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BLD97-0502 SFR, Deck - BLD Permit / Conditions - 6/11/1997
MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 H E3 U I I- D I N C4 P- F " IKA 1 -1- FOR I Ni;Pk(; I I UNS (IA L L 4;? 1-96 10 BETWEEN ripm AND Sam 427-7262 BI-097-0-602 PARCEL_ t321275300236 PLATvLAPL0 DIV - BLKS 1.17.11 - LJOB ADDRESS : E 31 OLDS LVMU1dikwS"FLTON OWNER : 427-5399 CONTRACTOR 42 7-5 3 9 9 LEGAL I.AKf IIIIIERICK 4 TRACI 230 CLASS Of W0AK - :NFW SE DR 2 AATH ; I 1TYPt 1''-ANOVNT BY DAIF lftfl?) TY?f 06911) BY DAY[ REC!71PI TYPF - f 1, USE SF SIORIFS . . . . . . . cl OCCUP . GROUP . . . vR3 Bt.DO HE I G"T 0 .Of t pool I �#S,58 KS 662 11!97 0 EHCP 1 26.00 is #6/11147 01 CONST . . s-,N FIREPLACES, . 0 PICK 11 122.20 KS 6611119-1 0 OCCUP.,, i OAD . . . . c 10 WOODSTOVES . . . . : 0 pig I 43.25 KS 061 Ilq? FIVIELL .UN I TS I PARKING SPACES : 0 kCH 11 '17.60 KS 11 111117 0 ION A.RUA : 4 SHORE1, I NE7 iN Siff 1 4.50 KS 16), 11 q? 0 IOTAh S39,45 VAIMA11011: 359441 SE 114'cl K TOILETS I FLIEL, 'rypE,s-- ---- �: 130ILERS/COMP- - MOBILE HOME — 'FRONT IS 40j3ft BATH BASINS . . . . . . . I c1FLFi 1 0-3 HP 1 0 ' I' 1 3- 15 HP 0 MODULs YEAR . . . .N 50 .0ft BATH TUBS - . . . . . . t SIDE ( l ) F 40 .Ot t' SHOWER8 . - I . . . . 9 1 FORK < 100K STUt 0 1'S-3 0 I-Ip 0 . -MAKE- S I)DE 12 W 20 .Oft WATER HEATERS . . : I TURN >-I 0 01< BTU 0 30-50 14P 0 SHP L I NE 0 .oft CLOTHES WASHERS . I FUR N - FLOOR 0 50+ Hp 0 - YFAR---- 4EAt KITCHEN. SINKS . . . . .. I HEAT PUMP" . . . . . . . 0 LOT SIZE . FLOOR DRAINS — - . ; 0 VE NT SYSTEMS . . . . 0 EVAP COOtERSt 0 1 rNGTHo 0 BUILDING - - : 768st DRINKING FOUNT . . . : 0 VENT' FANS . . . . . . ; 3 HOODS . . . . . . . 1 0 WIDTH . : 0 BASEMENT' . Ost LAUNDRY 0 DOMES , INCINvO --SER I At, DECKS . . . . . . .. 240,;f DISHWASHERS . . . . . . I AIR HANDLING UNITS-- COMML . INCINtO 'GAR/CARP:? Oaf OARS DISPOSALS — : 0 <-, 10000 ofm . : 0 RV-t.00IREPAIR - 0 AT/DT-. URINALS. . . . . . . . . . 1 0 > 1000p)-otm . 0 OTHER UNITS . : 0 MISC PLM FIXTURES : 0 GAS otjT L-rTs . o pq cp'i poifiT 1lisci,51131.RESIDENCE AND Dici R�-Jffl 0CATIONAAKE [INFRICK-, ]AKE 91411T .ON 0II)f ly9f pq Off 100-11-80, 1-01 Is 00 11''I'T ISI DAIVFWAY By Sit 160. HIS PERMIT BECOVES NULL AND VOID If loll Ol 3T8vCJI07! A41'j#jIjfD J� NOT CONVEN&ED 1111111 1611 DAYS, 08 If CONSTIOC1100 OA WORK IS SUSPENDED FOR A PER01 F 183 LAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS C000f,NCED, fV19fNCF Of 0*710YA1100 Of WORF I�A fl0QRF,$S, INSPIC1104 V11010 7fit 180 DAY PERIOD. FINAL INSPECTION ousi t F, CAN BE OCCOFfil. Ilti 09 9001t #3131/91 COMPI. I ANCE TO AY TkHED CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED CONCRETE MECHANICAL, MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date b ' Gas Piping date b Foundation,�N�� date b Set Up date lCp .`` by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Final Floors L date by date t 3 y b et),'N date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date .9 �7' `�? by �l� date y$? b /Vt ISoh date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date 8 G Q-7 by date LQ ?O -'Z by Z`, Water Line FINAL INSPECTION 6K- date by date q_/�7j_S 7 by (Aj C. date by ),J-() -AaCe SS Aj-f_x't 'S 3 4-c8-� � oNl7 �.P4 IA/C PUD 516N OFF ts'eoCjli7 <N 516/VC10 nix--F. MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 PERM I 'I <_; (..:) N D I t I cl>W*:!" Case No . t 81,D97-0502 For , FREDS.-ON HOMES, INC , Page ! 