HomeMy WebLinkAboutStorm Drainage Report Final - PLN General - 7/1/2003 t PLANNING FINAL STORM DRAINAGE REPORT FOR: J Bar A WM-STORAGE LOCATED IN BELFAM WASSINGTON Judy 1,2003 FOR J Bar D P.O_Boa 1461 Poulsbo,WA 98370 (360)509-0119 PREPARED BY: Team 4 Engsnaering 5819 NE Minder Roed Poulsbo,WA.98370 (360)297-5560 p„ K LUJ i-vovi `I c)tl c9 c EXPIRES 1/30/ ,U� TABLE OF CONTENTS L LOCATION PC. 3 IL PREDEVELOPMENT SITE CONDITIONS PG. 3 IIL UPSTREAM ANALYSIS PG. 3 IV. DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS PG. 4 V. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PG. 4 VL OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES PG. 4 VII. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS PG.4 VIIL HYDROLOGICAL ANALYSIS PG. 5 IX. STORMWATER QUALITY ENHANCEMENT FACILITIES PG.8 X. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PG.8 FIGURES FIGURE 1 VICINITY MAP PG. 10 FIGURE 2 PREDEVELOPED SITE MAP PG. 11 FIGURE 3 SOILS MAP PG. 12 FIGURE 4 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS SITE MAP PG. 13 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT 1 HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUPS PG. 14 EXHIBIT 2 CURVE NUMBERS PG. 15 EXHIBIT 3 MANNING'S COEFFICIENTS PG. 16 EXHIBIT 4 100 YR,24 HR LSOPLUVIAL PG. 17 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 BIOSWALE DESIGN PG. 18 2 I. LOCATION The proposed development is located on a 5.34 acre parcel, in the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 32 Township 23 North, Range 1 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington. The site is situate in Belfair and is immediately east of Navy Yard Highway. The Assessor's Parcel Number for the site is 123325000020. Adjacent projects include the Belfair Baptist Church to the north, and the Belfair Doctoes Clinic to the south. H. PRE-DEVELOPMENT SITE CONDITIONS The site is approximately 5.34 acres and contains three drainage basins. The western portion of the site is currently developed and contains a storage facility. The area to be developed encompasses some of all three basins and is labeled basin PreDev. The remaining basin areas consist of native vegetation and are the remnants of a logged off area. All remaining undeveloped drainage basin areas are located on the upper portion of the property and discharge storm waters to the north and south away from the project site. Their respective areas are not used in the calculations. See Figure 2—Pre-Development Site Map. The DOE Manual assumes the conditions of the site in 1988 were established second growth forest. For the purposes of this analysis, this pre-grading site condition of established second growth forest has been used. The soils on site are listed in the"Soil Survey of Mason County Area, Washington" prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service as Everett gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes. See Figure 3 —Soils Map. The Everett soil group is listed as Hydrologic Group A in Table HI-1.6 of the DOE Stormwater Manual—Hydrologic Soil Group in the Puget Sound Basin. Soil logs excavated on the site for this project show data consistent with the SCS mapping. Water for domestic use and fire flow are serviced from Belfair Water District. An eight- inch main is located on the west of the Navy Yard Highway and an 8" line has been brought under the highway via a boring. Sanitary is on-site disposal. The primary and reserve drainfields for all buildings are located to the south and east of existing building A5. III. UPSTREAM ANALYSIS There are no basins upstream of this proposed project to analyze therefore there is no analysis used in the following calculations. 3 IV. DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS All runoff from the JBarD Mini-Storage project flows west to the infiltration ditches located on the west side of the project, adjacent to the Navy Yard Highway. The roofs will also be infiltrated in trenches located in between each set of buildings. V. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPEMT The developed site contains three drainage basins. The developed area is labeled basin PostDev. The remaining undeveloped drainage basin areas are located in the upper portion of the project and drain the north and south into the adjoining second growth forest next to the development area. See Figure 4—Developed Conditions Site Map. The site is owned by Jesse Wallace et al and is located in the UGA of Belfair. The owner proposes to build an additional 3 buildings in like fashion of the existing 5 buildings. The new buildings will use extended services from the existing facilities as needed. VI. OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES The portion of the site, which will be developed, is Everett series with long term high infiltration capacity(hydrologic soil group A). Therefore the selected method of Stormwater Management for the project is Infiltration. A new Stormwater collection, conveyance, treatment and infiltration system is proposed to handle the additional paved areas located on the westerly edge of the proposed addition. The building roofs will discharge to individual infiltration trenches. Each set of buildings will be equipped with one trench for each half of the roof. The trenches have been sized using Waterworks software version in conjunction with the DOE manual. Note that the west half of building"F" is being infiltrated in the pavement trench since the existing trench was not sized for the future expansion. The paved and landscaped areas will be graded for surface flow and storm drain flow discharging to a bioswale. The bioswale is designed to provide Quality enhancement for the 6 month, 24 hour storm event. The bioswale will discharge to a Spill Containment Oil/Water separator to an underground infiltration trench. These facilities will provide infiltration of runoff for the 100 yr., 24 hr. storm for most paved and landscaped areas on the developed site. A small portion of the pavement in the area of expansion will not be collected in the new system, but will be collected and treated in an existing onsite system. VII. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The DOE Stormwater Management Manual defines technical requirements. • The Water Quantity Mitigation facilities will be infiltration trenches designed to retain the 100 year, 24 hour, type 1 A storm. 4 • The Water Quality Mitigation facilities will be a bioswale designed to provide treatment for the 6 month, 24 hour storm event. This design event is equivalent to 64% of the 2 year, 24 hour, type 1 A storm for the developed condition. VIII. HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS Runoff computations utilize the SCS-based hydrograph method, Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) method with Type 1 A rainfall distribution. The hydrological analysis was performed using StormShed (Release by Engenious Systems, Inc. Other parameters are as follows: • Runoff Curve Numbers (CN), Type 1 A Storm; See Exhibit 2 - Table 5-2 Modified Curve Numbers. • Manning Coefficients; See Exhibit 3 - Table 5-3 Manning Coefficients/"IC" Factors. • 100 year, 24 hour Precipitation Isopluvial; See Exhibit 4. 