HomeMy WebLinkAboutDock Project Articles - BLD Letters / Memos - 8/5/1999 Co imsiLoners okay
Howard and Nancy Bauer can and fish habitat. icantly altered."
finally begin construction of a COMMISSIONERS John "The regulations in the Shore-
pier at their home on Pickering Bolender and Mary Jo Cady line Master Plan are what we go
Passage following approval of okayed the permit despite a staff by, Cady commented, asserting
their shoreline substantial-de- recommendation for denial. that the type of project the Bauers
velopment permit by the Mason Grace Miller, county senior propose is permitted. She said her
County Commission July 27. planner, reported that the Corps role is to listen to as many people
It was the third time in two had received but not reviewed the as possible, weigh the comments
months the Bauers, who live at Bauers' application. She also of other permitting agencies and
155 East Community Club Road, noted communication regarding look to the county's shoreline
were before the board. They alternative proposals between the Plan before making a decision.
originally wanted to build a 100- Bauers, their representative Tim VIAFORE SAID at last week's
foot pier, ramp and float but re- Zech of Lakeshore Construction, -meeting that he believes due pro- -
vised their plans in an attempt to and neighbors David Viafore cess has been violated. Those
accommodate neighbors' con- and Miles and Roxanne Silver- who object to the county's approv-
cerns. The revised proposal was thorn did not take place. al of the permit can appeal to the
presented July 6, and the board Miller said her reasons for state shoreline hearings board,
asked county staff to provide in- recommending denial of the per- Cady said.
formation from the Army Corps mit were the same as those listed It is within the board's discre-
of Engineers, detailing what al- in her earlier report. On June 8 tion to determine what is a sig-
ternatives for dock construction Miller stated the proposed strut- nificant impact and what is not,
are and are not feasible. ture is similar to one brought be- Bolender said. While he ac-
On June 8 and again on July 6 fore the board in 1991 and denied knowledged an impact on neigh-
neighbors opposing the Bauers' based on conflicts with two of the bors' view, he said the views
pier-ramp-and-float claimed the shoreline policies regarding im- would not be substantially affect-
project would obstruct their pacts on fishing and impacts on ed.
views, hinder their use of the aesthetics and the pristine envi- The board approved construc-
beach and interfere with fishing ronment in the area. tion of a 40-foot pier, shortened by
The Bauers' proposal, even the 16 feet, with a four-foot-high
revised one offered July 6, is in- space below for people to pass
)s permit consistent with both of those po- through behind a bulkhead al-
licies and with the use regulation ready existing on the beach; a 40-
on interfering with the rights foot ramp with an 8-foot high
the Army Corps of Engineers and uses of adjacent property space to walk through and a 26-
Regulatory Branch, P.O. Box owners, Miller noted. "It appears foot float in the water. Total
3755, Seattle 98124-2255. They that the facility will impact the length of the proposed installa-
must make reference to Mason neighbors,' recreational boaters' tion is 100 feet. The handrail
County Public Works and Appli- and fishermen's use of the must not be over 36 inches in
cation 98-2-2120, and must be re- water," she said. "In addition, height and the structure must be
ceived by the Corps of Engineers the adjacent property owners' moved a minimum of 10 feet
by August 30. views of the water will be signif- north from the original design.
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Thursday, August 5, 1999-Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15
County commission roundup: '
Countyw1* 11receive
ear men em o eesRoad un s
- Mason County commissioners the county for financing public one with a population density of
et new acttook advantage Tuesday of two facilities, Commissioner John less than 60 per square mile.
new laws enacted by the Wash- Bolender said. The commissioners also
County road department em- The project can be completed he figured if he followed the regu- the software and a "wonderful ington Legislature, one adding In his role as vice chairperson amended the competitive bidding
more money for economic develop- of the Washington Association of process for the county code as au-
them."have a new three-year la- this summer and fall, Hauth lations, then it was legal for him data base but we cant access P
bor contract following approval of noted, and the grant is not to to build the facility, so he applied them." He said he does not have ment and the other providing ex- Counties Rural Counties Commit- thorized by the 1999 legislature.
