HomeMy WebLinkAboutSecurity System - COM Inspections - 2/7/2011 02/08/2011 10:28 FAX 3606926857 CUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEM i�0U1
1743 First Avenue South - Seattle, Washington 98134 ONFIDENCETESTING
FOR SERVICE CALL: 20&622 54a or 1-800-282-6998 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (CTF-8)
Lic. #GUARDS3233K5 Date of Inspection
F36nity /1 i7'1 1Je
Building Ownor_... - - -- - —. Phone#_3.41C r—)
,,�; U -Anm,a ❑Qu"Y at-m-thly ElNontny
t':Oommi Pansr Manufacturer LF'?-„ s�� _ _ -_ Model
2.No.of InidaUng Circuits od �Cs
3.:s`28tIc..Batteryvotsa flI. 42.; x. .,. is 13^ _...,...t,
4.Battery Voltages Under Load w/S' ial Devices Operating: In ' I2.. �l,� ru
S'Charge:f ttR Voltage.:'.. fiery;ThSr Duratlon•.:.. t. Aibi�ti mine. _
Signal w/AC Power Off-, Yee
r_l No ❑WA
�aicircukOo4iste'Satlsfactory6i, �YfPower. Ys ONe O�+A wre
B-Al Cirruhs operate Satisfactory On AC Power vra ONO U WAOr
�IAIr CftLiftr f�Checked for EJectricai Su rvieiorr p
Yea. 'LTNu• h wi►:.'. .
10 Control Panel Checks Made Per Manufacturers-Instructions. I7 Ate ❑NIA• „-
11.AS Auru'liary Equipment Operates
•.(Bevatora,'FNAC'Fan allot doom.Door closures•Vert dampers,Etc.): �Yia Olt i�WA•• Fspt:,;i,;_:..�,_.•• -
52<OoesWarm S stem lDfaetrAudiEri StandA d4:Y - _�Ir �.Yaa l7No' []iJlA
12.Monitoring Station Alarm Circuxii): ps V Q WA Qrvrarn: -_.
14'Nlarm Delay Function,rifirmtalled}'Operates Pfopeny. Yee F.3 Np 11 WA Expulo:
I&Panel Key Available. ❑Ne ❑WA
D g' _.' •; Wtrs......Z w :.GI WA'- Expiain:.-_
3G:Q eratirt 'lrtsuslotiosst;tF�iirtel:. -_.. . . ..;.,; ..._...__._. .,. ,
17.Teat/Service Reeard at fire Alwm Cor"Panel: Ym ONO if rro,where rneci
Audo(eellr Home,Chvrrea,Voice Aland Spealo=)
vsuel'AFArm DcvicLs. �._ Nb: LDt
AudiolVisual Devices Q �_-- Yee- Pie. . --
......- -
Srrroke:Detectors . . ..... ..... ��. .. . . . '•Vas
lien Dotoctons Vals
Manual tun
Trouble indicators a
_._._ .
Yes ►lo �
Auto poor Vntocks(Fail Soft Opera" Ye— No
Auto Door:Release.: .. .,..;,........: ......_.....__. _.., _ .._.. . .. .
Fire/Smoke Dampers(VsntiW0rt Yes No
DucS;Ootectors,. .;:,
Yes— No.
Fkemans Phones yes
. ._,
FXavator�apttxa Phase#1 _-_:-- yes—
Generator starts Yea— No
Automatic$pnnklar;FioW 549itChes' n-
' Yas T �I_ •' ..
Automatic Sprinkler Supervlsoty Switches '7 Yes-?!!!L No
AUWma3ic SprinklerValve.Tamper Switches '....�; Yes—, . .No •,- -.
Control Valve Supervisory Switches YE— No•••--
D r-S Rgrior Water MotoelVGong yta
Fire D partrnent Monitoring Yaj No
Fire 0 ..,
Monitoring Statim4igrwreceivet[
_-_--or Alarm Monitoring Company
tJtKer rr% .
