HomeMy WebLinkAboutPAR2014-00079 - PAR Application - 4/8/2015 COU�rt MASON COUNTY (360)427-9670 Shelton ext.352 tt-P9oN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (360) 275-4467 Belfair ext. 352 BUILDING• PLANNING• FIRE MARSHAL (360) 482-5269 Elma ext. 352 Mason County Bldg. III, 426 West Cedar Street Shelton, WA 98584 www.co.mason.wa.us IN54 Date: 04/08/2015 RE: Pre-Submission Conference PAR2014-00079 Parcel Number: 12332-50-00004 Dear Applicant, Please find enclosed a computer-generated report summarizing the results of your pre-submission conference on 1/14/2015 If you have questions regarding the summary report,please do not hesitate to call the appropriate staff member. The various staff members,the departments they represent and their telephone extensions are listed below: DEPARTMENT STAFF MEMBER EXTENTSION INITIALS Fire Inspector/Comm. Dev. Jeromy Hicks - JNH Building/Comm. Dev. Debbera Coker - DLC Environ. Health Spec./Public Health Cindy Waite 353 CEW Eng. Tech/Public Works Fred Perryman 625 FJP Planner/Comm. Dev. Grace Miller 360 GBM Planner/Comm. Dev. Rebecca Hersha 287 RDH Planner/Comm. Dev. Allan Borden 365 AHB Planner/Comm. Dev Michael MacSems 571 MMS Stormwater Eng./Public Works Loretta Swanson 769 LGS The comments are based on the project discussed during the pre-submission conference. Any changes or alterations to the original proposal may significantly change the permit requirements. In this case a second pre-submission conference will most likely be required to discuss the changes. Information provided to the prospective applicant during the pre-submission conference is based on Mason County regulations in effect at the time of the conference. Revised or new regulations could affect a future development application. A pre-submission conference does not vest a future development application. If further assistance is needed please contact us at 360.427.9670 ext. 352 or www.co.mason.wa.us. Case Activity Listing 4/8/2015 11:55:26AM Case #: PAR2014-00079 i Assigned Done Activity Description Date I Date 2 Date 3 Hold Disp To By Updated Updated 13) PARA10 Application Received 12/30/2014 None JBN 12/30/2014 JBN PARM999 Attached Document 1/13/2015 None DONE DLC 1/13/2015 DLC photo taken on 1.6.2015 by LDK to investigate complaint that work being performed inside building without a permit or approval. PARB10 Planning Review 12/30/2014 1/14/2015 None DONE AHB AHB 1/14/2015 AHB APPLICANT: Ganja Vita,Erica Weick MEETING DATE/TIME: WED. January 14,2015 11:00 am PARCEL NUMBER: 12332-50-00004 SITE ADDRESS:23441 NE State Route 3,Belfair WA PROJECT DESCRIPTION:New location for 1-502 marijuana retail business REVIEW COMMENTS BY PLANNER: Allan Borden (360.427-9670 ext.365) [from Belfair 360.275-44671 Proposed land use: retail business in existing 800 sq.ft.building,located 20 feet from SR 3 right-of-way,and 10 to 12 feet from north property line. Critical Area concerns: Stream/wetland critical areas beyond the rear of the property. Zone:Belfair Urban Growth Area Mixed Use(MU),permitted by Ordinance No.62-13 [MCC 17.17.008.i]. Building Height limit:maximum of 35 feet(applies on the west side of the State Route 3 right-of-way). Area/Building size:no limit. Setbacks:Title 17.23.250 and depends on adjacent uses and adequate landscaping around buildings and parking. Landscaping:Title 17.23.265 and applicable 17.31 standards(typically not required when similar land use is adjacent to subject property). Parking needs: 1 stall per 300 sq.ft.net floor area;plan to account for surface runoff per 2005 DOE stormwater standards(roof runoff be treated on the property in drywell and in infiltration trenches adjacent to parking areas). Proposed parking along State Route 3 will need to account for wider highway right-of-way easement,a project that is on-going;as a result,parking may have to be moved to the side or rear of the property. One ADA stall may fit parallel in front of building,once the road work is completed. Access:existing access with WA Dept.of Transportation;contact Duke Stryker. Sewer:Development Regulations require connection to Belfair UGA system as it is implemented in the next two to five years;in coordination with Mason County Utilities&Waste Management (360.427-9670 ext.207). Signs:monument sign at road is allowed;and wall or facade signs on buildings per Title 17.34 for Belfair UGA;sign building permit would be needed. PARB20 Building Plan Review 12/30/2014 1/14/2015 None DONE DLC 1/14/2015 DLC Document addressing Bldg and fire,distributed during the meeting,are attached to this case. See documents.. The lower floor is not being used by the tenant and does not have access to