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Bldg, Ramps, Setbacks - SPI Letters / Memos - 3/27/2000
MASON COUNTY SHORELINE PRE-INSPECTION APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT $70.00 Fee Required 1. Owner: Janice Clay Applicant: Jeff Clay Site Address- 118 LongWood Beech Applicant Address: 2585 Lexington Court Owner Address. 31850 NE Schaad Rd City. Woodburn St OR Zip97071 City: Newberg SLOR Zip97132 Phone: 503 981-7680 Phone: 503 538-9197 2. Parcel No. 22 - 04 - 06 Legal Description. Township 22 North Range 4 West Section 6 tax lot 900 Wilder- Himes Subdivsion 3. Purpose of Pro-Inspection: . I would like to get a determination on the possibility to remove and replace the existing residence with an equal or 300sq ft larger building. I would like to request the presence of Pam Denton from the Health Department. Please see attached map and note. 4. Use of Building: Residential 5. Is there any. type of water on or adjacent to property?- saltwater yes lake river pond yes wetland seasonal runoff other ems stream seasonal creek Directions to Site:The site was originally developed in the late 50's or early 60's by my grandfather. The existing residence is the original building constructed on the site. The building is used as a retreat by the families involved and is not used as a primary residence. Please see the attached site plan for surrounding area and elevations and further information. If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original applicatio ro-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occurlih the Pi �itywhich affect the lot evaluated in this inspection. A plicant Signature- Date: Return application to: Department of Community Development, Planning Division P.O. Box 578 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 Please include a $70.00 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer FOR OFFICE USE ONLY- Accepted by- Date: Fj!eese illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to water & property lines: Departmental Review For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings: iBENCH MARK PROJECT N0. CABIN - - - ALL ELEVATIONS DATE: 3 24 00 BASED ON NAVD 88 By: JEFF CLAY BRASS CAP SET -,,,- IN ROCK IN POINT TRITON HEAD / 1971 VM 9048. ELEVATION 11 FEET I TAX LOT 900- \ �� e / EXISTING CABIN SEPPC HOUSE OT,23A LOT 21 / 700 SF R / L I Itl 3 - z — O rn 10 Z Z HOOD CANAL Z I -_ _ o:: L0\N m i 36" INVERT OUT Q 0O ELEVATION 3.20 U O 36" INVERT OUT O 3 ELEVATION 3.59 Z 0 ELEV. 4.29' / El TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH POND RANGE 4 WEST ~ C) o LEGEND J SECTION 6 TAX LOT 900 X Z z PROPERTY LINE -- -- LOTS 22 AND 23A OF THE J W BUILDING LINE WILDER-HIMES SUBDIVISION - - - - - - - - STORM LINE - - COORDINANCE < N 47' 36' 13" ao FLOW LINE - - W 122 N ' S9' 3" SEPTIC TANK 1' CONTOUR 5' CONTOUR - - - - - - - - - - �I SHEET NO. POWER LINE -- -- - - - - - - 411111111 WATER METER ® SCALE: 1"=20' 1 FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION GRAVEL 20 10 0 20 �o J Department of Community Developmen �nnir viqion March 27, 2000 ni J��OQ P.O. Box 578 �, � Shelton, WA 98584 �C► "3 Gp (360)427-9670 Jeff and Tricia Clay 2585 Lexington Court Woodburn, OR 97071 Shoreline Pre-Inspection Application I would like to request a shoreline pre-inspection. I would also like to request the presents of Pam Denton, RS from the Department of Health Services. I would also like to request that I be notified of when you plan on doing the inspection, so I may attend and ask questions pertaining to the site. If the inspection can take place on a Monday or Friday, that would greatly help my travel schedule, the time of day is flexible. I am free any weekend during the month of April, except the first. I am also willing to wait two or three weeks to be able to work into your schedules. Please notify me by mail, e-mail (imc a wr dg com) or phone(503) 981-7680. 