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Water Sysytem Report for BLD94-0082 - PLN General - 4/13/1993
Pl olI.'cl Itc I11►rt lol I ;Ick Co III IIIIiIt \\ ,Ilcr s c In M -.y - nl I m n. Mn I 1 n. 1'.1 Y V Cc•clal View 7•lacls Ctnnnnn►ily Walcr Sysicnt ProJect Pchorl Table (if('mrtcnts Scclinn 1 I'm lincc:11111O cl •.........................................................................................................I .I I1111(alnclinit.... .............................................. 1.? S%clrtll()(;•11:•Ichip.............`..............................................................................................I Scrvicc Ar,-a I.ncali(al......................... 1 `:nn1111a1c n1 (•mtcnl Shrills and I't(gmscd ('11:111j!cc.................... .....................................I r 11��11 7' (►�11r111 Ct11('lll�:lllrl( 111('l l:l.......................... .............. ............. ........................................... . . . ?.I Derij!t10i11•li:t. .... ......... ............................ ... .............................................................3 "? Ilceij,ll P••rlltitct►tctllc........ ...............................................................................................I C• lirrtt Z Ir(Itltir.::11 P.-I liplion........................ ............ .......... .........................................................4 . . . ?.1 �1clCtll G hr111:11►c................................................... .................. .....................................4 1. \N•:11rt PiI'ltic.. . ....... . 4 . . ............................................................................................. t.l Srnncc. . .. .. ......... . .......... .....................................4 ................................................... 3.1 W01 ('t1t111►Tccl. ....................... .....................................................................................4 1.5 \V-11 hemp:md Appntl(•nanccc. ......................................................................................4 1 A Slnt:ll!r Prc''1C(►il............ ... ' 11iclIihulinn Sccicm Dccctiplioll .... .................................................................................5 •linn I IIcr11:1n1ir Analtcic.............._ .......................... ................................................................9 1.1 L1rlhr�(b11n)!c _ ._... .... ...........................................................................................9 t l�cli�rlc I'tcccnl .. ................... ....... .............................................................10 lien 5: I I(ulaCrnl�nl I'Ir1(�lant . ... ..............................................................11 ':cct n1(ht nr Ichip:1nd hlanallcntcnl Rccpc►ncihililicc......................................................11 �.? 11p• latinj!:1114 hlainlcnancc 1'1apran►Plan.......................................................................I I 5.?.I Sctt•i'r Policies............................................................................................................I l 5.7.2 Walct S\c1(•I1t Itcc(tttls att(1•I'cc111►ic:tl Data...... ............................................................l 5.1.1 Walct (.111:IIitY'I•ccling........ ......................... ...............................................................12 `.1 1'.nlctj!cnr) I'cq�(msc.......................................................................................................13 5.5 f'ona'wati(m I'tnj•lam.......................... .............13 .............................................................. Appo wliN 1; Pcictcllc•c D:o:t.................................... ...........................................................................16 A1ga•m1k I1: St(►mpe Design Spccificalimt ...........................................................................17 Alry�^nrli� III I I.Ormlic Compilinlimir....................... ..........19 Allot P. Miller. 1'.I:. f •' Ccd,u VicNN 'I►acts ConinumilY Water Svslem Plojecl Report • Section 1: Purpose and Overview 1.1 Inlroduclion This,hwircl Rrr1-1 describes the upgraded facilities and operalions of the Cedar Vice•Tracts Conlmm11ily \Valor Swslenl(CVI'CWS)and denionsImIcs compliance will,applicable Wa-zhinglon State Department of Health(DOII)tegnlations for public water supplies. This report is cnhnliltcd In the\%,ml,ington Department of Ile;llth for review. ApproN al for 36 conncc•tinns is requested. 1.7 C}•slcnl Oil Ilership The CV'T'CWS is owned and operated by the property owners sen-ed by the system.The DOH' identification number assigned to the swstem is 06151 A. The point of contact for all matters related to the water system is: Mr. Jim Jcsficld P.O. Box 159 Relrair. WA 98529 Mr. Jcsficld can he reached at(206)275-068.1. 1,3 Service Arca IAscalion The CV*FCWS is Inirnled northwest of l3elfair in Macon County. To reach the site,drive west frnnl pelf ail oll tile. North Silas,Road (Slatc Route 1011)approxim;atrh•one mile to Mission 0ccl: . 'I ul n not 111 on Mission Clcck Road and ptocced approximately 1.5 miles to Seitz Road on file right. 'I he Accll and storage facilities ate sited oil S617 Road. The sen-ice area of the CVIC\VS is shown in rigule I-1. IA So Ill lll:lr'1.of 011r1-cut Slalus and VIoposcd Vilanres 'rite('VT('\VS is ctrltenll selvinp 12 coil nc:lions,within the ser ice area shown in ripute 1-1. 'I he csistinp Hvililies consist of a dlillc•d well. toms Ilwdto-l:►tic bladder tanks, and distrihntion mains,. Fitc film is not lcgoired not is it plo\idcd. 13millee of pinic-led dewclopillerll and pmsth a ithin the wtvice area,the watcr m•slcrn requires nprradillp to st•t\e a Mier nnnlbcl of c•onncclimis. PC%lstnlls to Ilie Swslclll incltlde constniclloll fit a com-10c slfwlvr*tcv lwoil, r\\at,, Irmsmiscirnl n►ain from the well site to the lt•cct►(lit site, collstlnctioll of disitihntion mains,and a p er-mizalion system to sen•e 12 ronnrctirnls in the upper elevation 7011c,and extension of the distribution mains in file lower ears;ltiou zone In serve 2a cc►nneclions. The upgraded rImem design meels all DOII rnlnitemenls for Group A Public Water Swstcros. Allen R. Miller, P.E.. 01/13/91 1 4� U.-1 SE 117IQ1Vr - - ---- __ i I'ir� U 2w 400 1- - Soo ' (I ()AF\/ iCw TRACI S WAIER SYSIDA Set v ice Ai co Mnp . CE DnRN\MnP9.cnD ce(lal Vic►►•'Ima.;Cotrtnnmily Water System Prolccl Report Section 2: Requirements and Crilerin 7.1 PeSiLin Criteria 1 he('\'I'C'WS is n Gtollp A Wiler Snlrlily scicing 10 connections. It is required to comply with the follmihig tcl nlalinns and otdinanccs. + Stale Il...ml of I leallh 1 trinking ll Hier Regulnlions,Effcclivc February, 1992, Washington talc Dcpallnlrnl of ileabll. Dit icimi of Drinking Water. Airdnslrial Ccnicr BIdg. 3,P.O. [lox 47R')2,Ohmpia, WA 9Q.501-7822. Ill arldilioll to complyillp ttilh the pteceding regnlalions and ordinances, scvcral other references r Cie cmlmlled in the design of the u11!raded s\ including the following: Grrio'b' illf's/i,r•1'lrhlic II ester.Grhrlir•r,Depa►llncnl of I Icallh,Em•irrnuncntal licallh Vioglamc. Dig isirn►of Drinking Wirer, Mail Slop LD-1 I.Olympia, WA 98501. Seplcn►bcr tr)Ci. + Rr r�„rrn,.n�hvl,�Ynrr�lnrilc rrr 11 wer• II ork.c,;1 ('ommillee Rrpor7 of the(irenl l.nke.c-ilrlrer 1/i«iccihl+i MITI'1?0(11'rlOPYInlr•.Snnitnrr l•.nlZinrer:c. 7,2 1►r•sil!n RCquirCnu•n1s 1 he foll(milll!licl sunlnlarizes the ptescliplive tegniremenis applicable to the CVi'CWS as set G11111 in 111t.1rr!nlaliolls;Ind oldinanccc lisicrl in the pleviolls scclion: • Daih S1111ply Rrgnirenlenl -The nlinitnmn ptoIlnction capabilily of the source will be R00 gallralc per iccidemial connectimi per dm (?R.9010 gallons per day local). • NIaNIllmill Io0:1111 nlcous Den►and-1 It('pr•lk How 1:11c rot the CVI•CWS will be 85 gpn). • Slan,lht• "Im1pe-The mininitnn slandby slompe t•olun►e shall be 000 gallons per connection of 21.600 gallons Intal. • 1 11n•1lirltiral -E(plall/alimi slopes."'colnmc sluill be Cgiml lo*tllc pro(hlclmll deficit (m•I\innlm inclantanronc drn►aml minne c,nncC plofirclion talc) for 150 minutes. + I►cli�, rt 1 r :n►r_-The mininmm d-lilCI. p1r«1nC of ct•en•connection shall he 30 psi under kb\�imnnl 1110:lnl:lnrnns DCnrn,rl 11mv colldilil,nc mcasnled at the ploperly line of •-r•n�l,•,li�,n ��•t�r�l • I irr I I,w, - I hr CVI CWS is 111111 1111111 file Ilow lequirenlenls. idler P. hlillrr, p.1?. 