1. ROOF AREAS The roof runoff from the buildings will be infiltrated in infiltration trenches constructed using washed rock for drainfields. The volume of trench required was computed using software as mentioned above. The footprint of each building proposed is 4,600 S.F. (0.1060 ac.) with a ridgeline dividing the roof area in half. Using the infiltration rate for sand at 6 in/hr and a 40' long 10'wide trench, the design dictates that a 3' deep trench be used to service 4,600 sf of roof area. Running C:\Program Fi les\StormShed\RLP-rooftop Report.pgm on Thursday, July 10, 2003 Summary Report of all RLPooI Data Project Precips [2 yr] 3.00 in [10 yr] 5.00 in [100 yr] 7.00 in BasinlD Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event ------- (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss Roof(92x50) 0.0747 8.00 0.0254 0.11 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 2 yr Roof(92x50) 0.1263 8.00 0.0437 0.11 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 10 yr Roof(92x50) 0.1777 8.00 0.0620 0.11 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 100 yr 5 Drainage Area: Roof(92x50) Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 78.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.1100 ac 98.00 0.08 hrs Total 0.1100 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: p-rooftop 98.00 0.1100 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Fixed dummy 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min HydID Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Cont Area ------- (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) (ac) roof-out2yr 0.06 2.33 0.0298 0.1100 roof-outl0yr 0.06 2.17 0.0459 0.1100 roof-out 1 00yr 0.06 1.33 0.0627 0.1100 Node ID: Infil-rooftop Desc: Manhole structure Start El: 100.0000 ft Max El: 108.0000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Length Width Void Ratio 40.0000 ft 10.0000 ft 30.00 Bottom area only with infiltration Control Structure ID: Infil-rate - Infiltration control structure Descrip: Multiple Orifice Start El Max El Increment 100.0000 ft 105.0000 ft 0.10 Infil: 6.00 in/hr Multiplier: 1.00 RLPCOMPUTE [RLP-rooftop]SUMMARYd 2 yr MatchQ=PeakQ=0.0747 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.0556 cfs-Peak Stg: 100.37 ft-Active Vol: 43.99 cf 10 yr MatchQ=PeakQ= 0.1263 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.0556 cfs-Peak Stg: 101.25 ft-Active Vol: 149.58 cf 100 yr MatchQ=PeakQ=0.1777 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.0556 cfs-Peak Stg: 102.61 ft-Active Vol: 312.65 cf 2. ASPHALTIC & LANDSCAPED AREAS The runoff from the rest of the developed site will be infiltrated in infiltration trench constructed using washed rock for drainfields. The volume of trench required was computed using software as mentioned above. The areas remaining to be collected and treated are- 6 • The west half of building"F"(2,300 sf) • The pavement (0.3 5 ac) • Landscaped areas (0.17 ac) • Some undeveloped areas are contributory (1.04 ac) Using the infiltration rate for sand at 6 in/hr and a 60' long 30'wide trench; the design dictates that a 3' deep trench be used to service the rest of the developed area. Running C:\Program Files\StormShed\RLP Report.pgm on Thursday, July 10, 2003 Summary Report of all RLPool Data Project Precips [2 yr] 3.00 in 110 yr] 5.00 in [100 yr] 7.00 in BasinlD Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event ------ (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss PostDev 0.2716 8.00 0.0953 1.61 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2yr PostDev 0.4594 8.00 0.2064 1.61 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10yr PostDev 0.6927 8.00 0.3556 1.61 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100yr Drainage Area: PostDev Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 1.2100 ac 45.65 0.35 hrs Impervious 0.4000 ac 98.00 0.08 hrs Total 1.6100 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Est. Second Growth Forest 42.00 1.0400 ac Lawn & Landscaping 68.00 0.1700 ac Impervious CN Data: pavement 98.00 0.3500 ac structures 98.00 0.0500 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Est. Second Growth Forest 300.00 ft 20.00% 0.4000 21.26 min Shallow 2:1 Cut Slope 85.00 ft 50.00% 11.000 0.18 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Fixed dummy 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min HydID Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Cont Area ------- (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) (ac) east-out2yr 0.25 2.50 0.1171 1.6100 east-outlOyr 0.25 1.67 0.2101 1.6100 east-out100yr 0.25 1.33 0.3581 1.6100 7 Node ID: Infil-east Desc: Manhole structure Start El: 100.0000 ft Max El: 108.0000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Length Width Void Ratio 60.0000 ft 30.0000 ft 30.00 Bottom area only with infiltration Control Structure ID: Infil-rate - Infiltration control structure Descrip: Multiple Orifice Start El Max El Increment 100.0000 ft 105,0000 ft 0.10 Infil: 6.00 in/hr Multiplier: 1.00 RLPCOMPUTE [RLP] SUMMARY 2 yr MatchQ=PeakQ= 0.2716 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.2500 cfs-Peak Stg: 100.14 ft-Active Vol: 73.51 cf 10 yr MatchQ=PeakQ=0.4594 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.2500 cfs-Peak Stg: 100.78 ft-Active Vol:419.15 cf 100 yr MatchQ=PeakQ=0.6927 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.2500 cfs-Peak Stg: 102.46 ft-Active Vol: 1327.32 cf IX STORMWATER QUALITY ENHANCEMENT FACILITIES The Stormwater quality enhancement will be provided by a bioswale sized to treat the 6 month storm. The 6 month storm runoff rate from Basin PostDev is calculated as 64% of the two year storm runoff rate. The two year storm peak discharge as calculated by Waterworks is as follows; 2 yr Flow Time Volume 6 Month Summary: 0.2716 cfs 8.00 hrs 4153 cf—0.0953 acft 0.1740 cfs As presented in Attachment 1 —Bioswale Design Worksheet, for an 8-foot wide bioswale with slopes at 1.00 percent the minimum length to meet the required 300-second contact time for the 0.174 cfs design flow rate of the basin labeled PostDev is 47 lineal feet. The proposed bioswale is located on a slope of approximately 14%. In order to have a bioswale that slopes at 1% a terraced bioswale is being proposed. X. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The developed area is small in acreage, with moderate ground slopes and combined with the fact that the soils are sandy, the potential for erosion and sedimentation problems is low. Erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed as the first work on the site. The TESCP includes the following elements; • Filter Fabric Fence along the west boundary. • Stabilized construction entrance. • Installation of a Sedimentation Trap. (20'x10') At this point the TESCP changes to a Maintenance Program. Elements of the maintenance program extend beyond maintenance of the above described facilities to 8 application of best management practices to include slope stabilization, covering exposed areas, and other measures as included in the project notes, "Minimum Erosion and Sedimentation Control Requirements" and "General Erosion and Sedimentation Control Requirements". 9 � � I I O I � I Q 1 I � I - W 1 1 I T DE OR, - -------- - --- - � -- PDCNI[M' i 21 11I 29.; 2a ——— T - ----- - - - -- - DAVIS FAA RD. FS 2-1 I 1�Q� I I r I I 1 I i I 1 0 1 I I � I rr0, ca„w c�a,a,s+ _ 300 I o-��� I BELFA I R 3 6FLFAIR St. b l3 I I 29 : 28 I - -- ---32 33 --- --- ---- ------ -- BYERLY I I I I I I 1 RD. FIGURE 1 - VICINITY MAP P . 10 J BAR D r aw -AE APE �rt� � E � I �� � � � j ' 30' 50 30, w w j 50. mow T WE M% TRACT < Mr.M.Aw ME SEE SURVEY RECORM AV M" M PAGE 37. RECORDS TRACT 11 air WSON COUAM. WAVR4TON, C) C) .cl4 O rl- "- SCALE 1 120' c; rn AREAS LoE REACHES 00 BASIN PREDEV (1.57 AC) PERVIOUS 1—SHEET 300' 0 207. 2—SHALLOW 300' 0 16% 3—SHALLOW 30' 0 67% m 0 FIGURE 2 PREDEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS s,_T:1�• --•--•yam �.r — _ l IN 10:1 1 V 14.1.14 l L N t i r r L I U ;'ram _ ^.dr,yrs. , :e„ :'7 s Sr e ♦M1it� t: .'a JA• as `�.:a ♦�i ,� ,i t.4 ^te• yr 'd�« ,?r: :t�.�1.tZ �� 1`-N/4 5j t��:.:. � -•tom -��' � a' -� :h K< �` .. .� ,,x:�< s.�i a. '�,,,/ ♦A :K•1 ,Wi ,}' Tf tiw-♦ K .F.�. K{1/•� � •� �� � "� .,1 :� ;r.� i b L '• B't?; x�i4t� F f.�M . s c r• sa .