HomeMy WebLinkAbout22215400007 - WAI Health Waiver - 5/14/2020 Luke Cencula From: Luke Cencula Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 10:41 AM To: 'Rob' Subject: RE: 113 E terrace dr,belfair,wa Attachments: homeowner installation handout.pdf Hi Rob, Photos received. Mason County Public Health has been available through the start of the COVID situation. Septic professionals have been essential workers& have also been available during this time. You will have to go through the installation process- 1. Submit a complete HOMEOWNER OSS INSTALLATION REQUEST form(attached)approved by respective designer(read entire form; non-shoreline, primary residence) 2. If approved,the county will inspect system to verify septic components locations,depths,etc. 3. If approved,an as-built drawing,final installation worksheet,final installation fee& homeowner installation fee need to be submitted 4. System can have final approval Thank you, Luke Luke Cencula Environmental Health Specialist Mason County Community Services 415 N 6' St—Shelton,WA 98584 360.427.9670 ext.353 Icencula@co.mason.wa.us From:Rob<robflath96@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday,May 21,2020 9:38 AM To:Luke Cencula<LCencula@co.mason.wa.us> Subject: 113 E terrace dr,belfair,wa need final sign off from county readily available services were shut down due to covid (gravel pit, contractor, mason county) had open job site that needed emergency completion to prevent any erosion as built needing to be recorded photos available if needed? t / \ MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Building,Planning Environmental Health,Community Health 415 N 5"Street, Bldg 8, Shelton WA 98584, Shefton:(360)427-9670 ext 400 {• Belfair. (360)2754467 ext 400 i• Elms: (360)482-5269 ext 400 FAX (360)427-7787 Application for Waiver/Appeal Amount Paid Receipt Number. Instructions 1. Complete Parts 1 and 2. No determination can be made until these parts are fully completed. 2. Fees may be billed for waivers and appeals, based on the Environmental Health Fee Schedule. 3. Submit completed application with attachments to Mason County Public Healtht for review.`/ t/�-,Y,; PART 1. Applicant/Pgrcel Identification ^DO q +k 9 b t �J � r:mQ. \fchiw..S 4 'h♦Gcr.-�•/+K LL � r? Nameof Applicant I,06"AT Fih -6 Telephone '�6 o'�'t3'72c'b �M0.1t1e 1p'H Mailing Address of Applicant l� O (3oK I-I I% City 134!14ta A^ (� State 1 A Zip Q�2A� 12-digit Tax Parcel No. 1F q! ! L -- S 4 -- Q U O O 7 Site Address 11% r TtltAtG 02 :4 (.fie l Fq-[V2 r,JA 4tbsZv, Subdivision Name and Lot ` Vt •nAV aga.L n--[ to A PART 2: Nature of Waiver/Appeal ❑ Contractor Certification Requirements ❑ Class B Reduction in Vertical (Installer, Pumper, O&M Specialists) ❑ Separation ❑ Food Sanitation Requirements ❑ Building Permit Review Policies ❑ Group B Water System Regulations ❑ Location,WAC 246-272A-0210 ❑ Water Adequacy Requirements Or Holding Tank WAC 246-272A-0240 a ❑ Enforcement Timelines ❑ Mason County Onsha Standards ❑ Departmental Determinations Other Description of Waiver/Appeal (include justification, additional material may be attached y Its ► . tos/'I 14 kA oron V) + dawns l 1 �yN.M K J <•t 1K s Applicant Signature: 1�4a -t. Date: S'I �ZO 2 l:\EH Forms\w'aivcr-Appeal Mown County Local Revised 1/20/2017 Page I oft PART 3: Public Health Evaluation (Staff Use Only) t. Type of Determination Required: Type of Onsite Waiver(if applicable) :i Appeal L Waiver ❑ None required i Class A ❑Class B ❑Class C 2. Identification of Specific Coded Standard/Determination (include date of determination or latest Code/ Standard revision) 3. Nature of Appeal: 4. Hearing Official: ❑ Board of Health ❑ Health Officer ❑ Pollution Control hearing Board ❑ Public Health Director ❑ Certified Contractor Review Board ❑ Environmental Health Manager 5. Mitigating Factors: 6. 1 have received this waiver/appeal request. It is complete and mitigation required by the state and local policy has been submitted. Staff Signature: Date: PART 4: Determination of the Hearing Official ❑ The hearing official has determined that approval of this request will not adversely affect public health and is hereby granted.This decision is based on the following findings and conditions: ❑ The hearing official has determined that approval of this request could potentially adversely effect public health and is hereby denied. This decision is based on the following findings and conditions. Hearing Official Signature: Date: l:\EH Forms\WaiverAppeal Mmon County Local Revised 1/20/2017 Page 2 of 2 111• 11 • •: . I • •: WE ITM No RAW a � � 