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SWG2017-00273 - SWG Application / Design - 8/18/2017
415 N 6TH STREET, SHELTON WA 98584 MASON COUNTY SHELTON 360-427-9670, EXT,400 COMMUNITY SERVICES BELFAIR: 360-275-4467, EXT. 400 ELMA: 360-482-5269, EXT. 400 awroravornira.�nrmrr,��ui ne,un,co�,mw�n ne.iN FAX: 360427-7787 NOW September 18, 2017 Arrow Septic Designs Paula Johnson 171 EWA98stDrive Union WA98592 RE: Design for CURRY Case No: SWG2017-00273 Parcel No: 220175000112 Your design for the above referenced parcel has been reviewed and is NOT APPROVED. It does not meet the requirements or needs additional information. Please refer to the comments section of this letter for any additional information. Please call me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 279 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Alex Paysse Environmental Health Mason County Public Health COMMENTS: I have requested planning to review the proposed septic permit. You can contact Grace Miller at extension 360 if you have immediate questions. Otherwise she will let us know if anything is required. 9118/2017 Page 1 of 1 SWG2017-00273 OFFICIAL USE ONLY MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH -Se— ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION AMOUNTSKER40, - IBFO DBY l o m PO Box 1665,,415 N 6th Street,(Bldg 8) Shelton WA,98584 Z N 90on:860427-9676ex140B &Ifair.368-275-0467 ext 980 ra SWG —_ O p _7YY Z N z $ APPLICANT ;D PRONE AUG 18 2017 m m MOILING ADDRESS-STREET, TAM.ZIP CODE r a r` 54 k1 95? 6 6 a SITEADORE%-STREET,uRY.21P COCE � O E &e:l{�m WA 98sav A M1PME OF DESIGNER 71..o)898 - 1 NAAIECOF N�LE���9�~ N IN nT.9� L.,-A, C) >r. : � P 3ba 8 -43�8 0 10 CHECKAIIAPPLICAPLE TONS GRINNING WATER 90URCE PNEWCONSTRUCTION ❑ RV HOLDING TANK ONLY 0 PRIVATEINDIVI AL WELL y El REPLACEMENT SYSTEM ❑ INSTALLATIONPERMITONLY O PRIVATETW ARTY WELL 2 1-1 ❑ TABLE 9 REPAIR -9 SINGLE FAMILY fir COMMU! (PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM (n� ❑ TANI ONLY O COMMERCIAL BY ANAME: N 1� ❑ UPGRADE TO METING ❑ OTHER: BEDROO LOT SIZE 1 (�❑ EXISTING FAILURE �KO^l w�wNw nMW�eB 3 1,�Q ' X ` �O I Im I /arISNEMBEIMrs" v DIRECTIONS TO SITE-BE SPECIFICANDADVISE OFANY NEEDED INFORMATION FORAC I...NdEe SR-) n i� �� 3 . -rL�LA�L� • c� or Across �/ ww L f+ ye Clow Se. t(ipt< �: nk rt bbDh CvY 1 '7 SITEMUSTSEMGGEDFROM ROADAND IEBTHOLES MVHT BEFLAGGEO MITM TESTHOLENVMBERS L r FFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE UPGRADE I FAILURE SWRCEDwreWMg WNK�+1 / ❑VOLUNTARY �MAINTENANCEIPUMPIN BUILDINGPERMIT [3HOMESALE ❑COMPLAINT 130THER: INSPECTOR SOIL LOGS COMMENTSICONDITIONS o _ to Cis (pK � Oe" �� 1 1 Al 1 all u L i 1 u 1 SOIL CODES: V=VERY G=GMVELLT 5=SAND L=LOAM SI•SILT C-CDIY E=EXTREMELY R-ROOTS jINSPE ORS R WTE APFLILADON EXPIMTION DATE P➢PLICATIONAFPROV£D BY GATE 8 3o�i'7 Mi.FORM MAY 6E SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEBSITE REVISED 382015 L f DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number:2201 7-5 0-00 1 12 A design will be reviewed when 3 copies of each of the following are submitted: Completed design form that has been signed and dated. 