HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2021-00170 - SWG Application / Design - 4/1/2021 415 N 6TH STREET,SHELTON.WA 985M MASON COUNTY SHELTON:360427-9670,EXT 400 COMMUNITY SERVICES BELFAIR:36046 ,EXT 400 ELMA:360482-082-525269,EXT 400 a.�w�yvwni,.y.r�✓+onm:�ixmlihcom.unMdN FAX.360427-7787 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH REVIEW OF OSS APPLICATION ANTHONY DEMIERO PO BOX 1174 HOODSPORT, WA 98548 Applicant: MARK&ANGELA HILL Parcel Owner: JARZYNKA D"ID A&SUSAN Site Address: UNKNOWN Primary Parcel Number: 322207500010 OSS Permit Number: SWG2021-00170 Permit Description: New 2bd Norweco pressure trench Permit Submitted Date: 0410112021 Permit Review Date: 04/30/2021 The above mentioned Onsite Sewage System Application was reviewed by Environmental Health and found more information is required. Environmental Health has requested a planning review due to steep slopes on the property. Planner Julie Lewis will reach out if further information is needed. N If you have questions or concerns let us know. Sincerely, Rhonda Thompson 360.427.9670 x581 rthompson@m.mason.wa.us ° OFFICIAL USE ONLY ESW MASON COUNTY - -COMMUNITY SERVICES D _ � mm G a oa - W-IC ) o Zw ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION 3 'z MPLIGWi pllplE m IT MaLWcnoDREsa-SIREET CITY.STATE,mCODE 3 h� Q T uJ 98 m SITEADGRESBS1REEi.CT'.dP 000E .'m. GirnE; e 611 S n Or . NAME OF DESIGNER pNpNE NAME OF INSTALLER PNONE I� 360 817-57 (7 0 'e PELR�MRTYPE(aYxiww) C DRWpNO WpERagIRfE y EWRESIDENTIALOSS 6COMMUNITYOBB ff COMMERCIALOSS EPRI INDMDUALWELL^E� 'PR�NAT"ETWO-PARTYWELL 2 T'PEOFWORN(MA1tl.) AIATER SYSTEM A' 4"e,Ll,GNEWCONSTRUCTIONIUPGRADES 6REPAIR/REPLACEMENTAO��EWMeta ) QTABLE U(REPAIR SumCmAUS AGE D EXISTING FAILURE QSHORELINEWOESIGN FORM(REQUIRED) 6SEPDCDESIGN(REQUIRED) LOT 9NE ffWAIVER(B)(IFAPFLICABLE) {•�` j N .3°JgiA 37 x I� OIREC110N8 TO BDEANO SIZEdl COf11W3:(ar.MJz]gN/ � AF ',Jj Fmn N. sA4rc rd .EMrn K� 4f '(ray({b A/ ,\ '°�" �" . oF! Ges Gp9 , h ��11 �� !�'JJ //,, OWEN OEMIERO•. F' A+e1FW5 64( fTXT7'�I'L t7r. I: N9ECi�E �I � ... / y SREMVST""SOW FROM MAWROADAMO TESTX BSMMSTREMGG®RTIN lE3TXOLENVYBEFS Iv OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE W GPADE/F/J W RE 5 W RCE Ru npvLLN pu°aem:l VOLUNTARY 13MAINTEPUNCER MPING E3BUILDINGPERMIT 13HOMERALE OCOMPLMNT E]OTHER: INSPECTM SOIL LOGS SOMMENR/ ITYJN6 I I T•.P I T V-VEN,GOILCO D1: RECORWI'OR IAMARPROVAL ION gFpgll V=VERY G=Gi+AVELLY 8.6V!<I L•LOAM 51=SILT C=CU•Y E•E V R•ROpi9 REDUIREOFOR FMALPFPROVAL. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE 1 APPLIGAMIN EX% WTE AppLICATIONGLPROVED11S. OSV DATE �1, �N THIS FORM I.NY BE ANNED AND AVABABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON TIRE MASON COUNTY WEBBITE gEVISEO tp/TTNts DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number:5!: 91 Q -- '7 S- O Q t7 L Q A design will be reviewed when 3 copies of each of the following are submitted: •Completed design form that has been signed and dated. •Scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist •Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. •Cross-section sketch,including all applicable items on checklist. Thlsfatn maybe warned and available for pubticview onthe Mason county Webalte.Maximum paper sire: 11"X17" PARCEL IDENTIFICATION � Permit Number. SW Designer's I L Designer's Name: Applicant's Name: r(t„ eQ t/iW7, Designer's Phone Number: 766 '177-5ZI 7' Mailing Address: 176 3bx HP9 Designer's Address: 76 gnx 1174/ 99599 kl»r{ a h, 995`/8' Cr State ZipCityState Zip DESIGN PARAMETERS Treatment Device ❑Glendon Biofilter ❑Sind Filter ❑Mound ❑Sand Lined D o mfidd ❑Reticulating Filter,Type: ,PAerobic Unit Make/Model .✓dra/rld ❑Disinfecfion Unit Make/Model Other: CdAnw.42— Drainfield Type ❑Gravity ❑Pressure ❑Trcnch ❑Bed ❑Sub Surface Drip Septic Tanh/Drai afield Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms Z Schedule/Class Daily Flow:Operating Capacity .