HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD92-00940 Cancelled Mobile Home - BLD Permit / Conditions - 2/27/1993 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 BLIL19" 0946 Ill fit Iflif I t 1;1 ;Iol-:I,i , L 100 IJAI'B' RIGGAN Rt) ;HE 1. 1(IN 111101111611E BREWER tilt 11.1111EIIIII(I 4 11W IIS 1, 1 0 1)f* N U W I"i Ilk, I 1 14 A I l' �itf al 11M hill"M 41 DAN R Y y11f of W'f MN I 6I1MP 46 f4 0-JI 0 h I t I OF ON I k 1,11 At tifft 1 4 Ilf OJI #401 ;1,' 1 1 4t lip Y t 1JAf) 0 I'll 1.)111) 1 tl'V; I)W I Um I I N(i - I,w J.N',1,1 c I 1(lN AH .A I I NI: I`IAAc t. tt L I N I I 10 tiil HA 1 14 11 A IN`. RFAk t IiA 1 14 1 11 W, t F 1-14)W .. V'i 001' 1 I t I lJA I F v HI! A I Ir R!i 0 1 111.N 10411 fit I Noflilc `M it I I Ot I ('I I IT� ,, W lI,-;1.1 E kl'� 0 f IWN 0 1. f I Imp vL 1i I-e - 4kEA it.14kN )I N. , 0 Ht ll I I ilto, 1-0 1 1 0 k 0 Ir A I Ni 0 Vf.N I` y , I I m, i I.,. 1 11 HI)i 1 111 N I A ltiF I t)f� 11 Nt, I Nk'" I-ijt)N 1 0 VVN I B A I" till" N 1 0 I I 1 1 MINIM Y t fly 1-j , 0 ' 1 01 1 0 0 0 E, 1( 0 1 (1] ',H1JA'04lr R!-, I P HANDI I Nli 1114 r I 1 141 1 11 0 Fitt 1 1) 6 At? I AV,'1' 0 t A I''R [WiPtoliflil-li 0 10000 1 0 P I I I'ls 1 1, 0 N 14 t I w000 alit . I ill 1- (114 1 1 0 I'l I C P IL M F I.X I UK( 0 mo PROJECT fi['4IiIPT16N!1O11t[ PPOIM kji.ATI�'0711ASON LA0 kb A[ W I R 111t.1 1.1011(l STORE fOlkiij 10 f Its W 411 6440 THIS I'MIJ I'MAt ". #Ott AID VOID If Wilt 01 LON511901il AVIN8917IF1 IS NOT COMM UITKIN 194 OW, go If f0momIll Oil 1,101 Is 'WiProbfif No A pfo)"if AFPA I 11 AfIft 111011(0) of CONIII941101 of VORI IS PROW% INSPUTIAN 41THIN lot Ill 0AY PF0100, I'llAt INS (1140 AW of OWNEIII OR iibt+.i : �„ �C., 5c.'1'1�.� �li� ". �,�-5, ,�.._. .. _. �:.._.._, . ._�. .� . , dAtlf �/../_ _. 810-PAI, rev: Oa,'11141 1,0 M P L.1,A N C E IF 0 AI I A t N E 1) C 0 k D I I 10 M s 11, RUQUIRLO CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date FRAMING by date by date by Walls FIRED T. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic ©1/ date by date blj.D• 1� D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by UJ i C QL L SAE 1-1 Ln-q Ps c MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 N 8 L D 9 0 4 0 For BOBBIE R HRFWFtq, F.,l q e I Pf ltpos-d cit rficturp, or I'll! t —!� 1. 0 I Y tie III tj E. I I lit IM1,11i 90 -f, �L et- 2— 0 - A r . (fit l 5 CU C Zt d `'-e- 1/1 o 07 �� MASON CODNTY Permit No.3LD y 1t�Q y0 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT #1 Owner �06- f< /2ewerc. Rhone# ZO(o Site Address I t - T . 5 E. #3S" City L a-c !d St w A Zip 99 50 3 Directions to Job Site L.AKe `, rme#e.lc-r- - 'S .eo-r-b-a o - Dwls 4- Lo-r lIs Owner Mail iag Address n em-s- Ci ty St Zip Lien/Title Holder Address City St Zip 4k#2 Contractor Name o w r-3 Ao - Contractor Reg'.' Address Expiration date City St Zip Phone #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. C.vmPAtk 1U i T� Connect to Septic?TS Public water Supply_ Well (If residential, proof of potable water may be required) D� #4 Parcel No. 3 2-1 Z-7 -r7 3_ CEO 115 : Tegal Desc=iption LA-Ki5 L 1MQ-v�(,C,)L #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/propcsed) ist Fl 2nd FI --/ 3rd Fl / Loft / Basement --- / Deck --f #bedrooms—= #bathrooms Garage / Carport (Circle: Attached or Detached?) Other sq ft. / #6 Use of buildi Describe work c ,C #7 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair Demolition Woodstove Re-Roof Bulkhead_ Other T8 MOBILE HOME NFORMATION Mode? Year Make Model C-(e-y\ C9o,�-,S Length_ Width_ Serial No. :Bedr oms_ "Bathrooms 2 Type of Heaclec,?