HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2023-00336 Cancelled Garage - BLD Inspections - 11/5/2024 i ����� COUNTY W.Alder St.Bldg 8,SHELTON,WA 98584 SHELTON: 360-427-9670, EXT 352 �r�&#� COMMUNITY SERVICES BELFAIR: 360-275-4467, EXT 352 OuildirigPlanning,Environmentalllealth,Communityllealth ELMA: 360-482-5269, EXT 352 www.co.mason.wa.us INSPECTION CARD AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY" To schedule an inspection call or visit http://www.co.mason.wa.us/community-services/bid-inspecti .p Permit Number BLD2023-00336 Date Issued 05/12/2023 Issued B Project GARAGE ADDITION TO MAIN HOUSE Site Address 14451 E STATE ROUTE 106 Applicant BEYER CLAUDETTE D Contractor JACK JOHNSON CONSTUCTION INC Contractor Phone 1.979.777.8668 Primary Code UPC IBC, IRC, IFC,IEC,IMC,& Type Permit Type GARAGE/STORAGE Occupancy -APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ONSITE FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. -DO NOT PROCEED BEYOND EACH STAGE OR COVER WORK UNTIL APPROVAL IS GRANTED. -THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION, FRONT OF THE PREMISES IS BEST FOR MAKING ENTRY. -ALL PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER THE PERMIT IS ISSUED OR 180 DAYS AFTER DATE OF LAST INSPECTION. -OWNER/AGENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REQUESTING ALL INSPECTIONS THROUGH FINAL INSPECTION. `*THIS STRUCTURE MAY NOT BE USED OR OCCUPIED UNTIL ALL APPROVALS ARE GRANTED.`* PRIOR TO CALLING FOR FINAL INSPECTION,ALL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT MUST BE MET Public Works Access/Driveway Other Health Septic Well Deptartment Planning Site Inspection Department Fire Marshall Fire Apparatus Access Fire Sprinkler Auto Fire Alarm Hood and Duct Other Final Building Department Building Official: Community Services Designee Concrete Setbacks 3 Slab ;Footing Perimeter Point load Footing 'Footing Interior Footing Decks/Porches \ Foundation Stem Walls Other Rough-In Groundwork Plumbing Framing y Groundwork Mechanical Plumbing Groundwork Gas Pipe Mechanical Gas Piping Shear Wall Nailing Underfloor Other Insulation Slab Ceiling Floor Vaulted Ceiling Walls Vapor Barrier Other Wallboard Interior Wall Brace Panels Fire Walls Nailing Other Final Building Manufactured Setbacks Setup Home Concrete Foot/ Runners Final Other t�Ax'\L d cc�l r no k � � CG e.-�a� -\0A, Z3 N N d video . MASON COUNTY 360-427-9670 Shelton ext.352 360-275-4467 Belfair ext.352 COMMUNITY SERVICES 360-482-5269 Elma ext. 352 Building, Planning, Environmental Health,Community Health 615 W. Alder St.Bldg.8 - Shelton,WA 98584 www.masoncountywa.gov CORRECTIONANSPECTION REPORT PERMIT/CASE NUMBER: l.(1 ADDRESS/LOCATION: Vo FINDINGS• Y 2 �h Items listed above must be corrected to gain compliance. THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE INSPECTION This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the items listed above are in VIOLATION of Mason County laws and/or ordinances. eake r re-inspection when corrections are made before proceeding with any further work. corrections, items will be checked on the next inspection. OK to Date: "V ❑ Please contact our office regarding possible Department: ZL- structural damage incurred by recent Inspector: - () r l "natural/man made"disasters.This is NOT a CORRECTION NOTICE. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG MCC14.12 MASON COUNTY 360-427-9670 Shelton ext.352 COMMUNITY SERVICES 36 60-482-52 Belfair ext.352 360-482-5269 Elma ext.352 Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health 615 W.Alder St.Bldg.8 - Shelton,WA 98584 www.masoncoun"a.gov CORRECTION/INSPECTION REPORT PERMIT/CASE NUMBER: �Z ADDRESS/LOCATION: �, A —A �lJ FINDINGS: '( rke ac r ` r k � �a -VirA, - E--j 1-�o ��ftye� r\ t�1 Items listed above must be corrected to fain compliance. ❑ THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE INSPECTION ❑ This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the items listed above are in VIOLATION of Mason County laws and/or ordinances. �ll for re-inspection when corrections are made before proceeding with any further work. ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on the next inspection. ❑ OK to r^ \ Date: W' \`"2� ❑ Please contact our office regarding possible Department: o structural damage incurred by recent Inspector: _ O f i-�.S "natural/man made"disasters.This is NOT a CORRECTION NOTICE. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG MCC14.12 r a • Evw'broteck Evue ' ,eerbilug, 'LC_C cieotechvu.caL o 6wv%rov-mewtaL o Drai,wage a izoadwa� October 17, 2023 Jack Johnson 14451 E State Route 106 Belfair,Washington 98528 Reference: Structural Evaluation and addendum for the property located at 14451 E State Route 106 (Parcel 22221-5 1-000 10), Belfair,Washington. Dear Mr.Johnson, Envirotech Engineering (Envirotech) has completed the change from portal wall framing to an alternate wood braced panel. Nailing shall be 2" edge, 12" field for all panels on the wall. See detail next page: Calculations: Fcapacity=670 plf x 6 ft=4020 lb Fdesign=5266 lb/2=2633 lb Fcapacity>Fdesign o.k. Please call Michael Staten at 360-275-9374 if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Envirotech En ineering, PLLC PAL CLYDZ ST �� of WAS �r �r k 43045 Q �� O,o �G/STE�� �SS�ONALE�G` 1�/17/23 Michael Staten,P.E. Project Director 'PO�ox984 B-dfaLr,Washiwgtow99522 ULL: 360-6894,045 ewv%rotech@geotech wicaltw fo.covu L —�— 2'-8" MIN 2X DOUBLE TOP PLATE 7/16"PANEL SHEATHING, �/Ao ONE SIDES.BLOCK ALL EDGES.FASTEN WITH 8D NAILS @ 2"O.C.AT EDGES AND 12"O.C.IN FIELD. 0 oo Al 2X STUDS @ 16"O.C.(DOUBLE ol AT ENDS)FASTEN WITH(2) lo 16D NAILS AT EACH END 10 . 2X,P.T.SILL PLATE FOUNDATION SIMPSON HDU4—SDS2.5 HOLDOWNS AT EACH END. ALTERNATE BRACED PANEL N.T.S. Page 2of 3 s y Table 4.3A Nominal Unit Shear Capacities for Wood-Frame Shear Walls'•3*7 Wood-based Panels-` 0 A B Minimun SEISMIC WIND 0 Minimum Fastener Panel Edge Fastener D Nominal Pe netrabou Fastener Panel Edge Fastener Spacing(In.) Spacing in. Sheathing pone! in Framing Type 8 Size Material Thickness Member or (in.) Blocking V. 8 G, v, 4 G. Y. 3 G. V. 2 G. V. v, V. V. fn.1 (Pin Ikips'n) (pit) (kips/in.) (pit) (kipsM•) (plp (kipsiin.) (pin (Pin (pin (plf) Nerd(connlas or O58 PLY O58 PLY OSB PLY 058 PLY r-t gelvdmaed box) Woos S06 1-114 Bd 400 13 10 600 18 13 780 23 16 1020 35 22 560 840 i090 1430 9lmCOn1 460 19 14 710 24 17 920 30 2D 1220 43 Ze 845 10/0 72LO 1710 ��• 71W t-318 ad Si0 16 13 790 21 16 1010 27 18 1340 40 24 71S 1105 1415 1875 O 9Y11C�aa4 rs 15(32 Sao 14 11 860 18 14 1too 24 17 1460 37 23 785 1205 1540 M4.5 7 15132 1.1(2 too etc 22 Is 102C 29 20 1330 36 22 1740 51 28 950 1430 1860 2435 p 1 1-1/4 ad i t _ 4 14 1_ Woad 3s8 400 11 8.5 600 i6 11 780 20 13 Iwo 32 17 %a 840 1D90 1430 y8 a0 17 12 11/ 2r 15 1 31 17 11 45 20 815 895 1150 1485 "`�4�4�4�Lj000� �a 7tt8' t-3B Bd 480 15 tt 700 "" 14 9DO 28 17 1170 42 21 670 980 1260 1840 t43-1 520 13 t0 ]fill 19 13 980 25 75 1280 35 20 730 1065 1370 1790 15032 M 22 14 920 30 17 1200 37 19 1540 52 23 870 1290 1600 2155 z� 19r32 v1R lad1 f 10 16 1330 33 15 1740 48 950 1430 1 AY�md Noll palvanimd casing) }{o SYip 5/18 1-1/4 80 280 13 120 16 550 17 720 21 390 590 770 1010 8888 18 1-3t6 ell SG 18 /fill 18 an 20 8.'>0 Z 450 870 870 1150 ml(corteign a PelWebosd gatvan¢ed box) 3'8 ad E. 21] 360 17 460 19 800 22 335 505 645 840 32 8d 380 20 480 21 am 23 365 530 870 680 M.2 fjdylor 1R 42D 20 54D '�" 700 Za 39C 590 755 9w rdk�l 12 t0d 550 23 720 24 920 ?5 S'0 770 1010 1290 fa•8 610 23 790 24 1040 26 580 855 110 14 5 � Neil(pNran¢W roofing) SesRLaY 1R 119n gliv,ri and(0120, 340 40 460 5.0 520 5.5 475 845 �131rb10oerd xt-1R Idfp x 1116•hood) Shlefto340 4.0 460 50 s2o Ss ns a 1.Ivonnnal uatt shear cnpaatks%ball be adjusted m accordance with4.3 3 to detnm4ne ASD allowable tinn shear capaah,and LRFD factored umt twist=,For penal c=trucboo requi.w=see 4 3 6.For specific regtmemeats.see for wood structural patul shear walls, fos parcc!eboard shear walls,sad 4.3.'.3 for&lb oard shear wa1L•.See Appendtx A for common sttd box dud dtmeauons. 2.Shear,are permined to be mmeased to values shown for 15,32 web(-.ad)sheathing wah same lulling proslded(a)studs are spaced a masimism of 16 mcbes on cents,or(b)panel,are applied with lodg dim....across seals 3.F r spear.and grades of i r—S other than Douglas-Fit-larch or Sombem I=.reduced nemmal umt shem capacities shall be darrmsned by mudtptywg the labulated nomibal twit shear capaaty b5 the SpecrSc Gra•.ip.adjustmmt Factor [I{0 5-0)J.abate G SpecAc Grmiry•of the t}ammg lumber 8om the VDS(Labda 1?.3.3A) The Speck Gralzn Adju:msem Factor shall ors be¢rtster rhm I 3 4 Apparem shear stif7hess s elves G,are based on nail slap is f amuse with xn is a mannat less than orequsl to 19!.at time of fabrication and panel stslme;s tvlues for shear walls constricted with tither OS8 or 3-ph plywood panels.R'hen 4-plp of 5-plq phuood panels or com{rosite pallets are uud G,saltan shall be permitted to be multiplied 65 1.'