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MIS96-0625 AFA - MIS Permit / Conditions - 9/19/1996
MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 M I SC. 1E= t_ t_AIVECJtl—'13 PFRM 1 .1. FOR INSvLi; i TUNS CALL 4,e7--9670 M I S96-O625 PARCEL :1 23 3 250000 1 5 PLAT .SAPt_0 D IV t BL.K : LOT : JOB ADDRESS : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPL. I CANT : SE.LFA I R COMMUN i T Y BAPTIST 275 -6031 OWNER : BEL FA I R COMMUNITY BAPTIST 275. 0031 LEGAL . SAN E. INFLEI'S #Off. t GAO TSS TO 7 EX 1 25' Of I TR T-A A B PROJECT DESC:R 1 PT 1 GN : AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM PPOJECT LOCATION ; PROJECT NOTE : TYPE AMOUNT BY DATE: RECEIPT PRMT AI 50.00 CPH 09110/96 0173 11 -1 TOTAL s 110 ,00 OW14H OR AGENT DAf MIS Clot, rev, OCI I I I COMPLIANCE ,TO ATTACHED CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PL UMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O, Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 c PFRN1 ! _r t^ t7NC") I i I clNS Case No . : MIS96-0625 For : BELFAIR COMMUNITY BAPTIST Page : 1 1 ) 1 . PLEASE SHOW USE Of ALL AREAS PROTECTED . SFF 'THE ATTACHED COPY FROM MASON COUNIY FIRE ALARM STANDARD",y�.-p 7 2) All approved Flans are required to be on-site for inspection purposes . If inspection is called for anti plans are not on site, Approval WILL NOT be granted . In addition , a Re- Inspection fee in the amount of * 32 .00 per hoer (minimum 1 hour ) will be charged and most he oo I I ect ed by th i -, department prior to any further Inspections being t:lhrformed or approval granted . 3 ) PUR:3UANT TO 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE , SECTION 305(C ) AMID SECTION 513, ALL SITES MUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS UR ADDRESSFS PROVIDED IN SUCH A POSITION A5:, TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE: PROPERTY . MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQ!_I I PFS THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOP ANY SITE I NSPFCT I ONS . A REINSPECTION FEE: , BASED ON RATES IN TABLE 3A OF THE 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE WILL BE ASSE.SSEn IF OWNER/CONTRACTOR f A I i_S TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REOLIE:ST I NG i 1 INTAODUCtiON FILL The Model 5207 is an 8-zone Fire Conlrol/Communicator that meels the requirements for hFPA 11, NFPA 72A, NFPA 7213, cabinet may be surface mounted or flush mounted. NFPA 72C and NFPA 720. It Is availabl will)a 1 UC 2-VDC or 24 V power supply, which can be selected in the field. The 5207 NOTE 1: This manual Is Intended to he used with printed cln:uit board, revision J. 9 you are using a'dl/lerenl board,please I ' contact Silent Knight Security Systems(at file address/phone number on page 4)for replacement Insfrucfions. NOTE 2: According to file latest NFPA standards,class A zones are now designated as"style D"and class B tones are k designated as"style A." 1.1 HARL)W/1qE %nTunES • 8 zones(2 style D and 6 style A)expandable to 16 zones (n additional s4 zone expander, y NIA$ones)through the use of a Model 5210' • Downloading capabilities. '4 ( Style A zones will su a x,y sup pod rl both 2-wire and 4-wire snu,kv :t�,tertcf9s. ' P - 0 Easy to wire tennlnal layout. Four supervised hell outputs. • Four general purpose 2.5-A foriA C relays. " • Short circuit protection on power outpuls. ` • Two phone lines. • Four phone numbers(plus coml)uler phone number lot r1-rwnloading). • Four account numbers. • Multiple formals: SK 412,SIA,Ttadionles BFSK,SK FSK 1. L `• 'w • Large cabinet 16 X 26.4 X 4 (W x I I x 1)). , •.l._ ' • Multilane knock-out sizes: 710% 13/e", 1:/4" lV 1.2 ACCESSORIES • Model 4180 Status T.)isplay Modulo. r • Model 5191 12/24-V mower supply. • Model 5210(style A/c:lass 13)fi-zuno expander. • Model 52PO1)I1ecl Current Module or Series Type Mj,sler T3nx. • Model 52:311 Iterr►ole Annunciator with liquid crystal(li.,,l,lay(L(;D). • Model 52(;O1'rinler lraterlaCe(not Investigated by Ul.). • Model5521 Uesk'l of)I Iogranrner. • Model 5541 bownloa(On9 SOftwal0(using Model 5530 Modena). • Model 7181 t)ratVHISaI Lone Converter. i 1.3 TEST C'EA-IUjiES • Walk test will)short MI(loolial hull ring. • Optlon to store Iho zone lost until testing Is complelo,end then report to Iho central station. • Real 111110 plogiammable 241 lour Test for conanatrlical„r. • Troubleshoot 2011e lnlauls without H voltmeter. • Manual Bell and Commurnicalor lest. • Set Dale/l hno and program c)plio nas from a 5230 Remulo Armunclator. 1.4 UPET3A I IUN FEATURES • Manual sllencang of Alarms and 1 roubles. • Automatic display of Alarms or'Troubles. • Requesl(Ilsplay of alarm memory, sllonced troubles or shunted zones. • Manual reset of smoke detectors. • Fire Drill. i c ' ALARM & TELECOM, INC. dba Message & Telecommunications Center. ' + I P 0. Box 2664, Silderdale, WA 98383 ',; 1 1 (206) 698-4945it "s 4 `�.8.4 ADUhIIONAL TIIUUEiLE fiEl'UFil INt# In addition to the trouble pondilfons already discussed,the following trouble conditions may generate a report to the central station. II i �Y 1. Low AC 2 low Battery6, Earth Ground Fault 3. 7, : Dialer Trouble(bevice 0) Loss of Smoke Detertor power 8. Printer Trouble i ' 4. Loss of Accessory power 9. Annunciator Trouble 5. Supervised hell Trouble y 1.6.5 AUTOMATIC SELF TEST The Model 5207 lets you select the time of day that the 24 hour automatic test signal will be sent to lire central stall on 1.6.6 WATCIIDOG CIRCUIT ,nk During normal operation,the control microprocessor of the 5207 Is constantly ruining programs to check Inputs and carry out other routine functions. If for some reason this program stops running,the watchdog circuit will automatically detect this and aitempt to resume normal operatlon by reselling the►nicroprocessors. Each time the watchdog chcrQt Initiates a reset signal it will also sound the audible trouble signal for approximately 4 seconds. 