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BLD94-1156 Final SFR - BLD Permit / Conditions - 6/16/1995
MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 F1 tj I I I V 1 P-11 0 V IF IIA 04 1 N i "k ihi -ViLlIuN Imil 4ti-9670 011-11EN bpm nNo Ham 427-7262 OLD94-115b V! A 1' ! Hr V! 0 11 1 V 111 V IOH AkDVIK , NU HI PEG LEG C1 HELFAIR OWNEr . GORDON KELLEY 276- 7394 I r &A i , nuos con my 4 trut tob 12 Is $fill of fbi VIAKS OF HOVI Ni w H 1 0 IJ h b I H i Itypt wool ow Out wfifti !IYPF AMOUNT al 00 F Ratipt! IVIAL OF on! "1 4 1 OF I 1 , ()I I u jj7q 0100 H F 1 6" 1 7 0 01 1 SIT 1 13 1,11 ju 01!21144 3124% '04;4 �f CC 1VTFf I oi 77 7 FYPF of comn 1 1 1 of V1 At U 4 0 !RAHN 1 11.11 IN 84j?1Q4 11sh iffift I V4 IN 0401144 106; OCCOP I "Ab 0 "O"Dq I ,IV F 4 0 PLCK t 166.51 IN 090Y/44 IVY I DMF L 1 0 N 1 14 VANFINA 4VA( V q to IP1N t cl of Iw 111�1144 41:11 1 1 N n V U L 1 1 ON AA A I KHOIAV I I NO INCH 1 19 Is IN 1Aj1:jq4 1126S 1101al ! 01 It VALNIAlIoN, 49411 %F I RAI t S -- pn Jr timp M"" I I I "ON! F R 0 H T N no t kA I R69 111 R V A k 0 1 1 "A i H I "N" 1 0 V ( I I. 1 5 0 1 1 `7F Owf k l 11FN i OOV H I H 0 0 up M A K f - VIVI whilp I I "kN — 1001, h ! " I 0 to to UIV . M nHRIINF J 0 off, V10114y " WA�Hlkn I UNPIN! FIO"V xv, Hr 0 VDAIT A N I A I IVHUN 41NICK 1 HI A I pimp vi 1 0 1 b f 1F ra 111 "OR DRAIN 0 VFN I 4y" ff M� 0 F VhP I 0"I FVQ t 0 1 F N 11 1 11 - 0 Iwo" ! 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AA If 6110JR111, rev; 4311 1/91 compttoi= to ArtAc"Fu comiit= IS REQUIRED CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date 3- I —f by Ribbons date e be by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls 5 i b�, r t date b Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date,a7/ C� /6- by �-`� date by FRAMING Walls R-aj FIRE DEPT. date .3- by _ date 3 r - S by L date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date �by date b WALLBOARD NAILING .p�rovc D.W.V. He"s - on(-/ date ©bL date by'3- O- 5— by l �Water Line FINAL INSPECTION by date , S- by �� date 6/ b by + I e—e ,rcl_n� e (��/D tz�c.e�1 LJ J- lam— S � G cr L G ' � S .� ✓ CSC C.-.J �.�I s AJAt t c�- Jt c c. Cam• 5 :, �f/�erS �; ( I bow,-r.P �-3 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O, Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 If I If 1141 M I I X-) rq 1) "1 1 t tp 11:4 No . - HID94- 11b6 For : "oh""m Abry fhe us- . handli "q Aid qtormqa of hawrdow marpri "Iq ot 11AMMM111P and liquilln in Pxceon/ol 10 qMll""n i " not A110=01 wilho"U the ApVrO"Ml 01 thp Maqon Co"my r"Pej''i r o m u q 1. hp syft )mck 51 from all "CiliLy and drminaclo eaneMo"La , a folol of 10 ' I )OV'i) I "ropp Ify Anvg , or a varianvo m"nt hp obini "ad from Kho H" Ildi "si NppAitmpnt ' I I/ _"ti 3 ) Propos"A l s ti urfur p m"y portion thernot qrpat -r than 10" in heirlbil from qrado linq , rat at yai "IA ' r I m"m of 4 ' opthack from All proporty Jineq . PaqomPntN and right of 4 ) I= PROJEC !" WILL MAE F111: IONO TERM S"I'llf 600D pqrs UVOUIRFIVIONIv nn A6VtV0 "PON 1,1111I UNII PLFcIRIC UTI I I I Y KERVI v ING IHF PROPQk1Y _tmKPkcjinm% v"R umvkby vopF c"MVIIANII ( ENSULAIION & INDOOR VIKNfIIATION ) WILI HE PERF01INFIl NY A " fILITY RFPIJ1 FNInF1V( AND Jlif- FINAL INSPECTION PyhroRMI' D BY "IIIYIY NTAFF 101"11 HE SIONVO "Fl PNI "V I " I'"I FINAL ThAppe,virrib PERFORMED NY Ifit NA%ON U OUN I Y NO I 1 0 1 NN DF PAN vNF N r IF rhanqw, "re"r and Von dowdif noilro w"Ar gith 'LlAP 1714"L PrOqtaM, unntart the NrHD at Rx ""n a"q(tio" 2H4 to ari ? A I appinved plan" wo rpqn,ijud to he on-cite for inspo- tion purpov-" ivisp-ptio" i , called for and pla", are nol. on YlVe , AVprowal Will NO ! Fro qra"Imul In nddition . o Re-Inspection few in the amo"nt of $I pi hour mi mm ch d a woo p ( ni " 1 ho"ri oill ho niqe "d v�nl)l V Kle C01. 