HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD99-0823 Cancelled Mobile Home - BLD Permit / Conditions - 4/29/2000 1 4 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 B L 11 1 L_ 0 1 P4 CA V f<`. FA M i -T FOR 1 N�1 • i i it� E,:!,L i. � -. ' '�tr BETWEEN Spin AND Sam 427-7262 BLD99--01)23 PARCEL : 1 233051 N0A73 F:_AT -BEPLO D I V : f3L.K . LOT i 73 JOB ADDRFS9 : 30 HE SKIPPER CT BEL.F"A i A L OWNE,11 :" ALLEN HUMM 360--871 -302H CONTRACTORt BUTCHS BULLDOZING 275- 5541 LEGAL : BEAROS COVF DIY 1 BL1:c toll 79 CLASS OF WORK , - :NEW BEDII : 1 ,BATH : i TYPE AVOCNI BY DATL QCFiPT TYPE ANOYN SY D''E BECEIPT{ TYPE OF USE . . . . :MH STORIES . . . . . . . . i _ OCCLIP . GROUP . . . c 7 BI_DG . HE I GHT . . . 0 10f t iN1".F P ;r5.90 XN 0948 99 1642 STFE I �1.50 K� 1 j 13i 199 51028 I TYPE 1F CONST . . t? FIREPLACES . . 0 ADOR i 15.00 KS 11!01/99 52028 OCCUP . LOAD . . . , : 0 WOODSTOVUS . . . . : 0 IfIffy 1 50,AF i1S 11101199 52128 DWELL. ,UNITS . . . . : 0 PARKING .-.PACLS, : 0 IR(f 1 11.00 KS 11/01199 52026 INSPECTION AREA : 2 SHOREL. i NF? > , . • c N 1'11181. 1 11.90 KS 1!111199 52029 1101AL: 439.50 VALJIATION, 1+#19 SETBACK1S- ---•._._ .._-.-_...__.- TOILETS . . . . . . . . . . t 0 FUEL TYPES-.-----.. ___ _- BOiLEPSiCOM1P----- MOBILE HOME-- FnONT . . .E: 53 .Of t PA I"H BAS I NS , , . . .. . : 0 0-_ 3 tip . : 0 REAR . . . .W 15 .Ott BATH TUBS . . . . . . . . . 0 3-1 5 HP . : 0 MODEL :FLEETWOGL) SIDE: 1 ) .N 10 .0ft SHOWERS . . . .. . . . . . . . 0 FURN < 100K BTU : 0 15--30 HP . : 0 - MAKE--.-_----- S I DE t .? 1 .S 10 .oft WATER HEATERS , . . . . 0 FURN >:-100K 13TU - 0 30--50 "P . : 0 SHRL 1 NE .N O .Oft CLOTHES WASHERS — : 0 FURN - FLOOR . , 0 50 +- tiP . r 0 -YEAR- - AREA -- _-.-- ---__ ...-_ KITCHEN SINKS . , . . : 0 HEAT- PUMP . . . . . . : 0 86 LOT SIZE . . , FLOUR DRAINS . — . : 0 VENT SYSTEMS _ : 0 EVAP COOLERS : 0 LENGTH :66 BUILDING . . . ; Osf DRINKING FOUNT . . . ; 0 VENT FANS . . . . . .. . 0 HOODS . . . . . . . : 0 WIDTH . : 14 BASEMENT . . . : 0r,f LAUNDRY TRAYS . . , . . 0 DOMES . INCiN :Irk -SERIAt- PECKS . . . . . : 0sf DISHWASHERS . . . . . . . 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS-- COMML . INCIN :0 GAR/CAI1P-a7 Osf CARE! DISPOSALS , . .. c 0 10000 crm . : 0 PFLOC/REPAIR : 0 AT/DT . :? URINAL . . . . . . . . . . . 0 > nfm . : 0 OTHER UNITS . ; 0 MISC PLM FIXTURES : 0 GAS OUTLETS . : 0 . s�°c=.r-rotes.-�s.-.,nr z:s..sa:-.rsv.--;::.�:..a:.:.^rrs:-�-�^�,•,•.-^•- .-.-.__..a_-.rt�.-c.�•�,.•�..•.�� r.�:s�zxr�x*�;ar,.�-:.v:c,.:s..�c:�m�..�z:.-:�uxn:.a�.rxsc,_.�-�vsenzxa:++:+x-�.se�asx�ex3ar.•s:rrxeas.searr�:r.-n4v ttz::ce.+es:r:+:-n..nr,_.-�:mmass<er:=: PR43E'�T DESCR I PT I00:NO61!i Hoot PROJECT LOCA11i11tNOR1H ",HQRE RD 10 SAND Hit[ TO LAR-SON IAK.E BLVD TO WANDA CI LEFT END OF CUI DESAC ON RIGHT THIS PER111 BECOMES NIEIL AND VOID IF 1499, 011 CONS10#0 101 AUTHAR17ED IS NOT CdVVENCED WITHIN III OATS OR 11 Ct1ASfOICTION OR HOAX 13 SuSPflDlu FOR A PERIOD OF 189 DAYS AT ANY I'llf AF1fR WORK IS COMMENCID, EVIDENCE OF CONTINDATI9N OF WORK IS A PROGRIal INSPH 11ON 1171110 THE 150 DA'I FtRIOD, FINAL INSPEC1100 Nils", 0E APPROVED BEFORE_ RUILDING CAA BE OCCDPIE6. ��,� j1 ,may OWNER ON A a F N T t Big_PINT, rev. 03131191 COMPI.. 1 ANCE: TO ATTACHED CONDITIONS IS RE00I RED CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date —Od by /? BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final �) /Q date by date by date ( (U b FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by I date by 249 �ve— o' Ewa S� �� ' ► l q l on ?GOne yrvv� W, e Wit -.t.alyla iy fib MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O, Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 E' 1 rX M I T C', c� N D I `r I C:)ry se No . : Bl_D99-082 For- , ALLEN R HUMM Pages 1 , 1`) -Approved per dimensions~ and setbacks on submitted - Ito plan , including the 15 rool eOM eam the top of slopes . '__.