HomeMy WebLinkAboutPAR2019-00070 - PAR Application - 1/5/2020 i ` MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building Division Mason County Bldg. 8, 615 West Alder Street, Shelton, WA 98584 www.co.masonma.us (360)427-9670 Belfair(360)275-4467 Elma (360)482-5269 MASON COUNTY PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE NOTES • BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE: Tricia Woolett (360) 427-9670 ext. 281 E-Mail: tw@co.mason.wa.us • DATE: January 5, 2020 • PROJECT/ PROJECT TRACKING NUMBER: PAR2019-00070 • PARCEL NUMBER: 12332-50-00027 FILE • SITE ADDRESS: 23211 NE State Route 3, Belfair WA 98528 • PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE (S): Larry Stevens @ 360.275.0401 COPY DESCRIPTION & SIZE OF PROJECT/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION & USE: ADDITION/ REPAIR 14' X 20, SINGLE STORY ADDITION. SLAB ON GRADE, WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION REMOVE APROX 38' OF EXISTING 8" X 7' CONCRETE WALL AND REPLACE W NEW FOOTINGS AND 2X6 WALL REPAIR/ LIFT (Push Pier design) APPROX 3' OF 8"X7' CONCRETE WALL AT NORTH WEST END WALL. Occupancy- B ALL PERMIT SUBMITTALS ARE BY APPOINTMENT. PLEASE CALL 360.427.9670 EXT. 352 TO SCHEDULE A APPOINTMENT OR VISIT: https://www.co.mason.wa.us/community-services/submittal-request.php COMMENTS: Structure was originally built as a residence. A Change in Occupancy was permitted in 1979. Structure built in 1957, 2800 sq. ft with an unfinished basement, according to Mason County Assessor's Office. Remodel and repair work of basement must also include occupancy review and permitting. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE INCLUDED ON THE PLANS: • Code Analysis: Must be supplied in the construction plans and completed by a Washington State Licensed Design Professional for the scope of work. • SETBACKS TO PROPERTY LINES: Provide a site plan, drawn to scale. Clearly identify all structures including fences, parking and other similar items, with setback dimensions on site the plan. • DISTANCES TO OTHER STRUCTURES: Site plan, drawn to scale shall clearly identify distances, where required include fire-resistive details, including continuity, &tested assembly details. • FIRE RESISTANCE FOR EXTERIOR WALLS: When applicable include fire-resistive details, including continuity, &tested assembly details. • IDENTIFY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION & PROVIDE ALLOWABLE AREA CALCULATIONS WHERE NEEDED. See Chapter 5, IBC • FIRE-RESISTIVE RATED CONSTRUCTION &TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Where required demonstrate compliance. Identify the location of the assembly, compliance to continuity requirements and construction details: Exterior Wall (IBC704), Fire Wall (IBC705), Fire Barrier (IBC706), Shaft Enclosures (IBC 707), Fire Partitions (IBC 708), Smoke Barriers (IBC 709), Smoke Partitions (IBC 710), Horizontal Assemblies (IBC 711), Penetrations (IBC 712), Fire Resistant Joint Systems (IBC 713), Fire- Resistance Rating of Structural Members (IBC 714), Opening Protection (IBC 715), Duct and Air Transfer Openings (IBC 716), Concealed Spaces (IBC 717), ETC, • NUMBER OF EXITS REQUIRED/OCCUPANT LOAD:(IBC 1004): Table 1004 is used to determine occupant load used to evaluate the structure for exiting purposes, plumbing fixture requirements, and other code related concerns. Include design calculations, demonstrating how occupant loads were calculated, on building plans. • EXIT PLAN: Clearly identify the exit path and exit signage on construction plans. • ENGINEERING REQUIRED: Structures that do not comply with prescriptive specifications of the 2015 International Code (IBC) shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 16 of the IBC. Referencing Washington State RCW 18.08.410 -Structures 4000 sq. ft or more shall have all plan pages reviewed and stamped by a Washington State licensed design professional. The review shall include a code evaluation addressing life-safety, plumbing & mechanical evaluation, and structural analysis. (ref. RCW 18.08.410) ALL PLAN PAGES SHALL BE STAMPED AND SIGNED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL, including plumbing and mechanical pages. • ACCESSIBILITY REQUIRED: YES, must include compliance information and plan details including design details and analysis demonstrating compliance to Chapter 11 and details demonstrating compliance to ANSI 117.1, in effect at the time of submittal. Include information demonstrating compliance for restrooms, employee work areas, parking spaces, accessibility to structure, drinking fountain, signage, etc. Construction plans will NOT be accepted without compliance details include on the plans. • PLUMBING SYSTEMS (Chapter 29 Washington Amendment to