1 1 ► The undersigned property owner Is aware of 'ibe uncertainty regarding Mason Count y 'S development" rogulations created by the Growth Managment hearings Board 's Order o October 2, 199 , and In oonsideration of Mason County 's willingness ton�roceed with processing of applications which might be affected by the Order , the undersigned roperty owner hereby agrees to waive any lawsuit , action, or claim for damages against Mason County which may arise out of Mason County 's actions In acceptance, prooessing and/or Issuaboe of such permits or approvals (hereinafter "permitting actions") , which damages are attributable to the County 's decision to take permitting actions despite the risk that .obanges 'to the County 's doves lopment regulations might later make the CXiounty ' s ormitting actions Inval Id . 2) This application Is subject to Buffer And Landscaping requirements as established tinder Mason County Ordinance 1 .03 .036 . X 3 ) The use, handling and s4torafje of hazardous materials or flammable and combustible liquids in excess of 10 gallons is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal . X__ 4 ) Structure must he setbaok -S ' from all utility and drainage easements a total of 10 ' from ea ta,q_ propertV line, or a varlanoo must be obtained from the Building Department . X T,,,_ 5) Proposed structure or any portion thereof greater than 30" In height from grade line, must maintain a minimum of 5 ' setback from all property lines , easementF and 10' from all CouP St y zand ate Poad right of way- X 61 Approved per dimensions and setbaoks tin s-415mlited site. plan . X. CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 ICJ' ca I led i uf kittli p l s4(4", 7i(J t 4,111 i i te Ailp?o'd .i ! �1 I;ri aiI L i ',I .- i !1 6(16 1 •'. 1it t z Re.- inspection fee in the amount of S32 .06 per hour (m i n i muiri 1 dour ) will be charged and must be collected by this department Ear i or to any further i iispect i ons being performed or approval granted . x ? PURSUANT TO 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION 305(C) AND SECTION 513 ALL SITES MUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS On ADDRESSES PRbV i DED IN SUCH A. POSITION AS TO At PLAINLY V 1 S I RLE AND LEGIBLE FROM T14E ;STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY . MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT RFOUIRES THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY �ZITE INSPECTIONS . A REINSPECTION FEE BASED ON RATES IN TABLE 3A OF THE: 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE: WILL BE ASSESSED IF OWNE /CONTRACTOR FAILS 10 POST ADDRESS ON SITE' PRIOR TO REQUEST i N6 INSPECTIONS . x 9 ) The correction list , along with the Energy Compliance Wor40ieet (when applicable ) is part of the plans and must remain attached thereto . it is the responsibility of the applicant to make corrections indicated on the plans from the correction lists . Once . the plans are marked APPROVED they may not be changed or altered without authorization from the Building Official . the' permit holder is reponsible to retain the complete approved set of plains on site for the duration of the pro,)ect . Failure to comply will resuit in failure or r•equire(:l building inspections . Every permit shall expire by iimitation and become null and void If the .buiiding or work authorized by such permits -is not commenced within 180 days from the (Sate of issuance, or i r the building or work authorized by -such permits is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is