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BLD2021-00621 ADV2021-00104 SFR - BLD Application - 2/19/2021
MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No:alr12„o�A-• 6011Z� PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: •BUILDING•PLANNING•PUBLIC HEALTH•FIRE MARSHAL 615 W.Alder Street,Shelton,WA 96564 RECEIVED Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext 352•Fax:(360)427-7798 Phone Belfair.(360)2754467•Phone Elms:(360)482-5269 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FEB 19 2021 OPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: 15 W. Alder Street ME NA : Q Q_' NAME: 2.N p L Yl MAILING ADDRESS:PO IWCov MAILING ADDRESS: U S CTTY:gjtV rl _STATE: iAW ZIP:GU6 CITY: h U JLA STATE:iAlg P: PHONE#1:_2-5 3 514' 3C1 IS P CELL:C6(o 5 PHONE#2: 'b1o0 Sq 5 72315 EMAIL:Q v 0.1 t 5)co t-Q 0 YVIS h C. CI�'►�1 EMAIL: oA ti-�� r►m L&I REG#C2 ,I—- - - T EXP.�/3g/� L PRIMARY CONTACT: OWNED❑ CONTRACTOR❑ OTHER❑ NAME V.S V*_C4-0('� l (o EMAIL GhC4 I c /W— MAILING ADDRESS CITY Rt"61,6 -'!rFATE LAn,1 ZIP PHONE CELL PARCEL INFORMATION• PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number) a 33 - rj 1-O OO9 3 ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated)QjprA_rr QM-1 iU it l p q 3 FIRE DISTRICT SITE ADDRESS«k rtC7 CITY [3e 1 l'rCu'lt DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS QC4 0'Yi(r•Lc A l o*% I AAA- Cni!� . f l C SS "W -Uh SW4 YY&YL d iru n 1fb*2 j I rr no Cbrn i?' IS THE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YES❑ NO Y,SNOW LOAD:_psf IS PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FT OF THE FOLLOWING: (Check all that apptv):h 0 SALTWATER❑ LAKE❑ RIVER/CREEK❑ POND❑ WETLAND❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF❑ STREAM❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEW V ADDITION❑ ALTERATION❑ REPAIR❑ OTHER ❑ USE OF STRUCTURE(Residence,Garage,Com erciat Bldg, IS USE: PRIMARY❑ SEASONAL❑ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS NUMBER OF BATHROOMS a.5 HEATED STRUCTURE? YES(Whole Bldg)4 YES(Part[V ofBldp)❑ NO❑ DESCRIBE WORK ja _Sf1Q_ SQUARE FOOTAGE:(proposed) 1ST FLOOR QQ sq.ft. 2ND FLOOR 10 sq.ft. 3RD FLOOR sq.ft. BASEMENT sq.ft. DECK sq.ft. COVERED DECK_sq.ft. STORAGE sq.ft. OTHER sq.ft. GARAGE_k(Q sq.ft. Attached k Detached❑ CARPORT sq.ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED- MA AYEAR IDTH BEDROOMS BATHS SERIAL NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC SEWER❑ / NEW❑ EXISTING K PLUMBING IN STRUCTURE? YES K NO❑ Ifyes,attach completed Water Adequacy Form PERIMETER/FOUNDATION DRAINS PROPOSED? YES❑ NO[] EXISTING SQ.FT. EXISTING BEDROOMS PROPOSED BEDROOMS 3 TOTAL BEDROOMS 3 OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that 1 am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed.I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,Including any easement holder or parties of Interest regarding this project The owner or legal representative,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This pernitlapplication becomes null 8 void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED.(MASON COUNTY CODE 14.08.42) x --A IG1 1901;)-1 ignature of OW R(Must be signed by the OWNER) Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT J T L PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No0W U 21- a t Z I PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: , `.•=BUILDING •PLANNING •FIRE MARSHAL t 615 W. Alder St-Shelton, WA 98584 RECEIVED www.co.mason.wams Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext. 352• Fax:(360)427-7798 FEB 19 2021 Phone Belfair. (360)275-4467• Phone Elma:(360)482-5269 PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATI& 5 W. Alder Street OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME: f q=Uo =LA NAME: 2.S G MAILING ADDRESS:'R�P 5(o 5 MAILING ADDRESS:P CITY: STATE:_ZIPRZ a CITY: &LrL&e&j STATE: Wq ZIP:a83a--:? 1st PHONE:. 