0 Scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist v Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. v Cross-section sketch,including all applicable items on checklist. This form may be scanned and available for public view on me Mason County Web site.Maximum paper size: 11"X IT' PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Permit Number: SWG Designer's Name: Paula Johnson Applicant's Name: Jim Curry Designer's Phone Number: 360 898-2255 Ole Mailing Address: 7623 27a St. W.,Apt.A-11 Designer's Address: 171 E.Vueorest DnZ University Place WA 98466 Union 98592 city State Zip City State Zip DESIGN PARAMETERS Treatment Device ❑Glendon Biofiltcr ❑ Send Filter ❑Mound ❑Sand Lined Drainfield ❑Recirculatin ter,Type: ®Aerobic Unit Make/Model Nuwb BNR.500 ❑Disinfection Unit Make/Model Other:500-Gal Pre-Trash Tank Drainfield Type ❑Gravity ®Pressure ©Trench 2ed ❑ Sub Surface Drip Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Lat als Number of Bedrooms 3 Sched lass ` 40 Daily Flow:Operating Capacity 270 gpd Le + �a 50 ft Daily Flow: Design Flow 360 gpd ameter ` 1.25 in Septic Tank Capacity Nuwms BNR-50o gal Number 4 ✓ Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 4 Separation 9 ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate .6 ftZ Orifices Required Square Footage 600 Total Number of Orifices 40 / Designed Square Footage 600 ft Diameter 3/16 in Percent Reduction Taken 0 % / Spacing 60 in Trench/Bed Width ft ✓ Manifold TrenchBed Length 0 ft Schedule/Class 40 Elevation Measure ents Length Header ft Original Drainfield Area Slope 5 % Diameter 1.25 in New Slope,If Altered 5 % Preferred manifold configuration used? ®Yes Cl No Depth of Excavation U"[l 10 in Transport Pipe from Original Grade p° -tl 8 in C Schedule/Class 40 Designed Vertical Separati 13+ in Length 50 ft Gravelless Chambers R ired? ❑Yes O No ©Optional Diameter 2 in Pump Required? ®Yes O No Dosing and Pump Chamber mp/Siphon Specifications Number ofdoses/day 4 Difference' evasion Between Pump Shutoff and Uppermost Dose quantity 90 gal Orifice 12 ft Chamber Capacity 1,000 gal Uppermost Orifice®Higher O Lower data Pump Sturm ff / Pump controls:Please check those required. Capacity Q Total Pressure Head 23.60 gpm /l gTimer ®Elapse Meter ®Event Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head 16.24 It ✓ If Timer: Pump on 3.5 min. ,Pump off 6 hours . Comments 1 0f 1 AUO -1 8 -2017 DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:22017-50-00112 , Permit Number. SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS f led Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch Test hole locations Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from o ' al grade: Soil logs