it by the Mason County commis- exceed and
000. The Hood Canal for the permit. He said he bought the staff available to get the sys- emptions to the competitive bid- tee, Bolender was instrumental All contracts and purchases ex-
din process. in moving this legislation forward ceedin 25 000 must be put out
sioners at Tuesday's meeting. Salmon Enhancement Group did the property for water-related tem up and running and so would g P g $
The agreement is with Team- the initial work for this ant- uses and because he lives there hire the technician under a per- The commissioners "happily" this year. He testified before leg- for competitive bid. However, the
grant- islative committees and lobbied new law exempts the following
sters Local 378 and Operating funded project,he added. full time,wants to build the dock. sonal services contract for one approved an additional .04 per- ,
with the governor's office for the purchases: from a single supply
Engineers Local 302, which rep- Continued a shoreline sub- Grace Miller, county senior year. cent credit against state sales P
additional tax credit. Commis- source, involving special facilities
resents about 30 people at the stantial-development permit planner, reported that this propo- . APPROVED A change-work and use tax, as authorized by the g P
g sinner Mary Jo Cady said he had or market conditions, those of
county shop and on road crews, hearing for the construction of a sal is similar to one brought be- order for the "dewatering" project legislature for economically dis- received accolades from the asso-
Mason County Human Resources 100-foot pier, ramp and float in fore the board in 1991 which was at Building III, adding $43,545 tressed counties. The rate will bonds or insurance, those related
ciation for his work. to an emergency, and public
Director Skip Wright told the Pickering Passage at 155 East denied based on conflicts with for a new total of$91,754, as re- yield about $120,000 to "This was truly a team effort," works contracts related to an
board. It covers January 1, 1999 Community Club Road to 11:15 two of the shoreline policies: im- quested by Facilities and $130,000 and must be used for Bolender noted, culminating a
through December 31, 2001. a.m. July 6 after neighbors of ap- pacts on fishing and impacts on Grounds Manager Mike Rutter. public infrastructure related to emergency.
The first year reflects wage in- licants Howard and Nancy Bau- aesthetics and pristine environ- g job development and economic lengthy and extended effort to ad-
y g p Y P The changes are for work aimed j P dress discrepancies in economic Siegler explained, "An emer-
creases ranging from .7 percent to er voiced concerns about it ob- ment in the area. at collecting and dealing with wa- growth. development between rural and gency is defined as unforeseen cir-
4.9 percent. This variation comes structing their views. The pur- THE BAUERS' proposal is ter around the building so it can This credit does not increase urban counties. After counties re- cumstances beyond the control of
from realignment of ranges for pose for the continuance is to al- inconsistent with both of those be pumped at a more reasonable the state sales-tax rate, Budget ceived the 1997 credit, an analy- Mason County that either pres-
road crew employees, which low the Bauers and their agent policies and with the use regula- rate, he added. Director Ione Siegler reported. sis of the scope of infrastructure ents a real, immediate threat to
Wright told The Journal had been Tim Zech of Lakeshore Construc- tion on interfering with the rights "Double the rainfall, double The tax is collected at the state needs in rural counties revealed the proper performance of essen-
basically set at one rate of pay. tion in Belfair to come up with and uses of adjacent property the contract," Cady commented. level and then returned to the ru- the need for additional funds. tial functions or will likely result
_Now a three-step range is in possible options to mitigate the owners, Miller noted. "It appears . Scheduled am administrative ral counties. In 1997, state law- Bolender told The Journal that in material loss or damage to
rty, bodily injury or loss of
place. Equipment operators and effects of the structure on neigh- - that the facility will impact the appeal hearing for 7:40 p.m. makers allowed economically dis- with 75 percent of the population prope
truck drivers have been placed on bors views, Commissioner Mary neighbors' and recreational boat- June 22 for Mr. and Mrs. Jerome tressed counties to take the .04 based in urban counties it is sig- life if��immediate action is not
a five-step range with a lower en- Jo Cady said. ers and fishermen's use of the Straus, who have appealed a de- percent credit back from the state nificant that legislators from ur- taken.