1 have talked to Pam in planning about this property. I have also requested and received the On- Site Sewage Systems Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health. I believe I have to request a variance to the current Sewer System Regulations, because I am too close the tidal mean high water elevation. I am not sure what is the elevation of the mean high water and would like to know how to get this information. I have enclosed a site plan with elevations, in the hope that it will help determine the distance from the high water line. Pam told me that we may develop an extra 200 sq ft of building with the variance. I would like to add an additional 300-400 sq ft if allowed. This is the reason I have requested the presence of Pam Denton. I have enclosed the Shoreline Pre-Inspection Application, Application Fee of$70.00, site map and Directions. Please feel free to call if you have any questions Tllank,s ��O0 ,J ; J ff C ay ��G�p 2585 Lexington Court Woodburn, OR 97071 (502) 981-7680 Cc: Jan Clay 5� PORT ANGELES PORT TOWNSEND TRAVEL ALONG WEBSTER LANE AND STAY TO YOUR LEFT AT Y IN ROAD. WEBSTER LANE WILL DEAD END AT TEE TURN RIGHT. AT MILE POST 315 `n TURN RIGHT ONTO 2�t w WEBSTER LANE AT UQ < J TOP OF HILL. o V) 00 w w r z cn 101 1-5 RED CABIN WITH FORKS GREEN TRIM. ROAD CEgN WILL N A LARGE eEgCN HOUSE ONPOINT, F ES YOU GET THEIR YOU PASSED US. BACK UP 50FT AND TURN SKOHOMISH DOWN STEEP DRIVE INDIAN WAY. RESERVATION LOOK FOR TURN OFF FOR SR 101 NORTH. THIS EXIT WILL BE 101 ABOUT 20 MINUTES AFTER THE PREVIOUS EXI T. OLYMPIA THE TURN OFF IS AT ABOUT MILE POST 104 IN OLYMPIA. LOOK FOR SR 101 N EXIT 104. T WO z —� PORTLAND (Ie-v ce W -2Z C106- 3-2-- 3 Z. .................................... -7 0 6A.8 64." -.A LAb 4 cri 14 c, 15 IN" qrl� 13 4L I z 4 16 V to 43 20 t;,Ove a e tz 0 10 ev AMP 7& EL 3-07-- - zo 9 BE A Cypea O"AAW c>0 LL VIA S- ICA W GO t' 24 V1, 14 STA. OTRI X- Y- 837 4049.Rd )VAf. C009t).SyS. + C? CA A, /* 0 0 3 n'P -7 ILI Microsoft TerraServer Imagery Page 1 of 1 Terra Server*-') ` v Advanced Find I Info I Download I Print I Waterproof Search TerraServer Homer Image Navigate Triton, Washington, United States 20 Jun 1994 View:lAerial Photo A 1 meter resolution �, x ►' ' `' Map Size: Medium r► , 1W Advanced Find Famous Places Web Services About ' 17 Related Links: Other Imagery: Partners: O� c i1e.Com- Waterproof Map A. 0' '100M r 0' '100yd ;76 r Mon. Z5F 23.OW Lam► Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey Source=4712225NW Center=(-122.9854,47.6023) 1250ms Running Time House and Home: o Schools,Crime and Demographics for 98312 ©Schools,Crime and Demographics for 98320 v Schools,Crime and Demographics for 98555 b TerraServer-USA jyg �qw--'.USGS Sponsors ©2003 Microsoft Corporation. Terms of Use Privacy Staters Server=TK2TERRAW EB 12 http://www.terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?t=' 12/29/2003 S ---own .•, .: -. �: �� �. :, .. � � � ;. ,,�' s �; '•'ti �,� ., � ,r �., - _ � .ti . .r ,' e � �. an 360-4 e7-9670 /-G��/�ZZ tto 6 -S 2-o��< MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION _ P.O. Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 CJ �C ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO AT ONCE TOP WORK On These Premises at dbs�✓ Lau- This order is issued because v 4u1 i as ✓ tch A.M. / Posted L - & 2- By cam, v,Q Z i II The failure to stop work, the resuming of work without perm' sion from the WARNING Department of Community Development,orthe removal,mutilation,destruc- tion or concealment of this Notice is punishable by fine a0ti imprisonment. SrlD,4 TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 2 z yo OWNER: U—� VIOLATION: STATUS: DATE: S/2 9 /`3 SITE VISIT NOTES: a ' �2 ' � L I ' � 3 - 5 " v � Post/b16�,� S�P�N+— -1-r^p -p a s j r Nk,, U,A . MASON COUNTY /5f c(tcsS �[er DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Mason County Bldg.1 411 N.5th P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 Belfair(360) 275-4467 Elma (360) 482-5269 Seattle (206) 464-6968 June 23, 2003 Janice Rae Clay, et al John Sheldon, TIC 31850 NE Schaad Rd. Newberg, OR 97132-7234 Jeff Clay 2585 Lexington Court Woodburn, OR 97071 RE: Tax Parcel Number 22406-52-00022 To Whom It May Concern: On December 3, 2002, Planning Department staff Scott Longanecker posted a"Stop Work" Order on the above noted parcel. At that time, Scott noted that unpermitted construction/remodel activity was occurring. The property file was recently referred to me, as the matter has not yet been addressed. Please review the requirements that follow, and contact me at(360)427-9670 ext. 593 if you have questions or concerns, or if you feel that you have received this letter in error. I conducted a site inspection on May 29, 2003, with Building Official Larry Waters, to familiarize myself with the issues documented by Scott. I observed three cabins and one shed on the parcel, connected by a ramp that appears to be of new construction. The only portions of construction that appear new, with respect to the first cabin, are the 18' wide deck attached to the front and the window/door replacements. The shed near the first cabin appears to be dated as well. However, the