1.8.7 DOWNLOADING OF SYSTEM OPTIONS Through the use of the Model 5541 Downloading Software, all of the programming nl}Ilons may be selected al a from a remote site. remote site and then duwnloadect to the system, this software package also allnw you to yo to view the system statue UL Requirement: Downloading must be Initialed from the Installation site. Uploading and viewing of the system status may be initiated from a remote site through ihr.use of the built-in ring detector. See section 23 for downloading and uploading Instructions. i , ��Aa*0 i . r a ek•:li� �.,�y F. L� n ",W ' - I ah.y k f �Aer k r. r 1 4.9 MODEL 5207 WIRING DIAGRAM EARTH GROUND SUPm0o NE 1 SUPERVISED PHONE LINE 2 + TO RJ31 TO RJ31X >a wa w 0 0 /Y m l7 DIALER FAILED ( 12VDC IOOmA MAX. ACTIVE LOW 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 4731E AUXILIARY RELAYS 2.5A 224VDC (RESISTIVE) CIRCUIT GND _ — STYLE D SUPERVISED ZONES 1 46 RELAY# I N.C.- ZONES 1--2 2 )K 45 RELAY0 I COMMON N.O. INITIATING DEVICES ONLY aTs 3 44 RELAYO 1 N.O. MAXIMUM OF 5 PER ZONE AS PER NFPA 71 oTo 4 43 RELAY# 2 N.C. MAXIMUM LOOP RESISTANCE 100 OHMS 5 3K 42 FV RELAY# 2 COMMON 6 41 RELAY# 2 N.D. 06 7 40 RELAY# 3 N.C. 8 39 (` RELAY# 3 COMMON 9 3K 38 RELAY# 3 N.O. STYLE A SUPERVISED ZONES CIRCUIT GND 10 37 RELAY# 4 N.C. ZONES 3--8 ZONE 3 2 11 36 RELAY# 4 COMMON 7628 EOL o�"o OP POWER 12 EOL 35 RELAY# 4 N.O. ESL 425 CT ZONE 4 + OR a { ) 13 34 (Il 7629 SEE SMOKE REQUIREMENTS NOTE ZONE 5 14 33 a} 4.7K EOL MAX. LOOP RESTS- LOOP POWER, jn� TANCE OF 30 OHMS 4.7K�o (u� 15 32 (�. 7628 7628 EOL o� _ o> 4.7K EOL 2 ZONE 6 (, 16 31 (:, SUPERVISED ZONE ZONE 7 (_) 17 30)K (:__ + .- 7628 ESL 44CT SMOE DETECT❑ P W o 4.7K EOL (�) 18 )E 29 (�] -- 4MK `1 -3 ZONE 8 1 19 2831E (: + 7628 2 4 CIRCUIT GND - 4.7K EOL 20 27 z28 SUPERVISED BELL CIRCUIT`;21 22 23 24 25 26 x UL LISTED AUDIBLE ALARM MODEL 5197 INDICATOR. SEE INSTALLATION POWER SUPPLY MANUAL #150524 FOR APPROVED SOUNDING APPLIANCES 12VDC 2 V DC OR 24 V ESL 204A 12VDC W ESL 204C 24VDC 0 MODEL 5230 POWER SUPERVISION UN17 I f ANNUNCIATOR. REMOTE SILENCE KEYSWITCH o O USE U.L. LISTED KEYSWITCH N/❑ MOMENTARY, 24V/,25A MIN. * — POWER LIMITED CIRCUIT FIGURE 4C: MODEL 5207 WIRING DIAGRAM 12 1 i r i SIGNALING DEVICES lr HARRINGTON 2000 50 009 6000 SER IES Harrington signal, inc.9 .1 2519 �4th Avenue i .O. Box Phone: (309) 762 0731, Fax: (309 762E-021r Illinois 61265-0590 FENFURrs • "N"Series: Ui, I.islecl, 1971/464, for IScd Non- Sleeping Areas • "W"Series: ill, Listed, 1971/464, for ISM Non- Sleeping Areas. Also Meets ADA 7Scd for Pu1►Ifc Areas - -.. , • "D"Series: ill. Listed, 197IM64, for 75c'd Non- 1 Sleeping Areas. Also Meets ADD 7Scd.for Public Areas I • "S" Series: Ill, listed, t971/464, fc,r 110c'd Sleeping; Areas. Also Meets ADA I I ocd for bleeping Areas • ULC, CSI:M, IISA / Nif.A, FNI Pending • Polarized 1 2VD(' and 24VDC Ve►sions Available • Ilorn, (tell, and t:1011'e Units Available • Speaker Units Available �✓ • Clectronic Sounder I hills Available • Stand Alone Strobe Dolts Available • Nominal 1 IIZ I;lash Itate • Wall and Ceiling; lhiits Available • IIIL'W / USA Galled • Made in the U.S.A. i DESCRIPTION The 5500— N 1) / S series of strobes provide l.exan. 'The overall lens heiglht Is 2..S" with a width visual indications to con►ply will, ill, 1971 and ADA of 1.25". 7'he strol►e lens caij he attached to various requirements. types of optional grills or pl�Iles That are designed of The "N" version olfcrs I Sod lightiirg and is used sturdy metal construction. M required per ush and surface units In non-sleeping; are rs where lower candela is are .supplied in red spartex while ceiling units are 111. 11)71. 1 The "W" linlshed In white enamel (The ceiling mount "N" version offers I Sc(I Ill, 1971 lighting; and "W" series strobe units lave horizontal S/8" while also providing an ADA compliant 75cd frontal high letters.) All stand aloft strobe units come with output. two H" red wires and two 8" Mack wires for easy The "D" offers a 75cd version tl,al meets ADA device connection. When tl a strobe is packaged requirements for regular lighted areas while also sat- with an audible device, It w 11 eilher have two wires isfyfng UL 1971' will► connectors for use will signals and speakers The "S" version intensifies an ADA area with l I Ihat have mating connector or lie supplied with Ocd and could b e used in slee-ping areas to help wake leaels as described above. people that are hearing; impaired her UI. 1971. I larrington Strobe and SI;flat until require low The "N", "11"' "D" and "S" series shobe lens has operatin�{current and comb lie outstandlnp dentggn e bottom construction rurrterlcrl made of white avlth crafked durabllity. (See he following pages for V Lexan with 5/8" hi};h red "FIIZP," letters. The top of lechnical data.) the strobe has a rounded done shagie made of clear i .y MINTED IN IISA nry A pyroll'ol,Cot )oralinr MANUAL1 720 Wdhlndlon tileel, I).().Box 1-18, Ncirlll Pembroke,MA 112350,Tale cone: 617 i STATIONS ONS . — - ---- ( )826-GOSO I NO-COD) : * Durable Metal (lortsttuclloll N1tMS- S1'S'I'* Attractive I)es)1;h # 11I MS-3 SPDT Recessed full 161ldle t*11tMS-2 DhS'[' 1IRMS-6 DPL)-1' * Slunk and Viln;+lion IZesisl,(n( *UL AI'I'ROVI:I) * Vaticly of Oplio`ts * [ic:ono►nical I * CSFNI 11 '1150-1039 - *_Insi The NON ('ODF IMIS sc.ties of indoor-use handle manual pull ul(unt initialing stations arc I attractive, tow-profile, (lush t►►ount design. ► 'I Ire slatiort conlaitrs a switch which is activated by I )ntlling dowrl the, "'I"' handle urarked "PULL". 