HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO2012-00040 for COM2011-00104 - GEO Geological Review - 7/27/2012 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 Geotechnical ReportReview Acceptance Letter July 27, 2012 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES INC 233 S PATTERSON SPRINGFIELD MO 65302 Case No.: GE02012-00040 Parcel No.: 123325000942 Project Description: GEO REPORT SUBMITTED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OF O'REILLY AUTO PARTS STORE (COM2011-00104) The Geotechnical Report for O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES INC has been received and reviewed by the Planning Department. The report was prepared by Dean White PE dated 6/22/2012. Based on the certification provided by the licensed engineer/geologist, the referenced Geotechnical Report was prepared in general accordance with the requirements in the Mason County Resource Ordinance, Landslide Hazard Areas 17.01.100.E.5. Mason County considers the review valid until such time as scope of project, site conditions, and/or regulations change. Should the scope of work, site conditions, and/or regulations change after the original review, then an addendum from the original author of the report may be required to address these changes. The report would only be re-reviewed if a permit for development were submitted after these changes occur. Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Report. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 365 if you have questions. Sincerely, Allan Borden Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department Comments: 7/27/2012 Page 1 of 1 GE02012-00040 Mason County Review Checklist For a Geotechnical Report Instructions: This checklist is intended to assist Staff in the review of a Geotechnical Report. The Geotechnical Report is reviewed for completeness with respect to the Resource Ordinance. If an item is found to be not applicable, the Report should explain the basis for the conclusion.The Report is also reviewed for clarity and consistency. If the drawings, discussion, or recommendations are not understandable, they should be clarified. If they do not appear internally consistent or consistent with the application or observations on site, this needs to be corrected or explained. If resolution is not achieved with the author, staff should refer the case to the Planning Manager or Director. Applicant's Name: Permit# Parcel# z3 Date(s) of the ,ocu en (s)reviewed: lei(Z�� 2L�'�/ (1) (a)A discussion of general geologic conditions in the vicinity of the proposed development, OK? Comment: (b) A discussion of specific soil types OK? Comment: (c) A discussion of ground. water conditions - OK? Comment: (d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology OK? Comment: AQ1y� (e) A discussion of the location of upland waterbodies and wetlands OK? Comment: �(f) A discussion of history of landslide activity in the activity,in the.vicinity; as available in the referenced maps and records OK? Comment: (2) A site plan which identif4theortant development and geologic features. OK?_,Z Comment: (3) Locations and logs of eoles or probes. OK? --.z Comment: 7/ (4) The area of the proposed devf(opnient,the boundaries of the hazard, and associated buffers and setbacks shall be delineated(top, both sides, and toe)on a geologic map of the site. OK?_Comment: (5) A minimum of one cross section at a scale which adequately depicts the subsurface profile, and which incor porates the details of proposed grade changes. OK? Comment: (6) A description and results of slope stability analyses performed for both static and seismic loading conditions.Analysis should examine worst case failures. The analysis should include the Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles. The minimum static safety factor is 1.5, the minimum seismic saf9ty factor is 1.1. and the asi-static analysis coeffients should be a value of 0.15. OK?__V Comment: (7) (a)Appropriate restrictions o p cement of drainage features / OK? Comment: (b) Appropriate restrictions on placement of septic drain fields K? Comment: � ) Appropriate restrictions on placement of compacted fills and footings OK? . Comment: (d) Recommended buffers from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes on the property. Page 1 of 2 Form Effective June 2008 OK?_ V Comment: /`q V (e) Rdcommended setbac�m the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other s�opes on the prop OK? (/ Comment: A 6 (8) Recommendations for the p eparation of a detailed clearing and grading plan which specifically identifies vegetation to be removed, a schedule for vegetation removal and replanting, and the method of v getation removal. OK? Comment: (9) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed temporary erosion control plan which identifies the specific mitigating measures to be implemented during construction to protect the slope from erasion, landslid s and harmful construction methods. OK? ✓Comment: Pq (10) An analysis pf both on-site an off -site site impacts of the proposed development. OK? ✓Comment: (11) Specifications of final development conditions such as, vegetative management, drainage, erosion control, and buffer widths. OK? ✓ Comment: (12) Recommendations for the preparation of structural it' ation or details of other proposed mitigation. l� (� ( p C ? OK?�Comment: (13) A site map awn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature f existing and prop sed development on the site. OK? Comment: Are the Documents signed and stamped? (� Type:and #of License: If.not approved, what is the next action/recommendation for furt�f��err �c^ti�n? Reviewed by , on Time spent in review: SECOND REVIEW/UPDATE: Reviewed by , on Time spent in second review: THIRD REVIEW/UPDATE: Reviewed by , on Time spent in third review: Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geological Assessment Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008 61EO2.0112--600A 1 --R, CDC ZO 11 -- 601 O� Mason County Department of Community Development Submittal Checklist For a Geotechnical Report Instructions: This checklist must be submitted with a Geotechnical Report and completed, signed, and stamped by the licensed professional(s)who prepared the Geotechnical Report for review by Mason County pursuant to the Mason County Resource Ordinance. If an item found to be not applicable,the report should explain the basis for the conclusion. Applicant/Owner O'Reilly Auto Parts Parcel#_12332-50-00942 Site Address_23030 NE SR3, Belfair,WA (1) (a)A discussion of general geologic conditions in the vicinity of the proposed development, Located on page(s) 4 (b)A discussion of specific soil types Located on pages) 5 (c)A discussion of ground water conditions Located on page(s)_5, 7, 8 (d)A discussion of the upslope geomorphology Located on page(s) 4 (e)A discussion of the location of upland waterbodies and wetlands Located on page(s) 4 (f)A discussion of history of landslide activity in the activity in the vicinity, as available in the referenced maps and records Located on page(s) 4 (2) A site plan which identifies the important development and geologic features. Located on Map(s)_Figure 2 (3) Locations and logs of exploratory holes or probes. Located on Map(s)_Figure 2,Appendix A_ (4) The area of the proposed development, the boundaries of the hazard, and associated buffers and setbacks shall be delineated (top, both sides, and toe) on a geologic map of the site. Located on Map(s)_Figure 2 (5) A minimum of one cross section at a scale which adequately depicts the subsurface profile, and which incorporates the details of proposed grade changes. Located on Map(s)_Figure 3 (6) A description and results of slope stability analyses performed for both static and seismic loading conditions. Analysis should examine worst case failures. The analysis should include the Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles. The minimum static safety factor is 1.5, the minimum seismic safety factor is 1.1. and the quasi-static analysis coeffients should be a value of 0.15. Located on page(s)_5, 6, Appendix B (7) (a)Appropriate restrictions on placement of drainage features Located on page(s)_7, 8, 9 (b)Appropriate restrictions on placement of septic drain fields Located on page(s) 7 (c)Appropriate restrictions on placement of compacted fills and footings Located on page(s)_6, 8, 9, 10 Page 1 of 2 Form Effective June 2008 Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Report. 4 (d) Recommended buffers from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes on the property. Located on page(s) 6 (e) Recommended setbacks from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes on the property. Located on page(s)_6 (8) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed clearing and grading plan which specifically identifies vegetation to be removed,a schedule for vegetation removal and replanting, and the method of vegetation removal. Located on page(s)_6 (9) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed temporary erosion control plan which identifies the specific mitigating measures to be implemented during construction to protect the slope from erosion, landslides and harmful construction methods. Located on page(s) 6 (10) An analysis of both on-site and off-site impacts of the proposed development. Located on page(s) 7 (11) Specifications of final development conditions such as,vegetative management, drainage, erosion control, and buffer widths. Located on page(s)_6, 7, Figure 2 (12) Recommendations for the preparation of structural mitigation or details of other proposed mitigation. Located on page(s)_6-10 (13) A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of existing and proposed development on the site. Located on Map(s)_Figure 2 1, D--4"k Lk'Y'N4- hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized knowledge of geotechnical/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist licensed in the State of Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions. I also certify that the Geotechnical Report, dated_June 2.:P 2012_, and entitled_Geotechnical Report-Parcel 12332-50-00942 meets all the requirements of the Mason County Resource Ordinance, Landslide Hazard Section, is complete and true, that the assessment demonstrates conclusively that the risks posed by the landslide hazard can be mitigated through the included geotechnical design recommendations, and that all hazards are mitigated in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety. (Signature and Stamp) �S p:T _ 277Z �!^' V�. Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008 Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Report. V C6 Z n f ` r 1555 Valwcod Carrollton, GCJ TX 75006 v www.atcassociates.com �f 0 972-919-3300 Fax 972-919-3395 ASS 0 C I ATE S I N C Environmental,Geotechnicai and Materials Professionals June 22, 2012 Mr. Curtis McNay O'Reilly Auto Parts 233 South Patterson Springfield, Missouri 65802 Re: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT & MASON COUNTYSUBMITTAL CHECKLIST FOR A GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Proposed O'Reilly Auto Parts Store 23030 NE State Route 3 Belfair, Washington ATC Project No. 90.75356.0038 Dear Mr. McNay, According to your request and authorization of June 12, 2012, a geologic hazards evaluation of the referenced site has been performed. The enclosed Geotechnical Report addresses Title 17 of Mason County Critical Areas Ordinances as they relate to landside and erosion hazards on the site. This report supplements ATC's Foundation Engineering Study; Project No. 90.75356.0038, dated August 12, 2011. A signed and sealed copy of Mason County Department of Community Development Submittal.Checklist for a Geotechnical Report is also enclosed. As concluded in Section 4.0 of the attached report, the site and nearby basin wall are globally stable and do not present a landside hazard. Also, as concluded in this section, only a slight erosion hazard exists. ATC appreciates this opportunity to be of service. Please contact us if you have questions regarding the attached report. Sincerely, ATC ASSOCIATES INC. Tyrone M. Clinton, DBA,7E, E Dale M. Allison Principal Geotechnical Engineer Director, National Client Management Enclosures: Geotechnical Report Mason County Department of Community Development Submittal Checklist for a Geotechnical Report w r J Geotechnical Report-Parcel # 123325000942 New O'Reilly Auto Parts Store 23030 NE SR 3 Belfair, Washington Submitted to: O'Reilly Auto Parts c/o ATC Associates, Inc. 4416 Tapatio Road Fort Worth, Texas 76108 Submitted by: E3RA, Inc. 9802 29th Avenue West Ste 13102 Everett. Washington 98204 k June 22, 2012 � w i Project No. E11054b A J TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION...................................................................................1 2.0 EXPLORATORY METHODS.................................................................................................2 2.1 Auger Boring Procedures...........................................................................................2 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS ...............................................................................................................2 3.1 Surface Conditions.....................................................................................................2 3.2 Soil Conditions...........................................................................................................4 3.3 Groundwater Conditions ............................................................................................4 3.4 Seismic Conditions.....................................................................................................5 3.5 Liquefaction Potential ................................................................................................5 3.6 Slope Stability Analysis .............................................................................................5 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................6 4.1 Site Preparation .........................................................................................................7 4.2 Footings .....................................................................................................................7 4.3 Drainage Systems......................................................................................................7 4.4 Structural Fill..............................................................................................................9 5.0 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES ......................................................................10 6.0 CLOSURE............................................................................................................................11 List of Tables Table 1. Approximate Locations and Depths of Exploration........................................................................2 Table 2. Estimated Properties of On-site Soils for Stability Analysis...........................................................5 List of Figures Figure 1. Topographic and Location Map Figure 2. Site Plan Figure 3. Geologic Cross Section AW APPENDICIES APPENDIX A Soils Classification Chart and Key to Test Data........................................................................................A-1 Logof Borings B-1 through B-6 ...........................................................................................................A-2-A7 APPENDIX B Slope Stability Analysis i r 9802 29th Ave W Ste B102 1 Everett,WA 98204 425-356-3372 425-356-3374 Fax E3RA June 22,2012 T11054b O'Reilly Auto Parts c/o ATC Associates,Inc. 4416 Tapatio Road Fort Worth, Texas 76108 Attn: Ty Clinton Subject: Geotechnical Report-Parcel# 123325000942 New O'Reilly Auto Parts Store 23030 NE SR 3 Belfair,Washington Dear Mr.Clinton: E3RA is pleased to submit this Geotechnical Report for the above-referenced project site. The purpose of our Report is to address Title 17 of Mason County Critical Areas Ordinances as they relate to landslide and erosion hazards on the site. Our scope of services is limited to surface observations, subsurface explorations, geologic research, and report preparation. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of ATC Associates, O'Reilly Auto Parts, Inc., and their consultants, for specific application to this project in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical practice. This report supplements the previously completed Foundation Engineering Study by ATC Associates,Inc.,ATC Project No.90.75356.0038 1.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is an irregularly shaped parcel that extends a bit less than 300 feet east from SR 3 and encompasses about 1.52 acres and is located in Belfair, Washington, as shown on our topographic and Location Map(Figure 1). Plans call for the construction of a new O'Reilly Auto Parts store that measures approximately 70 by 95 feet. The new store will be located on the north-central part of the site,more than 50 feet from the toe of a moderate to steep slope that ascends to the east from the east site boundary and from a slope at the south site boundary. Paved roadways and parking will be constructed to the east, south, and west of the new store. Because the site is relatively level, major grading is not planned. The attached Site Plan, Figure 2, approximates the location of the planned building,pavement,and nearby slopes. A 2 • June 22, 2012 E3RA, Inc. El 1054b/O'Reilly Belfair Geoteclinical Report 2.0 EXPLORATORY METHODS The site was explored on August 9, 2011 and June 17, 2012. The evaluation program for the project comprised the following elements: • A surface reconnaissance of the site and nearby areas on June 17,2012; • Six geotechnical auger borings conducted in the vicinity of the planned construction on August 9,2011,and • A review of published geologic and seismologic maps and literature. Table 1 summarizes the approximate functional location and termination depth of our explorations and Figure 2 depicts the approximate relative locations. TABLE 1 APPROXIMATE LOCATION AND DEPTH OF EXPLORATION Exploration Functional Location Termination Depth (Feet) B-1 Northeast comer planned building 16% B-2 Center planned building 16% B-3 Southwest corner planned building 16'/z B-4 Northwest planned parking 16%: B-5 Southwest planned parking 16'/z B-6 I East planned parking 16'/2 The specific numbers and locations of our explorations were selected in relation to the existing site features, under the constraints of surface access, underground utility conflicts, and budget considerations. It should be realized that the explorations performed and utilized for this evaluation reveals subsurface P conditions only at a discrete location on the project site and that actual conditions in other areas could vary. Furthermore,the nature and extent of any such variations would not become evident until additional explorations are performed or until construction activities have begun. If significant variations are observed at that time, we may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained in this report to reflect the actual site conditions. 2_1 Auger Boring Procedures Our exploratory borings were advanced through the soil with a hollow-stem auger, using a truck-mounted drill rig operated by an independent drilling firm working under subcontract to E3RA. An engineering geologist from our firm continuously observed the borings, logged the subsurface conditions, and collected representative soil samples. All samples were stored in watertight containers and later transported for further visual examination. After the boring was completed,the boreholes were backfilled with bentonite chips Throughout the drilling operation, soil samples were obtained at 2'/z or 5-foot depth intervals by means of the Standard Penetration Test(SPT) per ASTM:D-1586. This testing and sampling procedure consists of driving a standard 2-inch-diameter steel split-spoon sampler 18 inches into the soil with a 140-pound hammer free-falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler through each 6-inch interval is counted, and the total number of blows struck during the final 12 inches is recorded as the r 3 June 22, 2012 ORA, Inc. El 1054b/O'Reilly Belfair Geotechnical Report Standard Penetration Resistance,or"SPT blow count." If a total of 50 blows are struck within any 6-inch interval, the driving is stopped and the blow count is recorded as 50 blows for the actual penetration distance. The resulting Standard Penetration Resistance values indicate the relative density of granular soils and the relative consistency of cohesive soils. The enclosed Boring Logs describe the vertical sequence of soils encountered in each boring. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS The following sections present our observations, measurements, findings, and interpretations regarding, surface, soil, groundwater, seismic, liquefaction, and slope conditions. 3.1 Surface Condition The general vicinity of the project site can be divided into two topographic areas. The first is the level to gently sloping floor of the Hood Canal Basin; the second is the east wall of the Hood Canal Basin. Most of the project site and adjacent areas to the north and west are encompassed within the floor of the basin, while,the east basin wall rises from the east and south boundary areas. A driveway, called NE WJ Way, for residences offsite on the basin wall to the southeast, forms the south site boundary. The driveway ascends the basin wall and starts its ascent at the west part of the south boundary area. The north edge of the driveway alignment, consequently, is sloped. The height of this slope increases to the east, rising almost 20 feet above the basin floor near the southeast corner of the site. A residential building and paved parking area, recently part of a local mortgage company, occupy the south quarter of the site north of the slope described in the paragraph above. A septic system is located behind(east)of the building and a landscape swale is located north of the building. Most of the project site appears to have been graded level at some time in the past. A ditch is located at the west edge of the site, next to SR 3.A small storm sewer, which empties into the ditch, is located near the landscape swale. Geomorphologically the project site can be described as a glacial basin floor; the slope to the east a glacial basin wall, and upland geomorphology, east of the crest of the basin, can be described as a glacial till plain comprised of well consolidated lodgement glacial till. We did not observe indicators of recent,ancient,or incipient landslides, such as seeps,hummocky terrain, tension cracks, scarps,tilted trees,etc.,on the site or within a few hundred feet of the site. The Coastal Zone Atlas classifies the floor of the Hood Canal Basin which includes the site and areas adjacent to the north, west, and south, as S, Stable. The east wall of the basin, which ascends to the east of the site for approximately 300 feet vertically, at an average grade of approximately 40 percent, is classified as 1, Intermediate. Intermediate slopes are generally over 15 percent in grade with no known slope failures. We did not observe upland water bodies or wetlands near the site nor does the wetland GIS layer of the Mason County Viewer depict nearby,upslope,wetlands or water bodies. 