HomeMy WebLinkAboutImpact Analysis and Restoration Plan - PLN General - 1/30/2005 IMPACTS ANALYSIS AND RESTORATION PLAN FOR THE KUKUK PROPERTIES LAKE LIMERICK 5 TRACT 75 AND 76 SHELTON, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Prepared for: Mr. Jack Kukuk 2591 S. White Tail Rd. Gold Canyon, AZ 85218 Prepared by: AGUA TIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. 506 EDISON STREET SE, SUITE 100 OLYNIPIA, WA 98501 360/754-3755 JANUARY 2005 KUKUK IMPACT ANALYSIS AND RESTORATION PLAN Prepared by: Agua Tierra Environmental Consulting,Inc. Olympia,WA INTRODUCTION This study reports the results.of a Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area (FWHCA)buffer impacts analysis and restoration plan for two properties recorded as Lake Limerick 5 Tracts 75 and 76, Shelton, Washington. The properties are recorded at the Assessor's Office as parcel# 32127-54-00075 and 32127-54-00076. Both properties are owned by Mr. Jack Kukuk. The study was conducted by Christian Fromuth, Hydrologist, and Celina Abercrombie, Restoration Specialist from Agua Tierra Environmental Consulting, Inc. (ATEC). This report has been prepared at the request of Mr. Kukuk. Tree removal and site preparation has recently occurred on-site. Un-permitted vegetation clearing has occurred within the regulated FWHCA buffer. A Stop Work Order has been placed on both properties. Vegetation on-site has been cut but not removed from the subject lots. The objectives of this study include the following: (1) Report the results of an impacts analysis for the recent un-permitted activities that have occurred on-site; and (2) Develop a Restoration Plan to meet Mason County Critical Area Enforcement requirements for permitting(Chapter 17.01.210). Location The properties are recorded as Lake Limerick 5 Tracts 75 and 76, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. The study area is situated in a portion of Section 27, T21N, R3W (W.M.). Vicinity, assessor, and street maps are included in Appendix A. Site Description The project site is an undeveloped lot in the Lake Limerick tracts. Lot dimensions for Tract 76 are approximately 130 feet along the northern property boundary by approximately 142 feet along western property boundary by approximately 146 feet along southern property boundary by approximately 70 feet along eastern property boundary(Assessor Map, Appendix A). Lot dimensions for Tract 75 are approximately 190 feet along the northern property boundary by approximately 117 feet along western property boundary by approximately 130 feet along southern property boundary by approximately 93 feet along eastern property boundary(Assessor Map, Appendix A). For the purpose of this report, both tracts will be treated as a single lot. The properties slope downward from the east to the west to an unnamed Type-5 drainage that flows to the south. The majority of trees on-site have been harvested. A silt fence located approximately 40 feet landward of the OHWM exists along the entire length of the western property boundary. Native vegetation within FWHCA buffer on-site contains an upland forested area dominated by Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), Western redcedar (Thuja plicata), evergreen huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum),red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium), -2 - KUKUK IMPACT ANALYSIS AND RESTORATION PLAN Prepared by:Agua Tierra Environmental Consulting,Inc. Olympia,WA salal (Gaultheria shallon), kinnikinnick(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) and bracken fern (Pteridium aquilnum). Soils for the study area are included in the soils mapping performed in the Soil Survey of Mason County Area, Washington (USDA, 1960). The mapping shows the property to include mapped soil series: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 5-15 percent slopes(non- hydric). Site observations made during site investigation generally agreed with the soil survey mapping. The surrounding area is forested and urban residential. Representative site photos are included for reference in Appendix B. IMPACT ANALYSIS Un-permitted vegetation clearing has recently occurred on-site within the regulated FWHCA buffer. A 75 foot minimum buffer is required for the unnamed Type-5 drainage. The impacted area is identified on the Restoration Sketch map included in Appendix A. Vegetation Impacts Approximately 24,000 square feet of forested native vegetation was mechanically cut