'I Ire j lever is hel►I in 111,11ce by a btcak-glass tax) which , requires IeSS than 20 Ills of force to activate. ►"I", handle teo►aius visibly Activated ill the down position nnlil resct 1►y au authorized person. Reselling is 1►y turr►i►►g a recessed access slot on they loll of the station. O1':I'1ONS.__ I�OIZ__IZC\1,S _ _SIIZII;-S 1�1/1NIlAL SWH(-]1 911I IONS I. < X > lnsrrt - IZ> 1"l Red; (;> for Greer►; ,A> ror Anrl►e► Light Fntitlir►r; I)i0de. ` 11' SPST Willi pil;lail (n(it available with "I,'• oplion) 1 ' SI'S'I' will' lcrrrtinal block (I,I-I)s ,,(,1 available, with ItKl.' f IVSlaliorr 21' 1)1'S7'will) lermiltal Klock J Standard IM inch phcn►.c jack for portable) 31' SI I)'I'will) Icrrninal block handsel cootnlnnicali(►rrs. (i f I)1 U"I'tvilh tenuinal block (1," opliou,jack will have pil'lail couur(lions K Sin ;le role key ) Manual Slalion Scrir.s !. I y switch (err auxiliary funl'lions option, jack will have pigtail connections 1.,J,1C,11,1) C)plion 11 Ilreak.r,lass dual action adapter. ) RMS - X X-X —) Allachc(I h,uunu'r Rc c'h 1 We oft 1_<1'>iglail I) hill and lull action adapter Switch J clr EXAMPLE: R MS-I l'_1 (Basic Stalion with SI'.S'I'Swil(:h, I',g ditail alor T otts c> �Ic1►l'rinc Jack) 51IAM ICl1"I R MS; i Conslr►rcli(►n: fainted Die-cast metal with tallycr resistant slampe<l steel backpla le for nicnmling to a slattdard single rung c•Jcclrical IK►X or I►lastcr lint;. ))i11tc11sic)lt .Slatioll Width 3 I/It5 inches _It S)p 3 1/1/4 inches liesQI)til)tl Ieigh( 4 c)/16 inches 3 ' /16 inches Ucpllt 1 ir►clt 3 inches 1 2 /2 inches 1/8 inches bcllhid station) 1 1/2 inches I MI inches Material Die-cast al(ur►inunt alloy IR GA painted steel O. inch folded aluminum j Weight (approx) 17 ounces 5 ounces 3 ottnct..s E-_I ( I9( 111,; , I r )Swilcll }CcyswilcIi FLU dhagc 11(IVAC I�cmJaLE� , 30 VI C 24VUC 24VI)C Llllrf.11l 3.0 amps 0.5 amps 0.02 amps I am ►s 4•. N F' hi'e�I t, n i 200� SCI1IC 1 1t .yry, HARRING Ito l.,dv � at �let�att� ors ( 1" k� '•1 1 Harrington Signal, Inc, , 11 .�Y• �2519'4th Avenue, P.Oe pox 5909 Moline, Illinois 61265-05g0 phone: (309) 762-0731, Fax: (309) 762—t)215 i • 77,.. Rolle-W.Rlse And I Ixcd'I'cngleratule •' 2, U!e tit properly puHct florl only • I M f FAclory Muloal)applivvell •UI,Listed of Wl111 K-111cnd will)lhlihl 1. e t e), Vow I ItnPll I;. -with wide hoar tiro � erhlg nloonling plalc arid NIX, •I'()51llvv 1►I'LItA"IIN(i INI►It:A• 11ON-when Ilxcd Icny,Iv:tluu rlcnit n1 IS alllvaled,ccnlcr ills(ells (tee Iloilo delct(nr.II►f.IN•f fair rhldat 1•nn•111 la 1lrlyolred)•ON SI I h 'IFS1'INO-tall)rll ticc Icahn•Is melumatll ally s1 If•resloring permll- Iitlg oat life It•clln);of Ihk Iralmc. •I ASV INS I ALLA fiON-IwIa1 anti II locks hI place:lollnc IlunnNlnl;111a1c for A 1/!or 4 hich orlalvnT hnx or trpen rnrnnTlhry;. 11 uahutk l Ira1,l ntalkhd.t Wllll?SI'At:INI; the IIPaI(lelerior Is acallahle,tcllll cllha•,a nel•l:Tl rat while placlle -SO frxrl ecnlcls off Iall•oil llcl•aloof fixed lenylcrallife trolls.(Sce 11 low)and plan If,1lle 11 al.I%i,r liar,• I/an1. t h1'l�Il,Ilfnr cllhct fh�sl(of Spedllcallon'lahic fill drl.11lc) hclnw I 1 1• 11 1 anlatc nlnnnling. DESCNII'1ION %kitI-Cal.No.61.5.1 IIcAI Ifcictlors all.,Il'allahlr lvllh I.(5 lie 1'11 dty,n c fahmnhcll lief 111.1 n►;Illve ent low to I'lvhl r11r1 lilt id h11% will-It~ideals nalultlhlg + Ings;In llxed of Ilxt•d and laic o1 else,IhnyTcrallele o n•laflon with the lHlll{-I 1.(Scr•Nnlr 1)crllrc I►o•Ir•11nr. I41r oa•wills slandard J lh/gle clecoll normally I1pvll t onlat Is. ( 1/L"or 4'oclal;nn heaxrc, I I/l"drop. I nnlacl ratings on all n11111ch ate i;rTnpr,ern n If, 125V AC, 1.4)amps hr 1i In 2HV I►(:,11..1:aloes ef� I)..S1y I►{'and.101 any,e(�2.SIIV 11Cr I111 1,1„ (Ionia 71 Iflllls: .._____._......{ _....._..._.-._ NIm lost 111 Audd.a 11 1 'nf Whileept�i;nvrlslhlo nuvud4lN plals lot PIM.e,nl sIMNIlld Inrlal p,a1l.Inkl tTdlhf••�•b ."Met I111'.lot nl<,e le,iip CINIo qn e 1 OI fnn4 ill (Ib�1r411N RNllnp Imu h� nr Col R/. CI1[uI1S trodat lo Ibrd Nine f nalin p IS 7 Ltarinwm deleclm tnvn ape ha,horn dArunlnpd h 111 to provide delrf 141,111 hn4 eauN le tinlnAMl _ _ y•I SQ It Spa,mp (11 le 11 dnlr et Spar.d al la(MII 1weivoin(11N15yln,te Imd a1 ;11 ran a,r„nnlh rrdlap IS lent fl Mootpflf*bl� 1 1 RINI1 Ned ( (tq�. ---- - -- - _._ Ibyhrl rvlllnpc can IdvNerly hloh ally,l d•lorllnn Ilnsr Ina nit hl•.1a11r r;,e.ullro datrrlh111 may M nhl.lhvd h teducln the ,In9'"1" n dolor loot r App.ndl.C ltulda one AWnmallc naleclor Rlln A Ihe11 y p I`• _ I-^ ISII 'Ta,bop►11 PA 72E 1941,Autism wr rile nrlsrtnl, 'H� 1 1 _►hr4 ( 1�"' 2.5p0 1p' l y 7 ATallnunn distance elhnvm 1s loom ally von pa1Rlli n ill neflhgl p,nlncllnn edrnAlnp down mros Than 1)Inchrs lIIA f 1_ ,Il+ed I T �S9---- d halo of nose tolhlp h 15'ItAAIn Rrii n.%ona a WARNING -- _...... -- _. "that$IN I ftted M aenr/loose rill)the share 1'Mo,May to tenhMub,wuMn 1n nor,It are dell pspsm,M pANpto-foot kiln Inet lint prderl one a jolntl Nn end emub M meol That,Mn11nla Ilaelo Nemnle.Aeel end I IM fhl N Iraldahlo rn lid Into 4 look joist too&Mill 1p hellos a hoot All" •nefd Inllists in otalm.Independent 1114141 Indicate loot hest klrttml wml 1 p r e Ion th ran rlldt Innrrs shard,in Arrinl h nlnl u q IM tide IheNl In /e lilt•hen io e' morale lo Ilnm Nis fairy.panel war Ilaull N Mlae bolo t not nnr4 ran In ant drvno for till pnlKne4 N A1AaN ry e 1 ry Iratrdlnn d,M h Invotral.la sun♦hlas ells fslole le t htllq N1 M1 e11mMo lot+ badon It nfsmmsndel the Handle lie N Me Rminvl,n Pool Iu1.111ea1 Nelabr N b pale.Ina set"n N tMefmsnoN MI b u7pr 7 NANfIR-Ihla/ar,s In1/�rh,l ldn a I'll&U 1gn.l al�,m uvn,n t an noq,,prnrnle/It