4 June 22, 2012 ORA, Inc. Ell 1054b/O'Reilly Belfair Geotechnical Report No seeps, springs or other surface expressions of groundwater were observed on site or nearby offsite.No streams, channels, or other signs of surface flow were observed on the site or nearby offsite, other than the ditch nest to SR 3. The site is vegetated with grass that was high during our August,2011 explorations but had been recently mowed during our June 17,2012 reconnaissance. A line of smaller ornamental trees and some shrubbery grow near the landscape swale. 3.2 Soil Conditions The six auger borings conducted across the site indicate that it is underlain by medium dense to dense advance glacial outwash sand with varying amounts of gravel and silt. The Coastal Zone Atlas maps soils on the site and on the basin wall east of the site as QVa, Vashon advance glacial outwash. The upland area beyond the crest of the basin wall,hundreds of feet east of the site,is mapped as QVt,Vashon glacial till. The enclosed exploration logs (Appendix A) provide a description of the soil strata encountered in our auger borings. Our interpretation of the soil stratigraphy on and near the site is depicted in Geologic Profile A-A'(Figure 3). 3.3 Groundwater Conditions No seeps, springs or other surface expressions of groundwater were observed on the site or on the steep slopes near the site. Auger borings, which extended to a depth of 16'/2 feet, did not encounter groundwater.We anticipate that groundwater is too deep to affect site excavations or slope stability on the site. 3.4 Seismic Conditions Based on our classification of onsite soils and our review of published geologic maps,we interpret the on site soil conditions to correspond with class D, as defined by Table 1613.5.2 of the 2012 International Building Code(IBC). 3.5 Liquefaction Potential Liquefaction is a sudden increase in pore water pressure and a sudden loss of soil shear strength caused by shear strains, as could result from an earthquake. Research has shown that saturated, loose sands with fines (silt and clay) content less than about 20 percent are most susceptible to liquefaction. The glacial outwash that underlies the site and comprises nearby slopes is not saturated and is too well consolidated to easily liquefy. 3.6 Slope Stability Analysis We analyzed the slope stability under selected conditions. The following sections describe our method of analysis and present our results. Slope stability analyses typically involve five basic slope parameters: (1) location and shape of the potential failure surface, (2) internal friction angle of the various soils, (3) cohesion of the various soils, (4) density of the various soils, and (5) location of the piezometric groundwater surface. Once all five parameters have been estimated,the critical slip surface and associated safety factor of a given slope can be calculated. A critical slip surface is defined as the most likely surface along which a soil mass will slide,and a safety factor is defined as the ratio of the sum of all moments resisting slope movement versus 5 June 22, 2012 E3RA, Inc. El 1054b/O'Reilly Belfair Geotechnical Report the sum of all moments tending to cause slope movement. Consequently, a slope that possesses a safety factor of 1 is on the verge of sliding, whereas a slope with a safety factor greater than 1 has some resistance to sliding. According to standard geotechnical engineering practice, a static safety factor of 1.5 and a seismic safety factor of 1.1 are considered the desirable minimum values for most slopes, but 1.25 and 1.01,respectively, are often regarded as acceptable values. Slope stability conditions for the project site were analyzed by means of Bishop Circular Analysis. All calculations were performed utilizing the computer program PCSTABL6 and are attached in Appendix B. Our estimated values for internal friction angle, cohesion, and density of the advance glacial outwash that underlies the site and comprises much of the nearby basin wall of Hood Canal and our estimated values of the glacial till that forms the upland east of the site are listed in Table 2. We consider these values to be conservative for the soil type of the site. Mason County Title 17 criteria call for the use of 0.15 for the seismic(pseudo-static)analysis coefficients but,according to the latest International Building Code (IBC) criteria, the much more conservative coefficient 0.291, which was employed in our analysis, should be used. We analyzed slope conditions generally along the alignment of Geologic Profile A-A' (Figure 3). Our analysis yielded a Seismic Factor of Safety of 1.1 and a Static Factor of Safety of 2.1. TABLE 2 ESTIMATED PROPERTIES OF ON-SITE SOILS FOR STABILITY ANALYSIS Density Cohesion Internal Friction Soil Type (pc� (psB Angle (degrees) Advance Outwash Gravelly Sand 135 50 38 Glacial Till 130 1000 40 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Plans call for the construction of a new auto parts store on relatively level ground more than 50 feet from the toe of the moderately-sloped east wall of the Hood Canal Basin. We offer the following general geotechnical conclusions and recommendations concerning this project. • Landslide Hazards: In our opinion,based on our site observations,geologic research, and our Slope Analysis,the site and nearby basin wall are globally stable and do not present a landslide hazard. The planned new construction will not adversely affect slope stability on the site. • Erosion Hazards: Grades in the area of construction are relatively level and well consolidated, so present only a slight erosion hazard. We do not recommend a detailed temporary erosion control plan, provided our recommendations are followed. We recommend that a silt fence be placed so that any surface runoff generated during construction is filtered before entering the ditch that parallels SR3. All areas of bare soils should be re-vegetated as soon as possible after construction is complete. Specific recommendations for silt fences are provided in the Section 4.1. • Foundation Sub r� ades: Foundations should bear on medium dense or denser native soils, which we are usually within a 1 to 2 feet of the surface of the site. 6 June 22, 2012 E3RA, Inc. Ell 1054b/O'Reilly Belfair Geotechnical Report • Buffers and Setbacks: We recommend that the sloped part of the south boundary area, which forms the most of the north edge of the alignment of NE WJ Way (a triangular area with triangle legs that measure about 275 and 30 feet),be maintained as a vegetative buffer.Because the remainder of site is flat and almost level, and the basin wall is stable, we do not recommend buffers or setbacks for the site due to hazardous slopes. • Groundwater: Surface expressions of groundwater were not observed onsite or nearby offsite and subsurface explorations, which extended to a depth of 16'/z feet, did not encounter groundwater. It is our opinion that groundwater does not currently affect slope stability on site or nearby off site, and, based on observations onsite, groundwater will not affect site development. • Bearing Soils: Firm bearing soils are usually within 1 to 2 feet of the surface in the vicinity of the planned construction. • Disposal of Collected Stone Water: Storm water can be infiltrated onsite if desired and if permitted by Mason County without affecting slope stability.Alternatively,if available,it can be disposed of in the local storm water collection system. • Septic Drain Field Placement: Any additional septic systems that might be planned for the site should be designed and located in accordance with general County criteria and should not extend into the sloped vegetative buffer area located north of NE WJ Way.No other special placement criteria with respect to slope or erosion conditions are warranted. • Onsite and Offsite Impact of Planned Development: Because the buildings and pavements will be constructed on level terrain more than 50 feet from the slopes to the east and south and because the site is underlain by firm, glacially over-ridden soils, the impact to slope stability and to the potential for erosion,both off site and on site,will not be significant,provided our recommendations are followed. • Clearing and Grading Plan: Because area of the site to be developed is level and grading will be at a minimum, and because the site is not timbered, we do not recommend a clearing and grading plan unless specifically called for by Mason County, provided the recommendations in this report are followed. We recommend that a silt fence be placed so that any surface runoff generated from construction areas is filtered before entering the ditch that parallels SR3. Bare soils exposed during the construction process should be re- vegetated as soon as possible after construction is complete. The following sections present our specific geotechnical conclusions and recommendations concerning site preparation, footings, drainage systems, and structural fill. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications and Standard Plans cited herein refer to WSDOT publications M41-10, 1996 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, and M21-01,Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction,respectively. 