_. N 3.R'hae moutlne contort of the f1'a m u Maw tiara 19'.n time of aubricanoa G,values shall be multrphed],v 0.5, a 6.R3en pawn arc applied on both foci of a sheer wall atd soil spacing is leis than 6-m center oo errha side.panel lomu shall be o1Sset to fell oa diffrrent 5ammg alembers as shown below Alterwtrlrh.the width of Ore wiled face of Oa—l;members shall be 3'nominal a Maw at adjoutiq panel edgesWads and at all paad edges shall be staggered 7 Gmdsanized was shaft be hot-dip i si or tumbled. Page 3of 3 Mason County 41 Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Building 8 Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 G www.masoncountywa.gov B DD2023-00336 GARAGE/ STORAGE PROJECT DESCRIPTION: GARAGE ADDITION TO MAIN HOUSE ISSUED: 05/12/2023 SITE ADDRESS: 14451 E STATE ROUTE 106 BELFAIR EXPIRES: 11/08/2023 PARCEL: 222215100010 APPLICANT: BEYER CLAUDETTE D OWNER: BEYER CLAUDETTE D PO BOX 1814 PO BOX 1814 BELFAIR,WA 98528 BELFAIR,WA98528 1.979.777.8668 GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE: JACK JOHNSON CONSTUCTION INC License: JACKJC1182M1 PO BOX 1119 Expires: 07/21/2024 BELFAIR, WA98528 1.979.777.8668 VALUATIONS: FEES: Paid Due U VB Utility, miscellaneous 720.00 $47,865.60 Change in Tenant- Minor EH $130.00 $0.00 Plan Review Building Permit Fee $674.79 $0.00 Planning Review Fee $240.00 $0.00 State Fee-Residential $6.50 $0.00 Plan Check Fee $438.61 $0.00 Technology Surcharge $22.27 $0.00 Total: $47,865.60 Totals : $1,512.17 $0.00 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Setback Inspection Framing Inspection Footing Inspection Rough- Plumbing Inspection Foundation Wall-Pre-Pour Inspection BLD-Final Inspection Shearwall Inspection CONDITIONS Printed by:Amber Selby on:05/12/2023 01:57 PM Page 1 of 5 Mason County lip Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Building 8 Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.masoncountywa.gov GARAGE/ STORAGE BLD2023-00336 * The stamped approved site plan is required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If an inspection is requested and the approved site plan is not on site, approval will not be granted. In addition, a re-inspection fee (refer to current fee schedule, minimum 1 hour)will be charged and shall be collected by the Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. * Concrete encased grounding electrodes must be installed and used at each new building or structure that is built upon a permanent concrete foundation. In Mason County the electrical code is regulated by Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I). For more information contact L&I for additional information. In Olympia call (360)902-6350 and in Bremerton call (360)415- 4000. * All building permits shall have a final inspection performed and approved by Mason County Building Department prior to permit expiration. The failure to request a final inspection or to obtain approval will be documented in the legal property records on file with Mason County as being non-compliant with Mason County ordinances and building regulations. * All permits expire 180 days after permit issuance, or 180 days after the last inspection activity is performed. The Building Official may grant a one time extention of 180 days, upon the receipt of a written extension request prior to permit expiration. Letter must indicating that circumstances beyond the control of the permit holder preventing action from being taken. No more than one extension may be granted. * All construction must meet or exceed all local and state ordinances in addition to the International Codes requirements as adopted and amended by Mason County and the State of Washington. Occupancy is limited to the approved and permitted classification. Any non-approved change of use or occupancy would result in permit revocation. * The plan review check list and corrections are part of the approved plans and must remain attached. It is the responsibility of the applicant, owner or contractor to make the required corrections indicated on the plans. Once the plans are marked "APPROVED", they shall not be changed or altered without authorization from the Building Official. The permit holder is responsible to retain the complete approved set of plans on site for the duration of the project. Failure to comply and/or removal of approved documents will result in failure of required building inspections. * WIND LOADS - Roof coverings shall be designed and tested to withstand the maximum basic wind speed. The basic wind speed for Mason County is 85 MPH. * Approved per dimensions and setbacks on submitted site plan. Setbacks are measured from the furthest projection of the structure. * A Mason County Stormwater Management Worksheet was completed and signed as part of this building permit application. Design, sizing, placement, inspection and maintenance of stormwater management systems shall be the responsibility of the owner/agent of the developed parcel. It is the owner/agent/contractor's responsibility to ensure that Mason County Department of Public Works has approved the stormwater site plan for this parcel prior to the commencement of any development activities. *NOTE if Stormwater Management option "A"was selected on the Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet the document entitled"Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan" constitutes an