HomeMy WebLinkAboutStormwater Pollution Plan for PAR2011-00022 - PLN General - 11/7/2011 Mason County Construction Stormwater Pollution Plan Submittal Checklist Project Name: . e.LLB ��c� ort S l;�t Vic',t . W A Parcel #'s: i2-3Z2---,30 -U LAI— County Project No.: V'Mk? uk bbbZZ M Author of Report: Fcx k. nq e, Minimum Requirements of the DOE 2005 Stormwater Manual The Stormwater checklist identifies the minimum requirements of the DOE 2005 Stormwater Manual. The Checklist is intended to identify the locations within the plan that addresses the minimum requirements. Mason County will not perform a technical evaluation of the submittal. Rather, the checklist provides a guide to allow Mason County to review the submittal and determine if the applicant has addressed the minimum features that make up a Stormwater plan. It is incumbent upon the applicant and his/her engineer to fulfill all the applicable requirements of the 2005 Stormwater Plan as it relates to the proposed project. Review by Mason County is intended to determine if the plan has addressed the minimum requirements. Applicant's engineer shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of the submitted Stormwater plan. During construction of the project, the stormwater plan engineer of record or his/her authorized representative shall inspect the site to ensure the stormwater plan is being implemented as designed. Upon completion of the project, the engineer or his authorized representative shall be required to certify that the stormwater plan has been implemented as designed. Failure to meet the minimum requirements could result in delay or rejection of the application until the deficiencies are corrected. Section I— Construction SWPPP Narrative 1. Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Elements V/a. Describe how each of the Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Element has been addressed though the Construction SWPPP. vl'b. Identify the type and location of BMPs used to satisfy the required element. v/c. Written justification identifying the reason an element is not applicable to the proposal. 12 Required Elements—Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 1. Mark Clearing Limits, See page/paragraph S�\e P-A CS J, Ke.-nu t e E 1 2. Establish Construction Access, See page/paragraph 'f I py A C-s, y e`rctt E3 3. Control Flow Rates, See page/paragraph ';,ie Ai-j }1teG �.tiw\Tarcca euvov� c►♦c Gll'��KJ t4D1aW�l�s v-'4. Install Sediment Controls, See page/paragraph S�\eE-k Stormwater Checklist DOE 2005 Manual.doc 1 of 5 Updated May 20, 2009 15. Stabilize Soils, See page/paragraph S�\ee{ LS ,�_ro��o r\C c nkrbk \. Vukrkenckw &c{e S 6. Protect Slopes, See page/paragraph 1Ab Skope % re%,.,%e,n, 7. Protect Drain Inlets, See page/paragraph S\\e t A CS, K e.,hot e E`-I 08. Stabilize Channels and Outlets, See page/paragraph tA b cud\.e-}- A _e- 9. Control Pollutants, See page/paragraph S,ke ,j-;�-kn,ik,-' rwywff 10. Control De- Watering, See page/paragraph ,.c..'LreA v,' 11. Maintain BMPs, See page/paragraph S4.e ti-k CA. �resi o n O c nkrj Y MGl,%Aencnte Mcc# es V 12. Manage the Project, See page/paragraph gc,}es otX 'S1nFe k C�-. ("cns{rus1ts�ec_�Len — L'2e;11y meek\.tIrepertilv.r,r� cf,,n rALJt6^ 2. Project Description v/a. Total project area. Acres I,SU`1 Sq. Ft. c,� 1-1 /b. Total proposed impervious area. Acres Sq. Ft. 'ZS,133 c. Total proposed are to be disturbed, included off-site borrow and fill areas. Acres 0.7 7 Sq. Ft. 3-3,UI y d. Total volumes of proposed cut and fill. Cubic Yards Q00 3. Existing Site Conditions _Za. Description of the existing topography. See page/paragraph S.\ee-t CS,. Su f e t Iarc au 'W V b. Description of the existing vegetation. See page/paragraph ' 4V\kLt M .. SVJ Pe N�arrat i a c. Description of the existing drainage. See page/paragraph SLOW Alarrahoe 4. Adjacent Areas I. Description of adjacent areas that may be affected by the site disturbance l&a. Streams, See page/paragraph k1JL}b. Lakes, See page/paragraph hm c. Wetlands, See page/paragraph 0 d. Residential Areas, See page/paragraph L-fie. Roads, See page/paragraph A f. Other, See page/paragraph II. Description of the downstream drainage path leading from the site to the receiving body of water. (Minimum distance of 400 yards), See page/paragraph � ,EE-ECS SW ePP NarraiiUe- 5. Critical Areas V a. Description of critical areas that are on or adjacent to the site. See page/paragraph ':J,,.oeAn, Ali W 1,L(cr 'Wf Stormwater Checklist DOE 2005 Manual.doc 2 of 5 Updated May 20, 2009 L _.b. Description of special requirements for working in or near critical areas. See page/paragraph 6. Soils Description of on-site soils. /a. Soil name(s), See page/paragraph S�.ec'-t �S , S:�,PQQ Murr46)t i/b. Soil mapping unit, See page/paragraph ` mot CJS �i;Q�� ram{isle I c. Erodibility, See page/paragraph V d. Settleability, See page/paragraph V e. Permeability, See page/paragraph f. Depth, See page/paragraph g. Texture, See page/paragraph v h. Soil Structure, See page/paragraph 7. Erosion Problem Areas V/ Description of potential erosion problems on site. See page/paragraph CS, SWCCf N4rcc��iv� 8. Construction Phasing a. Construction sequence, See page/paragraph aNwkCS,SkZff? Nr N-N(' f Jta4es a-Cam{fur.