second cabin appears new. Larry and I observed a new foundation, new floor system and new roof. Larry estimated that the entire structure is new. The third cabin has a new post and block support system, new sheating, exposed tarpaper side and a new roof. Larry also estimated that this entire structure is new. Numerous regulatory issues exist with respect to the construction in question. First, all of the recent construction documented (new decks/ramp/walkway, and construction associated with the second and third cabin) requires Mason County Building Permit review and approval. Such approval is complicated by the fact that the structures encroach on the regulated buffer associated with shoreline. I have enclosed a copy of section 17.01.110 for your review. Section 17.01.110 provides for a range of buffer widths associated with saltwater shorelines (standard 100' buffer is reduced by the "common line"concept described under section 17.01.110(D)). In no case can construction be permitted within 35' of the Ordinary High Water Mark, absent an approved variance. I measured setback distances as approximately 3' —5' for the third cabin, approximately 21' for the second cabin and approximately 22.5' for the first cabin (including associated decks/ramps). The Mason County Shoreline Master Program supplements the Mason County Resource Ordinance. The third cabin does not meet Master Program setback requirements (section 7.16.080, Use Regulation 9). The second cabin and all associated decking/ramps and decking/ramps associated with the first cabin also do not appear to meet the setback requirements, but a scaled site plan depicting the location of adjacent residences will be required to confirm this. In researching the parcel's legal file, I discovered that you had attempted to schedule a "shoreline pre-inspection"with Mason County staff. The pre-inspection application form is dated March 27, 2000. However, I was unable to locate any records in the legal file or in the computer system indicating that staff ever completed the inspection. If you have any information regarding the pre-inspection or if you feel that I have not reviewed any relevant records, please contact me immediately. Absent any significant information that you may provide, the following requirements apply: Determine whether you wish to remove the structures in question, or submit Mason County Building Permit applications for the structures. If you plan to submit Building Permit applications, contact me to coordinate a meeting with Shoreline Planner Scott Longanecker so that all of the related permit issues can be accurately addressed. Other issues exist, such as density limitations, lot line setback requirements and restrictions imposed by other departments, such as Environmental Health. In either case,please contact me at (360)427-9670 ext. 593 by July 8, 2003 to inform me of whether you will remove the structures or submit permit applications. We can establish a formal compliance timeline at that time. If you reach my voice-mail, please leave a detailed message and I will return your call. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. I look forward to working with you to resolve this matter. Sincerely, Kristin French Code Enforcement Planner July72003 RECEIVED JUL 16 2003 Kristin French, Code Enforcement Planner Planning, Mason County, Department of Community Development MCCD - PLANNING Mason County Bldg. 1 411 N. 5 h P.O. Box 279 Shelton, WA 98584 RE: Tax Parcel Number 22406-52-00022 I received your letter dated June 23, 2003. 1 had not replied to the"Stop Work"order on the above noted parcel, as I had not been at the parcel from Labor Day, 2002 weekend until Memorial Day weekend 2003. My brother, John Sheldon Holmes, was also at the parcel on Memorial Day, 2003. He was going to go in person to the Planning Department end of June to ask about the notice,however, he was killed in an airplane crash on June 18, 2003. The family has been devastated with this sudden loss. We did not intend to be slow in contacting the Planning Department. We did not believe we needed Mason County Building Permits,however we will gladly submit Mason County Building Permit applications if needed after you review the case. We consulted with the Planning Department several times in the spring of 2000. We did request and pay for a shoreline pre-inspection ruling. Our understandings, after the spring of 2000 meetings which were several phone calls and one long person to person meeting on May 30, 2000, were that to build a new cabin