HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD94-0051 Final SFR - BLD Permit / Conditions - 4/16/1996 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 1311-094-001)1 P(i 1, 1 - I +11 f1tij-11�t , 'I - NIF 210 SANTA MAR TA IN BF I, FAIR M JNI t NtWMAM F, NEWMAN INC Z Ifi)­3 S;?4 r1111 f"fll I ill, 0WN1F-R TS COM TIIAC IFOR 1111FAIII11% EIV( DIV i Bit! tell Al FS #4131 #1 Ist Ni t1j lit 0l, k A I If TvpF AN 111im 1 8 y 114 f I RE I IF I p 1 1*11,17 111 pAlf Rfirf(pf Ii I Off tit- I 01-i I IRAON 1, 8 #0 IS 1' j-11144 t NNG1PIC1 1" 011 lr� #5;1- 1 1 ; /94 mo 0N'� I 1, tt i p I V 1PIN it 1� #' ;Il 144 ff-,49b 1`0f I i I i't Iii irk j 1 oll ON C I i 4 i+N API ti r I 5liuirt 1 1 P41 1`4 1 'Stilt I(I I A 1. 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I , Fitt A PIR100 APPROVIFY'llff'opf ovltflll�) (AN bf Q(e tf.p D. IIIIIIA11014 Of NORt l'i A PRO61IFS"i INSPFC116111 WfIRIN Tiff let DAY Pfoloo floAl IMSFf(TIOM 40,Sy kk, 9WOER OR AVIiI: , DATE i 7 X" III eflill I tv 31/' l compit trAmcr yo ^,I rwrwrn irmself-v toms TS REQ11IRF0 CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Fdotings-Setback date /D.G — by Ribbons date by Gas Pining date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION q—/l— L. P�.a o date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date /p--6 - by date by PLUMBING date /�j— _ by (,l Groundwork Attic OTHER date b date �—( � —�G by (��e] D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING C date 4 n _ _ by C J date �D'D-(-t e0by _ Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date _ _ 5 by ✓ date y '� by �`� date by MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 Qum- in f. .wrysm of to fi.. Ilr;r± _ i ii:,"i ral ;1n"! l „i11, t r w 1.11E e ui 111i`y' port in" thor-o F gvoa l -i thatt tTtif^,# 11rtifitni l r lit) 111.ITliriri fit f'r ' "PI act lrom nil prnpoi l 'y t 1 r rtt. Ali :i171:ri !.it_+c•i.l l?lan% fit p I-wq" i. i"Pd Vo he of-i .. . .110 Iol ifl:..pmci. io "{ lj"Vfr;ir: OQ if i , Or and p i a1lq are not: -" cite , Alipi'r>vrl l Wi l l No ! h" qr afiv,od In A0 1 , P,:,.. 1i1,p-cli «l{ {�o in ifir? �afRou" t. o1' �+30 00 por' hour iliii " iir "m I hour ) "ill hr' < r'. l'1.a 1 i I f- + r i must be fol lectod by 1hiv vlepartfll!`i V prior 10 Any I11r1"h-1 ri Ida+. 1 ion boi "q p-rltftlroe ,'117ir1'�•\'Hl. rli lfl{"fat'I .. { r n ) f'IlAgOAN I 10 1q'-1 t1N IFOkM ftltl l_O INfy 1'tiDE . SI C1 I ON {4'1c, (u l ANO `;I i I I "N 014 . All S I II K PIi-ts. HAW Af VNOV'LO N11MItFR% Ok AnORF %qF ; VROVI DED 1N 51JI.it A I'On I l l "N Aq In Mf Pi n i Nl Y , i AND I F N HIE FROM THE `I RF F i OIt ROAM FRON I I Nip i FIE PROPI R f Y _ MASON a o"N l Y H" l i 111 N 11kl AVIMPNi Fit QUIRFq IHAI 11-115 HE i nnPit ilp F'o11)R in CAI I INi•1 FOR ANV NTIV iN'-.Vi ti l "i I F I-N PI C f I "N Ff F , HASt.D ON RA K S IN FART. F AA OF 1 11t M"i IIN t F opm H" i i ii rNil i ODU Wi 1. l fl` Sl .nV0 IF OWNUVICOMFRfif. OX VAIlK 10 POST AIfi1RF44 1'N ! ill PRIOR 10 RI O"141iN4f h ) nt l C"N`: FRUf;'f IPM M"WT MF U r tail EXC Frl All i OVAI 1;t1Dvn AN" lifii Rf C•11TF�FMi_ Nl ' ,;�.-� th7irtg-o to -Approved bt_tildifio, pFnns Phat oltruch c.omplimnop to I,h•• I '14i Wawlti "gtnt't 4t.+il F."wi !ly undv , 1943 VpnLi lAt iroll and iYidoni Ai r 0"Al i vy f' "dp lha Uniform I'111ilrlinq Unlp sand /or' Mason County F-q" InI. in"n ti "- 1, It ea r,Ippi —ed ley Ma+?no 1. iylinCy lit inn to t'itngVufrelfr9f1Y MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 u�sEG g42&1q y N. Newman & Newman, Inc. SCALE: 1"=20' Beards Cove,Div. 6, Lot 40 NE210 Santa Marie Lane 0 10 20 r OO' �C ti 20, S , 01 8 . 00 CO o ty�fir `L . 1 0 f , ,tea WAa,"INGTON STAME Attachment B ENER" Building Record WSEOContrxt# 91-19-1 CODE 1 4- PROMAM For Site-Built Residential Buildings Heated by Electric Resistance or Heat Pumps .................................................................................................................................. ................. ...................................