01/13/1" 3 ti r' ce(tir vim—Traces commanily Wafer Syslcn► Proiccl Report Section 3: '1 echnical Description 3.1 SNSlcm Schcnialic A cchccnlalic diagram of file C%TCWS is shown in higorc 3-1. 3.2 \Water Rights Grrnmml a:nler tights for file CVI'C%\,S well. gtantcd ender certificate G2-27222C of ptiotily date O(1„lot 76. 1947.anlhotim 12 acts-feel per year at a maxi rim un rate of 42 Rpm. 1?•:pancirnl of Ihr cyclCnl to 16 ennneclirntc gill tctinire a minimum of 18 acre-feel per year ni111mlramal: application for additional %haler tights have been sltbntilled for 6 acre-feet per year and 95 flint. Copies of the water right and the nwtt applicaliorl arc cnnlained ill Appendix 1. 3.3 Som re I h�('V 1( VS«mice is a G"cased%yell compictcd in October. 1980.The complelcd depth is 24R k-1 1 It,- well is filled ailh 10 feel of(►.ow" cl;tinlccc clecl screen and a 30 foot benlnllite surface A copy the arll(hillcr's tcliml is cmmlainc•rl in Appendix I. t„ ntrtni. eh n1i ;tl analytic of%tell w;llcr drum• nm c•nnlantinaills exceeding file NICl,linlilc: h, tm 1ily�i a)1, 1 shme(1 Ihal colifninlq arc ab,;ow. Copies.(►f the laboratory reports ate ,:mrml�lin••ml in ,�1ph�nlix I. N1,11-11(lix I :11ro col11:1111C a copy of Illy sanilary c•nnlrol zone cacenlent Covering 100 feel around Ih�well _.( 1%-ell I`nntlt 'I era 'I It(-1\01%%ar Immp Icctecl fin fimr hrnns rill Dce-cmbcr 17. 1980 using a 7-1/2 hp Jacuzzi lest pump. 'I he sHli,%%alel level way nlcarmcd at IRR F.-cl, 1 he%yaler level stabilized if 198 feet Ohcn pnngmcd at 95 gpnl. The%%alcr level in the casing►ecm•cred in 12 minutes after file pump sinpped. .1.1; Well hemp and Appurlenances 'I lie 1%011 is cminihped%%ilh a Sla-Rite model J.4n1'I IS. 5 hp. 17 singe.snbnlersiblc 4"pump. The pnrnp is cci ai 1'►5 feel nn 2"schednlc•111 galvanized pip,. Pump operalion is conlrollcd by a float ctyilch in the tecctyoir. 1 he hell howl is co(npleled %%ilh a pillesm:adapter, flowmelet. gate valve, an(i waler sampling tap. 3.6 Slorage Itesenclir 'I he melflow of file storage rcscnoir is RS feel higher than file well head.The transmission main Flom the%cell Io the resen•oir will be 4 inch. AWWA C900 PVC pipe.The source production capabilily of the well.%%hcn pumping info the tcscnoir al the overflow level.will be 56 gpnl.The storage rcgnircmenl is: Allen R. Miller. P.E. n t/I z/'tz 4 r 1 ('velar Vice-Tracts Connnmity Nola S%slem Project Report Equalization Storage: 4,440 gallons Slandby Slorage: 21 601�alIons Total Sloage: 26.040 gallons I he ctrnapc rccenoir%%ill be a low profile,rectangular concrelc lank.The inlcrior dimensions %%ill he 16 feel 1%ide, 36 feel long and x feet high. Alloying for lost yolvimc(life to roof support colon►nc, noel lint and oycrlloly selling. td►c n-,ahle yolinnc oflhc resen•oir sill be 29.697 gallons. '1 he design speci licit ion for the reservoir is contained in Appendix 11. Significant fealures of the iccrryoir installalion include: Alme grade constnlctirnl Sclecncd vrnl FIe�:Ucd roof manhole yill,%%c ilher-tight, lockable cover Inside ladder Smelled overflow pipe di-,cImiging to daylight 24"above grade 1lolton drain pipe wilh yah•e Follr inch Ilancmicsicm pipe%%ilh valve Foul inch cdistlilultion pipe will valve Stanchion for mounting control floats and weather light conduits for control wires Six fool Security fence =.7 Distr•ihulinn fi%Nlcm Descriplion 1'hr penr►ol al langenlcnt of the of the walcr main-,-,cn•ivig the CVI-C%VS,shown in Figure 3-2. ioclndre Imo dkilibnlion zones: the glavih•Iacccniiied limer zone sen•ing 24 connections and 111C blloctri pump pressurized upper tole serving 12 conneclions. All connections arc n►elcr6l. Loner I'lessuie Zone-'This pollion of the dislrihnlion systern includes the 4-inch ncll to r^crfy(lil 11-ancil1krion pipe and an open loop syslevil of 4-inch, 3-inch and 2-inch distribution Lippe, All pipt•c:lie I'VC. piescme clay-,2110. I1Io%%-olTa-,cemhlies are provided al Ism•points in the disfribnlimi slgrm. An air-yacmnn yahc is inclallcd bclow llnc shut-offyakc at the reservoir. I1ppC1 V1eccnlr lone -'I his Poi lion of life edictrihnlion symcm is pressurized by a boosler station bodied ill :1 p11111pho11-,e located al the Ir-,elyoil cite. The peneral arrangcnncnl of the pump house if;elfin if in I irlr►r Z-1• 'I he boo;ler ,talion cralcieic of 11co SIa-Rite model I IR1SD. 3/41►p e-enllif lwil pump-,plumbed in Ila1:111d. 'I he pnviglc ale plolected against excessive cycling by I•I:vld"f rant c I pulp opclalion is cnimAIM by picecnle snitche-,and a primp ahcrinlor.The lead Lnnll.chic in 711 1G 1,6 and nw;.r,llt :if �,i psi: Ihr I:lf, pump c'olc-in a1 ill psi and elms-ovil at 50 L,i A 10--il 01 ?In v:01onc of blmldi•r lank vohmlr is icrinilcd: Imir 95-gallon Cott-Aire larks are iflo-ill"ll. '1 h- rli'<Ilihotion main cfincicle of Ills open loop In.-m lies of 4-inch and 2-inch class 1i1/1 I,Vf* pit:' 111/m fill :Iccr111bI1Cq :Inc 111cl:dlrll of tlir Irl;\ clelalimi poiwr1 In the 1yaler o n111-, :111,1 an air• :v nun► ,ale is imvilled vicar file pimp limire. Allen R. Miller. P.R. 04/13/93 S „ 22 21 13 -T7 � J -�� --- CD 15 �i Vl -J �j 23 ,n 13 tr, 14 25. 1_V ?5 13 —_y Reservoir �R 7 j3 �- - �- F\J— —N 32 —�� 34 35 36 A 0 0 r/7 0- 5 10 L+ , 11 0 3 Cedar View Tracts Community Water System Schematic Diagram 12 cedorvw\schernex.cad a0'blta 7mtleptYMrst Mho II K IIQRLY t , © 3 � cvC 9 7 ti rl7 � p _p15 22 7 t r ,_~ st nl m rvE 4 � 2"PC 5 tR 19 14 11 8 ' 6 73 :0 24 a 2f — --— ro h Q- f��ttmp I;r!wrt It 2 fvc 4„+ -_p 3n 11 --�—°-- 28 , 77 p 31 — --- _—_..— , 1..n,l: Z 2.,PVC IN 33 CJ Cy 31 -34 -[J 3r 100 0 200 400 T'= 3CK) ' CEDARV IEW TRACTS WATER SYSTEM Sery ice Area Map CEaARVV\w+F2.Cno � z 0 0 EIeciricol Pone I ad Cnntrols Pressure Fi11/f Gale seyr IP Top CA,� - 11 ?Prr^SUre P.elief Valve --_ -- - _Il Bloddcr gIaM,7r 81addcr BIodder Tort Toni long Tonle PUMP HOUSE ARRANGEMENT ('ed;►r View Tracts Conln►unily Water SNslcln Project Report Section 4: Hydraulic Analysis 4.1 Methodology The following hydraulic analysis is based on Bernoulli's equation for cncipy conservation in a hydraulic syslem. 7 Y 2g Y 2fi where %I.%, arc input and output cicvalion heads in feet arc input and output pressures in feet arc input and out velocity heads in feet 2g ASP. hf is friction headloss in feet from the Hazen-Williams formula: (1+��r)X lL X(loo Ill _.z1►83 x 4m$' uficre Q is flow in gpm C is pipe friction coefficient: C=1 SO for new PVC pipe C=l 10 for new galvanized pipe D is inside diameter of pipe in inches L is length of pipe in feet PF is a penally factor to account for aging and other losses. A penally factor(PF)of 15%is assumed in following hydraulic analysis which is consemitive. Allcn R. Miller, P.li 04/13/93 9 of MCINO 3'd•»II!W 'd 113IIV L Lti _ 1'84 9£ 10•1 Z'SS bZ 101 8'5L L'I L HZ I '1 r L'09 6'85 9Z 10"1 0'59 8'Z9 8l 10,1 Z'117 L Or PeJl1 113:11 S'rL £-ZL h 10-1 £'fiS I'YS Z 110 I £'GS 0'SS L'£S _ 910-1 (►'SS -- --- p'SS - -- — �iliijliiislV I11e.1.»hPi�tl ------- - ----- - _ -- — - - tsd tsd sutulV uulingltlsl(I uilsix_l __ uullutlltlsl(l 311Iss3.111, 1-Z'r DINW.I. -tuJIS(s uulluklplslp Dyl ill MOI]uu sl Dwtll IMI!IIuJ bl :1111:1 i'douls )III u3ilm uuiluqu►sip Dmssatd Dill smotls Dnusajd uu►tulxt;ut p31. 