in place of the old cabin we would have to put in a`sand' septic system. The system would require removing almost all the vegetation on the parcel. We did pay for and obtain a permit to install the new septic system. We were also told that building permits were not required for buildings 10 X 12 or under. We were also told that the building set back would be from the beach vegetation on the shoreline. We could not bring ourselves to remove all vegetation on the parcel,therefore we decided to put sliding glass doors in place of the 6-foot windows in the 1957 cabin. Build two 10 X 12 storage, bunk sheds and connect them with a ramp so the senior members of our family could easily access the storage/bunk sheds. Because the sheds were 10 x 12, and the set back from the vegetation line was well over 35 feet we did not think we needed to apply for permits. Due to the death of my brother and my leaving on a long planned trip to Africa, I will not be able to work with you and Scott Longanecker until middle of August. We have not done any work since summer of 2002 on the property and will cooperate fully with you to resolve this matter. Sincerely, t'�(� -� Jamce R. Clay 31850 NE Schaad Rd. Newberg, OR 97132 EdMASON COUNTY Shelton (360) 427-9670 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Belfair (360) 275-4467 Planning Elma (360) 482-5269 Mason County Bldg.1 411 N.5th P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 > QSS C-e'* Al 3 �� August 5, 2003 Janice Clay 31850 NE Schaad Rd. Newberg, OR 97132 RE: Tax Parcel Number 22406-52-00022 Dear Ms. Clay: Thank you for your prompt response to the letter dated June 23, 2003. I am very sorry about the loss of your brother, and will work with you to make this process as smooth as possible. From your letter, I understand that you had attempted to work with Mason County to establish a plan to guide development/upgrading of improvements on the parcel in question. Due to the somewhat complicated history associated with this matter, I would like to meet with you in person on-site to discuss the issues. If this is not possible, I would at least like to speak with you over the telephone. Please contact me at (360) 427- 9670 ext. 593 upon your anticipated return in middle August. If you reach my voice- mail, please leave a message with several date/time options for a meeting on-site or for a telephone conversation. Leave your return phone number and I will return your call. Thank you again for your willingness to work to resolve this matter. Sincerely, Kristin French Code Enforcement Planner MASON COUNTY Shelton (360) 427-9670 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Belfair (360) 275-4467 Planning Elma (360) 482-5269 Mason County Bldg.1411 N.5th P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 103 ti December 29,2003 Janice Clay 31850 NE Schaad Rd. Newberg,OR 97132 RE: Tax Parcel Number 22406-52-00022 Dear Ms. Clay: In the time since I mailed a letter dated August 5,2003 to you(in response to your July 7,2003 letter),I have formalized the scenarios that will determine which compliance options will apply to the structural improvements constructed on parcel number 22406-52-00022. I have enclosed copies of our prior correspondence for your reference. In lieu of an actual meeting,please submit the following information so that I can provide you with the appropriate compliance options via mail. • Provide the date of construction for each of the sheds and for the platform/deck/walkway. • Provide a scaled site plan that provides specific information regarding the structural dimensions,setback distances from the toe of the rock bulkhead, setback distances from property lines and all other improvements. Specify the location of septic improvements and specify which of the structures are connected to the septic system. • Provide a statement that specifies how the structures are utilized. Detail interior improvements,including kitchen/bath/sleeping accommodations. • Provide any documentation that you may have regarding site-specific information provided by Mason County staff. Please submit the information at your earliest convenience. I will tag the file for review on February 13, 2004. Following review of the information provided,I will mail you final correspondence that will detail specific compliance requirements. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact me at(360)427-9670 ext. 593 if you have questions regarding the information requested. Sincerely, Kristin French Planner,Code Enforcement f Y RECEI ' Janice R. Clay 31850 NE Schaad Road JAN 12 20 Newberg, OR 97132 — MCC . January 5, 2004 __ Mason County Kristin French,Planner, Code Enforcement Mason County Bldg 411 N. 5" P.O. Box 279 Shelton, WA 98584 RE: Tax Parcel Number 22406-52-00022 Dear Kristin French: Thank you for your letter of December 29,2003. I am able to provide most of the information requested in this letter however I need to do some measurements before I can submit the scaled site plan with setbacks from rock bulkhead and property lines. I am planning a trip to the cabin over Valentine weekend and would be able to have the site plan to you by March 1,2004. Is this OK with you? The other information is as follows: Date of construction for each of the sheds and the platform/deck/walkway: The sheds were built late summer of 20:� ei p deck/walkway-AWlt spring of 2001. The primary work was completed within the year of construction with the exception of shingles over the tar paper of the last shed and railing on one end of the deck. Specify the location of septic improvements and specify which of the structures are connected to the septic system: the only structure ;the kept c_syst a No improvements were made to the septic system. No c IRges or additions to the use of the septic system were made. The main cabin has one toilet,one lavatory,and one kitchen sink connected to the septic system;they have been connected to the septic system since 1957. How will the structures(sheds) be utilized and detail the interior improvements: The MIMS primarily for Worage and a place for quiet reading away from main cabin. They do not have any plumbing or electricity. The sheds do not have insulation or any heating capabilities. They have windows for light and cedar paneling inside for odor and bug control. Tl py are both l0 feet by 12 feet and will_be used to store fishing equipment, boating equipment, seafood gathering equipment,reading material,maps, and other bulky items such as outdoor grill and outdoor heat lamp. The main cabin is for normal living accommodations. The deck/walkway allows for easier access to the sheds by senior members of the family and below the walkway is additional dry storage for outdoor chairs and firewood. I will check my records for any written documentation from the Mason County staff. However, after deciding not to remodel or rebuild the main cabin and because we were told we did not need a building permit for outbuildings/sheds that were 10 X 12 or smaller and the critical setback was from the vegetation line of the canal, we did not seek written correspondence. Thank you for your letter as we are eager to close this issue and comply with the appropriate code requirements. You may reach me by phone (503) 780-9321 if you have questions regarding the information supplied. Sincerely: Janice R. Clay December 29, 2003 Janice Clay 31850 NE Schaad Rd. Newberg,OR 97132 RE:Tax Parcel Number 22406-52-00022 Dear Ms. Clay: In the time since I mailed a letter dated August 5, 2003 to you(in response to your July 7,2003 letter),I have formalized the scenarios that will determine which compliance options will apply to the structural improvements constructed on parcel number 22406-52-00022. I have enclosed copies of our prior correspondence for your reference. In lieu of an actual meeting,please submit the following information so that I can provide you with the appropriate compliance options via mail. • Provide the date of construction for each of the sheds and for the platform/deck/walkway. • Provide a scaled site plan that provides specific information regarding the structural dimensions, setback distances from the toe of the rock bulkhead, setback distances from property lines and all other improvements. Specify the location of septic improvements and specify which of the structures are connected to the septic system. • Provide a statement that specifies how the structures are utilized. Detail interior improvements, including kitchen/bath/sleeping accommodations. • Provide any documentation that you may have regarding site-specific information provided by Mason County staff. Please submit the information at your earliest convenience. I will tag the file for review on February 13,2004. Following review of the information provided, I will mail you final correspondence that will detail specific compliance requirements. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact me at(360)427-9670 ext. 593 if you have questions regarding the information requested. Sincerely, ?__'_ " Kristin French Planner,Code Enforcement