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BLD96-01046 Final Garage - BLD Permit / Conditions - 1/23/1998
MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar RO. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 B U { L_ " 1 NO P r R to 1 "r FOR INSPECTIONS CALL 427-9670 BFIWEE:N 5pm AND Bam 427---7262 BLD96--1046 PARCEL :321275'300105 PLAT :L.APLO 0.IV : BLK : LOT : JOB ADDRESS : F 401 DAFT-IM00R DR SHEI.CON OWNER : SANDRA 5086 CONTRACTOR : LEGAL : LAKE I IFIFRICK 4 TRACT 106 F 381 4AHTRON DO CLASS OF WORK . . :NEW BF.DR : 0 .11ATH : 0 TYPE ANOINT BY DATE RECEIPT TYPE ANOINT BY SATE RECEIPT TYPE Or, USE . . . . :ACC STOR I ES . . . . . . . .0 W,�,__� OCCUP . GROUP . . :7 BLDG . HE 1 GHT . . e 0 .Oft PROT t 121.511 1W 09106196 12846 I TYPE: OF CONST . . :7 FIREPLACES . : 0 PtCK 1 48.60 IN #91#6196 42866 : OCCUP . LOAD . . . . : 0 WOODST'OVFS . . . . r 0 STFE 1 4.50 if 19106199 42866 DWE'L_L. .LIN 1 7S . . . . . 0 PARKING SPACES : 0 FNCP 1 26.00 TN 09/06196 4?866 INSPECTION AREA : 3 SHOREL. I NE? . . . . :N TOTAL: 200.60 VALWLATION: 13104 SETBACKS----------- - --- TOILETS . . . . . . . . . . : 0 FUEL TYPES--------- - BO1I..ERS/COMP---- MOBILE HOME--- FRONT . 40 .0ft BATH BASINS . . . . . . 0 0-3 HP . : 0 REAR . , . .N 1:39 .Oft BATH TUBS . . . .. . . . . , 0 3-15 HP . - 0 MODEL : SiDE ( 1 ) .E 41 .Oft SHOWERS . . . - . . . . . . : 0 F-LIRN - 100K BTU : 0 115--30 HP . : 0 -MAKE SIDE (2) .W 10 .01t WATER HEATERS . . . . : fii FURN j=-100K BTU : 0 30-50 HP . : 0 SHRL. INE . kr .of t CLOTHES WASHERS . t 0 f URN FLOOR . . , . 0 501 HP . : 0 YEAR ---- AREA ---- - - --- --- - KITCHEN SINKS . . . . : 0 HEAT PUMP . , 0 LOT SIZE . — F 1 OOR D14A I NS 0 VENT SYSTEM; . . . : 0 FVAP COOLERS , 0 LENGTH : 0 BUILDING — : Osf DRINKING FOUNT . . . : 0 VENT FANS . . . . . . : 0 HOODS . . . . . . . : 0 WIDTH . : 0 BASEMENr . . . : ost LAUNDRY TRAYS — . : 0 DOMES . INCIN :O -SERIALIt----•-- DECKS . . . . . . : Osf DISHWASHERS . . . . . . : 0 AIP HANDLING UNITS- - COMML . I NC I N :0 GAR/CARPiG 1008sf GARB DISPOSAL. . . . : 0 <- i0000 cfm . : 0 RELOC(RE:PAIR : 0 AT/DT . :? URINALS . . . . . . . . . . : 0 > 10000 cftn . : 0 OTHER UNITS . : 0 i MI SC Pl M F I XTURF;:� : 0 GAS OUTLETS . t 0 /ROJECT BESCRtPtlflNCARAGF PROJECT 10CATION:11ASON LAKE RD 41601 0010 DAR►MOOR NO"�E 101 ON IE1`1 JUST JFiORF MAJOR LFF : HAND COPIER. TAIS PERMIT BECOMES 19U. AND VOID IF OGRK 01 CONSTROC1I0111 AUTHORIZED is NOT COMNF.NCEC NITNIN 181 DAYS . OD IF CONSTRUCTION OR 1001 18 SUSPENDED FOA A PERIOD 4'F 189 DA18 AT ANY TINE AFTER NORr. Is COMMENCED. EVIDENCE OF CONTINUATION Of 1081' IS A PROGRESS INSPF61 011 WITHIN THE 180 DAi ►ERIOD. FINAL INSPECTIOM MUST BE APPAOVEI BEFORE. 8VII0106 CAN BE 03910IED, 014ER 01 AGENT:. ;�.y:-' DAZE:__-__ 0L 1, ►RMT, aw: 03131111 COMPLIANCE TO ATTACHED CONDITIONS tS 9FOU I RED CONCRETEa MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Foo' �$etb �/6 date by Ribbons date t Gas Piping date b Foundation ails date b Set Up date i3* INSULATION date by BG/S ulation ~ Floors Final date by date by date by © FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTIONy date by date by date by Q IU�C"ft?2 �a���7 �$�t-c�D t 1•� I���i �—1 D--'�C� . �.1�kC.c�s lU-1 t �Lt D662s I MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 F' F' R U4 I -T c CZ,N D t -r I C3 f V Case N,) . , BLD96--1043 For : SANDRA SWIDECKI Page : 1 1 ) Applicant acknowiod es that this development is subject to policies and regulations of Mason County Compre=s )ve Plan and Development Regulations . 2 ) The use, handling and storage of hazardous materials or flammable and (�ombustlble liquids in excess of 10 ga11ons 1s not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal . 3 ) Strttoture must be setback 5 ' from al I tit i ity and dralr:age easements , ri total of 10 ' from each property line, or a variance, must be obtained from the Building Department. . 