HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimberland Regional Library - BLD Permit / Conditions - 3/5/1979 MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT DATE: 3-5-7 9 RECEIPT OWNER Timberland Regional Library MAILING ADDRESS 41,5 Airdustrial Way S.W., Thurston Airdustrial Center Olympia , Washington 98501 CONTRACTOR_ James H. Robinson Company, Inc . MAILING ADDRESS 4904 Kitsap Way, Bremerton , Washington 98310 SITE APPROVAL # CONTRACTOR LICENSE 223-01 JA-ME-S1I-R378N7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION See attached draw in g Subdivision_ Lot -Block Section Township--Range— INTENDED USE OF BUILDING public Library ESTIMATED VALUE $230,000. SELLER, IF LAND ON CONTRACT PURCHASE ADDRESS — JJA- ME_,S H. . OBINSO OM NY. INC. DATE OF ISSUE Siggnnature of App1 cant A1MES H. ROBINSON, President FEE IN AMOUNT OF $ f 5 RECEIVED By Mason County Planning Director 9011ROCU CQUWWV UUMBEHIG P"NO- GAY DATE:— 3-5-7 9 RECEIPT OWNER Timberland Regional Library MAILING ADDRESS 43_5 Airdustrial Way S_W., , Thurston Airdustrial Center Olympia , Washington 98501 CONTRACTOR James H. Robinson Company, Inc . MAILING ADDRESS 4904 Kitsap Way, Bremerton , Washington 98310 SITE APPROVAL #— CONTRACTOR LICENSE #223-01 JA-ME-Sl3-R•378N7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION See attached drawing Subdivision_ Lot -Block Section Township Range - -- -- INTENDED USE OF BUILDING public Library ESTIMATED VALUE $230, 000. SELLER, IF LAND ON CONTRACT PURCHASE ADDRESS JAME _ H. .ROBINSO COM AN . INC. DATE OF ISSUE Mnature of AppI cant AMES H. INSON, President FEE IN AMOUNT OF $ G RECEIVED BY Mason County Planning Director SPECIAL CONDITIONS: yr /.-.2 33 2 $-6 e 6 Q - . BEDROOMS DECKS CARPORT ❑ NOTICE BATHROOMS TOTAL SQ. FT. GARAGE ❑ ATTACHED ❑ SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING NO. OF STORIES BASEMENT ❑ OR AIR CONDITIONING. TOTAL SO. FT. FIREPLACE ❑ DETACHED ❑ THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER I certify that I am a currently registered contractor In WORK IS COMMENCED. the State of Washington and I the aware of the FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ordinance requirements regulating the work for which the permit is issued and all work done will be in — conformance therewith. PERMANENT ❑ SHORELINES ❑ • SEASONAL ❑ FLOODPLAIN ❑ Firm E.D. NO. S.E.P.A. ❑ By Special Approvals I OUT YES ED NO Lic. No. Date ZONING PLANNING DEPT. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT HEALTH DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS Mill certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the FIRE MARSHAL 7,1 contract or registration law RCW 18.27, and am aware BUILDING DEPT. of the Mason County ordinance requirements for which this permit is issued and that all work done will ROAD ACCESS 5TA'W (jO JT1 3 S7ATS Pao.ry17- /ee-Q- _ be in conformance therewith. MOTOR VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECK BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE Owner Date BY PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH ) e c� -,can ing So CZety G� Cert ftes that WeldiV Insp J ector °Go has come d with the r -ire e p o the ments of Section 6.t j f Fie AWNS Standard for Qlllf'eation and ✓✓ Certftation of wZ Ins ectors 'g p W_88 j C 93060091 41, A � 3rU1lP 1996 y W PRESIDENT AWS CHAIWNAN O C C TTEE 1` It 11, iln��' -7 International Conference of Building Officials INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials ...dkbl :7F Of Cv,.71; �� Obi BUILDING OFFICIALS ,q WILLIAM D UGOLINI Certified Plumbing Inspector CERREINFORCED TIFIED ICO CAL RET TOR The individual named hereon has satisfactorily demonstrated knowledge of the Uniform Plumbing The International cimfc nce of Building officials atests that the individual named on this certificate has ' Code and its appropriate application by successfully completing the written examination prescribed satisfactorily demonstrated knowledge of the Uniform Building Code and applicable inch try standards and conducted as a joint effort of the International Conference of Building Officials and the International by successfully completing the