HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD92-1370 Final SFR - BLD Permit / Conditions - 9/8/1993 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar R0, Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 67 L 1111-D92- 1470 1 0 0 0 II)H (AIII.Iiii . - NF 401 4CHOON1 H L 11 fit 1. f 0 WN K 1., Nt-WNAN & NI-Wf4hN -'.I 1 ;14 1AIN I 10'iC I M, 0WINFI? Pi C0H1I4AC1f1W Oki III I I I I ),I tt AqiN i IX'1 A Hiss 1 !1 I !jA i ilk-1 I N ' 1 10 is 11,7[�.J N,' t. ! it 1 ill 1 ki P I I t F ! I ' Hi F-1 10f I z 1: 1 t i­;, liko 1 W. tj I I CiIPlti 81V7FMLNI 4 t f F t,K 13 111 Im alit 1: 14 ji! 114 (s fk P /C.A k 1) 1 it 41, t "POi5 t tl o,j itT I A 101:Sholly'Itt 10 RtA.Rf15 toqf lit 1'0 iflf 1 fit H"ti ro 1.1 Hilt!P R I 40P go i1i 11i ill 81i(IN[% il"It A014 VQlfj if NeFt Iiiw AlliNflifiJil I', oft I I o"Al,of I It U I I P.10. 041 v I!q 1 180 DAY) AT Am'f I lot ALTER wtiti# 1', OJIAEN.'fil. f totill(f Of (.001 1114411 fto Of 4110 1 A PROW 10 pt 11110 fit 14110 i0f 114.6 "N P101 101 f liq 0.it 01400111 141HP01 61JR11As6 -AN 8 f u owNtR OR Afifill AtG_PRN1, rev: A 1/31 I'll LONVI LANE:t 10 (k 1 -1 A i;It t. 1) t.0 t4 i; I I I N I ijtt I h t CONCRETE MECHANICAL �`� 1 5 MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date 6 l/� —Z by L Ribbons date�Z2 Gas Piping date b Foundation Wall date by" Set Up date byZ)j INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date L 5��� by date by FRAMING FIRE DEPT. date ft -Z _ by L Walls ine 3 date by PLUMBING date p— by OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date b `J WA A ING L c� D.W.V. \ date v ��-1 -�� by L c� datLL C by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date p LL -7 by date ci_ by date by i J MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar li P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 �1 } k �t t. i� �l.nf�i t.� 1 f �-s a. .z;1i.1 � �,i' 41.- .. 1'•i��< i `t k <� E ii t� C 1 r , t 1 t y . Date Checklist Prepared= MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEWER AND INSPECTOR CHECKLIST 1991 WSEC AND V&IAQ CODE COMPLIANCE Permit Number 9­-" -%3 7U Address AI 4'0 onn��- Sq. Ft w7 �f -�h . Name on Permit r-) Contractor/Phone # �5- Compliance Method: (--t) Prescriptive -� (Option) ( ) Component O Systems Analysis Date FOUNDATION Insp. Rev. Slab: R- o t- (Ext.foundation down to frostline/slab bottom;or interior 24"top of slab&horizontal. Radiant under entire.) ( ) ( ) Below grade exterior wall insulation: R- ( Crawlspace ventilation: c)• , (1 sq.ft.NFA/150 sq.ft.floor area-cross vented) 0132 FRAMING G_;) Standard ( ) Intermediate ( ) Advanced ( ) ( ) Woodstoves and/of fireplaces: (6 sq.inches combustion air supply duct with damper direct to firebox.) Standard air seal: (Bottom plate/subfloor,rim joist/mudsill,window/door frames,penetrations condition to non-condition.) Attic ventilation (i sq.ft.NEA/150 sq.ft.ceiling areal «3'` / Ito Ll Spot exhaust fans: (4"exhaust-bath/laundry 50 cfm @.25 WG;ki chen 100 cfm @.25 WG. Vented out with dampers.) Fresh air ventilation: Available to all habitable rooms. installed and operational. (Integrated forced air,windows,wall ports.) ( ) ) Whole house exhaust fan: Cfin (intermittent system manual&auto controls/sone less than or=to 1.5 at.1 WG) INSULATION ( ) ( ) Attic baffles installed to deflect incoming air(Rigid material resistant to wind-driven moisture,extend 12"above loose fill or 6" above bait insulation) ( ) ( ) Mechanical ventilation ducts R-4(Exhaust in unconditioned space&supply in conditioned space.) Wall insulation(above grade) R- (Batts face stapled) ( ) ( ) Wall insulation (below grade - interior) R- (Batts face stapled) ( ) � ) Vapor retarders on walls (Faced batt,or 4 mil poly or perm.paint.-circle one) ( ) ( ) Rim joist(Insulated with vapor retarder-rigid foam and caulked or 4 mil poly.) ( ) ( ) Vaulted ceiling insulation R- (Vapor retarder& 1"air space) FINAL Floor insulation R- ka-) (Substantial contact w/surface,supports less than or=to 24"OC,not blocking vents.) ( ) ( ) Ventilation system is operational (spot,whole house,fresh air to all habitable rooms. If integrated system,certification by installer is required.) ( ) ( ) HVAC ducts in unconditioned areas R-8 (Joints sealed;mechanically fastened with a minimum of 3 fasteners.) ( ) ) Pipe insulation R-3 (Ilot and cold lines in unconditioned areas-service or recirc.see Table 5-12). SHW heaters: (NAECA label,separate power or gas shut-off,on R-10 pad if electric in unconditioned or on concrete.) Heating system type: 0,(Z c 1-k'iL Z' 6­-'CL0 ( ) ) Radon monitor on site with instructions. No. supplied by MCBD Thermostat: (Ifeat range 55-75;AC 70-85;both 55-85. Backup heat controls(lockout)prevent simultaneous operation of primary system.)