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BLD92-00897 Final Carport - BLD Permit / Conditions - 11/5/1992
MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 —sit III') 1 N. 4 1 11`4 4 1 1 11, m 1. 1 4, 1 9610 I I ''3 3 1.!� 1 0 0 0(1 1) 111 0, 1 fli'flf 0 J 0 4 1 30ttY ROOGER HELP A114 sit-,1141 JEAN PARKER 27s-6375 l'f)m I i�l`il I ftz CIONSIR111c I t0m 2 ilb--5 95" I t- ilfki 11,11111915 (IV[ $11V I Bill t#l: 64 IS 44131 14 1)1,-,1. 1 if '! *A ANWINT 01 11 A I f R f t"I I I,I 01143 TY1,t of t 0 N,, I jPtjj S I1 0 0 1! 44 114, i I 141 (it I lit. I A 1) h t.ltyu0 10�/t Mit I I iirl� 11 . . . I Nil '-d'At 1 0 6 R 1.A 110 It I i I Nil, N W. M 1, IW' I N'' lit, t (Ok t It I Itli", Ili it MIMI I 1 0611.. 1, 1 It 0 '-,Ill I i N I (fill; M, A N 1, 141 1041 Vt. N 1 1 pi: I ',till" 1 1101 1 1 N N IJ ti I I l!'' 1)0-s I hJk I Nil t ttt.1N It.,I N I 1 14 1 If I.- if ty N ri I'c Y I I N' I If 0 1 A 1.R I i P.N!'I I I Hi. IIN I I I NI IN 0 t) I 10000 i 1 Ill it Pil I iic /lit I (% I f, 41 it 1 f 14 1 No I H t0000 I 0 1 lit l< (IN I I at f'1,M I I A I jij>t fill I I I I III, tAllsov it. RIIIIII) WIN 1101k '.*hupt 10 "ABRE R. J 00 it 101'• MA)l t?FrflptN Nutt 0'Aft VOID If ilm fig (01slooffloo Allillool"(ft r, 061 1611fifflo vil"fN too ow" og it LhNsTRuiITeM ON litipt is "'"Stploolio flif A i'Mull fif 180 11AV, AT 4F." 110 AMR WORI I" cowitati. mptilict of c.okilo"Atloo Of w0k), 1' A pkfffili" ".'i 114lifl"IfIN w1filto l"t 180 0if liffilip 114m welfflAN No-,f fit UPWMI Wtig( ililitOlkiii (AN Of o(CUPUB. RID PFAI t 43,31i91 CONCRETE f,#9 ,1164 5 de- MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date/Q—/ -yy-z by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date /'j—y;= by e date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date b date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECT date by dat%_� �2 b date by - c MASON COU=- BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIQU r JUL ` ' I PLEASE PRINT - © T ."I Owner .T EA ,v A-Pof E AC Phone# 1 S-y� 3 fi s :�d f Site Address_,2,,< .l'o L 44 g o d y F_ �.o;. k Ci ty-&&1 � S t Zip sz Owner Address - Cz S t Z p Lien/Title Vder -Addressc' C-L ty p a.F Lc <, Ar St Z p o Describe Work /8 xi'a'' 6!_as ij_- 1r2 Contractor Name fI< s t?o.vs c.��o ,► Contractor ReTvff, Address D, o. i.� g Eira Lion da te71' C1 ty St Zip zr Phone_ 3 If septic is located on p--cject site, include records. Connect to Septic? Public Water Supply_ well --- Parcel No. Legal Description 5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) ' ist F1 2nd F1 / 3rd FI / Loft / Basement / Deck / Garage / Carport jg <</ bedrooms / #batbrooms / Other sq ft / ,r6 Use of building P-,- . Ir Tme of Job: New _ Add Alt Repair Demoli Lion Plumbing Only Mechanical Daly Woodstove Re-Roof Bulkhead Other ; 8 PI L'ntb i ng Fixtures ~d P L v M 6<•� 4" ° G•c �c 7~.e� � Mechaz i ca T F?xtuTes No. Toil a is No. Fuel Types No. Air Aa nr17 T ng Units Bathtubs Furs < ZOOM BTU <- 20000 cfm. Showers Fern >- Z OOK BTU > 20000 cam. Ba=b basins Furs - Floor Other Sinks Heat Pumps Evap Coolers Dishwasher Vent Systems Hoods Hot Water Htr Vent Fans Domes. In=n. Laundry Washer Boilers/Compressors Comml. Intro. Floor Drains 0-3 HP Reloc/Repair Other 3-15 HP Gas Outlets 15-30 RP Woodstove 30-50 HP Other 50 + F£o 119 MOBILE HOME INFORM-ATION Model Year Make --�� Mode l - Leng b Width Serial No. "Bedrrooms rBa chrooms ;I O Any wa cer on or adjacent cc property: sa l cwa ce__ lake ri ve_= pond we eland o ther seasonal runoff� Show foLwing on the site plan Directions to job site ,Lot Dimensions rood Zones Ex_sting Structures Fences fJr L AKS Evts Li+KE �2d �i2� Structure Setbacks Dr-veways Water L; e-S Shorelines �l/0,2�►N �e�a,e -� DraLmaae. Plan Topography - �- Septic Sy-st, s Wells a- Prorosed I=rovemeuts Easements Name of Flanking Street 2 Name of Fronting Street IS � 1 Scale: Date: _ - /y_ q APPLICANT TO DRAW TOpOGRAPHy PROFILL BELOW APPLICANT TO DRAW S_ ?L.3N LO 1 1 NOTICE: IS P:;,M 3ECON�S NULL AND VOID _. WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AL'T::ORIZ�J IS NOT COM-m NC'D W_'='::IN 190 DAYS , OR F CONSTRUC:ION OR WORK IS SUSF ND OR A3ANDONrD r-0R A PERIOD OF 190 DAYS AT ANYTiN�' Ar ,ER WORR IS CCC:� OWN'rZS AF'=AV-'- CONi-AC.-ORS kF=A: I CERTIFT THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REOUIREMEHTS OF THE I CF.RTVI THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW RCN I8.Z7 , AND AM AWARE IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I AM AWARE OF THE OF THE MASON C:11MT� ORDINANCE REOUIREKENTS FOR WHICH ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGULATING THE WORK FM WHICH THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN THE PERMIT IS ISS= AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE. BUILDING DEPARMENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNcR z By CA = IIAT£ 2 Retu-= pe=it to: Department of General Services 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 FOR. OFFICZA-L USE ONLY: Accepted by: Dater DEP-A-R-TNEENTALD EVIEW FOR OFFICE IISE ONLY Approved Cord NOW Appraval Planning: Enviro—mental Health: Build.iug Plan Review: W� Fire Marshall: Other I