TrenchNed dimensions and Septic tank Property lines critical distances within layout Drainfiel ver ❑ Existing and proposed wells D-Box/Valve box locations Reference d from original grade within 100 R of property ) Septic tank/pump chamber and restric ' strata: Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations terals,trench/bed,top and surface water and critical areas Observation port location bottom ❑ Location and orientation of Clemom location Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption Manifold placement ❑ Sand augmentation ,/• components Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: J9k Location and dimension of �[ Lateral placement with dista 111 Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area ,C to edge of bed Other Information Y3 Buildings f? Audible/visual ref ced Yes No 1 Direction of slope indicator I!( Scale of dra F on scale ❑ Design staked out pJC. Waterlines bar Aitecorded Notices attached U A Roads,easements,driveways, ❑ Waiver(s)attached parkingiatix Cl Pump curve attached North arrow and scale drawing °.'• ❑ IffEvahiation of failure shown on scale bar '✓ S0 OHNSO JOY Non id PA eutial justscation A JN';•t'� 'L' S�DU" SIGNp(Y_ ❑ �I Waste strength ass �' .csab ❑ ;KFlow SIGN APPROVAL The undersi/have gner must be no"' o • ed�ller t tim�ation IN pYes ❑ No b—'l Signa�of Designer Date The undersireviewed this sign on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined i[[o be in compliance and local -site regulations: Environmental Health Specialist Date CAUTIONG APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The desd"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. ✓ The Ona Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: ✓ Drainfienditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 12/72015 , SesaS�LA. U �t7e �� �'C4) 3XSOp o n� 0' w l,kA. .wt-E� QRRKING `},-� o.L, w-�i^nre5a^le SIQ.eJ efA Wha..� u1 i i^+.h l _ I v� `Y F ANu� AS wA L ^ `JcALE: 1 "= 20 ' e, PLOT- PAN Rev: ? lM CU,2}2 OAudio-Visual Alarm y�' s:�0!9 PAULA JOY JOHNSON `y PaaCEI 31o1'1'SO� II '.l 2 Cleanout � �hbE4i 46 E "NAS WAv 5N£CT 9tVs> tcvD O3 500 Gallon Pre-Trash tank ytl^ e2 2 sO d ��60 i O NuWater BNR-500 ATU Tank YQC ts A'a `a`^^{°d"`D'^ OS 1,000 Gallon Pump Chamber iia.ry �3" So-•+o�y (oa.^t+ O Valve Control Box ,. ,tf ^9 :)L Valve Cmm.l Bon rim 125' Brd Vdva 2 Traneaort Lne 3 0 y'r I � ba II Typca Cbawul ._ I L25 Lot.rd 1.25 F.eaer Lvea Typed Oea.rvclim Port 30 0 Ty*d ° rv.n.n Pa'1 - Detailed Drainfield Layout FirN Gab fi to 12 0' 10' 20 � Lodo Fi1r Ful rx Q? d GOEe 3/4' 1. z_„2 0�-- ,.zs Lewd spa (4) 50k 1 .25' Sched. 40 -aterals 6 ( 10) 3/ 16 Orifices a 60' O.C. Per Lateral. 1st & Last Or.fice 1t u 30 from End of Trench. Drainfield Cross-Section View er ( `°D Not To Scde �-41 {5 Ogee FSow �09��n Erw of gtc11 l \ I `o • .�i.iA. � Gt:p - C4m Out Not.: 0e to oe fran 0 to 6 'vnx6 avl i s+onaaa .F• Not.: o - Obsarvoli.n Pat PRIM dor JOHNSpN 3 trr��, FrrvM Grate. Mark aMe .iM Feba. Cbm Out To Be a' PVC PVe tram Rattan of Trerct� 'L1C�NS�tl UESiGNEft ' tJ Wairee of ft Fra of Ercn Lotval. To FN Gale. Ro,o, tl. roP .M1all Ge � Eyy g6g l ��� .tddd W °a Woo,' Part Pps.od� Too Arrow Sept c Designs Wdnxm of on Bottorn ~e GToold R gw,,ol n 3y.tem. 7 (360) 898-2�55 Length Length Orifice # Distance from Distance from Lateral# (In.) (Ft.) Spacin Orifices Feeder Line(In.) Cleanout(In.) 1 600 50 60 10 30 30 2 600 50 60 10 30 30 3 600 50 60 10 30 30 4 600 50 60 10 30 30 Total Lateral Length 200 Total#Orifices 40 GPM = 23.6 Dynamic Head Calculations Selected residual pressure: 2 ft. Length (Ft.) #Orifices Transport Pipe 80 40 0.80 ft. Feeder Total Lateral Line Length Lateral#1 50 2 52 10 0.29 ft. Lateral#2 50 11 61 10 0.34 It. Lateral#3 50 20 70 10 0.38 IL Lateral#4 50 29 79 10 0.43 ft Total Elevation Lift 12.00 ft. Total Dynamic Head 16.24 ft. SE01FM0 Lo W"N OAO THIIR OAK 7HIIEAO W06M AOWAIWIR r SOFA= VALVE. AROII ORAOE Q i -=r TO ORAVHBD TTANK . aVERODley9fORAGE AM OVLIOR VALVE. OOIOAIW ALAW LEVd ..00lOOB�t IIOIRLALTIrOI OIF LEVB' WOFAUMVOLUM felt FLOAT mou.inum h/� O®RIBR0101011D• — ,CIKOII VALVE• ElK1W®NIIP w _ont ...... I8 _ 4•0 •,.,,y'9�;.r' �(lff.11 '. OIOIIOYOLE E�ItRMIdA6 • _ U,J ARR• PAUTA JOY JDHNSON '; � �J�X U651`CaNFIS ' rwRiResii3i � r5„a� required by WAC chapter Septic TaDks must meet standards k and FIGURE,2 manufacturer must be on Dept of Health list of registered sewaagege t tao nks. t4ofI _ _. . 280-SERIES o r "T'14 a�ev\t 112 hp Submersible Effluent/Sump Pumps The Liberty 280-Series provides a cost effective"mid- Performance Curve. 280-Sarles range"pump for on-site waste water systems,liquid 40 12 waste transfer and commercial heavy-duty sump pump 11 applications that require higher head or more flow. Designed around Liberty's unique"Uni-Body'casting, W 9 the 280-Series will provide years of reliable performance. � g All Models Feature: 20 6 •Vortex style impeller permitting passage of solids a 15 5 upto%• = 10 3 •416 stainless steel rotor shaft 5 2 •Permanently lubricated upper and lower ball beadn9 0 •Epoxy powder coat finish 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 55 80 65 70 •N n All stainless steel U.S.Gallonss Per Mir Minuttit46 50 e •1 h"Discharge i HT—I •Stainless steel bottom screen-easily removable 0 38 78 114 156 192 228 270 •Maximum fluid temperature:140'F. Liters Per Minute •280-Series Cord Lengths Model 10' 25'(-2) 35'(-3) 501-5) Dimensional Data: 280 Standard Optional Optional Optimal Weight:291 bs. 281 Standard Optional Optional Optimal Height:13" 283 Standard Optional Optional WA Major Width:l0"(model 287) 287 Standard Optional WA WA Minimum Sump Diameters: 10'cord length standard m all models Foroptio^d lengths, Model 281,283...14" add'-2,-3or-5"sulfxto model number. Model 287 VMF...10" ErzamNe:for model 280 with 3V cord,ord"280-3 Factory switch Motlel 281,283 Model 