the area. Page 1 of 2 Casenctiviry..rpt Case Activity Listing 4/8/2015 11as:26AM Case #: PAR2014-00079 i� Assigned Done Activity Description Date 1 Date 2 Date 3 Hold Disp To By Updated Updated By PARB40 Environ.Health Review 12/30/2014 1/14/2015 None DONE CF?Vd 1/14/2015 CEW Will be on Belfair Sewer and Water PARB50 Public Works Review 12/30/2014 1/14/2015 None DONE DLC 1/14/2015 DLC Access regulated by Washington State Dept.of Transportation. PARB60 Fire Marshal Review 12/30/2014 1/14/2015 None DONE DLC 1/14/2015 DLC Document addressing bldg and fire,distributed during the meeting,are attached to this case. See documents. Fire flow is provided by hydrant located within 400-ft of furthest section of bldg. An addressable fire alarm is not required since fire flow is available.Exit sign at entry door and 2-2AIOBC fire ext. Page 2 of 2 CaseActivity..rpt 60�4 COUP MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mason County Building III, = 426 West Cedar Street, Shelton, WA 98584 1854 www.co.masonma.us (360)427-9670 Belfair(360)275-4467 Elma (360)482-5269 MASON COUNTY PERMITTING FOR RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA • BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE: Debbera Coker (360) 427-9670 EXT 510 E-Mail: DLC@co.mason.wa.us • DATE: January 14, 2015 • PRE-APPLICATION CASE NUMBER: PAR2014-00079 •• PROJECT INFORMATION: (Business name, representatives): Erica Weick, Ganja Vita • PROJECT ADDRESS: 23441 NE State Route 3, Belfair, WA • PARCEL NUMBER: 12332-50-00004 • DESCRIPTION &SIZE OF PROJECT: Existing bldg previously used as an auto repair business • GENERAL NOTES: Provide a floor plan, drawn to scale, of all floors including the basement. Identify the use of space and exit doors, signage, fire extinguishers, etc. Clearly identify all changes made to the structure including new walls. • OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION & USE: "U"Occupancy=Agricultural building or area used for production and crop production shelter. Use may include planting, cultivating, growing, and harvesting. The provisions of Washington State Chapter 19.27 RCW/WAC 51-50-007 may apply to some projects: Provisions of the construction code do not apply to temporary growing structures used solely for the commercial production of horticultural plants including ornamental plants, flowers, vegetables, and fruits. "Temporary growing structure"means a structure that has the sides and roof covered with polyethylene, polyvinyl, or similar flexible synthetic material and is used to provide plants with either frost protection or increased heat retention. A temporary growing structure is not considered a building for purposes of the building and fire code. Building department and fire-life-safety review shall not be required for a temporary growing structure. "F1"Occupancy= Structure or area used to process material into a useable product. Includes packaging, labeling useable product for wholesale in retailers. "M"Occupancy--A structure or area used for retail sales to the public. "S"Occupancy=An area or structure used for storage. • SETBACKS TO PROPERTY LINES: EXISTING STRUCTURE, NO CHANGE. SITE PLAN IS NOT REQUIRED UNLESS THERE WILL AN INCREASE IN FOOTPRINT OF STRUCTURE. Provide a site plan, drawn to scale, shall clearly identify setback dimensions on site plan. Overhangs shall be limited in accordance with IBC 705 Structures shall be located not less than 10-ft from the adjacent property line (ref IBC 603) • DISTANCES TO OTHER STRUCTURES: NOTAPPLICABLE. Site plan, drawn to scale shall clearly identify distances, where required include fire-resistive details, including continuity, &tested assembly details. To be considered a separate structure each structure shall be located 20-ft from each other. Referencing IBC 705.3, buildings located on the same lot shall be assumed to have an imaginary line between the buildings, therefore to be considered a separate building a distance of 20-ft or more shall be provided. Overhangs shall be limited to in accordance with Table 705.2. • FIRE RESISTANCE FOR EXTERIOR WALLS: NOT REQUIRED. When required include fire-resistive details, including continuity, &tested assembly details. When firewalls are required to create a "separate"building the firewalls shall be constructed equal to 3- hours or better assembly constructed in accordance with IBC Section 706. • IDENTIFY TYPE QF= & PROVIDE AILI-C-U.I.A.