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BLD2024-00859 - BLD CD Environmental Health Review - 7/18/2024
( e�w. 131�GYJ859 MASON COUNTY RECEIVED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JUL 1 7 2024 Z Po RAWa nc Center,BWW&Planning C BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 615 W. Alder bwam _ X PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: D Z NAME: Rpywe t' Clam— NAME: nlae aCQ MAMINGADDRESS' P.O� MARLING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: CITY: STATE:_Z@: = R1 PHONES PHONE: CELL: z. PHONE 0 2: EMAIL EMAIL: re1NCOAhct/'..Cz9m IAI REGM EXP. PRIMARY CONTACT: OwNRRIr CONTRACTOR[] OTHER[] NAME EMAIL r[1O6r.O h�t•f_.[e.e.. MAILINGADDRESS V4 CITY Onlwn STATE_U*-ZIP PHONE CELL G n PARCEL INFORMATION: o Uu PARCELNUA®ER(12Digit NumW) 97734-rt -Ot� IOZ ZONING T LEGALDESCR)PTION(ANImviMA"T 10 Of Mut 16} Sof R,W flRE DISTRICT 1�/i T .-i SITEADDRESS B21-Al EA�t IMP CITY evt Q t DIRECQONS TO SHE ADDRESS 'T/ '° "' LSC ^4 /D/L • /06 ISTREYRwEC w-i I3EEFTOFRLOPE(S)GRRATERTAAN14%: YESP( NOD SHOWICOAD.,IEsi M PROPERTo LAKEO RIVERICRE LLOWINO: �C WETL>epD SALTWATER❑ LAKE❑ AIVER/CREEK❑ POND❑ WETLAND❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF❑ STREAM❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEWEr—ADDTIION❑ ALTERATION❑ REPAIR❑ OTHER ❑ USE OF STRUCTURE(nuuwre.Gaw.cwwK.+wnugr J IS USE: PRIMARY GlIVASONAL❑ NUMBER OF NUMBER OF BATHROOMS BFATED STRUCTUNE? YES ff�Bw YES lrorkJdhxy❑ NO❑ DESCR®B WORK Rls.t P �t•i �'I� SOUARE FOOTAGE:GmmrM ISTFLOORjtk&sq.ft 2HDFIAOR aq.ft 3RDFLOOR_WL BASEMENI a—N & DECK_,& COVEREDDECKIN N.tl STORAGE eq.ft OTHEE. 00 GARAGE S�4 sq.ft. Aa.WR'Demcha[3 CARPORT sq.ft Ama do TXra [] 0 MANUFACTURED AOME INFORMATION: •d COPIESOFTBEFLOORPLANREQUftUD` ,,,,_MODE YEAR LENGTH WWTTl BEDROOMS EATER SER]ALNU BER N ENVIRONMENTALHEALTA: (� SEWAGF/SEWERSOURCE: SEPTICW' SEWER❑ / NEW❑ EXISTIN* Q PLUMKONGINSTXUCNRE? YES9- NO❑ {/yu,atlach cPnF/ercd WaerAdequvcyFom PFRIMEfERNOUNDATTON DRAMS PROPOSED? ME] NCR EXISTING SQ.Ff. EXISTINGBFIIROOMS PROPOSED.BEDROOMS TOTALS®ROOMS_ owrvEa acxnoyaeages mneuomianon mma«.,aam i�mm�aiva rear re.n in asovwoM wa«wcemnzre.�naa.gW�waeoamem aa�an n q sgomwre eaow.iaea«a mae nanaare.,ery�e.vnneraa any hog.—,aser+ lcelra..e,lhmewn azaopo.a.rmre aeuinea cemusmon ram ai me�e«ssanawmas,inaWlnP am aa%zmem noun or nanias m mierss�reeamme mis ar4e=: me wmer«legal r�Presemaaw.fEpresems tnslme mmrtnx- pevlaea is acfurzte aM grenla vnpbyeaca Msaon ewnN avxss to ma eboue eesmeee propeM e saucwee(sl Tor rehew+na mspaaon.TlAsoe^nmappuwoon eemmas null8wle llwmk orauuwnzea znnsmction L�Mmmmenrrl xtnN 184 Bays«rc mnaaarnoon won I:auspemear«a Peeaa a Teo ems. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS X Pf$IdIT APPLI ION OF]p0 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO B IXPIRED.(MASON Sgn=. t IER(MuMbe W,o EviMOWNER)CODE 14.08.42) Q D DEPARTMENTALREVIEW APPROVED I DATE I DENIED DATE TAGSSgOTRSICONDTTIONS BL?RAING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIREMARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH t / 1 a 1 L• i0 4'J Wvil, E TgTE °i"a�..Z2t7i4.43�GLIOZ QouYE to ax%srrt 2oz4-oofa 1 10 tIS' TSIC. 5 riA+��itKt 0 '�1 II V L � pJt t4 kfT u P.g'rr�q J rr tl OXf 5 f^t"r"f r o D min Prre° t 5mn ® T 0, H t ¢ ' I EH Setbacks ` A) Draintleldseserve requ as 