4.1 Site Preparation Preparation of the project site should involve erosion control, temporary drainage, cutting, filling, excavations,and subgrade compaction. Erosion Control: Before new construction begins, an appropriate erosion control system should be installed. This system should collect and filter all. surface water runoff through silt fencing. We 7 r June 22, 2012 E3RA, Inc. El1054b/O'Reilly Belfair Geotechnical Report anticipate a system of berms and drainage ditches around construction areas will provide an adequate collection system. Silt fencing fabric should meet the requirements of WSDOT Standard Specification 9-33.2 Table 3. In addition, silt fencing should embed a minimum of 6 inches below existing grade. An erosion control system requires occasional observation and maintenance. Specifically, holes in the filter and areas where the filter has shifted above ground surface should be replaced or repaired as soon as they are identified. Temporary Drainage: We recommend intercepting and diverting any potential sources of surface or near-surface water within the construction zones before stripping of surficial organic soils begins. Because the selection of an appropriate drainage system will depend on the water quantity, season, weather conditions, construction sequence, and contractor's methods, final decisions regarding drainage systems are best made in the field at the time of construction. Based on our current understanding of the construction plans, surface and subsurface conditions, we anticipate that curbs, berms, or ditches placed around the work areas will adequately intercept surface water runoff. Clearing and Stripping: After surface and near-surface water sources have been controlled, sod and topsoil, and root-rich soil should be stripped from the site. Stripping is best performed during a period of dry weather Site Excavations and Utility Trenches: Based on our explorations, we expect that excavations will encounter medium dense to dense advance glacial outwash near the surface and at depth. Sites soils can be excavated using conventional excavation equipment. Dewatering: We do not anticipate that groundwater would be encountered during site excavations. Onsite Soils: We offer the following evaluation of these on-site soils in relation to potential use as structural fill: • Sur icial Organic Soils: Sod, topsoil, and root-rich soilsare not suitable for use as structural fill under any circumstances, due to their high organic content. Consequently, these materials can be used only for non-structural purposes, such as in landscaping areas. • Glacial Outwash: The glacial outwash that underlies the site is relatively insensitive to moisture content variations and will be reusable during most weather conditions. Temporary Cut Slopes: All temporary cut slopes in site soils should be no steeper than 1'/z H:1 V, and should conform to Washington Industrial Health and Safety Act(WISHA)regulations. Subgrade Compaction: Generally, we recommend that any localized zones of looser soils observed within subgrades be compacted to a density commensurate with the surrounding soils. Any pumping soils observed within a subgrade should be overexcavated and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. Permanent Slopes: All permanent cut slopes and fill slopes should be adequately inclined to reduce long-term raveling, sloughing, and erosion. We generally recommend that no permanent slopes be steeper than 2H:IV. For all soil types, the use of flatter slopes (such as 2'/2H:IV) would further reduce long-term erosion and facilitate re-vegetation. 8 June 22, 2012 E3RA, Inc. El 1054b/O'Reilly Belfair Geotechnical Report Slope Protection: A hardy vegetative groundcover should be established as soon as feasible, to further protect any bare or sloped areas from the potential from runoff water erosion. Alternatively, permanent slopes could be armored with quarry spalls or a geosynthetic erosion mat. 4.2 Footings In our opinion, conventional spread footings, if desired, could provide adequate support for the new building if the subgrades are properly prepared Footing Depths and Widths: For frost and erosion protection, the bases of all exterior footings should bear at least 18 inches below adjacent outside grades. To reduce post-construction settlements, continuous(wall)and isolated(column)footings should be at least 18 and 24 inches wide,respectively. Bearing Subgrades: Footings should bear on medium dense or denser, undisturbed native soils which have been stripped of surficial organic soils, or on properly compacted structural fill which bears on the soils just described. In general,before footing concrete is placed, any localized zones of loose soils exposed across the footing subgrades should be compacted to a firm, unyielding condition, and any localized zones of soft, organic, or debris-laden soils should be overexcavated and replaced with suitable structural fill. 4.3 Drainage Systems In our opinion,the proposed structure should be provided with permanent drainage systems to reduce the risk of future moisture problems. We offer the following recommendations and comments for drainage design and construction purposes. Perimeter Drains: We recommend that structures be encircled with a perimeter drain system to collect seepage water. This drain should consist of a 4-inch-diameter perforated pipe within an envelope of pea gravel or washed rock, extending at least 6 inches on all sides of the pipe, and the gravel envelope should be wrapped with filter fabric to reduce the migration of fines from the surrounding soils. Ideally, the drain invert would be installed no more than 8 inches above the base of the perimeter footings. Subfloor Drains: Based on the groundwater conditions observed in our site explorations, we do not infer a need for subfloor drains. Discharge Considerations: All perimeter drains should discharge to a storm system or other suitable location by gravity flow. Runoff Water: Roof-runoff and surface-runoff water should not discharge into the perimeter drain system. Instead,these sources should discharge into separate tightline pipes and be routed away from the building to a storm drain or other appropriate location. Grading and Capping: Final site grades should slope downward away from the building so that runoff water will flow by gravity to suitable collection points, rather than ponding near the building. Ideally,the area surrounding the building would be capped with concrete, asphalt, or low-permeability (silty) soils to minimize or preclude surface-water infiltration. 9 June 22, 2012 ORA, Inc. Ell 1054b/O'Reilly Belfair Geotechnical Report 4.4 Structural Fill The term "structural fill" refers to any placed under foundations, retaining walls, slab-on-grade floors, sidewalks, pavements, and other structures. Our comments, conclusions, and recommendations concerning structural fill are presented in the following paragraphs. Materials: Typical structural fill materials include clean sand, gravel, pea gravel, washed rock, crushed rock, well-graded mixtures of sand and gravel (commonly called "gravel borrow" or "pit-run"), and miscellaneous mixtures of silt,sand,and gravel. Recycled asphalt,concrete,and glass,which are derived from pulverizing the parent materials, are also potentially useful as structural fill in certain applications. Soils used for structural fill should not contain any organic matter or debris, nor any individual particles greater than about 6 inches in diameter. Fill Placement: Clean sand, gravel, crushed rock, soil mixtures, and recycled materials should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness, and each lift should be thoroughly compacted with a mechanical compactor. Compaction Criteria: Using the Modified Proctor test(ASTM D-1557)as a standard,we recommend that structural fill used for various onsite applications be compacted to the following minimum densities: Fill Application Minimum Compaction Footing subgrade and bearing pad 95 percent Foundation and subgrade wall backfill 95 percent Slab-on-grade floor subgrade and subbase 95 percent Subgrade Observation and Compaction Testing: Regardless of material or location, all structural fill should be placed over firm,unyielding subgrades prepared in accordance with the Site Preparation section of this report. The condition of all subgrades should be observed by geotechnical personnel before filling or construction begins. Also, fill soil compaction should be verified by means of in-place density tests performed during fill placement so that adequacy of soil compaction efforts may be evaluated as earthwork progresses. Soil Moisture Considerations: The suitability of soils used for structural fill depends primarily on their grain-size distribution and moisture content when they are placed. As the "fines" content (that soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 200 Sieve) increases, soils become more sensitive to small changes in moisture content. Soils containing more than about 5 percent fines (by weight) cannot be consistently compacted to a firm, unyielding condition when the moisture content is more than 2 percentage points above or below optimum. For fill.placement during wet-weather site work,we recommend using"clean" fill, which refers to soils that have a fines content of 5 percent or less (by weight) based on the soil fraction passing the U.S.No.4 Sieve. 10 June 22, 2012 E3RA, Inc. El1054b/O'Reilly Belfair Geotechnical Report 5.0 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES Because the future performance and integrity of the structural elements will depend largely on proper site preparation,drainage, fill placement, and construction procedures,monitoring and testing by experienced geotechnical personnel should be considered an integral part of the construction process. 6.0 CLOSURE The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based,in part,on the explorations that we observed for this study;therefore,if variations in the subgrade conditions are observed at a later time, we may need to modify this report to reflect those changes. Also, because the future performance and integrity of the project elements depend largely on proper initial site preparation, drainage, and construction procedures, monitoring and testing by experienced geotechnical personnel should be considered an integral part of the construction process. E3RA is available to provide geotechnical monitoring of soils throughout construction. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or any aspects of the project,please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, E3RA,Inc. M4. f � �r r, �=Iz Dean M.White,P.E. Principal Engineer FER:DMW:dj \\E3ra-eagle2TJob Files\201 l\E11054 ATC-O'Reilly Auto Parts,Belfair\E11054b O'Reilly Belfair Geotechnical Report.doc Four copies submitted 11 ' 11 ► � � P� MAIN 11f411,'�� J.:}1� �to .fir- f *WMAF�flt�!�/!/!r t��ll�illL�f/1%�,�i� f�t111lit�ttlips; ' w El 1054b FIGURE 1 a / B-4 PROPOSED BUILDING ¢ B-5 \ r B 2 B 3 r••, r - %B- r�r V BORING LOCATIONS B-1 f J 50 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET i NOTE: A' BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY ARE BASED ON MAPPING PROVIDED TO E3RA AND OBSERVATIONS BUFFER— MADE IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION SHOWN DOES ® �I NOT CONSTITUTE A FIELD SURVEY BY E3RA. PROJECT: 23030 NE State Route 3 E3RA Inc. Belfair,Washington 9802 29th Ave. W. SHEET TITLE: Site and Exploration Plan Suite B102 Everett, WA 98204 425-356-3372 DESIGNER: CRL JOB NO.E11054b 425-356-3374 fax DRAWN BY: CRL SCALE. 1"=50' www.e3ra.com CHECKED BY:DMW FIGURE:2 DATE: June 90,9012 FILE: E1.1054b.dwg A (E) 400- -- ------ —�--- ---T —r— —- — - --- W) , i 350 i - --- - -- - -— - --- -- - -- -- — I 300 - - — - - -�- -- - —-- '----I- GLACIAL TILL —+ 135 PCF/ c=1000/ 40' 250 -----r..--- I -- —�--- I-----+--- - -1-- 200 -- -- -F-- - -- _ — - --- - -- -— — 150 —i- — --- -- - -- --- - --- - ADVANCED GLACIAL OUTWASH I PROPDSED_!BUI DING 100 �---GiRAVELL-Y�ANDI(SP) - -- I 130 PCF/ c=50/13>r - I B-4 B-3 -- B-5 ->�-6- - ---HW I_3.