� '�-"'NT 5 r IM�p M N F' t�-Eom Q- N o T9 Any water an or adjacent co property: salcwacar lake raver pond wetland seasonal runof-z vo . Toilets vent Svsr-=s X 3 . 00 3at h 3as i.s vent ?ans X 3 . 00 _ 3atibs No. Boilers/Compressors Showers 0-3 6 . 00 Hot Water Htr 3 -15 HP 10_ Laund--i 'dasher 15- 3 0 HP r . 00 S,, ^ _ 3 0-5 0 3P 5• JQ 50 + HP 5 . 00 Lam Has ins No. Air 3and1iuq unit Dishwasher <- 10000 cam. 7 .5_ Disposal > 10000 cft. 7 • 50_ IIr;nals Other Qther Svap Coolers _ Hoods _ Pe=i.t Basic Fee 3 . 00_ Fire Suppression TOTAL PLM®=G $ Domes. Incin. _— C71=1,. Zncin. Reloc/Repair 6 . 00 M-ectanical F4 ures Gas Outlets X 2 .00 No . Fuel Types Wcodstave serarate- Fu-.= < 100K STU 6. 00 Other Fury >- 100K HTA 6 . 00 Fora - Floor 6 . 00 2e=it Basic Fee 10 . 00 Heat Perms 6 . 00 TOTAL MzC UaC AL $- NK=C=- T=' PERMIT BECOMES N=,L AND VOID IF WORK OR C0N5T-1ZTT ION A-=CRIZ= I5 NOT =O 14MCSD WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR ZF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR AHANDCNM FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANYTrME AFTER WORK oprrrsRs AFgrnavrr - c�rnxe:'oRs amavzr I CERTIFY TRAT I AM EXEMPT Filth THE REGUIREMEMTS OF THE I CERTIFY THAT I AM A aXREIITLT REGISTERS CONTRACTOR 00"TRAC'TORS REGISTRATION LAY *M 18-Z7 , AND AM AWARE IN THE STATE Of 'JASIItNGTON AMD I AM AaARE Of fliE OF THE MASON COUNTY ORDINANCE REaJIRE)1EMTS FOR '`7NICH ORDINANCE REOUIREMEHTS REGULATIMG THE WORK FOR WNIa THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED AUG THAT ALL WORK CONE v I LL aE IN THE PERM[T 15 ISSUED Alm ALL WORK OdtE WILL 4E [X CONFORMANCE THERESlITN. NO CHANGES SMALL BE MACE CONFORMAMa THEREWITH.JT FIRST QBTAtMiNG Ao*RQyAL FROM THE gUtLDING NO CHANGES SHALL BE "uCE 0EP4RTTfENT, WITRW FIRST OSTA1NING APPAL FRCH THE BUILDING CEPAR OEPARTMEHT• X OWNER X 9Y nATa -- Z ❑ATE C. :zet.i-3 pe=it to : Depar=ent of General Ser-7ices 426 N_ Cedar/P _O _ Box 186, Shelton, NA 98584 427 -9670/1-800-562 -5628 POR 0"MCMAL USc ONLY: Aczepced `Jv Dace .Show following on the site Plan Lac Dimensions Flood Zones I Existing Strsctares Fences St_sczure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Propased :=rovements Easements Name of Flanking Street Scale: Name of Fronting Street Data: PLICANT TO DRAW SIT PLAN 9EL0 d r � y } vl pQQ� p I ► � Do teS a PLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAp3y PROFILE, BELOW N r � S t F� r I i � I I DEPARTNTMAL REVIE`y FOR OFFICE U= M.Y Approved Cond Hold Approve( Planning: EMV iroamental Heal the Mj Building Plan "view: Occupancy Group: Fire Marshall: Other: pFFS -_- 11special Conditions: II HSite Inspection II I it II II ' II II liBuilding Pezmit II II n 'I II II Violation Fee I II II I. -T-_--;I II II Ilviolation lavesti(I gatioa Pee ( II it II C ;1 U II II Plan Check ( II II II II Plumbing' Fee I II II II I. iI II II IlMecha.nical Fee I II II II I' tl II II IlWoodscove Fee I II II II I ( II IlHuilding Stace Fee I S II IlBuildi:9 valuac_on: II II TOTALI