-RILE AREA CALCULATIONS WHERE NEEDED. veev-c Chapter 5 IBG.... when fire flow is available and provided: ' u nsingle u GGGUpaRGY n • FIRE-RESISTIVE RATED CONSTRUCTION &TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION : Where required demonstrate compliance. Identify the location of the assembly, compliance to continuity requirements and construction details: EXTERIOR WALL (IBC704), FIRE WALL (IBC705), FIRE BARRIER (IBC706), SHAFT ENCLOSURES (IBC 707), FIRE PARTITIONS (IBC 708), SMOKE BARRIERS (IBC 709), SMOKE PARTITIONS (IBC 710), HORIZONTAL ASSEMBLIES (IBC 711), PENETRATIONS (IBC 712), FIRE- RESISTANT JOINT SYSTEMS (IBC 713), FIRE-RESISTANCE RATING OF STRUCTUURAL MEMBERS (IBC 714), OPENING PROTECTION (IBC 715), DUCT&AIR TRANSFER OPENINGS (IBC 716), CONCEALED SPACES (IBC 717), ETC, Buildings with mixed used such as a "U"and an "F1"the uses may be non-separated in accordance with IBC Section 508.3. The allowable area and height shall be the most restrictive requirement. Unless specified otherwise, referencing Table 508.4, the following will apply: When non-separated uses will not apply, a 2-hour fire barrier shall be required to separate F1 and occupancies. Separation between an F1 and M is not required. • NUMBER OF EXITS REQUIRED/OCCUPANT LOAD:(IBC 1004): Include design calculations on building plans. Clearly identify the exit path and exit signage on construction plans. ReferencingTable 1004.1.2 the following occupant factor applies: 9 P Pp U-Occupancies: 1:500 sf of the gross area F-1 Occupancies: 1:100 sf of the gross area M Occupancies. 1.30 sf of the gross area The occupant load is needed to verify that adequate exits are provided and to verify that adequate restrooms and other plumbing are fixtures are provided in accordance with Chapter 29. • ENGINEERING REQUIRED: NO...unless structural changes are proposed. New structures will need to comply with current code and designed to support lateral and vertical loads. Structures 4000 sq. ft or more shall have all plan pages reviewed and stamped by a Washington State licensed design professional. The review shall include a code evaluation addressing life-safety, plumbing & mechanical evaluation, and structural analysis. (ref. RCW 18.08.410) ALL PLAN PAGES SHALL BE STAMPED AND SIGNED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL, including plumbing and mechanical pages. • ACCESSIBILITY REQUIRED: YES, include compliance information including design calculations demonstrating compliance to Chapter 11 and details demonstrating compliance to ANSI 117.1 in effect at the time of submittal. Include information demonstrating compliance for restrooms, employee work areas, parking spaces, accessibility to structure, drinking fountain, signage, etc. When required verify that building plans contain compliance information. Existing buildings shall comply with IBC/WAC amendment Chapter34. "U"occupancy structures need not be accessible except that agricultural buildings shall require access to paved work areas open to the general public. (IBC 1103.2.5) • PLUMBING SYSTEMS (Chapter 29 Washington Amendment to IBC): Permitted building shall comply. On plans, include design calculations for the following: water closets (M/F), Lavatories, Drinking Fountains, etc. Plumbing fixtures need not be provided for unoccupied buildings or facilities(2902.1). Agricultural buildings would be considered a building that is not normally occupied. Other occupancies shall be provided with restrooms in accordance with WAC Table 2902.1. When the total occupant load is 15 or less separate facilities for male and female need not be provided but the fixtures and space must be accessible for persons with disabilities. • WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE: APPLIES TO CHANGES The following refer to Energy Code compliance. Referencing the 2012 Intemational Energy Conservation Code (IECC)/Washington State Energy Code (WSEC). New elements shall apply. When an existing structure is unheated and heat is added the building shall be made to comply with the energy code and compliance forms submitted with the permit application ► NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE: Heated spaces require NREC Compliance forms (envelope & mechanical). WSEC forms and information can be accessed at: hftp://www.neec.net/resources/resources.html ► LIGHTING: All non-residential structures shall comply with WSEC lighting requirements. Complete NREC Compliance Forms and lighting plan including switching locations. WSEC forms and information can be accessed at: http://www.neec.net/resources/resources.html. Task lighting for plant growth and maintenance is exempt(ref 405.5.1 #6) however lighting used in other areas shall comply with energy code specifications. In addition your local utility may have an incentive program, designed to help you lower energy consumption. To discuss incentive opportunities