__..____._ 2 ) All upland areas disturbed or newly ,.treated by construction activities shall be seeded, vegetated or given an equivalent type of erosion protection ( sift fencing or straw matt r ng �f X �!r.� 3 ) Proposed str•trct ur e or any portion thereof greater ti,ar, 30" In height from grade l i neg , must: maintain a minimum of 5 ' setback from all property lines , easements and 10 ' from a 1 I Co L.o and State Road right of way--, . X._ 4 ) This appiioatiun Jr, subject to Buffer and Landscaping requirements as estabiIshed under Mason (': Ord I nance 1 .03 .036 . x _ _.._ 5 ) The use, handling and storage of hazardous materials or flawrrrable and combustible liquids In excess, of 10 ga ! ons is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal . X_ f ___ _ i r-t----^ 6 ) `Provisions for surface/ subsurface drainage control must be implemented with new construction or development on site acid M(9ST NOT adversely Impact adjacent parcels . Under the regU irements of Mason County Stormwater Ordinance , either private ditches and drains will meet requirements of the stormwater ordinance or prior approval will be granted to ttse an existing utility and drainage easement dedicated for that specific purpose . For further- information reg.irding this ordinance and the REQUIREMENT to obtain an ACCESS PERMIT for the installation/construction of a driveway or access connecting from a Masan County Road , Contact the Mason County Public. Works Department pprior to construction at Ext 450 . €or any construction which is proposed to he located within 25 ' of a Mason County road right of way, it Is sugggested. to contact that office: to review future planned work which may affect your project . - -- -- -- - - =--- -- ------ - - -- -- - - -- -- ------------ -- ———————— — -- • MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 x 7 ) Structure must be setback 5 ' from all utility and drainage; easements , a total ; o ' from @ property line , or a variance :rust be obtained from the Building Department .. x L 8 ) Owner/ buI Ider assumes al i re;sponsibi I It if draInfieIdi' tP e✓t ve- area is enoutribered . x 9) PURSUANT TO 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE , ALL SITES MUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERr, OR ADDRESSES PROVIDED IN SUCH A POSITION Ate; TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY . MAS011 COUNTY BUILDING DE:PAPI-MENT REOUIRES THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS . A RE: INSPECTION FEE , BASED ON RATES AS AD6PTED BY THE: rJURISDICTION AND THE 1 ,197 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE WILL BE ASSESSED IF OWNFRtCONTRACTOR FAILS TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REQUESTING I NyPFC �10 10) THE: FOUNDATION SYSTEM SHALL BE PL..ACFD ON UNDISTURBED, NATIVE SO I 1- 1 1 ) The approved plot plan Is required to be on--site for Inapeczt i or) ppurposes . If InspectIon Is caI Ied frr and pIof p I a n is not can site, Approval ItY1LL NOT be granted In add It1on , a Re•- Inspection fee in the amount of $42 .00 per hour, (minimum 1 hour ) wi I l be -charged and must: be collected by thisdepartment prior to anv further inspections being `performed ar _ pprnva I granted . 12 ) PEQIJ I RFD i NSPEC T I ONv ( Footing inspect Ion-pr i or to pour , et--up Inspection-prior to skirting, Final Inspection-prior to occupant ) . I hereby assume all responsibility for ghee schedu 1 i ng (if my required inspections . I f the required i ngpoct i runs are not requested. Inspected and signed off ( approved) by the inspector In the presorlbed order , I understand that reinspection fees -and an hourly investigation fee pursuant to the 1997 UBC , and will be assessed in addition to my original permit fees to resolve any questionable practices or problems that have been discovered , I further understand • MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 that this investigation will be scliedul �d av time allows . utiLr i resolutloii - of anvlal i problems no occupancy ( Final inspection ) w i i i i- granter �r the re i denc e . 