2-5 S I?4 'aol 15 PHONE.sc 5 3 a3 S CELL: 9& aagt S 11-1 2'PHONE: 3loo '?0IS 3`a 35 EMAIL EMAIL: p� L&I REG EXP. / PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number): 1 - 6 1 -O Zoning: LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated): " e— lbw S Lot- ci 3 SITE ADDRESS:t C5� YIC-, ?_-,)ri0a0_CV_A_in b V_ CITY: Q�er1�GuJt DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS:Cr' cn, t-alt i Lix n e-- LQCA: h q C'i 6 LiV&-A ► R 15)V\,V a, TYPE OF JOB: NEW V, ADD ALT REPAIR OTHER USE OF BUILDING LOCATION OF FIXTURES/UNITS—1 sT FLOOR K. 2ND FLOOR f- BASEMENT GARAGE OTHER PLUMBING FIXTURES(SHOW NUMBER OF EACH) MECHANICAL UNITS Type of Fixture No. of Fixtures Fees Fuel Type:Electric LPG Natural Gas Ductless_ Toilets 3 Type of Unit No.of Units Fees Bathroom Sink 3 Furnace l Bath Tubs Heat Pump of Showers .IY Z Spot Vent Fan 'IV Water Heater I Propane Tank o Clothes Washer ( Gas Outlets G Kitchen Sinks I Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove o Dishwasher Kitchen Exhaust Hood t Hose bibs ( Dryer Vent l Other Solar Panel D Other Base Fee Base Fee TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL OWNER acknowledge submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. 1 declare that I am the owner,owners legal representative,or contractor.I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project.The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection.This permitlapplication becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OFTHIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION.INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. x Aj �*---� GL ignature of Owner Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT JTZ S'y`Z PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL Rev:1/27/2016 JBN Name `� Parcel#I, 3 )1 - Sl- �tx 3 BLD# �o�1 ' Jb 2.I 19 2021 Mason County Department of Community Development a kM*rA!'Aq'SJOan1water Management Application/Worksheet (page 2 of 2) Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS Required for this development activity. Title 14,Chapter 14.48 of the Mason County Code(MCC)regulates compliance requirements for Stormwater Management in this jurisdiction.A complete copy of the ordinance can be found on the Mason County website: h"//www.co.mason.wa—us/code/comniissioners/index.htin Please follow the links to "Title 14,Chapter 14.48 Stormwater Management". Regulated activities shall be conducted only after Mason County Public Works approves a stormwater site plan (Mason County Code Title 14 Chapter 14.48 section 14.48.70).You will receive a copy of the Public Works document entitled"Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots,The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan". This document will assist you in preparing the necessary information and plans for Public Works to review and approve. Per Department of Public Works this document will constitute an approved plan if all of the relevant details* are to be installed in their entirety AND no part of the stormwater system adversely affects any septic system(see Environmental Health information below). If an alternative system is to be used a plan will need to be submitted to Public Works for approval. A design by a registered professional may be required for more complex sites. *These details are found in the document Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan on the pages that begin with"Handout" PLEASE INITIAL BELOW TO INDICATE THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THIS SITE A) The relevant details from Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan will be installed in their entirety AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. B) An alternative plan and/or professional design will be submitted to the Department of Public Works for approval AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. If you have further questions pertaining to parcel drainage and stormwater management Mason County's Public Works Department can provide additional instructions,guidance and examples. (Section 