-.. - 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Soo 900 1000 1100 1200 PROJECT: 23030 NE State Route 3 E3RA Inc. Belfair,Washington 9802 29th Ave. W. SHEET TITLE: Geologic Profile NOTE: Suite B102 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY ARE BASED ON MAPPING PROVIDED TO E3RA AND OBSERVATIONS Everett, WA 98204 MADE IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION SHOWN DOES 425-356-3372 DESIGNER: CRL JOB NO.El1054b NOT CONSTITUTE A FIELD SURVEY BY E3RA. 425-356-3374 fax DRAWN BY: CRL SCALE! 1"=100' www.e3ra.com CHECKED BY:DMW FIGURE:3 DATE:June 20,2012 FILE: E11054b.dwg APPENDIX SOILS CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA LOGS OF AUGER BORINGS MAJOR DIVISIONS TYPICAL NAMES CLEAN GRAVELS JG WELL GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES GRAVELS WITH LITTLE OR MORE THAN HALF NO FINES POORLY GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES COARSE FRACTIONSILTY GRAVELS,POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-SAN0.SILT 9 IS LARGER THAN GRAVELS WITHMIXTURES Vl N NO.4 SIEVEOVER 15%FINES CLAYEY GRAVELS,POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY zA MIXTURES m w CLEAN SANDS SW WELL GRADED SANDS,GRAVELLY SANDS m SANDS WITH LITTLE O 0 OR NO FINES SID POORLY GRADED SANDS,GRAVELLY SANDS MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN SM SILTY SANDS,POOORLY GRADED SAND-SILT MIXTURES SANDS WITH N0.4 SIEVE OVER 15%FINES SC CLAYEY SANDS,POORLY GRADED SAND-CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS,ROCK FLOUR, ML SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS,OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SILTS AND CLAYS SLIGHT PLASTICITY m INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, CL GRAVELLY CLAYS,SANDY CLAYS,SILTY CLAYS, J to LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 LEAN CLAYS O o —_ 0 � — ORGANIC CLAYS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW OL w v = PLASTICITY z w — = INORGANIC SILTS,MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACIOUS FINE k7 coma MH SANDY OR SILTY SOILS,ELASTIC SILTS Z T SILTS AND CLAYS 'L CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY,FAT CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS 8 Modified California RV R-Value ® Split Spoon SA Sieve Analysis Pushed Shelby Tube SW Swell Test [[� Auger Cuttings TC Cyclic Triaxial ® Grab Sample TX Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Sample Attempt with No Recovery TV Torvane Shear CA Chemical Analysis UC Unconfined Compression CN Consolidation (1.2) (Shear Strength,ksf) CID Compaction WA Wash Analysis IDS Direct Shear (20) (with%Passing No.200 Sieve) e PM Permeability Q Water Level at Time of Drilling PP Pocket Penetrometer 1 Water Level after Drilling(with date measured) 'a m en g SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA E3RA z Figure A-1 Z Z 0 J E3RA,Inc. BORING NUMBER B-1 9802 29th Ave W Ste B102 PAGE 1 OF 1 E$R A Everett,WA 98204 Telephone: 425-356-3372 Figure A-2 Fax: 425-356-3374 CLIENT ATC Associates Inc. PROJECT NAME O'Reilly Auto Parts Belfair GT Hazards Eval PROJECT NUMBER E11054b PROJECT LOCATION Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 819/11 COMPLETED 819111 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 4"ID DRILLING CONTRACTOR Holocene GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING — LOGGED BY FER CHECKED BY DMW AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES Northeast corner planned buildinq AFTER DRILLING --- d e cnw U �-- w M LU d O Z Q 0 a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o O� m0> QZ W UZ D (� Of 0 2.0 (SP-SM)Orange-brown gravelly sand with some silt(medium dense,moist) SPT 100 6-8-7 S-1 (33) (15) SP- SM 5 5.0 (SP)Gray-brown,gravelly sand with trace silt(medium dense,moist) ID SPT 100 1-7-9 m S-2 (22) (16) m a w SP m J J SPT 100 8-9-10 m S-3 (67) (19) Q N O 10.0 0 10 (SP)Gray gravelly sand with some silt(dense,moist) LU o SPT 100 16-21-23 5: S-4 (67) (44) W LU W 9 W SP •'. N N N N 15 D SPT 100 28-28-18 Is.5 z S-5 (33) (46) Bottom of borehole at 16.5 feet. WSJ a x m • J W Z W E3RA,Inc. BORING NUMBER B-2 9802 29th Ave W Ste 13102 PAGE 1 OF 1 E 3 R A Everett,WA 98204 Telephone: 425-356-3372 Fax: 425-356-3374 Figure A_3 CLIENT ATC Associates Inc. PROJECT NAME O'Reilly Auto Parts,Belfair GT Hazards Eval PROJECT NUMBER E11054b PROJECT LOCATION Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 8/9/11 COMPLETED 8/9/11 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 4"ID DRILLING CONTRACTOR Holocene GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING -- LOGGED BY FER CHECKED BY DMW AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES Center planned building AFTER DRILLING -- w - IL ui co a Lu J g >a O Q v d MATERIAL DESCRIPTION �v EL E OP mOZ j go z U J Lu - Q (SM)Cuttings of silty,gravelly sand SM :'• : 2.0 (SM)Brown,silty,gravelly sand(very dense,moist) SPT 100 25-32-44 S-1 (0) (76) SM ':..'. 5 5.0 (SP-SM)Light gray,gravelly sand with some silt(dense,moist) 'a SPT 100 12-21-25 m S-2 (56) (46) m LL SP- m SM ' J J z SPT 100 9-14-18 m S-3 (67) (32) 0 w 10 10.0 o (SP-SM)Light gray-brown,gravelly sand with some silt(dense,moist) SPT 100 11-22-23 S-4 (28) (45) w y SP- w SM _N fV N 15 15.0 F (SP)Gray sand with some gravel and trace silt(medum dense,moist) SP SPT 100 9-12-13 z S 5 (61) (25) :.' 16.5 Bottom of borehole at 16.5 feet. c� wSJ a F- m w z w E3RA,Inc. BORING NUMBER B-3 9802 29th Ave W Ste B102 E 3 R A Everett,WA 98204 PAGE 1 OF 1 Telephone: 425-356-3372 Figure A-4 Fax: 425-356-3374 — - CLIENT ATC Associates, Inc. PROJECT NAME O'Reilly Auto Parts,Belfair GT Hazards Eval PROJECT NUMBER El 1054b PROJECT LOCATION Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 8/9/11 COMPLETED 8/9/11 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 4"ID DRILLING CONTRACTOR Holocene GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING — LOGGED BY FER CHECKED BY DMW AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES Southwest corner planned building AFTER DRILLING — ICL Wuj e IL Wm Wo oz--1 (j aU W _j Z Ov� m O z ? MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 Q W U) o 0 2.0 (SP-SM)Gray-brown,gravelly sand with some silt(dense,moist) _ SPT 100 16-20-23 S-1 (56) (43) SP- SM 5 5.0 (SP-SM)Gray-brown,gravelly sand with some silt(medium dense,moist) a m SPT 100 9-15-13 S-2 (78) (28) SP- m SM a J W (SP-SM)Gray-brown,sand with some silt and gravel(medium dense,moist) pr SPT 100 13-12-13 S-3 (67) (25) SP- SM ':% X. 0 10 1o.a o (SP)Gray sand with trace silt(medium dense,moist) LU SPT 100 5-7-7 w S-4 (72) (14) LU w 0 SP tu U N h N N 15 15.0 F (SP)Gray,gravelly sand with trace silt(medium dense,moist) SP SPT 100 9-10-14 z S-5 (67) (24) 16.5 z Bottom of borehole at 16.5 feet. J a H 2 m K w z w c9 E3RA,Inc. BORING NUMBER B-4 9802 29th Ave W Ste B102 PAGE 1 OF 1 E3R A Everett,WA 98204 Telephone: 425-356-3372 Figure A-5 Fax: 425-356-3374 CLIENT ATC Associates Inc. PROJECT NAME O'Reilly Auto Parts Belfair GT Hazards Eval PROJECT NUMBER E11054b PROJECT LOCATION Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 8/9111 COMPLETED 8/9/11 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 4"ID DRILLING CONTRACTOR Holocene GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING — LOGGED BY FER CHECKED BY DMW AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES Northwest planned parking AFTER DRILLING — W o VJW U I-W hD _ o.$ J j o O Q �? a p MATERIAL DESCRIPTION W� ao O- in0> v? � 3 QZ W UZ (� 0 3.0 (GP-GM)Brown,sandy gravel with some silt(dense,moist) SPT 100 10-25-23 ° S-1 (56) (48) GP- a GM ° 5 7,15.0 (SP-SM)Gray-brown,gravelly sand with some silt(medium dense,moist) a SPT 100 4-5-10 m S-2 (67) (15) m rr j SP_ W SM " m 03 J J W K N O 10.0 a. 0 10 (SP-SM)Orange-brown,gravelly sand with some silt(medium dense,moist) LU o SPT 100 7-7-11 S-3 (78) (18) W W N Sp_ ., . w SM N 7 CJ N_ iA X. N 1.5 15.0 0 (SP)Gray-brown sand with trace silt(medium dense,moist) SP SPT 100 12-10-8 -.16.5 i S-2 {56) (18) Bottom of borehole at 16.5 feet. J W 3 a in • J Z W E3RA,Inc. BORING NUMBER B-5 9802 29th Ave W Ste B102 PAGE 1 OF 1 E$RA Everett,WA98204 Telephone: 425-356-3372 Figure A-6 Fax: 425-356-3374 CLIENT ATC Associates, Inc. PROJECT NAME O'ReilIV Auto Parts, Belfair GT Hazards Eva[ PROJECT NUMBER E11054b PROJECT LOCATION Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 819/11 COMPLETED 8/9/11 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 4"ID DRILLING CONTRACTOR Holocene GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING — LOGGED BY FER CHECKED BY DMW AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES Southwest planned parking AFTER DRILLING -- w o Wn vi W >af m 0> O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Q Z W U Z C9 0 ZO (SP-SM)Brown,gravelly sand with some silt(medium dense,moist) SPT 100 9-9-7 S-1 (67) (16) SP- SM 5 5.0 (SP-SM)Orange-brown,gravelly sand with some silt(medium dense,moist) a' SPT 100 7-9-11 m S-2 (28) (20) m S m SM •`: J _J LLl O m 0 W 10 10.0 0 Qo (GP)Gray,sandy gravel with trace silt(dense,moist) W F SPT 100 16-20-24 oOD w S-3 (89) (44) o Qo � OD w 0 GP N 0° o D U 0 � QO 1n � 15 15.0 0 (SP)Gray sand with some gravel and trace silt(medium dense,moist) SP SPT 100 9-10-16 Bottom of borehole at 16.5 feet. J a r_ m J 6 W Z W Ux' E3RA,Inc" BORING NUMBER B-6 9802 29th Ave W Ste B102 PAGE 1 OF 1 E3RA Everett,WA98204 Telephone: 425-356-3372 Figure A-7 Fax: 425-356-3374 CLIENT ATC Associates Inc. PROJECT NAME O'Reilly Auto Parts,Belfair GT Hazards Eval PROJECT NUMBER E11054b PROJECT LOCATION Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 8/9111 COMPLETED 8/9/11 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 4"ID DRILLING CONTRACTOR Holocene GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING --- LOGGED BY FER CHECKED BY DMW AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES East planned parking AFTER DRILLING --- Wa. o 0-42- W M w o O Z¢ C? a.OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Wv Mz 0U- mOZ �J W C 0 2.0 X. (SP-SM)Orange-brown,gravelly sand with some silt(medium dense,moist) SPT 100 6-11-12 S-1 (33) (23) SP- SM 5 5.0 (SP-SM)Brown,gravelly sand with some silt(medium dense,moist) SPT 100 12-14-13 m S-2 (22) (27) m m SM J J W O m 0 w 10 10.0 o (GP-GM)Gray,sandy gravel with some silt(very dense,moist) ! ° o SPT 100 19-31-34 w S-3 (67) (65) ° w o GP- w GM o � o U N O N N � 15 15.0 (SP)Gray,gravelly sand with trace silt(dense,moist) SP SPT 100 12-15-15 S-4 (67) (30) 16.5 ? Bottom of borehole at 16.5 feet. a 2 m J L W Z W APPENDIX B SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS Geometry and Boundary Conditions Problem: El 1054b ®'Reilly Auto Parts Belfair, WA 900-:: 850_ 800-. 750-: 700 650-. 600- 550- 500- 450- :w• 5s .,. a,. 400,.: 4,.: - 350- 300 250 -..:4•v. .. .. 200150 100- 50-= Oti: -50- -100- -150IT: -200 -250-= , 0 260 460 600 800 1 ,000 1 ,200 1 ,400 (Scale in Feet) Geometry and Boundary Conditions Problem: El1054b O'Reilly Auto Farts Belfair, VVA Static - FS Min = 2.099 900 850 800. 750 1 700 650-: 600- 550" 500 450�- 'oil 5 400_ 350-" 300-- 250_ 200- 100 - 50= - 0 -50- -100 -150- -200= -250= - 0 200 400 660 800 1 ,000 1 ,200 1 ,400 (Scale in Feet) Geometry and Boundary Conditions Problem: E11054b ®'Reilly Auto Parts Belfair, WA Static - FS Min ® 2.099 900 " 850 _ 800 _ 750-1 700. 650 600-r 550 ': 500 450 _ 400 350 t 300..: 250- 200-.. 