and remains on-site. Approximately 6,000 square feet of the cut vegetation lies within the regulated FWHCA buffer. The majority of vegetation cut consists of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Understory vegetation containing Western redcedar saplings (Thuja plicata), evergreen huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum),red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium), salal (Gaultheria shallon), kinnikinnick(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) and bracken fern (Pteridium aquilnum) appears to be in a healthy condition. RESTORATION PLAN Goals and Performance Standards The overall goal of this restoration plan is to restore disturbed forested area by achieving specific goals and performance standards listed in Table 1 below. It is recommended that a minimum of 6,000 square feet of disturbed buffer be restored through native plantings and seeding. - 3 - KUKUK IMPACT ANALYSIS AND RESTORATION PLAN Prepared by:Agua Tierra Environmental Consulting, Inc. Olympia WA Table 1 Restoration Goals and Performance Standards Restoration Goal Objectives Performance Standards 1. Restore 6,000 square feet of disturbed 1. Restore regulated buffer area with forested area with native vegetation native trees, shrubs, and herbaceous (Planting Area A). perennials at the following average densities per 1,000 square feet: Trees: 10 Ct b) Shrubs: 40 ,.40/1 z-- Groundcover: 111 /-333 2. Ensure establishment of intended 2. Minimum 80% survival and growth of densities and coverage of transplanted all transplants or natural volunteer vegetation. substitutes for duration of monitoring period. Substitute plants subject to approval by Mason County Department of Community Development. 3. Ensure establishment of 6,000 square 3. Establish low density cover crop of feet of buffer area(Planting Area A)with native grasses in disturbed soil areas to effective erosion control native grasses. achieve 80%soil cover by all vegetation at the end of the first growing season and 95%cover from end of the second growing season to end of the monitoring period. One hundred percent compensation is not being recommended. Existing native understory vegetation including Western redcedar saplings ('Thuja plicata), evergreen huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum),red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium), salal (Gaultheria shallon), kinnikinnick(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) and bracken fern (Pteridium aquilnum) appears to be in a healthy condition. Once removal and clearing of trees on- site has occurred, an estimated 3,000 square feet of understory vegetation will remain (Restoration Map, Appendix A). It is recommended that approximately 6,000 square feet of native tree species be planted and approximately 3,000 square feet of native shrub and groundcover species be planted. Location of Restoration Areas The location for proposed restoration activities is identified as Restoration Area A on the Impacts and Restoration Plan Sketch Map in Appendix A. Overseeding of Restoration Areas It is recommended that Restoration Area A(approximately 6,000 square feet)be seeded with the following native erosion control grass seed mix. This seed mix will provide native perennial coverage to Planting Area A. Straw shall be placed on the ground after -4 - KUKUK IMPACT ANALYSIS AND RESTORATION PLAN Prepared by:Agua Tierra Environmental Consulting,Inc. Olympia,WA seeding to prevent erosion during seed establishment(approximately 2-inch minimum uniform cover). Native Erosion Control Grass Seed Mix: Perennial rye (Lolium perenne) 40% applied at approximately 2.75 lbs per 1500 square feet; and California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) 10%, small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora) 3%, white dutch clover (Trifolium repens) 20%, columbine (Aquilegia formosa) 4%, orange honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa) 3%, large-leaved lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus) 10%,and sicklekeel lupine (Lupinus albicaulis)10%applied at approximately 1 lb per 1500 square feet. The grass seed mix should be applied by one of the following application methods: 1. An approved hydroseeder, with options of combining seeding, tackifiers, and tracers; 2. Approved blower equipment with adjustable disseminating device capable of maintaining a constant,measured rate of material discharge that will ensure