In4nw atNw ftlN meM11Is ImNtt lNltllon U lnnolu The pobwIllt loll#4#ally■Irnl,I NIII If p11111111t tool r•tule too ll ills 1.puahry lmhnrl l7 noun Ivlthl.HIM h11t1all 11 not Ilraye#elect Ihee lefsns IM Rim may It I tlnr smNlllln, I RANfIA-Ihk hdtrr111 RAI ap•,al.rllhonl tlrthlt+I pis n ml Ihrs noon fs'n eNenl N IlothkN smela)w offset$MAY may not Is teal%he,$IM Iles legal#of Ito ran the hod rl IM x,r m lee Mot left(r1141tint dtrtee topsail toanhe I IAR Mrh, Nw,.fAh b4dal r1N MI/fall et 1n Iran unea r 1gp11f loam oakfit talks he tell 0 Is$%oifil pool be Inv fetus Ise col Islas,,thk dales rr net dele<ItoppholNas 0,ddel"no r—.10p al a porslllo IHe.Not NNt Iprrovide 1 h Flotsam yM Iht utery nAhAtrndl Indvl$1 pallor ld ly We o'kI fnlMa oo hill at to of I ralnlnv IMI A 11 aft funtllenlnp I s•/ 1dNa1nN IlaN and Ilaek,►Ind IIIMInp N Me Isla,$dfnvelshmnd goloms sot Ilhn teloly Militias, a naNGIR-Ilea lib of dla helms ran lhr IONIyh n lode t One Its 11 Drlrtln,to mllrtt Is b9oa ran awe.TM alit ot dt1 InDes she'll Is 144114 II I p,oIl11N Nis p4401 In Iportend It enfsrs that A is M aim ost orth". rtq INeeAiL bElrc olio. n lq I -- CII A f1nOW9 eel I SIC, AN4 Mu1lN I Met wing Ula11A/fqt 2110I 1+.{ Att rll!111 ur Alin lunn [ltlaalCAl lcSN 'II' x/OA14*Illy Itof OCII*In1 hlnl A."ll.dl I fi — r r d ,•A lalA urn a.v '!l � t� .� , IM , Ill MItON Mrf►t►r tn•run r, �I7 Oar t 1,1,f11 NI/loll) 1.// -• � `►���Irovt Tx lc.evn �' 'tMnlerrl.r ._-,,1 A. �� i RAl►iNOFn Willi 4 AN _ I ((�NERnr C/lit Pl Anne. � , nIKR tip Alin `.._.._. ._ IItn1 401tnllNn rt All IN 1. 1 rra 1 r`t(,n r-cowin I of We 10 _ Q pl tfpli �a� w+l t Y•yn1 CCO M7gA1t , e �IVr �Np11./ �Nrpe�ti Win111t1 MmNri1 �' _� �r fee A M►tt ph11A NewN 1:end,M w4en V MM'11 � Me.2 P01614 to t�+1• wlRe tr IMnr•1 �ry..nn wnannnN rv1u• . ...-..._.__._.___.__._._.._�— Mold Nounenp►UN Rear nitN f 11gll•.Mmanalr+y An Y,ion L.,, ,NnrMdd ma•.re,MnAeN bt Nel•'1 n.l in,ixnn„Inrs)N,ia lt4..14,nl alAgmd In r/�e„ _.. .................. _....�—......... PnlNT110 IN URA 111W-A I . i , . t TECHNICAL DATA ,« OPERATING 4" DELL 6" BELL 8" BELL 10" !JELL CHIME , PART NO. VOI-1AGE CIInnEN? ACIION POL. MIN. (2) 1YP,(3)MIN. (2)TYP.(3)MIN. (2) TYP.(3)MIN. (2) fVP,(3)MIN.(2) YP.(3) -'�I 441X (1) 4V11C 2.5%1 _S S. NO 75(111 1l3cIIIA 75dB 85d8A 75dB 87cinA 75dB 90118A 75d8 85d8A _7VAC- — ( 5Ai --S S NO 75d11 83dIlA 75dB 85d8A 75(In B7dnA _75dB 90(1nA 75d8 85dBA 12VAC% (1.6•tA VIB NO 81d11 90d11A BIdB 95 JBA 81(la 98d13A A4d8 I(12d8A 84dB 87d8A 443X (1) - 24V/1C —0.32A_ _Vial_ NO 81(111 90d11A_ 81dB 95dBA 81dB 98(IBA 84dn 102d8A 84d8 87d8A 12.0VAC 0065A VIB NO 81(IIl 90(IIIA 8MB 95dBA Alda 9BdBA B4d13 102dBA 84dn 87dBA 445X (1) IVhC 2.CiA— S.S. NO 78dH H3d13A 78d8 85d8A 78d8 89deA 81(In 90dBA 81d8 85dBA 2VDC 1.5A �S S. NO 70(111 03d11A 78d8 85dBA 78dB BIM B1 90d13A 81d13 85d8A 448X (1) 12VI)C— 0.18A VIB YES O4di3 92df1A 64d6 97dBA 07d8 102(IBA 87dB 104dBA 81d8 90dBA 21-30VpC 0.11A VIB YES 84dil 92dIlA 84dB 97dBA 07(IB 102dBA 67dB IO4dBA 81d8 90dBA 448X (1) 120VAC 0.14A SS, YES 75(I11 83dIJA 75(18 85dBA 75dB 87dBA 7571B 90d6A 81dB 86d—BA 24VAC 0.32A 449X (1) _VIB YES 81df1 90(11fA 81dB 95dBA 84d8 9AdBA 84d0 102dBA 81d8 87d8A 12UVA(G 0.06.5A VIB_ YES 81dil 90dnA 81dB 95dBA 8�do 98(1BA 84(1a 1021BA 81dB 87d8A 12VDC — -- 476X (1) ____- _ 0.14A� VIB YES 75d11 115d11A 78dB 88dBA 78d8 92d8A 81d8 95( 81dB 88dBA 21 30VUC �O OlA VIB YES 75d11 SCAM 78dB 88d8A 78(18 92d8A 81dB 95dBA 8ldB 88dBA 477X (1) —12 VDG 0.72A S.S. YES 75dn 83dIIA 75(18 85dBA 75dB 90dBA 78da 92d8A 81d8 85d8A 21 30Vf)C (1_36A S S. YES 15di1 83(113A 75dB 85daA 7C-, 9odnA 78dn 92dBA 81dB 85dBA NOTE (1): X-SPOCi1y: 1, 4, 5, 6, of& 8 E3 to(lesigilale gonO si7(�Or chirrle.(1 = 10" Gong, 4=4"Gon , 5=Chime,6 s 6" Gong, ==13" Gong.) g NOTE (2): MINIMUM (IH is calculillecl (rOrn integrat(!d S0I111d pressure measurements (ll Underwriter's Laboratory per 1.1.1-. 464. NOTE (3): TYPICAL df3A 11 toast iti'lI1P,111S are made sll 10' willl conventional sound meters in an anechoic chamber alld indicate the typical Output level ill iul installation. MOUNTING /1C(;ESS0RIE,S1, - i 3014 (1/2") _ 3015 (1/n") 3017 1 3018 Cast Aluminum Wealherprool Box 4" Square Backbox Senli-Fhs'sh Wall Plate el 1 � , • % �'. 3025 8 3029 3026 i 2030 4 i V J• 3019 _ 3027 8 3031 S042 t fi Concealed Conduit Adapter Flush Box & (;rilie Bell Enc osure 4 ire r MODEL '400 SERIES HARRINGTON ibratin Single Stroke Dells & Chime r, Harrington Signal, Inc. 2519 4th Avenue, P.O. Box 590, Molille Illinois 61265-0590 }' a i 'Rhone: (309) 762-0731, Fax: (309) 762-02-15 IrEATURIC !-INS "llJl,C/FM/CSFM/N1t3A Approved Modern Design 1.• Low Operalirrg Current ` Iligh (Ill Output • Noise. t'ancellalion Circuitry • AC or D(' Operation • Vibrating or Single Stroke • Mounts on a.Slandard 'l" Box ' DESCIUPTION ta._ l �- `' The new integral bell and chime design i combines the bell mechanism and gong or chime kit into one unit. Designed and built with special materials to provide loud resonant tones which are desirable in fire alarm, life safety, and general signaling applications. Dour gong sizes and a chime are available to provide several di[Ierent All parallel units are designed with terminals distinctive tones and to overcome different to insure proper srrpe ambient noise levels. NNW t as well as to provide better electrical coCmeclions. Parallel devices also include a blockin ; All wets are designed network f fur installation on a g `h3 or connection to supervised standard 4" square electrical back-box. signal circuit, each DC un it is also provided` ,,,, c Adapters allow surface, semi-flush flush with noise cancellation circ ritry to prevent 4I and weatherproof mounting, the transmission of transie t spikes typically y generated ` G `� ri g d b DC contact `t Y t e e ec r fAll b I t o- bel l anc chin ,to models can be used on mechanical devices. either coded or non-coded signaling systems. - ,1 .,Single stroke devices are available for series 45 n c'AC, series DC, parallel AC, or parallel DC. Vibrating devices are available for parallel {a AC or DC applications. ( l A ' .raw........ .. r+��.MM nMwlro�nq+�ww�.�...... • ........._. -... 1, HOTOtLECTRIC SM . OK�, P p TECTOR 1 Vti 1 l NGTON MODEL 111SLK-24F . Harrington Signal Co. 2519 4th Avenue, P.O. BOAC 590, Moline, Illinois 61265.0590 ., ub� Phone: (309) 762-0731, Fax: 309-762-8215 ApPlicat onsar, ` The SLK-24 �c + F Ian, 14Q 6sed in all area$ W 'ert; 4 . Photoelectric Smoke Detectors are requir It is 'sf' best suited for smoldering or flaming fires HS or YBA-M Style bases may be use ,the SLK-24F, Current compatible devices af60 'LK- ` 24FH; SIH-24F;or the HF-24 Flame Detector Operation The unit is comprised of an LED light source and silicon photo diode receiving element. In a no(Imal standby condition, the receiving element re 'Ives no light from the pulsing light source, In the%tnt of fire, smoke enters the detector and light is reflected from the smoke particles to the receiving element. The light received is converted into an electronic signal. Standard Features Signals are processed in the comparato And • Low Profile 1.5" ' when two co Ili h consecutive si gnals nal s exceeding th e he basic g • 2 or 4 wire base compatibility level are received within a specified'pdHbd of time, the time delay circuit triggers the SCW`Witch • Highly Stable operation to activate the alarm signal. The Status'LF0'iii hts • RF/Transient proleclion continuously during the alarm period.' 1'{ • Low Current, 451A nominal • Built-in power/alarm LED • Non-directional smoke chamber • Vandal resistant security locking feature ' L • Magnetic detector operation check Awl. • Compatible with PUS Sill-24F Ionization i Detectors71 a • Relay bases available � #,i 7 ro uct ltshnb-s — ---- FFff L Underwriters t.aboratories y `Y ; Factory Mutual ' CSFM #7257-410:107 Y • FRsrrrr�INusn . ,. r Rt:V•/� i � � � yy//��,, d i N 1� ;."Al DH SERIES GT Door Holders_. ,.,,., R1N ►{ ON 1A ' i"� rgtdn Signal, Inc,! Avenue� , P.O. fox 590, Moline, Illinois 61265-0590 �309) 762-0731,,Fox: (309) 762-8215 r F S,fM4bARD FEATURES ; •:'.Uilstd ' 1kftettlplY low current draw Wtibip Chrome or Brass finish • Dual Voltage input • Tttttiinal.block connections • 131911 holding force ' • Low residual magnetism ' • Mounting hardware& instructions Y� OPTIONAL FEATURES `' • 116 4'1nch extension rods �� • Dhuble Chrome or Brass surface back boxes 611r11e saving drill fixture w 11(1ii`'tn0utiting the catch plate) : ► 1� i IPTION / ChibKiLirles fire door holders are constructed of the fltigIf'ttiaterials and workmanship available.They do6(11bider is made of durable die-cast metal fin- . Ith4fit'hlgh luster double chrome or brass plating. Ot of Atures Include standard dual voltage ac or do DH-24120-F-Cl w/DII-1311-C 1tt t16.of-12&24V, 24 &1 120V'and 24 & 220V mod- ' els While reducing stocking requirements, model nulblyl14120 draws a mere ,020 mA @ 24VDC low- eying overall lob costs: In large job applications, the savings is substantial.' 'I he loll series also offers single or double coils for (� i flod th6unting, surface mounting and direct wall ttt6d tlhg, No brackets are required, The DH series r Y ' diia�l'hbldet offers a new Installation 'allat '',,``�� ion technique using a"1tit1O31ve�tetnplate assuring alignment without sec- o d� Adjustments. ,• T ;,t A �orlp include ' s incl extension and misalignment rods F etiablilig parallelism between door and wall at dis- tati&A"greater than 12 inches and misalignment over 4 hilt , @sr =a� Wit' Al'Itig�f fiinstallation is the aircraft quality DH drill f 'i4 • , , fixtiftd(thAt reduces installation time and provides a ned1p6dett alignment of catch-plate and armature, 15 F agaih lbwpring overall installation costs : M t- rj i unit offers'stiperlor holding force and 1d4thidual magnetism,'Models 1224 and'2412 0 can ^ operale';ftt'higher listed voltages producing holding fores,itil�itCess of 10016�, fors eclat a llcatlons. UI1-24120-1-8 i w/U1I-IlB-I3 p . pp ,::. `<< r<Strabe c�rld'SR Sync Strobes l„ Wheelock'6A&1os pS Strobe and SR Sync Strobes are designed for maximum performance, reliability, and cost-effec- Weness Whlli tfie6ting or exceeding the latest requirements of NFPA 72 ,the National Fire Alarm Code '( ) ANSI 117.1 (the IF Americah N6tl61`161 Standard for Accessible and Usable Building and Facilities), and UL Standard 1971 (Signaling devices for the Hod paired). RS/$R Strobe Signals, when properly specified and installed in accordance with NFPA/ANSI Standard9y,,0dfw provide the Equlbalent Facilitation allowed under ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG General Sec- ' tion 2.2) by`-Ntl Ing or exceeding the illumination which results from ADA's strobe intensity guidelines of 75 candela at 50 feet. this b 96''IIIUMInation of 0.030 lumens per Square foot. Wheelock 9ri;rl6e RS/SR Strobes employ an integral ;f :,Strobe Mat tftlhO plate (patent pending) that makes it ` basy to rY ount'.ttl'a Variety of backboxes: The strobes can r 'be mounted 16 aingle-gang, double-gang, 4"square, or ° 100 mm European backboxes. An attractive cover plate Is provided for it clean, finished appearance. Sy Specifying find installing Series SR synchronized strobe products,'along With Wheelock SM/DSM Sync Modules, ',synchronited Strobe flesh Is achieved. Synchronized strobes CAM,0111'I'linate possible restrictions on the number of strobes In the field of