oommenved for ,a period of 180 days . X .:� 10) THiS PROJECT•* WiLL MEET THE LONG 'TERM SUPER GOOD CENTS REQUIREMENTS A5 AGREED UPON WITH THE ELECTRIC ti'r I L I TY SFRV i C I NG THE PROPERTY , INSPECTIONS FOR ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE ( INSULATION & INDOOR VENTILATiON) WILL BE PERFORMED BY A UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE ANV 'THE FINAL, INSPECTION PERFORMED BY UTILITY STAFF MUST BE SIGNED OFF PRIOR TO THE F i NAi. INSPECTION PERFORMED BY THE MASON COUNTY EAUILD!NG DEPARTMENT . If changes occur and you Jecide not to meet with the LTSGC progi am, contact they MCBD at extension 284 to arrange enemy code, o,?p i i s ncp . 11 ) Proposed structure or pport ions thereof wl.th art pro jest ion ove,- 30" In helght from c4rade iine, must maintaln a V separation distance between adja-cent structures and that furthest projection . X .,.�_ <-,--� :_..�.._-__._....._._____-.__. M CONCRETE MECHANICAL ' MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 12 ) CONSTRUCTION FIROCL:�"'; lU f3L FIELD Gk)HhLk' l"FD AS REQLJ,�,Ylzl) Pr:Fl WA,.1061 GUUNi f 13U I Lij I Nu DEPARTMENT ANO UNIFORM BUILDING CODE .X 13 ) Changes to approved building plans that effect compliance to the 1991 Washington State Enorgy Code 991 Ventilation and Indoor Air- Qua lit Cnde, the UAlform B n uildlCode and/or Mason Count Xegul � s must be approved by Mason Countyprior oonstruo lonxy a lqtv 14 ) Owner/builder assumes all responsibility If drainfleld area is encumbered . CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by Bsilding Permit # 9 i USOZ MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTI L Job Location C/ e�- je - 20/ r-1re'-js D 10 f-/v s This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance /.�_x-� 1✓tS Pe�f��v� ryi r jTG.� W/O `kcc ca 63 7 You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrects, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK toT Department l d Date Z '1 -7 Inspector q ■ �� mov " NnT ,�' Building Permit # 7-OS'cvZ MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location G— 3 O/o'e, G ,,,,, A2 This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance 1 S c.. R U� Q C You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection Q OK to- Department a/�14 Date S - 4 Inspector S NOT vi MnV H I _ Tmfrw Buil'ding Permit #_q-�- pz- MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location f��P dta This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance 4 d_ f s f-, ���}��G, �t � ��� c c vows P-e-� Co vi V� o-f r py'\ Ada, Sc�y'&-w t Z� loll VDU /,�.k7y�,��vi✓�e�-l-�n�.-� C ,v-to/c�Y � P�cfe/�'o✓� � ,o�,r� )�t�,1 C' tL,nlcr+nr� QY tAfa6d S �� �� `l.�/- (� 't1 'T��� c C P�Clr- $ idt' L4 Se Gl7�✓br�ed You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK 5L^ ePII ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to Department (d Date - G Inspector • �� NnT " 'M o *V — T ,� .Building Permit MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRE TION NOTICE Job Location C 3 r Old Lyme f?j redsorl This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance ?) Aio G D2P ra(.r d a 42►)s b S 7/c e cow d,4,v 1-, 162-- -7 You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ��,4ta� ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing 5o F3► *I S ,. .