0WNFR/CONTRACTOR ( Ind Icate which ) Signature X�� f 13 ) All mobile/manufactured hw` me iandin s or der:ks must be freestanding ( self supporting) . The largest landing or deck roerm i Red without drawings or a building permit is 120 sq ft or less AND MUST be under 30" In height from surrounding grade . NO second story dvoks , or decks above 30" can he built w i thoi.Jt a permit . Any landing or deck that is 30 , or more In height from walking surfar.e to finish grade re qi.i i res a Permit . Any landing or deck that 11prs 4 or more risers requires a handrail . X 14 ) Placement of structure must compl ,/ with standards set Leper 1997 UPSC Chanter 18 regarding descending and/or ascending l 0peS . X�_� � Case No . :. : 8LD99--0823 ./6 OZ/ sp - ft1� y - AA ►�� L _ Loo � lifCID EL fA � � � or get,. .: ,c 90 GLa3A, A �' •O �� 1 b O O� / O� O (J�v O Y y 7 LVoaO'� c so.68N _ I 17 4, o 1 g 6 - a6 tr 6S O% of � OZLS �o = �6VP 61, �d E 4• Q cm Q° (78b +4 anti 4�' sS , . eo 20 r i► rr I ; `"'N ,as��� It' GE 90, 4 +' , 09 ,y`yl�V/j a 4 1a°19l� Q ® �" Og 0 dA r Vt 9 I ® -z ,�I' (� IE � N a g' / �► a�,� o btu rj � b 7 Lg O ® ®� Z ti� W 0 ►� �50/ z SL 9S,LOoBb�lY r• o �8 _�% °� �'�s•� ' + !� SZ hZ N N it q�oftz � rG0o8gN �� 6 AOD -7 n) �; 'all c dr7 S 6I /11-B 4i� c .TI 3 � w 69 4c9 �d.g io6 t su1 jr- L EP �El c •) is Fs d sr-f az m ; � j� p� 1s• -8 r � � [S•f 1 4S a� f1 2'1 f Hf S'1'f� IB' S.- •° ;C �- (f!-h L { : < < � .� 'o N T f�''�y^4 1,��s �.s � �S f� •r„ -°� � 8 f G� jLf £ 3 4' �j N,L Y Y ., c c � l -£ 4 ,SL F - L� he. S, ac o• � j (S" LS- •[!� z• � � is ti b tSE ��� , n �y `� 7or7Y✓ t �B�F _+ "2 S-ft tss o/ Si. d �O °►F-L � �i-£' � s M � u n SY N h �, ih-r` :sfi ; G s z Al x �. vd o° 1A, z+ scs s L tea- s r as jp S7 zG C r. •c ,a 7,lay, l � law 41 A in dOV � + 4 ft�. FORM MUST BE COMPLETED IN INK PLEASE PRESS HARD MASON COUNTY PROJECT SITE INFORMATION Case No.&_'�) Name f L L ��/ W U-14 AIPA PARCEL NUMBER /Z33 o 6'/ D D 073Date 62101 q SHOW THE FOLLOWING ON SITE PLAN Show Direction by indicationg N, S, E, W in relation to the site plan Lot Dimensions Fences Existing Structures" Driveways ✓ Structure Setbacks r Shorelines Water Lines Ll- Topography Well Location (including adjacent) Drainage Plan Names of Streets ✓ Easements Names of Fronting Streets ✓ Septic System DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW I lud adjacent proRt5les if on s eline or within 100 feet of adjacent property line. adjacent property line4 I (�° ---� W A N.I.6 A I <-adjacent property line I I I � I I I � - I I JL 16 I r 4b I I I I I 1 t i I � I � i I � I � adjacent property lined Rey Ld q <-adjacent property line SAMPLE SITE PLAN adja�nt property line- I D 3zO� 30. -Fp_ v Fadjacent property line i SEASG..i A L I 3o-Tl ]� I 1► .GrxaEn.i PrioPosCD s¢Ptic -->I I _ I r4— 60' pit � VACAKiT I I v0.oPosCD I T A&R=LLLTtaAAL 50' I � I I I \ I /00' I I I L.._,cLL I I I I I adjacent property line- In, c \; <-adjacent properfy line TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE(Show a side view of property. Show slopes, cuts and fills. If possible include height and the degree of slopes. See sample topography profile.) SAMPLE TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE I ruttL�Y� L,------ S3 d;Zta►,cc. r C + � Slops tc¢ 1 di.0anaQ ♦e dL r � Signs gre Date PERMIT NO.: BLD MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W.Cedar/P.O.Box 186,Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton 360 427-9670 Belfair 360 275-4467 Elma 360 482-5269 Seattle 206 464-6968 APPLICANT n/INFORMATION,/ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION, 7 Owner a-,er "4-( At Contractor Name 1crTeWS 61."LZ-0 o2 Pk/ Mailin�ddress ?'J, , 2 y4H AJ !