4 ) Propoped structure or any portion thereof cheater than 30' in heIciht from grade I Ine, must maintain a minimum of 5 ' setback from all property lines , easements and 10 ' from 11 County and State Road right of ways . 5 ) Al l approved p I an.; are+ requ i red to be on-s i to for I nb;ooct Ion purposes . It I nspeot i on is Called for and plans are not on site Approval WILL NOT be granted . In addition, a Re- I n:>pect i on f erg I n t he am m amount of *3? .06 per hour ( i n I mum 1 hour ) will be charged and must be collected by this department prior to any further in�,nectlons being performed or, approval granted . 6 ) PURSUANT TO 1994 11NIFORM BUILDING CODE , SECTION 305(C ) AND SECTION 613, ALI. SITES MUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PROVIDED IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEOIBLE FROM 1HF STREET OR ROAD FRONT114G THC PROPERTY . MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES THAT THIS BE.. COMPL.ETFD PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS . A FE 1 NSPECT I ON FEE BASED ON RATES. IN TABLE 3A OF THE *1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODF WILL BE ASSESSED IF OWNEA/CONTRACTOR FAILS TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REQUESTING \ I NSPECT 1 ONS . MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 •r ) The correotIon iIvt Rion with the Fner y Com , Ilance Work shoot (whorl a 1icable) is part of the plans and must remain attached thereto , It is the responsibylityy of the applicant: to make oorrectlon Indicated «n the plans trom the oorrec:tion IIsts . Once the plans are marked APPROVED they may not be changed or altered without authorl .'ation from the Building Official . the pt:rorit homer i -: reponsible to retain the complete approved set of plans on site for the duration of the project . Failure to comply will re€►u1t In failure of regttlred building inspections . Fvery permit shaII expire by limitation and become null and veld if the building or work authorized by such permits is not commenced within 180 dAys f rota the date of I �isuanoe, or It the building or work authorized by such permits is suspends or abandoned at any time after the work is commanoed for a period of 180 days 8 ) THIS STRUCTURE IS CONSIDERED UNHEATED SPACE (NOT TO EXCEED 1 WATT/SQUARE FOOT OR 3 .4 S TU/11R I SQUARE_ FOOT ) , AT SUCH TIME THIS CONDITION CHANGES, A C:HANGIF OF USE. E FifA i.r AND n MECHANICAL. PERMIT SHALL BE APPLIED FOR AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE CHANGE . 9 ) No Occupancy . Ihlr structure is limited to U-- 1 use only . Any other use wl I i be in violation of the Uniform building Code and M son County Requlations unless a "Change of Use" permit fc approved . 10) AILCONSTRUCTION MUST MEFT OR EXCEED ALL LOCAL CODES AND UBC RFQUIRFMENTS . 11 ) Changes to approved building plans that effect compliance to the 1991 Washington :Mate F;iergy Code , 1991 Ventilation and Indoor Air Qualityy Code, the Uniform Building Code and/or Mason Count Regulations must be approved by M&�,on County prior to construction' 14) ALL. CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET OR EXCEED LOCAL CODES . IF ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE Lt_ THIS OFFICE REFOPF CONSTRUCTION , 13 ) CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE Fir-[-D CORRECTFD AS RFQ1J I RED PFR MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPART"ENT AND UNIFORM BUILDIN CODE , Permit No. MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION � o 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 t PLEASE PRINT #1 er SS,g,J i t�c , ; Phone# 3(p U - ��/z - ✓�'(�8 'te AddressnLo/ PA e7- NODa- Ori V t Fire District# City -5hf�. --7yn St�_Zip Directions to Job Site A ,450--^ �f D yw7e -z max s, ,rc, ?, l'n Owner Mailing Address3e5r/ �ATAIOOrZ City fa-0 IJ St kJ_Zipl�S�T Lien/Title older ,� C. (_-,t,&lk c' Address P& 62dM34 Z&O Clty *z St ►1(L Zip So7oy-D?&a #2 Contractor Name �� 1,a��_ Contractor Reg# Address Expiration Date City St Zip Phone# #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. Connect to Septic? Public Water Supply--!