-►� 0 Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection a OK to Cawo l- o C�.ec ked� Department to, Date P, i - 9 ? Inspector ■ o* * NUT MOV IrHi TA ,� y c'- li i �f c MASON COUNTY PUD NO." 3 7 P. O. Box 2148 40. Shelton, Washington 7 98584 ' ,4$ w - .0 (360) 426-0777 SUPER GOOD CENTS INSPECTION REQUEST SHEET Date Request Received IFS%/ -4 ' Time / %File No. Requested By Phone No. Homeowner - Location -� Type of Inspection" J� Date Needed By Comments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INSPECTION COMPLETED Permit Date HUD ID No. for MFG: Date Inspection Performed Time By Type of Inspection Inspection -Passed Corrections Needed " Comments Contact Made With <-/ Date Date-IL` Time Homeowner Handbook: '-"Water Heater: Incentive Approved: Lighting: Int. /Ext. Page No. 1 CASE HISTORY FOR CASE NO.: BLD97-0502 l FREDSON HOMES, INC. E31 OLDE LYME RD SHELTON 09/15/97 Action Description Req/ Schd/ End/ Action Notes Disp By Update Upd Code Sent Done Done Date By ------- ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- --------------------------------------- ---- --- -------- --- BLDA010 Application received / / / / 05/08/97 05/08/97 KW BLDA015 Waiver in File / / / / 05/08/97 DONE KW 05/08/97 KW BLDA100 Approved For Issuance / / / / 06/10/97 DONE KS 06/11/97 KS BLDA500 (F) Issue building permit / / / / 06/11/97 DONE KS 06/11/97 KS BLDB110 Structural Plan Review 05/23/97 / / 06/06/97 DONE DC 06/09/97 DLC BLDB120 WSEC Compliance Review 06/06/97 / / 06/06/97 PUD LTSGC DONE DC 06/09/97 DLC BLDB130 Planning Review 05/12/97 / / 05/23/97 DONE AHB O5/23/97 AHB BLDB134 RLC Review / / / / 05/23/97 N/A AHB 05/23/97 AHB BLDB135 Addressing 05/08/97 / / 05/09/97 DONE GMM 05/09/97 GMM BLDB138 Planning Pre-Review 05/09/97 / / 05/12/97 DONE MMS O5/12/97 MMS BLDB200 Environmental Health Review 06/09/97 / / 06/10/97 PUMPERS REPORT HAS BEEN RECEIVED. 6-3-97 HOLD PSD 06/10/97 PSD TW PUT IN PAMS BOX. There are existing records non-shoreline) . Reserve area has been identified by a EH review done by John Denison.The plot plans need to be confirmed. John indicaes the system is in the central part of the lot but the building plot plan shows the system in the back of the lot.psd BLDB200 Environmental Health Aa�'iew 06/10/97 / / 06/10/97 Accordig to the applicant the tank is in DONE PSD 06/11/97 PSD the back of the lot. see condition.psd BLDB210 Water Adequacy 06/09/97 / / 06/10/97 Lk. Limerick water is adequate.psd DONE PSD 06/10/97 PSD BLDC110 Footing inspection 06/23/97 06/25/97 06/25/97 PASS DH 06/25/97 DWH BLDC140 Fr/Pl/Mc/Pen Inspection 07/31/97 08/01/97 O8/01/97 1. POST ADDRESS AS PER CONDITION #8. FAIL SKM O8/22/97 KW 2. NO APPROVED PLANS SEE CONDITION #7. NO FEE @ THIS TIME WATER FAIL @ 40PSI / CALL FOR REINSPECTION. BLDC140 Fr/Pl/Mc/Pen Inspection 08/04/97 08/06/97 08/06/97 1. Exhaust ducts require (3) sheet metal FAIL SKM O8/22/97 KW screws per joint. 2. All non lap wall connections require metal connectors or wood scabs wijth (3) 16-d nails @ each side./ 3. support h/w preasure relief piping a 4 4' oc by final. OK TO INSULATE / DWV OK / SUPPLY OK. BLDC140 Fr/Pl/Mc/Pen Inspection 08/06/97 08/08/97 08/08/97 1. SUPPORT H/W PREASURE RELEIF W 4' OC FAIL SKM O8/22/97 KW THIS WILL BE CHECKED @ FINAL. BLDC150 Wallboard inspection 08/20/97 08/20/97 08/20/97 PASS SKM 08/22/97 KW BLDC155 Final inspection 09/12/97 / / 09/12/97 Unit locked-no inspection. Next FAIL SKM 09/12/97 TMJ inspection requested without access. $32.00 fee. Page No. 1 CONDITIONS/CORRECTIONS FOR CASE NO.: BLD97-0502 FREDSON HOMES, INC. E31 OLDE LYME RD SHELTON 09/15/97 1) DISCLAIMER/WAIVER OF LIABILITY -- The undersigned property owner is