150 _ s C - 100 50 -50 _ -100-.a. 150 -200:.: -2501 0 200 400 e 600 $ _ f 00 1 ,000 1 ,200 1 ,400 (Scale in Feet) Percentage of all Factors of Safety O N W -P-,, cn d) --4 CO CO O -� 9 F 5 P C A 0. tea.. Q U 00 `Drl _ F 4.tea- yS�{•.. _ l'-s- (n - a � - - i - it result.out ** PCSTABL6 ** by Purdue university 1 --slope stability Analysis-- Simplified 3anbu, simplified Bishop or spencers Method of slices Run Date: Time of Run: Run By: Input Data Filename: run.in Output Filename: result.out Unit: ENGLISH Plotted Output Filename: result.plt PROBLEM DESCRIPTION E11054b O'Reilly Auto Parts Belfair, WA Static BOUNDARY COORDINATES 5 Top Boundaries 6 Total Boundaries Boundary X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right Soil Type No. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) BeloW Bnd 1 0.00 145.00 200.00 145.00 2 2 200.00 145.00 585.00 155.00 2 3 585.00 155.00 1035.00 350.00 2 4 1035.00 350.00 1335.00 450.00 1 5 1335.00 450.00 1535.00 450.00 1 6 1035.00 350.00 1535.00 350.00 2 1 ISOTROPIC SOIL PARAMETERS 2 Type(s) of soil Soil Total Saturated Cohesion Friction Pore Pressure Piez. Type Unit Wt. Unit Wt. Intercept Angle Pressure Constant surface No. (pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) Param. (psf) No. 1 130.0 130.0 1000.0 40.0 0.00 0.0 0 2 135.0 135.0 50.0 38.0 0.00 0.0 0 1 A Critical Failure Surface searching Method, Using A Random Technique For Generating Circular Surfaces, Has Been Specified. Page 1 result.out 400 Trial surfaces Have Been Generated. 20 surfaces Initiate From Each of 20 Points Equally spaced Along The Ground surface Between X = 1.00 ft. and x = 850.00 ft. Each surface Terminates Between X =1150.00 ft. and X =1534.00 ft. Unless Further Limitations were Imposed, The Minimum Elevation At which A surface Extends Is Y = 0.00 ft. 15.00 ft. Line segments Define Each Trial Failure surface. 1 Following Are Displayed The Ten Most Critical Of The Trial Failure surfaces Examined. They Are ordered - Most critical First. * safety Factors Are calculated By The Modified Bishop Method = Failure surface specified By 38 coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 671.26 192.38 2 686.23 193.33 3 701.18 194.55 4 716.11 196.04 5 731.01 197.80 6 745.87 199.83 7 760.69 202.12 8 775.47 204.68 9 790.20 207.51 10 804.88 210.61 11 819.50 213.97 12 834.05 217.59 13 848.54 221.47 14 862.96 225.62 15 877.30 230.03 16 891.55 234.69 17 905.72 239.61 18 919.80 244.79 19 933.79 250.21 20 947.67 255.90 21 961.45 261.83 22 975.11 268.00 23 988.67 274.43 24 1002.11 281.10 25 1015.42 288.00 Page 2 L W WWWWNNNNNNNNNNF-�F-�h-�F-'NF-'f✓F-�I--�{-� Z-..� 1�•WN{J OtO OOVQ1tn AW N1-VOID OOV OItn�WNI--�OlD O0VQ1tn-PWNNO J• n m F�HF"F- H F-iIJ NNNNNF-'HHF-'HF-'F- HF"F- HFJHF'F'��. NtONNNfVN010)wwt.VWWWW Atnv'i--ha- (1 J. wODW�QlOolOV PNW A014001D'o 01011440000tOtOtOOO�S n WWWWWWWWwN.NN HHHHHHHH wt-nMM14W.PP t IZtD000000001OWtDMW14M tq.0-WNF� H OOVO�vi�wN{-�O�OooVO� V01N1-�0001W117�WVlONW.jaln��N000�F-�011-�1J'�00►-+WVlQ1Q101v7 7 �} WtotDOWWAWtotONW0MMHLOr%JWWNtDO�•fVWWVWto.�V�to/ym ❑. �} n 01W OW 01tn M.p W W 0 t0 to to 00 NV H�W O N H-NWVMHNO-P�V 00 tO m DOW AOlO N to to N to W tO to�W W M--A 0 V H V 0 M ul M W W V H M 0 W to a-M < 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �, 3 r..f I0'- JOWNWlDOD 7, In O01V7lJlt0�WOltDVIOVIWFJVNIDGI�QlJ1V7Vrt Cl m c 7 F+F-'F-'F- H Fl Fl HF`FlHHFl a NNNNHHHCCo0o0 N D V01tn-P�t'iH(Dt000a)Lnr�fv �-�O w Q O rt F��fv0t0V.ANOV H00 A OOOOOOOo00o00000000000000000000000U-0 -s rt w w x tOOv�0o00o0�OwtnOlO1 • Vf'a n m rt tO (V tD V 00 w F-+w W o M 00 0)F` O O O O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O ON--/ (D -I w II O -n E 3 >} 0) e-%M O w N o -3 rt rt am o 0 0 0 O o O O o o O O O o O O O o O O O O O O O o O O O o o o 0 o O'rt n m =rw w w w w w w w w w w w N !n m m N (D00VM0)to-t�W(vNHOt0 0000.00. . 0.000000o.000. 0t-/ tn00wL.0C H ri4-1a)000(Vtn-3 .. (0 'U tnH0 Pi tntnM wO .Ptna O Z-n w —+ M 00 to I I rt O'3 3 w0000000000000000000000000000000000v+ 3n F" o . v m (n O C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rt J. H n O Ln l!1 a'w -S O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O o CC O O O O O O O o o O o o Oln 3 n w v 3 O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O (D O o 0 o 0 o O o O a X Pi x m n U-o w 0000000000000000000000000000000000�n -3 - c . v "(I rt to O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O S 3-0 nc !1 m w 00 �< 77 w a-m m o 0000000000000000000000000000000000v� Ln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00000000000000000000000000000oo0oo c I n -jo w a-w -S ooOOOOOOOooOOO000000OOOO0000000000v+Za . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000000000000000000o00000000000o result.out 35 12.0 36198.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36 11.9 27842.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37 11.7 19287.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 38 11.5 10563.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 39 7.8 2123.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Failure surface specified By 55 coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 492.53 152.60 2 507.50 151.67 3 522.48 150.97 4 537.47 150.50 5 552.47 150.27 6 567.47 150.27 7 582.47 150.51 8 597.46 150.98 9 612.45 151.68 10 627.42 152.61 11 642.37 153.77 12 657.31 155.17 13 672.22 156.80 14 687.10 158.66 15 701.96 160.76 16 716.78 163.08 17 731.56 165.63 18 746.30 168.41 19 760.99 171.42 20 775.64 174.66 21 790.23 178.13 22 804.77 181.82 23 819.25 185.74 24 833.67 189.88 25 848.02 194.25 26 862.30 198.84 27 876.50 203.65 28 890.64 208.68 29 904.69 213.93 30 918.66 219.39 31 932.54 225.08 32 946.33 230.97 33 960.03 237.09 34 973.63 243.41 35 987.13 249..95 36 1000.53 256.69 37 1013.82 263.64 38 1027.00 270.80 39 1040.07 278.16 40 1053.03 285.72 41 1065.86 293.48 42 1078.58 301.45 43 1091.16 309.60 44 1103.62 317.96 45 1115.95 326.50 46 1128.14 335.24 47 1140.20 344.16 48 1152.11 353.27 49 1163.89 362.57 50 1175.52 372.05 51 1186.99 381.70 Page 4 result.out 52 1198.32 391.54 53 1209.49 401.54 54 1220.51 411.72 55 1220.69 411.90 circle center At x = 559.9 ; Y = 1115.5 and Radius, 965.2 *** 2.126 *** 1 Failure surface specified By 45 coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 581.90 154.92 2 596.72 152.60 3 611.59 150.67 4 626.51 149.12 5 641.46 147.95 6 656.44 147.18 7 671.44 146.79 8 686.44 146.78 9 701.43 147.17 10 716.41 147.94 11 731.37 149.09 12 746.29 150.64 13 761.17 152.56 14 775.99 154.87 15 790.74 157.57 16 805.43 160.64 17 820.02 164.09 18 834.53 167.91 19 848.93 172.11 20 863.21 176.68 21 877.38 181.62 22 891.41 186.92 23 905.30 192.58 24 919.04 198.60 25 932.62 204.97 26 946.03 211.69 27 959.27 218.75 28 972.31 226.15 29 985.16 233.89 30 997.81 241.95 31 1010.25 250.34 32 1022.46 259.05 33 1034.44 268.07 34 1046.19 277.40 35 1057.70 287.02 36 1068.95 296.94 37 1079.94 307.15 38 1090.66 317.64 39 1101.11 328.40 40 1111.28 339.42 41 1121.16 350.71 42 1130.75 362.25 43 1140.04 374.03 Page 5 result.out 44 1149.01 386.04 45 1150.83 388.61 Circle Center At X = 679.1 ; Y = 727.8 and Radius, 581.1 *�* 2.193 *** Failure surface Specified By 27 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 805.32 250.47 2 820.25 251.84 3 835.15 253.56 4 850.01 255.63 5 864.82 258.03 6 879.56 260.79 7 894.24 263.88 8 908.84 267.31 9 923.36 271.09 10 937.79 275.20 11 952.11 279.64 12 966.33 284.41 13 980.44 289.51 14 994.42 294.94 15 1008.27 300.70 16 1021.99 306.77 17 1035.56 313.16 18 1048.98 319.86 19 1062.24 326.88 20 1075.33 334.19 21 1088.25 341.82 22 1100.99 349.74 23 1113.54 357.95 24 1125.90 366.45 25 1138.06 375.24 26 1150.01 384.31 27 1158.72 391.24 Circle center At x = 753.7 ; Y = 894.1 and Radius, 645.7 **= 2.226 1 Failure surface specified By 69 Coordinate Points Point X-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 358.47 149.12 2 373.43 147.92 3 388.39 146.90 Page 6 result.out 4 403.37 146.04 5 418.35 145.35 6 433.34 144.84 7 448.34 144.49 8 463.34 144.31 9 478.34 144.30 10 493.34 144.47 11 508.33 144.80 12 523.32 145.30 13 538.31 145.97 14 553.29 146.81 15 568.25 147.82 16 583.20 149.00 17 598.14 150.35 18 613.07 151.87 19 627.97 153.56 20 642.86 155.41 21 657.72 157.44 22 672.56 159.63 23 687.37 161.99 24 702.16 164.52 25 716.91 167.21 26 731.64 170.08 27 746.33 173.11 28 760.98 176.30 29 775.60 179.66 30 790.18 183.19 31 804.72 186.88 32 819.22 190.73 33 833.67 194.75 34 848.07 198.93 35 862.43 203.28 36 876.74 207.79 37 890.99 212.45 38 905.19 217.28 39 919.34 222.27 40 933.43 227.43 41 947.46 232.73 42 961.42 238.20 43 975.33 243.83 44 989.17 249.61 45 1002.94 255.55 46 1016.65 261.65 47 1030.29 267.90 48 1043.85 274.30 49 1057.34 280.86 50 1070.76 287.56 51 1084.10 294.43 52 1097.36 301.44 53 1110.54 308.60 54 1123.64 315.91 55 1136.65 323.36 56 1149.58 330.97 57 1162.42 338.72 58 1175.18 346.61 59 1187.84 354.65 60 1200.41 362.84 61 1212.89 371.16 62 1225.27 379.62 63 1237.56 388.23 64 1249.75 396.97 65 1261.84 405.85 66 1273.83 414.87 Page 7 result.out . 67 1285.71 424.02 68 1297.49 433.30 69 1306.35 440.45 circle center At x = 471.5 ; Y = 1469.1 and Radius, 1324.8 *** 2.237 *** Failure Surface Specified By 63 coordinate Points Point x-Surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 313.79 147.96 2 328.70 146.34 3 343.64 144.92 4 358.59 143.69 5 373.55 142.65 6 388.53 141.81 7 403.51 141.15 8 418.50 140.69 9 433.50 140.42 10 448.50 140.34 11 463.50 140.46 _ 12 478.50 140.77 13 493.49 141.26 14 508.47 141.95 15 523.45 142.84 16 538.41 143.91 17 553.36 145.18 18 568.28 146.64 19 583.19 148.28 20 598.08 150.12 21 612.94 152.15 22 627.78 154.37 23 642.58 156.78 24 657.36 159.38 25 672.09 162.17 26 686.79 165.15 27 701.46 168.32 28 716.08 171.67 29 730.65 175.21 30 745.18 178.94 31 759.66 182.85 32 774.09 186.95 33 788.47 191.23 34 802.79 195.70 35 817.05 200.35 36 831.25 205.18 37 845.39 210.19 38 859.46 215.39 39 873.46 220.76 40 887.40 226.31 41 901.26 232.04 42 915.05 237.95 43 928.76 244.04 44 942.39 250.29 45 955.94 256.73 Page 8 result.out 46 969.41 263.34 47 982.79 270.11 48 996.08 277.06 49 1009.28 284.18 50 1022.39 291.47 51 1035.41 298.93 52 1048.33 306.55 53 1061.15 314.33 54 1073.87 322.28 55 1086.49 330.40 56 1099.00 338.67 57 1111.40 347.10 58 1123.70 355.69 59 1135.89 364.44 60 1147.96 373.35 61 1159.91 382.40 62 1171.75 391.61 63 1180.29 398.43 circle center At x = 447.1 ; Y = 1311.0 and Radius, 1170.7 *** 2.255 ** � 1 Failure surface Specified By 67 coordinate Points Point x-Surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 447.84 151.44 2 462.73 149.63 3 477.65 148.02 4 492.58 146.62 5 507.53 145.43 6 522.50 144.44 7 537.48 143.65 8 552.47 143.07 9 567.46 142.69 10 582.46 142.52 11 597.46 142.56 12 612.46 142.80 13 627.45 143.25 14 642.44 143.90 15 657.42 144.76 16 672.38 145.82 17 687.32 147.09 18 702.25 148.56 19 717.16 150.23 20 732.04 152.11 21 746.89 154.20 22 761.72 156.48 23 776.51 158.97 24 791.27 161.67 25 805.99 164.56 26 820.66 167.66 27 835.30 170.95 28 849.88 174.45 29 864.42 178.14 Page 9 result.out 30 878.91 182.04 31 893.34 186.13 32 907.71 190.42 33 922.02 194.91 34 936.27 199.59 35 950.46 204.47 36 964.58 209.54 37 978.62 214.80 38 992.60 220.25 39 1006.49 225.90 40 1020.31 231.74 41 1034.05 237.76 42 1047.70 243.97 43 1061.27 250.37 44 1074.75 256.96 45 1088.13 263.73 46 1101.42 270.68 47 1114.62 277.81 48 1127.72 285.12 49 1140.71 292.61 50 1153.60 300.28 51 