This Certifies that this fire alarm system has been properly inspected for reliability to Co err the items listed in this report,is Consistent with fire
alarm maintenancestandarda lzore anoies are noted and have been repotted to th IJing lInq/Manager for corrective Action.
slonalureof.FadltryOwner/lNanager eti pecro cxhnlclan __ ..__
7khnic12n E1aC&1Cal License`# 7;e- on Coatkation N /
Probierns Found:_1r rU A/C' ��4.yn•`� i`} ^��'��► -
Correction Made:
Data Corrected _ sY -
White-Fire Department Canary-File Copy Pink-Customer Goldenrod•Parisi Copy Green-Service
02/26/2013 _09: 46 3606926857 GUARDIAN SECURITY PAGE 01
GUANDMN SECUirtry �5 G �.�,, Fire Department
1743 First Avenue South - Seattle, Washington 98134 CONFIDENCE TESTING
FOR SERVICE CALL: 205-622-6545 or 1-800-282-6998 X FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (CTF-8)
Lic. #GUARDSS233KS Date of Inspection
Addrasa_........... ---
Bultdtng owner..- - ._ < _ .� ..•_ .^ ��" Ph« ..�1 C1
7_CiORlrOI Panel MaflufaLttwer_-�� L.. t'"{ ri;1 r _5a 1 J BemF Mnul (J Qui y ❑ pFAW�frf L1 VOrMIIY
2.Na of Initiating Cinwila 1 ' .,..=_... N¢pf�P+�+O Ceaiee �. -'-- Nteder
3.Sbdic Battery VmRgea; MS ll2.gig -
0.Battery VOMages Under Load w/ operating; s1 ^�?
3.Gnarga Circuh Voftape: 'i g }My Tact DurafMorK �'- ---- - --
8 Trouble SAUnw w/Ac Power Off,
7,All Ckcuits operate sat
iaf On Stand M D w D WA N
'°cairn by(Battery)P� ZYes Ow Cl wA E�teer
8.All Ckcuits Operate Satisfactory On AC Power: .47 Yea G No D NIA Expb+e_- ."--- —
9.All Circuits Checked For Electrical Supervlalat: Yee ❑No D WA E3rPAnyr1;- ----- -- - --
10.Control Penn Checks Made per Msnufacu rers tnstrucUonec '1�!'Yr D No [A WA E=pkM:
11.AN A-Wery EQuoment Operates
(Elevators,HVAC Fan shut down.Door closures,lent dampers Etc,1- ae 0 N., ll EYDNim-
12 Does Alwm systern Meet Autlibility Standards; Yea OW ❑WA -
13.MWW&t•p Statlon Wail CircWjW- -'Et Yet O Na ❑WA -
14.Ala-Delay Function(if inetatleo operates propery !1 yes
15.Panel Key AvaNable: 0 N. Z~A
Yes ❑No O WA Fri—. ..---
1 t3.Opereting instrtx.•done at Panel: nee G No ❑WA Fxplpin:
17.Test/Servba RQQW at FW Alarm Contrni Panel: L7 Nc if ro.A,sr.tlfsat --�
Audio(belts,Moms,CAinres Voice Alarm Speaker:) --._. Yee
Visual Alarm Devices - 1is— No - —
AudioNli ual t�wices -
Yes.�_ N
&Doke Detectors - o
Heat Detectors vim ft - 2 fc
Manual Pull Stations Yee NO
Yee ►b -_-,
TToudte indicators � ' —
AnnunciaM Yea ._ No
Auto Door Lkliocks(Fall Sato Oparzoon) �` -- -- - -_.--
--- -•...
Auto Door Release •• - 1Aee Ilo Yes_ No
-_ - -_----
Hro'Srnoke Dampers(Ventllstim Contrele) -- 14s „- No - ---
Duct Dotacwra
Fimmens Phones - Yea— No
Pubic Address9yfterrl we..- No-- �
Elevator Capture Prises it - - —-
-- No-.-
-.-....-_�-.._�.- Y4e— No..— :._....---__..--------
Generator Starts T_ Yee—. No--
Automadc SprirN W Flow Switches Yae- - No - - -----__
Automatic Sprinkler Supervisory Switches - y6— MD.—
Automatic Sprinkler Valva Tamper Switches ....-----• Vas— No._.- --
Control Valve Supervisory Switches --- YIN— He --- -
Exterior W*W MotonaeWoong -- ys— NO-- --- --
Fire Department Monitorng ------•- YM— No
MomitorkV Slatlork% hai racervad _.__.._.-._. Vas-_ No_•_- ti
Nance of Alarm Monitoring Company
C"r _ yes NoThis Cenifles that this fire alarm system has been properly Inspected for reliability to cover the items listed In this report,Is consistent with fire
alarm maintenance stendexds,discrepancies are noted and have been reported to-the,pu ding �NManager for corrective Action.
S?gnmxe otJFacilily Otwrepll�rr>gar ------ •%ferirniCten
7bdutkalan ElecinaW License rti -- — _.-........_....._..._.— ---.....-•--•--•-_-•--
Tlichirin t:er6iCaffar N
Correctlon Mate ..- -•-•----_-..._ .._---•-•--.