try rate for new hires. There were EXPRESSING opposition to water," she said. "In addition, cision on a building permit for Al- revenue department. The current ban counties were supportive of Bolender commented that,
also adjustments to "a handful of the permit were David Viafore, the adjacent property owners' len Morris. legislature authorized an addi- the efforts of the rural counties to although he is not a believer in
positions" after pay comparisons who owns property at 157 East views of the water will be signifi- tional .04 percent credit. obtain this additional tax credit. waiving the public bid process,
with other counties of comparable P P Y Voted no objection o the as-
Community Club Road, his broth- cantly altered." sum of a grocery store liquor THE TOTAL .08 percent THE ADDITIONAL .04 per- this amendment to the county
size. er Don, who lives next door, and Because of the configuration of
Wage increases for 2000 and Miles Silverthorn who has prop- the bulkhead and beach Zech license by Ben's Deli Mart in Al- credit will bring between cent rate will be effective August code is for"very specific areas an
20-01 will be based on the con- erty two lots away from the Bau- said he did not think the pier lyn from Ralph's Enterprises, In- $240,000 and $260,000 back to 1. A "rural" county is defined as emergency purposes."
sumer price index and reflect an ers. They claimed the facility could be significantly shortened corporated doing business as
overall increase of 2 percent each Ben's Deli Mart.
would create an eyesore. "Are we just continuing the same
year, Wright told the commission- David Viafore, who said he debate?" he queried. • Approved veterans' assis- Hearings slated onpermits
ers. was an elected official in Pierce • Scheduled a public hearing tance fund applications as recom_
IN OTHER BUSINESS the County, argued the permit should for 10:45 a.m. Tuesday, July 6, mended by the screening commit
commissioners: be denied because it did not on the restriction of unmuffled tee for three individuals totaling ad projects near slides
Authorized the chair erson com 1 ith the county's shore- compression brakes on the first $648.16. The veterans' service of- for roP PY
to sign an agreement with the line-use regulation which states, mile of Lynch Road from the in- fice in Memorial Hall will be
Washington State Salmon Recov- "Docks and piers shall be located, tersection with Highway 101 at closed June 21. The Mason County commis- Monday because the June 15 of Tuesday.
ery Office for the replacement of a designed and operated to not sig- Taylor Towne, as requested in a The Mason County Commis- sioners will hold public hearings board meeting was canceled. The The next Mason County Com-
culvert in Bear Creek at milepoint nificantly impact or unnecessarily petition from Helen Stansbury sion will not meet on June 15 but commencing at 10:30 a.m Mon- commissioners will be attending mission meeting will begin at
3.35 on Old Belfair Highway. The interfere with the rights of adja- and others who live in the mobile- did schedule two permit hearings day, June 14, on two shoreline the Washington Association of 6:30 p.m. June 22, 30 minutes
culvert is undersized where the cent property owners or adjacent home park near the intersection. for highway work at the sites of substantial-development permit Counties convention in Lake Che- before the usual starting time be-
creek dumps into the Union Riv- water uses." He also contended • Authorized the public works the Eldon and Lilliwaup slides applications by the Washington Ian on their regular meeting day cause of a busy agenda.
er, County Engineer Jerry Hauth the project would change the department to hire a geographical for 10:30 a.m. Monday, June 14. Department of Transportation for
reported, and inaccessible to character of the beach and re- information systems technician to The commissioners will be at- work on the slides near Lilliwaup
Hood Canal chum, recently listed strict activities such as troll fish- work on the county's geographical tending a Washington Associa- and Eldon. What 1S an Ombudsman?