­.....................- ................... ... ........................ ....... .. ....... ... ................... ... ... ......... ...... .............. . . .............................................a.­_-��:"...........C .......... ........... ............................. .... .............. .................................. . ....................... . .............................. . ...............I............ ................................ ................ ............. ..... ....................... x ......3-8 .............................................................................................. LA I.-IFICAP .............................Elm", (please check one) ('please check one) New Building Ll Addition over 500 sq. ft. Single Family 0 Duplex sdiction: r7l Multifamily M Zero Lot Line Home ❑Ju r1i Planned unit Development + please check one: ❑ City ;K�ounty Permit# 9 C4- oO 5 File I D#(if different from Permit#5 + .................................... ........................................ ..................... .............. ....................... ................. ............. .................................... ........ ..... ............. ..... ........................................................ .......... .............. ............... ...................................................................... ..... .................................. T.. . . ........... ......................... ------- - ---.......................... ................. ............... Cole ......................... .. ............................................. ..................................... .......... ............................. A. Site Information B. Owner Information Address 5 a Owner (awrjeratdmeofconstructiot7 receives utilltypaymer7t) Ale-64)IME.0— Meiu)/"air?_YA7 e- City Zio Company Assessor's ProKerty Tax# or attach legal description) Address A/67 496111 1_-2 _7 i' 5 &b re City I'/— Stat" Zip Servicing Electric Utility pu�L----3 Phon'e— C. If Single Family, Zero Lot Line or D. Duplex E.If Multifamily(R-1) Planned Unit Development First Duplex Unit SQ.ft. .1Total #/Bldqs. Total Conditioned Floor Area sq. ft. Second Duplex Unit sq. ft. JTotal #/Units ... ........... .................... ....... . . ........ ..... .......................... ... ................ ......... ................................. .......... .................. ............... ................ .............. .............. ............. ............. .. .......... ... ....... ... ...HUT . ................. .............. ... ............... A. Primary Space Heat Type B. Secondary Space Heat Type C. Water Heat Type (check one) (check all that apply) (check one) Electric Baseboard None Electric Electric Wall Heater ❑ Wood ❑ Gas EJ Electric Furnace ❑ Electric Baseboard El Other(specify below) 1:1 Electric Heat Pump El Other (specify below) El Other Eff . .... .............. ... . .... ...... ......................... .................... ................... ........... ......................... ...................... ---------- .... ...................... ........... NO ....... ... ......... .... !X". V, ...... ................................. ...... .. .........- WSEC Compliance Method For Heat Pump Only: Date of Permit Application I_1q _q LJ Prescriptive Path Built to the Electric Date Building Permit Issued -7--C/ Component Performance Requirements of WSEC? C/ El System Analysis EJ Yes 0 No (if Y Date of Insulation Inspection ZA04Z Date of Final Inspection utility may offer incentive.) I hereby certify that this building or addition has been inspected for the measures required by the 1991 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC), that it is in substantial compliance with the WSEC, and th t the WSEC checklist for this building is on file. Sign ur AbAJ2,401�_ — of Building Official or Authorized Representative Date • Building Department:Return white copy to Gail Burris,Washington State Energy Office,P.O.Box 43165,Olympia,WA 98504-3165. • Owner or Building Deparment: Forward canary copy to the servicing electric utility to trigger WSEC compliance payment. • Building Department: Retain pink copy for jurisdiction's building file. WSEO#94-015 5-95 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of GENERAL SERVICES Mason County Bidg.,lll 426 W.Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton,Washington 98584 (206)427-9670 BUILDING PARKS& RECREATION FAIR/CONVENTION CENTER ADMINISTRATION Re: Permit No. : , Dear As per your recen/re e t, th' s fice has noted the above permit for extension t `�� 1995 . In order to keep your permit valid, t ca 1 for inspection prior to this date. In the event thato not call for inspection, the Uniform Building Code allows for jurisdictions to require the renewal of building permits. Depending on the length of time of expiration, there are two methods used. If the permit is expired by less than one year, renewal may be obtained by paying half of the original building permit fee at the discretion of the building official and if the permit is expired by more than one year, the jurisdiction can require that the permit actually be processed as a new permit with routing to all required departments. If you should have any further questions regarding the validity of permits, please contact the Building Department at (206) 427-9670, Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 :00am and 5 : 00pm. Sincerel , i Mao Coun y B i/di Dep rtment cc: Property File N.E. 8361 North Shore Road Belfair, WA 98528 December 24, 1994 rCL4, ENERAL SERVICES Mason County Building Department P.O. Box 186 Shelton, WA 98584 Regarding Building Pertmit No. 94-0051 dated 5/17194 We have been unable to start this home because of some delays. We expect to start within a week or two. We would, therefore, like to request an extension on this permit. Thank you. Sincerely, Robert F. Newman NEWMAN & NEWMAN, INC. N.E. 8361 North Shore Road Belfair, WA 98528 BUILDER\HOMEOWNER AGREEMENT LTSGC# 94-0509 Super Good Cents HOMEOWNER: BOB NEWMAN PHONE: 275-4477 SITE ADDRESS: NE 210 SANTA MARIA LANE ACCT: MAILING ADDRESS : NE 8361 NORTH SHORE RD. BELFAIR, WA. 98528 BUILDER: NEWMAN AND NEWMAN PHONE: 275-4477 MAILING ADDRESS: NE 8361 NORTH SHORE RD. BELFAIR, WA. 98528 I understand that in order for the electrically heated home located at the above address to be certified and in addition qualify for "Long Term Super Good Cents" . Home must be constructed in compliance with the Washington State Energy Code, attached Wattsun heat loss and Long Term Super Good Cents addendum\specifications. I understand that inspection by District staff is required at each of the following stages: Prior to pouring of concrete slab, if required. Prior to installing exterior insulation and damp proofing the below grade basement walls, if required. X Prior to installing insulation (structure is framed, roof is on, roughed-in plumbing, heating, wiring, telephone and TV cable are installed, and all penetrations are sealed) . X Following installation of insulation and vapor retarder but prior to covering. X Final inspection - all components installed. X Other AS NEEDED. NOTE: Final inspection by our Super Good Cents Department must be completed prior to the final inspection of the appropriate Building Department. It is understood that the Super Good Cents Department is to be notified at 426-0777 or 426-8255 Ext. 777, not less than 48 hours prior to required inspections . I understand the "Long Term" Super Good Cents certification by Mason County Public Utility District No. 3 only verifies compliance with the Long Term Super Good Cents program standards and only in respect to energy efficiency. Neither the District nor any employees make any