IBC): Using IBC Chapter 10, determine occupant load. The number of plumbing fixtures is determined based upon the occupant load. Plumbing fixtures need not be provided for unoccupied buildings. Permitted building shall comply. On plans, include design calculations for the following: water closets (M/F), Lavatories, Drinking Fountains, etc. Referencing IBCIWAC 2902.2 separate plumbing fixtures shall be required for each sex, except when the calculated occupancy load is 15 or less, and then unisex fixtures shall be allowed. Plumbing fixture count can be for the entire facility, including all structures) for compliance purposes. Provide design calculations demonstrating how the fixture count was determined on construction plans. • NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE (IECC/WSEC): Provide completed compliance forms. Forms (Envelope, Mechanical and Lighting are available at: littps://wseccompliancedgcuments.com/ • VENTILATION CODE COMPLIANCE: Must provide calculations and compliance documentation. • AIR BARRIER: Air Barrier requirement per the WSEC must be shown on the construction documents. Plans must include testing criteria. • COMMERCIAL KITCHEN: Show compliance to Chapter 5 of the International Mechanical Code when a kitchen is included in the project. • GEOTECH SOILS REPORT REQUIRED? YES_X_/ NO • PROVIDE A SPACE FOR STORAGE OF RECYCLED MATERIAL & SOLID WASTE (WAC51-50-009): Identify the location on site plan. • SPECIAL INSPECTION: Referencing IBC Chapter 17, Section 1704.1.1. When required a Statement of Special Inspections must be prepared by registered design professional in responsible charge. A completed Special Inspection Agreement form must be submitted prior to permit issuance. • INTERIOR FINISHES: Include information demonstrating compliance to Interior finishes required in IBC Chapter 8. • STORAGE SPACES: Identify material stored, anticipated quantities, height, and if hazardous, include MSDS sheets for each product. • STORAGE RACKS: greater than 5'9" shall be permitted either with the proposed project or separate building permit. Where required documents shall include design information demonstrating stability for seismic conditions. Special inspection may be necessary, reference IBC Section 1707.6 and 1705.3 (4.5), storage racks, provide compliance information. • MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: Identify the location and type of mechanical equipment located within, and outside the structure. Address foundation and support systems for equipment. Where new equipment will be placed on site provide UL listing information and/or construction details shall be stamped bV a Washington State licensed design professional. Where applicable include duct information and duct support compliance information. • FIRE MARSHAL REQUIREMENTS: Fire Marshal comments requirements including fire protection requirements and identify compliance information on the proposed building plans. Show the location of fire extinguishers and identify type. The following items must be completed for the project approval: • WATER SUPPLY & FIRE HYDRANT: Referencing IFC, Section 508; clearly identify fire hydrant location if one is located within 400 ft of the project. • FIRE FLOW: A copy of the approved method for determining fire flow is enclosed. Complete the Commercial fire-flow worksheet to identify fire flow and fire protection that may be necessary. Note that when fire flow is not available step 3 shall apply. See also requirements for IBC Table 503, allowable areas: 0-500 sq ft.: no protection (mitigation) needed. 501-5,999 sq ft.: Install a NFPA 72 addressable fire alarm system OR construct firewalls in accordance with IBC Section 706 to create maximum 2,000 sq ft fire areas. 6,000-12,000 sq ft.: Install NFPA 13 automatic fire sprinkler system OR install NFPA 72 addressable fire alarm system maximum 6,000 sq ft fire area with fire walls constructed in accordance with IBC Section 706, OR construct firewalls in accordance with IBC Section 706 to create maximum 2,000 ft fire areas. 