` ( ) ( ) Solid fuel appls.: (Glass/metal tight-fitting doors;dir.comb.air source,or 4"dia.dampered,indir.source for existing const.) ( ) ) Ground Cover: (6 mil black polyethylene or approved equal lapped 12"at joints,extending to foundation wall.) Penetrations(All exterior wall and ceiling penetrations sealed-to drywall-plumbing,exposed beans,wall receptacles,fans,recessed lights.) Ceiling Insulation R- (insulate&weatherstrip access,baffle to prevent spillover-no cardboard) ( ) 4_3 Vapor retarder paint if a vapor retarder was not installed when insulation was installed. i _ I GLAZING Plan Reviewer -Fill out this glazing section or attach a window schedule to this checklist. jmpector- Verify window information during field inspections. Include skylights, glass doors and all other glazing on this form. Use rough opening area for calculations. Date Size Quantity Area S . Ft. U-Value Manufacturer Rev. Insp. o f �0 0 f qLqL2 2 °61, rc I � � n Total glazing area: Total conditioned area: Percentage glazing: l/• I / Verified: DOORS Plan Reviewer- List opaque doors by type (solid core, insulated,etc.)quantity, U-value,and manufacturer. jmpector - Verify door information during field inspection. Date Type/Quantity U-Value Manufacturer Rev. Insp. Signature of Building Inspector: Date of Final Inspection: 1991 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE AND VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION Site Address SG(to o ev 4!tf Parcel #/A 3 3v s' / ocn y Lot /11,f Subdivision (3"R.nS 01 t-- � [ ]New Residence [ ]Addition [ ]Remodel d Area (sq. ft.): 1 st Story �� '�`d 2nd Story Basement Compliance Method [ ]Prescriptive -- Indicate option (see attached sheet) [ ]I [ ]II k1III [ ]IV [ ]V [ ]VI [ ]VII ( ]VIII [ ]Component -- Attach documentation and calculations [ ]Systems Analysis -- Attach documentation and calculations Heat System Electric (Electric Resistance) [ ]Forced Air PfWall Heater [ ]Other ,i d;m,e) [ ]Baseboard [ ]Radiant Make Model Size (KW) ( ]Other [ ]Gas Furnace [ ]Oil Furnace [ ]Heat Pump [ ]Other (indi=e) Make Model Size (BTU) AFUE HSPF Ventilation System [ ]Non-Heat Recovery Ventilation Spot and Whole House [ ]Central Ducted [ ]Integrated with Furnace Whole House Fan: Make j R 0 4- k) Model S L Size (CFM) [ ]Heat Recovery Ventilation [ ]Air to Air Heat Exchanger [ ]Heat Recovery Heat Pump Make Model Size Attach 1) Window Schedule 2) Heat Loss Calculations Radon A three-month etched track radon monitor will be provided (by builder). ACKNOWLEDGE: (buoldees ugrwum) MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1991 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE AND VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE RESIDENTIAL PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS For processing of applications under the new Energy and IAQ Codes, it is imperative that the submittals include certain basic information. REQUIRED INFORMATION: 1. The application must be fully completed to determine compliance. 2. A window schedule must be attached. The schedule must show the make, model and tested U-values. Glazing class alone is no longer adequate. 3. The building plans MUST show the following: a) Framing to be used: standard, intermediate or advanced; b) All insulation and R-values; c) Type and location of vapor barriers; d) Location of the whole house ventilation fan and controls; e) Location and size of all other exhaust fans; f) All exhaust duct runs and their points of termination; g) The type and location of all outside air inlets; h) Termination point of appliance vents; i) Location of all solid fuel appliances, fireplaces, and combustion air ducts; j) Location of furnaces, hot water tanks and other equipment. MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT WINDOW SCHEDULE WINDOWS (group same size windows on one line) How Brand Model U-Value Many Size Area (Sq. Ft. w 19cv Vim``' 1 D , 3 4 i0, LoW. 