HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHX2006-00036 JARPA - SHX Inspections - 5/22/2006 U816 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division P O Box 279,Shelton,WA 98584 (360)427-9670 Exemption from Shoreline Management Act Case No.: SHX2006-00036 Substantial Development Permit Requirement The Proposal By: JAMESA.YATES 2908 N.VISTA VIEW DR TACOMA WA 98407 To undertake the following development: Landward retaining Wall/Rock Within Case Inlet and/or its associated wetlands is exempt from the requirement of substantial development because the development is categorized under WAC 173-27-040(2)as being category G-single family residence Please contact Rebecca Hersha at ext 593 if you have any questions. Issued: 5/22/06 Expires: 5/22/08 Authorized Local Government Official cc: APPLICANT WDFW USACOE WDOE TRIBAL COUNCIL Rebecca Hersha-Re:Yates HMP Page 1� From: Dewatto Boads<boad40@peoplepc.com> To: Rebecca Hersha<RebeccH@co.mason.wa.us> Date: 6/8/2006 6:30:26 PM Subject: Re:Yates HMP I appreciate your concern regarding the douglas fir located within the proposed rock wall construction area on the Yates property. Please note that the tree will be used to provide a LWD component to the proposed rock wall and will not be removed from the site. Three alternatives were considered to try to avoid cutting down the tree. 1)build the wall in front of the tree,2)construct the wall behind the tree,3)leave a void in the wall where the tree is located. 1)building the wall in front of the tree would require a portion of the wall to be constructed within the innertidal zone. Such work would displace innertidal habitat. Displacement of innertidal habitat should be avoided. 2)constructing the wall behind the tree would involve such a high level of material excavation that the remaining root system of the tree would have nothing to anchor to and fall over. The root system of the tree has been naturally eroded to the point where it is going to fall over within the near future anyway. 3)leaving a void in the wall would allow native material to continue sluffing causing the edges of the wall adjacent to the void to fail. Such conditions would require a substantuil amount of maintentance and reconstruction of the wall within the next 5-10 years. The applicant would like to construct a wall that requires the least amount of future maintenance. As the tree is about to fall over anyway,cutting it down and using it as a LWD component to the rock wall seems to be the most effective way to provide long term bennefit to the shoreline. Hopefully this helps. Feel free to contact me with additional comments or concerns. Lee --Original Message-- >From:Rebecca Hersha<RebeccH@co.mason.wa.us> >Sent:Jun 7,2006 2:46 PM >To:boad40@peoplepc.com >Subject:Yates HMP >Hi Lee, >I am reviewing the HMP for Yates. I see that it includes removing a Douglas Fire tree on the shoreline. I need to know why this is necessary? >Thank for your help. Have a great day. >Sincerely, >Rebecca Hersha,Planner I >Mason County Department of Community Development >(360) 427-9670,Ext.593 AGENCY USE ONLY Agency Reference#: Date Received' Circulated by: (local govt.or agency) JOINT AQUATIC RESOURCES PERMIT APPUCATION FORM(JARPA) ama (for use In Washington State) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN BLACK INK OR FILL IN ELECTRONICALLY Application for a Fish Habitat Enhancement Project per requirements of RCW 77,55.290. You must submit a copy of this completed JARPA application form and the(Fish Habitat Enhancement JARPA Addition)to your local Government Planning Departrrherht and Washington Department of Fish&Wildlife Area Habitat Biologist on the same day. NOTE: LOCAL GOVERNMENTS-You must submit any comments on those projects to WDFW within 15 working days. Based on the instructions provided,t am sending copies of this application to the following: (check aB that apply) ❑ Local Government for shoreline: ❑Substantial Development ❑Conditional Use ❑Variance tRExemption ❑Revision ❑Fkrodplain Management ❑Critical Areas Ordinance ❑✓ Washington Department of Fish and Wikllife for HPA(Submit 3 copies to WDFW Region) ❑✓ Washington Department of Ecology for 401 Water Qualty Certification(to Regional Office-Federal Permit Unit) ❑ Washington Department of Natural Resources for Aquatic Resources Use Authorization Notification ❑ Corps of Engineers for. ❑Section 404 ❑Section 10 permit ❑ Coast Guard for. ❑ General Bridge Act Permit ❑Private Aids to Navigation(for non-bridge projects) ❑ For Department of Transportation projects only. This project will be designed to meet conditions of the most Current Ecology/Department of Transportation Water Quality Implementing Agreement SECTION A-Use for a#pormi is covered by Brig apptkedon. Be sure to ALSO complete Section C(Signatt rs Block)Ibr all permit applications. 1.APPLICANT Jaynes A.Yates MAILING ADDRESS ---- 2908 N.Vista View Dr.,Tacoma,WA 98407 WORK PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS HOME PHONE FAX# 253-208-4444 yatesja@harbomet.com 253-752-1133 253-752-09W If an agent Is acting for the applicant during tM pamlt process,complete 92 Be sure agent signs Section C(Signature Block) fior&N permit app#cs#ons 2.AUTHORIZED AGENT NONE MAILING ADDRESS WORK PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS HOME PHONE FAX# 3.Relationship of applicant to property: ❑OWNER PURCHASER LESSEE [-]OTHEFt:- 4. Name,address and phone number of property owner(*)if other than applicant 5.Location(street address,indud'ccitttyy�county and zip code,whore proposed activity e)asts or win occur) 4710 E SR 302,Beifair,WA 98528 Local government with jurisdiction(city or county)Mallon Coupty waterbody you are working in Case Inlet Tributary of WRIA# Is this waterbWy on the 303(d)List YES NO Puget Soun41l Unknown If YES.what parameter(s)? Shoreline designation Unknown For 303d List, http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programstwa/303d/index.html Zoning nation Residential -Section Section T.-L p Range Govern"wo Lot Z$ :2,2 ,I %4 Z. DNR stream type ff known Unknown LaftxIa and Longitude: N47'k.228,W12;f48.806' Tax Parcel Number 122282400020 ECY 070-15(Revised I IM)"A,Contact the State of Wash ingbn Office of Regulatory Assistance for latest version or call 3601407-7037 or 800/917-OW j 1 6. Describe the current use of the property,and structures existing on the property. Have you completed any portion of the proposed activity on this properly. AYES ❑✓ NO For any portion of the proposed activity already completed on this property,indicate month and year of Completion. Residential Is the property agricultural land? YES ✓ NO Are you a USDA program partktipant? YES on' NO 7a.Describe the proposed work that needs aquatic permits: Complete plans and specifications should be provided for gJ work waterward of the ordinary high water mark or line.including types of equipment to be used. If applying for a shoreline permit describe&I work within and beyond 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark. If you have provided attached materials to describe your project,you still must summarize the proposed work here. Attach a separate sheet if additional space is needed. CoMSTGtv.C.T A t2.r,TAjn!&14WALt, LA.A10W^.Ctb OF'TtbS6 0(LtDR1AIXt ( µt6%'N WA-r"— MARK , SCG, A-TT AC."SD DQ.AWWrJ. PREPARATM OF 011AWNIGS:See sampb druwfts and gufciii+ce for Ote dr.elrws. ONE SET OF ORIONAL OR coon QUALM REPRODuCME DRAMNIifi>IS�U 6E ATTACHED. NOTE Appkwft are enmuraped to submit pholopraplr d#*project MW,eW trade DO NOT subsdhAs for dnrafts. THE CORPS OF ENGNEMAwowarduRD LARGER Fa�BY01 RAGENCI L . Describe the purpose of the proposed work and why you want or need to perform it at the aft. Please explain any specific needs that have influenced the design. To protect the upland area from erosion. c. Describe the potential impacts to characteristic uses of the water body. These uses may include fish and aquatic Iffe,water quality, water supply,recreation and aesthetics. Identity proposed actions to avoid,minimize,and mitigate detrimental impacts