an even distribution of seed at the rate specified; 3. Approved power-drawn drilling equipment or seeders; and 4. An approved manual seeding method. Seed mixture can be obtained from the following licensed regional supplier: Inside Seed Passage,Port Townsend,WA(360)385-6114 Planting Plan It is recommended that Restoration Area A(approximately 6,000 square feet)be planted with native vegetation to restore the regulated buffer area. Recommended plant densities are as follows: Trees: 10 feet on center Shrubs: 5 feet on center Groundcover: 3 foot on center The overall transplant densities have been selected to eventually provide a moderately dense, structurally diverse plant community in the buffer area. Natural volunteer vegetation of the species listed for planting shall be counted towards the desired densities of restoration plants. Volunteer vegetation not listed above may substitute for the specified plants with the approval of the reviewing Mason County staff,provided the plants are not invasive, undesirable species such as reed canary grass, non-native blackberries, or English ivy. - 5 - KUKUK IMPACT ANALYSIS AND RESTORATION PLAN Prepared by: Agua Tierra Environmental Consulting,Inc. Olympia WA Native plant species, densities, size and quantities that may be used within the restoration planting areas are listed below in Table 2. TABLE 2 Restoration Planting Area Species, Density, Size, and Quantity (Restoration Area A=6,000 s uare feet Planting Strata Species Density Size Qty Area (feet on center A Tree Douglas fir(Pseudotsuga 10 1 gallon or 60 menziesii) bare root A Shrub evergreen huckleberry 5 1 gallon or 60 accinium ovatum bare root A Shrub red huckleberry(Vaccinium 5 1 gallon or 60 arvi olium) bare root A Groundcover salal (Gaultheria shallon) 5 1 gallon 166 A Groundcover kinnikinnick(Arctostaphylos 5 4 inch 167 uva-ursi Plant material can be obtained from one or more of the following licensed regional nurseries: Colvos Creek Nursery, Vashon Island, WA (206) 749-9508 Sound Native Plants, Olympia, WA (360) 352-4122 Black Lake Organic Nursery, Olympia, WA(360) 786-0537 Watershed Garden Works, Longview, WA (360)423-6456 Woodbrook Nursery, Gig Harbor, WA (253)265-6271 McComb Road Nursery, Sequim, WA (360) 681-2827 Planting Procedure Planting pits for transplants shall be 1.5 times the depth and twice the diameter of the transplant root balls. Remove the plant from the container and scarify the sides of the root ball. Place approximately 1-2 gallons(depending on size of root wad) of nutrient rich topsoil in planting hole. Place plant in the planting pit. Backfill the planting hole with topsoil to finish grade. Water the plant well during and after planting. Example drawings are provided in Appendix C. Overall, plant species can be placed randomly throughout the identified revegetation area at the densities previously discussed. It is recommended that the shrub species be planted in clusters (example: 10 salal all in same area,each plant spaced 5 foot on center). Silt Fence Removal It is recommended that the silt fence be removed after site preparation and installation of native plantings. - 6 - KUKUK IMPACT ANALYSIS AND RESTORATION PLAN Prepared by: Agua Tierra Environmental Consulting,Inc. Olympia WA Maintenance and Exotic Plant Control Maintenance shall consist of irrigation,replacement of dead/dying or undesirable transplants with appropriate vegetation, and removal of native noxious and invasive weeds. No post-planting applications of fertilizer are anticipated. Deep irritation of native plantings is recommended no less than twice monthly during May 15 —October 15a'of the first two years. Monitoring Under Mason County regulations (Chapter 17.01.210 2.)monitoring of the site will be required to periodically evaluate the success of the restoration and provide amendments to the plan, which may become necessary to achieve its purpose. Plants should be monitored for a minimum of 80% survival and visible growth of all transplants or natural volunteer substitutes for a period of 3 years. Any natural volunteer substitute plants are subject to approval by Mason County Department of Community Development. The owner shall provide for seasonal monitoring of the site by a qualified biologist or other qualified professional, for a period of three years after completion. The applicant shall submit an annual report to the County that meets the requirements of Chapter 17.01.210 2. Restoration Schedule Recommended timing and sequence of restoration and required monitoring activities are provided below in Table 3. TABLE 3 Schedule for Restoration Restoration Action Proposed Timing 1. Complete site preparation Winter 2004/2005 (Dec.