11:1 • •I �.I C, ell � � I 1 I/ PO TANK LOCATICATi ON a� C/O 01 r 1 1 r PROPOSED j Mryr r BEDROOMz i , N NOME r 1 r to r , = r j PROPOSED WATERLINE 1 EX15T1N�+OR1VE`NP v. i yf; / p. CERY A186 / IN5TALIATON DESIGNER SIGNOFF/ASBVILT FEE WILL ?n / BE CHARGED ATTIME OF IN5TAUAn0N / ^10NEER DIGGING INC cusTomPARCEL 22221,4PoB�OOW7j TM TES HOLEL T 75 HDLE OR 2 SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS XXXTERRACEDRY OB0M D60Me 3063E M DN BENSON RD GWEVIEW,WA 96546 DESIGNER ROBERT PArSE NO RA. NO RA. a-W426IB03 FAX-360427-2353 DESIGN PAGE � FOUND FOUND ,�_OF AN \` I POSSIBLE TANK LOCATION q/ \ C/O T 1 � ' , 1 j PPOPOSED i i HOMf 1 � o PROPOSED WATERLINE _ - EX�ST�N� Ze4 / a / fy0:' CEry( A.gg / 042Zf EX'- n=B INSTALLATION DESIGNER SIGNOFF/ASBVILT FEE WLLL / BE CHARGED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION CUSTOMER RABmT FLATH SCALE I:20 — JNEER DIGGMG INC PAROEE« 22221-s+000017 TEST HOLE C TEST HOLE 2 SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: XXX TERRACE DRIVE 0-60 M5 0-60 MS NO RA, NO RA. 3083E MASON BENSON RD. GWWIEW,WA% DESIGNER ROBEILT PAYSSE FOUND FOUND OFFICE-360426I803 FAX-360427-2353 DESIGN PAGE I OF OB PORT / I / s I r r I I / 1r / / /D-BOX 1 POSSIBLE / SEPTIC TANK / LOCATION / OB PORT PP ORIG. & FIN. GRADE FILTER oes� I FABRIC RISER TO N / FINISHED / GRADE I GLUED TEE � I I I I . I I rci I � y3� D-BOX W/ I VERIFIED DEPTH SPEED LEVELERS PIONEER EGWG WC ARCEOL CA2222�1-54—O0OF017 TM TFST HOLEt TEST HOLE SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS R)0(TERRACEDRNE D60MS 060w 3083 E MASON 8Q.60N Rp. CRN'EVIEW,Wn 98596 DESIGNER: ROBERT PAYSSE �' NO RA. OFFICE-36D42MMI c.v.u�.-..,-, - .. DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: 2 2 2 2 1 _ 5 4 _ _0 _0 0 0 7 A design will be reviewed when 3 ca ies of each of the following are submitted: "Completed design form that has been signed and dated. v Scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist •Scaled Plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. � Cross-section sketch,including all applicable items on checklist. =Nme: be scanned and available for public view on the Mason Coun Web alto.Mm:imum Permit Number: WG ROBERT PAYSSE Designer's Name: OBERT FLATH Designer's Phone Number: 3 -4:-1803120 E SNOWCAP DRIVE 3083 E MASON BENSON ROAD Designer's Address;ELFAIR WA 98628 GRAPEVIEW WAr savaState Zi Cr Stele Zi Treatment Device ❑Glendon Diit M ❑Sand Filter ❑Mound ❑Send Lined Dreinfield ❑Recirculating Filter,Type: Cl Aerobic Unit Make/Model ❑Disinfection Unit Mek"Model Other: fi�Gmvi Drainfield Type ty ❑Pressure li/Trench ❑Bed ❑Sub Surface Drip Septic TanWDrainfteld Specifications Laterals Number ofBetlrooms TWO Schedule/Class 2729 Deily Flow:Operating Cepecity 180 gpd Length 50 ft Daily Flow:Design Flow 240 gi d Diameter 4 in Septic Tank Capacity 1200 gal Number 2 Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 3 Separation - Receiving Soil Appl.Rate p,g ft gpd/ft' Orifices Required Primary Area 300 ft, Total Number ofOrifices Designed Primary Area 300 fju Diameter _ Designed Reserve Area In 300 ft' Spacing - in Trench/Bed Width 3 ft Treach/Bed Length 100 Manifold ft Schedule/Class 3034 Elevation Measurements Length <5 ft Original Drainfield Area Slope 0 % Diameter 4 New Slope,If Altered p in Preferred manifold configuration used? fig Yes 13N, Depth of Excavation URsiope from Original Grade 24 1° Transport Pipe 0o -s�Ope 24 in Schedule/Class 3034 Designed Vertical Separation 35 in Length 40 Gmvelless Chambers Required? ❑yes id No ❑ ft Optional Diameter 4 in Pump Required? ❑Yes 96No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications Number ofdoses/day - Difference in Elevation Between Pump Shutoff and Uppermost Dose quantity Orifice ft - gal Chamber Capacity _ gal Uppermost Orifice❑Higher ❑Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls:Please check those required. Capacity(a)Total Pressure Head - Spot OTimer OElapse Meter ❑Event Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head ft I If Timer: Pump on - ,Pumpoff — Comments Robert H. Paysse/Pion_:r Digging, Inc. Septic Deslg,. - General Notes 1.Contact Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc.for final inspection of the installation. All components,including tanks,lids,transport line, drainfield,and water lines must be open for inspection. A$300.00 fee will be charged for time involved with the inspection of the Installation and creation of the record drawing. Pioneer Digging,Inc.reserves the right to charge additional fees if multiple visits are needed due to installation errors or inaccessible components. Property owner,applicant,and/or Installer are responsible for all Mason County fees Involved with installation of this design. 