aware of the uncertainty regarding Mason County's development regulations created by the Growth Managment Hearings Board's Order of October 2, 1996, and in consideration of Mason County's willingness to proceed with processing of applications which might be affected by the Order, the undersigned property owner hereby agrees to waive any lawsuit, action, or claim for damages against Mason County which may arise out of Mason County's actions in acceptance, processing and/or issuance of such permits or approvals (hereinafter "permitting actions"), which damages are attributable to the County's decision to take permitting actions despite the risk that changes to the County's development regulations might later make the County's permitting actions invalid. X 2) Buffer & Landscaping Requirements -- This application is subject to Buffer and Landscaping requirements as established under Mason County Ordinance 1.03.036. X 3) Flammable & Combustible Liquids -- The use, handling and storage of hazardous materials or flammable and combustible liquids in excess of 10 gallons is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal. X 4) Multiple Setbacks -- Structure must be setback 5' from all utility and drainage easements, a total of 10' from each property line, or a variance must be obtained from the Building Department. X 5) Sideyard Setback -- Proposed structure or any portion thereof greater than 30" in height from grade line, must maintain a minimum of 5' setback from all property lines, easements and 10, from all County and State Road right of ways. X 6) Site Plan -- Approved per dimensions and setbacks on submitted site plan. X 7) PLANS REQUIRED ON SITE -- All approved plans are required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If inspection is called for and plans are not on site, Approval WILL NOT be granted. In addition, a Re-Inspection fee in the amount of $32.00 per hour (minimum 1 hour) will be charged and must be collected by this department prior to any further inspections being performed or approval granted. X 8) POST ADDRESS -- PURSUANT TO 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, SECTION 305(C) AND SECTION 513, ALL SITES MUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PROVIDED IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS. A REINSPECTION FEE, BASED ON RATES IN TABLE 3A OF THE 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE WILL BE ASSESSED IF OWNER/CONTRACTOR FAILS TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSPECTIONS. X `P:,qe No. 2 CONDITIONS/CORRECTIONS FOR CASE NO.: BLD97-0502 FREDSON HOMES, INC. 10 E31 OLDE LYME RD SHELTON 09/15/97 9) PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST -- The correction list, along with the Energy Compliance Worksheet (when applicable) is part of the plans and must remain attached thereto. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make corrections indicated on the plans from the correction lists. Once the plans are marked APPROVED, they may not be changed or altered without authorization from the Building Official. The permit holder is reponsible to retain the complete approved set of plans on site for the duration of the project. Failure to comply will result in failure of required building inspections. Every permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permits is not commenced within 180 days from the date of issuance, or if the building or work authorized by such permits