approved plan based on the criteria listed on the application/worksheet. If the development has, or will have, a septic/drainfield system you are responsible for contacting Mason County Division of Environmental Health to ensure that the stormwater system will not adversely affect the septic system of this, or any other, parcel. You may also wish to consult with the septic design professional involved with the project. By calling for a final inspection of the building permit the owner/agent/contractor is acknowledging that all components of the stormwater management system have been installed as approved on the stormwater site plan. Under the requirements of Mason County Stormwater Ordinance, either private ditches and drains will meet requirements of the stormwater ordinance or prior approval will be granted to use an existing utility and drainage easement dedicated for that specific purpose. * The foundation/footing must be placed on undisturbed, firm-native soil. Proper frost depth shall be observed below grade in undisturbed soils. Printed by:Amber Selby on:05/12/2023 01:57 PM Page 2 of 5 Mason County Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Building 8 Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.masoncountywa.gov GARAGE/ STORAGE BLD2023-00336 * Provisions for surface/subsurface drainage control must be implemented with new construction or development on site and MUST NOT adversely impact adjacent parcels. Under the requirements of Mason County Stormwater Ordinance, either private ditches and drains will meet requirements of the stormwater ordinance or prior approval will be granted to use an existing utility and drainage easement dedicated for that specific purpose. For further information regarding this ordinance contact the Mason County Public Works Department prior to construction at Ext 450. * All changes to"approved" building plans that effect compliance with the international codes as amended and adopted, or any other Mason County ordinance or regulation, must be reviewed and approved by Mason County prior to construction. * When parcel development requires direct access to state road(s), a Road Access Permit or Approval must be granted and approved by the Washington State Department of Transportation. For more information contact Washington State Department of Transportation, at (206)357-2620, ext. 630. * All property lines shall be clearly identified at the time of foundation inspection. * Owner/Agent is responsible to post the assigned address and/or purchase and post private road signs in accordance with Mason County Title 14.28 and 14.17. * CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED AS REQUIRED PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THE ADOPTED BUILDING CODE. The construction of the permitted project is subject to inspections by the Mason County Building Department. All construction must be in conformance with the international codes as amended and adopted by Mason County. Any corrections, changes or alterations required by a Mason County Building Inspector shall be made prior to requesting additional inspections. * All surface water and potential runoff must be controlled on site and shall not adversely affect any adjacent properties nor increase the velocity flow entering or abutting to any state or county culverting/ditching system or road way. * The use, handling and storage of hazardous materials or flammable and combustible liquids in excess of 10 gallons is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal. * Concrete used for basement walls, foundation walls, exterior walls, porches, carport slabs, steps exposed to the weather, garage floor slabs and other vertical concrete work exposed to the weather shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi (IRC Table R402.2). * All RED stamped approved plans are required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If an inspection is called for and plans are not available on site, then approval will not be granted. In addition, a re-inspection fee (refer to current fee schedule, minimum 1 hour)will be charged and must be collected by the Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. * The international code requires a fire apparatus access road for every facility, building, or portion of a building that is more than 150'from an approved access road. Roads are required to meet the minimum Mason County Fire Marshal standards for Fire Apparatus Access Roads up to the point where such roads connect with a county maintained public road or to another fire apparatus access road which connects to a county maintained public road. * REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOF COVERINGS. Roof coverings shall be applied in accordance with the applicable provisions of the current