contact the Energy Services Department at PUD3 by calling (360)426-0777 or PUD1 at(360) 877-5249. • COMMERCIAL KITCHEN: Show compliance to Chapter 5 of the International Mechanical Code when a kitchen is included. When the structure will be provided with a kitchen the kitchen must comply with specifications of the Mechanical Code. When cooking produces grease or smoke a type 1 hood with fire suppression system. To properly evaluate provide information that clearly identifies what will be cooked and the type of cooking that will take place in the kitchen. • EXTRACTION: When manufacturing and performing oil extraction or other similar operation provide the following information: o Identify location where the extraction operation(s) will occur. The extraction room shall be separated form the other spaces with a fire barrier. Provide fire resistive construction details and tested assembly information. o Identify method of extraction. o Provide information about equipment and manufacturer specifications manufactured in accordance with accepted engineering practice. o Identify materials used to perform extraction process and anticipated quantities that will be located o Provide alarmed leak detection information o Identify location and type of portable fire extinguishers o Identify exit signage Provide installation information and specifications, reviewed, prepared and sealed by a Washington State licensed fire protection engineer or equivalent. Documents may include but not be limited to identification of control rooms and required protection such as fire-resistive assemblies, duct layouts and specifications, identify dampers as required, manufacturer specifications for equipment installed, etc. Documents submitted shall conform to Washington State WAC 314-55-104, Marijuana processor license extraction requirements. • GEOTECH REPORT REQUIRED? See planning regulations and IBC chapter 18. • PROVIDE A SPACE FOR STORAGE OF RECYCLED MATERIAL & SOLID WASTE (WAC51-50-009): Identify the location. • SPECIAL INSPECTION: Referencing IBC Chapter 17, Section 1704.1.1. This will typically apply to new construction. Some construction types and methods will require special inspection. When required provide a statement of special inspections prepared by registered design professional in responsible charge. Complete a Special Inspection authorization form. • INTERIOR FINISHES: Include information demonstrating compliance to Interior finishes required in IBC Chapter 8. Gypsum board will comply with requirements for interior finish. If you wish to use another finish material, including plastic please provide information about the material and submit with permit documents. Clearly identify finish material in cross section of construction plans. • STORAGE SPACES: Clearly identify the space. Include a list of material that will be stored, anticipated quantities, height, and if hazardous such as solvents, fertilizer gases, etc, include MSDS sheets for each product. Identify the anticipated storage height. • STORAGE RACKS greater than 5'9" shall be permitted either with the proposed project or separate building permit. Where required documents shall include design information demonstrating stability for seismic conditions. Special inspection may be necessary, reference IBC Section 1707.6 and 1705.3 (4.5), storage racks, provide compliance information. • MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: Identify the location and type of mechanical equipment located within, and outside the structure. Address foundation and support systems for equipment. Where new equipment will be placed on site provide UL listing information and/or construction details stamped by a Washington State licensed design professional. Where applicable include duct information and duct support compliance information. • SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEMS: Provide details and specifications relating to suspended ceilings where applicable. Details shall be designed and approved for seismic loading in accordance to IBC Chapter 16. Where required designate special inspection plan. FIRE MARSHAL REQUIREMENTS: The following address specific Fire Marshal comments. On construction plans identify compliance information on the proposed building plans. NOTE THAT SEPARATE FIRE PROTECTION PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR: Adequate fire flow provided when Fire hydrants are located within 400-ft of furthest section of building. Identify the location of fire hydrants. If adequate fire flow is NOT available an addressable fire alarm system chall be required. NFPA72 ADDRESSABLE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM OR NFPA 13 AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM • Identify the location of fire extinguishers and type of fire extinguisher. Typically in non-cooking areas, permanently install a type 2A1013C fire extinguisher such that it is located within 75-ft travel distance. • WATER SUPPLY& FIRE HYDRANT: Referencing IFC, Section 508; clearly identify fire hydrant location if one is located within 400-ft of the project. • FIRE FLOW: A copy of the approved method for determining fire flow is enclosed. Complete the Commercial fire-flow work sheet to identify fire flow and fire protection that may be necessary. Note that when fire flow is not available step 3 shall apply. See also requirements for IBC Table 503, allowable areas: 0-500 sq. ft.: no protection (mitigation) needed. 501-5999 sq. ft: Install an NFPA 72 addressable fire alarm system OR construct firewalls in accordance with IBC Section 706 to create maximum 2000 sq. ft. fire areas 6000— 12,000 sq. ft: Install NFPA 13 automatic fire sprinkler system OR install NFPA 72 addressable fire alarm system maximum 6000 sq. ft fire area with fire walls constructed in accordance with IBC Section 706, OR construct firewalls in accordance with IBC Section 706 to create maximum 2000 sq. ft. fire areas 12, 000 sq. ft or more: Install NFPA 13 automatic fire sprinkler system • EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS: A copy of the"Standards for Fire Apparatus Access Roads" adopted through Mason County Building Code, Section 14.17 is attached. Verify that documents clearly identify code compliance. • ADDRESSING: Referencing IFC, Section 505 and Mason County Code Chapter 14.28, all new buildings shall have an approved address. Applications for an approved address can be obtained on the Mason County website at: www.co.mason.wa.us, Forms and Brochures, Community Development, the address to the referenced web page is: http://www.co.mason.wa.us/forms/Community—Dev/index.php. Each building within the facility shall be distinguished with a separate identification so that emergency personnel can find the building in the event of an emergency. • AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM: Referencing IFC, Section 907 and NFPA 72, when proposed provide information on plans that identifies your intent to install the alarm system. Automatic fire alarm systems require a separate"Mason County Fire Protection System Permit Application". The application can be obtained by going to same website and page referenced above. • SPRINKLER SYSTEM: Referencing IFC, Section 903 and NFPA 13, when proposed provide information on plans that identifies your intent to install the NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system. Automatic fire sprinkler systems require a separate "Mason County Fire Protection System Permit Application". The application can be obtained by going to same website and page referenced above. • KNOX BOX: Referencing IFC, Section 506, access shall be required, typically through use of a Knox box. Provide compliance information with construction documents. Contact the local fire district to make arrangements for an approved key box, location, etc. The local fire district for your project is North Mason Fire and can be reached as follows: (360) 275-6711 • GAS METERS/TANKS: Referencing The International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) and NFPA 58 provide compliance information as required within the referenced codes. • STORAGE (TYPE, HEIGHT, ETC.) Referencing IFC, Chapter 19 (Lumber yards and wood working facilities), Chapter 23 (High-piled combustible storage), Chapter 27 (Hazardous Materials), etc. HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE includes the storage of combustible materials in closely packed piles or combustible materials on pallets, in racks or on shelves where the top of storage is greater than 12 ft in height. High piled combustible storage areas shall be protected in accordance with the 2012 International Fire Code, Chapter 32. Provide compliance information demonstrating compliance. o Identify all materials to be stored, including commodity classification (see IFC2303 and Table 2306.2), and type of plastics when applicable. Include anticipated quantities, loose or baled, anticipated height, o Identify hazardous materials classified as a physical or health hazard, include MSDS sheets as specified in IFC Section 2703.4. Referencing Table 2703.1.1(1), identify proposed control areas and method of protection. Referencing IFC Section 2704, identify spill control and proposed secondary containment, see also IFC Table 2704.2.2 o Identify method of