warranty, expressed or implied, in regard to the general workmanship and structural integrity of the residence or the future electrical consumption. I, the undersigned, understand that if the home is built according to this agreement, the attached specifications, detailed checklists, and addendum, and is certified by the District representative that I will be eligible to receive Long Term Super Good Cents incentive payment(s) in the amount shown on the attached worksheet. I further understand that it is my responsibility to be aware and adhere to the Long Term Super Good Cents specifications. Only upon verified completion by the on-site inspections listed in the agreement of all the attached criteria by the Mason County Public Utility District No. 3 Long Term Super Good Cents representative, will the house be certified as a Super Good Cents home. Signed: "Homeowner Builder /-13 --9 141 Date Date �/ / 3 y 4' -26' C7/ Pederall # or Socia e_c. # Federal ID# or Social Sec. # Ut-Iiity Represen a ive TONI HERMANSEN Utility epresen a ive JANUARY 13, 1994 Date Homeowner conservation incentives may be paid directly to homeowner, or applied as a credit on your utility account. WATT SUN 5.3 LONG TERM SUPER GOOD CENTS/1991 MCS COMPLIANCE REPORT--- 01/13/94 LE: A:LT0509_.WS HOUSE ID: LT33-0509 Site: NE 210 SANTA MARIA LANE Analyst: TONI HERMANSEN BELFAIR, WA 9SS28 Jurisdiction: MASON COUNTY :206?275-3524 Utility: MASON COUNTY PUD N3 Homeowner: BOB NEWMAN House Type: ::Tingle Family NE 3361 NORTH SHORE RD Floor Area: 1270 ft' C200275-4477 Builder: NEWMAN & NEWMAN, INC. Weather Data: Olympia, WA NE B30 NORTH SHORES RD Climate one: 1 C206,275-3524 The PROPOSED design QUALIFIES for SGC(91 MCS) Tier 1. I ; REFERENCE PROPOSED COMPONENT PERFORMANCE: 234 233 Btu/hr-F ENERGY BUDGET 1.83 1.94 kWh/ft2-yr REFERENCE DESIGN - ------- Reference -omponent Description Value X. Area = UA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Floor R30 vented joist U-0.029 :1270 36.8 Glazing @152 0.35 U-value U-0.3% 190.5 66.7 Doors Metal R5 base case U--0.190 21.0 4.0 AG Wall R21+R5 ADV U-0.041 938 38.4 Ceiling, Attic R49 blown Attic ADV U-0.020 12.70 25.1. Infiltration Standard air sealing ACH-0.3SO 9843ft3 63.0 ---------------------------- Reference UA 234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED 'DESIGN COMPONENTS Component Description Value X Area = UA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor R30 vented .Joist 16oc U-0.025 1254 31.4 R30 vented Joist 16oc U-0.029 16 0.5 Glazing @12Z **NW XO W/LOWE U-0.320 54.0 16.7* ' **NW SH W/LOWE U-0.330 29.0 9.3* **NW PIC W/LOWE U-0.290 30.0 0.4* **NW PATIO W/LOWE U-0.360 41.0 14.3* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items in parentheses not included in COMPONENT PERFORMANCE totals. ** Denotes non-standard values - check calculation of thermal value. * Denotes adjusted UA to reflect 7-1/2 mph wind speed. Page 1 UATTSUN 5.3 LONG TERM SUPER GOOD CENTS/1991 MCS COMPLIANCE REPORT 01/13/91 LE: AZLTOS09.03 HOUSE 1D: LT93-0509 Doors —INSULATED DOOR U-0.140 21 .0 2.9w AG Wall R21 INT TI-11 U-0.056 974 54.5 Coiling R49 blown Attic GTD baffled U-0.027 962 26.0 R49 blown Attic ADV U-0.020 292 5.8 R38 blown Attic STD baffled U-0.031 16 0.5 Infiltration Standard Air Sealing ACH-0.3% 9843ft3 63.0 ----------------------------- Proposed UA 233 Struc Mass Light Frame, Sheetrack walls M- 3.000 1270 3810 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING/COOLING/UENTILATING SYSTEMS PROPOSED Heating System Type: Electric: Zoned System Efficiency: too Z Modified Efficiency: 100 Z Design► ACH: 0.60 Heating Load(at 53F dt): 14758 Btu/hr System Size: 1.3 kW Maximum Size @1500 6.5 kW Average Annual Heat: 3573 kWh Annual Cost& $ 161 Ventilation System: Integrated Spot Whole House Cooling System: SEER: 0.0 Cooling Load(at 5F dt): 14122 Btu/hr Recommended Size @1250 1.6 tons Annual cool requirement: XXX kWh/yr Solar ACCe5S: Partially Shaded --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLAZING ORIENTATION PROPOSED PROPOSED South 38.502 North 38.5ft2 Southeast Northwest : East 38.5 West 38.5 Northeast Southwest : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Economic and energy consumption estimates are designed for comparative purposes only- Actual cost for heating will vary depending an weather conditions, occupant lifestyle and other factors. Page 2 P �.,..