12,000 sq ft. or more: Install NFPA 13 automatic fire sprinkler system. • EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS: "Standards for Fire Apparatus Access Roads: adopted through Mason County Code Title 14 Section 14.17 is attached. Submit documents should clearly identify code compliance. • ADDRESSING. Referencing IFC, Section 505 and Mason County Code Chapter 14.28, all new buildings shall have an approved address. • AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM: Referencing IFC, Section 907 and NFPA 72, when proposed provide information on plans that identifies your intent to install the alarm system. Automatic fire sprinkler system requires a separate permit. • SPRINKLER SYSTEM: Referencing IFC, Section 903 and NFPA 13, (separate permit) when proposed provide information on plans that identifies your intent to install the NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system. Verify that design calculations include additional load attributed to required fire sprinkler system. • KNOX BOX: Referencing IFC, Section 506 and access shall be required. Contact your local Fire District for detail to order your Knox box. • LAND MODIFICATION: Any grading, filling or excavation in combination that exceed 200 cu yards will require a Land Modification Permit. If the project exceeds 500 cu yards it will also need a SEPA. Depending on the scope of the project you may need an engineered Stormwater Plan and Geological report to accompany this application. • SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEMS: Provide details and specifications relating to suspended ceilings where applicable. Please note we are in a D2 seismic region. Details shall be designed and approved for seismic loading in accordance to IBC Chapter 16. Where required designate special inspection plan. • STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: A Plan must be submitted in accordance with Mason County Code Title 14.48, Stormwater Management plans must meet WA State Department of Ecology's 2012 Stormwater Regulations. Must be submitted with paper copy and electronic copy. PERMITS REQUIRED FOR PROJECT: o BUILDING (each structure) o PLUMBING / MECHANICAL (each structure) o GRADING PERMIT (When greater than 200 cubic yards) o CHANGE OF USE/OCCUPANCY (When each Tenant is identified for use) o FIRE SUPPRESSION, See Fire Marshal comments (each structure) o SIGN (each business) o FENCE (Greater than 7'0" above grade) o RETAINING WALL(S) (one permit for all walls on parcel) o STORMWATER PLANS (Submit in paper and electronic copy) ADDITIONAL NOTES: 2018 Codes effective July 2020 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT FOR PERMITING: WHEN YOU SUBMIT PERMITS, YOU WILL NEED TWO (2) COPIES OF YOUR SITE/PLOT PLANS, DRAWN TO SCALE, 11X17 PAPER SIZE, ALL NECESSARY PERMIT APPLICATIONS INCLUDING THREE (3) COMPLETE SETS OF BUILDING PLANS WITH CALCULATIONS WHEN REQUIRED. (NOTE:ALL PLAN PAGES SHALL BE STAMPED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE WHEN: (1)THE STRUCTURE EXCEEDS 4000 SQ. FT., (2) THE STRUCTURE IS ENGINEERED/DESIGNED. • CONSTRUCTION PLANS, drawn to scale. Include floor plan, elevations, cross section, cross section, construction details, etc. • MECHANICAL PLAN, (If a deferred submittal must be indicated on plans at submittal) • PLUMBING PLAN AND (If a deferred submittal must be indicated on plans at submittal) • NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODENENTILATION & INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE INFORMATION. • A PLAN REVIEW FEE WILL BE COLLECTED WHEN THE BUILDING PERMIT IS SUBMITTED. VALUATIONS ARE BASED UPON THE MOST RECENT BUILDING STANDARDS VALUATION DATA. DESIGN CRITERIA: SEISMIC ZONE: D-2 WIND SPEED: 85 MPH basic 110 ultimate, Exp. (Unless proven otherwise) GROUND SNOW LOAD: PSF REFERENCE CODE EDITIONS (current code): Effective August 9, 2016 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE(IBC), INCLUDING APPENDIX CHAPTERS C, E AND H, EXCLUDING H106; SECTIONS 101 THROUGH 107, PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, AND EXCLUDING APPENDIX CHAPTERS A, B, D, F, G, I, J AND K AND; ADOPTING THE WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE WAC 51- 50. 2015 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE (IEBC) 2015 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE(UPC), PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ASSN. OF PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL OFFICIALS (IAPMO)AND ADOPTING THE WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE WAC 51-56 AND WAC 51-57, EXCLUDING SECTIONS 102.4 AND CHAPTERS 12, 15, AND 16, PART I. 2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE(IMC), PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, AND THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE AS ADOPTED THROUGH THE WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE WAC 51-52. 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (IFC) PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, EXCLUDING APPENDIX A, D, AND K AND ADOPTING APPENDICES B,C,E,F, G AND ADOPTING THE WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE WAC 51-54. 2015 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE(IECC), AS AMENDED BY WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE WAC 51-11 To view the Mason County Building and Construction Code and adopted amendments go to the Mason County website at: www.co.mason.wa.us