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BLD23138 Woodstove - BLD Permit / Conditions - 12/13/1988
Shorelines: Plumbing: , Setback: Mechanical: Special Interior: Conditions: FINAL: Mobile Home: Smoke Detector: Remarks: /yo 4i,c so4cG MIF1114V 'Footing: AlkllUC - s'fair<" "o GG csF ; Setback: 7-0 sevaQ-r,,- Foundation RFRA& - Walls: NULL & U01 Framing: Fireplace: Wood Stove: TYPE WOODSTOVE Permit No. 23138 No. Floors Sq Ftg Owner FEDERAL l/TZ M7G ASSN Tel Date 12=13-88 Address 201 Chinook Belfair zip ' Contractor None Address zip Legal Description Tr 8 G.L.3 30-23-1 Direction to project site Above address Plumbing Mechanical Sewer Wood Stove Fireplace Deck Garage Carport Basement Loft Other , Lock box combo. "MAE" ------------ - - -- - --- -- - --._-------I