storage (i.e. racks, shelves, pallets and what storage method is constructed of such as plastic, wood, metal, etc.) If pallets will be used , identify location of unused pallets and anticipated quantity o Identify flammable and combustible liquids, flammable gases, and flammable solids regulated under IFC Chapters 34, 35 and 36. Include information demonstrating compliance, including proposed storage, classification of flammable material and/or combustible liquid • OTHER: PERMITS REQUIRED FOR PROJECT El BUILDING 0 PLUMBING/ MECHANICAL, when new plumbing and mechanical fixtures are installed ❑ GRADING PERMIT (When greater than 200 cubic yards) ❑ CHANGE OF USE ❑ FIRE SUPPRESSION, where required. See Fire Marshal comments 0 SIGN I] FENCE (Greater than 7'0" above grade) ADDITIONAL NOTES: WHEN YOU ARE READY, SUBMIT FOUR (4 SITE PLANS, DRAWN TO SCALE ALONG WITH THREE (3) COMPLETE SETS OF BUILDING PLANS INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING. (NOTE, ALL PLAN PAGES SHALL BE STAMPED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE WHEN THE STRUCTURE EXCEEDS 4000 SQ. FT.): • CONSTRUCTION PLANS, drawn to scale. Include floor plan, elevations, cross section, cross section, construction details, etc. • MECHANICAL PLAN, • PLUMBING PLAN AND • NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE/VENTILATION & INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE INFORMATION. • DEFERRED SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. • A PLAN REVIEW FEE WILL BE COLLECTED WHEN THE BUILDING PERMIT IS SUBMITTED. VALUATIONS ARE BASED UPON THE MOST RECENT BUILDING STANDARDS VALUATION DATA RECOMMENDATIONS AND THE PERMIT FEE WILL BE DETERMINED BASED UPON TABLE 1-A OF THE 1997 UBC. DESIGN CRITERIA: SEISMIC ZONE: D2 WIND LOAD: 85 MPH, Depending upon location see IBC 1609.4.1 SNOW LOAD: See Mason County website: http://www.co.mason.wa.us/forms/Community_Dev/snow—load—map.pdf 25 PSF, Except: Lake Cushman 55psf Along Hood Canal, Potlatch North to County line 40 psf Matlock, Lake Nahwatzel up to Skokomish Valley 35 psf REFERENCE CODE EDITIONS: Effective July 1, 2013 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC), INCLUDING APPENDIX CHAPTERS C, E AND H, EXCLUDING H106; SECTIONS 101 THROUGH 107, PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, AND EXCLUDING APPENDIX CHAPTERS A, B, D, F, G, I, J AND K AND; ADOPTING THE WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE WAC 51- 50, AND THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE. 2012 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE (UPC), PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ASSN. OF PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL OFFICIALS(IAPMO)AND ADOPTING THE WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE WAC 51-56 AND WAC 51-57, EXCLUDING SECTIONS 102.4 AND CHAPTERS 12, 15, AND 16, PART I. 2012 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (IMC), PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, AND THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE AS ADOPTED THROUGH THE WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE WAC 51-52. 2012 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, EXCLUDING APPENDIX A, D, AND K AND ADOPTING APPENDICES B,C,E,F, G AND ADOPTING THE WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE WAC 51- 54. 2012 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE(IECC), AS AMENDED BY WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE WAC 51-11 To view the Mason County Building and Construction Code and adopted amendments go to the Mason County website at: www.co.mason.wa.us. i PREAPPLICATIO'N CONFERENCE CHECKUST CONF. DATE: PAR#: 201q -000-79 1 M PARCEL#: J'j,?i32-$b-0000 1 SITE ADDRESS: 2 3 K4 ( N 6 5�+CJ3� AGENDA;; AGENDA APPLICATION REMINDER/DAY RECIPIENT =- PLANS BEFORE.CONFERENCE 7 11f> 614e4-, PLANNER: GRACE ALLAN REBECCA MICHAEL -NOTES: nn 1)5 V;%je4A,. BUILDING: EBBERA COKER-ALL PUBLIC WORKS: FRED PERRYMAN -ALL HEALTH: lS SZ.5r HEALTH: CINDY WAITE-ALL lJP/Yl FIRE DEPT. FOR AREA: Z- 1 �<J PUD#1 O PUD# (All are PUD#3 except Union, Hoodsport, Liliiwaup) CITY OF SHELTON: Any address UGA or within 1000' of city limits. e Go' s Directo t. of Community Development 525 . Cota S t Sh ton, WA. 98584 PORT OF SHELTON: When located it complex. Ask Grace if unsure. Ak ort- P Ilic Works area-Johns Prairie PoIL lelton, John Dobson 21 W an Wa Sh on, WA 98584 12 9jp J 4 y•#,/P►rL PreAppNotificationList (E MAIL) COMMENTS INPUT-TIDEMARK `' SELFAtRLALLYN:UGA LAND DIVISIONS PLANNING LORETTA SWANSON (PW) HEALTH DEPT. TOM MOORE (PW) FIRE MARSHAL BUILDING TIDEMARK COMMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS MAILED TO APPLICANT: PUBLIC WORKS a -ftA'do )4dgZVY — RECEIVED DEC 3 0 2014 l')C, W. CEDAR ST- SLJ PAR 000 7Z GI DATE C , 20l PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE REQUEST FORM The purpose of the pre-submission conference is to identify and/or eliminate as many potential problems as possible in order for the project to be processed without delay. Representatives for the Fire Marshal's Office, Building Department, Environmental Health, Planning, and Public Works Departments May attend the meeting to discuss rules and regulations applicable to the proposed project. Topics covered during the meeting will include the comprehensive plan, shoreline program, zoning, availability of sewer and potable water, development concepts, building construction, fire protection and life safety concerns of the proposed project. The pre-submission conference will be most informative when you provide accurate and detailed inf to the Pre-A plication Conference Application Form and the site plan.Applications will be accepted w 1 information is eived an eemed complete. Pre-Application Confere es ar eld every Wednesday and la up to one hour. To schedule a meeting complete the applications and re with 6 copies of the detailed site plan,b 3:00 PM on the Wednesdaytwo weeks prior to the proposed meetin QAn1AAG� 1.Pre-Application/Dept of Commu6gy Dev. En ' onmental Health 426 W Cedar Street 415 N 5`h /PO Box 1666 Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton,WA 98584 360.427.9670 ext. 352 360.427.9670 ext.400 Check amount: $255.00 Check amount: $100.00 BOTH CHECKS MADE PAYABLE: MASON COUNTY TREASURER Applicant: Eri C0. V�e`L� Site Plan Name: Submit 6 copies Mailing Address: ZV Include the_following information Daytime Telephone: Fax: Indicate Scale and North Arrow Email address: 0CLM ❑ Property line dimensions,easements, and right-of-ways. Representative: Name: �` The location of all existing and r� proposed structures.Include square Mailing Address: 1-3 4 N l 916 SE 5Qkh� footage of existing and proposed P structures. Daytime Telephone: Fax: ❑ Setback distance,in feet from all Email address: /� property lines and structures. Parcel Number: (12 digits) I �33z- 50 - 0000 ID Existing and proposed road access to and from the site. Description of Project: Include: 1)Square footage of structure,2)Use of building and rooms(i.e., Parking sites office,warehouse,restaurant,storage,etc),3)Occupancy classification per Location of on-site sewage tanks and drainfields. IBC, Section 302.1,and construction type.4)Provide two sets of plans,if / � � Xr Location of drinking water supply. available.Use separate sheet if necessary [ , on? Include location on the proposed site and surrounding parcels. �— Steep bluffs,wetlands,streams,and bodies of water Location of fire hydrants and emergency vehicle access roads, including grade. ;d Surface and storm water run-off routes. Nw we- Has the project been discussed during a previous Pre-Application Conference: If yes, please indicate date. Will the building have employees? If yes,how many? w What is the water availability of the proposed project? If there is an existing well, what is the name of the system? Lc,c�.--k t,._: � c . What is planned for the on-site sewage system? If you are proposing a new on-site system provide detail on the required site plan. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIOX- 3►-V a VM 2 3 e I qcY APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES 2012 International Building Code/2009 International Residential Code RE EIVED 2012 International Fire Code-ANSI A 117 2012 International Mechanical Code—WAC 51-42 D G 3 0 2014 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code—WAC 51-56/51-47 2012 International Energy Cons.Code/Washington State Energy Code—WAC 51-11C&51-1V6 CEDAR ST. Mason County Ordinance Title 14 Code changes are on a 3 year cycle;effective in July of that particular year. Date of Conference: )q Ja f) p`6 —\A)fb Time of Conference: l/:0()1J1V1 Location of Confirence: 426 West Cedar Street,Shelton Planner: ���i� ext. �� Page 1 of 1 f J w a 1x 1 14)' RrOr CorNO e .® Oi 0 RECENED DEC 3 0 2014 426 W. CEDAR ST, http://www.bing.com/maps/GetMap.ashx?od=1&b=h,mkt.en-us,stl.h&ur=US&rf=-o&rp=... 