{Ion WA b. Construction phasing (if proposed) , See page/paragraph 9. Construction Schedule r/ I. Provide a proposed construction schedule, See page/paragraph S ,get CS.Su^(R L(m+We ' its o{ een5{ —W -II. Wet Season Construction Activities WA a. Proposed wet season construction activities, See page/paragraph W/ b. Proposed wet season construction restraints for environmentally sensitive/critical areas. See page/paragraph 10. Engineering Calculations Provide Design Calculations. /0 a. Sediment Ponds/Traps, See page/paragraph N&b. Diversions, See page/paragraph WA c. Waterways, See page/paragraph v'd. Runoff/Stormwater Detention Calculations, See page/paragraph S4ury\,&'ter C%Mt ��.m��Cd'wn5s�yyr��u 11. Operations and Maintenance. An operation and maintenance schedule shall be provided for all proposed stormwater facilities and BMPs, and the party (or parties) responsible for maintenance and operation shall be identified. An operation and maintenance (O&M) Declaration of Covenant will be required to cover all privately Stormwater Checklist DOE 2005 Manual.doc 3 of 5 Updated May 20, 2009 owned and maintained stormwater facilities. O&M Declaration of Covenant forms are available at the Mason County Permit Assistance Center, 426 W. Cedar Street, Shelton, WA 98584. The proponent shall record a copy of the completed Declaration with the Mason County Auditors' office. A copy of the recorded document must be submitted to the Permit Assistance Center together with this completed Checklist. See page/paragraph Stormwater Checklist DOE 2005 Manuat.doc 4 of 5 Updated May 20, 2009 Section II—Erosion and Sediment Control Plans 1. General Aza. Vicinity Map, See page/paragraph : Xef_'A C5 b. Clearing and Grading Approval Block, See page/paragraph S�.e k Ls- c. Erosion and Sediment Control Notes, See page/paragraph 2. Site Plan V/a. Legal description of subject property //b. North Arrow _zc. Indicate boundaries of existing vegetations, e.g. tree lines, pasture areas, etc. �/ d. Identify and label areas of potential erosion problems, See page/paragraph e. Identify any on-site or adjacent surface waters, critical areas and associated buffers WA f. Identify FEMA base flood boundaries and Shoreline Management boundaries (if applicable), See page/paragraph v/ g. Show existing and proposed contours V h. Indicate drainage basins and direction of flow for individual drainage areas i. Label final grade contours and identify developed condition drainage basins j. Delineate areas that are to be cleared and graded _Zk. Show all cut and fill slopes indicating top and bottom of slope catch lines 3. Conveyance Systems _-Za. Designate locations for swales, interceptor trenches, or ditches _Zb. Show all temporary and permanent drainage pipes, ditches, or cut-off trenches required for erosion and sediment control c. Provide minimum slope and cover for all temporary pipes or call out pipe inverts v-1 d. Show grades, dimensions, and direction of flow in all ditches, swales, culverts, and pipes _x�/ e. Provide details for bypassing off-site runoff around disturbed areas N/A f. Indicate locations and outlets of any dewatering systems 4. Location of Detention BMPs ,,/a. Identify location of detention BMPs. 5. Erosion and Sediment Control Facilities "a. Show the locations of sediment trap(s), pond(s), and pipe structures. W b. Dimension pond berm widths and inside and outside pond slopes. KVA c. Indicate the trap/pond storage required and the depth, length, and width dimensions. Stormwater Checklist DOE 2005 Manual.doc 5 of 5 Updated May 20, 2009 ;}} d. Provide typical section views through pond and outlet structure. WE e. Provide typical details of gravel cone and standpipe, and/or other filtering devices. "f. Detail stabilization techniques for outlet/inlet. g. Detail control/restrictor device location and details. h. Specify mulch and/or recommended cover of berms and slopes. WA_i. Provide rock specifications and detail for rock check dams. W j. Specify spacing for rock check dams as required. k. Provide front and side sections of typical rock check dams. 1. Indicate the locations and provide details and specifications for silt fabric. • V in. Locate the construction entrance and provide a detail. 6. Detailed Drawings yVA a. Any structural practices used that are not referenced in the Ecology Manual should be explained and illustrated with detailed drawings. 7. Other Pollutant BMPs V a. Indicate on the site plan the location of BMPs to be used for the control of pollutants other than sediment, e.g. concrete wash water. 8. Monitoring Locations WA a. Indicate on the site plan the water quality sampling locations to be used for monitoring water quality on the, o struct' site, if applicable. .._.._.._.__._......___._....__...__-.. _......_......___.—.--..---.._.__.._.._..__.....__.._.__..__._..._____................ _.._-__—_._ _.._---...__—.-.----..__...__.___._._._._....__._.._.......__.__....---..__._........_._. I certify that th stormwater plan submitted for this project fulfills the applicable provisions of the 2005 DOE Stormw ter Manual. �ALc, E 3 ENG i i Engineer Datev;.••••• F��ii N ♦ r 5 Al pl' ant Date ''�� •� Place eng. s mp and sign/date above. Stormwater Checklist DOE 2005 Manual.doc 6 of 5 Updated May 20, 2009