prescribed written examinatian, Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. based on the edition in effect at that time. Witnessed by our hand July 11,1992 Certification No. 095688 Witnessed by our hand I I, Certificate No.87161 For the International Conference of For the International Association of Issued October 14,1995 Building Officials Plumbing and Mechanical Officials Hbr the International Conference of Budding officials =4t� 0i+ + ident f Executive Director President l International Conference of Building Officials INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials Of BUILDING OFFICIALS WILLIAM D UGOLINI WILLIAM D UGOLINI CERTIFIED CERTIFIED BUILDING INSPECTOR MECHANICAL INSPECTOR The individual named hereon has satisfactorily demonstrated knowledge of the Uniform Mechanical Code The International Conference of Building Officials attests that the individual named on this certificate has and its appropriate application by successfully completing the written examination prescribed and satisfactorily demonstrated knowledge of the Uniform Building Code conducted as a Joint effort of the International Conference of Building Officials and the by successfully completing the prescribed written examination International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. based on the edition in effect at that time. Witnessed by our hand Witnessed by our hand May 15,1993 Certificate No.59122 Certificate No.63361 Issued September 12,1992 For the International Conference of For the lnterna'ional Association of Building Officials Plumbing and Mechanical Officials For the International Conference of Building Officials / � I resident ErerLlwe Director l/ President VVV gem..,.... _ .. '- - BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION MASON COUNTY P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 5Am (0 426-5593 DATE ISSUED s9,"/�0' IZ33Z ' 0 - ,38 I�_� PERMIT NO. 'Y�pwg OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY&STATE ZIP 985 01 PHONE TIMBERLAND REGIONAL LIBRARY 415 Airdustrial Way S.W. Olympia . WA 4 - 001 DIRECTIONS TO JOB SITE One mile south of Belfair on west side Belfair-All n Road . LEGAL (XSEE ATTACHED SHEET) DESCR. NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY&STATE 22 EN NO E PHONE CONTRACTOR JA] 'S H. ROBINSON CO. , INC. 4904 Kitsap Way, Br�me��t`o��,�A-SIi-R 7 �'';066 USE OF / BUILDING Public Library Class of work: NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE Describe work: Construct new branch library per accompaning Plans and Specifications . Valuation of work: $ PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE 231 , 000 . 00 Total Fee 5795 .30 �j(O SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Note : Deck deleted • Fireplace deleted . /f Qrrr BED OOMS DECKS None CARPORT ❑ NOTICE BATHROOMS_ TOTAL SO. FT. GARAGE ❑ NO. OF STORIES BASEMENT �Partt ITACHED ❑ SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING ��ryryryry OR AIR CONDITIONING. TOTAL SQ. FT.�11_0 FIREPLACE ❑ DETACHED THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER I certify that I am a currently registered contractor in WORK IS COMMENCED. the State of Washington and I the aware of the FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ordinance requirements regulating the work for which the permit is issued and all work done will be in conform ce therewith. PERMANENT ❑ SHORELINES ElSEASONAL ElFLOODPLAIN Firm JAMS H. ROBINS INC . E.D. NO. S.E.P.A. Ll By _ 0 1 r s i en t Special Approvals IN OUT YES APPROVED NO 2 -01 JA-ME-S?1-R378�7 Date 3/1 3 f 79 ZONING PLANNING DEPT. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT HEALTH DEPT. ?� r PUBLIC WORKS I certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the FIRE MARSHAL contract or registration law RCW 18.27, and am aware of the Mason County ordinance requirements for BUILDING DEPT. which this permit is issued and that all work done will ROAD ACCESS be in conformance therewith. MOTOR VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLA CHECK BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE Date BY 'CK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION k.2K. M.O. CASH