-/,0 gpd Length Daily Flow:Design Flow gpd Di :s /.O in Septic Tank Capacity Aofulecp gal Receiving Soil Type(1-6) on , /Z ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate .( gpd/fiz 3r r : " �.,,i Orifices Required Primary Area 460 f oml of s 33 Designed Primary Area 4d O ft r7 Erfx ostmsao'. 3 . 'rC ble 1CNE'R �/6 in Designed Reserve Area t/60 ft �$ in Trench/Bed Width 3 R Manifold Trench/Bed Length 133 ft Schedule/Class yQ Elevation Measurements Length L it Original Drainfield Area Slope Sr /o Diameter 1,5—r' in New Slope,If Attered S' % Preferred manifold configuration used? 0 Yes 0 No Depth of Excavation Ur-,ba- 1d in Transport Pipe from Original Grade p -dope T in Schedule/Class </b Designed Vertical Separation in Length (S It Gmvelless Chambers Required? es 0 No 0 Optional Diameter /„f in Pump Required? Yes 0 No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphou ecM tions Number ofdoses/day [ Difference in Elevation Betwe p Shutoff and Uppermost Dose quantity y/) gal Orifice 1.Z R Chamber Capacity _ 126 p gal Uppermost Orifice IN Hi ❑Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls:Please check those required. Capacity Q Total Head /9.q7 Spin arm" OElapse Meter 0 Event Counter Calculated Total Pr cad � ft If Timer: Pump on pumpoff Comments SCrryv"" R-y.......rb 4r l"=...I /rr..rr" DESIGN FORM-PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number..ZJ Z L? — 7 5--- to 0 O L d Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch Test hole locations J2( Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: Soil logs ¢ Tmnch/bed dimensions and 91 Septic tank r'✓Property lines critical distances within layout pJ Drainfield cover Existing and proposed wells D-BoxNalve box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: [Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations 10 surface water and critical areas J2( Observation port location moms,trench/bed,top and Location and orientation of 9 Clean-out location ❑ Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption la Manifold placement ❑ Sand augmentation components Location and dimension of Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: primary system and reserve area V Lateral p cut with distance ❑' Observation po clean-outs ,,5� to edge bA Other Informs ,E Buildings C� Audi is arm referenced Yes NO) jd Direction of slope indicator S own on scale 0 staked out LI Waterlines b r .+?s ❑ corded Notices attached ef Roads,easements,driveways, ' '?!'� ❑ Waiver(s)attached 1 Parting •+.^F• Pump curve attached Cj North arrow and scale drawing .ANTHONYM D.1MR.% Evaluation of,failure / shown on scale bar • 'IC N 55 i NE'q"' Grp rm.•=s::r_< Non-residential justification ❑ P Waste strength ❑ ZJ Flow DESIGN APPR AL The undersigned designer mast be no^ed , ' ^taller at �f installation BY" ❑ No -Zl-tot 1 Signamy f Designer Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on be of Meson County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state and local on-site regulatio : Enviro Health Specialist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPROV IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approv "by Mason County Public Health. ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: _ ✓ Drainfield site conditions a not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: a system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior a orization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installa on Fee is re uired. This form may Ife scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 12/72015 (SMY M9) n ! t SaWN YO'S / rim 11 — - M . S,9T. 0 a+ M \ 10 v JA ryry ,r�,r� 4 t 00 ACV" ,a 1,0MO N AA 3t .L£,55.00 N ,C9,1OLOO NIL x �n '4 dig M „11,91.10N M ,14` 1,16N ' zr g j a O zx tlw �i J� �= _ N N �e p ,09' 6L1 ,00'S6Lt N 04 N d � i 3 ,ZS,O0.00 N O h Y j 8 CC ♦ M Om0 � M W -- C ,00'90P1 Z ,60'SO£t M a n —n _ ;pd,3uowalddnS xt.0e{q ' KK,x AMcla• H'111 1 Po,66421N 19z.2s'S r� 'S'I.a'E, P Po4a110, Hr 96776 I- e' iw I nd �r 32zz0-75-60010 6X PIC l Orrbd Sec.z0 rW*� ZLT� IK31.a. SCP 16I"=1oo' NotF: An EN Ru✓u.J w.L .IN& Is u Ac& L-Ts-rero T .. 