HomeMy WebLinkAboutPAR2002-00093 - PAR Application - 11/13/2002r - 11/13/2002 20:07 FAX 360+275+1006 JBARDMINISTORACE 03 11/13/2002 }3:21 FAIL 360 427 1708 MASON CO PIDMIT �001 �`, .�` � C�'a number:PAR o�� —Ur 00 .3 MASON COUNTY 1. a PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE REQUEST FORM The purpose of the pre.svAomi98inn eonfermoe is to identify and/or eliminate ae 7trsny potential prob loins as possble in es for the project to he processed without defy.Repi'el�ntstines from clue F�I�Sarshal s Ofl5 x,Building Department, F_tivirontmental Health,FLuming, and Public Works Departments may atrend the meeting to dis:uss rules and regulati applicable to the proposed project.Topics covered during the meeting will include the cartel rchensive plan,shore pro&=,zoning, availability of sewer and potable watts, development concepts,building cvzseruction, fire protection and life safety eoncerw of the proposed project. The pre-submission confaence will be caws- uufarmative wh=you prpvide accurate and detailed information=the Pre-Submission Conference Application Form zu cad the site plan. App Rots will be accepted when all information is received and deemed complete. Pre ubtrrission Conferences are held every Wednesday and last one hour. To schedule a meeting cc nnplete dh-, applicatitm both sides and return 10 copies of the detailed sits plan to the Mason CoulAy Department of(:o=M mity re Developmen ATTN- P •Subruission Conferences Coordinator,P-O-Box 186, Shaltoa,WA 98584. Fax m luest forms to(360)427 I7798_ If you have questions call(360)427-9670 ext.284 dEw, Re.'n4ee:. Date of lleatiola: l3'Q ?rp L ��/ site plan Submit 10 cop ies ApF,i%fiva.. Name /IgL� IneJude the fou 1.virn Mailing s � �d �p ,t� 1!>.fnrt�earilo>'o site tares: / q ✓ Inalcara Scale and North.uzvw Daytimeo-- ✓ Qrop,.'rly lint dl► emlons, eaaemma, and righzof-ways. Represent-tive �¢✓' <s�►I n / S7�✓Y1 'G1° ✓ 1ho►ocwon of all exit,and Name propeeed r>ruCsuez Inch der squats M 17mg Address fooU gp of eustiog and pn)pwcd Daytime telepfione I1 Setback d;yranee,tr&�.'tom all Parcel Nu ber: 12 digits properly liaw and.scrucna gs. Fxj sing usd prcpaed Ioe d ecoebs to L-• (•xrl CJ and fi om the site ✓ Parking mien Des iptio> of Project: ✓ Lvcalivrl of o„-e±1e sewe.g:results and Include: 1)Sc ssre fb=ge of snmc.0 re,2)Use ofbuildinas and m ms(i-e.office, drainFrelds. watol;'vtr=se, Imrarurant, stusagc,ctu),3)Occuipmncy classif ration per UBC, Table 304, / L)=doa of drinkmg s wan-r 'PP1y- and constzuc . 4)Provide one set of plans,if available:Use a seperntc alaoet if Inclurie loca6011 on the p oposed Am ozeessary RSA 2- ,ti� ��2F�4�i X �L�C�` and surrounding parcels. g tiQ�l .Z JiC.+,�"l /Y1>r T A- _?t ��ul ✓ 5ueeg bluffs,wvt1w1dx.6n=am5, srid �'�I1� h l,'Z. AN bodies of watzr 1�7 �� ✓ Location of Ells hyd netts,nd eninpcaay vehicleaccesc roads, including glade. i J s urrnce and Storm wafer r In-off rout— Con dxuad on reverse Side i • 11/13/2002 20:07 FAX 360+275+1006 JBARDMINISTORAGE 1604 11/13/2002 15:21 FAX 360 427 7796 MASON CO PERMIT CTR IM002 i Has this project been discussed during a previous Pre-Subraiasion Confer�enoc?If yes,plcascc indicraft date I WB7 the building have employees?If yes,how many? -- I What is the I to availability of the proposed project?If ih is an e�dsting well,what is 13rt n2me of tle s stem? 10 What is plsrined r the otreitc Bewagc systciz? If you arc propo ' a new an-site systeut provide detail of.the required i�plain. � I A10114014 AL COMMENTS: i I I I I i I i APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES: 1997 Uniform Dullding Code and Uniform Fire Code-WAC 51-40 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code-WAC 51-42 2000 TJsiiform Flumbing Code-WAC 51-46/51-47 2001 Washington State&crgy CodeNentilstion and Indoor Air Quality Code Mason Co=m y Ordinance Daft and Ti e Conference Scheduled: motion: 5 }s:Zy pAZ 360 az7 77e8 MASON CO >'RRMIT CTit 11/13/2002 20:07 FAX 360+275+1006 JBARDMINISTORAGE 1d1 02 11/13/2002 15_22 FAX 360 427 7798 MASON CO PERMIT CM 0004 NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT INITIAL REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE In nocordence with Washington State's Growth Management Act, the Mason County Comprehensive Plan regulates the placement, expansion or , modifioation-of commercial,.Industrial and public facilities to cartaln areas of thei caurriy. In the interest of saving you time and money the Department of Corn unity Development requires this Initial review checklist to bq completed i ind revie od by this department prior to the submission of any building permits. Applicant Mama (,d J=I }G Phone # a& 5n2gj 1 t Malling AddrgSs Site Address 0 Rvw vA Directions to Site � C septi4-7y— or Sewer Watar� supplyj� 2 Tax Parcei Legal pesorlptlon �/KE � Trzs Type bf Development to E r Applioant's Signature QFFICiAL USE 4�f�i+rf+�*wEtt�asfMs�s��#��s�rww*w+�:s •fisfs��r���Fil�tl�r*�*tiff IU Appm"d By �_ CORxl�vid batn j , 11 1 1 • 1 11 • '► i I ' I ■■ , 1 ■■: ::"■■■■Ea:::'■m■■M■:`:::"mmm,■Sa:ma mail■■,a■■M �lmm►na4MMMM■■M■EQ=maaammom m ommaw=on ■on mmm.:�.. ....5.......■,..::■a./■■ ■■■■..Ew■■■■,■!-E •M■■■,.■M.■ ■■■a:C::":::■:: :': EWEN man Ross a mom mass Sim -!R%vmbi'qmmm Noun ■■■uQ7i a'■ ■uu■Qri■■MR IRAN t■,■■ moll u■■■■tram■Wa■■MOORE■■Ewa■■:CC■■■w■c_■■��■■■���;.c�-��■a�w■■■Otta III u aaaa ■■■C■■■■ uMa■oM ■■■Mu■■■■ E■■■L"ILr■■t-a�■r-.mamac�r1■■..v_■.-ria�'.■._w ,■ ■■■ ■■■OQQa■ ■■:�:■■Mt NONE:mamma ■m■■Q�iM■■ mi�JLM.M■t ar■►��J�.t�11a.m■■m�,17..■i►� ■at61,0% ■■ ■t Emil ■■�■�`■ ■W■a■■ ■a■■■■■Q■■■■ ■■■igol w■ ■4r■\r/7\iJ■M,kl■■■[!_�i�7■■\'\L. 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