14.48.130)contact Public works at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT. 450 Mail:P 0 Box 1850, Shelton WA 98584 Physical: 415 N 6th St, Shelton WA 98584 If this development has,or will have,a septic/drainfield system you may need to contact Mason County Division of Environmental Health to ensure that the stormwater system will not adversely affect the septic system of this,or any other,parcel.You may also wish to consult with the septic design professional involved with the project. Mason County Division of Environmental Health can be reached at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT. 352 Mail:P 0 Box 1666, Shelton WA 98584 Physical:426 W Cedar St, Shelton WA 98584 A condition will be added to the building permit that states,in part,that all conditions the stormwater site plan will be met prior to a request for final inspection of the building permit. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- described property for review and inspection as may be required. X -�' Owner/Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: Page 2 of 2 KECEIVED 3 ' FEB 19 2021 0e&4 262-I 60(p a-I 615 W. Alder Stree �lX 0�0� •od t PLAN1'`tl G: , ALL SETBACKS.ARE EASURED T- ANNING FROM THE FUR' HEST ;4e)d PROJECTION OF TH BUILDING z, noA6A d V : log � N � C3r; asgac�w'1 �,z. APPROVED MASON COUNT`(' DCD PLANNING SITE PLAN REQUIRED TO BE ON SITE �' r CHAN ' TO APPROVAL BY --- Date 09-3°'c21 RECEIVED a I � 3 ` FEe 61162 1 • bb� � s 2021 1 • Ob 615 W- Alder Street'. PLANNING: arm' fi ALL SETBACKS ARE 4EASURED " FROM THE FUR HEST AbA P NNING PROJECTION OF TH BUILDIN e ou 1 -� to n f a r` to 6A N APPROVED MASON COUN E`1' ;;� PLANNING p SITE PLAN RtQ ;; 'E ': in 3E ON SITE 1z 0 , CHA SI_,. i APPROVAL ,-- BY — - Date q:3 _ o THIS IS NOT ASURVEY Designer's Stamp SITE OWNER KTOPOGRANTY,ELEVATIONSANDBENCHMARKSAREBASED DAREASSUMESDATUMPROVIDED REVIEW Building Clearance Site Plan OWNER AND KITSAP COUNTY PLANNING AND LAND SERVICES GIS DATA AND ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN,A+ONSITE,LLC RECOMMENDS THAT A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ALWAYS BE USED TO SET CORNERS,ESTABLISH LOT LINES AND VALIDATE ELEVATIONS. PRESCRIPTIVE FLOW CONTROL MEASURES PRESCRIPTIVE FLOW CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY LICENSED INIVIDUALS IAW APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES.THE DEPICTION OF THE I-PIT ON THIS SEPTIC DESIGN IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE AND PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A FINAL SOLUTION TO STROM WATER MANAGEMENT. P •� METHODS AND EQUIPMENT PUNNMG SITE FEATURES,TOPOGRAPHY,ELEVATIONS AND BENCHMARKS ARE BASED ONON ASSUMES DATUM PROVIDED BY THE OWNER AND KITSAP COUNTY PLANNING AND LAND SERVICES GIS DATA AND ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN,A+ONSITE,LLC RECOMMENDS THAT A LICENSED 51Q0413 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ALWAYS BE USED IO SET CORNERS,ESTABLISH LOT LINES AND VALIDATE ELEVATIONS. 5e^ �A * �/�� `' �NJO(ggK': lV NN I N�G. EXPIRES: ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNER I C) CAREFULLY REVIEW ALL ASPECTS OF THIS SEPTIC DESIGN,ANY COSTS INCURRED DUETO CHANGES TO THIS DESIGN ALL SETBACKS ARE MEASURED %/aa AFTER SUBMISSION TO THE LOCAL HEALTH JURISTICTION AND TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT dk�.7 73'+/- FROM THE FLIRT}}EST ARETHE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNER. 31 PFi — O,lt_CTIOM1! OF THE BUILDING 22' oN 23 38' ROVED Y AP P �/ 23' MAY 12 2021 22.5' : :---�o,No u� APPROVED (6 MASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEATH 20'x 20` I ~`i • "`%� � SITE PLAN REQUIRED TO BE ON SITE REl Slab CHANGES SU$JECT TO APPRO A ca By y --•--•' � Date Jr.