is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. X 10) LTSGC -- THIS PROJECT WILL MEET THE LONG TERM SUPER GOOD CENTS REQUIREMENTS AS AGREED UPON WITH THE ELECTRIC UTILITY SERVICING THE PROPERTY. INSPECTIONS FOR ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE (INSULATION & INDOOR VENTILATION) WILL BE PERFORMED BY A UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE AND THE FINAL INSPECTION PERFORMED BY UTILITY STAFF MUST BE SIGNED OFF PRIOR TO THE FINAL INSPECTION PERFORMED BY THE MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT. If changes occur and you decide not to meet with the LTSGC program, contact the MCBD at extension 284 to arrange energy code compliance. x 11) Structure Setback -- Proposed structure or portions thereof with an projection over 301, in height from grade line, must maintain a 5' separation distance between adjacent structures and that furthest projection. X 12) Field Correct -- CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED AS REQUIRED PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE.x 13) Changes to Approved Plans -- Changes to approved building plans that effect compliance to the 1991 Washington State Energy Code, 1991 Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, the Uniform Building Code and/or Mason County Regulations must be approved by Mason County prior to constructionX 14) Owner Responsible -- Owner/builder assumes all responsibility if drainfield area is encumbered. X --- ---- - -- --�••-- ----••- ..��u. VVVL 1.r,1V1J� 1771 1.11.J l,U1%7YLlJUNU ; REpURr 05/06/97 t FILE: C:\\DATA\\WS\\FRED- ..J4 .WS HOUSE ID: FREDSON 4 Site: DIV 4 LOT 236 LIMERICK Analyst: KEVIN NELSON SHELTON, WA 98584 Jurisdiction: MASON COUNTY (360) 427-5399 Utility: MASON COUNTY PUD #3 omeowner: ; r ~y House Ty pe: Single Family PO BOX 2203 Floor Area: 768 ft2 (360) 427-5399 Builder: FREDSON HOMES INC Weather Data: Olympia, WA PO BOX 2203 Climate Zone: 1 (360) 427-5399 qD (O F O V The PROPOSED design QUALIFIES for SGC(91 MCS) Tier 1. 9SE"KVICES -' AREFERENCE PROPOSES �_;-, - COMPONENT PERFORMANCE 152 151 Btu/hr-F ENERGY BUDGET *** *** kWh/ft2-yr --------------------------------------------- REFERENCE DESIGN Reference Component Description Value X Area = UA -------------------------------------------- Floor R30 vented joist U-0. 029 768 22 . 3 Glazing @15% 0. 35 U-value U-0. 350 115. 2 40. 3 Doors Metal R5 base case U-0. 190 38 .0 7. 2 AG Wall R21+R5 ADV U-0. 041 715 29 . 3 Ceiling, Attic R49 blown Attic ADV U-0. 020 743 14 . 9 Infiltration Standard air sealing ACH-0. 350 5952ft3 38 . 1 ---------------------------- Reference UA 152 ------------------------------------------- PROPOSED DESIGN COMPONENTS Component Description Value X Area = UA --------------------------------------------------------- Floor R30 Vented Joist 24oc U-0 . 029 768 22 . 3 Glazing @11% **NFRC MILGARD XO LOWE ARGON U-0 . 330 87. 0 27 . 8* Doors **NFRC PEACHTREE AVANTI U-0. 090 38 . 0 3 . 4* AG Wall R21 ADV T1-11 U-0 . 053 743 39 . 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Items in parentheses not included in COMPONENT PERFORMANCE totals. ** Denotes non-standard values - check calculation of thermal value. * Denotes adjusted UA to reflect 7-1/2 mph wind speed. Page 1 "tii1JUiv '. 5 LUNU Tr;KM SUrtK GOOD CENTS/1991 MCS COMPLIANCE REPORT 05/06/97 FILE: C: \\DATA\\WS\\FREEr .44 .WS HOUSE ID: FREDSON 4 Ceiling R49 blown Attic STD baffled Infiltration Standard Air Sealing ACH-0. 350 5952ft3 38. 