view. Wheelock's synchronized Series RS and SR strobes offef an easy way to comply with ADA recom- mendations Concerning photosensitive epilepsy. Features ` • Approvals Include: Underwriters Laboratories (UL 1971). Submitted for California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), New York City(MEA),Chicago(BFP), Factory Mutual(FM). • ADA/NFPA/ANSI compliant. + All models Meet ADA Guideline for minimum one flash per sec- ond from 20-31 volts or 12.0 to 15.6 volts. Y • Low current draw with low temperature compensation to reduce ,` power consumption and wiring costs. • Available in 15, 15175,30, 75,and 110 candela Intensity. • 15/75 candela wall mounted strobes were UL tested for 75 cd on axis. They are listed at 15 candela under UL 1971 and meet 75 candela Intensity on axis for ADA guidelines. • SR strobes and SRP strobe plates, when used In conjunction ..% with Wheelock SM/DSM Sync Modules, produce a synchro- nized strobe flash for compliancd with ADA guidelines con- 1 cerning photoepllepsy. Series RS and SR with Strobe Meunting Plate • Strobe Mounting Plate (RS/SR models) allows mounting to sin- gle-gang, double-gang, 4" square or 100 tnm European back- boxes. No additional trim plate required for flush mounting. + Polarized 12 and 24 VDC models with wide listed voltage ranges using filtered DC or unfiltered FWR input voltage. • Fast Installation with IN/OUT screw terminals using #12 to #18 AWG wires, • Compliance with ON limits in FCC Part 15, Class 8 for compat- ibility with sen8itive detection and communication circuits. 4y�kS a WM31' !r i b1. Since UL 1971 strobes cannot be Listed for outdoor use, Wheelock offers WM3T strobes for outdoor Installations requir- ing weatherproof devices and private mode locations where ' UL 1971 strobes are not required. They are UL 1638 Listed at t} 1` 117cd and are designed for surface mounting Indoors or out- doors. ®� y ONLY 88 MILLIAMPSa; 18-31 VDC WhMoir* tt,a ' DEVICE F; �. * #OF DEVICES (TIMES) CURRENT PER - TOTAL TOTAL ,tMAVALLOWED) DEVICE'1 STANDBY ALARM � � �X_ CURRENT CURRE a,a 'p rsr Y tan by: 120 mA 1 Y� - 12o tit NTH X Alarm: mA 6210 ztl DO r 1 , he Ex ender 1 It x p rl�" , t� 52�0 n urlctator j . �►o mA - �mA qo mA ' x Standby so me = OnA x Alarm: 120 mA mA r 4180 Slatll9 Dls la Modulo x Standby, 20 mA - mA x Alarm- Fit)nin - mA H220 SOW Type Master gbx X 15 mA mA x r n056 OHS He F'rinler X '� _ ao mA f ery rf tl t f�vollable nr/1 mA . t'rlMer interlace x - a, 25 mA n►A mA 5521;beak Toe Pro rammer �^^---- d! Y{ t X 30 nlA tnA AORS mAoR AKe device marival fof (see ee01on 5.3 for�Illtl Wins) max. #per loop.) yr 3 b x- - Standby .oSmn mA X Alarm: mA - Z O mA ti X Standby: mA mA -- - - S X Alarm: _ w mA Ilj� i X Standby: mA mA X- — Alarm ntA------ mA SOUNDING DEVICES (4 max,) �Mhfbt try device ranual lot lJt)IlNi Ibtin s. "J x Maim: mA x Alarm: mA - mA 4 arm x Al �dtSltlbNAL DEVICES NOT r F f mA 1V, IsTED AHove x --- Slandby: jj Omn _ -10 mA x Alarm: mA - O mA x Standby: nin is -- rn A I,ll r x Alarm: inn - M A x Slandby: mA mA mA Alarm: mA t mA "�6TAL-CUpnENT"ATIN01§OF ALL DEVICES IN SYSTEnn �/ rnn 37mo mA TANMY ALARM + �` 'N6f 1! it onllyy one cuttent fat/HO is 11916d, the draw lot Ihal(lr,vk:o Is 111 m 9 sae whall7�r fire y�latrr is Jn alarm or standby the MCept on 18 the Sounding devices. Soe NorE 3. 1110 wort"cutlAlft dtAW lot the tspol Control/Carnnn,nh-:,for how the Sy dependingWNI vary lmrn aJy,roxfrnolnly act mA It) 7C10 rnA, on Slehl lb Coltllgifted. you will tined to measutn ilia crntnnl rir�ty for your Jncl llafio+r And write the Anrovhi In the kp@Ce on the Workshnpt. Connect al,AC atnp me19t to 6erle9 will,one o/fhA hallerles. Ulsconnecl thn/1C t !rower snurr:e. l'uf the panel In alarm, he males will lndlo@le the @term current, � "Ntl E 3t Sounding deVIC64 did toted lot aletm Current only. .Slandby current is 0 mA. rr S*�4,oto lay ;z W04 X AI 01 .� �.S' A.+, N2 61176K 11 i MASON COUNTY F FILE COPY � IRE MARSHAL 7 Mr7San County Bldg. III 426 W.Cedar `"• P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 (206)427-9670 CODE ENFORCEMENT FIRE INSPECTIONS FIRE INVESTIGATION PUBLIC EDUCATION PERMIT NO. _kj�� C:(e MASON COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PERMIT APPLICATION NOTES This application must be completed and accompanied by a minimum of three (3) copies of plans, specifications and applicable calculations per Mason County Fire Protection Standards and brought to the office of the Mason County Fire Marshal. This is not a Permit, and failure to submit all necessary information will cause a delay and/or rejection of your submittal. When a permit has been issued, you will be notified, PLEASE PRINT #1 OWNER /1' 14Fe T/ PHONE ( 60 3/ SITE ADDRESS CITY FIRE DIST. (,f/� DIRECTIONS TO JOB S ATE ZIPJ I OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CITY �T-E ZIP LIEN/TITLE HOLDER F ADDRESS CITY #2 CONTRACTOR / 7�zt, �Nc ADDRESS CONTRACTOR REG # S -TZp�Lp6 d gam✓ ZdoG SL EXP. DATE / C I Ty— STATE ZIP g�3 F 3 #3 PARCEL # �d 3`3Z..�1 - ,� �_ ��S �' 'lo - 1 I'14 r��,• `-I�C�C� 1�7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION #4 BLDG. SQ. FT (EXISTING/PROPOSED) 1ST FL / / 2ND / 3RD BASEMENT -7— DECK / #BR #BATH GARAGE _ - 7 � CARPORT / ENCL ATTICS Y N OTHER SQ FT USE OF BUILDING #5 DESCRIPTION OF WORKS SPRINKLERt WET DRY STANDPIPES WET DRY AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM_ CORRIDOR SMOKES HOOD & DUCT DRY CHEMICAL WET CHEMICAL HALON NEW SYSTEM _ MODIFICATION NUMBER OF NEW DEVICES MONITORING STATION ,p�� / G --L��r�ty'�.1.