11ut uutnlua)y 1. uuu (111V ul JUTAJJ sl puuuwp Dtll pue Du nlu.►uuilecilunb')Dtll pAItapslp stay 1.111;1 DJutols )Ill u.,y►t uollnhilthlp DutssDid Dili s.»utis mull jud pJytctu uuuy03 OtI.L TZ'r DWu,L Ill pDuu:unuus alu su.�lt:ut: WHO sllus3i DILL'SA%J.I AJ DUI Jo su.ileut;Dlluetp.(tl Dyl Ju sllusDi Dill sulup,ua Ill xIpu3ddv Danssa.�,l.faa.t,lltU Z'r uudaH IDDfwd tuDISSS 13111M,(Iiunuuttu,)slaet I mDIA IUR) � it Cedar Viet% 'Tracts Con►11n1,16 \Voter Svslem hoiecl Rcporl Section 5: Nlartagemenl Program 5.1 Syclent (ht vice Sbip and Management 11"llonsil►ililics 1'he CVI'('\VS is mened by the propeth•mcners served by the system. Day-to-day management tcepottsibilitc tcrzidr5 uilh the Syslctn Manager: Mr. Jim 7cslicld P.O. 13ox 159 Rclfair. WA 99529 Mr. Icstield can be tcachcd al (206)275-6681. 5.7 Operaling and Maintenance Pro1!rs1111 Plan The operation and ntanagentenl of Ilse CVI'C1VS shall be accomplished as described herein. 5.2.1 Sen ice Policies 'I he CVFCWS scn ice policies arc: I. Ptov ide%calcr sen-ice to all member properlies within the service area upon request be the lit Opel Iy o%%ner and upon payment of prescribed fees. h. Provide reliable cater service in full compliance with D011 Drinking Water Prgnlations to its members at reasonable col. c. Respond promptly to customer complaints. d. NotifY members of emergency condilionc and their impact on%\a1cr ser.icc on a timely basis. 5.2.2 \Water S%slcnt Records and 'Technical D:113 Copies of all Irchnical literalore and r1:11a eoncetninl;the scsten►and its compolients shall be mainlaincd. 'I hcsc tecotds shall include: NVatcr Right Sanilan•Control Eascmcnl Well Log Pun►p'lcst Report Well Pnmp Specification Rooster Ptnnp Specificalion Ungincct's Project Report and Conclntctiott Doctnnenls N\'alcr Onality Reports 0114i6►nt Monikning Plan.O&M himmal. and other planning data Cot Icspondcnce AN-ill)stale and local bcahh agencies Melding l.og ('ontplainls All-t► P Kltller. P.E. 04/1 t/93 1 I 1 ' Cedar View Tracts Community Water Systcm Project Report 5.2.3 % ater Quality Testing Water samples shall be taken for laboratory analysis as summarized herein. Complete information concerning water quality testing is contain in Washington Administrative Code section 246-290 published in DOH Drinking Water Regulations. Bacteriological Analysis-Coliform samples shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with the CVTC%VS Coliform Monitoring Plan which establishes the collection sites and frequency of collection. The Coliform Monitoring Plan will be completed before the upgraded system is put into service. At Ibis time, it appears that there will be five primary collection sites that require n►onthlY sampling. Inorganic Chemical and Physical Analysis -DOII Drinking Water Regulations requires that all communily water systems have one complete Inorganic Chemical and Physical Analysis from each ground water source or well field every thirty six months. Radionuclides Monitoring-DOI I Drinking Water Regulations requires that all community water systems monitor for radionuclides once every forty-eight months, provided that if the first measurement exceeds 50%of the NICL, then quarlerly nieasurenients must be taken in the initial year. 5.3 Repairs and Maintenance Ilousckccping-The folio%%ing rules apple to the housekeeping and sanitation of the CVTCWS: • Personnel shall %%ash their hands with soap and%%arm water before taking water samples or pciformint!any other task involving close contact with the system. • The pump house shall be kept clean and orderly. During humid seasons,the pump house ventilation loux-crs shall be opened to discourage excessive condensation. • No storage of materials or equipment not necessary to the watcrnorks shall be permitted in the pnnip 110i1se. Storing or spreading garden chemicals(fertilizers,pesticides, herbicides, petroleum products) scar the well shall be prohibited. • No chemicals, solvents, garden supplies, fuels,or paint shall be allowed in the pump house. (Propane storage in a properly installed and inspected storage tank is permissible.) • Utensils stored in the puniphouse shall be placed in clean, scaled enclosures such as a zip- lock type s,urdwich bags. • T he pumphouse door, security gate, and reservoir manhole hatch shall be kept locked when not in use. Maintenance-The CVTCWS is essentially automatic and does not require continuous operagtor attention. it does require periodic inspection to ensure that equipment is operating properly and that system assets are not suffering duc to weather,vandalism, or other effects. In the event of ��cll problems, inipioper operation of electrical or plumbing equipment or water quality failures, gratified contractors and/or consultants shall be called in. if the problem will interfere with future water service, patrons shall be notified either by door to door calls, telephone,or road-side reader boards. The following list identifies contractors and agencies qualified to perform work onCVTCWS facilities. When necessary,other contractors or specialists may be retained. Allcn R. Millcr, P.E. 04/13/93 12 Cedar View Tracts Community Water System Project Report Problem Contact Telephone Well Malfunction Nicholson Drilling Under round Locator SN-slcn►Plumbing Nicholson Drilling SN•sle_m Electrical Nicholson Drilling Pun► Scn•icc Nicholson Drilling Traffic Control Count • Sheriff Enrer encv Medical Medic 1 Water Quality 5.4 Emergency Response Emergencies arc of three kinds: sen-ice intern►ption due to system malfunction, real or suspected contamin: i r I►t o► of the grater supply,and threats to life and property due to structure failure of s-stcm equipment In all cases the priorities for dealing with the emergency are: 1. Protect life and properly 2. Nolif'v the public, including appropriate health agencies 3. Restore interim water service expeditiously 4. Restore full service In the event of system malfunction, such as broken w�aler main or pump failure,the emergency response shall be to shutdown the system to prevent furiher damage to the system or the property of others. An appropriate contractor shall be called to affect interim repairs,and notify patrons of the situation including;the anticipated repair schedule. Notification can be by telephone, road- side reader boards or by other means. In the event of bacteriological test failure,DOH shall be notified and follow-up action initiated as prescribed in WAC 246-290-320. Repeat samples shall be taken immediately to confirm the first indication and patrons shall be notified. If the repeat samples confirm coliforin presence,DOH shall be promplly informed of the circumstances and further action taken as they direct. In the event of suspected contamination of the water supply resulting,for example,from evidence that someone has broken into the reservoir, sen-ice shall be immediately interrupted,patrons notified and the incident reported to the cogni7mit health agency and law enforcement office,The specific response will depend on specific circumstances, in general, the compromised water should be discharged to waste. the tank and appurtenances should be flushed,disinfected and refilled from the well, and water samples liken for analysis. 