'o . 3 << Le t_ y 9 ,tv V vA- L '3 TOTAL WINDOW AREA (A) SKYLIGHTS ( � How Brand Model U-Value Many Size Area (Sq. Ft.) TOTAL SKYLIGHT AREA (B) TOTAL GLAZING AREA (add A+B) T (C) DOORS (from heated space to unheated space) How Brand Model U-Value Many Size Area (Sq. Ft. N .?u 30 TOTAL DOOR AREA 1991 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE AND VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE PRESCRIPTIVE PATHS OTHER FUELS (GAS, OIL, HEAT PUMP) HVACs Grazing wall wall inr wall exr Slabs Equip. %Floor Glazing Doors Vaulted Above Below Below on Option Etfic. Area U-Value U-Value Cei4ng2 Ceiling' Grade Grade Grade Floor Grade I. Mod. 10% 0.70 0.40 R-30 R-30 R-15 R-15 R-10 R-19 R-10 II. Mod. 12% 0.65 0.40 R-30 R-30 R-15 R-15 R-10 R-19 R-10 III. High 21% 0.75 0.40 R 30 R 30 R 19 R 19 R 10 R 19 R-10 zl1f ✓�ti :. .>... Y'+ xt-1ERyS>k >' Reference case V. Low 21% 0.60......w 0.40 R 30 R-30 R-19 R-19 R-10 R 19 R 10 VI.7 Mod. 25% 0.50 0.40 R-38 R-30 R-19 R-19 R-10 R-25 R-10 VII? Mod. 30% 0.45 0.40 R-30 R-30 R-19 R-19 R-10 R-25 R-10 1 Mtwnum requfenrrds for each option listed. For example,it a proposed design has 5 Floors over crawl spaces or exposed to ambient air conditions. a glazing ratio to the conditioned Vloor area of 19X,it shall comply with all of the requirements of the 21%glazing option(or higMer). Proposed designs which cannot 6 Required slab perimeter insulation shalt be a water resistant material,manulactured mast the specific requirements of a listed option above,may calcuWe oorrpsarce for is Mended use,and installed according to manufacturer's specifications. See by Chapter 4 or 5 of this code. section 602.4. 2 Require.,mm applies to all callings wwpt single rafter or pat at vaulted ceilings. 7 These options shall be applicable to buildings less than three stones. 'AdV denotes Advanced Framed Ceiling. 3 Requirement applicable only to single rafter or pat vaulted coAngs. 8 This shortall insulation requirertwn denotes R•19 wall cavity insulation plus R-5 foam rn9 4 Below grade wars shall be insulated ether on the exterior to a minimum level of R• 9 Minimum HVAC Equipment efficiency requirement. 'Low'denotes an AFUE of 0,74. 10,or on the Manor to the same level es walls above grade. Exterior insulation 'Mad denotes an AFUE of 0.78- 'High'derides an AFUE of 0.88. installed on below grade wars shall be a water resistant material,mantrfactured for is intended use,and installed according to the mamrtacturses specifications. See section 0022 ELECTRIC RESISTANCE HEAT Ong wall wall inr wall exr Slabs %Floor Grazing Doors Vaulted Above Below Below on Option Area U-Value U-Value Ce&V2 Ceiling' Grade Grade Grade Floor Grade 1. 10% 0.46 0.40 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 I1. 12% 0.43 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-19 R-19 R-10 R-30 R-10 III. 12% 0.40 0.40 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 .wh..�.,..::.„.:....:.:....:.:.�:..........K..,:...•..:..... :<:;:;.:;<.:...:....::.:::...::......... ....................................... Ei-3ft:.:...:.:�i1>k>::: Reference case .......:...............::::::::.:.:....:.:::..:::.:.:::...:::. V. 18% 0.39 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 V1. 21% 0.36 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 VII.' 25% 0.35 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-19+R-51 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 V111.7 30% 0.32 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-19+8-51 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 1 Minimum requirenrnls for each option listed. For example,it a proposed design has 5 Floors over crawl spaces or exposed to ambient air conditions+ a glazing ratio to the oondicfed Vloor area of 19%,i shall comply with all of the requirements of the 21%glazing option(or hghter). Proposed designs which cannot 6 Required slab perimeter insulation shall be a water resistant material,manufactured meet the specific requiremoift of a listed option above,may Calculate cornpsance for is intended uss,and ns alled according to msnuladurers specifications. See by Chapter 4 or 5 of this code. section 602.4. 