10'setback from fwtingrloundations ry�y B.)Sepdc lank(s)requires 5 sstvd h from all Icotingdoundations C.)tun tourbatlon/Perimeter Drama wtmn a on,downgraaiam of dal\ tp(ELL DrainiieldRie¢enre area ' C.l No Cut eank(s)(greater usn 5ft and over a5 degrees)wthin Soft,down gradient of Drain eldlReserva area PROI/ . V' 47— Disclaimer: Mason County does not require a 41 .3 EH APPROVED lUN surveyto obtain a building permit. As a result, site 0' Fnpa,.nnmpun ovnnoxs asaS, ( plans may not reflect accurate data. It is the S� applicant's responsibility to comply with setback © Au4b-vll requirements. © Oil RR5 Zoning Front Yard Setback.25'. © N11Wtter8NR Spl1 ATUTmk Side&Rear Yard Setbacks. Residential dwelling and accessory structures is 20'. 8 ,,� OR 10%width of lot if not more than 100'wide W.1N�w�t_ OR approved ADV Vt�la.Camnoi�� b41�Lwf+1�. D n 09/12/2024 N Rued APPROVED MASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING seon PUEDV,A10 Ip1Il Spectra Labs - Kitsap, LLC (Poulsbo) / SPECTRA Laboratories -Kitsap 26276 Twelve Trees Ln NW Ste.C ...ws.K.m..t.....e,a., Poulsbo,WA 98370 Phone: (360)779-5141 www.spectra-lab.com Spectra Labs-Kitsap,LLC(Poulsbo)received samples for Davis Pumps on Thursday,July 11,2024 at 11:40 am. Unless otherwise noted,all samples were received in good condition and were tested in accordance with the laboratory's quality control procedures. A summary of the samples received are outlined below. Sample No. Description Location Sampled 241817-01 8264 Hwy 106 Union,WA 07/101202417:40 This report package contains laboratory sample results and any attachments listed below.If you have any questions please call (360)779-5141 or email us at www.spectra-lab.com. Attachments 01) This report is issued solely for the use of the person or company to whom it is addressed.Any use,copying or disclosure other than by the intended recipient is unauthorized.If you have received this report in error,please notify the sender immediately at 360-443-7845 and destroy this report promptly. These results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s)as received by the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced except in full,without prim express written approval by Spectra Laboratories. 07/17/2024 Page 1 of 1 d,8bgratory 2695 gsi&mngt Li3ge$Vt',5uiteA OlyAipiaFS+A 9S502 pip -,.�360-tj¢7701b COLIEpf{NIBAC7EF lA,ANALYSIS-Fokg wu8mpecandotl TM Serigb C-* ► ti� cokcbd °a ,mom wy q. Ys TWadW�r9saM1(tlwtlraiyme ben) ❑Gi A . Ol PB ®Olhr� rVA�' CvagAatl GmiPBSplem-PnNdetpnlYele Fer�w iw - - - - - - fib Gras Hw Ip 114,! of . Dry FBmx( calm t ) Eel 1 1 semma�pn+u�.:. agmq r�grFn�Ch'i�+ _ Sespememfby(mmek�" 1 1 . $�ioFimsAasamWismkcb2 SperlNhs7l�onsmcwnm®k 'rj �tamy�eCs �rtNw*dt"- Ro ryoofi" W7777 1.(]Redan Dimras% &Hgft WP) zO Repa S=*(NP) C1Yw'rssktl:Yec Bg ���s���x�i Cfbn�R®tlek Td�Fme_ UnsalshtlarymdnalebnumEer. 3.GmuMler I Wa IiWl Bwrts� SwpM U mulwcdwlAYB Is .mot I CMn WYm_No— ❑TWge (AP) Ciibine Restlmk Toml_Frts_ ❑Psseaimnl(API 4. Su Or(i(ARae Bomce M'abe BampWftumm ) B ❑Ems OFem 5. Smple CarentrMusiewn Dory: iABUSEORLY [IItJHIp}i091fKTF�R R.ESIJL7S EOLY ❑IAiselmw"Telco Q.B P�h.a 58tlelsmary ❑Ems�see .��mrdmq.. . 34' Bade�DmxLLy P.9pWlc:To(a CoIXmr�,_f100nF i:m�.-� ItWmL Fepfnib�__ �1QOnd HPCT„f�/1 M. ❑ SwrosvgYm6 ODamsgWOmt*er O-. L It o nw .w Brd@ -o( Q& wt 5 Lip $17oi