HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI2006-00252 - SPI Inspections - 9/26/2006 pN STATE MASON COUNTY c DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4 "o N Z Planning Division 7 N Y Y P O Box 279, Shelton,WA 98584 o� �o (360)427-9670 1864 Site Inspection September 26, 2006 ERIC DUNAWAY 12216 54TH AVE NW GIG HARBOR WA 98332 TO BE KEPT IN THE Case No.: SP12006-00252 PARCEL FILE Parcel No.: 123315100070 ^ ( �?/�3 Project Description: Feasibility P{ " l Dear Applicant: Pursuant to your application, a site pre-inspection (SPI)was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. In some cases, setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes, streams, and wetlands must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at(360) 427-9670, ext 365 if you have questions. Sincerely, �& &a&v Allan Borden Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 9/26/2006 1 of 3 SP12006-00252 Site Inspection 9/26/2006 Case No.: SP12006-00252 Comments: Site visit made on Sept. 25, 2006; the applicant was present to note the location for a new residence and garage on lot 70 of Beard's Cove Div. 8. Staff observed a driveway to the lot to west that crosses the slope near Jolly Roger Lane and observed the subject lot was terraced with existing installed septic system in the south area of the parcel. Steep slope of 15 to 20 feet height are located within 40 to 50 feet from Jolly Roger Lane. The site is partly vegetated with some evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs adjacent to the east side of the parcel. The property is located in the Rural Residential 5 zone. Standard building setbacks for this zone are a 25-foot front yard or road setback and 20-foot side and rear line setbacks. A side yard setback of 10 percent of the lot width at building setback from the road is allowed for small subdivision lots such as Beard's Cove; in this case, that distance can be 7.5 feet from property line. These setbacks are measured from structures that are 30 inches above grade such as roof overhangs, stairs, balconies, decks, stairs, fuel tanks, heat pumps etc. An administrative variance may be requested to reduce these setback distances from property lines, to as low as 10 feet (front yard) or 5 feet (side yard), if the size, shape, or features of the property constrain development from the proper setbacks. This process requires application and review at the time of the building permit submittal. Landslide hazard areas: Due to the greater than 25 percent slopes at the front of the site and farther to the south, the development of the property would require that a Geologic Assessment be prepared prior to permit issuance in accordance with the enclosed Landslide Hazard Ordinance, section EA. The assessment will need to address the full extent of site development (proposed site preparation and structures), erosion control, and vegetation and storm water management. At least 2 copies should be provided to the County. A Landslide Hazard Covenant may need to be completed and recorded with the County Auditor, if it is determined through a Geologic Assessment that proposed construction will occur within a landslide hazard area. Prior to further ground disturbing activity or site development, an acceptable Geologic Assessment will need to be submitted to the County and a permit issued i.e. building permit or Mason Environmental Permit. A topographic profile will need to be provided when submitting a building permit application. This profile view should show existing and proposed topography with regards to cutting, filling etc. The potential area for construction of 9/26/2006 2 of 3 SP12006-00252 Site Inspection 9/26/2006 Case No.: SP12006-00252 a new structure will require minimal grading and excavation. Streams setbacks: No streams were observed on site, so stream buffers or development setbacks would not be required for further site development. General process: A site plan, showing all setbacks from property lines, road, slopes, or other improvements, will be needed for building permit application submittal. A topographical profile will aid in the review of walls and foundation for the proposed buildings. County development standards referred to may be obtained from the County website at http-//www.co.mascin.wa.us. and then look for Community Development. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. 9/26/2006 3 of 3 SP12006-00252 �- `� MASON COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. PRE-INSPECTION APPLICATION n PLEASE PRINT $205.00 Fee Required q(�� 1. Owner: M F— OfV G asp M On fi Applicant: 5'I C ry-)n 1fz)v- Q VI)Q wQ` v Site Address:Ll t-70 ern jrc)6��, J0 i V 6 Applicant Address: 1221 y 5�-123 111✓C IV Owner Address:L8*51y- "75'Lh NC t: City: (Jiu(-�,t✓e�.�/ St WA Zip -U3,7 2- City: PUyq �o H U St WA Zipg8�75 Phone: b "c --7c5ol day Phone:(?- ;) (v 53- 58+-1 day Phone:( evening Planner: V pp Email Address: S M P _ - Comp.Plan ype of Use IL I`S Water Body ���$ 2. Parcel No. 123� _ 1�l o _ (��O Parcel No. - - Legal Description: W t -70 6A v/)S CJy r- eyI V 6 3. Purpose of Pre-Inspection : eo✓1 fi M lot fiv 10 jA t u w)pJ S f"12 4. Use of building: 1 n w gl Gl C�IClei 5. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope W saltwater( lake river pond( ) wetland( ) seasonal runoff( ) other stream( seasonal creek Directions to Site: K300 L.� _r ,e,/ n If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity which affect the lot evaluated in this inspection,or the laws regulating develo ment of the site change after the time of inspection. Applicant Signature: � 1, Date: 41 LP 6 If you would like to be on site during inspecti ,please check here: Return application to: Department of Community Development,Planning Division P.O. Box 186 SEP i L006 Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 MASON COU147I Please include a$205.00 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer When completed,this form becomes part of the parcel file. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Accepted by: r4" Date: MORE ON BACK SIDE Revised: 01/18/06 - . r Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to critical areas (slopes, streams, lakes,wetlands, etc.) existing improvements, as well as property lines. APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED WITHOUT ADEQUATE ILUSTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT. i!1 fp V DP C INt iv ��TI(, ZOO. Q5 e7) -Fr Z w t�} ea t4e,RZ16 i2cr9 irvl In. li l -Fo,rt. SI o�Og, Departmental Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings- OW "4t4J wu