2 Requirements applies to all ceilings except single ratter or font vaulted ceilings. 7 These options shalt be applicable to buildings less than three stories. 'AdV denotes Advanced Framed Gtirg, 8 This wall insulation requirement denotes R-19 wall cavity insulation plus R-5 foam 3 Requirement applicable only to single ratter or joist vaulted owings. sheathing. 4 Below grade wars shall be insulated ether on the exterior to a mnimum level of R- 10,or on the interior to the sane level as welts above grade. Exterior insulation installed on below grade wale shall be a water resistant materal,manufactured for ts;Mended use,and installed according to the manufacturers speclicalions See sedan 602.2. v�Ltl v v r ctuvll l A-efL1t A 111U1%q �(,�'j o?- 1 670 PLEASE PRINT {,( w/GAaA #1 Owner /�,'L-'-t/MA L/ �1�yn��v "��-Phone# 7� - __� �� � y Site Address _ A IC" 40 / cg-:46=1 A -L-A, Lao City l� L (=��- �,� C St 4't" /4-- Zip ��S~ Directions to Job Site A0 d Owner Mailing Address 1VE k 3C/ City_ Bg- L F ,} St tt/f} Zip Lien/Title Holder Address City St Zip #2 Contractor Name Contractor Reg#Address Expiration date / / c� \ City St Zip Phone G #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. 7 Connect to Septic? Public Water Supply--L— Well (If residential, proof of potable water may be required) #4 Parcel No. / 3 '30 - S/ - 0050 y y Legal Description R&-A x t) c 6 D i v 0 #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) 1st Fl //�Y 2nd Fl — /— 3rd Fl — /-- Loft Basement / Deck #bedrooms- #bathrooms Garage ! Carport / (Circl Attached r Detached?) Other L44b sq f t / #6 Use of building 6-1r/D&kA/C a Describe workl��Lbt,' �N #7 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair Demolition Woodstove Re-Roof Bulkhead Other #8 MOBILE HOME INFORMATION J Model Year Make Model Length_ Width Serial No. #Bedrooms #Bathrooms Type of Heat #9 Any water on or adjacent to property: saltwater_ lake river pond wetland seasonal runoff other Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways s Water L' Y Ines Shorelines Drainage ina e P .g Plan To 0 L Systems P graphy Wells d Improvements Easements Flanking Street Fronting Street Scale: Date: =APPLICgiVT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELO `A.PPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELO i i i i No. � Toilets _1T "� poo -`' Vent Systems X 3 . 00 ' Bath Basins Vent Fans X 3 . 00 '_Bath Tubs Showers No. Boilers C/ ompressors --�` • Hot Water Htr 0-3 HP < _ 3 -15 HP Laundry Washer Z Sinks 15-30 HP 30-50 HP Floor Drains 50 + gp ��- Laundry Basins 6. 00 No. Air Handling Unit Dishwasher _ <- 10000 cfm. 7 . 50 Disposal -- - > 10000 cfm. —Urinals Other Other Evap Coolers Hoods Permit Basic Fee 3 • 00 Fire Suppression TOTAL PLUMBING Domes. Incin. COmml . Incin. Reloc/Repair 6 . 00 Mechanical FixturAs Gas Outlets X 2 .00 No. Fuel Types Woodstove te Fern < 100K BTU ara --�� Other Furn >a 100K BTU 6 . 00 Furn - Floor 6 . 00 Permit Basic Fee 10 . 00 Heat Pumas 6 . 00 TOTAL MECHANICAL $� - NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRIICTION AUTHORIZID IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANYTIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW RCW 18.27 AND AM AWARE IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I AM AWARE OF THE OF THE MASON COUNTY ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGULATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT FIRST 08TAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. A/L-"tA) IV I LP DEPARTMENT. X OWNER u _ a BY DA DATE Return permit to: Department of General Services 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562 -5628 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Accepted by:_Llyl Date: r` I Td.LOs II II :uoz�2nT�A b>.:zpTTngII II �� I aa3 a�2�S bu-[PTTnEll II it i I II II II I aa3 anozspooMll II II I I II II [[ � I aa3 T�eotu��oaL1ll II II aa3 buzgiunTd II II II II 1 'i II II II 0,0�92 I xoauo =Tall II it H 'I II II II I uOT-2pTOTAII II II II I 'I II II II I 993 uOTZETOtAII II II I 0 II �3 �a 49 . ���Tuad5utptng1 p. ?7 1II1 II [ uoTzoadsul azTSll II :suoTjTpuoo TvToadSll sa�0 :ttQgszQyq aiT3 :dnos� ��u�dnoop :iwaTAag �Td bIITPTTng I v�/ .� � }� •� �r- :>�tQag t�uamaoiT�uH I :buTu=Td I @Aoiddy P1oH pw:) Panoiddy