�;x �ti�,�4�`�>��Ly,� tray " ; 4 �',�._�'•`:� r',�C'� j'a:!.�f k. T•rJ • ' '.'"• ,t.t ' �\\ "11 `%'�'3�t: �• <s. 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RECORDS TRACT 11 OF M45ON COUNTY WISHFNGTON. 0 L I--, SCALE 1 pp 120' AREAS o REACHE EACH BUILDING ROOF (0.11 AC) PERVIOUS 0 COLLECTED PA VEMEN T (0.35 AC) 1—SHEET 300' 0 207. 1-11 0-)COLLECTED LAWN & LANDSCAPING (0.17 AC) 2—SHALLOW 85' 0 50% R: -cCOLLECTED 2ND GROWTH FOREST (1.04 AC) 0 IMPERVIOUS 2 0 1—Tc=5MIN m Ln 0 0 FIGURE 4 DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN Table III-1.6 Hydrologic Soil Groups fo•Soils in the Puget Sound Basin Hydrologic Soil Hydrologic Soil Soil Type Group Soil Type Group Agnew C Colter Ahl B C Aits Crater ND Alderwood C Dabob ND Arents,Alderwood Delphi D B Dickim ND --7 Aroma, Evs,roa B Dimal Baldhill Ashoo B �p°Or D BarnasWo B Earimool C Baumgard B Eld�kk C Beausite B Elwell B Belfast C Eayuatzel B Bellingham D Everett Bellingham variant C Everson A. Boisistfofon B Galvin Bow D Briscot D Getchell A D Gila Buckley B C Godfrey D Cagey roonwater B G Cagey C A Carisborg Grove C Casey ND Harstine C Cassole Hannit ry D ND Cathcart B Hoh ND Centralia Hoko ND Chesaw 8 Chehalis B Hoo dal n CD Cinebar A Hoypus ND Clellem B Huel ND Clayton Wisinole ND Coastal beach*& B Jonas B variable Jumps, ND Ka�pD CID Kaleloch Katule C c Kilchis Remo D Kitsap C Republic B Klaus C ND Roberwash variable KlonLaws ND Salal C Lies C Lebam C Saikum B B Lummi Sam namish D San Juan Lynnwood ND N D LysND Scamman D Mal ND Schneider Ma! g Manley C Seattle D Mashel B Sekiu B ND Maytown Semiahmoo D McKenna C Shalear D McMurray Shano y ND g Melbourne Shelton C Menzel B Si C Mixed Alluvial ND Sinclair Cvariable Skipopa Molson B D Mukilteo Skykomish B N&ff C/D Snahopiah ND Nat B Snohomish D A Solduc National ND g Neilton Soileks ND A Spars D IIi-1-9 FEBRUARY, 1992 IT • 1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN Table III-1.3 SCS Western Washington Runoff Curve Numbers (Published by SCS in 1982) Runoff curve numbers for selected agricultural, suburban and urban land use for Type lA rainfall distribution, 24-hour storm duration. LAND USE DESCRIPTION CURVE NUMBERS BY HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP A B C D Cultivated land 1 : winter condition 86 91 94 95 Mountain open areas: low growing brush & grasslands 74 82 89 92 Meadow or pasture: 65 78 85 89 Wood or forest land: undisturbed 42 64 76 81 Wood or forest land: young second growth or brush rush 55 72 81 86 Orchard: with cover crop 81 88 92 94 Open spaces, lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, landscaping. Good condition: grass cover on L758 of the 68 80 86 90 area Fair condition: grass cover on 50-75% of 77 85 90 92 the area Gravel roads & parking lots: 76 85 89 91 Dirt roads & parkin lots: 72 82 87 89 Impervious surfaces, pavement, roofs etc. 98 98 98 98 Open water bodies: lakes, wetlands, ponds etc. 100 100 100 100 Single family residential(2) : Dwelling Unit/Grose Acre %Impervious(3) Separate curve number 1.0 DU/GA 15 shall be selected for 1.5 DU/GA 20 pervious & impervious 2.0 DU/GA 25 , portions of the site 2.5 DU/GA 30 or basin 3.0 DU/GA 34 3.5 DU/GA 38 4.0 DU/GA 42 4.5 DU/GA 46 5.0 DU/GA 48 5.5 DU/GA 50 6.0 DU/GA 52 6.5 DU/GA 54 7.0 DU/GA 56 PUD's, condos, apartments, %impervious commercial businesses & must be industrial areas computed (1) For a more detailed description of agricultural land use curve numberei refer to National Engineering Handbook, Sec. 4, Hydrology, Chapter 9, August 1972. (2) Assumes roof and driveway runoff is directed into street/storm system. (3) The remaining pervious areas (lawn) are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. III-1-12 FEBRUARY, 1992 iF3 t S 1N91OLL49Q0 o t)N1NNVn - C 1/8/HXg slauv�go uado io3 sanjen «u„sOUrtftm [ puoglppE ao3 £-L alge.L aaS** **u/LO8'0 a ? puv sj3- mmga aptw-utw `sureasls sag10 'ZI LZ (0£0'0 = u) un?a.ns pauij-SsIrio I i £Z (9£0'O = u) uma-ns pauii-VOld .01 OZ (0b0'0 = u) slood autos pm umms 8uuapuuow -6 (b'0 =2i `urea.rls snonutluo0) mol3 [auutlgD u/805'0 a put, s enualen�1ag10 8 Zb (Z I O'0) adid alaiouoD L I Z (bZ0'0 = u) adid dWo '9 OZ (SZO.O = u) XVAUU JUM pauil-qMa S L 1 (0£0'0 = u) XLIAUallCn� passel0 •b S I (S£0'O = u) XLmaalen� Null-VON £ 01 (050'0 = u) Paq [auungo PauT�aP ql� auinei/asmoo adeularp pajsaio j Z 5 (01.0 = u) iauil puno18 Cneaj q Lm al ems palsaso3 l �x (Z'0 = 21 slauuLgo algis!A JO 8uiuui8aq ld) (lua iuualui) MoU pauungo*+ LZ £[ Z 10'0 = u ware [anei Puu paned 'L (SZO'O = u) Pcmo'2 a.imq �C[le N •9 I I (0£0'O = u) suMVI PUV `aimsed `ssei2 uogS .9 6 (9£0.0 = u) SSI'12 VIH b 8 (00'0 = u) uopeniljno a?ejpj umunutur so molje3 £ s (090.0 = u) saa.q autos Blinn punoi2 Xgsnag z (0I'0 =u) snnopIaui Pue sauil punoi2 ,Cnvag Lp!m lsalo3 [ s1 (['0 =2i `A%OU hags jo 'l3 00£ Ietllui aql saijy) Mold paleAuaouo MO INNS suoclelnolrD uojlejjuaouo3 3o auu1 j,/owl anew uT as san L I .L . P fl feA «`I„ (9861 `5Nfl aaS) 9L61 sMopeON puP uouan0 cuo.g `,f[uo nnol31aags sop smILIA 2uruueW* 08'0 gsnigsapun asuap gjim lsa so spooM Ob'0 gsTugiapun lg2il Blinn lsaioj so spooM £I'0 I b'O (lemleu) aBuE2l bZ'0 sse.r8 epnuuag sassel2 asuaQ S I.0 sumVI Put' ssel2 ouirld liogS L I'0 (1U/l3 On < s) .ranoo anpisai pm ITos PaItlApjnD 90'0 (I3/13 OZ'O 5s) sanoo anptsai glcnn l!os paleniljn0 50.0 (anprsai ou) ooejms pros asool so spl;)g molle3 110'0 (lios paloed pumg a -eq so `[ane12 `ljegdse `alaiouoo) saoejjns gloowS su (lane11 JO .0 00£ Ieiliui aql lo3) sonleA s,8urutMW uoilenbg nnol3 laa u s demo ,C so suopr no a auri ui as san n gs «5 g IP H 1 I I P fl f A ,A, (IMV ,,u„ .O STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN 124 123 122 121 49 45_ s EL ,15 40 1 ( 55 44 U rFIC•-r HAR pF .PORT S1AN 70 L a� 1 30 l ° \ �--tTT ` 5 I 6 55 i Alin 75 3 . 85 i 5 15 i o s I � 90, lock C ' ` `' °p 90 do 4 S s 11 A9 AT 5 T � C 40 1 60, 00 I ��. —� 7 S 55, 6 47 I 3 3 I f•.l � Is ABC C n ,�� � I ,65 1 so ._. w s a 705 °� [ 1R L � » i (( - 60� 2 11 n 22 ' YAK 6J � � 45 a � ° 5 ' 0 7 s 55 ii t so 65 76 T 0 'fro 461 65 `60w �0 ° ( AD M 30 �25 WASHINGTON �° i „ 50 '° tCK�i 10 0 10 20 30 40 , N E —'—+ MILES ,0 ' ['M Figure 30i ss lo�s35 —/S — � NOAA ATLAS 2, Volume IX ISOPLUVIALS F 100-YR 24•HR PRECIPITATION TION 50 55 60 65 Prepared by U.S Department of C coerce IN TENTHS OF N INCH Nafionsl Oceanic and AtmosphancAliministration Netionsi Weather Service,Office of NydrolotY Prepared for U.S.Department of A iculture, Son Conservation Service,Engineers 9 Division 124 123 122 121 III-1-46 FEBRUARY, 9992 BIOSWAL.E DESIGN WORKSHEEY Project Name JBarD mini-storage Job No. 005A By: RDC Client Jesse Wallace Date: 7/9/2003 Q=(1.486/n)"A"R^2/3*S^1/2 where: Q= Flow Rate, in cfs input: B= 8 ft. V= Velocity, in fps S= 0.01 ft./ft. n= Roughness coefficient, Q 2yr= 0.2716 cfs A= Area of cross section, in sf Q 100yr= 0.6927 cfs R= Hydraulic Radius S= Slope, in f/f calculate: Q Match= 0.64(Q 2yr)= 0.174 cfs requirements: n= 0.2 max 3 to 1 sideslopes Q match d A R V find: Q Match 0.190 cfs check: d<0.25 YES 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 select: V= 0.157 fps 0.033 0.05 0.408 0.051 0.081 calculate: L req'd= 47 lin. Ft. 0.108 0.10 0.830 0.103 0.130 0.174 0.13 1.108 0.137 0.157 0.359 0.20 1.720 0.211 0.209 0.533 0.25 2.188 0.265 0.243 0.359 0.20 1.720 0.211 0.209 check stability: 0.693 0.29 2.572 0.309 0.269 0.969 0.35 3.168 0.373 0.306 find: Q 100yr 0.693 cfs 1.229 0.40 3.680 0.426 0.334 check: V<3.0 ? YES 1.517 0.45 4.208 0.478 0.361 d<1.0 ? YES 1.830 0.50 4.750 0.528 0.385 2.169 0.55 5.308 0.576 0.409 2.531 0.60 5.880 0.623 0.430 2.915 0.65 6.468 0.667 0.451 3.320 0.70 7.070 0.710 0.470 3.745 0.75 7.688 0.750 0.487 4.188 0.80 8.320 0.788 0.503 4.649 0.85 8.968 0.823 0.518 5.127 0.90 9.630 0.857 0.532 5.619 0.95 10.308 0.888 0.545