HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD95-1280 Final SFR - BLD Permit / Conditions - 2/27/1996 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 E_ l.A I I E 1 t (V Ca P E R P,1 1 T FOR INSPECTIONS CALL 427-9670 BFTWFEN bpm AND $am 427--7262 BLO95•-12.80 PARCEL : 123305000045 PLAT :BFP1_.0 DI V : BLK : LOT : JOB ADDRESS : NF 111 DAVFY %PONES PL BFL FA IR OWNER : WILLIAM BE1SLEY 275-5783 CONTRACTOR - W 1 L t i AM BE i SLI;Y CONSTRUCTION 2.75-5783 LEGAL a BEARDS COVE DIV 1 TR 45 CT.e- ...a1t'�•LG:1�s9z�e,^:�.;.=.'�i'X=.L':R;•2:tS.�._-r..�+.:Rdi:.:a+.�:i'Ce�1:za-.x�?:.�C4'::.:.+S=s�-r•�1�'..,..cL'�.:_: t CLASS OF WORK ; . :NEW BEDfl : :3 BATH c 2 1)YPE AMOUNT BY DATE RfCFIPT TYPE AMOUNT BY DAIf RECEIPI TYPE OF USE . . . . :SF STORIES _ , . , . :2 -:ter _ �..:.a�,.,�_, zt�„� L4 — � �. �• ,�:s�..� :�..-.r .00CUP . GROUP _, . :7 BL.DG . HE i GHT . . e 0 .Oft ADDR I 5.0# TV 0412119E 40104 NCR $ 39.00 TN 09121195 410' 04 TYPE Of CON ST . . :7 F I RE Pt.ACE'S , . . . . 0 RI C $ 42.00 TM 09121195 40304 Siff t 1,54 I1 0912119' 40304 OCCUP . LOAD . . . . : 0 WOODSTOVE S . . . . : 0 IPRNT 3 321.00 11 09121/95 40304 DWEI_t ,UN I T S . . . . : 0 PARKING SPACES : 0 IPtCK 4 160.50 TIT 091,11195 40304 INSPECTION AREA : 1 SHORELINE? . . . . :N PLM t 48.01 IN 09121195 40304 TOIAt : 620.00 VALULATION: 55806 SETBACKS ----___._______ __ TOILETS . . . . . . . . . . : 2 FUEL TYPES-. - ------- BOTL.ERS/COMP------ MOBILE HOME- -- FRONT . . .S 1 0 .Oft BATH BASINS . . . . . . : 0 0- 3 ttE. : 0 REAR . . . .N 10 .Oft BATH TUBS . . . < . . . . : 1 3-15 HP , . 0 MODEL : SIDE ( 1 ) ,F 10 .0f t SHOWERS . — . . . . . , . : 1 FURN < 100K BTU : 0 1 5-30 Eli'' : 0 MAFF SIDE (2 ) .W 10 .0ft WATER HEATERS . . . . : 1 FURN >-100K BTU : 0 30--50 11P . : 0 SHRL I NF . 0 >0'P t Ct.OTHES WASt1ERS . . : 1 F 0 R N — FLOOR . . . . 0 50-- HP . : 0 YCAR AREA —._ __......_.______ ._.__ KITCHEN SINKS — . : 3 HEAT PUMP . . . . . . : 0 LOT S 1 7F . . : FI- OOR DRAINS _ . . . c 1 VENT SYSTEMS, . . : 0 EVAP COOL_FRS : 0 1 FNG'I Ii : 0 811ILT)ING . 1203sf DRINKING FOUNT . . . . 0 VENT FANS .. . . . . . : 0 HOODS . . . . . . . : 0 WIDTH , : 0 BASEMENT . . . : 2F,f 1. AIINDPY TRAYS . . > . r 0 DOMES I NC I N :0 -SEA I AL.#.--- - DECKS .. . . . . . : Osf DISHWASHERS . . . . . . : 1 AIR HANDLING tJNITS-- COMML_ . INCINiO GAR/CARP :C 440sf GARB D I SPOSAI S . . . : 0 <— 10000 cfm . > 0 AFLOC/REPAIR : 0 AT/[3T . :A IJRtNAI S . , . , . < , . . . : 0 10000 rfin . ! 0 OTHER UNITS . : 0 MI SC PL.M FIXTURES- 0 GAS OLJTt.E'TS . : 0 r�-:rs-�•smx�es.:a.�.-:.••rrsssnCi-�z:.r..�.:.sesv7s.-�aasaae:=^-cam:::xc-.x:r�.r..Resaaestaascse�r.•sc:a:•ar_••.seers.�x'ix.»sscacr�va.s.-.•�:;:^razacw-"'xccAs-.:=..�.^..r:.a�z�azL-:�x�.,r#zec.�.-nascxsusr;rcatxc::rs=.x�aar._.rss..:;:z�^s :-z•-•r: -ra:ra+;:.:-.-: PROJECT DESCRIPTION,RESIDENCE PROJECI LOCAIION:IAKE RIGHT 0011) SAND URI RD, TAKE tffI O040 ANCHOR OR (BEARDS COVfi, INNEDIATF RIGHT ONTO DAVEY JONES PI , DRIVE 10 CUIDfSAC, IIS ON IfFI Of CULDESAC AND if THE ONIY VACANT 1.01 THERE, LOTS ON THE lfFl i THIS PFRN11 BfCOMfS NU1.1 AND VOID If WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 100 DAYS, OR If CON41RUCIIO0 OR WORK IS SUSPENDED FOR A PfRIRD Of 130 OA1S AT ANY flit Affff 1001 IS COMMENCED. EVIDENCE OF CONTINUATION OF NARK. IS A P1061ESS INSPECTION WITHIN THE 111 DAY PERIOD. f1NAL INSPECTION MUST BE APPROVED BEf)RE BUR DING CAN 8E OCCUPIED. OWNfR 7R AGENI "_. 4 0 DAIEe._ Ri D PRNT r e„• 411:11191 rnMpl_ I ANCF TO ATTACHFn CONn I T I nNS I� RF0111 RE D CONCRETE -f, co 4 a- MECHAyi L MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date `` by Ribbons date �t 2 8-`I j by cJ L L Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION p c, �_®[� date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date 2-2�—S(- by l ! r ��` by date by PLUMBING date OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by WALLB AR NA D.W.V. date 77 `7 by date y Water Li FINAL INSPECTION date by date '1 ^�? by --� date by - 1 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 P V-,' F-1 F-A I C") N " 1 'Ir I f,:) N �­V, Case No , i 131 D95-1280 F-or W I L. 1 1 l,I Ei F� '31 r Page 2 I I tic.) uf;f- , hand I I nq and F. toraqe of hazar0ous materials or f I ammab I e arid combu,�J I tj I e liquids in excess of 10 gallons Is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal . 2 ) S t r u t u r P must: h e f,e 1 ba v k 5 ' from al I irt I I itv and "(*r,4 inaqe ea.-,•ements , a total of io ' ow each property I ino or a variance must be obtained from the Flu il tit ing Department . 3 ) Proposed str-ticture, or- anv port ! on thereof greater than 30" in height from (trade I ine, must maintain a minimain of 5 ' setback from at I property I Ines , easements and right of ways . 14 ) At I approved plans are required -to he on-site for Inspection purport ps . I f I rispeat I on I s called for and plans are not on site Approval WILL NOT he .granted . In addition , a Re-- ; nspect I on fee I n A tie amount of $A0 .00 per hour (m I n I muim* I hour ) w I I I tie (:J1arged and must- he co I I ected by th i s department pr I or- to any further I nspect I cans be I nq performed or approval qranted . PURSUANT TO 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE , SECT ION 306 (C ) AND '817CTION 513, ALL SITES HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PROVIDED IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND I. FGIBI-E FROM THE STREET' OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY . MAISON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS , A REINSPF(.'JION FEE , BASED ON RATES IN TABtE 3A OF THE 1901 UNIFORM BUII, DINCB CODE WIIA BF ASSESSED IF OWNFR/CGNTRACTOR FAILS TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSPECTIONS' .. 6) The turret ic-ri I ist , along with the Energy Comp iance Work sheet ( when a PI le-able ) is part of the plans and must remain attached thereto . It Is the responsitility of the applicant to make correctionsindicated on the plans from the correction lis S . Once the plans are marked APPROVED, they may not be changed or altered without authorization from the Building Official The permit holder, is reponsible to retain the complete approved MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, 111 426 W. Cedar R0, Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 -i o rl S P, r(_J i ►i r a T. I o n OT tirl" project . vaiiure i .,ily will result in failure of required bui wtito ins ections Ever permit shall eq, ire by I Imitation and become null and void if the building or work aijYhorized by such permits is not commenced within 180 days from the date of Issuance or If the building or work authorized by such pertalts Is, suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is oommenned for a period of it 180 days . 7 ) ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET' OR EXCEED ALL LOCAL CODES AND UBC PFQIJIPEMENTS 8) Chancres to approved bui Idinq plans that effect sump lanoe to -the 1991 Washington State Energy Code, 1991 Ventilation and Indoor Air Ouality Code , the Uniform Building Code and/or Mason Courtty Regulations must be approved by Mason County prior to constructionVC AIA. CONSTRUCTION MAST MUED OR EXCEED 1OCAI. CODES . If' ANY QUESTIONS, Pi-EASE CALL THIS OFFICE BEFORE CONSTRUCTION . MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location I I This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: �It ms fisted b ow must be corrected to gain code compliance l- /o no4 ueA t TU f'_ t UA2 sC < Y d 744 -� 4 f; t You are hereby notified) tha-fthe above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK 91 nU� ki0C Y,-L t_�C,y�s 2 � ��-/1 ❑ Call for re-Inspection when corrections are made before continping �'' % �►•w ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection reJ°%`� ❑ OK to 1sc. (cxf<- n 'q s 4 Department Date /D ?6- L` Inspector e,J—✓ moos NuT F, MovV THI,wft T A MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location qs- to 86 r'S L 4:�- 1 This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance N fq `-f l�0 cu p - LAi j i Au Z 1 tip�2 [,ON D tT t o rJ �� ADO/t-01!Ld p C JO-" S B t�j.J S t?