and provide proper protection of fish and aquatic life. Identify which guidance documents you have used. Attach a separate sheet if additional space is needed. NONE d. For in water constriction will 'rojekt be in compliance with the State of Washington water quality standards for turbidity WAC 173.201A-110? YES O See USEFUL DEFINITIONS AND WSTRUCTMS . Will the project be constructed In stapes? YES NO O✓ Proposed starting date: June 15,2006 Estimated duration of aclvit . st 1,2006 9. Check if any temporary or permanent structures will be placed: Waterward of the ordinary high water mark or line for fresh or tidal waters AND/OR ❑Waterward of the mean higher high water for tidal waters? 10.1 fill material(rode,fill,bulkhead,or other material)be placed: 0 aterward of the ordinary high water mark or fine for fresh waters? ff YES,VOLUME(cubic yards) I AREA (acres) Waterward of the mean higher high water for tidal waters? If YES,VOLUME(cubic yards) /AREA (acres) ECY 070-15(Revised 1l/04)DARPA, Contad the State of Washir;ion Office of Regulatory Assis•ance for latest version or call 3601407-7037 or l!IMITC043 2 11. Will material be placed in wetlands? AYES r 1 NO If YES: A. Impacted area in acres: B. Has a delineation been Completed? If YES,please submit with application. YES NO C. Has a wetland report been prepared? ff YES,please submit with application YES HNO D. Type and composition of fill material(e.g.,sand,etc.) E. Material source: F. List all soil series(type of soil)located at the project site,and indicate if they are on the courrtys list of hydric soils. Soils Information can be obtained from the natural Resources Conservation Service(NRCS). G WILL PROPOSED ACTIVITY CAUSE FLOODING OR DRAINING OF WETLANDS? DYES F-INO IF YES,IMPACTED AREA IS ACRES OF DRAINED WETLANDS. NOTE If your prated will roped greater then%of an acre cfwdw4 a bolt a m getim plan to the Caps at Eodogy tr apgrmal sing with the DARPA fum. NOTE a 401 winter quality cerdlicabw will be regwW Iran EodV in atldbn to an appraed rrip om plan r ymr poled iiacb wdwds Est are a)Waster rran%sae in size, or b►*W wdw&or wetlaxb adla xM to tidal water.Please aub*the DARPA tam and mitipsrm plan to Ewbgy for an ind morel 401 cer8calim If a)or b)apphs 12. Stonrmwater Compliance for Nationwide Permits Only: This project is(or will be)designed to meet ecology s most current stormwater manual,YES NO or an Ecology approved local stormwater manual. It YES—Which manual will your pr*d be designed to meet? If NO—For dean water act Section 401 and 404 permits only—Please submit to Ecology for approval, Wong with this DARPA application,documentation that demonstrates the stormwater runoff from your project or activity will comply with the water quality standards,WAC 173.201(A) 13.Will excavation or dredging be required in water or wetlands? DYES R]JO If YES: A. Volume: (cubic yards)fares (acre) B. Composition of material to be removed: C. Disposal site for excavated material: D. Method of dredging: 14. Has the State Environmental Policy Ad(SEPA)been completed 21 YES n NO SEPA Lead Agency.Mason County $EPA Decision: DNS,MDNS,EIS,Adoption,Exemption Unknown Decision Date(end of Comment period) SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR SEPA DECISION LETTER TO WDFW AS REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE APPLICATION 15. List other Applications,approvals or certificstlons from other federal,state or local agencies for any structures,conalnactlon discharges or other activities described in the application(i.e.preliminary plat approval,health district approval,twik5ng permit SEPA review, federal energy regulatory commission license(FERC),Forest practices application,etc.). Also,indicate whether work has been completed and indicate all existing work on drawings. NOTE:For use with Corps Nationwide Permits,Identify whether your project has or will need an NPDES permit for discharl 4ng wastewater and/or stormwater. TYPE OF APPROVAL ISSLW4G AGENCY IDENnFICATmON DATE OF APPLWAION DATE APPROVED COMPLETED? NO. Building