5.5 Conseration Program The purpose of waler consen•ation program is to minimize water waste, educate water users in methods of water consen•ation and motivate water users to save water. 5.5.1 Metering, Policy The CVTCWS has a policy of Watering all water sources and individual service connections. Not all connections are currently metered, but complete metering will be accomplished during the upgrade program. Allen R. Miller, P.E. 04/13/93 13 r Cedar View Tracts Community Water Systcm Project Report 5.5.2 Rate Design Currently, a flat rate is charged for water service and there arc no plans for immediate change to that rate design. After installation, meter readings will be taken to determine the actual consumption by the system. If usage patterns are discovered that indicate excessive or unfair usage by a small number of patrons, the offenders will be notified and asked to limit their usage. If voluntary conservation measures fail, consumption based water rates will be considered. Toward that end,an inverted block rate structure will be considered,whcreby users will pay more for increasing blocks of usage. Seasonal water rates are not contemplated. 5.5.3 Water Conservation Education The water conscn•ation measures include informing patrons of responsible water swing practices. Water Sm,ing Guidelines and or similar materials available from DOH shall be prodded to patrons 5.5.4 Leak Detection and Correction Leak detection and correction is an important clement of water conservation. Once installed, meters will assist in identifjing and locating system leaks. Leak detection involves the following steps: a. Inspection of all water main routes periodically. Suspicious wet spots shall be investigated and, if required,repaired. b. Periodic meter reading will be taken for the purpose of establishing baseline statistics for future use in identif}ing leaks. Source meter and individual meter readings will be compiled and compared.The total water delivered to patrons should equal the total water pumped from the well;if they differ significantly,one or more water leaks are indicated. 5.5.5 Meter Testing and Repair If and when meter based water rates are introduced, meters will be tested when requested by the patron and all meters will be routinely tested on a periodic basis. Where significant meter error is uncovered,the meter will be repaired or replaced. 5.5.6 Seasonal Conser-ation Police The CVTCWS has adequate source capacity to serve the projected demand and has no significant interference from other water systems. For time to time. however. it may be desirable to reduce peal: consumption to ensure adequate supple for essential uses. To cover such cases, patrons will be informed of the conscn-ation need b\ means of roadside reader boards, telephone message or mailings. When circumstances dictate, outdoor watering will be controlled by a voluntary irrigation water conservation program where lawn watering is allowed on alternate days based on odd%even street addresses. Alton K. hlilic:. P.-- Cedar View Tracts Community Rater S.\•stcn. Proicc:Report Appendix I: Reference Data Sanitary Control Zone Easement Water Right Certificates Well Drillces Report Pump Test Report Well Pump Specification Inorganic Chemical Analysis Booster Pump Specification Alton L. Nliltc:. (14,1 N? .. Cedar Vice T racts Communiiy Water System Prpic,t Repon Appendix 1I: Storage Reservoir Design Specification Alta:L. lt4iltc.. PI (1411: 1 • / 1;a�JFIUV� NIA1f Of WA1111N1.fON DEPARTMENT 01:ECOLOi:Y CERTIFICATE OF WATER RIGHT Sill lal'l'WclCl 0, -r•d in accndance will,the mmisims of Chapter 117,laws nl W.nhi7ton lot 1917.and bnlrcdrnents thereto,and the rules and reou tat ions of that Department of Ecology.) . DX Ground Water (lisued in accordance riidt the provisions of Chapter 263,Laws of Washington to 1945.and amendments thereto,and the Jules and repdahoos of the Department of cotoify.l flit,"111.l a•I/A I r APeL ICAI IUN NUMIAL 14 1'1,I40A11 NUMBLR C ER71FICAIL NUMttEn ' Oct ohC>;_14.198r 2_772227 G 2 22�22 r '- t:r•c111 View Tracts, Inc. c/o Jim Jesfigld i rn!I11 it:fly) I%TAIIl InP tour i PON 11 Bel fair WAahi—ton 91159A I tit•.,<to rettify that the herein named appitcanf has made proof In flie salislacfron of the Department of Ecoingy of a oghf In it,,-u•.i•1•1 flit-puttliC tv.ders of file S1.1le of W,Ishulgfun,ls herein defined. old u nder and sl/ecibcall y subleCl 11 fife piuve..nxfs .r 11a"Pet!tothe,permdissuedill•theDepatlmerllofCcology.arirlfhdfsald'#giltfofileu::eofsandwafershashet•nperIt-tled ,v , rt,r,l,itict-it,flit the fatt's of file St,Ile of Washiliglon,and is heIeby conloriled by the Department off Culopy and entered ' t•r rr,roid as shown•boil is limtfed to an amount actually beneficially used PUBLIC WATER 10 BE APPROPRIATED _ 7. W, I I •• •' 1, 1111 1•14%1.ttfit• MA ip h,l,t t:At1</nC rya M1•itill Mn,ll.0 tM Al ill-,II I PIN yIAN 42 12 .__.t.111. 1..•1 .11 ..•.1.1.1 M,11,(11 1e4 12 aclo feet per year Community domestic sulgtly As needed year.round LOCATION OF DIVERSION'WITHURAWAL „PP..11<1'11-il I.O(.ATION.,i UIVt115I0N WII111)1IAWAl. 1,z00 feet South and 450 feet Fast of the West quarter Corner of Section 30. i•-.�•11 I-'4111•,I, %IAI 1171 IJ.•AI 1a nnrv11a1,g1 sit n/1N n,.N u•.�IN'e,. nnri,,l.n.uu R.t w.Al. w.N.LA. eouNly i0 71 1W 15 Mason _ RECORDED PLATTED PROPERTY ''•' f'f (Uli,I. WWI (11 1'L A t 0I4 AUUII IUN) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ON WHICH WATER IS TO BE USED h• it-'• .,f 1•ot 4 of Sec.. 30, T. 23 N., R. 1 W.W.M. F•1CF11111G therefrom the West fin feet for r•luuf•, luau known a, Mission Creek Road; and exceptirrl also roads, if any. TOGF.TIIEItWl111 a I-11—Iti tl non-exclusive casement 40 feet in width for road purposes only, over and along an „lti railrr•ad grade in the Easterly portion of said Government Lot 4 and lying Southerly of t h'• '•I, "f• described real estate. Plns a portion of SFSSI:S of Sec. 25, T. 23 N.. R. 2 W. I.—Jal Descriptions - .lohn if. Johnson Short Flat ""' t it 11 "1 ::I:',St:'! Sec, :',. T. 23 N., R. 2 W.W.M., Mason County, Washington. 'I i'1 i n.11 l ract r11 I:.Ir:t f iv" acreS of the NSSFSSFS of Sec. 25, T. 23 N., R. 2 W.W.M., in Mason County, ::...:hill rtral, "Xcuvi inq it rvrrtion thereof described as follows; Starting at the SW corner, go "1 t h I'*1 f••r•t: theft Shut heasterly to a Point 130 feet from the SF. corners then Southerly I "' !•, the SF. r•,,rnor; then Westerly 330 feet to the SW corner. L• tat D<act ills it'll.^. hr. ,'. fIJ,•on Short Pint 1„r 1 i u •:1 f hr. St.,Tf.h 41j0 tent of the. East 450 feet of 9%%SFS Sec. 25, T. 23 N., R. 2 W.W.M. r i•i i if.,I Tract 4nhe•n• inv at. Lilo SF: 'corner of the SESSF'a of Sec. 25, T. 23 N., R. 2 W.W.M., thence South '•""f1."lr." Went Alonq the South line of said subdivision 419.42 feet to the True Point of 1, 111hinv; Lhen.x IFlorth 2.0*13'511" East 272.12 feet; thence South 78e46'47" East 171.53 feet i•.•'•' r" 1" 14) Lhc wc•::I,•rly right of way line of Mission Creek County Iioadl thence 1 11h•-nf•tr,1'Y alcmy said light. of wny line 275 feet more or lesp to North line of the „niht rly 4`,0.00 feet. of SEsiSElf of said Sec. 25; thence South 88*02116" West along said ''• nth line 41', feet more or less to a line parallel with and 450.00 feet West of the East I i i I the SF.'4SF.'., of said Sec. 25; tI'rpF%,,&p j&,BQi 38'33" West along said line 450�t On e,E ffe L RTIFIEATE • 3?� rk 37 In I:hr South line_ of the SF'4SWo of said Sec. 25; thence North HR•02.16" Fast alonry said South line 30.S►.1 fret to the 'Prue Point of Beyinning. L#ya 1 1'cscr .tpt ions - John if. Johnson Short Plat I-i f i-ii 1-f Sr'A!;17'.t St!c-. 25, 1'. 23 H., 1+. 2 W.W.M., and portion of South 3/4 of Government Lot 1, ?4, 1'. 23 if., R. 1 W.W.M., Mason County, Washington lying East_ of Mission Creek I inival 'tract. ' '1'h- ►I.+rth 750 feel_ of the West 300 feet of the S3/4 of Government Lot 4, Sec. 30, T. 23 N. I'. I W.W.M., togct.her with that portion of the Sr-.%SF5 of Sec. 25, T. 23 N., R. 2 W.W.M., ""Surly of the easterly right of way line of Mission Creek County Road, except the u�!i 115.UU feet of said SIASFA of Sec. 25. Except Roads. n; IJ l•1� . ri.` 11. ' "!'�0 �•� uST.cw-Mr., COVENAUT REVAK Fv SG 4 The grantor s herci.n XX (arc the nwror� of (gK)tRMrxXc►) the following described real esta o si tun.tad in Mason _ � Ccin:t;;, State of Washington, to .-,it: The N . 1 of Gov Lot u, Sec 30. T.23N. 'Z 1 W, Y1.1.7. herein, Tim Jesfie.ld and Nolson 'RyArly �c n7•n and operztc a well and waterworks Punplying water for public {:sc!� l.ocnt,A ulron the .fol.lowing descirbed real ostate situtnted in Mason Ccunt•y, Stnte of Washington, to wit: �„ �.►_, , „-r�.Ft,':: .r:r Tract 4 of H pps Short 111at 111-80-4; See attached legal description. ;rhiell r:^]1. grid «�i:�i nrlcr is in close proximity to the land of the gi'ai Itor_�. nni nnid grmiten i.r. (:ire) rnrlui.rnd to keep the water supplied from csirl free from imloiri.t.i.es which might hn injuri-ous to the public henl.th. I t is the purpose of these l;rants and covenants to prevent certain rractictn^, }r•rre.i.na:Fter er,umer�rI:ed. in thi: una-of 'thf-• •snid grantor a land Which might eon- tami nate said water cuppl-y- P(Wi, Tl}1 UFFOli} , in conni.deration of One Pollar ($1.00) in hand paid and other �' rnnft and vnlunbl.e conni dernti on renei.ved by said grantor , the grantor ' r)wl novPn-►ut withthel;rrrnt:r`n , it;:-, :successors and assir , said ` c•n:�:r.int:^ to run c;i.th the land for i.lic benefit of the land of the grnntce that; nr►i.rl grantor , itr• (their) heirs, rir••ccssor. and assigns will not eon- i.rrr,•t, mnantnin or nuv'.1res.sorn and anni.gnn 1111 nest construct, maintain or rnt•t'or to hn ec n^t:l'L1Ct.�cl cr mni.ntainad upon the snit'. land of the grantor ' n,A •,•;i.t:hi n 100 ( - ) feet of the well of the grantoej�_, so long as the r"rn^ i.c crnr n�:nd to furni nh �,ater fre public c•-)nsumpti-c.n, any of the Sollorring: . •:-, h �1 r^.: r: , pri.vi.en, ^crti.c tanks, drninfi:l+ls, manure piles, garbage ni' :n y Ic i n•1 or d�n�-ri.pt•.i nn, barns, chicken houses, rabbit hutches, pigpen•^•, �, the ► sari o^urP nr r.tr-.rctrrreq fr r the keeping or mni.ntenance of fowls or ' n.r ^toragr! of li.grrid or troy chemicals, herbicides or insectiei(ie^. �11 Pt1F.^^ hand this /3,4ay of -.e. C(.L2c 1.9 r{ ,—.(Seal). . ---- / (Seal) Grpi')tor 1 Coiinty 11 thA undnrs.irned, a Notary Public in acid fort��e ahwe named County an.i State, 17„ n .r,r c t'• crti. ' that on thin /.3 Yh �lnv ofFtb4Ceov 19 r, . , personally to be the indi.vidu:r.l.,I5 described in and who executed the within and nel no^+jnrlge that ho (they) signed nnri sealed tlla same` :►nfl vol u►rtr;r.; net and deed, for thn uses and purposes wherein mention^d. Ttnfler my lied and official real the clay and year last above .errit en. l J (UJ Notary Public:in'& fo ohe S ate`.ofta7ashington. Reni.di.ng at r 1 File Orlinnal and First Copy with Application I� ',:.,'................................ Department of F,cology WATER WELL REPORT Second Copy--Owner's Copy Third Copy-Driller's Copy STATE OF WASHINGTON Permit No. .... ......„. (1) OWNER: Name........__'....:.......:r.. .: • l Lj...............__..._......._—............... Address.............................. .. 2 LOCATION OF WELL: County...............: .r —..............i, _...........i1i Sec.....„.._.... T.............N.. R.............W.M. Prating and distance ion corner from section or subdivision — ---- - - ----- —(a) PROPOSED USE: Domestic-❑ /10 Industrial Q Municipal \ ) WELL LOG: Irrigation Q Test Well ❑ Other ❑ Formation: Describe by. color,character,size of material and structure,and show thickness of aquifers and the kind and nature of the material in each stratum penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. (4) TYPE OF WORK: 'wner's number of well (if more than one).... ..................................... MATERIAL FROM TO New well ❑ Method: Dug ❑ Bored ❑ Deepened ❑ Cable ,Q Driven - Reconditioned ❑ Rotary❑ Jetted ❑ (5) DIMENSIONS: Diameter of well .....i........._........ inches. Drilled _.. _.___..ft. Depth of completed well.. ....:-L...... ....._St. 1;t li l V 7 :r i•. l (6) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: _ '"` Casing installed:...'............ Diam. from ..J.-.__ et.•to _ it. _ t 7.ari 3 i)! F.vC: _ Threaded ❑ ................•. Diam. from ............. ft.to ft. 0 t - t. j' Welded ❑ .................. Diam. from ....„.......- ft. to ...._......... ft. Perforations: Yes ❑ No❑ Type of perforator used........................... :._......... „ _._.._.....-._.... SIZE of perforations ....._....................... In. by „...._.....___ in. .................... perforations from ........................ ft. to .._._.__._...... ft, ........................ perforations from __..„..._...„. .. ft. to „_._..... _.._. ft. ........................ perforations from ........................ ft.to ........ it. Screens: Yes❑ No❑ Manufacturer's Name......._.__.„, Type......_.:.. ,. ._....1.....F;..„..---............. Model No.-...-----......... Diam. ..... .......... Slot size . L�....... from .....: .F;ft. to 24U_n. -' Diam. ................ Slot size .............. from ............__ ft. to ........ _ ft. _ Gravel packed: Yes ❑ No p size of gravel: _._...„.„.___.... Gr:•vel placed from .......................„..........ft.to.........._..................._.. ft. Surface seal: Yes 9 No ❑ To what depth? ...._A!)-----._. Material used in seal_.....r.z,?f..f c:?L::1.t-ri...._............... „„„_„...... Did any strata contain unusable water? Yes❑ No Type of water?.................................... Depth of strata............_-_--..._.... Method of sealing strata oR....._.............. ........._ ......_............................... - (7) PUMP: Manufacturer's Name.......................................................„.„._... __..... Tvpe: 1 - (8) AVATER LEVELS: Land-surface elevation ` above mean sea level.... .............. _...it. Static level .....ft. below top of well Date 4. {y Artesian pressure .__....... lbs. per square inch Date............. Artesian water is controlled by...................................................._ — ICap, valve, etc.) __— (4) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is --- '— lowered below static level Work started._'..a:.:f............._..... 19..:_ :.. Completed....:. ....................... 19....... Waq a pump test made? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, by whom? ................................ Yield: gal./min. with ft. drawdown after hrs. WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT: __—___--.__ " •' This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Recovery Bala (time taken as zero when pump turned off) (water level mensured from well top to water level) T V p(' WF 1]. �) ].], i fl rl i_,p 1 rl C Time Wafer Level Time Water Level Time Water Level NAME....................-..r...............................5..............n. i...........a...............t... (Person, firm, or corporation) (Type or print) ............:..::.......... ......... ..................................... Address................. ...��'.. ij o.. :i Q. "1.' V�.d...`� ��:�.�............. . .. ..... .... ... .!................................... ...................................� Date of test _. __.. .. ............................ (Signed].....I . �l 4 naller test t gal./min. with....?. . .......ft. drawdown after„.+._.__._.tits. (well Driller) Artrslan flow .. .........g.p.m. Date............----............ _..._...__„.... / -7 -7 Temperature of water............ Was a chemical analysis made? Yes, 7 No❑ License No...l 0..1 Ci....... Date............._.................., 19.... 1.... r t' (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) ! i i� .Ti• '�1� �'� A'��{ ,'�;'xt t K��al ���� r��i,t Z 1 „•�J� Y,�., .� ,,y�{,. .jet`; �, �:�'1 ? b�,,`• � 1 1 7.4 •:T• B ` �,y '' t ' Japi r; ` y, + ^T 7 f 7 S'f 6►r L L ij N F J j► t t'Y� t ! • '; '. "11f ►`, N!•1w-1 h •� 5. f� tSSS :, te��,. � _ �1 3• ..�. ta s lag ft q i TRst__ -05gpm 7+H .P . Jucuzzi Sub TyeR Pump Orilliny Co. . Cloudy S1 i gilt 10min. •yes. 14i3f t. 115gpm 10f t. 1 h�,_,...--• -- 198ft. F;59nm loft. Z.b>~a ..__ _ 1�ft. i .. A 5 9 P n' 10 f t• _ 3 h r.IV. _..__._..__. 198f t. 859Pm 1(►f t. 4h1.a.....�_, _. f;kd off) t Water rPturnAd to static in 17min. J.• wre �•{ i's�(i�ihy!fir +. ���. �:1 a"S'�•x .;te, J• i 4 6.. y J i '�.' (. r,.s► t f.ai' .{Y,�f''� R t 34 submepsible F. � x 17 Pumps D 600 1 500 S Hp A 1 E i C aoo z T 300 J HP t z Dimensions(in inches)are 8 ' a for estimating purposes only. p ?HP zoo �--F.-...I 9 1'1.-2 HP IF "I,IyF- r.. s C n ( too 1-12 5 24-3/8 4-12 13-1/4 6-5/8 3-13/16 3-5/8- 2 7 29-3/64 4-12 17-15/16 6-5/8 3-13/16 3-5/8 3 10 36-3/64 4-12 24-15/16 6-5/8 3-13/16 3-5/8 0 10 20 30 40 so eo 70 5 17 54-53/64 4-12 43-23/32 6-5/8 3-13/16 3-5/8 1 CAPACITY U.S.GALLONS PER MINUTE ___.-•_��, _��____._- . _ .�._.-��--- �-•--- --- I pi(P^I / SO 300 3:,r' 1011 45T 59(1' S5@ f'in I (: ..:. f�-,lint, f' r , •,. 0 - - 59.3 50.8 40.0 24.0 4.4 _30 46.6 35.5 22.0 9.1 1-112 40 40 33.1 18.8 1.5 60 0 - - 63.1 58.5 52.8 46.0 33.1 21.5 8.0 _30 56.4 50.0 42.4 34.0 24.8 11.5 2 40 40 48.8 40.8 32.0 22.8 12.4 _50 40.0 31.1 21.5 10.8 _ 60 29.5 20.0 9.1 0 - - - 61.0 56.4 1 51.4 45.5 38.4 23.0 4.0 30 63.0 59.5 60.0 51.8 47.1 40.4 32.8 23.5 16.4 3 40 __40 58.8 55.0 50.8 46.4 40.4 33.1 25.4 17.1 7.1 50 54.4 50.4 45.5 39.5 33.0 25.0 17.0 8.0 60 49.5 46.8 38.8 32.8 26.8 18.4 9.0 - -- -- -0 - - - - - - 59.1 64.7 50.6 43.7 35.3 26.1 16.0 4.2 30 - - - - 59.7 57.0 54.3 51.2 48.1 40.5 32.0 22.3 12.0 5 40 40 - - - 59.2 57.2 54.5 51.7 48.3 44.9 36.9 27.9 17.9 6.9 F5O - 59.0 569 549 51.8 48.5 45.0 41.0 33.0 33.2 130 60.7 58.7 56.5 54.3 51.9 48.6 45.3 41.3 37.1 21.6 18.1 7.3 CAUTION: DO NOT use pump at flow rates indicated by the symbol To do so can cause premature failure of unit. Pump warranty void when failure occurs under these conditions. Tested and rated in accordance with Water Systems Council Standards. NOTE: Pumps installed with a CON-AIRE"tank require a 100►relief valve.Pumps installed with a conventional tank require a 75/relief valve.Relief valve must be capable of relieving entire flow of pump at relief pressure. Printed In U.S.A. STA-RITE/a WICOR company 0 1991,Wo-Alm lrbustrles,Inc.,Deleven,Wl S4527WS(Rev.dAt) on to l Multi-Stage Horiz t Cen tri f u aPumpsl Je / g + . t � ; tlt.iiti%t rst.'E t�i+tE }►r�il�f.' 160 , I tto yy sF h4s � O 120 itoo ;� 1 W 1 zs• i sir NOTE: hatted linos indicate performance } 1 \ reduction at high suction lift. 60 1 1 125, 1\ 1 \ Pkq b 107 and Jet not required for shallow well i I' 11 1 11 11 \ \\ installations so NOTE: Pumps installed with a CON-AIREI tank f •I za 1 require a 100+'relief valve. Pumps installed with , 20 1�s' s �• t 1 � 1 10, I a Convenlional tank require a 75N relief valve. m i I I I�o• 16 ,p )o Relief valve must he capahle of relieving entire flog:of pup at relief pressure __ r 9 10 to 30 60 •50 so 70 CAPACITY U.S.GALLONS PER MINUTE - - I)icr I;;�r, 'f'reT•Shte- PSI f lr"s. I' r;I Shut 0}I !vrilrll url 204C 5'! t0 Pressu,e r' ':P.11inq I Of IT Gallnns Per Minute PSI -- 5 19.0 14.0 8.5 50 10 18.0 13.0 7.0 48 1/2 HMSC 20-40 15 17.0 11.5 5.5 46 20 16.3 10.5 4.0 44 25 14.5 9.0 2.0 42 5 34.0 28.5 22.0 13.5 60.5 3!4 HMSD 30-50 10 32.7 27.0 20.0 11.5 58.5 15 31.0 25.5 18.5 9.0 56.5 20 28.5 24.5 17.0 6.5 54 25 24.5 22.5 15.0 52 5 44.5 38.5 31.0 22.5 10.5 65 10 43.3 36.5 29.5 20.5 7.0 63 1 HMSE 30-50 15 42.0 35.0 27.5 18.0 60.5 20 39.3 33.5 25.8 15.5 58.5 _ 25 34.0 31.0 23.5 12.5 1 56 5 57.0 50.5 43.0 34.5 23.0 70 10 55.0 49.0 41.0 32.0 20.0 68 1-112 HMSF 30-50 15 53.0 47.5 39.3 29.5 16.5 66 20 50.7 45.5 37.5 27.5 12.0 63.5 25 42.0 40.0 35.5 1 25.0 1 1 61.5 2 STA-RITE.Built On Commitment. STA-RITE' .r ENGINEERING DESIGN SPECIFICATION Concrete Storage Reservoir ALLEN R. MILLER, P.E. A Professional Service Corporation P.O.Box 284 Bamwillc. R'A 99140 (206)638-1900 CON CTANK.DO� TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subiect Page 1.0 General 1 2.0 Site Preparation 1 3.0 Reservoir Design 1 4.0 On-Site Construction 3 5.0 Disinfection 3 6.0 Completion 4 1.0 GENERAL This specification covers work required to design and construct a non-pressurized concrete water storage reservoir. Work performed under this specification shall be accomplished in accordance with the specific requirements herein and in a workmanlike manner that in all respects complies with the requirements set forth in Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health regarding public water systems. Contractor shall guarantee the tank and appurtenant equipment covered herein for a period of one year against defective materials or workmanship including paint and painting. If any materials or workmanship prove to be defective within one year, they shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor. 2.0 SITE PREPARATION Owner will stake the construction site and access corridors before construction commences. Contractor shall clear and grade the site including access corridors. Contractor shall provide grade stakes to establish the finished grade of the tank base. Slopes shall not exceed 10 % without approval of the engineer; where required, suitable embankment shall be constructed in accordance with article 2-03.3(14) of the 1991 Standard Specification for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, State of Washington Department of Transportation. 3.0 RESERVOIR DESIGN 3.1 Dimensions and capacity The reservoir shall be constructed of reinforced concrete. The net usable volume of the tans: shall not be less than 27,000 gallons. Net usable volume shall be measurec from the top of the highest tank outlet mud-ring to the water surface at incipient overfiov., less the volume displaced by internal structure such as roof columns. The water surface shall not contact the reservoir roof. 3.2 Reservoir Siting The reservoir shall be sited in accordance with the site plan. Overflow and orair. , 1 pipes shall discharge to daylight in the direction of natural drainage to ensure that waste water flows away from the reservoir into a suitable drainage channel. At least 50 per cent of the water depth shall be above grade. Backfill shall not be higher than 2 feet below the roof to sidewall joint at any point. 3.3 Materials All materials and designs used in the reservoir design and construction shall provide stability and durability as well as protect the quality of the stored water. Pipes running through the concrete base, sidewall or roof of the reservoir shall have welded seepage flanges embedded in the concrete. 3.4 Base All footings shall bear on firm, undisturbed earth. Two four-inch inlet/outlet pipes with embedded flanges shall be cast into to reservoir floor as shown on the layout drawing. Each pipe shall be hot-dip galvanized steel inside and out and shall conform to ASTM A120. The interior end each pipe shall be designed to accommodate a removable mud ring of nominal 4 inch height to prevent sediment from entering the distribution system. The mud ring shall be mechanically attached to the inlet/outlet pipe to prevent unintentional removal during water inflow. The outside end of the inlet/outlet pipes shall run horizontally for a distance of 3 feet from the edge of the concrete base and terminate in flanged gate valves conforming to AWWA C500, iron-body, bronze-mounted, double disk with 0-ring seal and non-rising stem and standard square stem nut. The gate valves shall be housed in standard slip type valve boxes with cast iron covers installed according to the attached standard drawing. A six-inch drain pipe with embedded flange shall be cast into the reservoir floor as shown in the layout drawing. The drain shall be schedule 80 steel pipe cut flush with the tank inside floor to facilitate complete draining. The outside end of the pipe shall run horizontally for a distance of 3 feet from the edge of the concrete base and terminate in a flanged gate valve set 36" below grade with a tailpipe running to daylight. The gate valve shall be AWWA C500, iron-body, bronze-mounted, double disk with 0-ring seal and non-rising stem and standard square stem nut. The gate valve shall be housed in a standard slip type valve box with cast iron cover installed according to the attached standard drawing. 3.5 Sidewalls The sidewalls shall be water tight with no openings except as specified herein. Minor surface roughness and depressions left by snap-tie cones shall be filled with mastic filler suitable for use in public water systems. A continuous water stop shall be provided at the joint between the sidewall and the base. An overflow shall be provided as shown on the layout drawing. /, six-inch Schedule 40 steel overflow pipe through the side wall shall extend 6 inches inside the tank and be brought down the outside wall of the tank to an elevation between 12 and 24 inches above the ground surface and discharge onto a splash plate. The overflow pipe shall be securely attached to the reservoir wall. The overflow discharge shal! open downward and be screened with twenty-four mesh noncorrodible screen installed within the pipe at a location least susceptible to damage. Galvanized steel ladder rungs suitable for maintenance ingress and egress shall be embedded in the interior side wall under the man hole hatch. The rungs shall be spaced at 14 inch intervals with the uppermost rung not more than 12 inches below the hatch framing. The lowest rung shall not be more than 24 inches above the finished floor. A vertical 2" galvanized steel pipe stanchion for attaching float switches shall be installed within 24 inches of the man hole hatch but in a location that does not interfere with ingress and egress from the tank. The lower stanchion support shall be not more than 18inches above the finished floor and the upper stanchion support shall be not more than 18 inches below the joint between the sidewall and the roof. 3.6 Roof The reservoir shall have a cast-in-place watertight concrete roof with no openings except as specified below. The weather surface of the roof shall be crowned at 1/4 inch per foot for rainwater runoff. The top slab shall be designed for a live load of not less than 50 pounds per square foot. The roof shall incorporate an 30 inch by 30 inch access manhole located as shown on the layout drawing. The manhole shall be elevated 24 to 36 inches above the reservoir roof. The manhole opening shall be framed and shall be fitted with a close fitting solid watertight cover which overlaps the framed opening and extends down around the frame at least two inches. The manhole cover shall be provided with securing locking provisions. A water tight screened air vent shall be installed near the center of the reservoir roof. The vent shall be constructed of six-inch galvanized steel pipe with an inverted U terminating 24 to 36 inches above the roof and covered with twenty-four mesh noncorrodible screen. The vent shall tightly seal to the reservoir roof to prevent air, water or insect migration around the vent pipe into the storage chamber. Four watertight 1-inch electrical conduits shall be embedded in the reservoir roof to accommodate control wiring. The conduits shall be closely spaced and located between 18 and 24 inches of the manhole hatch near the float switch stanchion. The conduits shall extend between 2 and 4 inches above the roof surface and shall terminate in a rainproof fitting. 3.7 Painting The concrete surfaces of the tank shall be unpainted. Metal fittings and pipes exposed to the weather shall be thoroughly cleaned and prime coated prior to installation. After installation the surfaces shall be wire brushed and reprimed as necessary; if the prime coat has weathered for more than nine months, a full coat of primer shall be applied. Finish coat shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 4.0 ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION Contractor shall provide all materials and services required to construct and test the reservoir. All building permits, road use permits, traffic control arrangements and materials testing shall be responsibility of the Contractor. 5.0 DISINFECTION Contractor shall disinfect the reservoir and appurtenances in accordance with AWWA C652-86 and the requirements of the Washington State Department of Health. Contractor shall provide a water quality test report showing satisfactory bacteriological analysis in accordance with Washington State Department of Health Drinking Water Regulations 6.0 COMPLETION Contractor shall grade the area surrounding the site after the completion of construction to prevent surface water from standing within 50 feet of the reservoir. The prepared subgrade surrounding the reservoir and its appurtenances shall be surfaced with crushed rock substantially free of wood, roots, construction debris and other extraneous material. Contractor shall construct a chain link fence surrounding the water works as shown in the layout drawing according to Article 8-12 of the 1991 Standard Specification for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, State of Washington Department of Transportation. The fence shall include a 12 foot double locking gate as shown on the layout drawing. Contractor shall restore all road shoulders and drainage ditches damaged by this construction to their original condition. J d I � �,j�;•\ Yonho I e •�l e5etyo 50, 50' I 1 STORAGE RE-SERVO I R S ITE PLAN l C�A7ER) . 36"V,in. 48"Mox. • i1j. I. I 1 I I r j1t ES 1. Valve svid l,simlI rrl best Tvt0by lit,pin. 2. Set valve tc+vmfirr.udisirikrbeclsnil. 3. Volv!s cv r 4' �W I h!trcved In Rttri blryl in7 t; rr'' nn'_lfr' Ifvl"` 1. Cot iron v11.!tey/l itjW 01m, l nitn';r•i.^'!7"91. j 5. Voiv!trr!rt!rr.,inn;t*:ST:rh C-.rr!ri r! C. Valve Mr to t`^cnNttr i^r i1'Ir v.-.I:•�i�•,m i;. Al ion lid Id,r'ilhd1l e-I jm r•f r'nlfr r•lir . 1! E. gulf III c•,il Mall hp►�^Iv+riColl.crr{^'I!' 1 j 0 Instal l vnitF r^r t•f' .i 1iI-Mr-trr r.i; n ! I r t M tr ]r 1 11.�(vgl�Y7i:^RTtr.•0.1vytO 1 1l:. r' i I i ' I W.T E Vl.I�1rL I WTALL AT I ON j I Irr S:olc: ('AIEgr,IX CA) 1 5124x 1 � r i � I !.11101QSS iprkIl!.,-rviCe L0fWrnt io" r r, (r.,.7f t.K3ns-.i 11 ,111.9&14; j Cedar VicN%-Tracts Community Watcr System Proicct Rcpori Appendix III: Hydraulic Computations i Alice Y. Miller. P.E. 14"1"N" IIYDANALI .Xl_S CEDAR VIEW TRACTS COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM Point of Contact: Jim Jessfield - P.O. Box 377 I - - -- -- -Bel fair, WA 98528 275-6684 John Johnson Service Requirements Number of Connections 36 Maximum Instantaneous Demand 85 gpm total Daily Demand 28,800�gallons Water Right: G2-27222C � 26-Oct-871 - — ------------ — — 42 gpm 12 acre-feet/year Water Rig ht ht for additional water_ submitted. _ ICI 9 14�gpm - — 61 are-feet/year —�_- ---—— Note: Existing Water Right is insufficient for planned expansion. The maximum number (if services that can be served by the existing water riuht is 24. Additional water right required to serve 36 connections. Well Description: ' - - —-_ ---- - Driller I lyee Well Drilling Date Completed Oct, 1988 — Casing I 8linch Completed Depth 248 feet Well Seal 30 feet of bentonite grout I Screen 6" diameter, 0.060" slot from 238 feet to 248 feet Bailer 7 est SWL 188 feet -- -- - - ----- — Rate 35jgpm Urawdown 2 feet Duration 1 hour - - ---- - - _ - -- Pump Test Date 12/17/801 Il ester Tyee Pump and Drilling Duration 4 1 hours Pump 7.5hp Jacuzzi SWL 188 feet -- - ---------- -----_. ------ Page 1 1-iYDANALI.XLS PWL 198 feet Rite 85 ghm......-- ---- — Recovery 12 minutes _ Spec Cap 8.5 gpm/toot Production Pump Maker Sta-Hite Model I L40P4JS Power 5 hp ---- ------ Stages 17 _-- ------_- _ — Drop Pipe 2.067 inch GPM TDII-ft 0 530 ---- -- ------- -- - - 10 505 20 475 _ - --- 30 445 - ----_ -- 40 403 50 350 60 282 -- --- -- 70 200 _ 80 110 ------ ---- — i Well Performance Friction Factor 110 gaIv Friction Factor 150 PVC Penalty 15% Flow 55.4 gpm - — - From To Elev Length Diameter Friction Vel Hd Pressure — feet feet , inches feet feet psi _ SWL 7 0.0 SWL PWL 0 __---- -----0.0 - - - - Purnp -312.5 _ _ 135.4 _ PurTip Well Head 195 230 2.067 23.2 — _0.4 _ 40.9 Well Flead Seitz Dr. 195 260 4.23 0.5 0.0 40.8 Seitz Dr. Tank Tee 270 608 4.2.3 1.1 0.0 _ 7.9 Tank Tee Tank 280 35( 4.23 0.1 O.0 3.5_— ---, Tank Overflow 288 OI — 0.1 Page 2 HYDANAL1 .Xl_S Storage Tank Sizing Standby Storage 21,600 gallons Equalization Storage 4,440 gallons TOTAL STORAGE 26,040 gallons Tank T ype Low profile, rectangular concrete_ tank. Inside Length 16 feet Inside Width 36 feet _ Interior Plan Area 57.6 sq. ft. Number of columns 2 Diameter of Column 12 inches Net Plan Area _ 574 sq. ft. Interior Height 8 feet Mud Ring Height 4 inches Overflow Diameter 6 inches Bottom of Overflow 12 inches Working height 6.67 feet Working Volume 3,830 cubic feet Net Capacity 28,687 gallons Tank Features Screened Vent Manhole with weather tight, locking cover Inside ladder _ Post for attaching floats _ Overflow pipe _ Drain Pipe with valve Inlet from Seitz Drive main Outlet to upper booster station Security Fence Page 3 HYDANALI .XLS Gravity Distribution System_ Friction Factor 150 Penalty _ _ _ _ 15_% Connections served 24 Flow 61 gpm From To Elev Flow Distance Diameter Friction Pressure Max - psi feet gpm feet 1 inches I feet I psi Tank 285 0.0 0.0 Tank Tank Tee 270 61 35 4.39 0.1 6.5 6.5 Tank_ Tee Tap 13 200 61 480 4._39 0._8 36.4 36._8 Tap 13 Conn 13 200 15 15 1.189 1.1 36.0 36.8 Tap 13 Tee No 1 190 59 100 4.072 0_.2 40.7 41.2 Tee No 1 Tap 14 190 15 80 4.072 0.0 40.7 41.2 Tap 14 _ Conn 14_ 180 15 15 1;189 _ 1.1 44.5 45.5 Tee No 1 Tap 15 190 57 80 4.072 0.2 40.6 41.2 Tap 15 _ Conn 15 190 15 10 1.189 _ _ 0.7 40.3 41.2 _Tap 15 _ Tap 16/17 180 55 470 4.072 1.0 44.5 45.5 Tap 16/17 _Con_n 16 180 15 10 1.189 0_._7 44.2 45.5 Tap 16/17 Tap 18/19 180 51 130 4.072 0.2 44.4 45.5 Tap 18/19 Conn 18 180' 17 15 1.189 _ 1.4 43.8 45.5 Tap 18/19 Tee No 2 170 47 130 4.072 - 0.2 48.0 49.8 Tee No 2- Tap 20/_21 140 23 160 4.072 0.1 61.1 62.8 Tap 20/21 Conn 20 155 15 15 1.189 1.1 54.1 56.3 Tap 20/21 Tap 26 145 19 120 4.072 0.0 58.9 60.7 Tap 26 Conn 26 135 15 155 1.189 11.5 58.3 65.0 Tap 26 Tap 22/23 135 17 45 4.072 0.0 63.3 65.0 Tap 22123 Conn 23 135 15 15 1.189 1.1 62.8 65.0 Tee No 2 Tap 24/25 150 37 290 3.166 1.0_ 56.3 58.5 Tap 24/25 Conn 24 I 160 17 15 1.189 _ 1.4 51.4 54.2 Tap 24/25 Tee No 3 140 33 375 3.166 _ _ 1.0 60.2 62.8 Tee No 3 Tap 27 125 19 180 2.149 1.2 66.2 69.3 Tap 27 _ Conn 27 125 15 15 1.189 _1.1 65.7 69.3 Tap 27 Tee 29 110 17 65 2.149 0.3 72.5 75.8 _Tee 29_ _ Conn 29 90 15 300 1.189 22.2 71.6 84.5 Tee 29 Conn 28 110 15 25 1.189 1.9 71.7 75.8 Tee No 3 Tap_30/31 140 27 50 3.166 0.1 60.1 62.8 _ _Tap 30/31 _Conn_31 150 17 15 1.189 1.4 55.2 58.5 Tap 30/31 Tap 32/33 190 23 275 4.072 0.1 38.4 41.2 Tap 32/33 Conn_ 32 200 15 15 1.189 1.1 33.6 36.8 Tap 32/33 Tap 34 180 19 235 4.072 0.1 42.7 45.5 Tap 34 Conn 34 175 15 15 1.189 _1.1 44.4 47.7 _ Tap 34_- Tap 35 175 17 160 2.149 0.8 44.5 47.7 _ Tap 35 Conn 35 175 15 15 1 .189 _ 1.1 44.0 47.7 Tap 35 Conn 36 175 15 200 1 .189 14.8 38.1 47.7 LNte: Pressure Reducing Valves are required on all connections exceeding 70 psivery pressure I J - Page 4 HYDANALI.XLS Boosted Pressurization Syste - _ Friction Factor 150 _ penalty 15% Connections served 12 Flow 37 gpm From_ To Elev Flow Distance Diameter Friction Pressure Max -psi feet gpm feet inches feet psi Tank 285 37 0.0 Tank Booster 280 37 15 4.072 0.0 2.2 Booster 280 -121.9 55.0 55.0 Booster Tee 1 280 37 _ 20 4.072 0.0 55.0 55.0 Tee 1 Conn 6 280 15 40 1.189 3.0 53.7 55.0 Tee 1 Cross 270 37 25 4.072 0.0 59.3 59.3 Cross Conn 7 270 15 60 1.189 4.4 57.4 59.3 Cross Tap 5 275 23 60 4.072 0.0 57.1 57.2 Tap 5 _Conn 5 280 15 15 1.089 1.7 54.2 55.0 Tap 5 Tap 4 280 21 100 4.072 0.0 _ 55.0 55.0 Tap 4 Conn 4 285 15 15 1.189 _1.1 52.3 52.8 Tap 4 Tap 3 280 19 95 4.072 0.0 54.9 55.0 Tap 3 --- Conn 3 285 15 15 1.189 - 1.1 52.3 52.8 Tap 3 Tap 1/2 270 17 65 4.072 0.0 59.3 59.3 Tap 1/2 Conn 1 270 15 60 1.189 4.4 57.3 59.3 Tap 1/2 Conn 2 280 15 15 1.189 1.1 54.5 55.0 Cross RR Tee 270 23 90 4.072 0.0 59.3 59.3 RR Tee Tap 10/11 270 19 610 2.149 3.9 57.6 59.3 Tap 10/11 Conn 10 270 15 10 1.189 0.7 57.3 59.3 Tap 10/11 Conn 12 270 15 100 1.189 7.4 54.1 59.3 RR Tee Tap 8/9 240 17 2.149 - 0.0 72.3 74.5 Tap 8/9 Conn 9 240 15 1 .189 0.0 72.3 74.5 Booster Pump-Sizing- Minimum Requirement 37 gpm 70.4 Ft TDH Page 5 HYDANAL1 .XLS Recommended Booster Station Number of Pumps 2 Pump make Sta-Rite Pump Model HMSD Pump Power 0.75 HP Suction Port 1-1/4" Discharge Port TDH 1-Pump 2-Pumps feet gpm gpm 0 0 95 10 20 82 20 40 30 60 40 80 Bladder Tank Sizing For 0<Od<14, lead pump cycles Lead Pump Cut-in Pressure 35 psi Lead Pump Cut-out Pressure psi Pre-Charge Pressure —,-- 25 psi- Maximum Cycles per hour 6 Lead Pump at Cut-in j 30 gpm T_ Lead Pump at Cut-out 14 gpm Lead Pump average production 22 gpm Bladder volume required 240.0 gallons fW_14<Od<29 gpm, lead pump runs continuously For 29<Od<38 gpm, Lag pump cycles, lead pump runs continuously Lag Pump Cut-in Pressure __30,psi Lag Pump Cut-out Pressure 50 psi Pre-charge Pressure 25 psi Lag Pump 32 gpm Lag Pump at Cut-out 19 gpm Maximum Cycles per hour--]-- Lag Pump Average Production 25.5 gpm Bladder Volume Required 232.2- gallons For Od>38, Both pumps run continuously. Total Bladder Tank Volume Required 240.0 gallons Recommended Tank Tank Make Con-Aire Tank Model CA220 Tank Volume 85 gallons Number of Tanks 3 Pressure relief valve Required Release Pressure j 1 75 psi Two pump capacity at Release 0 gpm Valve manfacturer Watts Valve Model 3L Page 6