-L- N'f3-tv e . -D, 6 c� e(Q kT eoRNCB to tvt4WtE� 7 „ rw/J Ov� If Fo0•`1-1 ov 6 rn7e:�rS M 4So tj ca-tA r1::1e /'fit tN PLC Q u.t IQ wt3 57� tf ou 3t 5��-- You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection Pk O K to A-rL Al- a LX)N +0-t S L- Department But L-0L'/6 Date Inspector i/i 0-�'N C�(t,/t r`/ ■ �� � N� �T [ - � T" MOOV T �= Building Permit # �11 "; 12 MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location E. - bb PL- This structure has been inspected by Mason Count Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance I Qeal I y , 1tis I J 0-0- You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items wi I be checked on next inspection ?`QK to Department - lkod ) r\ Date LI J c7 Inspector P��6�f"--,P ■ �� � � � Mo *V TH I Building Permit # MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance 3 ~j e-1 c-1 o,r JC /, You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK all for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to it Department Date l- 2 5- S S Inspector ---� no * 1:0 OT I 'M o *V ' T law TA G i Ad S Permit No. MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 PLEAS RINT CeSite er e- Phone# '2 60 -2 � 6 5 _F�.3Address nE IIl• t� 11 TC .Q S-- lJ9 C,� Fire District# S e 2 St Zip Directions to Job Sit ►, c C S - "opt I C41(U I de 4-4esa _ 57 e'-1 Owner Mailing y2eewl ss City St Zip Lien/Title Holder ` Address City I r St_(�_Zip #2 Contractor Name W e l !e i��e G Contractor Reg# Address l Expiration Date [�Sl 30 / QG City Be lP ' St whl- Zip W 29 Phone# I/Cl -2 7-S ' 6'?��'i #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. / Connect to Septic? ✓ Public Water Supply ✓ Well Connect to Sewer System? Name of System (If residential, proof of potable water is required) #4 arcel No. 12 3 3 0- 5_0 - o v ' / nn� L gal Description ZD 7- 4 5 ,c�/U. 3 bEal'GY�' C.c U� #5 Building Square Footage: {ems/proposed) Z/ 1 st FI 5 3l / -� 2nd FI to G� l �— 3rd FI / Loft / Basement / Deck / #bedrooms /�#bathrooms Z /� Garage N y 0 / Carport / (Circle Attached Detached?) Other N q sq. ft. #6 Use of building / - �Gf/ Gt/ , Describe work #7 Type of Job: New V Add Alt Repair Other #8 MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOME INF - RMATION Model Year Make Model' Length Width Serial # Bedrooms # hrooms Type of Heat Purchase Price$ #9 Indicate by circling the applicable source if any water is on or adjacent to subject property: River Pond Creek Stream Wetland Lake Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Fronting Street in relation to plot plan APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW d APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW Plumbing Fixtures ($3 each) Fee Mechanical Fixtures ($6 each) No. Z. Toilets �� CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Gas Electric, Bath Basins Heatpump, Other I Bath Tubs No. Units Fees Showers Furn BTU Hot Water Htr / Heatpumps / Laundry Washer Vent Systems ,4!Sinks 47 Spot Vent Fans .. Floor Drains No. Boilers/Compressors j _Laundry Basins _ HP �1 / ✓Dishwasher No. Air Handling _Disposal _ cfm# _Urinals No. Fire Protection Systems _Other Auto. Fire Alarm Sys �00 Fixed Fire Supp. Sys -50:00 Permit Basic Fee 15.00 Auto Fire Sprink Sys - TOTAL PLUMBING $ No. Other Gas Outlets Wood, Gas, Pellet Stove NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COM- MENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR Permit Basic Fee 15.00 WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- TOTAL MECHANICAL MENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. 1 OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE- I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED MENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY AM AWARE OF THE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGU- ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PER- LATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED MIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNER `z � &ZW X BY `V- Z( vw �t DATE DATE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY:Accepted by: Date: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Cond. Hold ii Approval Planning: MA KS Environmental Health: Building Plan Review ` llo[0 Occupancy Group: Type of Const: Fire Marshal: Other: Special Conditions: FEES Building Permit Plan Check Plumbing Fee 48- ve7 Mechanical Fee 5 1,. Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Radon Monitor Violation Fee Site Inspection Building State Fee 4,5'0 Other f 5, 00 Other � Q Building Valuation: 8b TOTAL FEE