-Well Connect to Sewer System? 8" Name of System (If residential, proof of potable water is required) #4 rcel No. 4 7- - 63 - OgealDescription l T 44.40e #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) 1st FI / 2nd FI / 3rd FI / Loft / Basement / Deck / #bedrooms / #bathrooms / Garage /004 / Carport / (Circle:Attached or Detached?) Other sq.ft. / #6 Use of building 6' /LA k' <��e2re work /Ie #7 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair Ot, I #8 MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOME INFOr �Z / 9 Model Year Make o V" O Length Width Seri # Bedrooms # Bathrooms Type of Heat Purchase Price $ #9 Indicate by circling the applicable source if any water is on or adjacent to subject property: River Pond Creek Stream Wetland Lake Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Fronting Street in relation to plot plan APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW I 2as's� i L DID JD a2 . APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW Plumbing Fixtures ($3.25 each Fee Mechanical Fixtures ($6.50 eachl No. Toilets CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Gas, Electric, _B h Basins Heatpump, Other Bath ubs No. Units Fees _Shower _ Furn BTU Hot Water tr Heatpumps _Laundry Was er _ Vent Systems _Sinks _ Spot Vent Fans _Floor Drains No. Boilers/Compressors _Laundry Basins _ HP Dishwasher No. Air Handling Units _Disposal _ cfm# Urinals No. Fire Protection Systems Other Auto. Fire Alarm Sys 50.00 Fixed Fire Supp. Sys 50.00 Permit Basic Fee 16.25 Auto Fire Sprink Sys 35.00 TOTAL PLUMBING $ No. Other Gas Outlets Wood, Gas, Pellet Stove NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COM- MENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR Permit Basic Fee 16.25 WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE- I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED MENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY AM AWARE OF THE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGU- ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PER- LATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED MIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDIZDkRTMENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNER/ X BY DATE DATE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Cond. Hold Approval Planning: Ni:, Se Vv<kl S PY05 Environmental Health: a Building Plan Review 0 14UAA AAI Ci c- c4 wC 4 t.2 Occupancy Group: Type of Const: Fire Marshal: Other: Special Conditions: FEES � 02 Building Permit X 3 6 Plan Check D Plumbing Fee Mechanical Fee Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Radon Monitor Violation Fee Site Inspection Building State Fee Other Other go Building Valuation: /� . 0 7 TOTAL FEE Z , -pO July 28, 1997 Mason County Building III 426 W. Cedar Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Building Dept. Please extend our permit at E. 381 Dartmoor Dr. BID 96-1046. We have been unable to complete the construction of the garage due to weather conditions. Sincerely Sandra M. Swidecki MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of GENERAL SERVICES Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton,Washington 98584 (360)427-9670 BUILDING PARKS& RECREATION FAIR/CONVENTION CENTER ADMINISTRATION TO RE : Permit Number# 31 � 1 Parcel No , and or Legal Description: As per your recent request, this office has granted a 180 day extension to the above permit . In order to keep the permit valid beyond the extension date of C you must call for a progress inspection prior to � J /S I9gA In the event that you do not call for the required inspection, this office will mark the permit null and void by expiration. Once the permit has been noted as expired, it will be necessary to renew the permit by paying the applicable permit renewal fees and/or applying for and completing the permit process again prior to further construction. Sincerely, ek— M son County Building Department CC : Property File