-Feb. - prior to overseedin ) 2. Overseeding of Restoration Area A Winter 2004/2005 (Dec.-Feb. 2. Install native plants Spring 2005 Feb —March 3. Remove silt fence Spring 2005 4. 1 year monitoring report(call Agua Tierra biologist) October 2005 5. 2 na year monitoring report call Agua Tierra biologist) October 2006 6. 3` ear monitoring report call Aguat Tierra biologist) October 2007 It is recommended that the vegetation area replanting occur during winter dormancy. Site conditions permitting,the optimum time for planting most native woody plant material appears to be the later part of winter and early spring(February-March). Plants installed early in the dormant season tend to be subject to winter kill and die back. Conversely, plants installed during the late spring and early summer have been observed to be much less drought tolerant during the dry summer period. Contingency Procedures Contingency actions could include, but are not limited to, replacement of plants which have not achieved the standard survival or coverage goals according to the proposed - 7 - KUKUK IMPACT ANALYSIS AND RESTORATION PLAN Prepared by: Agua Tierra Environmental Consulting,Inc. Olympia WA planting density; substitution of specified plant species; additional irrigation requirements; repair of damage due to erosion or other topographical changes to the site; and amendments to the restoration plan during monitoring as necessary to achieve its purpose. CONCLUSION This study reports the results of an impacts analysis and restoration plan conducted on two parcels recorded as Lake Limerick 5 Tract 75 and 76, Shelton,Mason County, Washington. Recent vegetation clearing disturbed approximately 6,000 square feet of forested FWHCA buffer on-site. This Restoration Plan has been designed to restore these impacts by replanting disturbed areas with native vegetation and seeding. - 8 - KUKUK IMPACT ANALYSIS AND RESTORATION PLAN Prepared by:Agua Tierra Environmental Consulting, Inc. Olympia WA REFERENCES Reed, P.B. Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: 1988 Northwest(Region 9). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Inland Freshwater Ecology Section,Biological Report 88 (26.9), St. Petersburg, Fla. Reed, P.B. et al. 1993. Supplement to List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northwest(Region 9). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Inland Freshwater Ecology Section, Supplement to Biological Report 88 (26.9), St. Petersburg, Fla. Washington Natural Heritage Program(WNHP). 2001. Field Guide to Washington's Rare Plants. In cooperation with Washington Department of Natural Resources and Spokane District U.S.D.I. Bureau of Land Management. Olympia, WA. Washington State Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1960.Mason County Washington Soil Survey. Soil Conservation Service. - 9 - APPENDIX A Figures AGUA TIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. (ATEC) OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON r, ram. ' - :�' YK: _ f J NZIA YA Boot gornPn .- r207 0 10 /��//y J/ �i y• � /ff pal'•"" r d �• O t � l r Romp •, :. fr /' �/ ' ,, 00 y�. o . • tF 'l 65-VET Project Area O Sob EOISON STREET SE VICINITY MAP SUITE too Source:To T E arualA, wA, eeso1 oZone.com P TEL (360) 75+-3755 AGUA TIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. (ATEC) OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON VW ASON UN slVt� QU r't cP Qv:. o c 30, .µ� 3, Jam_ • .� •.�- ..:..:-ya..,,� y y A V .1.',•..`/rim%.� try•- �• �• _ .�:;�- �°.:,�_`••..: Zqa Ij; -o t >'' 306 MO N STREET SE Suh 100 ASSESSOR MAP T 0LYMI S' 9W Source.Mason County Assessor M. (m) 7U-3-M AGUA TIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. (ATEC) OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON LAKE�I GOL COURSE GOLERICK F COURSE � ..------------------- I ---- - - 1 -UE LEPRECHAUN ST. uOFIa EMERAW CT LAKE o` " N RD w To W B 21i ; 1 1 -12 ' �23 23 24 LAKE 2 225 LIMERICK z Rdlp MaM MPS. A*Xl== n R ____ __.r------------------------------.r----------- R Q 2B'27 R 54 d` 26 ; — +35 -------- 1 25 34 35 - - @ a 5-- ow RADMOW ; Lum 33,34 ; - 34135 z BAY ` ,,, � i 4 i 3 CATFIStf'—T-- 11 i LAKE 1 y M C l af[f,. Source: Mason County Roadrunner Street Atlas 1998 508 EDISON STREET SE SUITE 100 TE � WA.59;°1 STREET MAP AGUA TIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. (ATEC) OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON AwAA A6 A N . • • ♦ i 1 j o z a r i SU�00 srr r se RESTORATION SKETCH MAP T a.YMPIA, W.A. 9a501 Parcel#32127-54-00075 and 32127-54-00076 TEL (360) 754-3755 APPENDIX B Representative Photographs LAKE LIMERICK RESTORATION Prepared 1 Aajo• -T,. R^ } View Yet `r�yi_.!