161. -1 1N ieh 4� Jrr;Ru�:on , Tx I .e-zT•'GSl 6 k.,40.W soy' 7-da•e-W GSL P-14-9 29r1 WS e-30"65L N.NIFN 30R MIoo DED• . � P �r. 2 coons <ANINONYOWEN RELIIERO�.• • 'rr, a en� ':�H ' FaWmMeM __ __ Y Sl.pe 17A `I/ _ < W T D D e o 6 0 •r i n I ti k� N yy I I N I ¢ rlp �I i \ i ft MTl z Y J` f t!Y O � 1 4 rcP: ,' oin QC 1 ; . ER & R ° a x a ti o � rYr ! E'��b�"Es�;aGli�� �LkC3lItEE:39t,81� �l:iiit,;:4i :� PUMPS 30 too� - ) . s!�_ _ IESatRS II I 1 ! vsosu0s 20 IAO - 1 wo!d weo9 r♦ .r 20 0 f0 60 80 100 120 t�0 • 160US GPM 0 10 20 30 FLOW RAC C@ GOULPS PUMPS-INN- gg.WLa�FWi6i[oue ee-rrTM FMT 120 I I SEATS 3L85 SIM sou0s no - --1 -- - AFLr3�50 _ acw i 30 10o .c 25 So 1 20 ' c h.- I 15 50 10 L•— '' 30 5 20 I I 10 II I 1 0 00 t0 20 30 .0 .50 BO )0 B0 so 100 110 . 12D '' -'-GPM 0 10 20 30 Mllh .. CAPAUTY �. a .. y� � �M _ of T.. 1 .Y � W 1 �•._ _. � +P�` .dye� T �sy.� � �� r� i^ { {��. �, w -a�Ri �.�+�.� �.... .iY i tN i.,;s sC3 me r n i t Consider the facts: .�� SERVICE PRO' Control Center Blue Crystal*Residential Disinfecting Tablets - - - and Bio-Mara Dechlorination Tablets i 3 Pretreatment Riser and Sealed Lid, eio-Kinetic Riser and Unit Mounting Riser IIIIII i Sealed Lid and Vented Lid 'I Singulairc Aerator Inlet 1 Alternate lnlat _ Bio-eine[i<" System Pretreatment Outlet Chamber I Aeration Chamber Hio-Static, Sludge Return Polyethylene Tank Clarification Chamber U.S.and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending Inlet Gutlet Pretreatment Chamber - 01. Aerator Provides complete treatment Aeration Chamber i "`1' - - Polyethylene Tank Clarifcation Chamber _ $7 _ Peak Flow Sustained How Design Flow Al Bio-Kinetic Syrtehr {1 i g UV Protected Molded Risers with Sealed R or Vented Lids 17tts30rz p.RESSURt DIS'i MITIOH . 11 REQUIREMENTS l.Snstall :trench bottoms level without any slope Z.When'trenches are being used on different elevatiuh,, Check valves are to be used between laterals with". .- •- manifold 'to keep manifold primed at all times. 3.Install trtnches with the contour of the ground. 4.install.locator. tape to surface to locate laterals if ever _ needed ' .3 anstall obearvation-ports within 24- of ends of all trenches. '6.Instail trenches during dry conditions. if smearing occurs,. . contact designer or the health dept. official who signed the design. This-is a must or designer is not responsible for failure caused-by smearing of the trench walls. ?.Xnstall a check valve in the transport line within the dump chamber. a . Install either a pump chamber screen or an effluent filter to-p otect•the pump and the drainfiel& from.-contaminating =: solid matter. 9.Snstall high level water alarm system to warn owners of Dump failure, 10.Install lateral cleanouts, screw fittings forty five up to finish-grade. 11.Risers are to be .installed at the pump tank to the finish grade level for ease in pump removal. if baffle type filter is being. used -Ldeers -must also be brought to the surface. la.Install filter, fabric- over trenches completely over trenches. e 13.Diyerr all home and storm drains away from the drainfield. ld2 Septic-system is to be inspected, and or serviced every ONE- to -rwo years. tank should be pumped at a minimum of every T7,p years. iS.My deviation Pkour this design without prior approval with Designer or Health Dept. official will. make this design,,.- .�. .: void; as well as the- re'sponsibi.1ci-Ly, o$.7the -DIsignar. 16':' Inacall audio and visual alarm in, pumptheater. ' I7. �GtO¢{b US Sr Kc�IG I�HGZG C0 9-Wbl f ! � III Cnoh�r i !4• Goutd P°�P uLed 3485 Yer Wco3q or L be��1 ,1ra1 50 Fou(p -