/',�, Mailing Address C? .� City V', () tate - Zip Code City ✓ State LJA Zip Code q -`? Phone( GO ) 171 3(o2,? Other Ph.( ____) Ph. they Ph.0 Lien/Title Holder AIC)Ng Contractor Reg. # 7?# ,f Address Expiration j/ SEPTIC/WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION-Connect to New Septic_,�e Existing Septic Connect to Sewer System Name f Sewer System Well Water System e Name of Water System P PARCEL INFORMATION-12 qligit Tax Parcel No. /Z O / / e U L) 7 Fire District i Legal Description p S (ICLA-e IV JL LoT 7 3 1lO L F e9, 23 Site Address(Please include street n me, street number and cit y) IDir ctions to site R7f•l /? `To / c., kE L 4 Will timber be cut and sold in parcel preparation? (Yes/No)/i D 0. Is your property within 200' of the following: Body of Water (Name) /YC?7AI(C Saltwater Lake River/Creek Pond Wetland Seasonal Runoff Stream Slopes or Bluffs TYPE OF JOB New Add Alt Repair Other_>L�_Use of Building 6e 5 Describe Work T (' - Loe A- n! No. of Bedrooms. No. of Bathrooms_SQUARE FOOTAGE-1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Loft Basement Deck Other sq. ft. Garage Attached Detached Carport Attached Detached MOBILE OME INFORMATION-Make_ yodel 11�/Tj. 4l1!J Model Year 7 Length 00 Width / Serial No. No. of Bedrooms JL No. of Bathrooms-_ Type of Heat CeT-Purchase Price $ /yc"V y Replacement Unit ?(Yes/No) a Installer Name E5 !W&2&1�== Certification No. NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL&VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER THE WORK IS COMMENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. The owner or agent on owner's behalf,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structures for review and inspection of this project. Acknowledgment of such is by signature below: OWNER AFFIDAVIT-I certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT-I certify that I am currently registered as a Contractor Registration Law RCW 18.27 and am aware of the ordinance contractor in the State of Washington and that I am aware of the ordinance requirements for which this permit is issued and that all work will be done in requirements regulating the work for which this permit is issued and all work conformanc rewith. No changes shall a made without first obtaining shall be done in conformance therewith. No changes shall be made without a al t4si NGl first obtaining appr X ✓�tc.r Date Q� 6 / y X C /�/a d.t�f�- Date FOR OFFICIAL USE BEYOND THIS POINT Accepted by Date Submittal Amount Due c�a Receipt No.iqe-1. _ ©EPARTIVINTA1..RVIW OVED D' N1ED.. cO;pEs Building Department t Occ GroupType Constr. Z /D/ (�/ 6�� Shc� Planning Department 56Z0 Environmental Health Department Public Works Department I Fire Marshal Valuation $ .E.iES ;< Building Permit Fee Site Inspection 2�-C �- 7 Plan Review Fee UFC Plan Review Fee Plumbing & Base Fee Public Works Review Fee Mechanical & Base Fee Other Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Fee Other �/inlatinn FAg_ / Pre-Paid at Submittal iti 'r'• :.:..::.:........:.: TOTAL FEES }}:::.....:. .nA.}i�yjiii�:i.: ::,::::::::�:•ii'rii::i::}iiii ::::ii:�:•i:iit:$: T- '71-7 INVESTIGATION REPORT FORM Revised 10/6/94 Part A: Nature of Complaint 9 h-dtiator's Name: e Address: - Telephone: * Owner Name: * Address: * Telephone: * Department of Concern Q Clerical ❑ Building ❑ Health ❑ Comm Development Q Fire - Area of Concern: L) Process Delay L) Personnel ❑ Policy/Fee, ❑ Code Violation L) Other I Refer to Director 9 Location of Concern: z 0 M o Nature of Concern: 4, Part B: Concern Intake and Referral Received By: Referred,To: Response Date: Name Date Name Date Date Part C: Findings Referral Forwarded to: Q N/A Name Date Findings: 77' '(D Part D: geso�utjop ',� Z ZZ me Dafe Intake Copy-White File Copy-Yellow Referral Copy-Pink