12/28/2014 Page 1 of 1 +kr M �r MlY i 75d 96 Y _-tvu N1� t 1uCCo �INcl(-IOU t RECEIVED DEC 3 0 2014 426 W. CEDAR ST. http://photos5.idxnw.com/allthumbs.html?1=29015190&id=l 1007993&p=l&t=24&st=S 12/28/2014 Page 1 of 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:161DC4D6-5507.4F26-8F6F-EE85899E180A A n m n c F O O 3 A A C sa 70�i A n n 8 0-4- 3 n . A g i rrn O 3 v 1 D m A IV O > v 0 1-^ S 3 1 C1 i D V1 3 T .w https:Happ.docusign.com/api/accounts/34021090/envelopes/161 dc4d6-5507-426-8f6f-ee... 12/28/2014 r RECEIVED 3 x DEC 3 0 2014 426 W. CEDAR ST W i I • Qj 4 YWashington State Licensing and Regulation + Liquor Control Board PO Box 43098, 3000 Pacific Ave SE Olympia WA 98504-3098 Phone- (360) 664-1600 Fax- (360) 753-2710 December 16, 2014 EZ DAZE LLC PO BOX 106 LAKEBAY WA 98349 Re: GANJA VITA 23441 NE STATE ROUTE 3 BELFAIR WA 98528 LICENSE No.: 415539-7V UBI: 603-359-467-001-0003 Your license has been approved for the following: MARIJUANA RETAILER This license is valid through December 31, 2015. You must post this letter in a public service area as your temporary operating permit. If you do not receive your Business License with marijuana endorsement(s)within 15 days,please contact Department of Revenue's Business Licensing Service/Specialty Licenses at(360) 705-6744. This license allows you to sell only usable marijuana, marijuana-infused products, and marijuana paraphernalia at retail in retail outlets to persons twenty-one years of age or older. You may only purchase from a licensed marijuana processor. All sales must take place on the licensed premises.No marijuana may be opened or consumed on the premises. Persons under 21 years of age are not permitted on the premises. A sign reading"Persons under twenty-one years of age not permitted on these premises"must be posted in a conspicuous location at each entry to the premises (WAC 314-55-086). The licensee must ensure required information is entered into the traceability system and kept completely up-to-date as stated in WAC 314-55-083(4). Changes in ownership, alterations to your operating and/or floor plan, and business relocation require prior Board approval. If you wish to make such changes,please contact our office for assistance. When applicable, you are obligated to meet all other requirements of state, county, and city laws and ordinances(such as sanitation,zoning, fire, safety and building codes, etc.). i Marijuana 9/4/14 �I III IIII I IIII III II IIIII II I I I Zdn �A � 1 � -'ed 1.�� 4 - a.�rA (- S r Page 2 In accordance with WAC 314-55-020(11)the issuance of the license by the WSLCB shall not be construed as a license for, or an approval of, any violations of local rules or ordinances including,but not limited to: Building and fire codes, zoning ordinances, and business licensing requirements. Your marijuana license can be renewed through the Department of Revenue Business Licensing Service. Information on how to do this will be included on your renewal notice. Mi-aand vPa u"kvilmt Liquor Licensing Specialist 360 664-4517 cc: Tacoma Enforcement Office Mason County Commissioners File Copy Marijuana 9/4/14 TerraScan TaxSifter - Mason County Washington Page 1 of 2 ti MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON TAXSIFTER SIMPLE SEARCH SALES SEARCH REETSIFTER COUNTY HOME PAGE CONTACT DISCLAIMER Melody Peterson Mason County Assessor 411 N STH ST Shelton,WA 98S84 Parcel Parcel#: 12332-50-00004 Owner Name: CHU, MOU-MAN DOR Code: 55 -Trade -Auto Addressi: PO BOX 1610 Situs: 23441 NE STATE RTE 3 BELFAIR Address2: Map Number: City, State: BELFAIRWA Status: Zip: 98528 Description: SAM B. THELER'S HOME &GAR TRS TR 2-A Comment: 2015 Market Value 2015 Taxable Value 2015 Assessment Data Land: $99,695 Land: $99,695 District: 0276-Tax District 0276 Improvements: $87,360 Improvements: $87,360 Current Use/DFL: No Permanent Crop: $0 Permanent Crop: $0 Total $187,055 Total $187,055 Total Acres: 0.27000 Ownership Owner's Name _ Ownership % CHU, MOU-MAN 100 % Sales History Sale Date Sales Document # Parcels Excise# Grantor Grantee Price 01/09/14 2019722 1 14-18899 SMITH, JEFFREY L&SAUNDRA L CHU, MOU-MAN $100,000 01/26/07 1887914 1 200700000 DONALD ROY&LINDA LEE * JEFFREY&SAUNDRA L SMITH H/W $0 12/01/06 1884148 1 200687809 DONALD RAY&LINDA LEE * JEFFREY&SAUNDRA L SMITH H/W $230,000 02/11/99 684329 1 199948105 CYRUS &PATRICIA WALLACE DONALD ROY&LINDA LEE CASTEEL $80,000 09/20/88 485831 1 1988104018 CYRUS WALLACE ET UX DONALD &LINDA CASTEEL $0 05/02/79 579733 1 197962684 BEYNON INC CYRUS W &PATRICIA J WALLACE $0 Historical Valuation Info Year Billed Owner Land Impr. PermCrop Value Total Exempt Taxable 2015 CHU,MOU-MAN $99,695' $87,360 $0 $187,055 $0 $187,055 2014 CHU, MOU-MAN $98,600 $81,900 $0 $180,500 $0 $180,500 2013 SMITH, JEFFREY L&SAUNDRA L $98,600 $91,000 $0 $189,600 $0 $189,600 2012 SMITH, JEFFREY L&SAUNDRA L $109,555 $91,000 $0 $200,555 $0 $200,555 2011 SMITH,JEFFREY L&SAUNDRA L $109,555 $91,000 $0 $200,555 $0 $200,555 http://property.co.mason.wa.us/Taxslfter/Assessor.aspx:keyId_ -3195413&parcelNumber-12332 50- 00... 12/30/2014