2.This septic design must be installed by a certified installer with Mason County public Health. For Homeowner Installs,the owner must get approval from Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc.and Mason County Public Health prior to attempting installation. 3.Any alterations of this design must first be approved by Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging,Inc,and Mason County Public Health. If installer finds any Installation difficulties with design,they should contact designer prior to proceeding with Installation. 4.This design is site specific and conforms to State and Mason County requirements. The designer assumes no responsibility for its longevity. The owner therefore agrees to maintain and make all necessary repairs to the system at no cost to Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc. Due to various aspects,Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc.assumes no responsibility for this septic systems longevity or life. 5.Field Staking was done to the best of the designers knowledge or property line locations. Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging,Inc.assumes no responsibilities for surveying property line locations. Owner must verify/establish actual lines prior to construction. Any discrepancies found related to this design should be reported to the designer immediately. 6.Drainfield area may only be cleared by a licensed installer familiar with sensitive drainfield area preservation. The builder,lot developer,or property owner shall not clear the drainfield area. Any clearing required for drainfield Installation shall not remove or disturb any top soil in Primary and Reserve areas. Removal or disturbance to drainfield soils could render design void. 7.The property owner and certified installer are responsible for locating all underground utilities prior to installation. 8.All construction materials installed in this system shall conform to all applicable state and Mason County requirements. 9.Storm water runoff,footing drains,roof drains must be diverted away from any septic system components. 10.This design is Intended to meet State and Mason County requirements that are related to the system being proposed. Any placement of proposed buildings,proposed wells or other non related items on these drawings may or may not meet other local and or state requirements. It Is the property owner's responsibility to determine what is acceptable to the various departments for non-related items, 11.The proposed septic system should be installed in dry weather conditions. Any failed attempts at installation during wet weather conditions may render this design void and unusable. 12.No curtain,foundation,perimeter drains shall be Installed 3Dft downslope and loft upslope of drainfield areas,unless design addresses a decreased setback with waivers. 13.Installer Is responsible for following all related waiver mitigations outlined by Mason County Public Health and Robert Paysse/Pioneer Digging, Inc.if waivers are being proposed. 14, Maintain loft to waterlines with all septic components. If less than Soft is required,sleeving in sch.40 pvc is required. Ifsewage transport lines and waterlines must cross,waterline must be 18"above sewage line with one of the lines sleeved In sch.40 pvc. 15.All septic tanks,pump tanks,ATU's must be installed on original soils or compacted gravels. Run all tank connection lines out onto original soil to avoid settling issues. Risers and lids must be brought to finished grade and left accessible for future operations and maintenance. Owners are advised to keep bushes and trees away from lids and other septic maintenance points. 16.All electrical wiring shall be done by a licensed electrician or homeowner(if allowed)and must be Permitted through Labor and Industries. 17.The system owner/operator is responsible for the continuous operation and maintenance of the system. For User Manual and Owner Maintenance information,refer to Mason County Public Health Homeowner's o- Manual,which should be received by owner after installation approval. e m 'CONFER DIGGIN INC. Cl1STOMER KOBERTFLATH f PARCEL r.22221-5400007 2y. sie SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS XXX TER RACE DR VE 'p trnsnve`+sa 3083EMA80N BDJd7N RD GRAPEVIEW,Wn98596 DESIGNER: ROTERILAYSSE OFFICE-36(?42G18D3 FN( 366+n9353 DESIGN PAGE V OF q _ �_ � � � � b ' =^ 1 � � s _ 9 = d o � '� 1 - � � 7 � ak N _� � 00 