�/'L P� Permit No. �`� 1 MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 �V pD PLEASE PRINT 1� #1 Owner rVE Aki &-1 V-1 AJ&-W MAA-1 /A-C— Phone#( 3S a Site Address , IC A �d SA�vTxl ,/u�4A rR A1) _Fire District# City St W#- Zip a Dir tioris to Job Site a " 16 1,o ok- Owner Melling Address E, !2 3 6 / dAn 6- A0 City 1/4— St�_Zip S a� Lien/Title Holder Address Clty St Zip #2 Contractor Name Contractor Reg# Address Expiration Date City St Zip Phone# #3 If septic is located on project site, include records., Connect to Septic? Public Water Supply Well Connect to Sewer System? Name of System (If residential, proof of potable water is required) #4 Parcel No./.2.3 S 0 - 9-3 - 0 00 V? _ Legal Description Be A'k n s 49✓G�-- Q/ V 1� 4ol 'fd #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) 1 st FI /e 'ie2nd FI / 3rd FI / Loft / Basement �/ Deck / #bedrooms / --7? _#bathrooms / Garage / O Carport / (Circl :Attached r Detached?) Other sq.ft. / #6 Use of building /Vi C �f S<c) �'� Describe work L� MEj #7 Type of Job: New V Add Alt Repair Other #8 MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION Model Year Make Model 1 Length Width Serial No. (� # Bedrooms # Bathrooms Type of Heat 74 Purchase Price $ #9 Indicate by circling the applicable source if any water is on or adjacent to subject property: River Pond Creek Stream Wetland Lake Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Fronting Street in relation to plot plan APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW f------ /do -7O Plumbing Fixtures ( 3 Park) Fee Mechanical Fixtures ($6 each) No. ` Toilets CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Ga Electr' "3 Bath Basins Heatpump, Other fill l} Bath Tubs No. nits Fees _Showers Furn BTU Hot Water Htr �J _ Heatpumps Laundry Washer Vent Systems Sinks _ -3 Spot Vent Fans _Floor Drains No. Boilers/Compressors _Laundry Basins HP Dishwasher �J No. Air Handling Units _Disposal cfm# _Urinals No. Fire Protection Systems _Other _ Auto. Fire Alarm Sys 50.00 Fixed Fire Supp. Sys 50.00 Permit Basic Fee 15.00 _ Auto Fire Sprink Sys 25.00 TOTAL PLUMBING $ t{0� No. Other Gas Outlets Wood, Gas, Pellet Stove NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COM- MENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR Permit Basic Fee 15.00 WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD TOTAL MECHANICAL $ 'J OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- _ MENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE- I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED MENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY AM AWARE OF THE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGU- ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PER- LATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED MIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDING DEPARTME � r v, DEPARTMENT. "��V/X OWNER /� X BY DATE /— �f `� DATE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY:Accepted by: Date: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Cond. Hold Approval Planning: Y1AeY1'1ep—4 cz1l Se-+1pe eC Vr Environmental Health: Building Plan Review trC._ Occupancy Group:h'►A -- Type of Const: SN Fire Marshal: Other: Special Conditions: FEES Building Permit Plan Check Plumbing Fee �a Mechanical Fee Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Radon Monitor $. Violation Fee Site Inspection Building State Fee S Other Other 5v Building Valuation: TOTAL FEE