1 PC toed hin deparrmwnt prior In any fwthv; i "wpPcti "ns bminq pprf-rm"d m- P.p 6) PURSUANr 10 i44CQI ►.JNI F ftM HOUDINC CODE . nkLILoN A05 ( c ) AND ULF ! "N 61l . "ll 41 : ! Mow HAVE APPROVED NU HE SwOR ADDR17SUS PROVIDED IN S"C" A P041FION A" 10 SO VIAINIY VI " IHII AND ( EGISIF FHOM FHF STREEI ON ROAD FRONFENO THE PP"PFkIY MA40M fOuNly Fair tiolmal DVPARTMFNT 1<EQUIR15 KAT THIS HE COMPIFUll PRIOR to CAIIINh FOR ANY ljv IN4FI is 1I0N4 A R F I N S P E C T 10 N F F E . H A S k 0 u N RAVES I N r A H I U AA OF T IT E t 9 4 1 IINI V 0 R N N 11 1 1 DINT I v D I W i I I P f ASS! tiF I - OWN F R C 0 N kk A v roR FAIIS 10 POST ADDWLSK ON SIFF PRIOR 1 " V10014TI Ni '', CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date 'b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by PLUMBING date by OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 31 At 1, 1q I VOC I I pr'4 1 51, 1 0 f< i t 1 0 e111. 1 h; ANO Iit-it R ' fill 11 a rl q f c. Efl I w"'!-d )If t i (I i fit] t I I c t' r`[rtilll 1 f fill v I I fl r (Y I VJ1 t i I a 1. j d I)IS'l I i I (;r>d 1hf+ 1 0 r(y) 13,ri,ldif7qn d r M it I I Fill I v IiN Ai Q"' V 1r1,`1 "Otil <j )t- i 'It- tf, 5-OW, I I iff I :0 ) C ()Wi f Wl I I I ,"H P!?0('1 10 W fAf [ D CORI I f,1) 1 l/t&4(n 0 r.4 rc,11N f [J1l f I 11 1 Nfi Df PAP 11411 N1 A N 1) 11 N I 1 0 R M HO t I 1! I N6 CODE j MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTI E Job Location �,4 , L --�I This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance - 2N'Jn�� A n A� CL.,-,n - —1 n2- t.A ►� sue-You are her by notified th�at the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ifor re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ake corrections, items will be checked on next inspection OK to ' Departmen Date 6 Inspector • �� � NnTTHImob, T,M« *V " ,� WASHING TON STATE BuildingRecord Attachment B ENERGY WSEO Contract# 91-19- CODE PROGRAM For Site-Built Residential Buildings Heated by Electric Resistance or Heat Pumps CLASSIFICATION _ (please check one) (please check one) ❑-New Building ❑Addition over 500 sq. ft. E3,Single Family ❑ Duplex Jurisdiction_: /a 6-o/d _ ❑Multifamily ❑Zero Lot Line Home _ ❑Planned Unit Development please check one: El City CitV County _ Permit# 1) —/ A. L File ID#(if different from Permit AD CONSTRUCTION A. Site Information B. Owner Information Address � C'. Cr Owner �ownerattimeofconstructionrece' sutili a ment City / Zi Com an _ Assessor's O e X# or attach le al description) Address ic7 Cit n i state" Zi S� Servicing Electric Utility 6-21-2/n S5 Phone C. If Single Family, Zero Lot Line or D. Duplex E.If Multifamily(R-1) Planned Unit Development First Duplex Unit s .ft. Total#/Bld s. Total Conditioned Floor Area s . ft. Second Duplex Unit s .ft. Total#/Units HEAT SO . ., PRIME A. Primary Space Heat Type B. Secondary Space Heat Type C. Water Heat Type (check one) `\ (check all that apply) (check one) ❑ Electric Baseboard ❑ None ❑ Electric Electric Wall Heater ❑ Wood ❑ Gas ❑ Electric Furnace ❑ Electric Baseboard ❑ Other (specify below) ❑ Electric Heat Pump ❑ Other (specify below) _ ❑ Other COMPLIANCE