^ `�� . »,s ..: •_" f., '.sue.. of impacted FWHCA buffer looking' northwest) ! View r ' _ apt•.., ` ,.. .�A ; ,�. �: 3� =x. -� . ,; .._. a U'•:+F... .a .. " 4 i . F 1 bripacted FWHCA bufferlooking APPENDIX C Example Drawings AGUA TIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. (ATEC) OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON PREVIOUS GROWING LEVEL AT FINISH GRADE FERTILIZER — PLACE PRIOR TO BARK MULCH APPLICATION "�'"'>•:?.....'. (IF REQUIRED IN PLANT MATERIALS UST AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS) 3' WATER RETENTION BASIN. MULCH (BARK OR OTHER AS SPECIFIED USE SURPLUS SOIL IN PLANT MATERIALS UST AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS) — 3' DEPTH FEATHERED TO BASE OF PLANT OR OTHER AS SPECIFIED. FINISH GRADE ' REMOVE ALL FOREIGN WEDIA SPREAD ROOTS EVENLY' a (BURLAP, PLASTIC, TAGS, TWINE, OVER MOUND ETC.). REMOVE CONTAINER POTTING SOIL MEDIA. TRIM CREATE MOUND WITH ;.;:.,;...,` t.,;:;;:.___� EXCESSIVELY LONG ROOTS PRIOR FIRM BACKFILL SOIL _- - TO PLANT PLACEMENT. EXISTING SOIL I BACKFILL SOIL — THOROUGHLY 2 % (ROOT SPREAD) WATER BACKFILL SOIL AFTER PLANTING CONIFER TREE PLANTING DETAILS CONTAINER B&B, AND BAREROOT NTS PREVIOUS GROWING LEVEL AT FINISH GRADE FERTILIZER — PLACE PRIOR TO BARK MULCH APPLICATION (IF REOUIRED IN PLANT MATERIALS UST AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS) 3' WATER RETENTION BASIN. MULCH (BARK OR OTHER AS SPECIFIED USE SURPLUS SOIL IN PLANT MATERIALS UST AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS) — 3- DEPTH FEATHERED TO FINISH GRADE BASE OF PLANT OR OTHER AS SPECIFIED. REMOVE ALL FOREIGN MEDIA SPREAD ROOTS EVENLY (BURLAP, PLASTIC, TAGS, TWINE, OVER MOUND ETC.). REMOVE CONTAINER s,a POTTING SOIL MEDIA TRIM CREATE MOUND WITH EXCESSIVELY LONG ROOTS PRIOR FIRM BACKFILL SOIL TO PLANT PLACEMENT. EXISTING SOIL I BACKFILL SOIL — THOROUGHLY 2 X (ROOT SPREAD) WATER BACKFILL SOIL AFTER PLANTING DECIDUOUS TREE DETAILS CONTAINER B&B, AND BAREROOT NTS 506 EDISON STREET SE FIGURE:TREE PLANTING DETAIL SUITE 100 OLYLPIA, WA 9b501 TEL (360) 754-3755 tC-C ec ro,;ectS WET L v^a^nan�drennan.gwG - r , (fU6j iLmt. icja P, D PLACE FERTILIZER IN PLANTING PIT DURING n n BACKFILL SOIL-THOROUGHLY INSTALLATION (IF SPECIFIED 0 £ WATER AFTER PLANTING IN PLANT MATERIAL UST.) C R FINISH GRADE FINISH D m GRADE m � 2SS REMOVE ALL FOREIGN MEDIA D i a ROOT pTM LL e (BURLAP, PLASTIC. TAGS, TWINE. > < w ' ETC.). REMOVE CONTAINER POTTING = m SOIL MEDIA. TRIM EXCESSIVELY Z ri• LONG ROOTS PRIOR TO PLANT Z r PLACEMENT. O Z AGCFTLL SOIL- --� M EXISTING THOROUGHLY WATER Q O e SOIL 2 x ROOT SPREAD --, AFTER PLANTING Z Z � K Fccac:; 12 GROUND COVER PLANTING DETAIL zo CONTAINER, B&B. AND BAREROOT � NT5 D D r� PLACE FERTILIZER IN `° Z PLANTS SET VERTICALLY- PLANTING PIT DURING n v NOT PERPENDICULAR TO INSTALLATION (IF SPECIFIED O SLOPE IN PLANT MATERIAL UST.) Z m In O PREVIOUS CROWING ,''.• PREVIOUS GROWING LEVEL C LEVEL AT FINISH GRADE PLACE FERTILIZER IN AT FINISH GRADE Z PLANTING PIT DURING INSTALLATION (IF SPECIFIED Z FABRIC EROSION CONTROL MEDIA (BURLAP, ALL FOREIGN IN PLANT MATERIAL LIST.)LAP, REMOVE ALL FOREIGN O 3 (IF SPECIFIED) ' WATER RETENTION (BURLAP, PLASTIC. TAGS. TWINE, O PLASTIC, TAGS. TWINE. ETC.), BASIN (USE SURPLUS ETC.). REMOVE CONTAINER Z C REMOVE CONTAINER POTTING SOIL) POTTING SOIL MEDIA TRIM (� m SOIL MEDIA. TRIM EXCESSIVELY EXCESSIVELY LONG ROOTS PRIOR PROPOSED LONG ROOTS PRIOR TO PLANT PLACEMENT. SLOPE LINE TO PLANT PLACEMENT. D m COURSE ORGANIC MULCH FINISH GRADE / / m> D 5' DEPTH FEATHERED � TO SHRUB STEM f r \ n,.:.•:.•.. SPREAD ROOTS EVENLY OVER ROOT BALL COURSE ORGANIC MULCH OUNDED BACKFILL SOIL. DEPTH .s•�• 3' DEPTH ROOT BALL !• ° t': i�`�t FINISH _t° FEATHERED TO DEPTH 1 v- +' GRADE `'` i` 44 SHRUB STEM FILL SOIL \ \\ / \ 13AOCFILL SOIL- EXISTING THOROUGHLY WATER TWO TIMES AS WIDE SOIL 2 x ROOT SPREAD --� AFTER PLANTING AS ROOT BALL SHRUB OR TREE PLACEMENT ON SLOPE SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL CONTAINER, B&B. AND BAREROOT NTS CONTAINER, B&B. AND BAREROOT NTS