287 Motor Specifications "" VMF Tum on level 13" 9s" hp 60 Hz 3460 RPM Turn off level 7" a.0" Oil filled,thermally protected 8.0 strips(115V) The Mode1283 featuresa fully adjua .wide-an91e float Differvntw a ,St,nems can be made e. by tethering Ito float tc the o. 4.0 amps(200/230V) charge pipe or oMw mounung Point Vertical Net modol287 is not adluafable. Model 2W Model 281 Model 283 ziz Model 287 Manual, Wide angle Wide angle VMF-Series switch no float switch float switch Vertical mag- with quick- with series netic float for disconnect (piggy-back) smallerpits- plug will operate in a 10"diameter /lflA sump CftMF➢� \I' c us Certified Libertypumps•7000 Apple Tree Avenue•Bergen,New York 14416•Phone 800-543-2550 Fax(5W)494-1839 S Q f www.libertypumps.eom c•Pyngmmu� mps,i•c,w% 7 ai nsm res;Nee. u.nz000 norvts i .SY.i�.MYw@Nw S1N 3N�5 �-(89 M) WJ 889 -M 0 ) :3!(Aid ! 'Nb'0 K@BB VM'ONf1OSM311tla4Yd Od yseal OOS ns a�dvaa , «� 9 ONI JNN33NIQN3 >I3 now e � Itg� ifUPS �g I a r a 85SSYgggi FI -w a ag }'—waunn dD . ! 4 tit I 2 IInII' III jUj il a; '3 3❑ pp 3 rjl i �i •Rt� ' �YaI s Sg {•iziol< 'e�i a °Sg#�a6aa gE s MiN a rasa a: Ip O 4S wwT9mM uDWd MJ oWLrWfAmw,Cit ', w661B f1W) IrWIL YM(M) ,11aIf wc6rM rCOifalala ar®BC'I d rm , PVC 9LUDgE tr AaTum,urn: i rl e TnwfMaull�t uwesTtsrt cwuleErt ram oreo-,wWwemr:enautas aaswwm+c enrenT:at ckllaeb lwcw w noon cwscm•:uoaalaw noov fSe.WT':°W aetknW tBOGeto111 ' IR(VC1%QILI i or J tr ,o. . onaito"Rw,ui i• T 111DgE lET1Rl 1'Tai— a}ptniFPEE knTlkleeOL OR CpAPAC1ID gM'D OJBI alWY304 paTYd1n11nN Mti1PLC110Na 1)Exwvem brd tmle W d)VerbCal wa0a m 1 brat large'Egan tank IXI eB&dR. 2)ffwkh oIMk'asW,y,"vrcfell3'Of eornpaCl servl 8 level 3)InstaH tank in w w of tale.keePr91 k• span- I— ——anedtm — —, 6)q5 tank rs fllmg' dEw.Rl in wm apxe x+C' taa mn�Paci gaxJar(n^M) le bee of lxge olaW iiof day. O s)imtal�.0 or5ya0wn,a elan wlas m mg0ora v+n I I n JYy J 6)PYbn"renrap�awn:4R in KW a nGubaE by bcl I 1' i rFMIM n upon apgorel w Datldlll,certWlY backNi wild netive I t II satls arar top oftrk I ago= Ilrrnm 6)Fkal preyd sabre ma UaWN Wfaee L——— JI— vrateitw2M tank 19G1�t r•ae a„w e„k AEROBIC TREATMENT TANK DETAIL FOR Nu WATER BNR-500 TREATMENT,UNIT ENVIRO-FLO, INC. 3101112 Wastewater Tnefined TBMnoAi qeS 1 e.� P.O.BOX 321161,Rowood,MS 39232 scue: (6n)a36-6a6 (601)645 4T76 ra, 1" = 1.4 ft. www.envl�o-,�eef —I 0 e Nu Water i � i I NJ i PARTS LIST NuWater NR Assembly Diagram 0.DM PORT AEPATOR M.POLY DIFFUSER MR M B.WRUBBERWWJCLAMJ N.t`W (SI✓ISECMR) C.IZ B M X NPT Rl O. IIS D1?BLIP X12 1P AD➢ OR PiffGLAR RYG NQSE(0PilON4L 5l E t"STREET X 1/ INK BUSHNG(3) O.1?;Jw PWE(BY INSTALLER) Ft?90'ELBOW(3) Rt'N Mpe MM(BY INSTALLER; PYC%PE G.1'X t'X 12'TEE S.T (BY INSTALLER)N t'MP ELBOW T.tIS BARBED ADAPTOR 10 tN'NPT(R) I.TX I'BUSHING U.11T STREET%iq`NPT B{ASNING/-0 y 1?v COUFLETt(2) T t'PVC C CRRIxT55 TEE W.T COUPLER(BY INSTALLER) K PV + L. 1"CONKER(BY INSTALLER? Revised 2/25/12 8 of 9