code and the manufacturer's installation instructions. A drip edge shall be provided at eaves and gables of shingle roofs. * By definition, propane tanks and heatpumps are structures, which must meet setback conditions. Please check your "Approved Site Plan"to ensure these structures meet the setback conditions listed. * Contractor registration laws are governed under RCW 18.27 and enforced by the WA State Dept of Labor and Industries, Contractor Compliance Division. There are potential risks and monetary liabilities to the homeowner for using an unregistered contractor. Further information can be obtained at 1-800-647-0982. The person signing this condition is either the homeowner, agent for the owner or a registered contractor according to WA state law. Printed by:Amber Selby on:05/12/2023 01:57 PM Page 3 of 5 A Mason County 100 Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Building 8 Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.masoncountywa.gov GARAGE/ STORAGE BLD2023-00336 * Pressure treated wood manufactured after January 1, 2004 may contain high concentrations of copper which could quickly corrode metal fasteners, connectors, and flashing. Install metal connectors approved for contact with the new types of pressure treated material. * Landings and stairs must meet the same setback conditions as any permitted structure; and, must be shown on your site plan. Please check your"Approved Site Plan"to ensure these structures are shown and meet the setback conditions listed. * When parcel development requires direct access to county road(s), a Road Access Permit or Approval must be granted by the Mason County Department of Public Works. For any construction which is proposed to be located within 25' of a Mason County road right of way, it is suggested to contact that office to review future planned work which may affect your project. For more information contact Public Works, at(360)427-9670, ext. 450 or 100 W Public Works Dr. Shelton. The building permit will not be finaled until the permit holder can show proof that the access permit from Public Works has been finaled and approved. * Retaining walls needed to support a surcharge such as structures, roads, or to support slopes, shall require a separate building permit and approval prior to construction of the retaining wall. * OWNER/ BUILDER acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner, owners legal representative, or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null & void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. * This structure is approved as unheated space. To be considered unheated space the area may be provided with a heating system that does not exceed maxium output of 1 watt per square foot., or 3.4 Btu/h per square foot. A permit and approval is required prior to installation of any heating system. When a heating system exceeds 1 watt per sq. ft (or 3.4 btu/h per sq. ft)the heated space shall be insulated in accordance with the energy code in effect at the time of permit application. * Applicant/Owner assumes all responsibility if On-site Sewage Components are encumbered. A.) Drainfield/ Reserve requires a 1 Oft setback from all footing/foundations. B.) Septic tank(s) requires 5ft setback from all footing/foundations. C.) No foundation/ Perimeter Drains within 30ft, down gradient of Drainfield/ Reserve area. D.) No Cut Bank(s) (greater than 5ft and over 45 degrees)within 50ft, down gradient of Drainfield/Reserve area. * Setbacks are measured from the furthest projection of the structure. * The approval of this project is subject to the recommendations and specifications outlined in the attached geotechnical report or assessment. All applicable recommendations and specifications shall be applied to the development on this site. Any deviation requires stamped written approval from the registered design professional responsible for the report/assessment, and may require special inspection by same. Structures and /or land modifications (grading, cuts, fills, etc.) required in the geotechnical report/assessment, may require a separate permit. The geotechnical report/assessment shall remain attached to the approved building plans. Printed by:Amber Selby on:05/12/2023 01:57 PM Page 4 of 5 Mason County Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Building 8 Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.masoncountywa.gov GARAGE/ STORAGE BLD2023-00336 I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of Laws and Ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The gr nting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of ny oth r ellocal law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Issued B . Contractor or Authorized Agent: Date: Printed by:Amber Selby on:05/12/2023 01:57 PM Page 5 of 5