INSPECTION/ENFORCEMENT WSEC Compliance Method For Heat Pump Only: Prescriptive Path Built to the Electric Date of Permit Application 7•-I - �j Date Buildi�Permit Issued - -1=; 1-� ❑ Component Performance Requirements of WSEC? Date of Insulation Inspection .3 - 7- Cj�_ ❑ System Analysis ❑ Yes ❑ No (If yes utility may offer incentive.), C Date of Final Inspection �L ". -- - - I hereby certify that this building or addition has been inspected for the measures required by the 1991 Washington State Energy Code(WSEC), that it is in substantial compliance with the WSEC, and that the WSEC checklist for this building is on file. Signature of Building Official or Authorized Representative Date ■ Building Department:Return white copy to Kathleen Skaar,Washington State Energy Office,P.O.Box 43165,Olympia,WA 98504-3165. ■ Owner or Building Deparment: Forward canary copy to the servicing electric utility to trigger WSEC compliance payment. ■ Building Department: Retain pink copy for jurisdiction's building file. wSEO#94-015 2 94 t illa _:tt.. 21ig 1u�Ey��( f{,�.: i 1" � r .: F d} A� , ii?�p " }�'�fi}iigi {I=( r}i ' l!t}gg =3 nil;i f�r `� tii' •` i 4 s ,"t u... is- t.i••,"�,_ h r n. s' {r1_j::r+ i :r d tR 11 _ 1: 1 {_ :rite I3 ;•�: :: ia<: p� 5 s4, AN-A-0 VA OR wplft— CO u_„tirr* Q• f f JEMCO , insulationOgg yl , : This is to certify that the followin address: Gz Tt has been insulated with the R-values listed below in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 4;i� R-11 R-13 R-19 Q a• R-30 R-38 \� Flat Ceilings ;sjf-^ '.• Ceilings `ice Cathedral Exterior Walls _ Floors ;... is 1�llf rt�r� uthorize Signature DateV. al /lilt i 11 �•k=- 1 ` '.•t fir';:. Main Branch 9 4843 Auto Center Way 0 Bremerton,Washington 98312 Bremerton(206)479-6271ISM � \ �� isstw ~ 1� �71r C �'': �~ i•� ~ a' �-.T �. �� .+!� ALs z.G� 1 � a t!tr" ,. .s.,,:i;'t :.;•H:::�.,..:. s' x"3' •�.. 'fi+-'��. 1 r-• s s'axs:. �-- —.� —•--�---✓�---�-'�--=�---.ice.=---^`� BUILDER\HOMEOWNER AGREEMENT LTSGC# 94-0608 P Super Good Cents HOMEOWNER: GORDON BELLY PHONE: 275-7394 SITE ADDRESS: BEARDS COVE LOT 32 DIV 4 ACCT: MAILING ADDRESS : P.O. BOX 1853 BELFAIR, WA. 98528 BUILDER: SAME PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: SAME I understand that in order for the electrically heated home located at the above address to be certified as Long Term Super Good Cents, the home must be constructed in compliance with the attached Wattsun heat loss and Long Term Super Good Cents addendum\specifications . I understand that inspection by District staff is required at each of the following stages : Prior to pouring of concrete slab, if required. Prior to installing exterior insulation and damp proofing the below grade basement walls, if required. X Prior to installing insulation (structure is framed, roof is on, roughed-in plumbing, heating, wiring, telephone and TV cable are installed, and all penetrations are sealed) . X Following installation of insulation and vapor retarder but prior to covering. X Final inspection - all components installed. X Other AS NEEDED. NOTE: Failure to have inspections performed by the P.U.D. at the required times may result in the reduction or elimination of incentive payment. It is understood that the Super Good Cents Department is to be notified at 426-0777 or 426-8255 Ext. 777, not less than 48 hours prior to required inspections . I understand the "Long Term" Super Good Cents certification by Mason