as an endangered species by the ing and water skiing. information system. Hauth ex- tion of Counties convention in Both projects are for creating
federal government. Howard Bauer told the board plained that his department has Lake Chelan next week. rock buttresses on the upland
AnOmbudsman is a volunteer advocate whoside of Highway 101 to contain
ritSp rin field Park on Saturday: the two landslide areas and then assists residents of long-term care facilities t0
Springfield to repair the damaged roadway. receive fair trea +
e «een milepoint 326.00
and 326.37, about one mile north
'dill M—prf-Teci si- _Iemorial Day weekend. median income to become home- of Lilliwaup. Horizontal drains
ners p multaneously, are the fourth ;with the Kitsap County Consoli- group of affordable homes to be The Kitsap housing authority, Owners when no other option is will be installed to drain the ex-
dated Housing Authority will be built in Mason County through p pro_ available to them due to financial
which expanded its self-help cess water before the buttresses
offered from 11 a.m. to 1:30 gram to Mason County in 1993 Eligible applicants Saturday. p.m. the Kitsap County Consolidated
limitations. Eli are constructed.
works with local partners includ- receive low-interest financing Both permits were reviewed by
housing program. The owners g the city of Shelton, Mason g Department of the Mason County Shorelines Ad-
The eight families with local their relatives and friends er� County and the Mason County Agriculture Rural Housing Ser- visory Board on Monday night.
officials will celebrate their new P HousingAuthori vices, the Washington State De- Y g
homes at a ceremonyset for formed at least 65 percent of the The advisory board will recom-
construction work over the last The self-hel partment of Community, Trade mend the commissioners approve k
11:30 a.m. at 357 S rin p program allows and Economic Development and the permits as conditioned b a
p gfield nine months. The families moved families and individuals earning
Loop Road in Shelton. Y
into their new homes over the less than 80 percent of the areas tivelyBto build thei. They rohomes rk P with nerffPa Mason County Senior Plan-
ner Bennett-Cumming told '
technical assistance provided by The Journal.
Proclamation Kitsap housing authori�'' The hearing will be held on F .
Thinking about selling your
voters , p
UD � N
veterote and De
� an►� ed of «
The Mason County commis- and there will be entertainment several special events this sum_ Trust or Real Estate Contract? Because
sioners issued three proclama- and refreshments. Then call Contract Equities whose over 15 years in
and honoring voters, veterans mer. dignity
andand Pho 3 at Tuesday's board According to the proclamation June is Hire-A-Veteran Month, the industry helps give you top dollar for your
meeting. "National Civic Pride Honor Roll the board declared. The procla- contract. uC�lltlifeDay is an effort to communicate mation noted nationwide Wash- a o f
June 17 will be Civic Pride to policy makers, business and ington ranks fourth per capita in Call for a quote 426-1059 l y.
Honor Roll Day, honoring 50-year community leaders how the ener- the number of veterans who re- Ask for Bill Fox are a / Z
voters. Mason County Auditor Al gy> enthusiasm and talent of our side here. ght, not
Brotrhe said the day-will be senior citizens can be channeled e "
marked by a ceremonyat Shelton into inspiring young p Z U Z lege
g people to •
High School from 2 to 4 p.m. The and vote."
50-year voters will receive certifi- The commissioners also signed
,ates acknowledging their civic- a proclamation commending PUD Under the State's Long-Term Care Ombud -
nindedness and lapel pins. 3 for 60 years of service providing man Program, volunteers hear s
west speaker will be Lieutenant electric power. The district is cele- concerns from
-Tovernor Brad Owen of Shelton brating its anniversary with residents, families and facility staff members
e about care in long-term care facilities and
work to find solutions.
Speed They also help operators of long-term
ong term care
facilities meet needs and concerns of residents
Introducing South Puget ForOnl�r and families.
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3e 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 10, 1999 r,HL® Federal Older Americans Act.