—tt-f —L 202 60'x 30'Reserve Drz in Field re 1 • SCALE: 0 15 30 SYMBOLS LEGEND FIREHYDRANT '+ � � � r OC Property:SgFt 10,890 // Acres .25 (1). CLEAN OUT i N ® N��C A+ Onsite LLC SEPTIC TANK +/- C mwW&Re�IdeTO Q-- FOUND PROPERTY CORNER P.O.BOX 1954,SILVERDALE WA 89 TREE EVERGREEN TEL 0D�.83DA765 ® SOIL TEST PIT LOCATION © WATER SUPPLY WELL Owner Name/Phone:RJ Peabody, Inc © WATER METER ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER Original Submission Date: 06 May 2021 Rev: Submission Date: O ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX UTILITY POLE WWS PORT LOCATION ADDRESS: 151 NE Briddadun Dr. } EXISTING TREE(GENERIC) Belfair,WA 98528 _W_ WATER LINE DWS— DRINKING WATER SUPPLY LINE —P— POWER LINE TAX I.D.: 123315100093 --- PROPERTY LINE -X- FENCE LINE(EXISTING) THIS IS NOT ASURVEY Designer's Stamp SITE FEATURES,TOPOGRAPHY,ELEVATIONS AND BENCHMARKS ARE BASED ONON ASSUMI+!DATUM PROVIDED BY THE BuildingOWNER AND KITSAP COUNTY PLANNING AND LAND SERVICES GIS DATA AND ARE INTENDED ONLY FORE REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION OFTHE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN,A+ONSITE,LLCRECOMMENDSTHAT A LICENSED Clearance Site Plan PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ALWAYS BE USED TO SET CORNERS,ESTABLISH LOT LINES AND VALIDATE ELEVATIONS. PRESCRIPTIVE FLOW CONTROL MEASURES PRESCRIPTIVE FLOW CONTROL MEASURES ARETO BE DESIGNED BY LICENSED INNIDUALS IAW APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES.THE DEPICTION OF THE I-PR ON THIS SEPTIC DESIGN 15 FOR ILLUSTRATIVE AND PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED ASA FINAL SOLUTIONTO STROM WATER MANAGEMENT. x , 4 W •3 METHODS AND EQUIPMENT SITE FEATURES,TOPOGRAPHY,ELEVATIONS AND BENCHMARKS ARE BASED ONON ASSUMES DATUM PROVIDED BY THE - OWNER AND KITSAP COUNTY PLANNING AND LAND SERVICES GIS DATA AND ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN,A+ONSITE,LLC RECOMMENDSTHAT A LICENSED 51 N K1J PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ALWAYS BEUSEDTO SET CORNERS,ESTABLISH LOT LINES AND VALIDATE ELEVATIONS. N�OLAq )AEs ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNER ^ 2 P . CAREFULLY REVIEW ALL ASPECTS OF THIS SEPTIC DESIGN,ANY COSTS INCURRED DUETO CHANGES TO THIS DESIGN ALLSETB}�CKS:RpMNG: EMASURED AFTER SUBMISSION TOTHE LOCAL HEALTH JURISTICTION ANDTO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELDPEMENT ® 73'+/-��� Fr3p,111TH ;FURT}�EST ARETHE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNER. ® PRO 2z' .I1 C�IQN OF THE BUILDING I + — --- 0 23' cV 38 P vED y A P R0 23' 'T Y 12 2021 22.s' Co ';No u�1d re APPROVED MA - �o MASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENZAIHEAITN 20'x 20' I SITE PLAN REQUIRED TO BE ON CHANGES SUBJECT TO APpRO AILS RET Slab v ` Date —1 —ZOZ IICCJJ 60'x 30'Reserve Drz in Field ,x e < I Q•No Bu��d SCALE: 0 15 30 t SYMBOLS LEGEND Property:SgFt 10,890 H Acres .25 FIREHYDRANT v �f O CLEAN OUTS+ �� �C A+ Onsite, LLC SEPTIC TANK ?! N� o � Colmle11cW3 Resfdentiel Septic Desk O-- FOUND PROPERTY CORNER P.O.BOX 1rA SILVE MALE WA9M TREE EVERGREEN TIEL 380'83OA765 epkaor>�Ne•com ® SOILTEST PIT LOCATION © WATER SUPPLY WELL Owner Name/Phone:RJ Peabody, Inc 0 WATER METER Original Submission Date: 06 May 2021 �T ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER Rev: Submission Date: JO ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX UTILITY POLE WWS PORT LOCATION ADDRESS: 151 NE Briddadun Dr. (� FXISTING TREE(GENERIC) Belfair,WA 98528 _W_ WATERLINE DWS- DRINKING WATER SUPPLY LINE TAX I.D.: 123315100093 —P— POWER LINE ... PROPERTY LINE —X— FENCE LINE(EXISTING) MASON COUNTY Mason County Permit Center Use: COMMUNITY SERVICES ADv e2QQ _ (In Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health 615 W.Alder St.