1166.39 308.12 52 1179.07 316.14 53 1191.63 324.33 54 1204.09 332.70 55 1216.42 341.23 56 1228.64 349.93 57 1240.74 358.80 58 1252.71 367.83 59 1264.57 377.02 60 1276.29 386.38 61 1287.88 395.90 62 1299.35 405.57 63 1310.68 415.40 64 1321.87 425.39 65 1332.93 435.52 66 1343.84 445.81 67 1348.17 450.00 Circle center At X = 587.4 ; Y = 1237.6 and Radius, 1095.1 *� 2.262 --- Failure surface specified By 51 coordinate Points Point X-Surf Y-Surf No. Cft) Cft) 1 537.21 153.76 2 551.69 149.83 3 566.26 146.29 4 580.93 143.12 5 595.66 140.33 6 610.47 137.93 7 625.33 135.92 8 640.25 134.29 9 655.19 133.04 10 670.17 132.19 Page 10 result.out 11 685.16 131.73 12 700.16 131.65 13 715.16 131.97 14 730.14 132.67 15 745.10 133.76 16 760.03 135.24 17 774.91 137.11 18 789.74 139.37 19 804.51 142.01 20 819.20 145.03 21 833.81 148.43 22 848.33 152.21 23 862.74 156.36 24 877.04 160.89 25 891.22 165.79 26 905.26 171.05 27 919.17 176.68 28 932.92 182.67 29 946.51 189.01 30 959.94 195.70 31 973.18 202.74 32 986.24 210.12 33 999.11 217.84 34 1011.76 225.89 35 1024.21 234.26 36 1036.43 242.96 37 1048.42 251.96 38 1060.18 261.28 39 1071.69 270.90 40 1082.94 280.82 41 1093.94 291.02 42 1104.66 301.51 43 1115.11 312.27 44 1125.28 323.30 45 1135.16 334.59 46 1144.74 346.13 47 1154.01 357.92 48 1162.98 369.94 49 1171.64 382.19 50 1179.97 394.67 51 1182.89 399.30 Circle Center At X = 695.5 ; Y = 709.2 and Radius, 577.6 *� 2.301 �-- 1 i Failure surface Specified By 47 Coordinate Points Point X-Surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 581.90 154.92 2 596.49 151.46 3 611.18 148.41 4 625.94 145.76 5 640.77 143.52 6 655.66 141.69 Page 11 result.out 7 670.59 140.27 8 685.56 139.26 9 700.55 138.67 10 715.55 138.49 11 730.55 138.72 12 745.53 139.36 13 760.49 140.42 14 775.42 141.89 15 790.30 143.77 16 805.13 146.07 17 819.88 148.76 18 834.56 151.87 19 849.14 155.38 20 863.62 159.28 21 877.99 163.59 22 892.24 168.29 23 906.35 173.38 24 920.31 178.86 25 934.12 184.72 26 947.76 190.96 27 961.22 197.57 28 974.50 204.56 29 987.58 211.90 30 1000.45 219.60 31 1013.10 227.66 32 1025.53 236.06 33 1037.72 244.80 34 1049.67 253.87 35 1061.36 263.27 36 1072.78 272.99 37 1083.94 283.01 38 1094.81 293.34 39 1105.40 303.97 40 1115.69 314.89 41 1125.67 326.08 42 1135.34 337.55 43 1144.69 349.28 44 1153.72 361.26 45 1162.41 373.48 46 1170.76 385.94 47 1178.20 397.73 Circle Center At X = 714.6 ; Y = 682.6 and Radius, 544.1 =* 2.304 Failure surface specified By 52 Coordinate Points Point X-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 581.90 154.92 2 596.59 151.92 3 611.36 149.27 4 626.18 146.97 5 641.05 145.02 6 655.97 143.43 7 670.92 142.19 Page 12 result.out 8 685.89 141.31 9 700.88 140.78 10 715.88 140.61 11 730.88 140.79 12 745.87 141.33 13 760.84 142.23 14 775.79 143.48 15 790.70 145.08 16 805.58 147.04 17 820.40 149.35 18 835.16 152.01 19 849.85 155.03 20 864.47 158.39 21 879.01 162.09 22 893.45 166.14 23 907.79 170.53 24 922.03 175.26 25 936.15 180.33 26 950.14 185.73 27 964.00 191.46 28 977.72 197.52 29 991.30 203.90 30 1004.72 210.61 31 1017.97 217.63 32 1031.06 224.96 33 1043.97 232.60 34 1056.69 240.54 35 1069.22 248.79 36 1081.55 257.33 37 1093.68 266.16 38 1105.59 275.27 39 1117.28 284.67 40 1128.75 294.34 41 1139.98 304.28 42 1150.98 314.48 43 1161.73 324.94 44 1172.23 335.66 45 1182.47 346.62 46 1192.45 357.82 47 1202.16 369.25 48 1211.59 380.91 49 1220.75 392.79 50 1229.62 404.89 51 1238.20 417.19 52 1238.66 417.89 circle center At x = 715.6 ; Y = 772.5 and Radius, 631.9 2.310 **� 1 Y A X I 5 F T 0.00 191.88 383.75 575.63 767.50 959.38 X 0.00 --------*-+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Page 13 -n to 1-1 X D V~i w N t0 V vl W F W ? V7 Vl Ol V 00 l0 In W 14 V7 W O r N W lJ'1 01 V 00 O w Vt 00 O W to 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 00 00 00 00 V V V V 0101mOl01Ol OOpOwWWNNNN �tNNNVitnInVt0). • . •+>• 0000WWNNN Vt 01- 000WWNNV,a)F-iF�H • OVWr1i""HFIh": ' OV WN N4-4F-�. VVWNF- H. ? A� V VI V VI LA � VV �-+I�• N �r. VIn NF��1• >F• C J to V ut N I--'I--'• rf NJ H V V V1NF1• F� Vt_n0• C P r. ,rtn• rf Geometry and Boundary Conditions Problem: El1054b O'Reilly Auto Parts Belfair, WA Seismic - FS Min 1.1 900- 850 800-- 750 700 650 600= 550 . 500 450-- - 400_- 4. 350- 300 250-R 200 150 100-= 50- 0. -50 a -100 -150 -200 -250-=, u _ g 0 200 460 600 800 1 ,000 1 ,200 1 ,400 (Scale in Feet) Geometry and BOUndary Conditions Problem. El 054b O'Reilly AUtO Parts Belfair, VVA Seismic - FS Min I J 900 850-. 800 750v 700-: 650" 600: 550 500 ; 450 5 __ .... 4 400� 350- - - 300- 250-, 200_ °f k a 150- 100a: 50- 0 -50= -100-= -150=_ -200P -250- 0 200 400 600 800 1 ,000 1 ,200 1 ,400 (Scale in Feet) Factor of Safety Di.strilpution Histogram � 10 c� cn 8 t 7' o x 6 . E TAM Wl 0 4y a� 2 � 1 2 Factor of Safety Values result.out ** PCSTABL6 ** by Purdue University 1 --Slope stability Analysis-- Simplified 7anbu, simplified Bishop or spencers Method of slices Run Date: Time of Run: Run By: Input Data Filename: run.in Output Filename: result.out Unit: ENGLISH Plotted Output Filename: result.plt PROBLEM DESCRIPTION E11054b O'Reilly Auto Parts Belfair, WA Seismic BOUNDARY COORDINATES 5 Top Boundaries 6 Total Boundaries Boundary X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right Soil Type No. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) BeloW Bnd 1 0.00 145.00 200.00 145.00 2 2 200.00 145.00 585.00 155.00 2 3 585.00 155.00 1035.00 350.00 2 4 1035.00 350.00 1335.00 450.00 1 5 1335.00 450.00 1535.00 450.00 1 6 1035.00 350.00 1535.00 350.00 2 1 ISOTROPIC SOIL PARAMETERS 2 Type(s) of soil Soil Total saturated Cohesion Friction Pore Pressure Piez. Type Unit Wt. Unit Wt. Intercept Angle Pressure Constant Surface No. (pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) Param. (psf) No. 1 130.0 130.0 1000.0 40.0 0.00 0.0 0 2 135.0 135.0 50.0 38.0 0.00 0.0 0 A Horizontal Earthquake Loading coefficient Of0.291 Has Been Assigned Page 1 result.out A vertical Earthquake Loading Coefficient Of0.000 Has Been Assigned Cavitation Pressure = 0.0 (psf) 1 A Critical Failure surface searching Method, Using A Random Technique For Generating circular surfaces, Has Been Specified. 400 Trial Surfaces Have Been Generated. 20 Surfaces Initiate From Each of 20 Points Equally Spaced Along The Ground surface Between x = 1.00 ft. and x = 850.00 ft. Each surface Terminates Between x =1150.00 ft. and X =1534.00 ft. unless Further Limitations were Imposed, The Minimum Elevation At which A Surface Extends Is Y = 0.00 ft. 15.00 ft. Line segments Define Each Trial Failure surface. 1 Following Are Displayed The Ten Most Critical Of The Trial Failure Surfaces Examined. They Are Ordered - Most critical First. Safety Factors Are Calculated By The Modified Bishop Method Failure surface specified By 38 Coordinate Points Point X-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 671.26 192.38 2 686.23 193.33 3 701.18 194.55 4 716.11 196.04 5 731.01 197.80 6 745.87 199.83 7 760.69 202.12 8 775.47 204.68 9 790.20 207.51 10 804.88 210.61 11 819.50 213.97 12 834.05 217.59 13 848.54 221.47 14 862.96 225.62 15 877.30 230.03 Page 2 result.out 16 891.55 234.69 17 905.72 239.61 18 919.90 244.79 19 933.79 250.21 20 947.67 255.90 21 961.45 261.83 22 975.11 268.00 23 988.67 274.43 24 1002.11 281.10 25 1015.42 288.00 26 1028.61 295.15 27 1041.66 302.54 28 1054.58 310.16 29 1067.36 318.01 30 1080.00 326.09 31 1092.49 334.40 32 1104.83 342.93 33 1117.01 351.69 34 1129.03 360.66 35 1140.88 369.85 36 1152.57 379.25 37 1164.09, 388.86 38 1171.92 395.64 circle center At X = 626.2 ; Y = 1021.5 and Radius, 830.4 *** 1.100 Individual data on the 39 slices Water water Earthquake Force Force Force Force Force Surcharge Slice width weight Top Bot Norm Tan Hor Ver Load No. (ft) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) 1 15.0 5595.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1628.3 0.0 0.0 2 15.0 16483.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4796.7 0.0 0.0 3 14.9 26770.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7790.3 0.0 0.0 4 14.9 36446.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10605.9 0.0 0.0 5 14.9 45501.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13241.0 0.0 0.0 6 14.8 53927.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15693.0 0.0 0.0 7 14.8 61719.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17960.3 0.0 0.0 8 14.7 68869.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20041.1 0.0 0.0 9 14.7 75376.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21934.4 0.0 0.0 10 14.6 81235.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23639.5 0.0 0.0 11 14.6 86446.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25155.9 0.0 0.0 12 14.5 91010.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26483.9 0.0 0.0 13 14.4 94927.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27623.9 0.0 0.0 14 14.3 98201.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28576.8 0.0 0.0 15 14.3 100837.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29343.7 0.0 0.0 16 14.2 102840.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29926.5 0.0 0.0 17 14.1 104217.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30327.3 0.0 0.0 18 14.0 104976.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30548.3 0.0 0.0 19 13.9 105128.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30592.4 0.0 0.0 20 13.8 104683.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30462.9 0.0 0.0 21 13.7 103654.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30163.5 0.0 0.0 22 13.6 102055.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29698.0 0.0 0.0 23 13.4 99899.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29070.7 0.0 0.0 24 13.3 97203.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28286.3 0.0 0.0 Page 3 result.out 25 13.2 93985.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27349.8 0.0 0.0 26 6.4 44581.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12973.1 0.0 0.0 27 6.7 45345.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13195.7 0.0 0.0 28 12.9 83485.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24294.2 0.0 0.0 29 12.8 76352.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22218.5 0.0 0.0 30 12.6 68860.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20038.3 0.0 0.0 31 12.5 61036.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17761.5 0.0 0.0 32 12.3 52904.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15395.1 0.0 0.0 33 9.8 36533.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10631.1 0.0 0.0 34 2.3 7968.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2319.0 0.0 0.0 35 12.0 36198.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10533.8 0.0 0.0 36 11.9 27842.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8102.1 0.0 0.0 37 11.7 19287.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5612.7 0.0 0.0 38 11.5 10563.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3073.9 0.0 0.0 39 7.8 2123.