HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeological Assessment for BLD2005-01985 - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 1/17/2006 _STATFo� P M 0 MASON COUNTY ° H N z PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER V y Shelton, Washington 98584 OJ �O IM4 DATE: January 17, 2006 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS TO: Chuck McCoy-Planning PARCEL #12331-51-00071 FROM: Patricia C. — PW BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER: BLD2005-01985 SUBJECT: Geological Assessment NAME: Michael Boltz Hi Chuck; The Geological Assessment prepared for the proposed Single Family residence 261 Jolly Roger Lane NE, Belfair has been received and reviewed by Public Works. We are asking for a Geotechnical report. E3RA firm stated the slopes are about 15-45 percent. This is indicates according to Title 17 in 17.01.00 Landslide Hazard Areas "any slope of forty percent or steeper" needs to have a Geotechnical report. It is felt that we do not have enough information to adequately evaluate the area properly. Please feel free to contact me at 619 or Bob Thuring ext. 452 if you have any questions regarding these comments, or if you feel any features need further discussion or attention. Sincerely, u Patricia Carroll TOTAL.ALL .....,..r...... 3), 81LUD DATEINY0. PAIDVATB R90A PO Box 44890 Tacoma WA 98444 253-537-9400 253-537-9401 fax E3RA January 3,2006 T05385 0 Mike Boltz 11315 Crescent Valley Drive Gig Harbor, Washington 98332 00(1 Subject: Geological Assessment Letter Parcel#42331-1 0071' 261 Jolly Roger Lane NE Belfair, Washington Dear Mike: E3RA is pleased to submit this Geological Assessment Letter for your residential lot at 261 Jolly Roger Lane NE in Belfair, Washington, The purpose of our assessment is to address Title 17 of Mason County Critical Areas Ordinances as they relate to landslide hazards on the site. Plans call the construction of a single-family residence on the south part of the site. Our scope of work is limited to surface observations, geotechnical research, and letter preparation. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mike Boltz and his consultants, for specific application to this project,in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical practice. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is an irregularly-shaped parcel that treasures 40 feet on the north boundary at Jolly Roger Lane NE, 120 feet on the south boundary, and extends 134 to 157 feet south from Jolly Roger Lane NE.It is located in the Lynch Cove area west of.Belfair,Washington. Plans call for the construction of a residence on the south part of the parcel. SITE CONDITIONS During our reconnaissance of the site and nearby areas on December 29, 2005, we observed site grades have been modified somewhat_ The largest modification is the engineered roadway belnn constructed to support Jolly.Roger Lane'NM- on the north part of the site. There the engineered berm desacnds from the roadway about 15 feet at grades of about 45 percent. The other modification is a small cut made on the gently-sloping south part of the site to provide a level building area for the planned residence. The cut is a few feet deep and was made in area where original slopes appear to have measured less than 15 percent. Original slopes onsite appear to have been about 25 percent on the north thud of the site and 15 percent or less on the south two thirds of the site,whcra construction is to occur. An asphalt driveway extends down from the engineered berm of Jolly Roger Lane NE, crosses the north port of the site, and continues to the adjacent parcel to the west. fi00/ZOO in SSV HDV91HON AJAN111 OD TOSS C58 C9Z %Vd 9C:9T Q3Ai 900Z/t0/TO January 3, 2006 ORA, Inc. T05385/ Boltz Landslide Letter Soils onsite are exposed in a utility excavation and consist of medium dense Vashon recessional glacial outwash comprised of gravelly sand with few fines. Excavations nearby the site are also of this soil type. No groundwater was observed in the onsite excavation or in nearby excavations. No surface expressions of groundwater, such as seeps or springs,were observed onsite or nearby off-site. No streams, streambeds, or other hydrologic features indicating surface flow were observed. We did not observe indications of ancient, recent, or incipient slope instability, such and hummocky terrain, scarps, landslide blocks,tension cracks,or any other features indicating unstable slopes on the site or nearby offsite. The Coastal Zone Atlas maps slopes on the south two thirds of the site as S, Stable. The same reference maps the north third of the site as either I, Intermediate or as S. Stable. Intermediate slopes are generally steeper than 15 percent,have no known slope failures, and include slopes of sand and gravel, till,or thin soils over bedrock. Much of the site has been cleared during preparation for construction. Vegetation currently consists of weeds and sparse grass_ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Groundwater conditions do not adversely affect slope stability on the site,and groundwater will probably not be encountered during site development. Sufficiently consolidated soils, adequate for foundation support, were, in general, observed at shallow depths onsite. In our opinion, the proposed development will not create unstable slope conditions onsite or nearby offsite. In our opinion, no further geologic or geotechnical study is necessary to further evaluate site conditions and the proposed development of the subject property. CLOSURE The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based, in part, on our interpretations and assumptions regarding subsurface conditions; therefore, if variations in the site conditions are observed at a later time, we may need to modify this report to reflect those changes. r00/V00in SSV 39L'91HONI AIINAKNZOO TOSS CSS CSZ Xy3 9C:9T QEIM 90OZ/VO/TO 1 January 3, 2006 E3RA, Inc. T05385/ Boltz Landslide Letter We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or any aspects of the project,please feel free to contact our office. Respectfully submitted, E3RA, Inc. a�0 ,.I waSh'�9 . ro r. EnQineednNg�i*o{o9izt Oe 711 �s a ci Go Fred Ernest Pennebaum Fred Rcnnebaum, L.B.G_ Senior Geologist,MRA P.O Box 44890 Tacoma, Wasbiington 984" (253)53 7-9400 b00/t00[] SSV 30V0, HOH AIINaNN0D T08S C29 CSZ XVA ZC:9T Q8M 900Z/rO/TO J w z SN O 3 r o Michael Boltz BLD 2005-01985 Al vP 31 P get ound 0 SP