—Bldg.8.Shelton,Wa 98584 Date Rcvd Phone:(360)427-9670 ext.352♦Fax:(360)427-7798 Fee: $130.00 Request for Administrative Variance for Reduction in the Required Setbacks For administrative review,the minimum variance on a setback request is 5 feet from the side yard lot lines and 10 feet for front and rear lot lines or any access easement. Request for further reduction requires a standard variance. Setbacks are measured from the furthest projection of the structure, including roof eaves and tgu ters. Applicant/Owners: iR� UA Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: 4$3'0AC;L Telephone: 7-1 S 3 0�3 s Email: Yl r lta—� LS k-C'-AC� YY\S V-\. C If this reduction is tied to a building permit,please give permit case number. BLD 6k,-*Q I - byCe_,aI Parcel Number(s): 1Q,3�k S 1 OCOq 3 i Zoning Site Address: 16-0 1 ne �YIO(2ta CLA U�JZ � Q 1�'C��-}1 ►,1Y=� Requested setback variance: Cl�52� 1 11 ft. ❑ Front ❑ Rear Side CS ft ❑ Front ❑ Rear Side ft. ❑ Front ❑ Rear ❑ Side ft ❑ Front ❑ Rear ❑ Side Front Setbacks—From access easements and road right of ways. Minimum 10 jeet. Rear Setbacks—From the rear property line. Minimum 10 feet. Side Setbacks—From the side property line. Minimum 5 feet except for certain shoreline designations. An illustrated site plan is required. Your site plan must show the following: north arrow,abutting street or easements, and set backs to all property lines and existing buildings,slopes, surface water,wetlands, critical areas, septic, well and driveway. Show all proposed new development. FRONT AND OR REAR YARD REDUCTION REQUESTS: For existing lots of record as of March 5, 2002; You must meet one of the following: 1) One of the following exists on the lot(check all that apply): ❑ a) steep slopes, wetlands, or streams present; ❑ b) soils that restrict building or septic development; c) lot width at the front yard line of no more than 50 feet; d) size of no more than one-fourth e, existing improvements of buildings septic systems, nd well areas. SIDE YARD REDUCTION REQUESTS: For existing lots of record as of March 5, 2002; You must meet one of the following: 2) One of the following exists on the lot(check all that apply): ❑ a) steep slopes, wetlands, or streams present; ❑ b) soils that restrict building or septic development; ❑ c) lot width at the front yard line of no more than 50 feet; )VJ§ ) lot size of no more than one-half acr e) existing improvements of building septic systems, a d well areas. Explain how these circumstances preclude a reasonable development proposal from meeting the setback standard for Rural Residential 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 zones. C) CJ1 LCA 1- o o. .0 C/mil ,nnl CC,i 4t, 0 Cam, N I )C)'I A h-( � n C4 Owner/Agent '4rile in-dlbe ��✓ALI" �� � ' ignature ate Ofricial Use Only Approved by: Date 05 0 0 2 Denied b Date Reason for denial: 0 a (04 THSASS TA&RvEY E vxrE,EvaarsAYDear--A.usEoaorAtwMEso.+M.AD.,DF1In. 9 p WofsDnD.AAmA.�x.xaoa;xRMr..Mwr Building Clearance-Site Plan Designer's Stamp AnocoxsnucroYmarx�wrommsE+r(smF.asK.rA.oeaf.;�E.mMMEnosrwrAAn4m .bFssgnA'.:ArowwfroRA:wAnxf'�fE0NY1mMF4F5rAld�lorlMFSUOMWUMFEENN44 PR MRIPTNE FLOW OONI ROL ICAWS nn(nnns aavmxna Mfxw.sA.ro.xsc.Dn;oE4EoWmo.Muwwnmx4;E MUE Aw�(.umoFsnM a.(rnnar.-worrwssFRY ascrs=o+�:wxMxAYD...rwrD v+osFsw,rAY]sxA,.Y]r.(ovsnf]As.wm.�raxronxowww:RMAwcFan. METHODS AND EOUPMENT .xIS 1E. IIII 1EAR.—A.HauLrtmN R—pSIM ARE" ] 111—W.ME—ERENEARUpR..1wUp1 m 'AFY —A.M FD4lWrrx F M -E55 A-ADw.roRAiwAW EE NmroSfrmR.4fnA0.Rxl0rlM4AxpwWOYEEInM'pxi �� '. ATTRITION FAOPSTY DPd&i A.V..x Rfl^Ew A.:AYE(lfJMffHICD4VLAvr(DSrSKA.DUwN[xAYSwI1xw DFEG Q ® ��'Z/,1y wrnsaxrorxE;au..rxu4rcraAromrhrcMan.xEnmr~wmavrmEa�En •+�- ARE r.NY.F.svDxwlun PiERAER1—ek RE 4 23 36 27.5. m ....1allo uqd Q Slab sMb r Ga 60'z 30'Reserve Dra in Field x Z `0,No 8u11d ^e SCALE: 0 15 30 SYMBOLS LEGEND # FRWD wv ''P .F adur pr Property:SgFt 10,890// Acres.25 ®, SM T E8(� A+OnsiEs LC �n�w � N O�.k..rEE.Iw�4�rGE.i ,.EErtXRB ,w�w�wr• � >arFn.r;Da�x �--�— ® .ArrRwwrweE Owner Name.�Phone:RJ Peabody.lnc ® swrER MErrst � uEcwciruxrawn Original Submission Dale:06 May 2021 Q E.EcrRo.,xrwn Rev: Submission Date: d mxx.aE ® ADDRESS: 151 NE Briddadun Dr. Q EA9rMDTH�Q'pEq Bedalf,WA9852B WATER Lw4 wwMwcwLrtlewa w TAX I.D.: 123315100093 APPROVED MASON COU�"Ii + .' DCO PLANNING SITE PLAN REQ'..'I,'E'' I-0 BE ON SITE CHANGES SUB:EUi 10 APPROVAL By t,� os-t y -d o 2(