HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEP88 DNS - SEP Determinations - 11/3/1988 SEPA Rules Part Ele►en-197-11-970
RC% 197-11-970 Detertninatioc of rmmsitaificawe (DNS).
Description of proposal Addition to Belfair Elementary School .
Proponent _Itlnrth Mason Srhonl pi gtri rt_
Location of proposal, including street address. if am Belfair Elementary School , N.E. 22900 Hwy 3,
' Belfair, Washinntin 9RS28
Leadagenc.� North Mason School District # 403
The lead agenc\ for this p,oposa' has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the
en,ironment. An en�ironmenta' impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCN 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision
Was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information or, file with the lead agency. This
tnformatior is mailable to the pubic on request.
There is n, commcci period for this DNS.
DNS is issued under 197-11-340(_). the lead agent} will not acton this proposal for 15 dais fromthe date
Comments mus' be submitted b�
Res,---onsible of,"cial Chuck F. Jeu, Jr.
Position,'title Building Programs Coordinator Phone 275-2883
Add-ess P.O. Box 167, Belfair, WA 98528
Date //- ?- r? Signature
> (OPTIO-%'AL)
You may appeal this determination to (name)
at (location)
no later than (date)
b} (method)
You should be prepared to make spe6fic factual objections.
Contact to read or ask about the procedures
for SEPA appeals.
There is no agent). appeal.
(M3 LJws) Kk Ir-I1 RC'A'--f 53i
_ North Mason
School District
P.O. BOX 167, Belfair, Washington 98528
Dr. Marie G. Pickel
Rosemary Ziara
Business Manager
November 1, 1988
Environmental Health Department
P.O. Box 186
Shelton, Washington 98584
Attn: John Dennison
Dear John:
Please find enclosed a Declaration of Non-Significance in accordance with the
State Environmental Act of 1984 as related to a proposed addition to the
Belfair Elementary School of new elementary classrooms, library, and core
facility, etc. , to be financed with local and state funds. This building
project should not have a significant adverse impact upon surrounding
environment. Enclosed is an Environmental Check List in accordance with WAC
197-11-315 as submitted by our school district.
Please review this check list and respond as to whether or not, in your
opinion, this project will have a significant adverse impact upon the
environment, or if your agency has any objections to the project.
Contact me at your convenience if you have additional questions.
Chuck F. Jeu
Building Program Coordinator
North Mason Schools "Building for Excellence "
Courthouse Annex I N. Fourth & W. Cedar
P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584
(206) 427-9670
building environmental health maintenance landfill parks&recreation fair/convention center planning sewer&water
December 1 , 1988
Chuck F. Jeu
North Mason School District
P. 0. Box 167
Belfair, Wa 98528
Re : Preposed addition to the Belfair Elementary School
Dear Mr. Jeu:
Upon reviewing the Environmental check list submitted,
the Environmental Health Division of the Mason County
Department of General Services has no objection to the
above referenced project , provided the proper sewage
permits are applied for and adhered to.
This project will have no significant adverse impact upon
the environment .
If you have any questions please contact me before 9 :30
in the mornings .
Yours truly,
John Getty
Environmental Health Specialist