness to proceed with processing of applications which might be affected by the Order , the undersigned proper t.y owner oretbv agrees to waive any lawsuit , action , or, c i a i m for damages agar i ne=t Mason County which relay r r i se out of Masson County 's actions in acceptanoe processing and/or Issuance of such p"r•mits or approvals thereinafter "permitting ar,4 ion: " ) , which dame(jes arcs attributable to the County 's decision to take permitting actions despite the risk that ohanoes to the County 's df-volopment requlaat ion. mlght later make the Coo ty ' s pertttitting actions Invalid . X i 2 ) ih s application is subleot to Buffer and Landscaping requirements at; estabi i .-Ated tinder, t4 ason Corinty card i na,►ce 11 .03 .036 . X •f _" k ` s ) The use, 1►8i,d I i ng and storage of hazardous stater I,:,, ! s or flammable and combustible 1 1 qu !(is I n excess of 10 Oa I tons i s not al lowed w i l hoist the approval of the t4ason County. Fire Marshal . X..� _("t__.'om-A. f_ 4 ) St ► ur,ttire mtitit be ;etbnok S ' from it I tit I Ity and draInage ea€sementq , a total of 10 ' frot � prgperty 1 1 tie. or a var i ance must be obtained from the Building Department . X 5 Proposed structure car a3ny port s on thereof cireat.er than 30" in tie lght from grade line , roust maintain a minimum of 5 ' setbaok from all l-vc.perty lines , easements and 10 ' from al l A0u tv dnd State Road right of ways . 6 ) A 1; l approved p I dns are r equ I resit t:o be �,n- I t,e fo, I nr;ppev f +n prirpose ; . If l nt;peo t l ors I a called for and plans are not on site, Approve i W l LI_ NOT bag granted . In addition, a i MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 must be co 1 ! ec te=i t,y t it 1 3 depdr-t;o--ii t Nr i of to Deny i ar t tier j ii,;pec t ions being per formed 01' appr Cava i gr,anttwid . 7 ) PtiRSUANT TO 1994 UNIFORM B.0 1 1. P I NC C:ODF <:F CT i ON 305(C ) AND `� CT I ON 513 , Al_t. S t TES S M(K;1 I-IAVE APPROVED NUMBFPS On ADDRESSES PRbvjDED iN SUCH A POSITiON AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND I- FGIBI- F FROM THE :3 rREF T OR ROAD F nON'T I NG FHE. PROP17RTY . MASON COUNTY 9U 11. 1)1 NC DEPARTMENT REQUIRES THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALL 1 NG FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS , A RE. I NSPE CT i ON FEE BASED ON RATES IN TABLE 3A OF THE 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE W i L L. ItF ASSESSED IF OWNFAfCONTRACTOR FAII.S TO POST ADDRESS ON SiTE PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSPECTIONS . R- ) the correc.,tion iii,t , aIong with the Fr►ergy Comp IIaiico Wort,sheet (when a pitaabl" ) Is Bart of the plans and must remain attached thereto . It is the responsibility of the app I i cant to make current i ons i nd I cai Hd on the pi runs f rom the correct i on I Is s . Once the plans are marked APPROVED, they may not be changed or altered without authorization from the Building Official . the permit holder is reponF; ible to retain they oompleif* approved set of plans on site for the duration of the project . Fallure to comply will result in f R I I ►.ire oli r"quireed bui Iding In4pectiorrs . Evelryermit shai I expIre by limitation and become n►i ! I and void If the building or woo authorized by such permits Is not commenced within *1130 days from the date of isFriance+, yr if the bui Idin or. ;pork authorized hV such peririit Is suspended 0 a ndWi d #t any time after the wore is commenced for, a por i cad cif 180 days . X 9 ) THIS STRUCTURE 13 CONSIDERED UNHEATED 5 ACE (NOT TO EXCEED 1 WATT/SQUARE FOOT OR 3 ,4 BTO/HR/SQUARE= FOOT) , AT SUCH TIME TII I., CONDITION CHANGES, A CHANCE OF USI t M T ANQ A MECHANiCAL PERMIT SHAL-L BE APPt_ 1ED FOP AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE CHANGE . t 101 No Occupancy . This st.ructtire it; IImlled to U- 1 use etiiiiy . Any ottoot- uf:e will he In violation of the Uniform Bu i 1 d i ncy Code and Mason ours y R !a� i cans unless a "Changes of Use" permit i approved . X 1 1 ) At.i rp S ERUCT 1 i)N MUS r MEET OR EXCEFI) AL.L LOCAL C013ES AND UB Ri_QLI I REMENTS . 