__,_����/NC PfiON 36d l�ya 'S�D I 1 Y903 Ull I #6 DOES YOUR SUBMITTAL INCLUDE: / 1. DIMENSIONS, SCALE, NORTH ARROW? YES V/ NO 2 . FLOOR PLAN AND CROSS SECTIONAL ELEVATION? YES NO 3 . ALL CONCEALED SPACES (LABELED COMBUSTIBLE AND NON-COMBUSTIBLE) ? YES NO__ 4 . ALL AREAS ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF NEW WALLS? YES NO 5. CUT SHEETS OR REFERENCES FOR ALL NEW DEVICES? YES NO_ 6 . LOCATION/DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING DEVICES YES_-- - O_ 7 . BATTERY CALCULATIONS FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS? YES d NO 8. RISER/WIRING DIAGRAM FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS? YES NO__ 9 . HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS? YES NO NOTE; WORK MAY PROCEED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH A VALID FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PERMIT ISSUED BY THE MASON COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL. A VALID PERMIT AND AN APPROVED SET OF PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND MUST REMAIN THERE UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION IS DONE BY THE MASON COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL. FAILURE TO OBTAIN A VALID PERMIT PRIOR TO WORKING ON A FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM AND/OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE THESE PLANS AND PERMIT FOR THE MASON COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL MAY RESULT IN A CITATION AND FINE. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT I certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the Contrac- tors Registration Law RCW 18.27, and am aware of the Mason County ordinance requirements for which this permit is issued and that all work will be done in conformance therewith. No changes will be made without first obtaining approval from the Mason County Fire Marshal. OWNER DATE CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I certify that I am a currently registered contractor in the State of Washington and I am aware of the ordinance requirements regulating the work for which the permit is issued and all work done will be in conformance therewith. No changes will be . made without first obtaining approval from the Mason County Fire Marshal. BY DATE r MASON COUNTY STANDARD FORM FOR THE CALCULATION OF REQUIRED FIRE FLOW PROJECT: �J' E �iJ DATE: 'i rl, LOCATION: DEVELOPER: AGENT: PHONE: ARCHITECT: AGENT: PHONE: BUILDING INFORMATION: NUMBER OF STORIES: Z FOOTPRINT: 22-32-/ SQ. FT. AREA OF MEZZANINES OR PARTIAL FLOORS: SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA OF BUILDING: Z232/ SQ. FT. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: (CIRCLE ONE) I IIFR II-N III-lhr* III-N IV -lh * �-NII-1hr* 1. BASIC FLOW FROM MASON COUNTY STANDARD FLOW CHART; USE TOTAL GROSS AREA. FOR NUMBERS BETWEEN AN AREA RANGE USE THE HIGHER GPM FIGURE, DO NOT INTERPOLATE:- 4000 gpm Z z 2. IF 1-hr. AS IDENTIFIED WITH * ABOVE -250 gpm -44,00 gpm Z O SUBTOTAL:- -7 *O 9pm Z c9 d 3 . ADD % SURCHARGE FOR HIGH FIRE LOAD or SUBTRACT % CREDIT FOR LOW FIRE LOAD PER M.C.F.M. SURCHARGE/CREDIT CHART; NEITHER TO EXCEED 25%: +/— gpm SUBTOTAL:— ��L'7 gpm Z-00 0 4. SUBTRACT 50% FOR APPROVED SPRINKLER SYSTEM:- gpm SUBTOTAL: �j Z gpm 2. 0 0 O 5. FOR EXPOSURES MULTIPLY BY 1.00 TO 1.75** X 1. 0 X (, Z O **(to determine exposure factor add a percentage for each of �--- four directions (express as a decimal) and add 1) -7+bo Conversion table: ft. % 0-10ft. = 25% N= 5 = � (0 Z� S 11-30ft. = 20% E= _ E �(�q/ D Zl000 31-60FT. = 15% S=�_=-� 5 /r -2 aj n 61 10 0 FT = 10% W _f�_- O ..-------- 101-150FT = 5% subtotal: ( .75 maximum ✓ �) SUBTOTAL: gpm X ZC) TOTAL REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: 52-r10 gpm �— # AVAILABLE FIRE FLOW: LOCb f gpm �80 # PER: OF: 0ID P� rFA- Z�tU ��U MASON COUNTY STANDARD BASIC FLOW CHART Page 1; Type V-N, III-N, & II-N Type V-N: TYPE III-N & II-N GROSS AREA [SQ. FT] GPM GROSS AREA [SQ.FT. ] GPM TO 500 . . . . . . 500 TO 1, 200 . . . . . . 500 TO 1, 100 . . . . . 750 TO 2 , 400 . . . . . . 750 TO 1, 700 . . . . . 1000 TO 3 , 900 . . . . . 1000 TO 2 , 600 1250 TO 5, 800 . . . . . 1250 TO 3 , 600 . . . . . 1500 TO 8 , 200 . . . . . 1500 TO 4 , 800 . . . . . 1750 TO 10, 900 . . . 1750 TO 6, 200 . 000 TO 13 , 900 . . . . . 2000 TO 7 , 700 . . . . .`_2256) TO 17 , 400 . . . . . 2250 TO 9 , 400 . . . . . 2500 TO 21, 300 . . . . 2500 TO 11, 300 . . . . . 2750 TO 25, 500 . . . . 2750 TO 13 , 400 . . . . . 3000) TO 30, 100 . . . . . 3000 TO 15, 600 . . . . . 3250 TO 35, 200 . 3250 TO 18, 000 . . . . . 3500 TO 40, 600 . . . . . 3500 TO 20, 600 . . . . 0 TO 46, 400 . . . . . 3750 TO 23 , 300 . . . . 4000 TO 52 , 500 . . . . . 4000 TO 26, 300 . . . . 4250 TO 59, 100 . . . . . 4250 TO 29, 300 . . . . . 4500 TO 66, 000 . . . . . 4500 TO 32 , 600 . . . . . 4750 TO 73 , 300 . . . . . 4750 TO 36, 000 . . . . . 5000 TO 81, 100 . . . . . 5000 TO 39, 600 . . . . . 5250 TO 89, 200 . . . . . 5250 TO 43 ,400 . . . . . 5500 TO 97,700 . . . . . 5500 TO 47, 400 . . . . . 5750 TO 106, 500 . . . . . 5750 TO 51, 500 . . . . . 6000 TO 115, 800 . . . . . 6000 TO 55,700 . . . . . 6250 TO 125, 500 . . . . . 6250 TO 60,200 . . . . . 6500 TO 135, 500 . . . . . 6500 TO 64 , 800 . . . . . 6750 TO 145, 800 . . . . . 6750 TO 69, 600 . . . . . 7000 TO 156,700 . . . . . 7000 TO 74, 600 . . . . . 7250 TO 167, 900 . . . . . 7250 TO 79 , 800 . . . . . 7500 TO 179, 400 . . . . . 7500 TO 85, 100 . . . . . 7750 TO 191,400 . . . . . 7750 or > 85, 101 . . . . . . 8000 = or > 191,401 . . . 8000 Note: For type V-lhr. , III-lhr. , or II-lhr. use the base flow figure for non-rated (-N) construction. A credit for lhr. construction is allowed as the second step on the "form for the calculation of required fire flow" . MASON COUNTY STANDARD FORM FOR THE CALCULATION OF REQUIRED FIRE FLOW PROJECT: 1�i DATE: LOCATION: DEVELOPER: AGENT: PHONE: ARCHITECT: AGENT: PHONE: BUILDING INFORMATION:NUMBER OF STORIES: FOOTPRINT: 7 S SQ. FT. AREA OF MEZZANINES OR PARTIAL FLOORS: SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA OF BUILDING: 7 :)0 SQ. FT. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: (CIRCLE ONE) I IIFR II-lhr* II-N III-lhr* III-N IV V-lhr* V-N 1. BASIC FLOW FROM MASON COUNTY STANDARD FLOW CHART; USE TOTAL GROSS AREA. FOR NUMBERS BETWEEN AN AREA RANGE USE THE HIGHER GPM FIGURE, DO NOT INTERPOLATE: ZZ5 O gpm 2. IF 1-hr. AS IDENTIFIED WITH * ABOVE -250 gpm Z"-7 gpm SUBTOTAL:- 'yO-we3 gpm 3. ADD % SURCHARGE FOR HIGH FIRE LOAD or SUBTRACT % CREDIT FOR LOW FIRE LOAD PER M.C.F.M. SURCHARGE/CREDIT CHART; NEITHER TO EXCEED 25%: +/- gpm SUBTOTAL: Z0C90 gpm 4. SUBTRACT 50% FOR APPROVED SPRINKLER SYSTEM:- 0 gpm SUBTOTAL: �U gpm 5. FOR EXPOSURES MULTIPLY BY 1.00 TO 1.75** X 1. r'j **[to determine exposure factor add a percentage for each of four directions (express as a decimal) and add 1] Conversion table: ft. % 0-10ft. = 25% N= = 11-30ft. = 20% 31-60FT. = 15% S= 10 = ZD 61-10OFT = 10% W=A�-= 745_ 101-150FT = 5% subtotal: 5 p ( .75 maximum) SUBTOTAL: O gpm TOTAL REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: gpm # AVAILABLE FIRE FLOW: Z�jt gpm # PER: OF: MASON COUNTY STANDARD BASIC FLOW CHART Page 1; Type V-N, III-N, & II-N Type V-N: TYPE III-N & II-N GROSS AREA [SQ. FT] GPM GROSS AREA [SQ.FT. ] GPM TO 500 . . . . . . 500 TO 1, 200 . . . . . . 500 TO 1, 100 . . . . . 750 TO 2 , 400 . . . . . . 750 TO 1,700 . . . . . 1000 TO 3 , 900 . . . . . 1000 TO 2 , 600 . . . . . 1250 TO 5 , 800 . . . . . 1250 TO 3 , 600 . . . . . 1500 TO 8 , 200 . . . . . 1500 TO 4 , 800 . . . . . 1750 TO 10, 900 . . . . . 1750 TO 6, 200 . . . . . 2000 TO 13 , 900 . . . . . 2000 TO 7,700 . . . . . 2250 TO 17,400 . . . . . 2250 TO 9, 400 . . . . . 2500 TO 21, 300 . . . . . 2500 TO 11, 300 . . . . . 2750 TO 25, 500 . . . . . 2750 TO 13 , 400 . . . . . 3000 TO 30, 100 . . . . . 3000 TO 15, 600 . . . . . 3250 TO 35,200 . . . . . 3250 TO 18 , 000 . . . . . 3500 TO 40, 600 . . . . . 3500 TO 20, 600 . . . . . 3750 TO 46, 400 . . . . . 3750 TO 23 , 300 . . . . . 4000 TO 52 ,500 . . . . . 4000 TO 26, 300 . . . . . 4250 TO 59 , 100 . . . . . 4250 TO 29 , 300 . . . . . 4500 TO 66, 000 . . . . . 4500 TO 32 , 600 . . . . . 4750 TO 73 , 300 . . . . . 4750 TO 36, 000 . . . . . 5000 TO 81, 100 . . . . . 5000 TO 39 , 600 . . . . . 5250 TO 89,200 . . . . . 5250 TO 43 ,400 . . . . . 5500 TO 97,700 . . . . . 5500 TO 47, 400 . . . . . 5750 TO 106, 500 . . . . . 5750 TO 51, 500 . . . . . 6000 TO 115, 800 . . . . . 6000 TO 55,700 . . . . . 6250 TO 125, 500 . . . . . 6250 TO 60,200 . . . . . 6500 TO 135, 500 . . . . . 6500 TO 64 , 800 . . . . . 6750 TO 145, 800 . . . . . 6750 TO 69 , 600 . . . . . 7000 TO 156,700 . . . . . 7000 TO 74 , 600 . . . . . 7250 TO 167, 900 . . . . . 7250 TO 79,800 . . . . . 7500 TO 179,400 . . . . . 7500 TO 85, 100 . . . . . 7750 TO 191,400 . . . . . 7750 or > 85, 101 . . . . . . 8000 = or > 191, 401 . . . 8000 Note: For type V-lhr. , III-lhr. , or II-lhr. use the base flow figure for non-rated (-N) construction. A credit for 1hr. construction is allowed as the second step on the "form for the calculation of required fire flow" . it � � 7 T� - NIGHWAy i1,� tiG 3 % /F• � t 1 / .�sj / `ti 6OIA 3'x6O"daf Ol dr4nfieid � ov 14 : : s : : : : : / from main O I floor toilets y 81� ,s2u►0r W etc. m Qd.Win°� P/ Sy, bat►,roor�5 L I�2 S9al. X O ,oGS NOrF: ALA, RooF DRAWS slr 750 9 IT ARE TO 6E f1PED AWAY FP"OM &ILDiWGS WO Q'L DRk)N F)EAa k 4"prc ,A SURt� ko 12"� raJ>t,2 relocn+e.d O ,o' 2p� exist►'r5 SIT dI f 3 +Yer,c,AM y ti -�f 31 ENGINEERS CONSOER TOWNSEND ENVIRODYNE ENGINEERS, INC. FILE Copp 733 Market Street June 30, 1995 Jerry Hukill, Manager Belfair Water District No. 1 Suite 500 22431 Hwy. 3 P.O. Box 563 Belfair, WA 98528 Tacoma, Washington 98402 Subject: Computer Analysis Fire Flow Results for the Belfair Baptist Church Dear Jerry: Phone: (206) 572 9850 Enclosed is a copy of the output file for the computer analysis of the fire flow capabilities of the Belfair Water System for the new hydrant at the Belfair Baptist Church. The analysis covers the entire 24-hour period of a peak day use. Please refer to the highlighted pagers 39 - 47 for period of time the fire Fax: (206) 572 8886 flow was run. This is the peak hour flow period of the day. The results of the analysis indicate the system can produce 2,000 gpm at the new church hydrant. However, I must tell you that the results may, or may not, be absolutely correct. The location of the new hydrant in the analysis was based r on our conversation, with an estimate of the distance between nodes on the current system input file. In addition, I estimated the elevation of the grounds of the church based on the above location with reference to the USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map of Belfair. The estimated elevation is 60' and the calculated outlet pressure head at that point is 106.2', or 20 psi. The actual potential flow available for the church should be verified by metering the flow from the existing hydrant and applying the pressure loss formula the fire departments use for calculating total available flow at a residual pressure of 20 psi. If you or Dave Salzer have any questions on the computer analysis, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very Truly Yours, CONSOER TOWNSEND ENVIRODYNE ENGINEERS, INC. N�z �- Chandler L. Odell, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure r � 61 Uf 7� �A 4 615 (6 ,v �3) OC 2,71 01770# -l2JJ--VPH I-IEV 1 i4 i �riil/fit in �l�ll ©�99� ■ ■ v 5 T E M 5