1 ---------------------------- Proposed UA 151 Struc Mass Light Frame, Sheetrock walls M- 3 . 000 768 2304 ------------------------------------------------------------------ HEATING/COOLING/VENTILATING SYSTEMS PROPOSED Heating System Type: Electric: Zoned System Efficiency: 100 % Modified Efficiency: 0 % Design ACH: 0. 60 Design Load (at 53F dt) : 9451 Btu/hr Total Load: 9451 Btu/hr System Size (Output) : 4 . 0 kW (150%) Average Annual Heat: *** kWh Annual Cost: $ *** Ventilation System: Integrated Spot & Whole House Cooling System: NONE SEER: 0. 0 ( ) Cooling Load (at 5F dt) : Btu/hr System Size (%Over) : tons (@125%) Annual Cool Requirement: kWh/yr Solar Access: Partially Shaded ------------------------------------------------------------------- GLAZING ORIENTATION PROPOSED PROPOSED South f t2 North ft2 Southeast Northwest East West Northeast Southwest Eff S Glz : % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Economic and energy consumption estimates are designed for comparative purposes only. Actual cost for heating will vary depending on weather conditions, occupant lifestyle and other factors. Page 2 WATT!' UN 5. 5 LONG TERM SUPER GOOD CENTS/1991 MCS COMPLIANCE REPORT 05/06/97 FILE: C: \\DATA\\WS\\FRED- .14 .WS RECEIVED JUN 2 7 1997 HOUSE ID: FREDSON 4 Site: DIV 4 LOT 2 ,LIMERICK Analyst: KEVIN NELSON � SHELTON, W 98584 `'�� Jurisdiction: MASON COUNTY .' (360) 427-5399 �� Utility: MASON COUNTY PUD 3 G � omeowner: FREDSON �a House Type: Single Family Sd PO BOX 2203 Floor Area: 768 ft2 (360) 427-5399 Builder: FREDSON HOMES INC \ Weather Data: Olympia,is WA Y PO BOX 2203 Climate Zone: 1 (360) 427-5399 The PROPOSED design QUALIFIES for SGC(91 MCS) Tier 1 . REFERENCE PROPOSED COMPONENT PERFORMANCE 152 151 Btu/hr-F ENERGY BUDGET *** *** kWh/ft2-yr ----------------------------- REFERENCE DESIGN Reference Component Description Value X Area = UA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Floor R30 vented joist U-0 .029 768 22 . 3 Glazing @15% 0 . 35 U-value U-0.350 115 . 2 40. 3 Doors Metal R5 base case U-0. 190 38 . 0 7. 2 AG Wall R21+R5 ADV U-0 . 041 715 29 . 3 Ceiling, Attic R49 blown Attic ADV U-0 . 020 743 14. 9 Infiltration Standard air sealing ACH-0 . 350 5952ft3 38 . 1 ---------------------------- Reference UA 152 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED DESIGN COMPONENTS Component Description Value X Area = UA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Floor R30 Vented Joist 24oc U-0 . 029 768 22 . 3 Glazing @11% **NFRC MILGARD XO LOWE ARGON U-0 . 330 87 . 0 27. 8* Doors **NFRC PEACHTREE AVANTI U-0 . 090 38 . 0 3 . 4* AG Wall R21 ADV T1-11 U-0 . 053 743 39 . 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Items in parentheses not included in COMPONENT PERFORMANCE totals . ** Denotes non-standard values - check calculation of thermal value. * Denotes adjusted UA to reflect 7-1/2 mph wind speed. Page 1 WATTbUN 5 . 5 LUNG TERM SUPER GUUU CENTS/1991 MCS COMPLIANCE REPORT 05/06/97 VILE: C:\\DATA\\WS\\FRED. 44 .WS HOUSE ID: FREDSON 4 Ceiling R49 blown Attic STD baffled U-0. 027 743 20 1 Infiltration Standard Air Sealing ACH-0. 350 5952ft3 38. 1 ---------------------------- Proposed UA 151 Struc Mass Light Frame, Sheetrock walls M- 3 . 000 768 2304 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING/COOLING/VENTILATING SYSTEMS PROPOSED Heating System Type: Electric: Zoned System Efficiency: 100 % Modified Efficiency: 0 % Design ACH: 0. 60 Design Load (at 53F dt) : 9451 Btu/hr Total Load: 9451 Btu/hr System Size (Output) : 4. 