12) Proposed Etrunturer or portioits therhot' with an projection over, :30" in healciht from clrado line, must maintain' A 5 ' separation distance between adjacent structures and that MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 1 ,I ) CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECT 4S F-01 l QED PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING fir`PARTMENT AND UNIFORM BUILDING COD . x__.._. _ • . "/`� l_..-. .._._ ...._ .._ ._._,�_.__.. s' 1 � � r �► � i3' \ I le�41- 0 RQ o S \L-L WA GARY YANDC, DIRECTOR P�o�> STAr .. T ti o ��, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNrFY DEVELOPMENT S N z PLANNING - SOLID WASTE - UTILITIES O z N Y BLDG. I • 411 N. 51'i ST. • P.O. BOX 578 �`' �� SHELTON, WA 98584 • (360) 427-9670 186 4 D ISCT.AIT1F-R/NYAIG'ER Or COUN7V I.IABILIT ': PEIZw-I-S ON E>aSTMG LEGAL 1,01'S Or RECORD, LAND DIVISION APPROVALS, SHOR-ELMS- PEI2TvfITS, VARIANCES, AND SPECIAL USE I'LRNITTS: llr u-,,JCrsigrrcd property O�xgwr is sire c of the unccrtrtu)ty rcrr.:dc:g milsoo County's development regulations crentc,d b. ti:c (.;roo.•th M n_.gcment licannes Board's Order of Setxcrnbcr G, 1996. and to considcrahor of I\irson County's wi!l:n ;rss to proecod with proccssi:i of enphcntie:s -hieh ;:::r.`: be nffc.cted by Hurt Order, the w-.dcrsir.nod o,,:,-: 1'r_rcby agrccs to rctiou. o: ciciirr fo: &i :r:nres nIninst Mr-son County :I::clr r.risc out of h1aon CaurLy's P-c6ons in r,ccclxancc. processing ry;dlor issue-ncc of such permits or approvals (hc::ur .fie: 'lx rnutting r•.a o u-), wbicb cisompcs nn r!tnlxu^ I• to tirc Coun:)''s decision to talc lrrulitting ectioru dcsprtc (lrc rill: tint cliru)gcs to the County's development regulenoas might later make the Couot)''s pcmn tttng actions invalid Date (Parcel No. or be-gal Description) Pro owner's signature ota 7v Perk' >� (N ) (or the County may accept the signature of the owner's authorizod agent upon proper proof of authorization) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CERTITICATE (INDIV DUAL) STATE OF COUNTY OF On this _day of , in the year before me Notary Public, personally appeared personally known to me to be the pctso❑ whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and aclmowlodgod tbat he/she executed it. 1VTTNESS my hand and official seal. - For Couruy use only - Rcr c'cd by applicar r on tc) Notary's signature i r cs SlafT Initial: l Qy cot r ss � . on Cxl a -- -- — bt0ql - b303 Permit No. MASON COUNTY -� BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 PLEASE PRINT #1 er0 L. Phone# to Address �� CO Gl Fire District# City 64-t> l Ste-) - Zip - e Directions to Job Site C114z; A5,u-, -AU Ce W e R Irv" ILat4 , r_c16(0C_) c;o-d � evu .� 1',. ' n; . J . .S' o. r Owner Mailing Address 0, & X City St►c t 4cw St 04 Zip �5-..' Lien/Title Holder Address City St Zip #2 Contractor Name ,g L Z_ -- S Contractor Reg # 41#91-4 S O 24 Address 6 B ©V �t AA C--, Expiration Date/ / / !28-rr" City t"-i,o l`14 St _Zip 5715 1)6 Phone# �{ 6�J-/ po% cg- #3 If septic is located on proje site, include records. 6 zo kk 7 Connect to Septic?�ublic Water Supply�Well `'Y'4� °i '� UT� Connect to Sewer System? Name of System (If residential, proof of potable water is required) #4 Ckeal o. 2! - -_ Qoe)0 scription #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) 1st FI / 2nd FI / 3rd FI / Loft / Basement / Deck / #bedrooms / #bathrooms / Garage / 5-7(o Carport / (Circle:Attached or Detached?) Other �sq.eft. / #6 Use of building Describe work S14- u rn- 4. r #7 Type of Job: New_V_"�Add Alt Repair Other #8 MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION Model Year 9f q-5— Make WR Modell / fq/ - Length S6/ Width 'Fly Serial No. # Bedrooms #Bathrooms _Type of Heat e _ cr -- Purchase Price SSG• G`ov mAR z 6 #9 Indicate by circling the applicable source if any water is on or adjacent to sub'ect '� ' - VIC. *. River Pond ;;reek Stream Wetland Lake Marsh Saltwater !-8 w6buildl ntmuit r