Date Corrected —.-• ---
White-Fsa Deparlrnant Camay•Fie Copy Pfik-CLmomer Goldenrod-Portal Copy Gram-Service
02/20/2012 13:53 FAX 3606926857 GUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEM 10001
G D AN SECUR/TY 'c Fire Department
1743 First Avenue South • Seattle, Washington 98134 CO 4 IDENCETESTING.
FOR SERVICE CALL:206-622-6545 or 1-800-282-6998 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM(CTF-8)
L.ic_#GUARDSS233K5 Date of lnspeGWn_ 2 —:2.0 1,t
Facility 0
G� •
-70 Building Owner _.._.._. . .--- Phonei) �) C? 5
MAIN FIRE CONTROL PANEL CHECKS -tg Annuet Cl Semi-Annual p t1i M
1.;Control4'anel fufanuiacturar LS i --- Modol
2-No.of Initialing Clrcuhs 1�7 No.of Signaling Circuits _
9:Sfa6o Bath .Vol es: dt o-�.5 42
4.Battery Voltages Linder Load wlSignal aviCO 13
s Operating: dt-- 1 +i2 a3 -_�
5,ChergioCiroihitVoltage: _ i' Flattery3sst'DurBtion: ....,.-: •ndrhs
6.Trouble Signal w/AC Power Off: Kyos ❑No ❑WA
7:All Circuits Operate Satisfactory On Standby(Battery)Power. ON. 0 WA EXptsl
a.All Circuits Operate Satisfactory On AC Power. �ty�Yee ❑No I:WA Explidn-
P All`CiraldE Checked For-86chical Supervision, ut Ye.. ❑No ❑WA Ewiatrc
10.Control Panel-Checks Made Per Manufacturers instructions; wee ❑No ❑WA EKpiaint
11,All Auxiliary Equipment Operates
Oevatdrs,HVAC Fan shut down;Door closures,Vent dampers,Etc.): Yes ❑No El WA Nplern;
12:Dde3Alarm System Mail AtiAbllry Standards: 15'ras 4 No ❑wA egftkc ---
13.Monitorfrg Station Alarm Circuil(s); f�'yss ❑No O WA FspWa
1.0.;Alemh'Delay Fundlon(p Installed)operates Property: ❑Y. b No.'2K1JIA' Explain:
1 S.Panel Key Available: -0Yes ❑No Cl WA 6rplaht
.. .. . .
1.13:.Opeiatinq Imstittctlorie atPenel: 3'1'ee ❑No i5 NIA r�P fdn: ,.
17.Test/Service Record at Fire Alarm Control Panel: I4 tee No it no,where tibd?
OF UNfr3
Audio(Bells,Hams,Chimes,Voice Alarm Speakors) ) Y. Y No
Visual-Alarm Devices. - Yom No
Audio/Visual Devices r'� Yee No t C
SniOk''peteciDre. .. .. _---.. �4^�.-.�'�_ yes x No
Heat Detectors Yin_w No
&kuivat Pull StdUoris a Yw No 5
Trouble Indicators :� Yss-5c NO `•a .,
ArmuncietOrs. ., .Yea No —
Auto Door Unlocks(Fail Safe Operation) vos-- No --
Auto DooeReleasa — Yea No .�.-
RrelSmoke Dampers.(Venillation Controls) - • -- Ysa No —
D.uctDeoertors Yes.— No
Fireman Phones yen— No
PulilicAddmss�System Yes No —
Elevator Capture Phase#1„ yes— No —
Phasa.#2. Yee No.
Generator Starts Yee No
Automatic Sptnkler Flow Switches .. .. . . — ..�......� Yes.__ No ...-..
Automatic Sprinkler Supervisory Switches Yac No
Autornetic.Sprinkler VBtvo tamper Switches Yoe—
Control Valve Supervisory Switches Yes— Na --
ExibnorWiter Maior-6elVGong - Yee— No
Fire Department ldanitomg
yes No
Monimrir Station 51gmt31received f Yes
Name Of Alarm Monitgring Company r�'-✓
Other. .- yas No
This Cartifies that this fire alaryit system has been property inspected for reliability to cover the items listed in this report,is consistent with fire
alarm maintenance standards,diserapancies are rioted and have been reporlta to the bijilding Owner/Manager for corrective Action.
Signahue&Facility OwneddJErfager g ra P echnitfan _
W I�L_T 01`1 V3 V5
Technician Electrical License A Tedniaw Certification fi
Problems Found ��. D rZ; b lwVt~. — '',."�..ct GT
Correclion Made- -.—
Date Corrected_ By: ..._ .. --.--._ _.—._
•' -- --.... � - Rev.06l11IA2
While'•Fire Department Canary-File Copy Pink-Customer Goldenrod-Penal Copy Gram-Service