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 617.9 0.0 0.0 Failure surface specified By 55 coordinate Points Point X-Surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 492.53 152.60 2 507.50 151.67 3 522.48 150.97 4 537.47 150.50 5 552.47 150.27 6 567.47 150.27 7 582.47 150.51 8 597.46 150.98 9 612.45 151.68 10 627.42 15.2.61 11 642.37 153.77 12 657.31 155.17 13 672.22 156.80 14 687.10 158.66 15 701.96 160.76 16 716.78 163.08 17 731.56 165.63 18 746.30 168.41 19 760.99 171.42 20 775.64 174.66 21 790.23 178.13 22 804.77 181.82 23 819.25 185.74 24 833.67 189.88 25 - 848.02 194.25 26 862.30 198.84 27 876.50 203.65 28 890.64 208.68 29 904.69 213.93 30 918.66 219.39 31 932.54 225.08 32 946.33 230.97 33 960.03 237.09 34 973.63 243.41 35 987.13 249.95 36 1000.53 256.69 37 1013.82 263.64 38 1027.00 270.80 39 1040.07 278.16 40 1053.03 285.72 41 1065.86 293.48 Page 4 result.out 42 1078.58 301.45 43 1091.16 309.60 44 1103.62 317.96 45 1115.95 326.50 46 1128.14 335.24 47 1140.20 344.16 48 1152.11 353.27 49 1163.89 362.57 50 1175.52 372.05 51 1186.99 381.70 52 1198.32 391.54 53 1209.49 401.54 54 1220.51 411.72 55 1220.69 411.90 circle center At X = 559.9 ; Y = 1115.5 and Radius, 965.2 *** 1.113 1 Failure surface specified By 69 coordinate Points Point X-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 358.47 149.12 2 373.43 147.92 3 388.39 146.90 4 403.37 146.04 5 418.35 145.35 6 433.34 144.84 7 448.34 144.49 8 463.34 144.31 9 478.34 144.30 10 493.34 144.47 11 508.33 144.80 12 523.32 145.30 13 538.31 145.97 14 553.29 146.81 15 568.25 147.82 16 583.20 149.00 17 598.14 150.35 18 613.07 151.87 19 627.97 153.56 20 642.86 155.41 21 657.72 157.44 22 672.56 159.63 23 687.37 161.99 24 702.16 164.52 25 716.91 167.21 26 731.64 170.08 27 746.33 173.11 28 760.98 176.30 29 775.60 179.66 30 790.18 183.19 31 804.72 186.88 32 819.22 190.73 33 833.67 194.75 Page 5 result.out 34 848.07 198.93 35 862.43 203.28 36 876.74 207.79 37 890.99 212.45 38 905.19 217.28 39 919.34 222.27 40 933.43 227.43 41 947.46 232.73 42 961.42 238.20 43 975.33 243.83 44 989.17 249.61 45 1002.94 255.55 46 1016.65 261.65 47 1030.29 267.90 48 1043.85 274.30 49 1057.34 280.86 50 1070.76 287.56 51 1084.10 294.43 52 1097.36 301.44 53 1110.54 308.60 54 1123.64 315.91 55 1136.65 323.36 56 1149.58 330.97 57 1162.42 338.72 58 1175.18 346.61 59 1187.84 354.65 60 1200.41 362.84 61 1212.89 371.16 62 1225.27 379.62 63 1237.56 388.23 64 1249.75 396.97 65 1261.84 405.85 66 1273.83 414.87 67 1285.71 424.02 68 1297.49 433.30 69 1306.35 440.45 circle center At X = 471.5 ; Y = 1469.1 and Radius, 1324.8 *** 1.147 *** Failure surface specified By 63 coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 313.79 147.96 2 328.70 146.34 3 343.64 144.92 4 358.59 143.69 5 373.55 142.65 6 388.53 141.81 7 403.51 141.15 8 418.50 140.69 9 433.50 140.42 10 448.50 140.34 11 463.50 140.46 12 478.50 140.77 Page 6 result.out 13 493.49 141.26 14 508.47 141.95 15 523.45 142.84 16 538.41 143.91 17 553.36 145.18 18 568.28 146.64 19 583.19 148.28 20 598.08 150.12 21 612.94 152.15 22 627.78 154.37 23 642.58 156.78 24 657.36 159.38 25 672.09 162.17 26 686.79 165.15 27 701.46 168.32 28 716.08 171.67 29 730.65 175.21 30 745.18 178.94 31 759.66 182.85 32 774.09 186.95 33 788.47 191.23 34 802.79 195.70 35 817.05 200.35 36 831.25 205.18 37 845.39 210.19 38 859.46 215.39 39 873.46 220.76 40 887.40 226.31 41 901.26 232.04 42 915.05 237.95 43 928.76 244.04 44 942.39 250.29 45 955.94 256.73 46 969.41 263.34 47 982.79 270.11 48 996.08 277.06 49 1009.28 284.18 50 1022.39 291.47 51 1035.41 298.93 52 1048.33 306.55 53 1061.15 314.33 54 1073.87 322.28 55 1086.49 330.40 56 1099.00 338.67 57 1111.40 347.10 58 1123.70 355.69 59 1135.89 364.44 60 1147.96 373.35 61 1159.91 382.40 62 1171.75 391.61 63 1180.29 398.43 circle center At X = 447.1 ; Y = 1311.0 and Radius, 1170.7 ** 1.153 1 Failure surface specified B 27 coordinate Points a e p y Page 7 result.out Point X-Surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 805.32 250.47 2 820.25 251.84 3 835.15 253.56 4 850.01 255.63 5 864.82 258.03 6 879.56 260.79 7 894.24 263.88 8 908.84 267.31 9 923.36 271.09 10 937.79 275.20 11 952.11 279.64 12 966.33 284.41 13 980.44 289.51 14 994.42 294.94 15 1008.27 300.70 16 1021.99 306.77 17 1035.56 313.16 18 1048.98 319.86 19 1062.24 326.88 20 1075.33 334.19 21 1088.25 341.82 22 1100.99 349.74 23 1113.54 357.95 24 1125.90 366.45 25 1138.06 375.24 26 1150.01 384.31 27 1158.72 391.24 circle center At x = 753.7 ; Y = 894.1 and Radius, 645.7 *=* 1.158 Failure surface specified By 67 coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 447.84 151.44 2 462.73 149.63 3 477.65 148.02 4 492.58 146.62 5 507.53 145.43 6 522.50 144.44 7 537.48 143.65 8 552.47 143.07 9 567.46 142.69 10 582.46 142.52 11 597.46 142.56 12 612.46 142.80 13 627.45 143.25 14 642.44 143.90 15 657.42 144.76 16 672.38 145.82 17 687.32 147.09 Page 8 result.out 18 702.25 148.56 19 717.16 150.23 20 732.04 152.11 21 746.89 154.20 22 761.72 156.48 23 776.51 158.97 24 791.27 161.67 25 805.99 164.56 26 820.66 167.66 27 835.30 170.95 28 849.88 174.45 29 864.42 178.14 30 878.91 182.04 31 893.34 186.13 32 907.71 190.42 33 922.02 194.91 34 936.27 199.59 35 950.46 204.47 36 964.58 209.54 37 978.62 214.80 38 992.60 220.25 39 1006.49 225.90 40 1020.31 231.74 41 1034.05 237.76 42 1047.70 243.97 43 1061.27 250.37 44 1074.75 256.96 45 1088.13 263.73 46 1101.42 270.68 47 1114.62 277.81 48 1127.72 285.12 49 1140.71 292.61 50 1153.60 300.28 51 1166.39 308.12 52 1179.07 316.14 53 1191.63 324.33 54 1204.09 332.70 55 1216.42 341.23 56 1228.64 349.93 57 1240.74 358.80 58 1252.71 367.83 59 1264.57 377.02 60 1276.29 386.38 61 1287.88 395.90 62 1299.35 405.57 63 1310.68 415.40 64 1321.87 425.39 65 1332.93 435. 52 66 1343.84 445.81 67 1348.17 450.00 Circle Center At x = 587.4 ; Y = 1237.6 and Radius, 1095.1 **= 1.167 1 Failure surface specified By 45 Coordinate Points Page 9 r result.out Point X-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 581.90 154.92 2 596.72 152.60 3 611.59 150.67 4 626.51 149.12 5 641.46 147.95 6 656.44 147.18 7 671.44 146.79 8 686.44 146.78 9 701.43 147.17 10 716.41 147.94 11 731.37 149.09 12 746.29 150.64 13 761.17 152.56 14 775.99 154.87 15 790.74 157.57 16 805.43 160.64 17 820.02 164.09 18 834.53 167.91 19 848.93 172.11 20 863.21 176.68 21 877.38 181.62 22 891.41 186.92 23 905.30 192.58 ' 24 919.04 198.60 25 932.62 204.97 26 946.03 211.69 27 959.27 218.75 28 972.31 226.15 29 985.16 233.89 30 997.81 241.95 31 1010.25 250.34 32 1022.46 259.05 33 1034.44 268.07 34 1046.19 277.40 35 1057.70 287.02 36 1068.95 296.94 37 1079.94 307.15 38 1090.66 317.64 39 1101.11 328.40 40 1111.28 339.42 41 1121.16 350.71 42 1130.75 362.25 43 1140.04 374.03 44 1149.01 386.04 45 1150.83 388.61 Circle Center At X = 679.1 ; Y = 727.8 and Radius, 581.1 *= 1.175 Failure surface specified By 82 Coordinate Points Point X-Surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) Page 10 1 result.out 1 269.11 146.79 2 284.07 145.83 3 299.05 144.99 4 314.03 144.27 5 329.02 143.68 6 344.01 143.20 7 359.01 142.85 8 374.01 142.62 9 389.01 142.52 10 404.01 142.53 11 419.01 142.67 12 434.01 142.93 13 449.00 143.32 14 463.99 143.82 15 478.98 144.45 16 493.96 145.20 17 508.93 146.07 18 523.90 147.06 19 538.86 148.18 20 553.81 149.42 21 568.75 150.78 22 583.67 152.26 23 598.59 153.86 24 613.49 155.59 25 628.37 157.43 26 643.24 159.40 27 658.10 161.49 28 672.93 163.70 29 687.75 166.03 30 702.55 168.49 31 717.33 171.06 32 732.08 173.75 33 746.82 176.56 34 761.53 179.50 35 776.21 182.55 36 790.88 185.72 37 805.51 189.02 38 820.12 192.43 39 834.69 195.96 40 849.24 199.61 41 863.76 203.38 42 878.25 207.26 43 892.71 211.27 44 907.13 215.39 45 921.52 219.63 46 935.87 223.99 47 950.19 228.46 48 964.47 233.05 49 978.71 237.76 50 992.91 242.58 51 1007.08 247.52 52 1021.20 252.58 53 1035.28 257.75 54 1049.32 263.03 55 1063.31 268.43 56 1077.27 273.94 57 1091.17 279.57 58 1105.03 285.31 59 1118.84 291.16 60 1132.60 297.12 61 1146.32 303.20 62 1159.98 309.39 63 1173.59 315.69 Page 11 • result.out 64 1187.16 322.10 65 1200.66 328.62 66 12I4.IZ 335.25 67 1227.52 341.99 68 1240.86 348.84 69 1254.15 355.80 70 1267.38 362.86 71 1280.56 370.04 72 1293.67 377.32 73 1306.73 384.70 74 1319.72 392.20 75 1332.65 399.80 76 1345.52 407.50 77 1358.33 415.31 78 1371.07 423.23 79 1383.75 431.25 80 1396.36 439.37 81 1408.91 447.59 82 1412.52 450.00 circle center At X = 394.6 ; Y = 1981.2 and Radius, 1838.7 *** 1.190 *** 1 Failure surface specified By 40 coordinate Points Point X-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 760.63 231.11 2 775.52 232.94 3 790.38 234.97 4 805.22 237.19 5 820.02 239.60 6 834.79 242.20 7 849.53 245.00 8 864.23 247.99 9 878.89 251.17 10 893.51 254.53 11 908.08 258.09 12 922.60 261.84 13 937.08 265.78 14 951.50 269.90 15 965.87 274.21 16 980.18 278.71 17 994.43 283.39 18 1008.61 288.26 19 1022.74 293.31 20 1036.80 298.55 21 1050.78 303.96 22 1064.70 309.56 23 1078.54 315.34 24 1092.31 321.30 25 1105.99 327.44 26 1119.60 333.75 27 1133.12 340.24 28 1146.56 346.91 Page 12 result.out 29 1159.91 353.75 30 1173.17 360.76 31 1186.34 367.94 32 1199.41 375.30 33 1212.39 382.82 34 1225.26 390.52 35 1238.04 398.37 36 1250.71 406.40 37 1263.28 414.59 38 1275.74 422.94 39 1288.09 431.45 40 1295.85 436.95 circle center At X = 627.1 ; Y = 1377.0 and Radius, 1153.6 * � 1.200 *__ Failure Surface Specified By 48 coordinate Points Point X-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 715.95 211.74 2 730.79 213.93 3 745.61 216.25 4 760.41 218.70 5 775.18 221.27 6 789.94 223.98 7 804.67 226.81 8 819.37 229.78 9 834.05 232.87 10 848.70 236.09 11 863.32 239.44 12 877.91 242.92 13 892.47 246.53 14 907.00 250.26 15 921.49 254.12 16 935.95 258.11 17 950.38 262.22 18 964.77 266.46 19 979.12 270.83 20 993.43 275.32 21 1007.70 279.94 22 1021.93 284.68 23 1036.12 289.55 24 1050.27 294.54 25 1064.37 299.65 26 1078.42 304.89 27 1092.43 310.25 28 1106.39 315.74 29 1120.31 321.34 30 1134.17 327.07 31 1147.98 332.92 32 1161.74 338.89 33 1175.45 344.98 34 1189.11 351.19 35 1202.70 357.52 36 1216.25 363.97 Page 13 I result.out 37 1229.73 370.53 38 1243.16 377.22 39 1256.53 384.02 40 1269.84 390.94 41 1283.09 397.97 42 1296.27 405.13 43 1309.40 412.39 44 1322.45 419.77 45 1335.45 427.27 46 1348.37 434.88 47 1361.23 442.60 48 1373.31 450.00 circle center At x = 473.9 ; Y = 1905.7 and Radius, 1711.1 *** 1.202 *** 1 Y A x I S F T 0.00 191.88 383.75 575.63 767.50 959.38 x 0.00 --------*-+---------+---------+---------+---------+ 191.88 + . . . . . .* 8 -. . . . . .84 . . . . . . .43 A 383.75 . . . . . . .43 . . . . . . .43 . . . . . . .43 . . . . . . .42 . . . . . . .42 . . . . . . 62 x 575.63 . . . . . . .6* . . . . . . .62 . . . . . . .62. . . . . . . . .241 . . . . . . . .2310 . . . . . . . .6210. I 767.50 . . . . . . . .62419 . . . . . . . .623195 . . . . . . . . .62195 . . . . . . . . .62215. . . . . . . .62195. . . . . . I . . . .62215. S 959.38 .. . . . . . . . . .62115. . . . . . . . . . .66211. . -. . . . . . . . . . .67214.* -. . . . . . . . . . . .62211. -. . . . . . . . . . . .663214. -. . . . . . . . . . . . .663211 Page 14 • I result.out 1151.25 + . . . . . . . . . . . . .663211. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .663221 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66332. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8633. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8663. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8663 F 1343.13 + . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88* . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 T 1535.00 + Page 15