County Public Utility District No. 3 only verifies compliance with the Long Term Super Good Cents program standards and only in respect to energy efficiency. Neither the District nor any employees make any warranty, expressed or implied, in regard to the general workmanship and structural integrity of the residence or the future electrical consumption. I, the undersigned, understand that if the home is built according to this agreement, the attached specifications and heat loss, detailed checklists, and addendum, and is certified by the District representative that I will be eligible to receive Long Term Super Good Cents incentive payment(s) in the amount shown on the attached worksheet. Homes started by September of a given year will have until June 30th of the following year to pass a final inspection to receive the stated incentive (s) . Homes completed after June 30th of the following year will receive the incentive (s) in effect at the time of completion of the home. I further understand that it is my responsibility to be aware and adhere to the Long Term Super Good Cents specifications . Only upon verified completion by the on-site inspections listed in the agreement of all the attached criteria by the Mason County Public Utility District No. 3 Long Term Super Good Cents representative, will the house be certified as a Super Good Cents home, and the stated incentives paid. S ' n ed: o eowner builder 2- 17 -f�;/ Date Date �'J)ju I' �7" — Utility epr en a ive TERRI OBERG Utility-Representative (prin ) Jul 27, 1994 Date Homeowner conservation incentives may be paid directly to homeowner, or applied as a credit on your utility account. *Homes which have not started construction within 60 days of signing this agreement will receive the incentives (s) in effect at the time construction is begun_ MSC REFERENCE PATH FOR ELECTRICALLY HEATED RESIDENCES: COMPONENT CLIMATE ZONE 1 (-6000 HDD) Ceilings 1/ Attic — R-49 ADV Vaults - R-38 Walls 1/ * Above Grade ( . 041) — R-26 ADV Below Grade Interior w/ R-5 slab thermal break R-21 Floors Over crawlspaces & unheated `R-30 basements Slab-on-grade Perimeter R-15 Glazing 3/ Maximum tested U-value U-0.35 Reference Area (% of floor) Single Family 15% Multifamily 12% Exterior Doors U-0. 19 Assumed Infiltration Rate 2/ (ACH) 0 . 35 Duct Insulation Rigid R-11 Flexible R-8 Shower Heads @65 PSI 2 . 5 GPM Water Heaters 0 to 59 gallons 0 .93 EF 60 to 120 0. 91 EF ! Mechanical ventilation and pollutant source control in all Climate Zones . 1/ ADV--indicates advance framing techniques . Use standard i wall framing for Multifamily structures . Duplexes qualify as Single Family structures, but receive payments as i Multifamily structures unless otherwise noted. 2/ The assumed infiltration rate (ACH) is for heat-loss '1 calculations only. 3/ Up to 20% glazing is acceptable for Tier-1 Single Family and Multifamily homes if all components meet the requirements of this table. * R-21 Intermediate + R-5 foam. If you decide to go Prescriptive Path (reference path above) please read the list carefully as any item left out or changes to the list may disqualify your home from our program and the incentive payments. �`�` Permit No.BLD MASON COIINTY �Q BUILDING PERMIT \a �j APPLICATION � a( ASE PRItk 2 UJ $164 4Cf JU7 1v # , Phnne#t 2 7 S= 73 917/ Fb o�-- � S�A i Address Iq E: 4? I fpew Lem Oup ' City ;Re(-,GlrL St Iyet, Zip Directions to Job Site. dram /�a��2 % N6/�6► , l�o�P/ ,�raa S�cn;DG„L,� LOff a L Q _e ,n nl Z SchrO.,*"EiX Lec al L-4 O�✓ /��ti�'cf i3�tk cF_Lulc. CS9L a�rl Owner Mailing Address 0C'G nA) Le-,CLe-,l PO. T-0x AIM6 CityCcr- St Zip Lien4Title Holdet (CQLLey Address City St Zip #2 Contractor Name Contractor Reg# Address Expiration date_ City St Zip Phone #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. Connect to Septic? Public Water Supply Well (If residential, proof of potable water may be required) #4 rcel No.1�3 3 0 - S`I - p o o' a Legal Description xf y zo of 13nrrG�S e.'0yk'_ #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) 1st Fl P300 2nd Fl / 3rd Fl / Loft 1 Basement Deck / #bedrooms #bathrooms Garage Carport / (Circle: ttache or Detached?) Other sq ft / #6 Use of building -RE51'DE_tieg5 Describe work A/FcJ c'CAISf. #7 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair Demolition Woodstove Re-Roof Bulkhead Other #8 MOBILE HOME INFORMATION Model Year Make Model Length Width Serial No. #Bedrooms #Bathrooms Type of Heat #9 Any water on or adjacent to property: saltwater lake river pond wetland seasonal runoff other Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensidns Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Scale: Name of Fronting Street Date: APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOetl APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW Plumbing Fixtures ($2 each) Fee Fee No. -) Toilets Vent Systems X 3 . 00 Bath Basins '/ : Vent Fans X - Bath Tubs No. Boilers/Compressors Showers 0-3 HP r6 . 00 Hot Water Htr 3 3 -15 HP 6 . 00 Laundry Washer 15-30 HP 6 . 00 _Sinks 1151 30-50 HP 6 . 00 Floor Drains 50 + HP 6 . 00 Laundry Basins No. Air Handling Unit / Dishwasher <= '10000 cfm. 7 . 50 Disposal > 10000 cfm. 7 . 50 Urinals Other Other Evap Coolers Hoods Permit Basic Fee . 0 Fire Suppression TOTAL PLUMBING $ + Domes . Incin. Comml . Incin. (� Reloc/Repair 6 . 00 Mechanical Fixtures �L '� Gas Outlets X 2 .00 No. Fuel Types G(�' �U" Woodstove separate Furn < 100K BTU 6 . 00 Other Furn >= 100K BTU 6 . 00 Furn - Floor 6 . 00 Permit Basic Fee 10 . 00 Heat Pumps 6 . 00 TOTAL MECHANICAL $ ' NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANYTIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAY RCU 18.27 AND AM AWARE IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I AM AWARE OF THE OF THE MASON COUNTY ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGULATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANG SHALL BE MADE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVALOM THE BUILDING WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNER % BY DATE DATE r �r Return permit to: Department of General Services 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 9 584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Accepted by. Date: .� ' f DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ,ONLY Approved Cond Hold Approval Planning: 1 Environmental Health: Building Plan Review: �-z9- Occupancy Group:_ Fire Marshall: Other: FEES Special Conditions: II IlSite Inspection II ii 1333 I) it I II II IlBuilding Permit I II II Ii " °—�-- ---�I II II IlViolation Fee I II II II II IlViolation Investigation Fee i II II 11 C l II II II Plan Check II II II ►(°(°--II II II II Plumbing Fee I II II II I. 1. S� �02� 'I II IlMechanical Fee 1= II II II IlWaadstove Fee I II II II li- l II II IlBuilding State Fee i C) II I� 'I I. 'I (IBuilding Valuation: II II TOTALI �0�an