Permit Mason County 4/25/06 Not yet No SEPA Mason County 4/25106 Not yet No Environmental Permit Mason County 4/25/06 Not yet No Shoreline Permit 1 Mason County 4125/06 Not yet No 16. Has any agency denied approval for the activity you're applying for or for any activity directly related to the activity described herein? YES n✓ NO If YES,explain: ECY 070-15(Revised 1110f)DARPA Contact the State of WaOiinglon Office of Regulatory Assistance for latest version or Cal 3601407-7037 or 600/917-CW 3 SECT70N B-Use for Shoreline and Caps of Engineers permits qgk. 170.Total cost of project. This means the fair market value of the project,including materials,labor,machine rentals,etc. $30,000.00 7b.if a project or any portion of a project receives funding from a federal agency,that agency is responsible for ESA consultation. Please n licate if you will receive federal funds and what federal agency is providing those funds. See instructions for information on ESA.' FEDERAL FUNDING Q YES ❑✓ NO If YES,please list the federal agency. 18.Local government with jurisdiction: 8.For Corps,Coast Guard,and DNR permits,provide names,addresses and telephone numbers of adjoining property owners,lessees, Please nofa: Shoreline Management Compliance may require additional notice—consult your kcal government NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER SECTION C-This section MUST be for an N cove►ed by tirla aippilkadon 0. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the Information contained in this application.and that to the best of my knowledge and belief,such information is true,complete.and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. I hereby grant to the agencies to which this application is made.the right to enter the above-described location to inspect the proposed,it-progress or completed work. I agree to start ONLY after all necessary permits have been received. DATE S TURE OF PLI 4/25/06 DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT I HEREBY DESIGNATE TO ACT AS MY AGENT IN MATTERS RELATED TO THIS APPLICATION FOR PERMIT($). I UNDERSTAND THAT IF A FEDE RAIL PERMIT IS ISSUED,I MUST SIGN THE PERMIT. SIGNATURE OF ACIPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF DO ER(EXCEPT ENTITY LANDOWNERS.E.G.DNR) THIS APPLJCATiON ED 8Y APPLICANT AND THE AGENT,IF AUTHORIZED AGENT/S DESKiNATED- 18 U.S.0§1001 provides that: Whoever,in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowktgty, falsifies,conceals,or covers up by any trick,scheme,or device a material fact or makes any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statement or entry,shall be fined not more than$10,000 or imprisoned not more than 5 years or both. COMPLETED BY LOCAL OFFICIAL A. Nature of the existing shoreline. (Describe type of shoreline•such as marine,stream,lake,lagoon,marsh,bog,swamp,flood plain,ffoodway,delta;type of beach,such as accretion,erosion,high bank,low bank,or dike;material such as sand,gravel, mud,day rock,riprap;and extent and type of buNdneading,if any) B. In the event that any of the proposed buildings or structures will exceed a height of thirty-five feet above the average grade level, indicate the approximate location of and number of residential units,existing and potential,that will have an obstructed view: C. If the application involves a conditional use or variance,set forth in full that portion of the master program which provides that the proposed use may be a conditional use,or,In the case of a variance,from which the variance is being sought: These Agencies are Equal Opportunity and Aflimiative Action employers. For special accommodation needs,please contact the appropriate agency in the instructions. ECY D7D-15 DARPA(Revised 11/04) Contact the State of Washington Office of Rt gulatory Assistance for latest version or ca13601407-7037 or W01917-0043 4 � z APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW: SR soa- 'v o00oPe&o00 o M.0 S1..nI; APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY BELOW: Q�. �a1 � i 5�i �a�; �•a� G r�ss x