0 kW (150%) Average Annual Heat: *** kWh Annual Cost: $ *** Ventilation System: Integrated Spot & Whole House Cooling System: NONE SEER: 0.0 ( ) Cooling Load(at 5F dt) : Btu/hr System Size (%Over) : tons (@125%) Annual Cool Requirement: kWh/yr Solar Access: Partially Shaded ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLAZING ORIENTATION PROPOSED PROPOSED South f t2 North f t2 Southeast Northwest East West Northeast Southwest Eff S Glz: % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Economic and energy consumption estimates are designed for comparative purposes only. Actual cost for heating will vary depending on weather conditions, occupant lifestyle and other factors. ------------------------------------ Page 2 ------------------------------------ rout U4 PLOT PLAN ]DRAWING )OBKSHEE�T Property"lines will be strung and corner stakes identified with strings prior to istruction to assist in complying with all setbacks. A diagram of the lot (on this sheet of paper) that indicates lot lines, corner stakes, e of lot, location of septic tank and drain field, place of structure showing set banks m all lot lines. ,,U' 1 t �r I I�l� Cf1��bK1�Gl I PUAQar,6� 11zCivsE1> 1,41 I I )--4ET-V 1 � 1 Ito ft-ay 1=o ,�cf �wlvEwh�� CHECk NESARE STRUNG . ........................................................... ............. ..........,........................................................ )RNER STAKES ARE IDENTUIED....................... ........... .................................................. ....... .........I........... LEES TO BE REMOVED ARE MARKED................................... ............................................I..........................------------------------ 1Sb La ------- - --- ------------------------ Date ^ Signature of Applicant (Owner of Record)^ Date Architectural Committee G s ' l ^ � `'Y 4 �r VRd-05Fv 2� i Phi Ito � o ©i-pE `yam RD l�r 4- Lod 2-=3ta LOtI \�Y�1 c3uPQr ��C?� Q�2tyiS Permit No. MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 O PLEASE PRINT #1 Ow r _T Phone # - �Fire ite Address Cr ��,,, ,n istrict# ity St \►.) Zip L Directions to Job Site ri r L� S� r rv. Owner Mailing Address City rSNC)C' A c" St_ zip S Lien/Title Holder Address Clty � ys:�C�Q St W -Zip #2 Contractor Name e c�,Sc�Y� avre S aso Contractor Reg Address Expiration Date_/ I X_/ 9 City sl e)QA Q-n St (1) _Zip Phone # #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. �4- '` Q-- ri � , - : 4 Connect to Septic?1� Public Water Supply Well 6 -nQ-Q(2u/ Connect to Sewer System? Name of System (If residential, proof of potable water is required) � Leg ceI No.�a\` nal Description L� 1�,r���� ►u�S w n �'I �c�'F ` a #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) 1st FIB _/ 2nd FI / 3rd FI / Loft / Basement / Deck "�/ #bedrooms # bathrooms Garage / Carport / (Circle: Attached or Detached?) Other sq. ft. / #6 Use of building _. Describe wo #7 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair Other #8 MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION 0 r Model Year Make Model �. 1 Length Width Serial No. MAY 0 6 1997 # Bedrooms # Bathrooms Type of Heat JJ Purchase Price $ HEALTH SERVICE- #9 Indicate by circling the applicable source if any water is on or adjacent to subject property: River Pond Creek Stream Wetland Lake Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Flanking Street in relation to plot plan Name of Fronting Street APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW