HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD99-0562 Final Mobile Home - BLD Permit / Conditions - 11/19/1999 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar � - P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 13 E T W EE 51.) AND 427--7262. BLb99--bP5G2 EzARCEL : 1 2 330 3290330 PLAT -. D I V - BLI: : L OT e ,TrB lsfaDRE'S;S : 260 NE SE I TZ OR BELs A 1 R OWNE14 : 1:EBEE',.AH HEVV I T T 360. 377-::357°2 CO'N 6 RACTQR : B CAN MOB i L.E SVS TEMS 1600 2 5-01 40 LEGAL z TN 13 Of 0VT LOT 3 T1 1 (if SP iW CLASS OF WORI . , ;MEW E3C:DP 3 B1 .:€f : 2 (TY°E AMOt,'11T BY DATE RECEIPT 1TTF'£ AUGHT H1' HATE RF1;f1FT ti TYPE OF USE . . . . :AilI STORIES . . . . . . . . � UCGU1z , GROUP . . . e'? BLDG . HE I GHT . . : U .Uf't IMOSF 175.09 K9 05124199 1544 FL;IS 44 3,P,40 TW 07118199 50930 TYPE OF C'0N ST . . :7 FIREPLACES . . . , : 0 AODP $ 15.90 TW 07116199 500 UCCUP , LOAD . . . . . 0 T'41ctODSTOV4E S . . . . . 0 MHBL t 175.00 Tw 07116199 50930 DWELL ,UN I T5 ,. , . . : 0 PARKING SPACE St 0 STFF, O 4.50 TW 07/16199 50930 INSPECTION AREA : 2 SHORE I NE'? . . . . eN! EHCP S 50.00 To 071€5199 50930 TOTAL: 457.50 VALULATIO6 440601 TOILETS . — . . . , . . : 0 FUEL. TYPES--.___---__ — L3O I LERS/C0MP-.----_ 14013 1 LE- 1-iO €E--- FRONT , . .W 1 1 It .51f't BATH BASINS . . . . t 0 t 0-3 1-11" . t 0 11:11'AR . . . .E 15 .Of-I. BATH TUBS . . . . . . . . 0 3-15 1.EF' . : 0 NODEL :LIBERTY I DE w 47 .ua.Tt 81-IOVVERS . . . . . , . . . . . 0 FURN < 100K BTU - 0 15--3 0 HP . : 0 -.MAKEw-._-- S I UE (2 ) .s 15 .of t 141ATEFI 1-EATE►-TS . . . . : 0 FURN >—f 00K BTU : 0 30-50 HP . s 13 SYLVAN SHRL. I NE .N 0 .0r CLOTHES, WASHERS . . : U i=URN - FLOOR . . . t 0 50-1. Hp _ : 0 YEAR- _ AREA _._______. ___ _ ._ . KITCHEN S I NI<8 . . . . . 0 HEAT PUM1P . . .. . . . : U U LOT SIZE . . ; FLOOR € RAINS• . . . . , : 0 VENT SYSTEMS . . . . 0 EVA€-' COOLERS : 0 LENGTH :40 BU I LD 4 NG . . . a Os f DR I NK I NG FOUNT . . ., : 0 VENT FANS". T 0 HOODS . . . . . . . . 3 V/I DTH, . ::27 BASEMENT . . - ( F LAUNDRY TRAYS . . , s 0 DOMES . 1 NG J N :0 SFrI I AL#1- ..__ DECICP, . . . . . . s 0 f U 1 SHWASHERS . . . . , . . 0 AIR 14ANIDL I NG UNITS- CCU€41PAL . I NC I N t0 GAR/CARP :? 0 f GARB D1SPUSAI__S . . . t 0 <, 10000 ofm . s 0 REL UCIPEPAIR : 0 A"T/DT . :? IJII114ALS . . . . . . . . . . . 0 > 10000 cfm . t 0 OTHER UNITS . : 0 M 1 cr PL M F I XTU4trs ; E3 GAS OUTLETS . : .«..»...._. .+.._.»....._..." «...».+..._..— ....._......_..__...._.... l-'.•_:S"^..—_^^^. ..��^�Y.-v_,•—.....-......•.-...-� ..-_.^_^.^�".x_,'-:�=�yy.��...-r-..J.3:.�..�_'�.C_=..^.ti'.^.�'^:�^^..�.:.^�.';-.�:2..:....:��"'.-Y-^..w,.^_.'^�._...�.'1'�:'C..�»:"..^..:,_.`..^...:G_b I'RU•1cCi QESCRIPT1011ati0fsfLE Holif .PROJECT LOCATI011:NORTII511)AE TO RIGHT ON MISSION CREEK RO TO Ri;HT ON 04EIT7 RQ 8F HILL TO CURVE ON R 01T. THIS PERMIT QEC MESA' A ' r f96E0 FOR A FCR100 ,. 411LL;'�11ta'V„iQ T-f FORK 06 a01dSTR1{�TIOr: AUTdS111ZEQ IS HOT CUtTNnE110ER TiiTH€4€ 1S6 BAYS, OR IF G011oTf1QC4'IOtii 41i E30A,K 1S S1u9 ,. OF 480 DAYS 5T ANY /IM,' ., FTEP4�fOPH Iw CO1NINCEQ. EVIQEHti OF C01<TIHUAIION OF WORK Is A PROGRESS I€1SIECTIOH 111TH111 THE 100 DAY iER00". F1HA4. INSPECTION MUST Qr. APPROVER 0FFap, 11 f:l�iP..�j A€1 81-o-ti,QF1 o 00WIR OR �. _ _____�_ QATE: �-��.e''p �'�.. ____ _-- 81.13__ AMT, rev: 4T3f 31191 COMPLIANCE TO ATTACHED CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date a by Gas Piping date by _ L Foundation Walls date I by Set Up date by INSULATION date y y/ BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date l �� -` ' by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date I by date by PLUMBING Attic OTHER Groundwork date b date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water dine FINAL INSPECTION date by date I by date by �v v e r ..( I i ► t !- /5- Z µf I I I I I I I I I I I I I -J MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 Cass; No . s FLD99-0062 For, s REBEKAH VIEWI TT page < 1 ,1 x )' }} Approved per dimensions and setbacks on submitted site plan . X 2 ;�, v:,MpnrarY Bros i oil coil tr'o I toeasures mus t be 1 inp 1 emented to prevent water quality i �,d.egr•adat I o7n of a.d_j actin t Waters or i�ropert i os . S i It keno i ng or ctr'aw ma e't i rtig must beIl �� ins to I I ed and tna i nta t ned unt i I up I fond vege tat i on has become established . r 1, r+�pcxsud straf Lure or any port Ion tiaetPcs'i greater than '30 Ira hei i3t frmrn cgraacie line, � ! } aust w a i nta. i n a w i n i rclum of 5 ' setback from all property tines, easements and 10' from,, a all County and State Road right of &ayrs . X F ' } 'a "~1"ia I s a pp t i oat i can I s subject 'to Buffer and Lat' ds(.ap I ng requirements as estate i i shed undL,_,r VY N Mason County Ordinance 1 .03 .036 . ,) 'file use, hand I i ng and storage of hazardous miter I a I s or- f I ammab I e and combust i b l e Gr�l l I iqu i ds In excess of 10 g a l l ortrs Is riot a i i ov�c+.l without the approval of the MasonCountyii.j� ), I re Marsha I . lotX 6) Provisions for surfaoe/ subsurface drainage control must be Implemented with now construction or development on site and MUST NOT adversely y Impact adjacent parcels . Under the requ i r,)ments of Mason Coa p-ty :.to►wwater Ord i nanoc , either private ditches and drains w i I 1 meet requirements of the s torfiawater ordinance of, Pr I or a.pprova I w I I I be granted to use an ex I at I ng ut I I I-ty and draa 'i nacge easement ded I s,^..ca. ted for that specific: Purpose . Forfurther information regarding thi ordinance and the REQUIREMENT 'to -obtain an ACCESS PERMIT for the i nsta i i at i can/construct i can of a driveway or access i connecting from a Mason CountV Road, Contact the Mason County Public Works Department r i or to construction at L-:xt 460 or any construct i on wh Ich is proposed 'i ea be located within �� o'i a Mason County road right of way, it Is suggested to oont ac:t that offices to review future planned work which may affect your proje-H . X MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 0_1eA TQ I n7 t! m m r_n a V:, a I E 13 m c t CIQEE al m ti. ei q iC T iA / - nmQf3 n% r n AI i i R&P ,r%nL ADDRESSES mFWD mmV SiJtr A 1-106 UIv A6 I IJ at -1 m,SIbL ' Amy _ _Ui L. ' Fi-ttJ,q r lit STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE Pi�t11'i='€TY . MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT-T ICEQU 11:ES THA`o i ',;.THIS FEE COMPLETED Pn I OA 'Try CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS . A PE I NSPECT I ON FEE, BASED I�IP _ P AS ADOPTED % BY F JURISDICTION 7iN D THE '19,97 P . BUILDING CODE i BE RStSt tCW�EPCCTA TCPFALS TO, POST }I� iTE ' f4FGF � � a �_,IASPECT IONS , L' X 13) THE FOUNDATION SYSTEM HALL BE: PLACED ON UNDISTURBED, NATIVE J) The approved plot plan Is required to be on-site for inspection PLIT'�PoSe a . I 'P Inspeo,t I an Is Cal led for and plot plan Is not on site, Api'..)rova € I-111 I.L. NOT be granted , 1 ma _ , � a+�d i t 1 omt � Re- inspection -ter 1 n the amount ra�i= . B?. .�� �r rar moo � �� hour (mr.m n i mntmmtm I hour ) E�i i 1 Lio +�h arge�d and must be collected by this department prior to anV further Inspections being t)erformed or approval granted 10) REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ( Footing Inspection-prior to pour, Set-up Inspection-prior to, skirting, Final Inspection-prior to occupancy) . i have reor 1 vend a copy of the Gonera 1 I riforma-t� i on and Gu I tie 1 1 nes-iota i I o/Manufactured Hour_ i ng I ns t a l l at I cans Handout fear deta i I ed desor, I pt I ons of a I i r equ I red i nspeot i ons on my mob i I e/m.a nuf act ured home `m y � i r►sta 1 i a't ion . I hereby 8Wsmmmm1e a ! f m esporms I I'i 11.ty for 'i the �yc�iedmm I I nq of -these required I nspect i ons . If these required inspections are not requeetood, inspected and s I gooe:t off (approved) by tho I lispec;tor I n the, preser I Lied order I understand -that re: i rrspe. ct i arm Tees and an hourly i rzvest i ga't I orm fey: poi,smaant to the I ~��� ml�C, Table e 3A �t�i I I he assessedi €m addition 'to my er i g i n�a i perm 1't i�r'es to resolve any questionable pr act i ces or problems that have been discovered . I further undcrsLand that this Investigation will be scheduled as time a I I a.mrs; . Lmnt ; I t,oso I a_mt I on of ariy/a I I prul�i ems no 000upainov (F i na I € nspect i on ) w 1 I I be granted far the res i denoe . OWNER I CONTRACTOR( IndIca-te whIch ) SI goat tire. X.___ . I ) A i I mnob i I elm, anufactured home I and I rills or docks must be f reest:and i nq ( self supporting ) . The largest landing or deck per- m i tfed without drawings or, a building perm, 1 t is 120 sgf t t r,, "or I ess AND MUST be under 30" i n height fromsur�round i ng c rage . N0 Second Stoll decks. 1 ,,1for� decks above 30" onn be bu i It without a p�)r�rmt i t . Any 1 an € ng or deck that i s 30 or f • J j MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 +are i a fie 6 ght f rom via i it i ng star f ac:o to f S n i sty grade requ i res a Pei,m 1 t . Any t and i ng car X '1 ) OviIn0P, , d supie a a P resp-ons i b i i i ty f r dra i nT i e id;;reserve area i s en0uIi1 Case No . : SLD99 j'0662 _ t I t . •. = �:;+. .,�.a,�.a.r.i..��.,�....._..._..;a.a:_�i:x:.Sa�s..._.:.a.ic.��s.u.__....._,.___...�...J.d�,u.t..u...�_.,..�,.a__._. .._.-.,.e...�....._.� .....:dil�x�_ m`#�3-Y�>sy. �� .r. P: i y the y >� f(�f :3 k xa� LL L THIRD LLL L LLL BEDROOM LLL LLLLLL E ta-a x IX-7 L L I MASTER ;L L _ BEDROOM L L L L L L it-O'x is'-r LZ L L I � F LIVING _. ROOM fl'LKffCHEN_LL tr-r x ts'-a .L L LLL SECOND s` BEDROOM L L LLL L Lx F CATHEDRAL C71-M .L_L L L L L J ta-a x tr-T STAMAM THROUGHOUT L L PINING L ,- .LLLLLLt ix 1. 1057 SO. FT. 3BR, 2BA, PRI ATE MASTER BATH KS284424 n tW wI�DX 'RMEYL 5 06/15/99 TUE 15:07 FAX 3604277798 MASON COUNTY BLD 3, fin001 FORM MUST BE COMPLETED IN INK PERMIT NO.: SLD PLEASE PRESS HARD MASON COUNTY / BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. 426 W.Cedar/P.O.Box 186,Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton fill 427-9670 Bellair 360 276-467.Elms 60 4825269 Seattle 06 464-6968 APPLIC NT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Owner KE��ktA N B• 14 C-W I►T Contractor Name B L Mn Le SE kR ES Mailing Address_ 1L.E 1 WA Mail* Address (3a ' City MC-MC- T64 Stale y)Ul Zip Code 3 2 r City 2-T Zc l State jLaa Zip Code PhoneO 3Tl-^ tether Ph. -80, 755•52,Si Ph. ,�ther Ph,( Lien/Tille Holder Contractor Reg.# c-AH M`: 9F d5 2Ir3tra Address Expiration_j_/S�/ ZC�C�sv� SEPTICIWATER SYSTEM INFORMATION-Connect to New Septic Existing Septic Connect to Sewer System Name of Sewer System Well Water System_XName of Water System GC-1O/-.CL VJG PARCEL INFORMATION-12 digit Tax P rcel No. / / b' C� Fire District�2 Legal Description Z r Z- G Site Address(Please include street name,street number and city) Directi ns to site r4 Ti4 - o ftj 6 g, ��I -► o to 5�r-r e L c>kj f44a,( -T Will timber be cut and sold in parcel preparation?(Yes/No)_ Is your property within 200'of the following:Body of Water(Name) Saltwater Lake River/Creek Pond wetland Seasonal Runoff Stream Slopes or Bluffs TYPE OF JOB New Add Alt Repair Other Use of Building Describe Work No.of Bedrooms No,of Bathrooms SQUARE FOOTAGE-1st Floor i 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Loft Basement Deck Other sq.ft. Garage Attached Detached Carport Attached Detached MOBILE HOME INFORMATION-Make L1tbE2Ta. Model St4L_V/-X" Model Year Zex-x� Length_tA-_OWidth` 4,-L i`Serial No. T No.of Bedrooms_ ?5 No.of Bathrooms `Z Type of Heat C-L-i�-= Purchase Price is C: � Replacement Unit?(YesfNo) 14c�! Installer Name._ FS•' ILE tL0&c&s.$ Certfication No. C�,4-(ex0 NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL&VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER THE WORK IS COMMENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION.The owner or agent on owner's behalf,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structures for review and inspection of this project. Acknowledgment of such is by signature below: OWNER AFFIDAVIT-t certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT-I certify that I am currently registered as a Contractor Reg'iration Law CW 18.27 and am aware of the ordinance contractor in the State of Washington and that I am aware of the ordinance require ents f w' milt is issued and that all work will be done In requirements regulating the work for which this permit is issued and all work con nee I re Ilh. N nges shall be made without first obtaining shall be done in conformance therewith. No changes shall be made without 1 r C rust obtaining approval. W/A/Bete �•1 7 / X Data t���►�Svk%rlI- (CrsR OFFICIAL USE BEYOND THIS POINT Accepted by Date Submittal Amount Due Receipt No. tt Building Department Occ GroupT e Constr. �C) Q(� Planning Department Environmental Health Department Public Works Department Fire Marshal Valuation$ Building Permit Fee Site Inspection Plan Review Fee UFC Plan Review Fee Plumbing&Base Fee Public Works Review Fee Mechanical&Base Fee Other Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Fee Other lel7 Violation Fee Pre-Paid at Submittal (l ) am—OEM now TOTAL FEES FORM MUST BE COMPLETED IN INK PLEASE PRESS HARD MASON COUNTY PROJECT SITE INFORMATION 1 _ Case No. Name �IEpSI�I -I y���(j' PARCEL NUMBER Wi' ~32- 414330 Date (D• /G-cici- SHOW THE FOLLOWING ON SITE PLAN Show Direction by indic8tiong N, S, E, W in relation to the site plan Lot Dimensions Fences L� Existing Structures Driveways Structure Setbacks Shorelines Water Lines Topography Well Location (including adjacent) Drainage Plan Names of Streets Easements Names of Fronting Streets Septic System DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW Include adjacent properties if on shoreline or within 100 feet of adjacent property line. adjacent property line-> , < 1� -r ��I Fadjacent property line 25, 4 I f ' A lu I � I I � n adjacent property lined C7�a E-ad'aceni.f„ ro ert line SAMPLE SITE PLAN y adja�nt property lined D 30. Fadjacent property line I TI .gFASO wJ AL I• h _Y'QT7L__.,�3�I . CREEIG \ I � � fiV��4 S¢pt.C- � �I — `\ J I � VACANT GARA&aE I I o /. c•�\ 31 PaoPas00 So' T AbRZCLLLT4JlAL I , 1 I /00' rl\t L—e LL I I I /00' —� I I L.x.LL I adjacent property lined ; !a". ' � \; .Fadjacent pro pert''line TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE(Show a side view of property. Show slopes, cuts and fills. If possible include height and the degree of slopes. See sample topography profile.) SAMPLE TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE dts+�.,cm to rtaLt�.a.Y� 7� Slop¢ f-c¢ disAane-a i to w ignature MPtZI� Ih �.�q�ee�L-L:IZ- Date'